Basketball National 5 Lesson 7. Today we will… Approaches to developing performance Practical...


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National 5 Lesson 7

Today we will…Approaches to developing performance

Practical assessment

Unit assessment (written responses)

Issue homework

Approach to developing performanceWe have used three approaches to develop our performance during the basketball block?

1) Gradual Build Up

2) Whole – Part - Whole

2) Conditioned Games

Gradual Build UpThink back to the beginning of the basketball block:

QuestionHow did we develop our performance of the skill in the video below

Gradual Build Up Group TaskPut the series of practices below in the correct order to explain how you developed your performance of the lay-up

Standing one step back at 45 degree angle, step on to outside foot to take off, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Standing at 45 degree angle, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Standing two steps back at 45 degree angle, step on to inside foot then outside foot to take off, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Standing three steps back at 45 degree angle, step on to outside foot then inside foot and finally outside to take off, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Stand three steps back at 45 degrees, step on to outside foot, as you do, bounce ball, then step on to inside foot and finally outside foot to take off, fully extend arm to shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Dribble into basket, as you approach basket take off on outside foot, fully extend arm and shoot by flicking wrist to place ball of corner of inner square

Standing one step back at 45 degree angle, step on to outside foot to take off, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Standing at 45 degree angle, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Standing two steps back at 45 degree angle, step on to inside foot then outside foot to take off, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Standing three steps back at 45 degree angle, step on to outside foot then inside foot and finally outside to take off, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Stand three steps back at 45 degrees, step on to outside foot, as you do, bounce ball, then step on to inside foot and finally outside foot to take off, fully extend arm to shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Dribble into basket, as you approach basket take off on outside foot, fully extend arm and shoot by flicking wrist to place ball of corner of inner square







Standing one step back at 45 degree angle, step on to outside foot to take off, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Standing at 45 degree angle, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Standing two steps back at 45 degree angle, step on to inside foot then outside foot to take off, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Standing three steps back at 45 degree angle, step on to outside foot then inside foot and finally outside to take off, arm fully extended shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Stand three steps back at 45 degrees, step on to outside foot, as you do, bounce ball, then step on to inside foot and finally outside foot to take off, fully extend arm to shoot with one had by flicking wrist

Dribble into basket, as you approach basket take off on outside foot, fully extend arm and shoot by flicking wrist to place ball of corner of inner square

Gradual Build UpIndividual TaskCopy the paragraph below and fill in the blanks

To i _ _ _ _ _ e my performance of a complex skill I used _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ up. The complex skill I developed was the _ _ _ up. Using gradual build up I b _ _ _ _ the lay-up roll down into _ _ _ smaller parts which were learned in stages. The smaller part were called subroutines. Once I had practised and m_ _ _ _ _ _ d a stage I moved onto the next stage. I knew when to move on as I had specific s_ _ _ _ _ _ criteria to achieve, my success criteria was _ _ _ _ _ successful performances of the skill I had six stages in total and each stage became progressively more d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than the previous as it contained more sub_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and was more like the whole skill.

Whole – Part - WholeGroup task specific to your position

Whole – Part – Whole

To develop our teams performance we used whole-part-whole as we already had experience of playing basketball.

We started by playing a 5v5 competitive game focused on developing our teams use of tactics.

To develop each players understanding of our position we broke into two groups – forwards with one teacher and point guards and centres with the other.

After this we returned to playing a 5v5 game and applied our improved understanding to ensure we used width, length and depth in attack.

GROUP TASK Describe the practice your team completed. Explain how you made the practice more difficult

Practical Assessment

Monday - Period 1Tuesday - Period 4

Assessment Standard/Success Criteria1.1 Selecting and applying straightforward movement and performance skills, with some complex actions, displaying consistency in control and fluency

1.2 Demonstrating body and spatial awareness with clear patterns and rhythms

1.3 Working co-operatively with others

1.4 Using and applying straightforward techniques and composition or tactics safely and effectively

1.5 Making appropriate decisions and straightforward adaptations in response to a range of variables

1.6 Demonstrating consistency of movement and performance skills in a range of performance contexts

Success Criteria1.1






1.Candidate can apply basic skills with control in a game – dribbling, passing, shooting, attacking & defending.2.Candidate can apply a variety and range of skills (including complex skills) such as the lay-up.

3.Candidate demonstrates correct footwork to prevent travelling (lay-up).4.Candidate can demonstrate spatial awareness to avoid fouling.5.Candidate can use space effectively when attacking/defending.

6.Candidate works well with others during practice and in games.7.Candidate is able to feedback to team-mates on their performance.8.Candidate accepts feedback and does not question the umpire’s decision.

9.Candidate is able to identify and employ a variety of tactics such as fastbreak, man-to-man (1/2 or full court), zone defence .10.Candidate is able to select the most effective tactic to maximise team strengths and exploit opposition weaknesses.

11.Candidate is able to select and apply the correct passing/shooting technique within the game.12.Candidate is able to adapt their team’s tactic in response to changes from their opponents.

13.Candidate shows consistency throughout a match in selecting and applying correct techniques.14.Candidate performs to the same standard in a range of different game situations.

Homework – Due Monday 6th Oct

a) Choose an approaches to developing performance and explain how you used it to develop your/teams performance in basketball

(4 marks)

b) Choose a different aapproach to developing performance and explain how you used it to develop your/teams performance in basketball

(4 marks)
