Bass Lake Association of Wright County 2015 Annual Business Meeting



Agenda (continued)  Healthy Lake Initiatives  Social Activity Schedules  Summer Picnic details  Hitching post social gatherings  Membership concerns  Election of new Board Members  Questions

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June 6, 2015Bass Lake Association of Wright County

2015 Annual Business Meeting

Agenda Introduce current Board Members Officers & Committee Chair Assignments Open Board Member positions to be filled Review of last year's meeting minutes Treasurer's Report Auditor's Report Membership Stats & Pertinent Information Update on Association Registrations

Agenda (continued)

Healthy Lake Initiatives Social Activity Schedules

Summer Picnic details Hitching post social gatherings

Membership concerns Election of new Board Members Questions

Board Members & Officer Assignments

Penny Nesbitt – Treasurer Martha Reger Connie Crane Lorene Force – Secretary Tom Pitra Ray Sawicky Craig Laing – Vice President Jim Dvorak – President

Committee Chair Assignments Membership: Martha Reger

Entertainment/Social Activities: Lorene Force

Healthy Lakes: Connie Crane

Membership/Communications: Penny Nesbitt

Picnic Coordinator: Craig Laing

1. Balance in treasury $14,640.50 (on June 6, 2014).

2. Discussion regarding illegal poaching in channel during spawning.

3. Regarding the August picnic, members indicated they were pleased with the change to chicken.

4. It was reported that 35 muskrats were trapped in November. This service will continue to be provided to lake residents.

5. A wake limitation of 300 feet was agreed upon because of high spring water level.

2014 Business Meeting Highlights

6. Prevention of carp entry into the lake was planned since numerous large carp have been seen in Bass Lake.

7. Walleye stocking was discussed. The Board agreed to study the issue and report their findings to the membership.

8. Reminder to collect snails from bottom of lake before the shells float due to the snails feeding on fish eggs.

9. Craig Lang, Tom Pitra, Ray Sawicky, and Jim Dvorak will serve 3-year terms on the Board with Jim was elected as chair.

10. The Board agreed to study idea of having power sprayer at the public access.

2014 Meeting Highlights cont.

2015 Treasurer’s Report

Auditor's Report Audit of Bass Lake Association's financial transactions for the past year was completed on May 29, 2015 by Craig Laing, VP.

Current checkbook balance is just over $17,000. ($17,617.38)

All Annandale State Bank statements were reviewed for the past year, and no discrepancies were found.

  All  checkbook entries agree with posted transactions and

accurately reflect the financial transactions of the Assoc.

Current accounting practices are acceptable and may continue for the next year.

Membership Stats & Pertinent Info100 Properties/95 owners

Year Paid2010 652011 702012 532013 672014 602015 40 (as of June 1)

Why become a member of Bass Lake Association (BLA)?

1) The BLA board represents you and your interests with a variety of organizations that are concerned with the quality of our lake and our watershed. Some of these are: Corinna Township, Clearwater Township, Wright County COLA (Coalition of Lake Associations), Wright County SWCD, MN COLA , DNR & many others.

2) As a member you will receive our regular newsletter to keep you apprised of important lake issues.

3) BLA is on the frontlines of combatting Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS), our goal is to keep them out of Bass Lake.

4) BLA monitors legislative activities and government actions that can have a significant impact on lake use.

5) BLA works with the Wright County Sheriff’s and the DNR to keep our lake safe for all lake users.

6) BLA maintains a presence within the community and provides opportunities for the residents to get to know one another better through regular meetings and social gatherings.

7) BLA keeps abreast of federal, state and county activities that can have an impact on you as a lakeshore property owner.

8) BLA can help educate property owners with information on what they can do as lakeshore property owners.

9) BLA is there to listen to your concerns and to address them as appropriate. Contact us if you ever have an issue you believe should be addressed. Members are welcome to attend any of our Board or Committee Meetings. Your participation is encouraged. BLA also maintains a website.

