BARON RESEARCH 4 K to 12 Curriculum Guide for Physical Education.docx


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K to 12 Curriculum Guide for Physical Education

1. Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of EducationDepEd Complex, eralco

!"enuePasi# CityK to 12 Curriculum GuideP$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+-Grade 1 to Grade

1/0anuary 1, 212

2. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 2C+CEP*)!( 3R!E4+RK*he Physical Education Curriculum under the K 

to 12 5asic Education Pro#ram is anchored on the tenet 6o"e to (earn, (earn to

o"e7 8ith ultimate #oal ofachie"in# lifelon# 9tness. *he frame8or: is bounded on

the context of le#al and philosophical underpinnin#s pursuant to !rticle '; &ection

1< of the PhilippineConstitution 8hich mandates that=*he &tate shall promote

physical education and encoura#e sports pro#rams, lea#ue competitions, and

amateur sports, includin# trainin# for internationalcompetitions, to foster self

discipline, team8or:, and excellence for the de"elopment of a healthy and alert

citi>enry. !ll educational institutions shallunderta:e re#ular sports acti"ities

throu#hout the country in cooperation 8ith athletic clubs and other sectors.*hiscurriculum shall contribute to the de"elopment of 9tness, health and 8ellness

amon# schoola#e students as pro"ided in the pro#ram?s rich and

challen#in#physical acti"ity experiences. 't shall promote the de"elopment of a

participati"e and acti"e body@ learnin# to use the body in mo"in# eAciently and

eBecti"ely in a#i"en space, time, eBort and assurance of uality mo"ement. *he

desire for becomin# a physically educated person, thus aid an indi"idual in

successfully selectin#and in participatin# in acti"ities appropriate at "arious sta#es

of life.'n order to facilitate the de"elopment of an acti"e lifestyle, selected and

appropriate acti"ities are desi#ned in line 8ith the 9"e strands of learnin# 8hich

include bodymana#ement, mo"ement s:ills, #ames and sports, rhythms and dance

and physical 9tness.5ody ana#ement includes body a8areness, space a8areness,

ualities and relationships of mo"ements and ho8 these are used dynamically in

"arious physicalacti"ities.o"ement s:ills relate to the fundamental mo"ement

patterns and s:ills that form the basis of all physical acti"ities.Games and sports

comprise simple, leadup and indi#enous #ames, that help in the acuisition of

proper sportin# techniues in preparation for #reater or competiti"eparticipation in

selected sports and recreational acti"ities.Rhythms and dances include

understandin# and performance of rhythmical mo"ement patterns@ promotion of the

appreciation of Philippine fol: dance, indi#enousand traditional dance and other

dance forms, and the pro9ciency in performin# a di"ersity of dances as contributory

acti"ities to achie"e 9tness, health and 8ellness.Physical 9tness includesassessment throu#h 9tness testin#, interpretin# and recordin#@ the desi#n and

implementation of appropriate pro#rams that 8ill de"elop andmaintain learners?

desired 9tness le"els.Each strand is seuentially de"eloped across #rade le"els.

!cti"ities are "aried and a#eappropriate to address the needs and interest of

learners and shall pro"idemo"ement experiences that enhance the in"ol"ement of

e"ery learner in all physical acti"ities for lifetime use.

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. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 *he inte#rated mo"ement approach enables the learner to relate the

mo"ement context to the de"elopment of motor s:ills and other combined use in a

"ariety ofacti"ities. *he approach shall enable the learner?s ability to apply these

concepts to their performance in a "ariety of physical education acti"ities in school

and in thecommunity they belon#. *his approach emphasi>es the identi9cation ofmo"ement potential 8hich are used as the means for transfer of learnin# and

inunderstandin# the human acti"ity.*his curriculum responds to the #o"ernment?s

thrust in achie"in# total participation and in"ol"ement of the 8hole learnin#

en"ironment "ia instructional support-uality instruction/, administrati"e support

-facilities and euipment/, public and pri"ate partnership -cooperati"e eBort/ and

the home and community support-parents and society/.

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 3i#ure 1. *he Conceptual 3rame8or: of Physical Education

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary1, 212 (earnin# !rea &tandardKey &ta#e &tandards&trands K F F H F 1*he

learner demonstratesunderstandin# of mo"ementconcepts and s:ills in preparation

foracti"e participation in "ariousphysical acti"ities.*he learner

demonstratesunderstandin# of principles inmo"ement, 9tness and healthfor acti"e

participation in "ariousphysical acti"ities.*he learner demonstratesunderstandin# of 

inte#ratin# physicalacti"ity beha"iors in achie"in# ahealthy lifestyle.5ody

ana#emento"ement &:illsPhysical 3itnessGames and &portsRhythms and

Dance*he learner demonstrates understandin# of the concept of physical acti"ities

in achie"in#, sustainin#, and promotin# an acti"e lifestyle for health,lifelon# 9tness

and 8ellness.

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 GR!DE (E;E( &*!D!RD&Grade (e"el Grade (e"el &tandardsGrade 1*he

learner demonstrates understandin# of the body and its parts, mo"ement s:ills,

locomotor and nonlocomotor s:ills, basic #ames,rhythmic and #ymnastics s:ills for

acti"e participation in "arious physical acti"ities.Grade 2Grade Grade *he learner

demonstrates understandin# of the importance of acuirin# mature patterns of

mo"ements as tools for acti"e participationin physical acti"ities to achie"e the

desired le"el of fitness and health= Exercise 'ndi"idual, dual, and team sports

Dance Recreational acti"itiesGrade Grade Grade H*he learner demonstrates

understandin# of personal health and 9tness in achie"in# indi"idual 8ellness for ahealthy lifestyle.Grade I*he learner demonstrates understandin# of family health

and 9tness in sustainin# family 8ellness for a healthy lifestyle.Grade < *he learner

demonstrates understandin# of en"ironmental and community health and 9tness in

sustainin# and promotin# community8ellness for a healthy lifestyle.Grade 1 *he

learner demonstrates understandin# of #lobal health and 9tness in promotin# #lobal

8ellness for a healthy lifestyle.

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H. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 H*able 1a F &cope and &euence of Physical Education from Grades 1

Grade (e"el &trands J1 J2 J JGR!DE 15ody mana#ement5ody !8areness

&pace !8areness Jualities of EBort Relationshipso"ement s:illsRhythms and

dance !ction &on#s &in#in# Games,Games and sports &imple Games,

Chasin#3leein# type #ames, imetics.Physical 9tness Participation in EnLoyable andchallen#in# Physical !cti"itiesGR!DE 25ody mana#ement5ody &hapes and

5ody!ctions(ocations, Directions,(e"els, Path8ays andPlanes*ime, 3orce and

3lo8Person, +bLects, usicand En"ironmento"ement s:ills (ocomotor, on

(ocomotor and anipulati"e &:illsRhythms and dance &imple 3ol: Dance and

Rhythmic Routines - Ribbon, $oop, 5alls, etc./Games and sports Relays and

RacesPhysical 9tness Posture and 5ody echanicsGR!DE 5ody mana#ement5ody

&hapes and 5ody!ctions(ocations, Directions,(e"els, Path8ays andPlanes*ime,

3orce and 3lo8Person, +bLects, usicand En"ironmento"ement s:ills (ocomotor,

on (ocomotor and anipulati"e &:illsRhythms and dance &imple 3ol: Dance and

Rhythmic Routines - Ribbon, $oop, 5alls, etc./Games and sports (eadup and

+r#ani>ed #ames - indi#enous/Physical 9tness Correcti"e ExercisesGR!DE 5ody

mana#ementPhysical 9tness 3itness testin#o"ement s:ills &elftestin#

acti"itiesGames and sports 'ndi"idual and dualsportsRhythms and dance 3ol: and


I. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 I*able 1a F &cope and &euence of Physical Education from Grades

HGrade (e"el &trands J1 J2 J JGR!DE 5ody mana#ementPhysical 9tness

3itness testin#o"ement s:ills 5asic principles ofexerciseGames and sports *eam

sportsRhythms and dance 3ol: and creati"edancesGR!DE 5ody

mana#ementPhysical 9tness 3itness testin#o"ement s:ills Exercisepro#ramdesi#nGames and sports *eam sportsRhythms and dance 3ol: and

creati"edancesGR!DE H5ody mana#emento"ement s:illsPhysical 9tness 3itness

components,bene9ts and testin#Games and sports 'ndi"idual sportsGames and

sports Dual sportsRhythms and dance (ocal and indi#enousdances

<. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 <*able 1d F &cope and &euence of Physical Education from Grade I

1Grade (e"el &trands J1 J2 J JGR!DE I5ody mana#emento"ement

s:illsPhysical 9tness $ealthrelated 9tnesscomponents,assessment andrelated

acti"ities-Cardio"ascular anduscular/Games and sports *eam sportsGames and

sports 'ndoor recreational acti"itiesRhythms and dance Re#ional and nationalfol:dances 8ith !sianinMuenceGR!DE <5ody mana#emento"ement s:illsGames and

sports &:illrelated 9tnesscomponents,assessment andrelatedacti"ities -sport

speci9c/Games and sports *eam sportsGames and sports +utdoor

recreationalacti"itiesRhythms and dance &ocial and ballroomdancesGR!DE 15ody

mana#emento"ement s:illsPhysical 9tness (ifelon# 9tness andphysical acti"ity

habitsGames and sports &ports leadershipGames and sports Recreational

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leadershipRhythms and dance +ther dance forms-$iphop, &treet Dance,3esti"al,


1. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 1GR!DE 1Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3'R&* J)!R*ER 3'R&* GR!D'G PER'+D5ody ana#ementando"ement &:illsRhythms and DanceGames and &portsPhysical 3itness*he

learner . . . demonstrates understandin# ofbody a8areness and mo"ements:ills

needed for participation inphysical acti"ities. demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"ement patterns throu#haction son#s. demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"ement acti"ities throu#hmimetics. demonstrates understandin# of"aluin#

one?s acti"e participationin "arious challen#in# acti"ities.*he learner . . . performs

mo"ement experiencesaccurately and efficiently by= 'dentifyin# and describin#

partsof the body. Creatin# shapes throu#h nonlocomotor mo"ement. 5alancin#

one, t8o, three, four,fi"e body parts. *ransferrin# 8ei#ht of bodyparts. performs

mo"ement seuences8hile sin#in#. imitates accurately mo"ements ofmachine,

animals, and nature de"elops "aluesoriented tas: inen#a#in# in a different

challen#in#acti"ities.*he learner . . . identifies and describe parts of the body=

thehead, shoulders, nec:, bac:, chest, 8aist,hips, arms, elbo8s, 8rists, hands,

fin#ers,le#s, :nees, an:les, feet, and toes. creates shapes by usin# non

locomotormo"ement . balances on one, t8o, three four and fi"ebody parts.

transfers 8ei#ht of body parts.!ction &on#s performs mo"ements 8hile

sin#in#.imetics imitates mechanical, animal and naturemo"ements.Physical

3itness enLoys hisher participation in the differentchallen#in# acti"ities.

11. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 11Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies&EC+D J)!R*ER &EC+D GR!D'G5ody ana#ement

ando"ement &:illsRhythms and DancesGames and &portsPhysical 3itness*he

learner . . . demonstrates understandin# ofspace a8areness and mo"ements:ills

needed for participation inphysical acti"ities. demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"ement patterns throu#haction son#s. demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"ement concepts used inparticipatin# simple #ames. demonstrates

understandin# inthe diBerent challen#es,successes, failures durin#participation in

physical acti"ities.*he learner . . . performs mo"ement experiences

indemonstratin# space a8arenessand mo"ement s:ills eAciently andaccurately

by= o"in# 8ithin lar#e #roup. *ra"ellin# in different path8ays 'dentifyin#

locomotors s:ills creates mo"ement seuences 8hilesin#in# performs simple

#ames by= reco#ni>in# terms for mo"in# inrelation to others participatin# in

simple #ames sho8s e"idence of acceptableresponses to challen#es,successes,

and failures durin#participation in physical acti"ities.*he learner . . .&pace

!8areness o"ement &:ills mo"es 8ithin a lar#e #roup 8ithoutbumpin# into

others or fallin#, 8hile usin#locomotor s:ills tra"els in strai#ht, cur"ed, and

>i#>a#path8ays= hi#h, medium and lo8 le"els. executes the locomotor s:ills of

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8al:, run,hop, Lump and leap.!ction &on#s creates mo"ements 8hile

sin#in#&imple Games reco#ni>es terms for mo"in# in relation toothers -lead,

follo8, chase, flee and dod#e/. participates in simple #ames.Physical 3itness

demonstrates acceptable responses tochallen#es, successes, and failures

durin#participation in physical acti"ities.

12. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 12Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies*$'RD J)!R*ER *$'RD GR!D'G5ody ana#ement ando"ement

&:illsRhythms and DanceGames and &portsPhysical 3itness*he learner . . .

demonstrates understandin# ofualities of eBort and mo"ements:ills needed in

participation inphysical acti"ities. demonstrates understandin# oftas:oriented

#ames 8hilesin#in#. demonstrates understandin# ofmo"ement experiences

inparticipatin# in different #ames8ith a partner and obLects oreuipment.

demonstrates understandin# ofsharin# and cooperation inphysical acti"ities.*he

learner . . . performs mo"ement experiencesaccurately and effecti"ely by=

demonstratin# contrast bet8eenslo8 and fast. demonstratin# the

differencebet8een hea"y and li#ht. demonstratin# the differencebet8een free

and bound. excellently performs tas:oriented#ames 8hile sin#in#. performs

simple #ames 8ith apartner and obLects or euipment. acts as a #ood team player

inphysical acti"ities.*he learner . . .Jualities of effort o"ement &:ills

demonstrates contrast bet8een slo8 andfast speeds 8hile usin# locomotor s:ills.

demonstrates the difference bet8een hea"yand li#ht 8hile mo"in#. demonstrates

the difference bet8een freeand bound.&in#in# Games sin#s and performs tas: F

oriented #amesat the same time.&imple Games participates in simple #ames 8ith

a partnerand obLects or euipment.Physical 3itness demonstrates the

characteristics of sharin#and cooperation in physical acti"ities.

1. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 1Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3+)R*$ J)!R*ER 3+)R*$ GR!D'G5ody ana#ement

ando"ement &:illsRhythms and DanceGames and &portsPhysical 3itness*he

learner . . . demonstrates understandin# ofrelationships and mo"ements:ills

needed in participation inphysical acti"ities. demonstrates understandin#

ofin"entin# oriented #ames 8hilesin#in#. demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"ement experiences inparticipatin# in simple #roup#ames. demonstrates

understandin# ofenLoyment in participation in"arious challen#in#

physicalacti"ities.*he learner . . . performs mo"ement experiencesaccurately and

effecti"ely by= demonstratin# the relationshipsof under, o"er, behind, next

to,throu#h, ri#ht, left, up, do8n,for8ard, bac:8ard and in frontof by usin# the body

and anobLect. Lump o"er a stationary obLectse"eral times in succession,usin#

for8ardandbac:8ardand sidetoside mo"ementpatterns. in"ents tas:oriented

#ames 8hilesin#in#. participates in simple #roup #ames. sho8s enLoyment

participatin# inchallen#in# physical acti"ities.*he learner . . .Relationships

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o"ement &:ills demonstrates the relationship of under,o"er, behind, next to,

throu#h, ri#ht, left, up,do8n, for8ard, bac:8ard and in front of byusin# the body

and an obLect. Lumps o"er a stationary obLect se"eraltimes in succession, usin#

for8ard andbac: and sidetoside mo"ement patterns.&in#in# Games in"ents

tas:oriented sin#in# #ames&imple Games participates in simple #roup

#amesPhysical 3itness enLoys one?s participation in physicalacti"ities that are


1. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 1GR!DE 2Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3'R&* J)!R*ER 3'R&* GR!D'G5ody &hapes and

5ody!ctionso"ement s:ills&imple fol: dance andrhythmic routinesRelays and

racesPosture and 5odyechanics*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin#

ofbody shapes and body actionsneeded in "arious mo"ementacti"ities

demonstrates understandin# ofmo"ement s:ills needed inperformin# "arious

physicalacti"ities demonstrates understandin# ofsimple fol: dance and

rhythmicroutines demonstrates understandin# ofthe "alue of participation in

relaysand races demonstrates understandin# ofposture and body mechanics*he

learner . . . demonstrates body shapes andactions properly by

balancin#himselfherself demonstratin#momentary stillness in symmetricaland

asymmetrical shapes usin#body parts other than both feet as abase of support

performs mo"ement s:illsaccurately by diBerentiatin# a Lo#and a run, a hop and a

 Lump, a#allop and a slide demonstrates locomotor s:ills indifferent rhythmical

responses formusicality performs locomotor s:ills byrespondin# to e"en and

une"enmusic participates in simple relays andraces such as territory or

in"asion#ames en#a#es in a simpleterritoryin"asion #ames@ line, circleand

shuttle relays assesses personal body postureand mechanics conducts

assessment of bodyposture*he learner . . .5ody &hapes and 5ody !ctions

demonstrates momentary stillness insymmetrical and asymmetrical shapesusin#

body parts other than both feet as abase of supporto"ement s:ills differentiates

a Lo# and a run, a hop and aLump, a #allop and a slide&imple fol: dance and

rhythmic routines demonstrates locomotor s:ills in responseto e"en and une"en

musicRelays and races participates in simple territory in"asion#ames@ line, circle

and shuttle relaysPostures and 5ody echanics !ssess body posture

1. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 1Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies&EC+D J)!R*ER &EC+D GR!D'G(ocations, Directions,(e"els,Path8ays andPlaneso"ement s:ills&imple fol: dance andrhythmic routinesRelays

and racesPosture and 5odyechanics*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin#

oflocations, directions, le"els,path8ays and planes demonstrates understandin#

onmo"ement s:ills demonstrates understandin# ofsimple fol: dance and

rhythmicroutines demonstrates understandin# ofplayin# 8ith partner and #roup

demonstrates understandin# of#ood posture and bodymechanics*he learner . . .

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demonstrates locomotor mo"ementsfollo8in# commands for directions,le"els,

path8ays and planes demonstrates Lumpin#, s:ippin# andleapin# s:ills

performs series of mo"ementpatterns usin# "arious mo"ements:ills performs

rhythmic acti"ities 8ithpartner and euipment performs simple fol: and

rhythmicseuences usin# "ariousimplements participates in relays and races

8ithpartner and #roup en#a#es acti"ely in relays and races8ith partner and in

#roup. practices correct posture 8hilesittin#, 8al:in# and standin# performs

accurately the properposture and body mechanics insittin#, 8al:in#, and

standin#*he learner . . .(ocations, Directions, (e"els, Path8ays andPlanes hops

consecuti"ely on the ri#ht and on theleft foot. leaps side8ard lo8 and for8ard

hi#ho"ement s:ills Lumps for distance, landin# on both feet andbendin# the

hips, :nees, and an:les toreduce the impact of force s:ips and leaps, usin# proper

form&imple fol: dance and rhythmic routines performs rhythmic seuences 8ith a

partnerusin# a ribbon, hoop, ball, etc.Relays and races participates in partner and

#roup relaysPosture and 5ody echanics practices correct posture 8hile

sittin#,8al:in# and standin#

1. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 1Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies*$'RD J)!R*ER*$'RD GR!D'G PER'+D*ime, 3orce and

3lo8o"ement &:ills&imple 3ol: Dance andRhythmic routinesRelays and

RacesPosture and 5odyechanics*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"ement in relation to time,force and flo8 demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"ement s:ills in catchin#mo"ement demonstrates understandin# ofthro8in#

action or mo"ement demonstrates understandin# ofsimple rhythmic routines

demonstrates understandin# ofthe concept of play andcompetition demonstrates

understandin# inthe practice of correct posture*he learner . . . describes the

concept of mo"in#and chan#in# speech, direction indifferent situations sho8s

ho8 the element of time,force, and Mo8 can aBectmo"ement to and a8ay from

oneanother demonstrates correct position of thehand and body 8hile catchin# a

ballin different le"els explains the thro8in# s:ills 8ithpartner in stationary and

dynamicaction performs correct s:ills in thro8in#and catchin# a ball in

"ariousmo"ement forms. demonstrates simple dance mixes8ith partner and

#roup performs simple fol: dance andrhythmic routines by

demonstratin#mo"ement concepts in simple danceand rhythmic routine

participates in relays and races en#a#es in a simple competition ofthro8 and

catch relays and races exhibits correct posture in differentaction such as pushin#,

pic:in# andpullin#*he learner . . .*ime, 3orce and 3lo8 describes ho8 chan#in#

speed anddirection can allo8 one person to mo"ea8ay from one anothero"ement

&:ills demonstrates the correct hand position8hen catchin# a ball abo"e the head

,belo8 the 8aist, near the middle of thebody, and a8ay from the body explains

the diBerence bet8een thro8in# toa stationary partner and thro8in# to amo"in#

partner&imple 3ol: Dance and Rhythmic routines applies mo"ement concepts

8hen aloneand 8ith others in simple dance mixes e.#.:amayan, alahoy, apat

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apatRelays and Races competes in thro8 and catch relays andracesPosture and

5ody echanics practices correct posture 8hile pic:in# upthin#s and pullin# and

pushin# obLects.

