Basic French Exercises



basic french workbook that will help you register your learnings in b&w. i do not own these, but i compiled them together for my personal use. i have the lessons n other stuff too for leaning french language....anyone needs them buzz me!!

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Please, visit the forum if you need help with this exercise. There, you can either submit your questions or read other members' answers to this exercise. A- Can you identify all the pronoms personnels hidden in this table? Hint: There are 14 of them. Some may appear more than once. Watch carefully for the traps! Please underline them. jeu vous noue île voûte tu elfe je celle il ellie nous jet tú elle jeune ils else tout ellse vœu lui vous jeux votre tune elles celui elles lit ils jus noue îlot nous voue tu turc les vous B- Replace the following subjects by their equivalent pronoms personnels in each sentence. You may use the translations provided as hints. The subjects ONLY should be changed!

Un exemple : Paula mange des bananes. (Paula eats bananas) Correct Answer : Elle mange des bananes. (She eats bananas)

a) Tiger Woods joue très bien au golfe. (Tiger Woods plays golf very well). b) Alyssa est infirmière. (Alyssa is a nurse).

c) Bob et Tom sont intelligents. (Bob and Tom are intelligent).

d) Toi et moi prendrons le petit-déjeuner ensemble. (You and I will have breakfast together).

e) Mes parents iront au Japon demain. (My parents will go to Japan tomorrow).

f) Les filles ont remporté le match. (The girls won the game).

g) You are asking a question to a very good friend…

“Parles-(pronom personnel) français, Georges?” (Do you speak French, Georges?).

h) You are now asking the same question above to a man you have just met...

“Parlez-(pronom personnel) français, monsieur?” (Do you speak French, sir?” i) Ce jeune homme est amoureux. (This young man is in love).

C- Below are 10 French verbs with no subjects. According to what you have learned in this lesson, what can their pronoms personnels be? marchons demandent accordons soulevez garons regardes vont jurez alignes sautent


Please, visit the forum if you need help with this exercise. There, you can either submit your questions or read other members' answers to this exercise.

A- Find the errors, if any, and correct them. a) Caroline es une bonne étudiante. (Caroline is a good student.) b) Ces oiseaux verts sont beaux. (These green birds are beautiful.) c) Je suit un acteur célèbre. (I am a famous actor). d) Nous somme des personnes humbles. (We are humble people). e) Es-vous fâché, monsieur ? (Are you angry, sir?) f) La vie est belle. (Life is beautiful). e) Mes fruits sons maintenant rouges. (My fruits are now red). g) Vous êtes sûrement une femme riche, n’est-ce pas? (You are certainly a rich woman, aren’t you?)

h) Vous etes des travailleurs paresseux! (You are lazy workers !). i) Tom, tu sais, tu es toujours mon meilleur ami. (Tom, you know, you are still my best friend).

B- Translate these following sentences into French. (For interrogative sentences, invert the order subject-verb into verb- subject and put a dash in between… (as in sommes-nous)? (Are we?)

a) They are girls (des filles). b) They are boys (des garçons). c) We are friends([des] amis) d) Are we coworkers? (collègues) e) You are happy (heureux) – [said to a friend] f) Am I angry? (fâché) g) She is my doctor (mon docteur) h) Est-il ton papa? (your dad) i) You are happy (heureux) – [said politely to your boss, or a stranger]


Please, visit the forum if you need help with this exercise. There, you can either submit your questions or read other members' answers to this exercise. When you feel ready, feel free to take the exam. Directions: Now that we know how to use the pronoms personnels (sujets) and how to conjugate the 2 auxiliary verbs être and avoir in the present tense, we will try to complete these sentences below in French. Some hints will be provided in English. Feel free to use ANY logical answer. Example: You are late for work. You are rushing to the cab station because…. Tu es pressé/pressée (You are in a hurry). [If tu is female, don't forget to add an extra E to mark the gender]

a) It is now 2 o’clock in the afternoon. You did not have breakfast and lunch, either. You are now feeling a little weak and dizzy because…

b) My friend Joe and I are watching a scary movie. We scream because…

c) It is very warm today. My dog (masculine gender) needs to drink some water because…

d) (Yawning) I haven’t slept all night. Now…

e) Doctor, my friend just lost her favorite pet. She keeps crying, and cannot sleep. I think

she needs some psychological help because…

f) John looks very happy today. Look at him singing, picking up roses in his garden, and smiling. I am sure it is because…

g) Brrrrggh, 5 degrees below zero in Minnesota!!! We are now wearing sweaters and coats


h) 2+2 = 5? Nope, you are wrong. It equals 4. And if you are wrong, it is because…


Please, visit the forum if you need help with this exercise. There, you can either submit your questions or read other members' answers to this exercise. When you feel ready, feel free to take the exam.

