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Saint Maurice d'Ardèche

I live in Saint Maurice d'Ardèche. It's a small village in France, near Vallon Pont d'Arc and Aubenas.

Look! this is Vallon Pont d'Arc

Paris is the name of the capital city of my country.It's in the north, but Saint Maurice d'Ardèche is in the south east.

This village dates from the thirteenth century.Now, there are 400 people living in my village.There are a public garden, an old church, and also a bakery with good bread.

The main street is called « rue des arceaux ».

My village is between mountains «the Alpes » and « Massif Central ». It 's near the river « Ardèche ». Have a look at this photo of Saint Maurice.

When they have free time, adults play « Pétanque »(It's a south of France's ball game).Teenagers ride a bike and play football.

There are universities in the big towns, like Lyon, Montpellier or Marseille.

In Saint Maurice, tourists are looking for tranquillity and a beautiful environment.

In Ardèche, my departement, there are only a few buses.

There are concerts and festivals in the summer.

People often go shopping in Aubenas or Montelimar.

The positive aspect of living here is a good environment, wild with animals and birds, but the negative aspect is that we are a little bit isolated from the rest of the country.