1H. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 1HContent Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#Competencies3+)R*$ J)!R*ER 3+)R*$ GR!D'GPerson, +bLects, usicand

En"ironmento"ement s:ills&imple fol: dance andrhythmic routinesRelays and

racesPosture and bodymechanics*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin#

ofself testin# acti"ities demonstrates understandin# ofho8 to mana#e the body

in"arious mo"ement acti"itiesrelatin# to person, obLects,music and en"ironment

demonstrates understandin# ofunderhand and o"erheadthro8s demonstrates

understandin# ofmo"ement s:ills employin#thro8 patterns and stri:in# s:ills

demonstrates understandin# ofs:ills of stri:in# demonstrates understandin#

ofsimple fol: dance demonstrates understandin# ofrelays and races

demonstrates understandin# onho8 to ta# and dod#e in relaysand races acti"ities

demonstrates understandin# ofposture chec: demonstrates understandin#

ofimpro"in# posture and relatedacti"ities*he learner . . . participates in self

testin# acti"itiesin simple rolls participates in dramati>in# situationssuch as

matter conditions sho8s ho8 the body is mana#ed in"arious mo"ement

acti"itiesin"ol"in# person, obLects, music anden"ironment participates in the

underhand ando"erhand thro8in# s:ills executes properly "ariousmo"ement s:ills

sho8in# thro8pattern and stri:in# s:ills demonstrates stri:in# s:ills correctly

demonstrates fol: dance s:ills in thedance !litaptap executes 8ith enLoyment the

simpledance alitaptap participates in ta##in# and dod#in#relays and races

sho8s interest and enLoyment 8hileen#a#in# in ta##in# and dod#in#relays and

races assesses himselfherself for correctposture in different acti"ities en#a#es

acti"ely in acti"ities thatimpro"e hisher posture*he learner . . .Person, +bLects,

usic and En"ironment participates in selftestin# acti"ities e.#.Chinese #et up,

roll 8ith a ball, beat a drumor tambourines, dramati>e 8eatherconditionso"ement

s:ills identifies opportunities to use underhandand o"erhand mo"ement -thro8

patterns/ identifies different opportunities to usestri:in# s:ills&imple fol: dance

and rhythmic routines Perform the dance !litaptapRelays and races performs

ta##in# and dod#in# relays andracesPosture and body mechanics performs

acti"ities that impro"e posture relay, line 8al:

1I. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 1IGR!DE Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#Competencies3'R&* J)!R*ER 3'R&* GR!D'G5ody &hapes and

5ody!ctionso"ement s:ills&imple fol: dance andRhythmic routines(eadup and

+r#ani>edGamesCorrecti"e Exercisesfor posture*he learner . . . demonstrates

understandin# ofbody shapes and actions demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"ement s:ills of the lo8erextremities demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"ement s:ills employin#:ic:in# and foot dribblin# in"arious directions

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demonstrates understandin# ofsimple rhythmic routines demonstrates

understandin# ofrhythmic routines in"ol"in# theuse of "arious implements e.#balls,

hoops, etc demonstrates understandin# oflead up and or#ani>ed #ames

demonstrates understandin# onho8 to play :ic:ball demonstrates understandin#

ofcorrecti"e exercises to impro"eposture*he learner . . . demonstrates balance

s:ills indifferent support performs balancin# acti"ities byusin# a 8ider to a narro8

base ofsupport demonstrates :ic:in# s:ills and footdribblin# mo"ement

performs accurately the s:ills in:ic:in# and foot dribblin# in "ariousdirections

demonstrates rhythmic acti"ities8ith implements such as balls orhoops

participates in lead up #ames suchas :ic: ball performs correcti"e exercises

suchas conditionin# and flexibilityexercises en#a#es acti"ely in

"ariousconditionin# and Mexibility exercisesto impro"e posture*he learner . . .5ody

&hapes and 5ody !ctions balances himselfherself from a 8ider to anarro8 base

of supporto"ement s:ills :ic:s the ball to a stationary partner footdribbles

continuously 8hile tra"elin#and chan#in# direction&imple fol: dance and Rhythmic

routines performs rhythmic routines 8ith implements-balls or hoops/(eadup and

+r#ani>ed Games plays Kic: 5allCorrecti"e Exercises for posture performs

conditionin# and Mexibilityexercises

1<. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 1<Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies&EC+D J)!R*ER &EC+D GR!D'G(ocations, Directions,(e"els,

Path8ays andPlanesanipulati"e s:ills&imple fol: dance andRhythmic routines(ead

up and +r#ani>edGamesCorrecti"e Exercises*he learner . . . demonstrates

understandin# oMocomotor mo"ements in diBerentlocation, direction

le"els,path8ays and planes demonstrates understandin# ofmanipulati"e

mo"ement s:ills demonstrates understandin# ofdribblin# a ball around

anobstacles demonstrates understandin# ofrhythmic routines 8ithimplements

demonstrates understandin# ofrhythmic routines in"ol"in# theuse of an implements

-ropes orstic:s/ demonstrates understandin# oflo8 or#ani>ed #ames and localor

indi#enous #ames demonstrates understandin# ofcorrecti"e exercises*he

learner . . . demonstrates locomotor s:ills suchas #allop, s:ip, and slide

executes correctly the #allop, s:ip,and slide in a constantly chan#in#en"ironment

demonstrates manipulati"e acti"itiessuch as hand handdribblin# indiBerent

obstacles performs rhythmic acti"ities 8ithropes and stic:s participates in local

or indi#enous#ames such as Patintero etc. participates acti"ely in playin#different

local or indi#enous #ames assesses self in different correcti"eexercises

executes properly the diBerentexercises for the nec:, arm, andshoulder*he

learner . . .(ocations, Directions, (e"els, Path8ays andPlanes performs #allop, s:ip

and slide in aconstantly chan#in# en"ironmentanipulati"e s:ills handdribbles a

ball continuously 8hilemo"in# around obstacles&imple fol: dance and rhythmic

routines performs rhythmic routines 8ith implement-ropes or stic:s/(eadup and

+r#ani>ed Games plays a local or indi#enous #ame e.#.Patintero, (u:son# tini:,

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 *a#uan, *umban#PresoCorrecti"e Exercises performs nec:, arm and shoulder


2. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 2Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies*$'RD J)!R*ER *$'RD GR!D'G*ime, 3orce and 3lo8anipulati"es:ills&imple fol: dance andRhythmic routines(eadup and +r#ani>edGames

-'ndi#enous/Correcti"e Exercises*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"in# the body accordin# totime, flo8 and force demonstrates understandin#

ofmanipulati"e s:ills demonstrates understandin# onho8 to stri:e a ball usin#

animplement demonstrates understandin# ofsimple rhythmic acti"ity

demonstrates understandin# oMeadup #ames, indi#enous#ames and or#ani>ed

#ames demonstrates understandin# ofcorrecti"e exercises*he learner . . .

demonstrates ability to mo"e indiBerent situation, ability to leap,mo"e arms and

body parts todescribe li#ht and hea"ymo"ements performs "arious

mo"ementacti"ities sho8in# time, force, andflo8 by= chan#in# one?s place

leapin# o"er obstacles shiftin# one?s arms in dancedescribin# li#ht or #entle

doin# series of balancin#mo"ements demonstrates mo"ement 8ithimplement

such as battin# a ball performs 8ith accuracy the s:ills instri:in# usin# an

implement executes simple rhythmic acti"ity en#a#es acti"ely in a dancin#

y3irst Dance or (ittle Playmates plays indi#enous and any local orre#ional

#ames sho8s enthusiasm in playin#indi#enous #ames of "ariousre#ions

performs trun: and le# exercises executes properly the differentexercises for the

nec:, arm, andshoulder*he learner . . .*ime, 3orce and 3lo8 chan#es hisher place

as the situationdictates leaps o"er obstacles shifts hisher arms in dance to

describe li#htor #entle series of mo"ements to stoppin# 8ithbalance maintained,

then continuin# toanother static mo"ementanipulati"e &:ills stri:es a ball 8ith

an implement&imple 3ol: Dance and Rhythmic routines performs creati"e dance

e.#. y 3irstDance, (ittle Playmates(eadup and +r#ani>ed Games -'ndi#enous/

plays indi#enous #ames of "arious re#ionsCorrecti"e Exercises performs trun:

and le# exercises

21. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 21Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3+)R*$ J)!R*ER 3+)R*$ GR!D'GPerson, +bLects, usicand

En"ironmento"ement s:ills&imple fol: dance andrhythmic routinesRelays and

racesCorrecti"e Exercises*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin#

ofmo"ement in relation to person,obLects, music and en"ironment demonstrates

understandin# ofbasic s:ills in sports demonstrates understandin# ofsimple fol:

dance demonstrates understandin# ofrelays and races demonstrates

understandin# ofcorrecti"e exercises*he learner . . . demonstrates rollin#,

thro8in#mo"ements in "arious situation demonstrates Lumpin# s:ills

8ithbalanced landin# demonstrates simple s:ills in"olleyball such as

"olleyin#,bouncin# executes Lump rope acti"ities performs the dance *i:los

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performs ta##in# and dod#in# inrelays and races assesses himselfherself

throu#hbody conditionin#*he learner . . .Person, +bLects, usic and En"ironment

'dentifies the :ey elements for increasin#accuracy in rollin# and thro8in# a ball

rolls and thro8s a ball for accuracy to8ard atar#et demonstrates soft and

balanced landin#sfrom diBerent hei#hts -e.#. Moor, bench, lo8beam, box,

etc./o"ement s:ills identifies :ey body positions used for"olleyin# a ball

"olleys and tosses a ball bounces a ball Lumpropes acti"ities&imple fol: dance

and rhythmic routines performs *i:losRelays and races performs ta##in# and

dod#in# relays andracesCorrecti"e Exercises performs total body conditionin#


22. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 22GR!DE F Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3'R&* J)!R*ER 3'R&* GR!D'G3itness *estin#*he learner . . .

demonstrates understandin# ofphysical fitness test*he learner . . . identifies

fitness components forappropriate exercises performs physical fitness test-health

related fitness/*he learner . . . reco#ni>es the fitness components identifies

examples of appropriate exerciseor acti"ity for each component performs health F

related fitness tests&EC+D J)!R*ER &EC+D GR!D'G&elf*estin# !cti"ities

demonstrates understandin# ofself testin# acti"ities performs exercises and

acti"ities toenhance health related fitness performs appropriate exercises or

acti"itiesto enhance healthrelated 9tness*$'RD J)!R*ER *$'RD GR!D'G3ol: and

Creati"eDances demonstrates understandin# offol: and creati"e dance

performs the fol: dance &ubli perform the dance &ubli3+)R*$ J)!R*ER

3+)R*$ GR!D'G'ndi"idual and Dual&ports demonstrates understandin#

ofindi"idual and dual sports participates in athletics, s8immin#,combati"e sports

and rac:et sportsen#a#es in any of the follo8in#= athleticss8immin# combati"e

sport e.#. tae:8ondo, :arate rac:et sports

2. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 2GR!DE Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3'R&* J)!R*ER 3'R&* GR!D'G3itness *estin#*he learner . . .

