Baudilio Interview Translation


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  • 7/27/2019 Baudilio Interview Translation


    Kathy:(0:00)How was you life before receiving a filter?

    Baudilio: Well, before receiving a filter, we would suffer from diarrhea constantly.

    Now that we have a filter, this no longer occurs.

    Kathy: Everyone is all better

    Baudilio: Yes, the children are all better. (0:18)

    Kathy: Having the filter is important then so that the children dont have to grow up

    with this symptom constantly.

    Baudilio: Exactly! So we feel as though the filter has really helped us out. Water

    comes to contaminated. After being filtrated, the water comes out clean.

    Kathy: Yes (0:37)

    Baudilio: So the water comes out clean, the filter removes everything that makes

    the water dirty and it comes out filtrated.

    Kathy: Yes, What I was mentioning to some families is that the water may come out

    clean, the water from the river. It does not have any bits of trash but we still dont

    know what could be in there (0:55)

    Baudilio: Yes, There can still be microbes in that water. That water can still be

    contaminated. The rivers had much healthier water when I was younger because

    there was less pollution. There was less people. Now since there is a lot of people,

    there is a lot more pollution(1:20) and whatever chemicals they use also end up inthe water.

    Kathy: How long have you lived here?

    Baudilio: I have lived here for 7 years.

    Kathy: And where did you live before?

    Baudilio: I lived up there near San Fransisco (nearby town) (1:33)

    Kathy: But still near here?

    Baudilio: Yes, The little one lived here their whole life. The older kids were raised

    up there.

    Kathy: And before receiving the filter, and you had all those problems with the

    childrens health, how did that affect your life as a father?

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    Kathy: And the youngest?

    Baudilio: The second child? The last one? She is 16 months old. I believe today is

    the 7th? Then yes, today she is 16 months old.

    Kathy: (4:25) You have told me that the health of your family has improved.

    Baudilio: Yes, it has improved.

    Kathy: No longer do you constantly need to use the bathroom

    Baudilio: That is correct

    Kathy: Everything is better

    Baudilio: Yes, Better.

    Kathy: How about the adults in the family?

    Baudilio: Yes, the same result. My overall Health has improved.

    Kathy: This is a question I would like you to answer as sincerely as possible. What

    do you think about our project? About us coming here to El Salvador, to your house

    and into your community?

    Baudilio: What I really believe is that this is a great blessing for our community.

    And overall, we as a community are very grateful. Because in reality, you are

    improving our health and the quality over water. Because according to previousstudies, our water is very contaminated. Therefore, we feel as though, this project is

    great for our community, we feel as though this project is very helpful. We believe

    this is helping our community move forward. And we feel grateful because this was

    unexpected. But you know that God made everything. God knows our needs and

    that is why you are here and he is helping us through you. Because everything good

    is done through God. We feel as a community very grateful. And we believe these

    filters will continue to help us a lot (6:24). And I believe that can speak for everyone

    in how grateful we are. The one who will be receiving a filter are also grateful since

    you are giving filters to people who do not have one.

    Kathy: We hope to get to a point in which every household in the community has afilter. It is going to take a little time. This trip we are only installing 18 filters. It is a

    lot of work.

    Baudilio: Yes of course. The work is hard. You come on your vacation to work. But

    you feel good about it. It is rewarding but that is the way it should be. We should

    help each other out. Salvadorians say we should always help each other out. We are

    supposed to feel good about helping others.

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    Kathy: Yes and this saying is seen alive in this community. When someone needs

    help, someone else is always there to help that person. Nobody is alone.

    Baudilio: That is correct. Someone will always be there to lend a hand in a time of

    need. And thats why we as a community are grateful and we will continue to reap

    the benefits of the Filters (7:37). And we are reaping the benefits now. It appearshat everyone who has a filter feels better overall.

    Kathy: They Have seen what the filters can do.