Exercice A

Translate these following sentences into French.

a) There are 3 restaurants (in this neighborhood)=(__________ dans ce quartier) b) Are there 3 restaurants in this neighborhood?

c) My French teacher has (got) big ears. (Mon prof de français____de larges oreilles.

d) Is there any car in the garage? (_____ une voiture dans le garage?)

e) You have a nice tie, sir. (___________ une belle cravate, monsieur)

Exercice B Translate these following sentences into English.

a) Y a-t-il un problème, madame ?

b) Garçon ! Y a-t-il deux sièges libres ? (Waiter ! _______ two available seats?)

c) Nous avons de sérieux doutes à propos de cet homme d’affaire. (_________serious doubts about this businessman.)

d) Quelle belle voiture vous avez, monsieur! (What a nice car _____ , sir!)

e) Tu as trois cours cet après-midi. (__________ three classes this afternoon).


Exercise A: Select 5 French verbs in the list below and conjugate them in the present tense. Aimer (to like/ to love) – Acheter (to buy) – Apporter (to bring) – Étudier (to study) – Regarder (to look at) – Commencer* (to begin/to start) – Écouter (to listen) – Donner (to give) – Danser (to dance) – Manger* (to eat) – Marcher (to walk) – Laver (to wash) – Garer (to park) – Cuisiner (to cook) – Arriver (to arrive) – Chercher (to look for) – Trouver (to find) – Parler (to speak) – Nager (to swim) – Corriger* (to correct/to grade)– Porter (to wear) – Penser (to think) Exercise B: menacer (to threaten) and diriger (to lead) are 2 french verbs which belong to the 1st group. Based on what you learned in Week 3 – Leçon 1 about commencer and corriger, how would you translate into French “we threaten” and “we lead”? Exercise C: Below is a small text that includes verbs of the premier groupe in the present tense. 8 verbs are NOT correctly conjugated. Can you find them and provide the right answer? Jacques et Carole marche dans le parc. Carole regarde le ciel bleu et penses à son amour pour Jacques. Ils s’aiment tant. Carole marchent jusqu’à la rivière et elle lave ses cheveux dans l’eau claire. Pendant ce temps, Jacques cherche une belle fleur dans un jardin pas très loin et il trouvent une rose blanche. Il la lui donne en disant : « Nous nous aimont, et j’apportes cette belle rose blanche par amour pour toi. » Une petite fille qui regarde cette scène romantique dit : Oh, vous parler d’amour comme je parle de poupées ! Et nous les enfants, nous trouvent cela très beau. »


Exercise A: Rewrite these sentences below and change the underlined reflexive pronouns into their corresponding (more refined) pronoms réfléchis in French. Example: Tu blâmes toi-même = Tu te blâmes.

a- André regarde lui-même dans la glace. b- Chaque jour, je réveille moi-même à 8 heures du matin.

c- Christelle et Jeannine maquillent elles-mêmes beaucoup.

d- Mon ami Anna couche elle-même à 10 h 30 toutes les nuits.

e- Monsieur et madame, vous regardez vous-mêmes dans les yeux.

Exercise B: These questions are asked in English. Can you answer them in French? Example: Herman is holding a mirror. What is he doing? “Il se regarde dans la glace”.

1- Christine has a toothbrush in her hand. What is she doing?

2- We are holding trousers and shirts in our hands? What are we doing?

3- Marilyn Monroe is holding a lipstick in her hand. What is she doing?

4- You (Carla) are holding a bottle of shampoo in your hand. What are you doing?

