BAPTIST WOMAX'S MISSIONS. ft*jjj*^jj CAVBEl A SUXDAY The ... · Tronton. Aprll 16..If there...


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Tronton. Aprll 16..If there was anythlng clear

and emphatic about to-day's conventlon it was

the McKlnley sentlmont. At least 80 per cent of

the delegates were In favor of the Ohio statea-

msn, and if no obatacles had been thrown ln the

way a resolutlon instrtictlng the representatlvesto the Natlonal Conventlon to vote for hlm would

have been carrled by practlcally a unanimousvote.

There were several roasona agalnst adopting a

HBOlUtlfm of Imtructions.that is reasons whlch

had thelr lnfluence upon some of the most en-

thuslastlc McKlnley men. First and fore-most

was the OMfar* t-> have Garret A. Hobart noml¬

nated for Vlce-Presldent. Mr. Hobart Is for Mc-

Kinlev. and he was wlllinc: that the delegatlon to

St Louls should be pledged. But there were

frlends of his who urged that Xew-Jerseyschanees for reoognitior. on the Natlonal tlcket

mlght be injured by a positlve declaratlon that

would seem to render unneressary any conces-

aions to this State.

Then, ngain, lt was argued that resolutlons of

Instruc'tion wrnld be contrary to all piecedent In

New-Jersey Republi.ian conventlon?, and would

be tantamount to an oxpression of wnnt of confi¬

dence In the men sent to St. Louls. The latter

argument waa dwelt upon at length by UnltedStates Senator Scwell. who prot*sted thnt he and

hls aaaocfatM were men of lntegrlty, who could

be rtlted upon to obey the will of the people of thls


Notwithstanding the lnfluence of the leaders

an-1 the &trong local feeling in favor of accom-

pllshlng the nomlnatlon of Mr. Hobart for Vlce-

Presldent. the conventlon would have broken

loose for McKinley oniy for Senator S^well's mo¬

tlon ia adjourn.

At the moment of adjournment a reaolutloa was

pending requestlng the delegatlon to use thelr ln¬

fluence to brlng about the nomlnatlon of McKln¬

ley. and if that had been put to a vote nothlngcould have stopped Its ndoption.

On the Bllghtest provocation the McKlnley en-

thuslasm bffokc out. Chalrman Stokes had

cleverlv arranged hls speech so a. to guardag-alnst outbreaks of thnt k'nd as far as possl¬ble. but even hls unnamed referenee to McKlnleyresulted ln a cyclone of cheerlng that interruptedthe proceedings for a few mlnutes.

Mr. Horr's Innocent question as tO what shouldbe arproved at St. Louls evoked a cry of "Mc¬

Klnley." and the convention slmply let ltself

loose ln cheerlng.

But the most exriting episode of the day oc-

curred immediately after the platform had been

read. Thomas McEwan arose and

gald that, though a delegate to the NationalOnventlon, he would not consider it an insult.on the contrary he would be much pleased to

have Xew-Jersey's delegates lnstructed to vote

for McKlnley. Mr. McEwan made a sturdyapeech, and lt aeemed apparent that the feelingof the conventlon was wlth hlm. MUton P.

Edgar, of Rahway, supplemented Mr. MeEwan'astand by a resolutlon mildly lndorslng McKlnley.Mr. Edgar's resolutlon had not been acted on

at the time of adjournment.

Instructlon or no lnstructlon, the New-Jerseydelegates to St. Louls are morally pledged to

McKlnley and Hobart. That was the sentlment

of the State as reflected ln to-day's convention,.and the conventlon merely truated to the honorof its representatlves to carry out the popularwill Instead of puttlng a lock and key and tagon each delegate.




Ellzabeth, Aprll 16 (Speclal)..John La Ru* Groves,a tailor. had a llvely encounter yesterday wlth two

men who camo to hls house and trled to remove

by force a plano on which a mortgage for 1107 was

due. The mortgage had been placed on the planoby Groves'. son and wlfe, wlthout his knowledge,and he could not understand the vlslt of the men.

11* armed hlmself wlth a club, and when they triedto remove the plano he whacked them over theheads. They dlsarmed hlm and got the riano outon the j.iazzv but the tailor wlth hl. body blockedthe way from tl.e piazza. and the men flnally re-

treated amld the Jeera of several hundred peoplewho had gathered to watch. the funOroves wlth the aid of aome of the sympathlzlne

crowd, moved the plano back into hls house, wherelt stlll remalnaThe tailor was somewhat bruised in the scuflle.

and this afternoon he had a warrant lasued byPollce Justlce Xeill for the arrest of Constable Bee-

Sar. of Xewark, one of the men who trled to remove




Paterson. April 16 (Special)..Several marriage fail-

urea were ln evldence before Vlce-Chancellor Pit-

ney at the I'aasalc County Court Houae to-day. Thecases of Nicholas Cole and Marla and Thomas H.

McGee were called. Cole la the wealthy allk manu-

facturer who waa charged wlth assaultlng Misa

Lucy Van Rlper ln th. exClteraent Immediatelyafter the murder of Mamle Sullivan. The clrcum-

stances cauaed the pollce to vlew hlm as a "sua-

pect" for several days. Cole, ln hla petltlon. chargedthat hla wlfe poured bolllng water over hlm and

drove hlm from home. Cole to-day formally wlth¬

drew hls petltlon, but Mrs. Cole will contlnue pro-

ceedlngs on her cross blll for absolute dlvorce.Mra. Marla McGee brought suit for dlvorce on the

rround of deaertlon and neglect. Thomas H. McGeeflled a croa. pemlou on statutory grounds. Mrs.McGee wa* atiacked by nervous prostratlon on herway to court. and _»e oeremptorily ordered thut herault be wlthdrawn. McGee refuaed to reient, and heDroduced %dtneases to prove hls chargea. John C.Ryan. of New-York; Patrick Lee and Charlea Greenwood were named as co-respondonta. The Meoeeahave flve chlldren, the oldeat thlrteen and the young-eat flve veara old. Vlce-Chancellor Pitney announc-eda dectalbn ln favor of McGee, glvlng hlm the cua-

tody ot tbe chlldren. Greenwood declares that hewill aue> McGee for defainatlon of character.


DEATB OF JAMES 8. DRAKE.Hackensack. April 16 (Special).-Jamea S. Drake.

mho has been general superlntendent of the New-

Jer*ey tind Xew-York Hall way for ihe last flfteen

yeara, dled from pneumonla at Banltarla Sprlngs,N. Y.'. at I o'clock last nlght Mr. Drake wiu born

at Me_ianlc* Falla, Me., alxty-thre* yeara ago. He

began bl* railroad career when a young man a. a

locomotlve llr*mau on th* Grand Trunk Railroad.

