Bartosz Żukowski is my best of the best actor. He occurs in the film: Świat Według Kiepskich


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Bartosz Żukowski is my best of the best actor. He occurs in the film: Świat Według Kiepskich.

He’s name is Maciej Zakościelny. He’s first role got in film „Plebania”. He’s best roleis in polish film: „Czas Honoru”.

The film takes place in Poland during World War II. The Polish nation is fighting for independence.

Michał Żebrowski

The recognition brought him theatrical roles. In 1999, he became known to millions of viewers as the Polish Yan in "Fire and Sword" by Jerzy Hoffman.

Daniel Olbrychski

The real stars of the history of Polish cinema, and also a talented actor.

Potop (Flood) -

Alicja Bachleda-CuruśFilm and Theatre: Starring as Zosia in the film

"Pan Tadeusz", directed by Andrzej Wajda - 1998

Starring as Wanda in the German movie "Herz im Kopf", directed by M. Gutmann - 2000/2001

Starring as Anke in the German movie "Sommersturm", directed by Marco Kreuzpaintner - 2004

Starring as Stella in the German tv film "Das Blut der Templer", directed by Florian Baxmeyer - 2004

She is a singer too.

The young generation of actors

Maciej Stuhr

Borys Szyc

Paweł Deląg

Joanna Brodzik Kasia Cichopek

Alicja Bachleda-Curuś

Agata Buzek