    Baudilio: Yes

    Kathy: We will eventually get to the point in which every household will have a

    filters. It will take some time but it will happen

    Baudilio: (Nodding Agreeing)

    Kathy: Do you Share the filter with someone else? With Family? With friends?

    Baudilio: You mean share the water? Well usually its only for our family unless

    someone comes over and needs water but the filter is only used by our family.

    Kathy: Well there are plenty in the family

    Baudilio: Yes of course. We are many.

    Kathy: Here is a very basic question. Do you like the filter?

    Baudilio: Yes, I like it and I wish it never breaks. Hahahaha

    Kathy: And that is why we would like to have a reunion with everyone. To see what

    can be done about the cracked filters. Baudilio: Yes, make small fixes. Kathy: To

    revise. Baudilio: Yes to revise.

    Baudilio: To make sure they constantly work right, so that they dont deteriate.

    Kathy: The filter is yours and you can do whatever you would like with it. But with

    that comes responsibility (yes yes) with taking care of it and I believe you guys are

    taking very good care of it (9:16). The person who came to check the filter wastelling me that you are one of the few who are cleaning the filter the way it is

    supposed to be cleaned. Some are cleaning it too much and that causes problems.

    (when it is frequently cleaned) yes. Its when the speed of the water is slowing down

    that one is supposed to clean it ( yes of course).

    Baudilio: It becomes clear when the water flux becomes too slow. The water does

    not drip as fast.

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  • 7/27/2019 Baudilio Interview Translation


    Baudilio: We have four children going to school.

    Kathy: four

    Baudilio: Yes four

    Baudilio: Yes and three little ones that go to CDE (World Vision Program)

    Kathy: Oh so seven in all?

    Baudilio: Yes seven

    Kathy: Did you know that there is a filter in the school?

    Baudilio: There is a filter in the school

    Kathy: Did you already know this?

    Baudilio: Yes, on the same date that I received my filter, we also delivered the filter

    that went to the school. But I dont believe that filtered is being used. I think the

    filter has stopped working.

    Kathy: What we have been told is that during school recess, the filter has not been


    Baudilio: oh

    Kathy: There is someone that adds water every so many days. So that

    Baudilio: So that it continuous to function

    Kathy: Yes (12:20)

    Baudilio: So that It keeps working

    Kathy: But The water is not being used.

    Baudilio: Yes the water is not being used. There is also another filter in the church.

    Have you went to inspect it? Or have you not yet gotten to it?

    Kathy: Yesterday that team went to inspect it.

    Baudilio: To inspect it ok.

    Kathy: We thought that in the church service was on Sunday and it turned out to be

    on Tuesday.

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    Baudilio: Tomorrow we will have mass. Yes, tomorrow we will have mass at 5pm

    (Tommorrow being Tuesday)

    Kathy: We would like to go and see how the community interacts and get to know

    the community better.

    Baudilio: Tonight there will be an Assemblea (This word translates to assembly but

    they were getting together to remember someone who had passed away 1 year ago

    on that day) It will very nice tonight. (Kathy: Oh) Yes it will begin at seven at night.

    From seven to eight very near here.

    Kathy: We have filter in two of the churches. (Baudilio: In the one down there

    alse?) Yes in La Hermosa,

    Baudilio: Oh La Hermosa

    Kathy: We have noticed that since there are a lot of people that are in the churches,

    it is important to have a filters in there.

    Baudilio: Yes, so that they can drink the clean water.

    Kathy: That is why we are adding a second filter to the school

    Baudilio: Oh so there will be two in the school (13:34). This is good and very

    important so that the children can drink clean water.

    Kathy: Also Something that the principal of the school asked us give her waseducational material for the children to learn about the filter. We brought little

    booklets and reading materials.

    Baudilio: So that they can learn better.

    Kathy: Here at home, they can learn about the filter by watching you and at school,

    they can learn by reading the material. And this ensures they understand how to

    use the filter. It also teaches these children why it is important to drink filtered

    water and not just water from the river.

    Baudilio: Yes of course.