5- Ladies, you are holding a comb in your hands. What are you doing?


Exercise: Pick the right article for each noun. 1 – The French word "école" (school) is feminine-singular. What is the appropriate definite article to use? 2 – The French word "fauteuil" (armchair) is masculine-singular. What is the appropriate indefinite article to use? 3 – The French word "tables" (tables) is feminine-plural. What is the appropriate indefinite article to use? 4 – The French word "hommes" (men) is masculine-plural. What is the appropriate definite article to use? 5 – The French word "école" (school) is feminine-singular. What is the appropriate indefinite article to use? 6 - The French word "dos" (back) is masculine-singular. What is the appropriate definite article to use? 7 – The French word "jambes" (legs) is feminine-plural. What is the appropriate indefinite article to use? 8 - The French word "cailloux" (pebbles) is masculine-plural. What is the appropriate definite article to use? 9 - The French word "demoiselle" (lady) is feminine-singular. What is the appropriate indefinite article to use? 10 - The French word "avocats" (attorneys) is masculine-plural. What is the appropriate definite article to use?


Exercise A: The sentences below are in the singular. Rewrite them into the plural. Exemple: un beau manteau (a nice coat) [singular] / de beaux manteaux (nice coats) [plural] (Note that the change applies to both the noun [manteau] and the adjective [beau].

a) Un beau cheval. (a nice horse)

b) La bonne école. (the good school)

c) Le pays développé. (the developed country)

d) Un homme heureux. (a happy man) Exercise B: The sentences below are in the plural. Rewrite them into the singular. Exemple: De beaux chevaux [plural]/un beau cheval [singular].

a) Les étudiants heureux. (The happy students)

b) De bonnes citoyennes. (good female citizens)

c) Des généraux braves. (Brave generals)

d) De durs travaux (hard jobs)

Exercise C: Put the following nouns and adjectives into the feminine gender.

Masculine Un ami Le patron Sérieux Froid Amer doyen Féminine


Exercise 1: Turn these affirmative sentences into the negative form.

1- Michael Jordan est un joueur talentueux. (M. J. is a gifted player)[Use never] 2- Nous sommes une très bonne équipe de football. (We are a very good soccer team) [Use


3- Richard apprend la langue française. (Richard learns/is learning the French language) [Use Not anymore]

4- Chris et Hélène sont des amis proches. (Ch. and H. are close friends.) [Use Not yet]

5- Tu déjeunes à treize heures. (You have lunch at 1 o’clock) [Use never] Exercise 2: Translate this passage into French Robert does not speak Russian. Anne is not Miss USA anymore. Mr. Hamagami never shaves (his beard). This child does not talk yet. Tiger Woods is not a bad player (mauvais joueur). I am not hungry anymore. She is not thirsty yet. Prof. Newton is never wrong.


Exercise 1: Translate into French. [Use the vocabulary and expressions shown in the corresponding lesson].

a- My back hurts. b- Your eyes hurt. c- Their legs hurt. d- My tooth hurts. e- Your hands hurt.

Exercise 2: Below are English sentences and their translations into French. Some of these translations contain errors. Can you correct them?

a- An orange dress Une robe orange. b- A blue eye Des yeux bleus. c- Greens shoes and white shirts Des chaussures marron et des chemises vertes. d- A white tooth Des dents blanches. e- A black glove and a brown tie Un gant noir et une cravate marron.

Exercise 3: Translate into English.

a- Tom est jeune et Jeannette est belle. b- Nous sommes intelligents; nous ne sommes pas stupides. c- Roger et Anne sont courageux. d- Il est généreux et optimiste. e- Vous n'êtes pas des hommes antipathiques.


Exercise: Translate into French:

1- I am (your name here). It’s me.

2- She is Carla. It’s her.

3- We are Herman and Sachiko. It’s us.

4- They are Carlos and Mario. It’s them.

5- You are Mary and Tom. It’s you.

6- He is Tom. It’s him.

7- They are Carla and Mary. It’s them.

8- You are Mary. It’s you.