He becam* auccesalvely an engineer, foreman of

tbe machlne *hop, and maater mechanlc. He was

ln the araploy of the Portland and Rochester roadto the Ust capaclty .for aeveral year*. and then be-oame auperlnTender.t of th* Bylvan I_ke ore mlne.tnDutcht*. County. N. Y. Krom there he went to

tha Long laland Railroad, where he was employeda. an engineer, and then he becarne master me-

ahanlc of the Manhattan Elevated Rallway aystem.He was the lnventor of a number of contrivancesln ua* on rallroada._ _^^

NEW-JERSEY' AT THE VAPITAL.Waahlngton, D. C Aprll 1« (Bpeetal).-Thts after¬

noon th* House passed a blU called up by Mr.

Terry. of Arkanaaa, penatonlng Kace Grant. wldow

of Charlea E. Orant. of Company F, 40th New-Jer-t»v Volunteem. The blll glves her $20 a month.

Represeniatlv* Btewart wa* tb* only New-Jersey

Congreasmaa preaent ln /iyi*r houw toylaj^ Theother Representatlves 4U»d Senator Bewell were at

Trenton at U»* 8tat* Conventlon._

' Wllllam Morgan waa conflrmed by the Senate to-

day aa po*trr_*t*r at Bouth Rlver. N. J.


Sllaabeth. Aprll II (Bpeclal).-Mra. Mlna Sehmld-

Mi! flfty-three year* old. dropped dead from

kaart dlsease at JJO o'clock thla morning at a

¦oclal gatherlng given by membera of the Ellaa-

betbport Turn Vereln ln Queen* Hall. There waa

a pr***ntatk>a of a chalr to Otto Huttle. a eon-ln-

law of Mra. Bchmldroann. After tbla there waa

iunclr.g. ln whlch Mra. 8chmldmann took an a<-

tiaapar- She waa preoaring to leave the hallWlth a*Vtwo (Uug^ter^rken^* claaped her handaa har aaart. etaagared aod feH to th* noor. im

afcalr sbocked th* mvrrymalura, and put an ab-

fMpt avfUta) featrvlUe*.






CALL A MASS-MEET1NO.The Jerscy City clergymen lntend to start a movc-

ment to brlng about a strlctcr observance of the

Sunday law. A call for a mass-meeting to be heldat the Tabernacle on the evening of Monday. Aprll27. was Issued yesterday. The headllnes announce

that it is "for the defence of sobrlety. purlty. right-eousness and the Americar Chrlstian Sabbath."The call ls slgned by nlneteen promlnent mlnlstcrsof the Gospel. A copy of the call ls appended:

It Is time for all who love the good name of our

cltv and who would prevent Its hecoming a bywontand a reproach to unPo in a demand that Jerai y

Clty shall not be made the receptacle of the moial

sc-wago of New-York on the Sabbath day.Our publlc aervanta must have the support or tne

publlc sentiment so expressed that It cannot be mis-

underatood that the present deeecration of the sab¬bath must cease, and the law must be cniorcc.i. ir

the law-ab!1lng people of Jersey Clty wlll. they-canhave the law enforced. If Ihls evil be not abated.itwlll be our fault: thtrefore. we shall be reetXMialble¦The enemy wlll rlghtly cstlmate the attltude of theChrlstian people of our city upon thls qnestion D)their attendance or non-attendance at the mass-

nireting. Monday evening. the I7tb.The caurchea should come "en maaaa. rae

Tabernacle should be crowded to ov«rflowlng. anlthe voice of the meetlng must be such aa to unstopdeaf ears, shake dr* Bonea and awake the deadmoral of our clty to a new llfe. that we maybe save.i from the moral petullence Wlth which we

are now thr-atened.The Hev Dr. Alexandcr Alison. the Rev. John L.

Bcudder D R. Lowrle and othera wlll apeak.The Commlttee on Resolutlons ls Dr. Prett, K. L.

Stoddard. J. L Bcudder and I W Hathaw.iyTo the pastors: Please road thl- call at everj

servlce pr;or to the 27th. and get > our peoplepledged tn attend "en massc ." We hope to hav-every rastor tn Jersey Clty on the platformDr P D Van Cleef. R. K. WIck. .1. ftanria

Morgan, T. J. Kommera, Charlea U. WrighL Cor-nelius Brett. W. D. Grant. K. L. Btoddard. « harleallerr. Davld Mltchell, Henry Cronln, J. L. Bcudder,D. Halleron. D. H. Lewrle, Al. D. Charch, JameaParker, T. C. Alnyham. Claude Raboteau and l. w

Hathaway, chalrman of commlttee.


A runii.r was current yesterday that the JereeyClty pollca have dadded to enforce the law or placethe burden of responslblllty for the vlolatlons ofl thaGrand Jury. The contention of th- offlclals has nl-

waya been that lt is aaaiaaa to attempt to eempeltha llrpior-denlrM to raapael tbe law when the grandJurlea refaaa lo tand mdlctmenta, Tha fact is, no

one Beemed fllapnaail to aataajaalae the saioonke-p-ers. purely for polltical or mercenary reasons. Th-re

hava been many storles current la the last doaeayears that the llquor-dealers pr.ld trlbute. to peraonain power. poiiticsi boaaaa. by llberal ponulbutlons,osteaetMy to the eampalga fund. and this moneywaa pald1 for the prlvllege of not belng moleated on

Sunday. Durtaf the rcign o( the Democratic rlngthelr methoda became notorinnsly bold and acan-dalou«. They requlrad dealera to .recelve pro¬tectlon to purchas- certaln brands of llquora andcigars and paLonlsa favored brewcrs and mlneraiwater inanufacturera. Sinee lha reUrumrat of tbeobnoxloua "rlng" by the eyotion of Shcrifr Toffey,Durer grand Juries hav- been drawn. but tbe aalooninfluence has no; been hnpotent and Jurlea have falled to in.lict the vloli.torsSunday law.

|X>DB AiF.N GKT THE EVIDENCE.The last 1 Jury rendered about nfty Indlct-

ments agalnst affanden, but the evMenca wns coi-lerted wholly by offlcers sent out by county ofltdala.The munlcipal authoritles took no actlon. The

present Grajid Jury la an excellent on-. and Proae-cutor Wlnfleld sent out four agenta last Sunday to

collect evldence and ascertaln the attltude of theGrand Jury on the Sunday llquor-selllng qu-stlon.These four emlssarics man- a tour of a BacUOfl OfJersey Clty and brought In against forty-two aaloonkcepers. The evldepr- has baaa BUbmlt-ted to the Grand Jury. and it la said that body hasdecided to flnd Indlcttnents.The Prosecutor ln formed a Trlbune reporter that

he proposea to contlnue lo send out repeaenUtlveson Sunday. Hls determinatlon to act ladependentlyof the mainiclpal and town offlclals. and th- ru-

mored lncllnutlon of the Grand Jury to act. have in-duced the pollce to move and avold th- attgma Olhavlng local llquor-Sellers Hidlctcd on informatlonsupplicd by speclal agenL«.