demonstrates understandin# ofphysical fitness test*he learner . . . identifies

health related fitnesscomponents 8ith appropriateexercises relates the

importance of fitness insports and other acti"ities*he learner . . . identifies and

tests s:illrelated fitnesscomponents relates the importance of s:ill related

9tnesscomponents to sports performance&EC+D J)!R*ER &EC+D

GR!D'G5asic principles ofexercise demonstrates understandin# ofbasic

principles in exercise andacti"ities performs appropriate physicalexercises

explains the different exercise principles en#a#es in sustained and

intermittentmoderate to "i#orous physical acti"ities*$'RD J)!R*ER *$'RD

GR!D'G3ol: and Creati"eDances demonstrates understandin# offol: dance

#racefully performs the fol: danceCariNosa performs the dance CariNosa3+)R*$

J)!R*ER 3+)R*$ GR!D'G*eam sports demonstrates understandin# ofteam

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sports participates in sports acti"ities En#a#e in any of the follo8in#=

"olleyball bas:etball softballbaseball football futsal ultimate

2. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 2GR!DE Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3'R&* J)!R*ER 3'R&* GR!D'G3itness *estin#*he learner . . .

demonstrates understandin# ofphysical fitness test*he learner . . . identifies

exercises appropriate forhealth needs interprets fitness test results*he

learner . . . determines exercise intensity throu#h heartrate interprets personal

results of the 9tness testand identi9es areas for impro"ement&EC+D J)!R*ER

&EC+D GR!D'GExercise Pro#ramDesi#n demonstrates understandin#

ofpro#ram desi#n desi#ns personal exercise andacti"ities desi#ns and

implement an exercisepro#ram based on the 4$+ PhilippineGuidelines for Physical

!cti"ity*$'RD J)!R*ER *$'RD GR!D'G3ol: and Creati"eDances demonstrates

understandin# ofPhilippine fol: dance performs the fol: dance a#lalati:for boys

and 'ti:'ti: for #irls performs the dance a#lalati: -boys/, 'ti:'ti: -#irls/3+)R*$

J)!R*ER 3+)R*$ GR!D'G*eam sports demonstrates understandin# ofteam

sports performs and en#a#es in differentteam sportsEn#a#e in any of the

follo8in#= "olleyball bas:etball softballbaseball football futsal ultimate

2. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 2GR!DE F HContent Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3'R&* J)!R*ER 3'R&* GR!D'G3'*E&&C+P+E*&,5EE3'*&

!D*E&*'GPhysical 3itness Concept andPrinciple *est and!ssessment

&upplemental!cti"ities*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin# ofthe concept

and principles ofphysical fitness to impro"eoneself*he learner . . . desi#ns and

implements apersonali>ed exercise pro#ram toimpro"e and sustain the desiredle"el

of fitness*he learner . . . reco#ni>es and appreciates the importanceof physical

fitness for himselfherself differentiates the physical fitnesscomponents

promotes the bene9ts of physical acti"itye.#. -#reater 8or: capacity,

performanceenhancement, healthy 8ei#ht, pre"ention o9nLuries, cardio"ascular

diseases anddiabetes for optimal health and fitness/ foroptimal health selects and

performs appropriate physicalfitness tests that 8ill assess one?s fitnessle"el

interprets physical fitness test results. selects and performs fitness acti"ities

that8ill impro"e hisher 9tness le"el&EC+D J)!R*ER &EC+D

GR!D'G'D';'D)!( &P+R*&-athletics s8immin#/ demonstrates understandin#

ofthe benefits that can be deri"edfrom participatin# in indi"idualsports performs

indi"idual sports re#ularlyto achie"e fitness describes the naturebac:#round

ofindi"idual -athletics or s8immin#/ sports explains the benefits deri"ed from

playin#indi"idual sports exhibits self direction by correctin#himselfherself and

others -e.#. peers/8hen playin# indi"idual sports executes proficiently the basic

s:ills andtactics of the sports. officiates practice and actual #ames byapplyin#

:no8led#e of rules and re#ulationsof the sport.

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2. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 2*$'RD J)!R*ER *$'RD GR!D'G3+)R*$ J)!R*ER 3+)R*$

GR!D'GContent Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

CompetenciesD)!( &P+R*&-arnis badminton tabletennis tennis/*he learner . . .

demonstrates understandin# ofthe bene9ts that can be deri"edfrom participatin# in

dual sports.*he learner . . . performs re#ularly in dual sports toachie"e fitness.*he

learner . . . describes the naturebac:#round of dual-arnis and badmintontable

tennis tennis/sports. explains the benefits deri"ed from playin#dual sports.

exhibits self direction by correctin#oneself and others -e.#. peers/ 8henplayin#

dual sports. executes proficiently the basic s:ills andtactics of the sports.

oAciates practice and actual #ames byapplyin# :no8led#e of rules andre#ulations

of the sport.(+C!( !D 'D'GE+)&D!CE& demonstrates understandin# oflocal

and indi#enous Philippinedances that promote physicalfitness. performs s:illfully

local and indi#enousdances as physical acti"ity thatpromotes physical fitness.

discusses the naturebac:#round of localand indi#enous dances. explains

si#nificant benefits to health andfitness 8hen fol: dancin#. performs basic steps

peculiar to each dance. executes rhythmic patterns of selected localand

indi#enous dances throu#h "arious8ays. describes costumes, props and

accessoriesof local and indi#enous fol: dances. interprets dance fi#ures correctly

follo8in#the step by step instruction of the teacher. performs fi#ures of the dance

8ith #race,form and sense of rhythm.

2H. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 2HGR!DE F IContent Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3'R&* J)!R*ER 3'R&* GR!D'G3'*E&& C+P+E*&,5EE3'*&

!D *E&*'GPhysical 3itness Concept andPrinciple *est !ssessment

&upplemental!cti"ities*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin#of the benefits

that the familycan deri"ed from healthrelated fitness -$R3/*he learner . . . plans

physical acti"ities for themembers of the family to attain thedesired le"el of health

related fitness*he learner . . . identifies the physical acti"ity habits of thefamily in

terms of healthrelated fitnesscomponents assesses the family?s stren#ths

and8ea:nesses in the components of $R3 performs exercises to

enhancecardio"ascular and muscular fitness promotes cardio"ascular and

muscular9tness acti"ities to hisher family&EC+D J)!R*ER &EC+D

GR!D'G*eam &ports-bas:etball "olleyballsoftball baseball footballfutsal

ultimate/ demonstrates understandin#of the benefits that the familycan deri"e

from participatin#in team sports en#a#es family members in teamsports to

promote fitness, health and8ellness discusses the naturebac:#round of

teamsports-bas:etball"olleyballsoftballbaseballfootballfutsalulimate/ explains

the health and fitness benefitsderi"ed from playin# team sports acuires family

"alues -e.#. fairness,respect for authority/ 8hen participatin# inteam sports

proficiently executes basic s:ills and tacticsin team sports interprets rules and

re#ulations of teamsports en#a#es in officiatin# team sports

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2I. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 2IContent Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies*$'RD J)!R*ER *$'RD GR!D'GRecreational

!cti"ities-'ndoor/'ndoor Recreationalacti"ities Chessdominochinese

chec:ers#ames of the#eneralsmonopolyscrabblebin#ocard#ames*he

learner . . . demonstrates understandin#of the benefits that the familycan deri"e

from participatin#in indoor recreationalacti"ities*he learner . . . en#a#es family

members in indoorrecreational acti"ities to promote9tness, health and 8ellness*he

learner . . . discusses the naturebac:#round of indoorrecreational

acti"ities-chessdominochinese chec:ers#ames ofthe

#eneralsmonopolyscrabblebin#ocard #ames/ explains the health and fitness

benefitsderi"ed from playin# recreational acti"ities acuires family "alues -e.#.

fairness,respect for authority/ 8hen participatin# inindoor recreational acti"ities

proficiently executes basic s:ills and tacticsin indoor recreational acti"ities

interprets rules and re#ulations of indoorrecreational acti"ities3+)R*$ J)!R*ER

3+)R*$ GR!D'G(ocal and 'ndi#enousDances 5inisla:an&a:utin# &ua:o

&uaPan#alay demonstrates understandin# ofre#ional and Philippine

ationalDances to promote the fitness,health and 8ellness of thefamily performs

s:illfully re#ional andPhilippine ational Dances topromote 9tness, health and

8ellnessin the family promotes fol: dancin# as a physical acti"ity8ithin the

family traces the ori#inlocation of fol: dance byits costumemusic executes

rhythmic patterns of selectedre#ional and national dances 8ith !sianinMuence

-5inisla:an&a:utin# &ua:o&uaPan#alay/ demonstrates mastery of basic steps

in fol:dancin# identifies the meanin# of the #estures andhand mo"ements of fol:

dance identified interprets fol: dance literature relates fol: dancin# to the

enhancement ofone?s character throu#h cultural education

2<. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 2<GR!DE F <Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3'R&* J)!R*ER 3'R&* GR!D'G&:illRelated 3itnessComponents

&R3 !thletic *rainin#*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin#of s:illrelated

9tness -&R3/as critical to achie"in# the9tness, health and 8ellness ofthe

community*he learner . . . ta:es part in promotin# andachie"in# community

9tness, healthand 8ellness throu#h sur"eys andde"elopment of

promotionalmaterials throu#h &R3 and athletictrainin#*he learner . . . classifies

the physical acti"ities of thecommunity in terms of s:illrelated fitnesscomponents

underta:es athletic trainin# for9tness-circuit, inter"al, plyometrics,functional and

core stren#ht, speed,a#ility, and reacti"ity trainin#/&EC+D J)!R*ER &EC+D

GR!D'G*eam &ports-bas:etball "olleyballsoftball baseball footballfutsal

ultimate/ demonstrates understandin# ofteam sports ta:es part in promotin#

and achie"in#community 9tness, health and8ellness throu#h sur"eys

andde"elopment of promotionalmaterials throu#h team sports discusses the

naturebac:#round of

teamsports-bas:etball"olleyballsoftballbaseballfootballfutsalultimate/ explains

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the health and fitness benefitsderi"ed from playin# team sports assesses ho8 the

community "aluesparticipatin# in team sports@ and adheresto en"ironmental ethics

-e.#. (ea"e o*race Ethics/ proficiently executes basic s:ills andtactics in team

sports interprets rules and re#ulations of teamsports en#a#es in officiatin#

team sports andacti"ities that preser"emaintain andenhance the en"ironment

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies*$'RD J)!R*ER *$'RD GR!D'GRecreational !cti"ities-+utdoor/