Exercise 1 Put these French sentences into the interrogative form by using the est-ce que method.

a- Je ne suis pas malade. (I am not sick.)

b- Renée est une belle fille. (Renée is a beautiful girl.)

c- Nous mangeons de la tarte. (We are eating some tart.)

d- Vous avez beaucoup d'argent. (You have a lot of money.)

e- Elles ne parlent bien anglais. (They don't speak English well.) Exercise 2 Put these French sentences into the interrogative form by using the inversion method.

a) Je ne suis pas malade. (I am not sick.)

b) Renée est une belle fille. (Renée is a beautiful girl.)

c) Nous mangeons de la tarte. (We are eating some tart.)

d) Vous avez beaucoup d'argent. (You have a lot of money.)

e) Elles ne parlent pas bien anglais. (They don't speak English well.)


Exercice: Qui est-ce qui or Qui est-ce que? [Tip: Ask yourself if qui is subject or object of the verb to find correct the answer]

a) Qui mange le pain? (Who eats the bread)

b) Qui regarde la télé? (Who is watching TV?)

c) Qui connaissent-elles? (Who do they know?)

d) À qui ressemble-t-il? (Who does he look like?)

e) Qui recompensons-nous? (Who do we reward?)

f) Qui parle espagnol dans cette classe? (Who speaks Spanish in this class?)

g) Qui enseigne le Français?

h) À qui pensent-elles? (Who are they thinking about?)

i) De qui parlez-vous? (Who are you talking about?)


Exercice: Qui est-ce qui or Qui est-ce que? [Tip: Ask yourself if qui is subject or object of the verb to find correct the answer]

a) Qui mange le pain? (Who eats the bread)

b) Qui regarde la télé? (Who is watching TV?)

c) Qui connaissent-elles? (Who do they know?)

d) À qui ressemble-t-il? (Who does he look like?)

e) Qui recompensons-nous? (Who do we reward?)

f) Qui parle espagnol dans cette classe? (Who speaks Spanish in this class?)

g) Qui enseigne le Français?

h) À qui pensent-elles? (Who are they thinking about?)

i) De qui parlez-vous? (Who are you talking about?)


Exercise: Fill in the blanks with the proper French interrogative pronouns describing WHAT.

1- voiture a-t-elle? (What car does she have?) [quoi/quel/qu’est-ce que/quelle/que]

2- Tu parles de ? (Literally you speak about what?) [quoi/quel/qu’est-ce que/quelle/que]

3- portez-vous ce soir? (What are you wearing tonight?) [quoi/quel/qu’est-ce que/quelle/que]

4- problèmes ont-ils ? (What problems do they have?) [quoi/quel/qu’est-ce que/quels/que]

5- ? (What?) [quoi/quel/qu’est-ce que/quelle/que]

6- portons-nous ce soir? (What are we wearing tonight?) [quoi/quel/qu’est-ce que/quelle/que]

7- Anna pense à ? (Literally Anna thinks about what?) [quoi/quel/qu’est-ce que/quelle/que]

8- avez-vous décidé ? (What have you decided ?) [quoi/quel/qu’est-ce que/qu’/quelle/que]

9- Tu dis (Literally You say what?) [quoi/quel/qu’est-ce que/qu’/quelle/que]


Exercise 1: Translate into French.

1) Where is she?

2) Where are they (males)

3) Where are you from?

4) Where am I?

5) Where are we? Exercise 2: Translate into English.

1) Où sont Bob et Tom?

2) Où est Joanne ?

3) Où sommes-nous ?

4) D’où sommes-nous ?

5) Où sont-elles ?

6) D’où est-elle ?


Exercise 1: Translate into French.

1- When do you have lunch (déjeuner)?

2- When will you eat?

3- When will she wear a black coat?

4- When do they work?

5- When will they wear blue shirts? Exercise 2: Translate into English.

1- Quand auras-tu soif?

2- Quand se rase-t-il la barbe?

3- Quand nous maquillons-nous ?

4- Quand Anne se maquille-t-elle ?

5- Quand Roger se douche-t-il ?