It ls said on good authority that the order hasbeen Issued to all the pollce captalns that they wil,be held to a strict accountablllty for any vlolatlonsof the law In thelr reapectlva preclnet*. Th- effectof thls order will be that the saloonkeepers wlll h«notlffld to close next Sunday. The order of thepollce Is Invirlablv obeyed, and the Indlcationspolnt to a dry Sunday in Jersey Clty.




Whlle a funeral procegslon was cro-sslng the brldgeover the weat end of the Erle Railway fmn..:. la

Jersey Clty, yesterday, the team drlven by JohnAllller were frightened by a traln passlng under the

brldge, became unmanagcable and ran away. The

team, ln avoidlng the < oaches ahead of them. Jumpedover the water maln at the slde of the road. Thecoach waa overturned and wrecked. It was occu-

pled bv three women and a niari. all of Whom were

inJure-J, but none aetiously.Mra. J. McKanna, of No. '::. Proapeet-et, Jeraey

Clty, had her left arm broken; A. B. Deck-r. of No.841 Palhnde-ava., was cul on tbe head aad face:Mr.« Decber'a hands were cut, and ahe was brabout the body. Mrs. B. McKenaa, of No. 47 V.iv-erly-at., recelved many bruieee. The drlver w..*

thr'own vlolently. but was not severely hurt. Thecoach belonged to Jamea Murnr, of No. ¦ Oahlaad-ave.

-a-lieut. coxwara dibipj__/. \ncb.


Ellzabeth. April 18 (Speclal)..The myatery aboutthe dlsappearance of Lieutenant J. J. Conway, "fthe Naval Hes-rves, who was tbe confldentlal secre¬

tary of I>-wls Nlxon. the shlpbullder, eootlBUaa to

grow deeper. To-day his yoUBger brother, WllllamH. Conway. from New-York, was here trylng to

¦obtaln Informatlon as to hls brother's movements

prlor to hls sudden departure on March tt. Hlsmother was deeply concerned about hls aafaty, andonly last week she had another shock from thedeath of her daughter. Th- young-r brother do-snot place any reliance on ihe «tory th»t the lleu¬tenant has gone to Cuba to loln the Insurgenta. II-rather fears that Lleutenant Conway ls sufTeringfrom a mental malady.The pollce have been Investlgatlng the raae, but

they have learned* nothing that mlght shed lightupon it.




Somervllle, Aprll 16 (Special).-An eastbonnd pas-aengcr traln on the Lehlgh Valley Rallroad had a

narrow escape from belng wrt(ked at South Som¬ervllle thls morning.The traln was runnlng at a bigh rate of speed

when the englneer saw a man running down thetrack wavlng a red blnnket. \ short dlstance ah'adhe behcld a heavy tru-k. loaded wlth a three-tongranlte monument, stuck between the ralls. Theteamster succeeled In movlng the tr.n k a (8W feetbackward Just as the englne crashed into tha team.The horses were Instantly killed and hured sixtyfeet. John Allgar. the owner <>f the horaea, v.howas making frantlc efforts to reteaaa tn<m from thetruck at tbe tlme thev wer- atruoh, had a mlracu-lo'is escape. Tlie traln aeeaaad a serlous aoddl nt

by miaslng th« granlte blo. k by a foot.




Asbury Park. Aprll 16 (Sperlal).-The lawyers ofthls section of the State have petltloned Chancellor

McGIll to establlBh a branch of the Ohancery Court

at tlils place. In their petltlon. they say (hat theyare eompelled, when they have business before theChancery Court, to travel to Trenton or JerseyClty, B dlstance of over flfty mlles The Chancellorhas grar.trd the request. and Chancery Chamberswlll be establlshcd ln the postofltce bulldlng at once.

The Chancellor wlll. lt Is beUeved, es: :gn \ ice-Chan-cellor Frederlck Stevens to prealde over the brancncourt. whlch wlll 1m lude the terrltory In East Jer¬sey between South Aml.oy and Toms Rlver. liewill sit In chambers every two weeks.

BOY BJLLMd'bT A tBAtS.Jatne* Burk*. elglt years old. was run down by

a traln whlle crossing the Erie Raliway tracks at

Jerso-ave.. ln Jersey Clty, last nlght and was In¬

stantly kllled. The boy. It 1» sald. ran under tbegatea whlch had been lewered as a slgnal that a

traln was approachlng. Hls parents live at No. JH

Eleventh-st.. Jersey Clty.

BOY BITTEX BY A CAT.New-Brunswlck. Aprll 18 (Speclal).-^John Gordon,

a young boy, llvlng at No. 5 Delan>ld-«t.. was se¬

verely bitttn whlle play Ing wlth a pet cat In hlshome last nlght. The anlmal suddenly turned andblt the boy ln the leg. Whlle endea\or!ng to shakethe cat off, the boy was agaln bltten ln the arm.Both members are considerably swollen. i n<-

wounda wera cautertxed. but blood nouonlng »





Princeton. Aprll 16 (Speclal).-At the Princeton

Theologlcal Semlnary on May 5 will be celebrated

the seml-centennlal annlversary of the appolntmentof the Rev. Dr. William Henry Green ae an ln-

Btructor in that institutlon. Profeasor Green la


row and has been for years the senlor professor of

tbe aemlnary He Is one of the oldest llvlng theo¬

loglcal teachers In the country. He has been con-

nected wlth the Princeton Semlnary sln.e hls

twenty-Bral year. in IM he gradaetsd a; ijif-.y-ette College. and was an Instructor In mathematlc.ithere for a few ye.irs after hl« graduatlon Subse-

qu.r.i:.- h.-- was i.astor of the Second PresbyterlanChurch at rnnreton. and In 1*4(5 he became an In-

structor m the Princeton Semlnary. ln 1M« he was

ordained bv the New-Mrunswlck Vresbytery. and

was p.<stor of the. Central Pieshyterlan Churrh. of

Philadelphia. fr ra 1«49 till MB. ll» was nppolntelProfe?«or of BlbUeal and Orlental literaiure In