+utdoorRecreational!cti"ities*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin#

ofrecreational acti"ities*he learner . . . ta:es part in promotin# andachie"in#

community 9tness, healthand 8ellness throu#h sur"eys andde"elopment of

promotionalmaterials throu#h recreationalacti"ities*he learner . . . discusses the

naturebac:#round ofoutdoor recreational acti"ities

-hi:in#mountaineerin#campin#bi:in#orienteerin#/ explains the health and

fitness benefitsderi"ed from playin# outdoor recreationalacti"ities assesses ho8

the community "aluesparticipatin# in safety principles inoutdoor recreationalacti"ities proficiently executes basic s:ills andtactics in outdoor recreational

acti"ities interprets rules and re#ulations of outdoorrecreational acti"ities

en#a#es in oAciatin# outdoor acti"itiesthat preser"emaintain and enhance

theen"ironment -e.#. tree plantin#, cleanups/3+)R*$ J)!R*ER 3+)R*$

GR!D'G&ocial and 5allroomDances &ocial dance 5allroom dance

demonstrates understandin# ofthe bene9ts that can be deri"edfrom en#a#in# in

social dancesto promote community 8ellness. . participates acti"ely 8ith

members ofthe community in performin# andorpatroni>in# social and

ballroomdances to promote physical acti"itiesas a means to achie"e lifelon#9tness,

health and 8ellness amon#the members of the community discusses the nature

and bac:#round ofsocial and ballroom dances describes the benefits of social

dancin# inthe community demonstrates fundamentals of social andballroom

dances creates other styles and combinations ofsocial dances for the

community en#a#es consistently in social andballroom dances 8ith the

community toattain health and 9tness

1. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 1GR!DE 1Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3'R&* J)!R*ER 3'R&* GR!D'G(ifelon# 3itness andPhysical !cti"ity

$abits*he learner . . . demonstrates understandin# ofthe "alue of lifelon#

9tness,health and 8ellness as critical tothe 8elfare of the members ofthesociety*he learner . . . plans appropriate fitness acti"itiesfor the members of

the society toachie"e lifelon# fitness, health and8ellness*he learner . . . describes

the "alue and importance of ahealthy lifestyle in attainin# lifelon# fitness desi#ns

and implements a lifelon# fitnesspro#ram e"aluates the physical acti"ity habits

ofthe society en#a#es consistently in lifelon# fitnessacti"ities to attain

8ellness&EC+D J)!R*ER &EC+D GR!D'G&ports (eadership demonstrates

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understandin# ofthe bene9ts deri"ed fromexercisin# sports leadership insports for

the promotion oMifelon# 9tness, health and8ellness amon# diBerent sectorsof the

society exercises sports leadership in orderto promote sports acti"ities in

thesociety describes the "alue and importance of sportsleadership in promotin#

acti"e lifestyles inthe society demonstrates the reuisite ualitiestraits ofa sports

leader discusses principles of or#ani>in# sportsacti"ities in the society

or#ani>es, implements and assesses sportsacti"ities.*$'RD J)!R*ER *$'RD

GR!D'GRecreational(eadership demonstrates understandin# ofthe benefits

deri"ed fromexercisin# recreational acti"itiesfor the promotion of lifelon#9tness,

health and 8ellnessamon# different sectors of thesociety exercises recreational

leadership inorder to promote sports acti"ities inthe society describes the "alue

and importance ofrecreational leadership in promotin# acti"elifestyles in the

society demonstrates the reuisite ualitiestraitsof a recreational leader

discusses principles of or#ani>in#recreational acti"ities in the society or#ani>es,

implements and assessesrecreational acti"ities.

2. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary1, 212 2Content Content &tandards Performance &tandards (earnin#

Competencies3+)R*$ J)!R*ER 3+)R*$ GR!D'G PER'+D+ther Dance

3orms-$iphop, &treet Dance,3esti"al Dance,Contemporary etc./ demonstrates

understandin# ofthe bene9ts that can be deri"edfrom en#a#in# in other danceforms

to achie"e lifelon# fitness. participates acti"ely 8ith membersof the society in

performin# andorpatroni>in# other dance forms topromote physical acti"ities as

ameans to achie"e lifelon# 9tness,health and 8ellness amon# themembers of the

society discusses the nature and bac:#round ofother dance forms identifies the

benefits of participatin# inother dance forms demonstrates fundamentals of other

danceforms creates other styles of other dance forms en#a#es consistently in

other dance formsto appreciate 8orld8ide trends andimpro"e one?s 9tness and


. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 Glossary!bduction mo"ement of a limb a8ay from the median axis of

the body.!cademic learnin# time -!(*PE/. *he time a student is en#a#ed 8ith

lesson content at an appropriate le"el of diAculty.!ccent emphasis on a beat,

usually, but not al8ays, the 9rst beat of the measure.!ccident an unforeseen

e"ent occurrin# 8ithout the 8ill or desi#n of the person 8hose act causes it.!cti"ity

curriculum model. !n acti"itycentered curriculum model in 8hich teachin# a

"ariety of acti"ities is the primary focus.!dapted Physical Education De"elopmentally appropriate acti"ities for students 8ith limitations 8ho may not

safely or successfully en#a#e in unrestrictedparticipation in "arious acti"ities of the

#eneral physical education pro#ram.!dduction mo"ement of a limb to8ard the

median axis of the body or closer to#ether -similar parts such as 9n#ers/.!d"ance

mo"e for8ard, usually 8ith 8al:in# steps.!d"anced &:ills s:ills used in sport

applications.!d"enture odel a curriculum model in 8hich #oals are focused on

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buildin# selfesteem, cooperation, trust, challen#e, and problem sol"in#.!erobic

!cti"ity li#ht to "i#orous intensity physical acti"ity that reuires more oxy#en than

sedentary beha"ior and thus promotes cardio"ascular9tness and other health

bene9ts -e.#. Lumpin# rope, bi:in#, s8immin#, runnin#@ playin# soccer, bas:etball,

or "olleyball/.!erobic EAciency ability of the body to supply fuel and oxy#en to the

muscles.!erobic Exercise. exercise performed in the absence of oxy#en.!Becti"eDe"elopment.the de"elopment of attitudes and "alues.!#ility the ability to shift

the body in diBerent directions uic:ly and eAciently.!#ility !pparatus. all types of

indoor and outdoor climbin# apparatus.!naerobic !cti"ity. intense physical acti"ity

that is short in duration and reuires a brea:do8n of ener#y sources in the absence

of suAcient oxy#en.ener#y sources are replenished as an indi"idual reco"ers from

the acti"ity. !naerobic acti"ity -e.#., sprintin# durin# runnin#,s8immin#, or bi:in#/

reuires maximal performances durin# a brief period.!naerobic Exercise. exercise

performed in the absence of oxy#en.!pparatus 4or:. the second part of a

#ymnastic lesson. !lso, the second part of a o"ement Education lesson, concerned

8ith the application ofmo"ement ideas to lar#e and small apparatus.!rch. t8o

dancers Loin inside hands and raise their arms.!ssessment. process that enables

teachers to e"aluate a student?s performance, :no8led#e or

achie"ement.!symmetry. a position or mo"ement characteri>ed by the une"enness

of opposite parts of the body.!thletics. structured participation in or#ani>ed

sports.!trophy. a reduction in si>e.!ttac:. players 8ho are desi#nated as for8ard

line players.!ttac:in# *eam. the team that has possession of the ball@ also :no8n

as the oBensi"e team.!8ay. the number of players 8ho ha"e been put out.5ac:

Court. the half of the bas:etball court farthest from the oBensi"e bas:et.

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 5a#. base.5alance. the ability to maintain a stationary position or toperform purposeful mo"ements 8hile resistin# the force of #ra"ity. !lso, the ability

tohold the body in a 9xed position.5aseline. *he endline of a bas:etball court.5ases

(oaded. Runners on e"ery base.5ase of &upport. *he space co"ered and the limbs

utili>ed in supportin# the body in any position.5asic &:ills &:ills that utili>ed either

locomotor -e.#. 8al:, run, Lump, s:ip, #allop/ or manipulati"e -e.#. thro8, catch,

:ic:, stri:e/ fundamentalmo"ements.5as:et. circular #oal located on the

bac:board.5aton . ! short, round stic: passed bet8een members of a relay

team.5eat . *he constant, steady pulsation in a mo"ement or musical

accompaniment.5lind Pass . ! baton pass in pursuit relays in 8hich the recei"er is

facin# a8ay from the baton as it is passed.5loc: . +ne or t8o defensi"e players

 Lump up at the same time as the spi:er, 8ith their hands raised and facin# the

oncomin# ball.5loc: Plan. ! tentati"e calendar of obLecti"es and acti"ities

de"eloped for a unit.5loc:in# . ! le#al method of stoppin# an opponent.5oardin# .

$oldin# a player a#ainst the 8all.5ody !8areness. )nderstandin# of one?s o8n body

potential for mo"ement and a sensiti"ity to one?s physical bein#.5ody Composition .

 *he relationship in percent of body fat to lean body tissue.5ody echanics. EAcient

use of the body in maintainin# #ood ali#nment and in performin# daily tas:s such

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as liftin#, carryin#, pushin#, and pullin#.5ound 3lo8. Control or momentary restraint

of mo"ement in 8hich the body may be stopped, such as in chan#in# direction of

path8ay.5ox . *he speci9c area mar:ed and desi#nated as the catcher?s area, the

batter?s area, or the coach?s area.5unch &tart. Crouch start@ a startin# position used

in sprints in 8hich the rear :nee is placed next to the for8ard foot. *he thumb and

index 9n#ers arespread and parallel to the startin# line.5u>> . *he 8ei#ht is held onone foot 8hile pushin# 8ith the other foot.Calisthenics. Conditionin# exercises

desi#ned to impro"e physical 9tness.Cardiac +utput. *he amount of blood pumped

out of the heart each minute.Cardiorespiratory Endurance. *he maximal functional

capacity of the heart and lun#s to continue acti"ity o"er a period of

time.Cardio"ascular 3itness. ! healthrelated component of physical 9tness that

relates to ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxy#endurin#

sustained physical acti"ity.Center. *he middle position on the for8ard line, usually

played by the tallest player on the team.Center +f Gra"ity. *he 8ei#ht center of the

body@ the point around 8hich the body 8ei#ht is eually distributed.Child &elf

E"aluation. !n e"aluation techniue in 8hich the student determines 8hen the

criteria for a :no8led#e or s:ill tau#ht in physical education ha"ebeen met.Circuit

 *rainin#. ! trainin# method in 8hich a number of stations for conditionin# diBerent

parts of the body or diBerent components of 9tness are set up andthe participants

#o to each station for a set period of time. Repeatin# one or more exercises as

many times as possible 8ithin a time limit.Classroom Games. Games, relays, and

contests that can be played in the classroom.Clean *he 5ases. $it a home run, 8ith

one or more teammates on bases.