Exercise I Now, it’s time to practice. Translate into French the following sentences. [I assume that you all know by now how to ask an interro-negative question whose subject is NOT a personal pronoun. Please, feel free to review the past lessons if you are not sure how to do it.] (To walk = marcher) Does he walk fast? Why do you walk fast? Why does she never walk fast? Does Roger walk fast? Why does Caroline walk fast? Why do Tom and Bob never walk fast? Exercise II: A little exercise now to practice parce que. (Hint: Use the expressions with verbs être/avoir. Please review the corresponding lesson if you have to. Also, do not guess the answers since all answers are included and explained in that lesson☺) Exemple: Why do they (ladies) cry? They cry…parce qu’elles sont tristes/déprimées. (Adjectives vary in French. So expressions with être will usually agree with the gender/number of the subjects. Expressions with avoir won’t: J’ai soif/Nous avons soif)

1- Why do they (males) drink a lot of water? 2- Why do you drive so fast?

3- Why doesn’t she sleep?

4- Why does Tom write so many love letters?

5- Why do we scream of fear?

6- Why do you smile and laugh?

7- Why does the math professor get mad when you say 2+2=6?

8- Why doesn’t the math professor get mad when you say 2+2=4?


Exercise 1: Translate these sentences into English.

1) Combien de pommes y a-t-il?

2) Combien d’eau y a-t-il dans ce verre (this glass)?

3) Combien coûtent trois chemises?

4) Combien d’étudiants y a-t-il dans cette classe?

5) Combien coûte une pomme? Exercise 2: Translate into French. [Checking the lessons on the interrogation form may help].

1) How does he walk (marcher)?

2) How do you sing (chanter)?

3) How do you work (travailler)?

4) How does she dance?

5) How do we shave?


Exercice: Translate into French the sentences below.

1) Bob is sitting (assis) between René and Tom. 2) The clothes are not in this room (salle).

3) Chris and Tom are going somewhere. (Use the verb conjugator at to find

the equivalent of to go in French. Then put it in the present tense.)

4) The blue pants are on the table.

5) Joanne combs her hair in front of the mirror.

6) Joanne puts on make up next to him. (We have already listed the object pronouns (pronoms toniques) in this program, so you should be able to know the translation for him.)

7) There are three yellow shirts behind the chair.

8) The students are sitting around the professor.

9) Why do you eat under the table?

10) There aren’t many (beaucoup de) students around the professor.


Exercice: Translate into French the sentences below.

1) Bob always wears a blue jacket. [When translating into French, always will come AFTER the verb.] 2) Tomorrow, we will wash our hair. [Use the verb conjugator at to find the

equivalent of to wash in the future in French]

3) Chris and Tom are wearing their (leurs) white socks today.

4) We wear coats during winter.

5) She will go to Belgium (en Belgique) next year.

6) I will eat much later. [We have already studied the future of verbs of the 1st group]

7) My teeth are hurting now.

8) Are you wearing your black pants today? [use the simple present to express "to be wearing" in French]

9) She will put on makeup tomorrow, and he will shave his beard next month.

10) They wake up during the afternoon.


Exercise: Rewrite the French sentences below turning the adjectives into brackets into adverbs. All adjectives are given in their masculine-singular forms. Translations will be provided to help.

1) Josh parle [clair] le francais. (Josh speaks French clearly.)

2) Les étudiants écoutent le professeur [attentif]. (The students listen carefully to the professor.)

3) Hélène a géré la situation très [calme]. (Helen has managed the situation very calmly.)

4) Cette tortue bouge assez [lent]. (This turtle moves quite slowly.)

5) Ce mannequin s’habille très [simple]. (This model dresses quite simply.)

6) Les oiseaux chantent [bruyant] dans les arbres. (The birds sing noisily in the trees)

7) Les chasseurs marchent [prudent] dans la jungle. (The hunters walk carefully in the jungle.)

8) Cet enfant a l’air effrayé et parle [nerveux]. (This child looks frightened and speaks nervously.)


Exercise: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate possessive adjectives. Example: She is the owner of "des sacs" (bags). ____Ses________ sacs.

1- I am the owner of "une voiture" (a car). ____________ voiture.

2- She is the owner of "un pantalon" (a pair of pants). ___________ pantalon.

3- We are the owners of "un livre" (a book). ___________ livre.

4- You [plural] are the owners of "des mains" (hands). ____________ mains.