    Kathy: How do you feel about the subject of teaching these children about the filter

    in school?

    Baudilio: I believe learning about the filter is important because the children begin

    to learn about how health works and what they need to do to stay healthy. This

    benefits children when they grow older. This education is also important because

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    not only does it teach children how to take care of a filter. They also learn how to

    take care of other things at home.

    Kathy: And another thing is children get to drink clean water at home and at school

    Baudilio: Of Course (15:20)

    Kathy: Many children do not who yet have a filter at home can at least drink water at


    Baudilio: Yes they can drink water at school

    Kathy: When they get home

    Baudilio: They have to drink the river water

    Kathy: You seeing how the filter works and how it is helping you and your family,what have you learned from this project?

    Baudilio: 15:52 (I am unsure he knows what to say here so he is just mumbling

    words) In reality what I have learned is that this a great gift and act of kindness on

    your behalf and it really helps a lot of people.

    Kathy: Does your wife cook for the workers?

    Baudilio: No she just cooks for the family

    Kathy: Ah

    Baudilio: They came here to buy some of my crops and we usually feed them. That

    is the way things are here. We share what we have with each other.

    Kathy: What you told us at the house is that you like to share and talk with others.

    You like to be able to have a conversation with anyone (yes). You can learn a lot

    from anyone but you have to speak to them first.

    Baudilio: With anyone, yes to learn (17:24)

    Kathy: That helps

    Baudilio: Yes that Helps

    Kathy: You guys use the river to gather water correct?

    Baudilio: Yes yes

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    Kathy: You also use to wash dishes, to bathe, and to also wash your clothes?

    Baudilio: Yes

    Kathy: Please elaborate on these activities

    Baudilio: In what way?

    Kathy: Ummm. Who is the one to wash the dishes and what part of the river do you

    do this. Your wife says you go up a little

    Baudilio: Up from the bridge, a couple of (yards?) up the bridge. That river is used

    to bathe, to clean oneself, to clean clothes and to wash dishes. And that is the way

    the whole community uses it. The water from the filter is just used to drink. It is

    also used to cook some food like to cook beans and to make coffee. All this is made

    with the filtered water. There are too many dishes to clean with the filtered water (


    Kathy: What Is your job, What do you do for a living?

    Baudilio: Ah what do I do for a living? I am a farmer. I grow corn. I also grow

    maicillo (A crop used to feed animals). Thats the job I do every day.

    Kathy: That is why you have so much corn.

    Baudilio: there are three full containers and a bunch of sacs so the kids can eat

    (Laughs) 19:25

    Kathy: How long have you been doing this for?

    Baudilio: Well you start in May when it rains and you harvest the crops in November

    and December.

    Kathy: And do you like your job

    Baudilio: Yes it is my legacy. This is my way of life and I am currently passing it on

    to my children. I am educating them in the field of agriculture and I also send them

    to school. Everyone has went to school. All of the older girls have at least finished9th grade.

    Kathy: The children, when do they return to school?

    Baudilio: They will return January 15th.

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    Kathy: The 15th, and when did classes end?

    Baudilio: In November, they ended school towards the end of November.

    Kathy: We have noticed that the children around where we live have nothing to do.

    And so many of them have come to help us in order to keep themselves entertained.What do the children usually do during their vacation?

    Baudilio: When school is not in session, my kids help me work. The younger ones

    simply spend their time playing (20:51). (Laughs) The older boys help our a lot.

    Kathy: And I am assuming your wife stays home with your daughter.

    Baudilio: No she stays here alone. My older daughter lives up there on the other

    side of the river.

    Kathy: And does your daughter have a filter?

    Baudilio: Yes, it was delivered yesterday.

    Kathy: Oh, and what is your daughters name?

    Baudilio: Her name is Elvira DeJesus (oh) Gudiera Alberto. She is the oldest

    Kathy: Thats great

    Baudilio: The other one lives up there. She does not have a filter. She wants to getone but I think she will have to wait for the next time you all visit.