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 Cleanup. *he fourth, and usually the stron#est, hitter in the battin#

order.Cloc:8ise. 'n the same direction as the hands of a cloc:.Collectin#. 'n soccer. *he ability to recei"e a ball and #et under control usin# body parts other than the

hands.Command. ! teachercentered approach to teachin# in 8hich the teacher

presents the material to be learned directly to the students, 8ho mo"e to

theteacher?s command.Competence. &uAcient ability to enLoy safe participation in

an acti"ity@ the ability to perform and apply s:ills.Competition. ! contest bet8een

indi"iduals or #roups.Complex &:ills. &:ills that combine t8o or more locomotor

andor manipulati"e fundamental mo"ements.Concept. *he de#ree of meanin# a

person possesses about an experience.ConMict Resolution. &:ill de"eloped to help

indi"iduals resol"e disputes in a 8ay in 8hich there are no real 8inners and

losers.Content !rea. *he cate#ories of s:ill students should possess as a result of

instruction.Contin#ency Contract. ! techniue in 8hich the child is oBered a re8ard

for beha"in# in a particular manner= 6'f you 8ill do this, then you may do

that.7Continuity. o"ements follo8in# each other in succession.Contra Dance.

Dances done 8ith partners facin# in lon# ro8s of couples.Cooperation. 4or:in#

to#ether to achie"e a #oal in 8hich success depends on combined

eBort.Cooperati"e (earnin#. ! process in 8hich children 8or: to#ether to determine

the one ans8er to a learnin# acti"ity.Coordination. ! s:illrelated component of

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physical 9tness that relates to the ability to use the senses, such as si#ht and

hearin#, to#ether 8ith body parts inperformin# motor tas:s smoothly and

accurately.Corner. 4hen the defendin# team causes the ball to #o o"er the endline,

the attac:in# team is a8arded a free hit from the nearest corner of the 9eld.Corner

Kic:. ! place:ic: a8arded to the attac:in# team after the defendin# team has sent

the ball o"er its o8n #oal line.Correlation. Relatin# the subLect area toanother.Countercloc:8ise. 'n the opposite direction as the hands of a cloc:.Co"er. 'n

softball, to mo"e in position to ma:e a play at a base by someone other than the

usual base player.Crease. *he semicircular area around the #oal area.Creatin#. *he

hi#hest le"el learnin# process that results in the creation or in"ention of mo"ements

uniue to the indi"idual or ne8 to physical education.Creati"e Dance. *he

expression of ideas and feelin#s throu#h unstructured mo"ement.Creati"e Games.

Games in"ented by children.Creati"e Play#round. ! uniue arran#ement of outdoor

apparatus.Creati"ity. *he de#ree of in"enti"eness of a mo"ement.Criterion

Referenced *ests. easures of ho8 a person performs@ e"aluation a#ainst

ualitati"e standard, such as the e"aluati"e criteria considered for themotor s:ills in

this text.Critical Elements. Key points of emphasis or e"aluati"e criteria emphasi>ed

in teachin# the s:ills, strate#ies, and mo"ement concepts in physical

education.Critical *hin:in#. )tili>in# the hi#her thou#ht processes of analysis,

problem sol"in# and e"aluation.Cumulati"e Record. ! method of plottin# a child?s

performance -s:ill or physical 9tness items/ at the be#innin# and end of each

year.Curl. !n action that Mexes or bends the body or its parts.Curriculum. *he total

experience 8ithin the physical education pro#ram that is pro"ided for all children.

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 Defensi"e *eam -defense, defendin# team/. *he team that does not

ha"e possession of the ball.De"elopment. Chan#es caused by maturation that leadto more ad"anced use of particular mechanisms.De"elopmental. *he systematic

and pro#ressi"e acuisition of concepts and s:ills.De"elopmental Physical

Education. Physical education based on the physical, co#niti"e, social, and aBecti"e

de"elopmental status of children rather thana#e or #rade.De"elopmentally

!ppropriate. *hose aspects of teachin# and learnin# that chan#e 8ith the a#e,

experience and ability of the learner.Diamond. *he area inside the four bases.Din:.

! deception drop "olley executed from a spi:ed position.Direct 3ree Kic:. ! free :ic:

from 8hich a #oal may be scored directly.Direct ethod. ! teachin# method in

8hich the choice of the acti"ity and ho8 it is performed is entirely the

teacher?s.Direction. *he six 8ays the body can mo"e in space 8ith diBerent body

surfaces leadin#= for8ard, bac:8ard, ri#ht, left, up, and do8n.Directionality. !n

a8areness of space outside the body in"ol"in# :no8led#e of directions in relation to

ri#ht and left, in and out, up and do8n.Discipline. *he process for assistin#

indi"iduals to adLust to their en"ironment@ also, the result of failure to adhere to

certain standards of beha"ior.Distributed Practice. Practice o"er a period of time in

8hich the time bet8een the practice periods "aries.Dod#e. ! means of e"adin# an

oncomin# tac:ler.Double Dribble. 'n bas:etball, dribblin# the ball, stoppin#, and

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period durin# a lon# run in 8hich the runner has a relaxed stride, 8ith no increase

or decrease in speed.3loor Exercise. ! combination of stunts, tumblin# s:ills,

balances, dances, and locomotor and other mo"ements in 8hich the performer

mo"es on a suaremat, usin# as much space as possible and tra"ellin# in se"eral

path8ays.3lo8. *he ability to combine mo"ements smoothly.3ol: Dance. !

traditional dance of the people handed do8n from one #eneration to the next.3orce. *he de#ree of eBort or tension in"ol"ed in a mo"ement.3orce +ut. 'n softball, an out

made by #ettin# the ball to the base before the runner and ta##in# the base. 'f the

player must run to the base the player maybe forced out.3ormati"e E"aluation.

E"aluation to determine chan#in# needs throu#hout the learnin# process.3or8ard

!nd 5ac:. *his 9#ure may in"ol"e one or more dancers facin# each other. 5oth

ad"ance four steps for8ard -or three steps and bo8/ and four stepsbac:8ard.3oul.

!n ille#al act, such as trippin# or holdin# an opponent, 8hich results in a direct free

:ic: bein# a8arded to the nonoBendin# team.3oul 5all. ! batted ball that settles

outside the baseline or lands outside this extended line in the out9eld.3ree 3lo8. !

continuity of mo"ement.3ree $it. ! hit a8arded to the opposin# team after a breach

of the rules.3ree *hro8. !n un#uarded shot ta:en from the free thro8 line. 'f

successful, the shootin# team scores one point.3reuency. *he number of days per

8ee: needed to impro"e 9tness.

I. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 I3rontcourt. *he part of the bas:etball court nearest each team?s

#oal.3ront Runner. ! runner 8ho performs best 8hen ahead of

opponents.3undamental otor &:ill. (ocomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulati"e

s:ills that form the foundation upon 8hich other s:ills 8ill be learned@

examplesinclude 8al:in#, runnin#, s:ippin#, pullin#, pushin#, thro8in#, and

catchin#.Gallop. ! slide performed in a for8ard direction.Games +f (o8+r#ani>ation. &uch acti"ities as relays, ta#, and simple team #ames that in"ol"e one

or more basic s:ills and a minimum of roles and playin#strate#ies.General &pace.

 *he area that is a"ailable for mo"ement, de9ned by imposed or natural

boundaries.General &uper"ision. &uper"ision pro"ided by a teacher 8ho is in the

area of the acti"ity.Gi"e !nd Go. !n oBensi"e strate#y in 8hich the passer dra8s an

opponent, passes a suare pass to a teammate, and then recei"es a return pass

aftermo"in# around the opposin# player.Grossotor Coordination. Performin# s:ills

in"ol"in# lar#e muscle #roups.Group &amplin#. Recordin# at particular inter"als

throu#hout the lesson the number of indi"iduals en#a#ed in a particular

acti"ity.Gro8th. Chan#e in si>e.Guided Disco"ery. ! teachin# style in 8hich the

teacher leads the children throu#h a series of acti"ities, narro8in# their focus at

each step of the 8ay untilthe one or a limited number of solutions to the mo"ement

challen#es are reached.$ash Runnin#. ! team race, 8ith mar:ers and hidden

directions located alon# the route.$eadin#. Playin# the ball by stri:in# it 8ith the

head.$ealthRelated Physical 3itness. *he ability to perform strenuous acti"ity

8ithout excessi"e fati#ue and to sho8 e"idence of the traits and capacities thatlimit

the ris:s of de"elopin# disease or disorders that limit a person?s functional

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o"ement Education lesson, 8hich in"ol"es #eneral 8armup and lasts

approximately 9"e minutes.'sometric Exercise. Contraction of muscles in"ol"in# a

push, pull, or t8ist a#ainst an obLect that does not mo"e.'sotonic Exercise.

Contraction of muscles that in"ol"es both shortenin# and len#thenin# the muscle

9bers.0o#. ! slo8, easy run.0ump. ! locomotor or mo"ement in 8hich the performer

ta:es oB on one or both feet and lands on t8o feet.0ump 5all. ! situation in 8hicht8o opposin# players simultaneously #ain possession of the ball, and the referee

tosses it up bet8een the t8o players.0ump &hot. ! shot ta:en 8hile the player has

both feet oB the Moor.Kic:oB. a short :ic: ta:en by the center for8ard at the center

of the 9eld. *he :ic:oB is used to start the #ame, at halftime, and after each #oal is

scored.Kinesthetic. ! sense of the location and place of body parts in body

mo"ements.Kyphosis. ! postural de"iation characteri>ed by an increased thoracic

cur"e.(adder *ournament. ! tournament arran#ed as the run#s of a ladder.

Participants may challen#e players on one or t8o run#s abo"e their o8n position.

 *he8inner assumes the hi#her run#. *he indi"idual or team at the top of the ladder

at the end of the tournament is the 8inner.(ap. +ne complete circuit around the

trac:.(ateral. ! side8ays pass of the ball.

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 (ay)p. ! shot ta:en close to the bac:board. *he ball is released oB one

hand and #ently placed o"er the rim or a#ainst the bac:board to allo8 it to

reboundinto the bas:et.(ead)p Game. ! #ame 8ith some of the s:ills, rules, and

#ame elements of a team sport.(ean 5ody 4ei#ht. *he 8ei#ht of the bones,

muscles, and internal or#ans.(eap. !n extended runnin# step in 8hich the

performer ta:es oB on one foot, tra"el for8ard throu#h the air, and lands on the

opposite foot.(earnin#. ! chan#e in beha"ior brou#ht about as a result of

practice.(east Restricti"e En"ironment. 'n physical education the en"ironment in8hich a child can participate successfully and safely in as near a normal settin#

aspossible.(e#al (iability. Responsibility for the children in one?s care as obli#ated

by the la8.(eisure !cti"ity. Physical acti"ity underta:en durin# discretionary

time.(esson Plan. *he day?s plan for meetin# unit obLecti"es, includin# obLecti"es

for the day, acti"ities to meet obLecti"es, points of emphasis, and

or#ani>ationalstrate#ies.(e"el. $i#h, medium, and lo8 in relation to the standin#

position or the location of the body parts.(iability. ! "iolation of an obli#ation to

perform a duty.(ifestyle !cti"ity. Physical acti"ity typically performed on a routine

basis -e.#. 8al:in#, climbin# stairs, mo8in# or ra:in# the yard/, 8hich is usually

li#ht tomoderate in intensity.(imitation ethod. ! teachin# method in 8hich the

choice of the acti"ity or the 8ay it is performed is limited by the teacher.(inear

otion. ! mo"ement in 8hich the body or an obLect as a 8hole mo"es in a strai#ht

line.(ine +f Gra"ity. !n ima#inary line that passes throu#h the body from head to

foot, passin# throu#h the center of #ra"ity and di"idin# the body into t8o

eualparts from front to bac: and from side to side.(ine +f &crimma#e. 'n football,

the ima#inary line runnin# the 8idth of the 9eld that mar:s the for8ard pro#ress of

the ball. *eams line up on their side of theline to be#in play.(ocomotor o"ement. !