Ivl. .Ince when he has devoted hls entlre tlme to

hls theologlcal dutlea at the semlnary. ln hi. long

profeMorshtp be has contrlbutcd exten.ively to th»

partodleal pres. of th. Church. and hls four vol-

¦mea, 'The Hebrew Feasta," "Mnees and ihe

Propbeta,M "The Ualty of Geneslrf' and "The

Hlgher CrlUetaaa of the Pentateuch," are well

known and authorltatlve- works ln clr-

clesGreat lnterest ls belng manlfested in the ap-

proachlnic cl< liratloti. A large anl enthuslastlc

gathering of former students of Dr. (!recn and

alumnl and frlmds of the semlrnry I* expe^ted to

1,.- present. Ov*t thr-e thousanl InvttaMons hav.

h*en **nt out by the Commlttee of Arrangements.

ar.d thla .ommlttee has adopted an elaborate pro¬

gramme of exerrlses snliable f-r th.caatOB, to be

heid after th- aau kl eaei I*** ln conaectlaa wlth

tho graduatlon of the -enlor anl th-- annual

meeting ..f the i.lumnl of the semlnary Th.- pM-gramma tnclude. addresses from many dletlngulat»*d<;.-r>rym.r.. The Rev. I'' A Go-tnan. preeMCBt Of

tha Board of Dlrrctors of the s.-min.ry. will pre-

dda anl Ihake a bttef opefllBg .. Inaa, pi«*entlngIhe ror.gratulatlon* of the Board of Dire.-tor* to

Dr Oreen, ln view of his etn.nent aenrIcea to the

¦mlnary The Rev. Dr. C M. Me.vl. of the Tb*0-

loglcal Semlnary. at Baftford, Cnnn will speak of

I»r's c.ntrlbutlon. to Rlbllcal rrttldsm.

Th* R.v It J. F. McCurly, of the Cnlverstty of

Tomnt... Canada. will speak of Dr. Oreen* con-

trlbutlons to Semlt'.c schol.rsh:;-. and the R.v Dr.

Kran-ls I,. PattOO, pres:d.nt of Princeton l nl-

voraity, Wtll spoik of Dr. Oreen's service.. to th*

Church at large.\fter the aU-ve nldre.-. brlef congratuMN.ry

.... bea will be made from the General Assemblyl.v th- Rev. Dr. R R H"oth. ths.Moder.tor. fr.-ni

,he southern Pr**bjrt*rUn Church, by Dr. w m

McPheetera, of OolaaiblB aemlaary; m behaif of

Hi-ter gMUaarla*. by tk* Rev. Dr. WUIIa J-

Heecher. of Auburn Hemtnary. on behaif of the

Old Testament RevWoa t'ommlttee. by the Rev^Dr ii nsgood. of th. Theol.*ic.i Bemlnary. olRo-h.Mer. N. v. ln behaif ¦¦! I'r <*£*%*.£iI.,,.,... i ufavette College, by Pre*ldenl Warne.-i,l£ttJfflr*m\\A?m-.ol which D. Otaan

T ,"7 C^umbua. Ohlo; .-!_. KsUblUhelT*_ch.r" bv Dr. Bdwln H. Grlffln. of Johna Hop-lirs Tulver^t); "The L»arui 1 fi*101;." bj ,.

Kv Dr John Fox, ol BrookJyi "Th. Heedoftb*Tbeoloalcal Faculty." by the r.v Dr. fl M Pax-ton. of Prlncatiaa._



LMBD MrtiPOIACT.In the strlke -it 11- lt * Son'* coopersg'. ln Jersey

C|;v ;.. ¦! D. e.i.b.-r. thr.f th- -ir'.ker* w.-re .r-

reated for aUeged "' ¦ " ¦>**"'<A that

they 'nterfcred wllli the new m. n employed by Ihe

flrm Thev were dl-eharged by P.. lce Justlce pott.

and Indlvldually enterad aulU rar damaaaa again-tHenry H.lit. wn > ma 1- llif ""'»!' i;:''


t. ;,- of h* caae*. thal or John M Tkomaa^whlcb,..,..,,..,., lhf attentlon u'. Juatlc Llpnlneott andm Jury ln Jeraey Clty for two day-, eruled yeater-day lo * verdlei for Thomaa tbe Jwy waa netUberal and aaaoaard lha damagaa (.¦ *


the oornrjfOB avrixn hih nonATtma r>>

ACn Of tiik u;<;ist.ATrrii:

Trenton. Ifi (Speclal). -Governor Grlggs to-

djy signed a number uf bills, among them belngBullock'a Brcad blll, which requtres *n braad tabe sold by welght. and Balkwk'l Seml-Monthly Pay-ment blll. whlch h.s for its object the aholltlor ofthe store order aystem ln the glar* blower*' dlstrlctof Soutli Jerwty.Among the other bllls reeelvlng the Governor'*

algnatur* were the followlng: Aulhorlxlng board*of Choaan frreholder* lo linprov.- parts of roadsrecerved for sldewalks; authorlxlng frceholder* In

second-ilass countles to Issue bond* to iraiiMact

publlc bualD.. Ilxlng t»!. hours as a lawful .I.iv'hwork '!. bakeahopi flour n.ills or oonfeetloBcryeatabllahmenta; abollahwig toau.'l.lp commlttee intowns where ther>- exlsls nny '.own. vlllage or

rnunlclpulliy govarned by a board of .-umiiilssioneraor improvement coinmlsslon, provldtng for tha dlvlalon <>f th* assets and UaefllU** ln wb*r*towns are dlvldtd.




Morrlatown, April Mk.Word reached aara to-day ofa renmrkable cn-- of aulddb ln Sussex County lart

BlgbL John Maxw.-ii, a jrouag niun of Aebaaoa, wa*

Intoxleated gnd when Ma mother upbraldad hlm he

baeanM *araaad aad tbrew a Ucbted lamp at her.The lamp dld not utrlke ihe woman, but It burstand set llro lo the hou. .Mother and son aawaaedfrom the burnlng bullding. A crowd gathrel, butai Ihe vlllage ha-l no n.-ans of extlngulshlng llre*.the men had to stand by and w»t--n Ihe bOUM l.iun.Maxwell l> l*Jd to have tobcred up al on. e itn.i

th.-n bscaatc ao fra:.ti. wlth gri.-f over hi> acl thalh.- ruabad Into th. tiames before any one realla rtwhal ba lateaded 'loii.K. Hc dld not return an l wa^

burned to death Hls body hsn not been n.vered.The storv was briuKht here by a who lives

not far from the place. where the house WM burneddown.


