Battle of ai by sasha bell



This slideshow is an entry into the Jewish Interactive digital homework competition - January 2013.

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The spies said that there weren't a lot of people living in Ai so we do not need a lot of soldiers to fight them.

go to Ai


Take that

there's lots of

blood down there!!!

They had a fight with Ai but Ai was winning when they had less people.

B’nei Yisrael did not realise that Achan took some valuable silver and gold from Yericho when they weren't allowed to steel anything.

Did somebody

steel anything?

I wonder if anything was


Ha ha ha I have stolen all the

gold from Yericho

Achan stole the silver and gold.

Achan got killed for what he did.

Ai lost the fight.

Yes we


Yehoshua said “We will take over Ai.” We will

take over Ai

B’nei Yisrael went into the city of Ai.

Yehoshua showed his javelin to the Jewish people who were going to set Ai on fire.

The Jewish people were victorious.