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mo"ement throu#h space from one place to another.(ocomotor &:ills. 5asic motor

s:ills in"ol"in# a chan#e of position of the feet andor a chan#e of direction of the

body.(ordosis. ! postural de"iation characteri>ed by an increased lumbar cur"e.(o8

'ntensity Exercise. !n exercise that #ets the indi"idual mo"in# but does not increase

the heart rate to a 9tnessimpro"in# le"el or result in o"erheatin#or other

discomforts.(o8+r#ani>ed Games. !cti"ities that are easy to play, ha"e fe8 andsimple rules, reuire little or no euipment, and may be "aried in many

8ays.ainstreamin#. *he placin# of disabled persons in the least restricti"e learnin#

en"ironment.ana#ement. +perations used to mo"e the class throu#h the lesson

from one acti"ity to the next.anipulati"e &:ills. &:ills de"eloped 8hen a person

handles some :ind of obLect includin# thro8in#, :ic:in#, battin#, catchin#,

redirectin# an obLect in Mi#ht-such as "olleyball/ or continuous control of an obLect

such as a 5ein# responsible for an opponent 8hile playin#

defense.assed Practice. Practice periods scheduled close to#ether.aturation. *he

#eneral pro#ress from one sta#e of de"elopment to a hi#her, more complex sta#e.

aturation occurs as a function of time and isindependent of experience.

1. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 1ature 3orm. *he basic mo"ement that can be performed 8ith ease, is

smooth, eAcient, repetiti"e and can be performed 8ithout thin:in# out each step

ofthe mo"ement@ the most eAcient techniue for the de"elopment of force

production in a s:ill@ usually associated 8ith the hi#hly s:illedperformances@ usin#

the critical elements of a s:ill -e.#. step 8ith the opposite foot 8hen

thro8in#/.aximum $eart Rate. *he maximum number of heartbeats attained per

minute, dependin# on a#e and physical condition.aximum +xy#en Consumption

-ax;+2/. *he #reatest amount of oxy#en a human can consume at the tissue

le"el.easure. )nderlyin# beats #rouped to#ether by a unit, the number of 8hichdepends on the meter.edium &tart. ! start used in sprints in 8hich the feet are a

comfortable distance apart and the hand position is as in the bunch start.eter. *he

number of beats in a measure, such as 2, , , or I. *he upper number

represents the number of beats to a measure, the lo8er numberthe type of note to

recei"e one beat.ethod. ! #eneral 8ay of #uidin# and controllin# the learnin#

experiences of children.ixed Grip. 'n #ymnastics, #rippin# a bar, 8ith one hand

assumin# a re#ular #rip, the other a re"erse #rip.odi9ed *eachin# )nit. ! unit of

instruction that emphasi>es one type of acti"ity and pro"ides a minor focus on one

or more other acti"ities.ood. *he character of an accompaniment that depicts

feelin#s, such as sadness, #aiety, seriousness, or other emotions.oti"ation. *he

process of #ettin# an indi"idual to act in 8ays that satisfy a need or desire.otor

&:ills. on9tness abilities that impro"e 8ith practice -learnin#/ and relate to one?s

ability to perform speci9c sports and other motor tas:s.otor &:ills Curriculum

odel. Emphasi>es the de"elopment of motor s:ills as its primary focus.o"ement

Challen#e. ! mo"ement problem posed that in"ol"es problem sol"in# 8ith a focus

on the mo"ement content.o"ement Concepts. *he elements important in the

study of human mo"ement= body a8areness, space, and ualities of mo"ement,

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includin# force,balance, time, and Mo8.o"ement Concepts !nd Principles. Relates

to the co#niti"e information concernin# the de"elopment of physical 9tness and

motor de"elopment and itsapplication in real life such as speci9city in trainin# and

other principles of conditionin#, application of force, center of #ra"ity, and

stressmana#ement.o"ement Education. ! childcentered approach to learnin# in

physical education desi#ned to help children de"elop #reater understandin# ofthemsel"es asmo"ers, the space in 8hich to mo"e, and the factors aBectin#

eAcient mo"ement.o"ement 'deas. ! mo"ement concept related to one or more

of the basic elements F ualities, body a8areness, space a8areness, and

relationships.o"ement odel. &tresses the mo"ement content as the only

le#itimate curriculum content@ utili>es problem sol"in# and other childcentered

approaches forthe most part.o"ement *rainin#. *he second part of a o"ement

Education lesson, 8hich is concerned 8ith the de"elopment of mo"ement themes

and acti"ities.ultiple *eachin# )nit. ! unit of instruction that includes t8o or more

acti"ities.uscular Endurance. *he ability of the muscles to sustain eBort o"er

time.uscular &tren#th. *he amount of force a muscle can Reco"ery. ! fair

mo"e to play the "olleyball after it has been hit into the net by a

teammate.euromuscular &:ills. otor s:ills under the "oluntary control of the

brain.onlocomotor o"ement. ! mo"ement executed 8hile the indi"idual remains

in one place.onlocomotor &:ills. o"ements of the body performed from a

relati"ely stable base.

2. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 2ormReferenced *ests. easures of uantitati"e data that ser"e as a

comparison 8ith scores of other children of the same a#e and sex tested under

li:econditions, such as the !!$PERD healthrelated physical 9tness test

norms.+bstacle Course. !n arran#ement of small and lar#e euipment desi#ned toimpro"e physical 9tness and s:ill de"elopment.+bstruction. 4hen a player runs

bet8een an opponent and the ball.+Bense -+Bensi"e *eam/. the team that has

possession of the ball.+B&ide. ! player from either team mo"in# across the line of

scrimma#e before the ball is centered.+ne+n+ne. ! situation in 8hich one

oBensi"e player tries to outmaneu"er one defensi"e player.+pen. Partners stand

sidebyside, 8ith their inside hands Loined. Girls stand to the boy?s ri#ht.+pposite.

 *he person or the couple directly across the suare.+ssi9cation. *he hardenin# of

cartila#inous tissue into bone in the de"elopment process.+ut. *he retirement of a

batter after three stri:es. !lso, a base runner 8ho is cau#ht or forced out.+ut9eld.

 *he fair territory located beyond the in9eld.+"erload. ! performance of an exercise

or acti"ity that reuires the indi"idual to exert more than a normal eBort.Pace. *he

rate of speed the runner sets for a particular distance run.Parallel Play. *he play of

youn# children in 8hich they participate alon#side other children but do not depend

on the others for success or for meetin# theirplay obLecti"e.Passin# Oone. !n area

on the trac: 8ithin 8hich the baton must be passed.Path8ays. (ines of mo"ement

in space= strai#ht, cur"ed, or combinations of strai#ht and cur"ed.Pattern. *he

arran#ement of a series of mo"ements in relation to shape, le"el, and

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path8ay.Penalty Kic:. 'f a foul is committed by the defendin# team 8ithin the

penalty area, the attac:in# team is #i"en a direct free :ic: from the t8el"eyard

mar:,directly in front of the #oal. !ll other players must be outside the penalty area

until the :ic: is ta:en.Percei"in#. *he initial phase of learnin# in 8hich concepts and

motor s:ills are introduced.Perception. *he ability to use information comin# in

throu#h the sense or#ans to ma:e Lud#ments about the en"ironment.Perceptualotor Response. *he process of percei"in# a stimulus and translatin# it into a motor

response.Perceptual otor &:ills. o"ement in"ol"in# the interrelationships

bet8een the perceptual or sensory processes and motor acti"ity includin# balance

anddirectionality.Performance. ! temporary occurrence or action.Performance

'ndicator. *he indices of uality that specify ho8 competent a student must be to

meet the standard.Personal &pace. *he area around an indi"idual that can be used

8hile :eepin# one part of the body in a 9xed position on the Moor or apparatus@ also

:no8nas limited space.Phrase. ! #roup of measures that constitutes a musical

thou#ht.Physical !cti"ity. Physical mo"ement in"ol"in# the lar#e s:eletal muscles@ a

8ide "ariety of acti"ities that promote health and 8ellbein#@ bodily mo"ementthat

is produced by the contraction of s:eletal muscle and that substantially increases

ener#y expenditure.Physical Education. *hat aspect of education in the schools

desi#ned to de"elop s:illful, 9t, and :no8led#eable mo"ers throu#h carefully

planned andconducted experiences.Physical 3itness. *he de#ree to 8hich a person

is physically able to function.

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 Physically Gifted. Possessin# a uniue talent or ability in physical

9tness.Physically $andicapped. &uBerin# from a disease or physical disability.Pinch

$itter. ! substitute hitter.Pi"ot. ! method of chan#in# path8ays by rotatin# the body

around one stationary foot, 8hich remains in contact 8ith the Moor.Play Day. !ninterschool e"ent in 8hich children from t8o or more schools play on the same

team.Pole Position. *he inside, or curb, lane of the trac:.Pop)p. ! hi#h My ball that

lands in or near the in9eld.Portfolio. ! method of assessment in 8hich samples of a

student?s 8or: and e"aluations are collected and the results indicate pupil pro#ress

andidenti9cation of present needs.Post. *he post player is normally a pi"ot player

positioned near the :ey 8ith his or her bac: to8ard the bas:et.Posture. *he relati"e

ali#nment of the body se#ments.Po8er. *he ability of the body to apply a maximum

muscular contraction 8ith the uic:est possible speed.Practice. ! teachercentered

teachin# style that permits indi"idual practice 8ith teacher super"ision.Problem

&ol"in#. ! teachin# style 8hereby the teacher leads the children throu#h a series of

acti"ities in 8hich the children 9nd an increasin# number ofpossible responses to a

mo"ement challen#e.Pronation. Rotation of the arm to brin# the palm do8n8ard or

bac:8ard.Psychomotor. otor acti"ity stimulated by the hi#her brain

centers.Psychomotor De"elopment. !rea of learnin# in"ol"in# the attainment of

mo"ement s:ills and competencies needed for a lifetime of acti"ity.Punt. ! :ic:

performed by droppin# the ball and contactin# it 8ith the top of the foot before it

touches the #round.Pursuit Relay. ! relay run on an o"al in 8hich each member runs

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a particular distance of the course.Pyramid *ournament. Participants are arran#ed in

a pyramid. Players challen#e others in the le"el abo"e. *he 8inner assumes the

hi#her position. !t theend of the tournament, the player or team at the top is the

8inner.Jualitati"e +bLecti"e. ! statement that identi9es the beha"ior necessary for

success, such as the 8ay body parts are used in performin# a motor s:ill.Jualities.