BAJLWA1 WMPLOYB BUBADBD.Nrw-Mrunswlck, Aprll II iSpeclal>.-A horrlble

raOraad ac-.ldent occurred at Perth Amboy lastnlght. by whlch John Rurke. a rallroa employe.was llterally bakaadad »le was worklng ln a

swltehlng gang ln tb* Lcklgh Valley yard, eng.igedln cou|.llng frelajhl-eara. He siarted to cross thetraefca la froai af one of tho movtaa cere andinpp.-d. He fell full leiu;th across ihe tr.i.kH. wlihh's ne.-k dlnclly on one of the r.lls. I'.efure hecould regnln hl.< footlng nnd get o.n af the way. ther.:r was upon hlm. the wheei p.m*tng over hi. neokand completely a*vrlaa hls head from hls holy.


The Htidson County Board of Chosen Freeho|dersat Its meeting last evening adopted a resolutlonappolntlng a commlttee of flve to confer wlth a

slmllar commlttee of the Eaaex County Board andmake arrangements for the construetlng of a brldgeover the Pa.salc Rlver hetween South Fourth-st..ll.rrl.on, and Madlson-st, Xewark. Th. cltlaensof the two countles voied on tbe question of bulld¬ing thl. bnd&e nt the electlon laat fall. Es.exCounty gave a large majorlty ln Its favor. but InHudeon County only . few votes were eaat eltherf >r or It. The act was amended by the lastLegislature by strlking out the referendum clauseand glvlng the Boarda of Preeholdera of th* taocountie. authorlty to conatruct tha brldge.








The laat day's B8B88BBJ of the twenty-tlfth annual

convention of the Woman's Baptlst Foreign Mlss.on-

ary Soclety of the New-England and Mlddle States

was held yesterday In the handsome Peddle Merno-

rlal Church. of Newark. After a devotlonal meetlng

led by Mrs. John Love, of Germantown, Penn., a

revlew of the State reports was read by Mrs. A. D.

Mannlng. of Provldenae, R. I. The revlew deatt

wlth tho reports of the socretarics of the ten States

that are members of the soclety. The dlscouraglngand encouraglng features of the work were gone

over, and the latter grcatly prcdomlnated. "Prac-

tlcal Hlnts" was the general toplc of three bright.short spceches. "The Helplng Hand," a Baptistmlsslonary weekly. was dlscussed by Mrs. ArehlbaldWheaton. of Connectlcut. "Up to Date in Mlsslon¬

ary Atethods" was the subject dlscussed by Alrs.

Emma Cummlngs Park. of Massachusetta. Hard

.work was the prlnctpol charactenstlc of the work

recommended by her.Mlss Cornella Park, of Waverly. N. Y., a grad-

uate of Vassar College. made an address on "Ad-

vantages of Svstematle Study" that attracted mu-h

attentlon. Aliss Bonnell is a student and worker at

the Hasscltlne House. at Newton Centre. Alass.

for voung women preparlng to be mlsslonarle?. Her

appllcatlon for an asslgnmcnt to a foreign mlsslon¬

ary station was not aceepted thls year. owlng to


h^r youth Two o'her atudents. .Mlss Oraea Hayden.,..! Mlaa Uaala Hyatt, of Rocbeeter. H. v.. arara

al-.. a ¦' n.epted <.n stmllar grounds partly. nnd

because of ill health. They wlll return to the house.but may be called upon at any tlme lo go to a

foreign country.Sc'HOOI. F'lR WOAIEN MISSK>NAR1 BE.

Th- Haaaatt.8 Ifonaa 18 named ln honor of Ann

flaaatlllaa Judaeu, the wlfe of Adoatram fadaaa.Wha was the rtrst Amerlcan Baptlst Ml-Vonnry to

Hurmah. Indla. The young women who are pre¬parlng at the House to become mlsslonarles ar- ln

rrequetrl contact wlth the Board of Foreign AI1--

Bloaa, nnd are. ln a sense. mlsslonarles on proba-ll.n. Thev nre Instructed ln thelr dutl"s abroad and«. the same tlme. engage In mlsslon work In the

slums of Hoston.Two young women were called at the seasior >*.«-

t«rda) to b ¦'¦.'¦ foreign mlsslonarles, and th-y wlll

be sent out thls comlng fall, probably to Purmah.

The tw« who wer- favo.d by the call are Aliss

KHs, ch,vpman, of Falrvllle. N Y.. and Mlss UaalaB Haghaa, of Ftederleton. New-Hrunswlc*. PraaVsbly the most Inter-itlng and afTectng Ineldent of

th« aesalon wa* the .farewcll" glv< n yesterday to

these voung women. who had consecrated the'r live*

to the work «>f apreadlng the kn.wledg^ of the Chr.s-

tlan rellglon Each ot them made a short addre*v>.reountlng the eauaea that led to h-r declsion. lneach c*jH» the orlglnal were tho words of a

r.¦! irn-1 mlsslonary. one from Afrl a and one fromIndlaMlss Barah" C. Durfee. of l*rovldence. the president

>f tha r'X-iety. raapaaded in a aiaiaalhatlc aiidress.arel a prayer for th-Ir protaettoa and succer* »a.a

affared by Alr* a Al Brooka, of Morrlatowa, N J,A revlew «f th- Junlor aolety r< ports was read

b) Mr. V H McKeever, of Connectlcut. at the morr-

Ing aesal«>n. Thla waa followed by a aympo-lum on

Junlor work, eaodu t. I b) Alu N Al Waterbury.Ol Newton Crntre


A numl>errvf short addreeeea, termed "suggeetions."were made. a* feUowai "I'rlmary Cl_s Work." byM:«e Ita Slater. of Atatawan. N. J "The Ktng'sMes«<ngrrs." by A!'«s Florabel Dunklee. of BoetOa,and "Metaaoa for iun<:«." by aiis* oarrla n <'hap-man. of Montclair. N. J. Anotbef "«iugge*tlon ofth- same klnd waa po«tp >r.e1 tO the nfternonn, owlng:o tbe fact that Ihe program088 ha I not kept upwlth the tlme athaflllla This was an lll'is'ratlonor "How to Organlz* a Further L!»;hrs Olicle," byMlss Liaxie Hyatt or Roeheeter, N I Bha tllus-trate<l lt bf orgnnlstng a clrcl- In the audleive"Schoois aa an Evangel'.st,- Ag<-ncy" wa* the sub¬

ject of aa ad lress by MIs* Agnes Whttehead. ofItiirn ih Alra. John M-Ktnlay proaented greetlBgSfrom th- I'hlldren'a Honie. "A Glln.pse of RaaaaJ-tlaa Houee," tha h aaa of women prepariag to bo«

ni.. mlaalonartea, waa praaealed by .Mrs. GrantBdmanda. of Hrookiine, Mass. MlaatOfl work lnJapaa waa daaerfbed by Mlaa Ella R Church, aii,> from Illm-JI. anl th- work la M.irmaharaa daa ribad by Mlaa Etwell addwaaaa arera madeby Aits. n >i. avaterbury, tha baaai aecretary ofthi soclety, and Mlaa _>wrence, of Tbatone, Bur-niali(Jreetlnga wrre recelved from Alrs. Al. 1!. [ngalla

and Aliss Kate Evans, who w-re sent to llurtr.ah88 by tba BOCWtJI IIPM Ita organlza¬tlon twenty-flve years ago, nnd who ha.- reinaniedhere \ u sin-s.Mlaa M.«r> B ''|«rk, who had been the treaeuref

of lha aoclet] foi twenty-four rearu, preaanted h-rreatgnatloo, atid lt vm aceepted wlth much regrot.'. resolutlon pralalag her aervtcee was praaented byAlrs. A. M. Itrooks and unaulmously a lf>pt»-ii

OmOBtS "F THE SO'-IETY.Tba Nom)iiailng Commlttee .conslsilng of Mrs.