5- You [singular] are the owner of "des mains" (hands). ___________mains.

6- They are the owners of "des voitures" (cars). _______________voitures.

7- He is the owner of "des manteaux" (coats). _____________ manteaux.

8- I am the owner of "des cahiers" (notebooks). ____________ cahiers.

9- We are the owners of "des tables" (tables). ____________ tables.

10- You [plural] are the owners of "une bouteille" (a bottle). ___________ bouteille.


Part I: Match the phrases in Column A with their corresponding possessive pronouns in Column B. Note: In this exercise, there can ONLY be ONE match in Column B per each element in Column A. If you find two or more matches, then something is definitely wrong. ☺ Example: Mes chemises Les miennes. (4 F)

Column A Column B 1- Sa voiture a- La leur 2- Ton gant noir b- Le mien 3- Leur mère c- Les leurs 4- Mes chemises d- Les tiens 5- Mon assistant e- Le sien 6- Nos amies f- Les miennes 7- Son hotel g- Le tien 8- Leurs missions h- La sienne 9- Tes parents i- La vôtre 10-Votre fille j- Les nôtres.

Part II: Find the appropriate possessive pronoun based on the following hints: Example: Object A belongs to Subject JE and it is feminine. What is the correct possessive pronoun to use? Answer: LA MIENNE. Demonstration: Ma chemise (my shirt) La mienne (mine). The noun Chemise, which is here Object A belongs to Subject JE (I), and it is in the singular form and is feminine. So the correct possessive pronoun to use is MIENNE. Check the chart in Lesson – Week 13 if you are not very sure about which possessive pronoun to use in each case below.

1- Object A belongs to Subject IL and it is masculine. What is the correct possessive pronoun to use?

2- Objects A and B belong to Subject ELLES and they are masculine. What is the

correct possessive pronoun to use?


3- Objects A and B belong to Subject VOUS (plural) and they are feminine. What is the correct possessive pronoun to use?

4- Objects A belong to Subject TU and they are masculine. What is the correct

possessive pronoun to use?

5- Object A belongs to Subject ELLE and it is feminine. What is the correct possessive pronoun to use?

6- Objects A and B belong to Subject NOUS and they are masculine. What is the

correct possessive pronoun to use?

7- Objects A belong to Subject NOUS and they are masculine. What is the correct possessive pronoun to use?

8- Objects A and B belong to Subject ILS and they are feminine. What is the correct

possessive pronoun to use?


Exercise 1: Write the appropriate possessive adjectives [ce/cette/ces/cet] in the blanks. If necessary, check the dictionary for the proper gender(s) to use for each noun.

1- bébé. 2- fille. 3- filles.

4- enfants.

5- arbre.

6- arbres.

7- hommes

8- femme.

9- tables.

10- étudiants. Exercise 2: Here are several sentences below. Some of the possessive adjectives are wrong. Please find the errors. Translations will be provided to help.

1- J’aime beaucoup ce enfants. (I like these children very much)

2- Tu regardes ce film. (You are watching this movie)

3- Cette homme est très fort. (This man is very strong.)


4- Ces dames sont très gracieuses (These ladies are very graceful.)

5- Porterez-vous ce chemise? (Will you wear this shirt?)


Exercise: Use the compound demonstrative pronouns we’ve studied to fill in the blanks. Feel free to use the English translation if this can help. Example: Ce monsieur s’appelle Jean. Celui-là se nomme Pierre. (This man is John. That one is Peter.) a) Cette voiture est très chère, mais est bon marché. (This car is very expensive, but that one is cheap). b) Cette demoiselle mange du croissant et boit du café. (This lady is eating some croissant and that one is drinking coffee.) c) Ces étudiantes sont fortes en math alors que sont fortes en orthographe. (These female students are good at Math, meanwhile those ones are good at spelling.) d) Ces petits oiseaux sont verts. sont rouges et grands. (These small birds are green. Thoses ones are red and big). e) Ce film est très intéressant, mais est assez ennuyeux. (This movie is very interesting. That one is rather boring. )