$o8 the body can mo"e. 't is the ability to mo"e uic:ly or slo8ly, the ability toperform li#ht or hea"y mo"ements, and the Mo8 8ith 8hich onemo"ement is lin:ed

to another.Jualities +f o"ement. 3actors aBectin# eAcient mo"ement, such as

balance, force, time, and Mo8.Juantitati"e +bLecti"e. ! statement that measures

the result of the beha"ior, such as the de#ree of success in a particular

situation.Juality Physical Education Pro#rams. *hose that are de"elopmentally

appropriate and pro"ide a pro#ressi"e, systematic curriculum.Ran#e. *he relation of 

the body parts to each other or of the body to obLects in space.Ratin# &cale. !n

e"aluati"e techniue in 8hich "alues are arran#ed on a continuum from hi#h to lo8@

on the basis of obser"ation, children?s performance isplaced alon# the

continuum.R5. Runs battled in by a player.Reality *herapy. ! techniue used to

help persons be responsible for their beha"ior by identifyin# undesirable beha"ior

and the conseuences of thatbeha"ior and de"elopin# a plan to meet desired

#oals.Reaction *ime. ! s:illrelated component of physical 9tness that relates to the

time elapsed bet8een stimulation and the be#innin# of the reaction to it.Rebound. !

shot attempted at the bas:et that falls bac: into the court area.

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 Reciprocal. ! teachin# style that uses peer teachin# and

feedbac:.Re9nin#. *hose phrases of learnin# in 8hich s:ills are mastered and

concepts 8ell understood@ ends in habituation of motor s:ills.Re#ular Grip. 'n

#ymnastics, #rippin# a bar 8ith the 9n#ers on top, the thumbs underneath, and thepalms facin# a8ay from the performer.Reinforcement. !n e"ent that increases the

probability of a beha"ior occurrin# a#ain.Relationship. *he position of the body in

relation to the Moor, apparatus, or other performers.Relay !cti"ities. !cti"ities that

in"ol"e a race bet8een t8o or more participants or teams.Retention. De#ree to

8hich learnin# is remembered o"er time.Re"erse Grip. 'n #ymnastics, #rippin# a bar

8ith the thumbs closest to the performer, the 9n#ers behind the bar, and the palms

facin# the performer.Re"erse &tic:. 'n 9eld hoc:ey, 8hen the stic: is rolled o"er to

hit the ball to8ard the ri#ht.Re"erse *urn. ! method of chan#in# path8ays from a

stride position in 8hich the body runs to8ard the rear foot as both feet remain in

contact 8ith the Moor.Rhythm&. 'n"ol"es motion that possesses re#ularity and a

predictable pattern often in"ol"in# music such as dance patterns and Lumpin#

rope.Rhythmic. Performin# a "ariety of body mo"ements in time to a speci9c

rhythmic accompaniment.Rhythmic Pattern. ! combination of notes, e"en and

une"en in time, that constitutes a measure or a phrase.Roll'n. 8hen the opponent

causes the ball to cross the sideline, a player on the nonoBendin# team is a8arded

a free rollin at the point of infraction.Rotary otion. ! mo"ement that traces out an

arc or circle around an axis or 9xed point.Rotation. *he turnin# of a body part about

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its lon# axis.Round Robin *ournament. ! tournament in 8hich each participant plays

e"ery other participant in the tournament, 8ith the 8inner determined as the

one8ith the best 8innin# record.Rudimentary !pplication. o"ements acuired

durin# the 9rst year of life concernin# stability -control of headnec:truc:, sittin#,

standin#/, locomotion-cra8lin#, creepin#, upri#ht #ait/, and manipulation -reachin#,

#raspin#, releasin#/.Run. ! transfer of 8ei#ht from one foot to the other, 8ith amomentary loss of contact 8ith the Moor by both feet.&afety. 4hen a defensi"e

player in possession of the ball is trapped behind his or her o8n #oal line. *he

attac:in# team is a8arded t8o points.&afety *rainin#. *eachin# children to mo"e

and land safely and eAciently. 'n a broader context, it refers to the indi"idual?s

safety on or around apparatus andto the indi"idual?s concern for the safety of other

participants.&coliosis. ! postural de"iation characteri>ed by one or more lateral

cur"atures of the spine.&coop. ! method of raisin# the ball into the air.&cratch. !

foul committed by steppin# o"er the scratch line.&crimma#e (ine. *he line on 8hich

each do8n be#ins. *he defendin# team must remain behind this line until the ball

has left the center?s hands.&elf!nalysis. !n e"aluation techniue in 8hich the

teacher reMects on the lesson tau#ht, focusin# on particular aspects of the lesson

the teacher 8ishes toe"aluate.&elfConcept. 3eelin#s an indi"idual has about herself 

or himself.&elfEsteem. *he "alue placed on the perceptions of self.&elf'ma#e. *he

feelin# andor opinion a child has about himself or herself.&elf&pace. *he are of

space the body occupies and that space 8ithin the body?s natural

extensions.&euence. ! series of mo"ements performed in succession.&euential.

3ollo8in# one mo"ement pattern to the next in an orderly pattern.&et &hot. ! shot

ta:en from a stationary position.

. K *+ 12 P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+K to 12 Curriculum Guide "ersion as of 0anuary

1, 212 &etup. *his is normally the second hit by a team and is directed to afor8ard player, 8ho then may attempt a spi:e or a "olley o"er the net.&hape. *he

ima#e presented by the position of the body 8hen tra"ellin# or stationary.&hot#un.

'n football, recei"in# the ball from the center from a position in 8hich the

uarterbac: stands se"eral yards behind the center.&huttle Relay. ! relay run bac:

and forth bet8een t8o lines.&ide +ut. ! "iolation committed by the ser"in#

team.&in#in# Games. !cti"ities of youn# children in 8hich children?s poems are put

to music and imitati"e mo"ements are used.&in#le5eat 0ump. *he rope Lumper

 Lumps only as the rope passes under the feet.&in#leElimination *ournament. !

tournament in 8hich players are eliminated after one loss. ! player or team 8innin#

all matches is the 8inner.&:ill Game. ! #ame in 8hich the primary purpose is the

practice of a motor s:ill.&:illRelated Physical 3itness. Consists of those components

of physical 9tness that ha"e a relationship 8ith enhanced performance in sports and

motors:ills= a#ility, balance, coordination, po8er, speed and reaction time.&:ill *est.

!n e"aluati"e techniue used to e"aluate motor s:ill performance that usually

records a uantitati"e measure of s:ill performance.&:infold Caliper. !n instrument

for measurin# percent of body fat.&:ip. ! stephop combination executed in an

une"en rhythm alternatin# the lead foot.&lide. ! locomotor mo"ement executed in

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une"en rhythm in 8hich the performer steps to the side, closes the trailin# foot to

the lead foot, transfers the 8ei#htbac: to the trailin# foot, and repeats the action

a#ain.&ocio#ram. ! techniue used to study the relationships 8ithin #roups.&olid

 *eachin# )nit. !n extensi"e period of instruction de"oted exclusi"ely to one type of

acti"ity.&pace. *he area in 8hich a mo"ement ta:es place.&pace !8areness.

Perception of 8here the body mo"es, includin# #eneral and self space, directions,path8ays, le"els, and extensions.&pace Concepts. o"ement concepts includin#

self and #eneral space, direction and path8ays, le"el, and ran#e.&patial !8areness.

 *he ability to mo"e the body or its parts in speci9c directions.&peciali>ed o"ement

&:ill. o"ement s:ills used speci9cally for structured sports and #ames, as opposed

to s:ills fundamental to many sports -i.e. lay upshot, "olleyball spi:e, #olf dri"e,

tennis forehand/@ s:ills basic to a mo"ement form -bas:etball chest pass, soccer

dribble, 9eldin# a softball 8ith a#lo"e/.&peci9c &uper"ision. &uper"ision in 8hich the

teacher is 8or:in# directly 8ith the students.&peci9city +f &:ill. *he diBerential

ability of an indi"idual to acuire and perform physical s:ills and mo"ement

patterns.&peed. *he ability to perform successi"e mo"ements of the same pattern

in the shortest period of time.&pi:e. ! ball hit do8n8ard into the opponent?s

court.&piral. ! for8ard pass in 8hich the football mo"es 8ith a spiral action, 8ith the

point of the ball leadin#.&port. ! #eneral term for structured physical acti"ities and

athletics.&port Elitism. Preferential treatment of students 8ho are s:illed o"er those

8ho are less s:illed.&ports Day. !n interschool competiti"e e"ent in 8hich teams

represent their o8n schools.&portsli:e 5eha"ior. Conduct becomin# a sportsperson,

includin# respect for rules and authority, playin# fair, 8or:in# 8ith others in a #roup

eBort, bein# a#ood competitor, and acceptin# 8innin# and losin# in a socially

acceptable manner.&pottin#. Gi"in# physical assistance to a person performin# a

motor s:ill, especially in #ymnastics 8here the possibility of inLury is increased in

the learnin#phrase.&print. ! dash or shortdistance race of 2 to yards forelementary school children.


Classroom ana#ement 3undamentals

Classroom ana#ement 3undamentals


3lippin# the Classroom

3lippin# the Classroom


i5oo:s !uthor for *eachers= 3undamentals

i5oo:s !uthor for *eachers= 3undamentals

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Physical education 1 learnin# material

Physical education 1 learnin# material

Ronalyn Concordia

K to 12 Curriculum Guide for usic and !rts

K to 12 Curriculum Guide for usic and !rts

Dr. 0oy Kenneth &ala 5iason#

K *+ 12 GR!DE < (E!RER?& !*ER'!( ' PE

K *+ 12 GR!DE < (E!RER?& !*ER'!( ' PE

(iGh* !r+h(

K to 12 Grade H Physical Education

K to 12 Grade H Physical Education

ico Granada

$ealth 1 learnin# material

$ealth 1 learnin# material

Ronalyn Concordia

Physical Education K to 12 Curriculum Guide

Physical Education K to 12 Curriculum Guide

Dr. 0oy Kenneth &ala 5iason#

K *+ 12 GR!DE H (E!R'G +D)(E ' P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+ -JJ/

K *+ 12 GR!DE H (E!R'G +D)(E ' P$%&'C!( ED)C!*'+ -JJ/

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