B J. .Shrcve. of Plalnfleld; Mra. C. V. Hanson, ofBhowhaajaa, ai- Mrs. r i.. Whlte. of Naahua,\ II Aliss Hutciilnnon. of lUnnlugton, Vt., Alrs.Robert Caaseron, of Chalaaa, Maaa,; Mra. C. F.Wll-ox. of Provld. ii. e, lt. I. Alrs Elm-i f.athan,r.f Myatlc, I'oiii! . Mrs A. S. Hobert, of yoiik-rs.N. Y., .Mlss O. Al. of Mlnghamton,N. V Mra S. Al. Mlller, of l'hll.i l-lphla. Mra. L.C. Knljnt, of Dover, DeL, and Allsa Ayer, of W.ish-ington mada th- foMowtng noiniiiatiuns of offlcarafor th- enauing year. and they were npproved. tle§M tullots helrir; unatilmously for them:PreaMaat Mlaa Barah C. Durfee. No. ;ii Water-

nian s: J'rovl li BCe. R. I.Vlce-Prealdeiits Mra Hobert Harrls. the Buck-

Ingham. New-York: Mra Al. H. Blxby, No. 43Susan si Provldeneo, K. I.: Mrs. J. ft, Colgate,Vonkers. N Y Mrs F. W. Tustln, No. l.fiirj gum-niei at . l'hlladelphla; Mrs. K. W. IIIIsh, Waah-Itigton. D. C; Mrs. S W. Duncan, Frc man andSt. Paul sts., LongWOOd, Alass; Alrs W. H. P.Faunce, No. I West Forty-slxth-st., New-York;Alrs. Chi.rles Mlller. Franklln. I'enn.; Mrs A. At.Itrooks, No. 7 Alorrls-ave., Alonlstown. N. J.; Alrs.Moaaa Qtddlnga, No ii Broadway. Bangor, Me.;Alrs. Alvah Hovey, Newton Centre. Mass.Clerk-Airs. O. W. Dean, P O. Boa Bt, Fall Rlver.

Maaa<'orrespondinB Kecretarles Foreign l>epartment,

Alrs. II. <J. Sifford. No. IA Itencon-st., Hoston;H tne Department, Mrs. N. Al. Waterhury, NewtonCentre, \In«sTreasurer-AIIss Allce E. Stedman, No. 2A Beacon-

Bt>. Hoston.Audltor charles H f'handler, Boston.Board of Mraetora -cinsa li tterm expirea 1898),

Mrs. II. c Clapp. to flll a vscancy; Clasa III (termxplres lHHli). Alrs. K. O. Sllver. Newton Centre,

Alaas.: Mra D B. lutten, Full Ulver, Maas.i Mra..1. Llncoln. Cambrldge, Mass.; Mrs. G. Edmonds,Brookline. Mass

SYMPATHY FOR ARMEN1A-Afrs. M. E. Cobb. of Phlladelphla. offered the

followlng resolutlon on Armenla. whlch waa unanl-mously adopted:Resolved. That we. the women of the Woman's

Baptlst Foreign Allsslonary Soclety. deslre formallyto express our de-p setise of the enormlty of thecritn-s whlch have been and ar" belng rommltteda> alnst the Crtrlstinn wnmen and the Innocentchlldren of Armenla, and our fUlleal sympsthy forthelr snfferlng and In all the efforts for thelr re-llef.

It was declded to hold the next snnual conventionln Waahlngton. D. C. Attaa Allce E. Stedman, thenew treasurer, was then formally Introduced to thesoclety, and the regular aesalon was adjournrdwithout date.In the evening a publlc meetlng was held ln the

Interest of mlsslons. Addreaaes were made by theRev Cortland Alyera. of Brooklyn, and MornayWllllams. of New-York.The seaslon wss vnted an unusually successful

and enjoyahle one

PA8HAIC COCNTY W. C T. V.Pnterson. Aprll 16 (Speclal)..The twenty-thlrd con¬

vention of the Woman's Chrlstlan Temperance.I'nlon of Paasatc Count) waa held at Hawtttome laatnlght. One hundred delegates were present. Paperawere read by Mra. McGrew aad Mra Brown. of

Passalc; President Austln and Mrs. ft*jjj*^jjPaterson. The Btate prealdent. Mra. **««%"»"on the vnrlou* unlons and thelr work n.New;(J,f"*?'_1_. Allce M Guernsey dellvered an lnterestlng ad-or'e" onCteheMwork of% Loyal Leglon The^ouytynre«ldent. Mra. Aust n, congratulated th* associeyononthe succes, attcndlng Its efforta fo**"** cloa-lng ln thls clty, but declared that there was atiu

ample room for Improvement.



Fresh lnterest ln the proposltlon to coneolldate the

communltles known as the Oranges is belng arousedby the distrlbutlon of a pamphlet publlahed by the

Consolldation Assoclatlon of the Orange*. ln It the

advantages of a Greater Orange are dlscussed, and

arcompanylng lt Is a blank form lnvltlng cttUens to

return a "yes" or "no" to the question, ^Are you

ln favor of a consolldation of the Oranges?"Ii Is proposed that one munlclpallty should be

made of Eaat Orange, Orange (proper), South Or¬

ange vlllage, Vallsburg and that part of West Or¬

ange lylng eaat of a line drawn 600 feet west of and

parallel with Prospect-ave.; or of Orange and such

of those outlylng dlstticts as should elect to con-

solidate by a vote of thelr people. The remalnder of

W.-st Orange Township and the southerly part of

South orange Township. It i« thought, would not be

beneflted al present by belng lncluded ln the pro¬posed clty. .

