Basic Concepts for APA Style: How to Implement it Efficiently Deanna Hanson-Abromeit Conservatory of...


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Basic Concepts for APA Style:

How to Implement it Efficiently

Deanna Hanson-AbromeitConservatory of Music and Dance

Bob SchubertFaculty Center for Excellence in Teaching


Word Based Tools

Paper Format

Paper Sections



Using Word and APA

Word 2007Formats reference list and insertion of citations


EndnoteBibliographic softwareUsers can search, retrieve, and store citations

directly from database

Paper Format

8 ½ X 11 paper, one sided

12 pt Times Roman or Courier

Double spaced

At least 1 inch margins – top, bottom, left, right

Paragraphs indentation of ½ inch tab or 5-7 spacesExceptions: abstract & block quotations

Paper Format

Page Numbers Number consecutively Begin with title page Upper right hand edge At least 1 inch from edge

Manuscript page headers Identifier of manuscript pages First 2 or 3 words of title Right hand corner above or 5 spaces before page number

Punctuation One space - periods and minus signs No space – internal periods (e.g., U.S., p.m.), hyphens, colons

in ratios

Paper Sections

SectionsTitle PageAbstractTextReferencesAppendicesFootnotes & NotesTablesFigures

Title Page

Running Head for Publication Abbreviated title used for publication 50 characters max Flush left at the top of title page (below manuscript

page header) ALL CAPS

Title Centered; upper half of the page If more than one line, double space

Byline and Affiliation In order of contribution Centered One double-space below title


Begin on a new page

Manuscript Header and Page 2 in upper right hand corner of page

Label page Abstract, centered at top of page

Block paragraph form

Not to exceed 120 words

Type all numbers as Arabic numerals


Start on a new page; page number 3

Title of paper centered at the top of the page


Begin text

No page breaks between sections

All pages have the manuscript page header and the page number

Headers – One to Five Levels

Centered Uppercase and Lowercase Heading


Flush left, italicized, upper & lower case side heading


Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period

Description of groups.

In-text CitationsSingle Reference Citation

Author last name and year of publication; separated by a comma

e.g. (Hanson-Abromeit, 2009)

Multiple Reference CitationSemi-colon (;) to separate multiple references for a

single citationAlphabetical order

e.g. (Hanson-Abromeit, 2009; Schubert, 2009)3-5 authors, list all last names first time; subsequent

citations are listed under first author followed by et al. and publication year

6 or more authors Last name first author et al., publication year

e.g. (Hanson-Abromeit et al., 2009)

In-text Citations

Book chapterChapter author, comma (,) year of publication

Web site and electronic referencesAuthor name (if available) and yearUnknown author use page title or first couple of

words of paragraphUnknown year use n.d.Refer to APA Style Guide to Electronic Resources

Subsequent citation in same paragraphAuthor(s) name only; no dateAuthor and date included in subsequent paragraphs

ReferencesStart on a new page; page number in upper right


Title page, centered at top of page


Double space

Hanging indent format

Components of a reference:Philbin, M. K., & Evans, J. B. (2006). Standards for the acoustic

environment of the newborn ICU. Journal of Perinatology, 26, S27–S30.

AppendixesEach Appendix started on a separate page

Label each page, centered, at top


Use letters to identify the Appendix if more than one

Appendix A

Appendix B

Label appendix tables to correspond with the appendix

Table B1

Footnotes & Notes

Author NoteFor blind review the author note should be place on

the title pageSeparate page, center label Author NoteDouble spaced

Content & Copyright Permission FootnotesSuperscript Arabic numerals in textNew page, label Footnotes, centerType all content of footnotes (do not use the

automatic function as it may not translate accurately)

TablesNumbered consecutively as they appear in text

Identified by the word Table and an arabic numeral, flush left; table title below label

Table 1

Participant Comments

Double space

Begin each table on a separate page

Center column heads over column; if a multiple pages are necessary repeat column heads

Figures and Figure CaptionsNumbered consecutively as they appear in text

Identified by the word Figure and an arabic numeral, outside of the figure image or on the back

Be sure to include the manuscript page header outside of the figure image or on the back

Indicate the word TOP if orientation is not obvious

Each figure must have a caption; captions are listed on a separate page, placed prior to the figures

Figure 1. Discography of recorded music

ResourcesPublication Manual of the American Psychological

Association. (5th ed.) (2001). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

APA Style Guide to Electronic Resources available from