    Kathy: Tell her to speak to Dominga because she has the list and the order in which

    the filters will be delivered. For us it is very important that the filters recipients are

    elected by people in the community. It is also important for people to go to the

    meetings and then to help us in the construction process.

    Baudilio: Of course. Because that is what is important: That everyone contributes.

    It is not nice to just receive. It is also good to contribute. From what I have

    observed, the filter only costs eight dollars and the actual worth of that filter is not

    just eight dollars. It is very expensive and it no one could get that filter with justeight dollars. The amount of work with you do is little and it is definitely worth the

    benefits of the filter.

    Kathy: I am happy to hear that you realize this. I wanted to ask you your thoughts

    on the fair skinned Americans. What do you think about us.

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    Baudilio: Well In the way I am (Us the Americans) God the father of everyone has

    created all of us equally. Not one is greater then the other. Everyone is the same

    even the Americans and the Whites and the South Americans. We are all one people.

    What I think and feel when I see you all is like seeing another brother. More toward

    you (Kathy). We know we are brothers since we are from the same country. I dont

    see a difference between anyone. I feel the same love for everyone. Seeing you allhere visiting makes us all happy. We go and get you and take you back and visit you

    and it makes us happy to see you. Everywhere you go here, there is friendship. We

    are friends with everyone. Last time Juan Carlos came.(Kathy: He came on the last

    trip). Yes he came on the last trip. He graduated now and that is why he did not

    come but we became friends with him. Jacob came last time and the other tall kid.

    We feel Good. I feel good seeing you guys and I feel a special appreciation for all of

    you. And you obviously care about us because the work you do helps you guys as

    engineers and it helps us.

    Kathy: This is kellys last trip and she does not want to think about the last day

    because she is realizing that she will not return. We can come back but she will beraduating. She does not want to think about it because she has fallen in love with

    this community. When she discussed this trip with me you could see the passion

    she has for this project. She wants the best for you all. In the few days I have been

    here, I have begun to feel exactly the same way. You are all such nice people to us

    and we are here invading your homes. You are all always looking for ways to help

    us. And we are all very grateful. And that is the Salvadorian way.

    Baudilio: Yes the Salvadorian Culture is that way. And Like I said before, we feel

    good about having you all here and we feel that when you guys come, you give us a

    lot of love and specially toward the children. We can also see that we have mutual

    feelings for each other. And we are willing to give you what little we have. Like theword of God says, No one gives what they do not have. You have to give from what

    you have.

    Kathy: Well Thank you very much, you have ben very patient with me and all of my

    questions. Thank you very much for speaking with us.

    Kathy: (26:55) Anything else you would like to say?

    Baudilio: Only that I am very grateful that you have chosen to come to this place.

    And that we are in this splendid morning that God has given us. We have a beautiful

    sun and the fact that we are here in family. I feel as though we are a family. Youguys come, help us and then we wait for you to come back.

    Kathy: And we are over there counting the days when we will come back.

    Baudilio: When get happy when we hear you are coming back. We say, the Ginfos

    are coming back (Laughs).

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    Kathy: Well I am Salvadorian

    Baudilio: Hahahaha thats what we say, the gringos are coming. We say everyone is

    a gringo that comes. We feel very happy to have you and I know that this project

    helps now and will continue to help us. And this is all a wonderful thing. To feel

    happy about the place you go to visit. That is important. It is also important for thepeople receiving you to be happy. It feels good to have you here and it feels good for

    you to visit so we are on the same page. I sincerely thank you for your presence

    here. And I wish that God may accompany you all more and more. I wish you all the

    best in your studies and with your families. It is a great gift to have a family. I feel

    grateful to have my children. There are 15 yes (laughs) but I feel that I would want

    even more. And that is how we feel and we want to say thank you.

    Kathy: Thank you too.

    Baudilio: We feel as though through this we are becoming closer. And may god be

    closer to you in your trip back home and in your studies. And may God protect you.