In a summary of the beneflt* that mlght be ex-

pected to follow such a unlon of terrltory and Inter-

ests, the consolidatlonlsts mentlon the followlng:"In general. among the beneflts the Oranges

would secure by consolldatlng under on* govern¬ment. woul I be the advantage of the service of ex-

p. rt .-xecutlve offlciale at a conslderable reduction In

tha pro rata cost of government to taxpayers. The

people would secure better pollce. Are. postal andother s-rvi-.-. a deelrabt* ayatem of internai im-

provements. that would necessarily cover all tlrsreglon and gTCatly enhtince lt* proFperlty. wouldbecome practicihle. For example: A much-neededuddlilon to the water nupply of all the sectlons, es-

pecially aeedad for street and lawn sprlnkllng. could

ei.-lly and cheiply be secured, as well as a compre-benalv* lyatem of .nd und-r dralnage An lntra-

mural system of transtt, both elecirlcal and by new

avenuea and atreete, affording convenient and che^peommunlcatlon between ali paris and directingtrad* to our own eenfres. would be easlly posslble,where It is now Imposslble "

Consolldation is also urged as a meane of opposlngthe deelr* exlstlng In Xewark and the lower part of

East Orange to annex the Oranges to Xewark It1« contended that Xewark ls dlstlnctively a manu-

facturlng clty. whlle the Oranges are att.-arMve

malnly as pla<ee of .-stderire. and that thereforethe Intereata of the two parfs of Essex County are

not such as would be mutually promoted by a

Greater Xewark.(.f th- bu*lness slde of the rjuestlon th* eoneoli-

dat'.onlsts say as an outeome of the n'glect to

create an attraetlve. strong centre ln the Oranges,they have noi such lmportant mercnfile establl.h-ment* as are deslrable, and that Newark and New-

York merehanta profit by this deflcieney. It i* be-

lleved that consolldation would soon r*m*dy thlsde-flci-ncy tnrough the etlmulstlon of local merehantato provldlng larger establlshments. and ln rr»*tlnga ervk prtd<- that would lead to a greater patron.geof home tradera BBerta hav? been mad*. to developtrad* ln a number of centres; but, outslde of thebualncaa thnt would aatarally congregate around

tlon-, they have not been aucceseful.As to th" portt'.oe of the Greater Orange th*

paatphlet aayr "In the n*w city the polltical pa.r-UM WOUld t-« so equally balanced hs tO BUatber*.and the ln i.pendent vote would be so large th.i: M

good a goveraaarat for the OraaUr orange could be

r tured ¦ has *ver *xlst*1. for the moral and total*iigeni elemeat would h* larg-lyand oondualverypre-domlnant. Lot that ela.n« attend to the nomlna-

tion of publlc aervanta and then ther* would b*llttle U..I government. for any Ignorant or oth'-r-wlae objeetlonabl* soclal element would be in a

hopeie*a mlnorlty." kIt la held that the schoil. of th* n*~ cl^y wou.d

all h» raleed IO a hlgh order of excellence. Easti ii iiige'. achoo:s. svv the consolidatlonlsts. nearly at th* bead of any schools in the.- .untry and the same grad. of !ntellU,ence that ha*created these echool. will. through consolldation be

ntrol of the Greater 4)range. It i. beltevd bythem that. wlth Ihe Uvreaaed power anl oppor-

v that will come with unlty. the educationalayatem will surpn*. anythlng ln existen-e m anyof the aectlona, and will result ln the ereetlon or

il, art and other schools r lgure*anl rarta and precedenta are quoted llberally ln thapimphlel to prova thal .11 thl. and much more that[« good would proceed from con.dldntionTh.- offlcera aud many «<f the mcm:^r.s ur tnecon-

* .lidatlon Aaaoclatlon .ir- men of hlgh standtng in

th>- rommunlty. The foil-.wtng are the offlcera:President laaac E Oatea. Baal Orange; vw-presi-dent. hamuel Colgat*. Orange; Alexander hlng.

Orange; Thomas S. Klngm.n. South Orange;william M.rr. W**t Orange; .ecretary, Dr J M >vKltchen East orange. trea.urer. Frank R. \\ lcKes

Motwtthatandlng that a matonty orrncer* are from or.inge. the antl-consoll-

datlon scntiment i* stroiigest ln that township.f thi member* of tne godety i* John Giii.

M >vor of Orange. who has Juat br.n elected wlth¬out oppotltlon.



BAD rosTRint'TKD. MAPf: HIM DBBPOBMBT.i.r.itigc. April 1* (Speclali --John Evenance, a

h itt*i amployed ln theshop of F. Rerg * Co.. OrangeV.illey. dled ln the Memorial HoepRU early thls

morning from polson. taken wlth sulclda!, *m* to thla .-ountry from Hungary about four

:- ;.go. wlth hl. wlfe and one son. now tifteenold. Me secured work at once and has been

.t Iteadj and lattaatrtOOa man, much llked by hls'. pmataa f,f late he haa been worrled ever the

eondltlon of hls wlfe, who has been an Invalld for a

long tlme 54he suffered terrlhly .it tlmes. and to

ulliiy h«-r palaa Evenance ha.1 been accu.<tomed to

admlnlster morphlne hypodermlcally. 1ft thls waytb* woaaan a vlctlm of thrt morpiiine hablt.ihl* prayed on Bvcnanoe** mlnd. ..nd be bocamemorbld. evening his son brought home some

muipntne, and after supper the Inmates of the hous-ji.-titiM. Evtnaiice b.-lng apparently ln good spirits.About :i o'cloch this morning Mrs. Bvaaaaea was.rakened by her buaband'a groaoa He wa* toundlylng In agony on th* lloor in the llvlng-room. Aaempty tioitle that had contalned the morphlne waanear by, whlle on lha labla was a cup, In whlch ther*were a large nutnh r of niatche.s. from whlch theheads had be*n soaked. He had tvldently drank themlxture. 11 «¦ w.s taken to tbe hospital. wher* hedi.- 1 ln gre.u agony. Dr. Washington. the County1'- \.-' ..:. made an autopsy thls afternoon andgi.mted tho usual death certillcite.