Exercise 1: Comparison of superiority and inferiority with adjectives. Here is a list of French adjectives below. Please, use the verb être in the present simple and the formulas "plus…que" and "moins…que", and write 7 sentences of your choice. For example, if you decide to make a comparison of superiority with the adjective généreux (generous) [généreuse, if you are a woman], you can say something like this: Je suis plus généreux que Tom. (I am more generous than Tom.) Be creative and use ANY subject you want with the verb être and the adjectives below. Grand (tall) Jeune (young) Riche (rich) Célèbre (famous) Heureuse (happy, feminine form) Important (important) Intéressant (interesting) Exercise 2: Comparative of superiority and inferiority with nouns. Below are 7 French nouns. Considering that the formulas are "plus de + noun + que" and "moins de + noun + que", write 7 sentences of your choice. I will suggest you the verbs [into brackets] that can be used along with the nouns. Please use the present simple tense. For example, if you decide to make a comparison of inferiority with the noun langues (languages), you may say for example: [parler] – langues Nous parlons moins de langues que Marie. (We speak less languages than Mary). Be creative ☺ . [manger (to eat)] – bonbons (candies) [avoir (to have)] – voitures (cars)


[regarder (to watch)] – films (movies) [poser (to ask)] – questions (questions) [dessiner (to draw)] – images (images) [nettoyer (to clean)] – chambres (rooms) [avoir (to have)] – chaises (chairs)


Exercise 1- Please, make a comparison of equality (with adjectives) based on the hints provided for each sentence. Example: [Bertrand; riche] / [Béatrice; riche] (riche=rich)

Bertrand est aussi riche que Béatrice.

1- [Toi et moi ; attentifs] / [Herman et Sachiko ; attentifs] (attentif=careful)

2- [Cette maison ; belle] / [Ce château; beau] (belle/beau= beautiful)

3- [Nous ; paresseux] / [Ces étudiants, paresseux] (use the negation here) (paresseux=lazy)

4- [Cette jeune fille et cette femme ; aimables] / [Ce jeune homme ; aimable] (aimable=kind)

5- [Une photographie ; artistique] / [Une peinture ; artistique] (artistique=artistic) Exercise 2- Please, make a comparison of equality (with nouns and verbs) based on the hints provided for each sentence. Example: [Herman; 3 pommes] / [Karen; 3 pommes] (use verb avoir) - (pommes= apples)

Herman a autant de pommes que Karen.

1- [Renée et Karen ; 2 bonbons] / [Alain ; 2 bonbons] (use verb manger) - (bonbon=candy)

2- [Valerie; 5 films] / [Cathérine; 5 films] (use verb regarder) – (film=movie/film)

3- [Nous; 2 voitures] / [Nos parents; 2 voitures] (use verb avoir) – (voiture=car)


4- [Guillaume et toi; 6 stylos] / [Carine ; 6 stylos] (use verb posséder) – (stylo=pen)

5- [Elle; 2 examens difficiles] / [Aline; 2 examens difficiles] (use verb avoir) – (examen difficile=difficult exam)


Exercise 1: Some hints are provided below. Please express the superlative form in each case. Important: Adjectives must agree in gender and number. Example: [Herman; 3 dollars] / [Bill Gates; 100 dollars] / [Kate; 6 dollars] (adjective = riche)

Bill Gates est le plus riche.

1- [Herman ; 165 cm] / [Colette ; 178 cm] / [Sachiko ; 150 cm] (adj.= grand)

2- [Herman et Bob ; 29 ans] / [Colette ; 34 ans] / [Léa ; 31 ans] (adj.= jeune)

3- [Herman ; 5/10] / [Colette ; 8/10] / [Sachiko (female) ; 10/10] (adj.= intelligent)

4- [Herman ; 165 lbs] / [Colette ; 101 lbs] / [Sachiko ; 124 lbs] (adj.=mince)

5- [Herman ; 165 cm] / [Colette ; 178 cm] / [Sachiko ; 150 cm] (adj.= petit) Exercise 2: Translate this passage into French. (Use a dictionary for unknown words if necessary) Anita is very young, but she is not the youngest in the family. Bill Gates is very rich, but he is not the richest person on earth. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world, but Lake Minnewaska is not the biggest lake in the United States. A car is not the most expensive thing for me. We are not the best team in the world.