10) Because it’s TAX Deductible …………

Association Registrations & Renewals Renewed membership in Wright County COLA Renewed Federal IRS 501 (c) registration for

2015 at beginning of year Filed IRS Tax Information forms for 2015 Retained tax exempt status for Bass Lake Assn Retained tax exempt status for dues and

contributions to the organization Renewed Minnesota registration with MN

Secretary of State's office at beginning of year All required registrations or renewals are in

place for calendar year 2015

Muskrat Trapping Treatment of Curly Leaf Pondweed and associated activities surrounding it.

Annual picnic

Boat Landing Monitoring

Updated information book provided to members

Membership in County/Statewide Organizations

Lake Studies and Lake Management Plan

Water Quality monitoring

Loon nesting platform placement, upkeep and maintenance

Examples of what Dues have helped accomplish in the past (to name a few)

**If you know someone who is not currently a member, please invite them to join and share in our commitment to Bass Lake. By ALL working together we can attain great things.

 **Also as part of your membership, please consider

contributing to the Healthy Lakes Fund. This contribution is also tax deductible and is used for a variety of Healthy Lakes Initiatives.

 If you haven’t paid your dues yet, and would like to,

please see Penny, after the meeting and she will gladly help you out. Thanks for your continued support of Bass Lake.

Martha Reger

Healthy Lakes Report June 6, 2015

Bass Lake Association of Wright County

MN Pollution Control Agency Citizen Lake Monitoring

Sechi disk reading, ice in and out Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District

Monitoring 5 Samplings per season: water chemistry -

nutrients - chlorophyll-a -- Depth profile of Oxygen (DO) - Temperature

Annual Report summarizes results for our lake and watershed, chemistry, trophic status and


Lake Monitoring for 2015

MN legislature authorized $10M to combat AIS for 2015

Wright County received $240K: $100K for inspection, $60K for enforcement, $60K matching funds for lake

associations, $20K for education

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

Wright County contracted with Anchor Dock & Lift who devised the Landing Monitoring Plan - all monitors are trained and will use software developed by Lake Sylvia)

Decontamination facilities are available at Anchor Dock (heated pressurized water wash)

Bass Lake landing will be monitored for 6 hours every 5 days beginning 5/23/15 through Labor Day.

Zebra Mussels:

Lakeshore Restoration Services was hired to perform point intercept survey in 6/2013 and determined which 15% of the lake to be treated.

Treatment with Aquathol herbicide in 5/2014

Post treatment survey in 9/2014 confirmed successful response so no treatment in 2015 (will monitor to determine timing of future treatment as turrions remain on lake bed).

Curley Leaf Pondweed (CLP)

Minnesota Lakes and Rivers (MLR)

Minnesota Coalition of Lake Associations (MNCOLA)

Wright County Coalition of Lake Associations (Wright County COLA)

Organizations that Advocate

Clean boats of all weeds and plants when traveling between lakes.

Drain all water from trailers, boats, live wells, docks and swim rafts when transporting equipment between lakes.

Remove the drain plug when transporting your boat.

Dispose of bait and minnow water at least 100 feet from the lake.

How you can help:

Chicks hatched May 23 and May 24. Please watch for them when boating.

Second nesting pair in the “Duck Pond” on the north side of 120th St. No report yet on progeny.

Loon Report:

Numbers are increasing so Denny Rasset will trap in June, 2015.

Call Craig Laing or Ray Sawicki to report muskrat damage.


Try to reduce the population of Northern Pike, limit 3/day.

Remove any Carp from the lake.


Annual Summer Picnic – Saturday, Aug 8 at Camp Friendship, 3:00 p.m.

Hitching Post gatherings – 6:30 p.m. Saturdays… June 20, July 18, and August 29

Membership Recommendations Different Locations Food Raffle Silent Auction Other fund raising activities

Social Activity Schedules

Muskrat nuisance Slow wake near shore during high water

season Boating safety concerns (children on front of

pontoons while underway) Boating safety in general Fishing the channel during spawning season

- Need to check DNR reg's on this.

Membership Concerns

By-laws recommend a total of 9 Board Members

Election of new board member

Election of Board Members

Questions or Recommendations for the Board