Exercise 1: Separate the IR verbs from the ER ones based on the conjugations below. Nous posons une question (we ask a question) – Les rivières tarissent durant la saison chaude (rivers dry up during the hot season) – Elle parle bien cette langue (she speaks well this language) – Tu finis ton devoir (you complete your homework) – Vous assistez à une réunion (you attend a meeting) – Il bâtit une belle maison sur la montagne (he builds a nice house on the montain) – Anne s’habille avec une jupe. Papa se rase la barbe (dad shaves his beard). Le maître punit les mauvais élèves (the teacher punishes the bad pupils). Le cheval hennit bruyamment (the horse neighs noisily). IR verbs : ER verbs : Exercise 2: Provide the infinitive form for all the IR verbs you’ve found in Exercise 1.


Exercise 1: Rewrite the verbs of the 1st group [within brackets] into the subjunctive form.

1- Nous suggérons que vous [parler] une autre langue. (We suggest that you speak another language.)

2- Evitons que la viande ne [brûler]. (Let’s prevent the meat from burning)

3- Il est important que vous [arriver] à l’heure. (It is important that you arrive on time.)

4- Je crains que vous ne [tenter] de vous enfuir de prison. I’m afraid you will try to escape from prison.)

5- Tu voudrais que nous [regarder] ce film. (I would like us to watch this movie). Exercise 2: Please conjugate these verbs below in the subjunctive mood. Use all personal pronouns. Chanter Assister Annuler


Exercise 1: Now you’ll have a chance to apply what you’ve learned about the subjunctive mood of 2nd group verbs (IR). Please conjugate choisir – atterrir – punir. Use all personal pronouns. Choisir atterrir punir Exercise 2: Rewrite the verbs into brackets into the subjunctive form.

1- Elle suggère que nous [choisir] une meilleure couleur. (She suggests that we choose a better color.)

2- Nous ne voulons pas que le héros dans ce film [périr] dans ces tristes circonstances. (We don’t want the hero in this movie to perish in these sad circumstances.)

3- Il est important que vous [réunir] tout le monde pour cette réunion. (It is important that you gather everyone for this meeting.)

4- Je crains qu’ils ne [punir] sévèrement les étudiants. (I fear they will punish the students severely.)

5- Elle voudrait que nous [bâtir] des ponts. (She would like us to build bridges.)


Part I: Find the errors in these different verb conjugations in the subjunctive form. Conduire (to drive) -1 error included | Dire (to say) – 3 errors included Que je conduise Que je dises Que tu conduise Que tu dises Qu’il (elle) conduise Qu’il (elle) disent Que nous conduisions Que nous disions Que vous conduisiez Que vous disiez Qu’ils (elles) conduisent Qu’ils (elles) disont Part II: Match each simple present conjugation in column A with its subjunctive in column B. The first one was made for you – Answer: (3-b)

Column A Column B Simple Present Subjunctive Form

1- Tu as 2- Vous buvez 3- Elles conduisent 4- Je suis 5- Nous avons 6- Ils font 7- Tu fais 8- J’apprends 9- Il entend 10- Nous prenons

a- que j’apprenne b- qu’elles conduisent c- que je sois d- qu’ils fassent e- que tu aies f- que nous prenions g- que tu fasses h- qu’il entende i- que nous ayons j- que vous buviez.


Note: Most of the words I am using in these exercise have been shown in my lessons. A basic bilingual dictionary should be enough to help you with some of the verbs in the infinitive form. Or simply visit on-line if you do not have access to a traditional paper dictionary. Bonne chance! Exercise 1: Translate into French the following statements:

1- We would like him to finish his coffee (café)

2- I would like Herman and Sachiko to dance together (ensemble).

3- You (singular) would like us to buy a green house.

4- Anne would like Isabelle to watch this movie. 5- You (plural) would like my friend to drive slowly (lentement).

Exercise 2: Translate into English the following statements:

1- Nous voudrions que vous buviez cette eau. 2- Jean et Marie voudraient que nous soyons amis.

3- Il voudrait qu’elle se maquille. 4- Elle voudrait qu’il se rase.

5- Elles voudraient que je me douche tous les matins (every morning)