IV.; Tllr: .STATI'S OK THB BOVBBBBT.J. James ft. Crois, of Xo. 68 Uro.t.iway, one of the

New-Vork anl Ncw-.Nrsey Palisades Commlsslon-«-rs. has sent the followlng letter to The Trlbur.e:Th.- negotlationa between ihe Commlssloners ap¬

polnted by the rttates of Xew-York and X-«v-Jers.ylo secure ihe aoquisltion of the l'ulisades of theHudaon by tha Unlted Btate*, and th* oth.;«rs of theNatlonal Oovernmettt are proareaataaj in a satu-faciory manner The Commlssloners, after carefuldeiiberation, preeented to Coaarbaa a form of a lawwhlch, in thelr opiuion, would moel the requlre-n.eiiis of the and requeated Its consldt-ratlon.Th» blll. whlch was Introduced in th« Ilouso of

Repr***ntatlvca by B. f. Kalrcbild. was referre.l tothe Coatmltte* <>n Mllltary Affalrs, whlch ha. Itunder eonsiderallon, wlthout, however. arrlvlng aay.i at any daflnlte conolualona In fact, It ls difncultto see how so busy a commlttee could have arrlvedat any decislon wlth referenee to a matter lnvolvlnga. ihis does some novel polnts of law juid practlce,In the Ilmlte.l tlme that lt has been able to devoteto lt.The Departmcat ef the latertor, ur.der who.e con¬

trol the blll propomd to place the tervltoty to beaciiulred. not, »o far as can be learned, ex-pressed any oplnlon aa to the merlts of the measure.The War Depaiunenl has, in rrspouse to an Inqulryof the commlttee. mor.dy replled that lt waa con¬

trary to ihe polley of the Pepartment to reeommendtlie purchase of land anywhere for mllltary purposee;.an.l thal di such purchase* whlch had been madewere made wlthout the approval of the War Depart-ment. The oplnlon of the General of the Army andof the (itntial Staff wlth referenee to the deslr.i-blllty of a mllltary reservatlon of the clasa proposedln tne vlclnlty of Xew-York Clty has not been of-flclally asked as vet and ihe sultabillty of the pro¬posed locatloa for a aaatral mllltary poet ha. notbeen examlned by the general commandlng nor bythe AdJutant-OenerrU. the Inspector-General or theQuartermaster-Ocneral. whose personal examlnatlonof the whole question will be essentlal to a decislonwlth referenee to the merlts of the scheme proposed.There are broad questlons of admlnlstratlon,

polley and tlnunce Involved. and a hasty Judgmentls not deslred: conaequently It appears prohabfe thatno actlon wl.l he taken by the Mllltary Commltteeon the blll untll after the summer recesa of Con-gress, during whlch the necessary examlnatlon* bythe hlgher oftlclals of the Government can be madeand lntelllgent concluslons reached.Cnder these drcumstancee, lt appears aomewhut

premature for a few Indlvlduals who have not givenlo the subject the eonslderatlon whlch the offlclalrepresentatives of the States of Xew-York and New-Jersey devoted to It, to petltlon, aa lt ia r.-ported th.i ihey are now dolng, the Mllltary Com¬mlttee to make an adverae report upon the blll atonce and thu. concluslvely nut a stop to tha onlvconcerted movement whlch haa ever been made tbpreveni further mutltatton of the Palisades. a move¬ment whlch Is progreaalng ln the manner and Inthe dlrectlon autlioriaed by the unanlmou. votea orthe leglslatures of New-York and Xew-Jeraey, andfor whlch the opponent. of the blll have ho aubstl-tute to otTer except a vague proposltlon that the twoSt.tes should unlte ln attetr.ptlng to do semethlngwhlch constltuttonat lawyera have repeatedly de¬clared they had no power or authorlty to do.The other membera of the Commlaaion ar* Enoch

C. Bell and Waldo Q. Morae, for New-York, andHenry D. Wlnton. EVtward P. Meany aad Charlea B.Thurston for New-Jeraey.


HE WOULD BECOME HELPMS^^^The sulclde of Charles H. Voorhla, fortaa*


greaaman and Judge, la hla law offlce, Jeraty _on Wedneaday nlght, waa a aevere ahoek t»l_many frtenda in the legal profeaalon. Ba a_lawyer of ablllty, and had tbe sympathy of __legal brethren who knew that he waahard to bulld up a paylng practlce. Thefallure of the Hackenaack banka left hlm jaaar.Tbut wlth remarkable grlt he establlshed w^-r**dhua,^teasBaaaiJeraey Clty to bcgln ancw. Lawyers ofhls offlce nelghbora, were Buccessful and gr ^but he contlnued the fruitless struggl* for e*^years. He waa cheerful and affable, aad

_*¦%dlscouragement from hla frlends, but hiawere aware of hla despalr. Hls son, when lnfonof the tragedy, aadly exclalmed: .-.§"We have been expectlng aomethlng llke thU _flve years." *A dlscovery that probably destroyed tha ex_.

gressman's hope was made by the unfortunata__Hls slght was falling, and he found by tastiaa^eyes that the powers of hls left eye had gonrfeared the loss of the other. and that he woaktcome totally bllnd. The worrlment affactadmlnd. and he belleved hls reason was falltaathat he would become a helpless Invalld. JSsessed natural prlde. and preferred deaththan become a burden upon loved onea.funeral wlll be he'.d thta afternoon from hla fc



The County Board of Registry and ElecUeaaalcanvass to-day the vote east In Tuesday's eitctfe*To the candidates elected, on the face of tha *turns, certlflcates wlll be glven A recouat «ftake place as between Mr. I'lrlch and Mr. Oray. *

caucus of the Republlcan members of the preaajBoard of Aldermen haa been called for this aft*noon. An ordlnance reorganlzlng the Boart alHealth wlll be dlscussed. The term of the pibmBoard wlll explre on May 1 One proposttlon libmake the new Board of Health to conslst of tb)Mayor the president of the Common Councll atfthe chalrman of the Flnance Commlttee, the pre*.dent of the Flre Board and three physlcians. T*aIs opposed, how*ver. Another proposltion k acontlnue the present Board and P«-rmit Mayor tafckuecher to appolnt the late Dr Alarshall s succaa,sor I'nder the law of 1891 the Common Coundl anot compelled to obey the law of IsSt. whlch creatslthe present Board.Antonlo Dromo. a labor-r. was ..vercoaa* by tb)

heat whlle workuw at the city etone crusher flj»afternoon. He waa _»l to the hospitalMax Blum. of No. 38 Cana -st.. wi<. badly Injsral

about the lega and head to-night aa he was »teppH|from a South Orange electrtc-car. He waa remanlto hls home.An unknown man. about sixty y-ara old, bectai

confused on the Congresa-st. bridg- of the CentnHRallroad last evening as a train waa approaefclajand waa struek by the engtne. His back waa braka)and he died a few mlnutea later.


Two women, each carrylng a small quantltyajlace. whlch they represented thc>' were endearorh|to sell. were arreated yesterday by Pollceman h*Icirn, who suspected them of belnt; sneak tbleajThey were ldentlfled by John M< Brldi of dumaaave as the two women who ha I vlsited hls hoaa,and a sult of clothes could not be found tnathelr call. The prlsoners reg.stered as L.Htt Ca>nora, twenty-elx years ol 1. of No. 2uo MorjaaCand Mary 0 lirlen thirty years old, of No. %> Erk>st They were held.

BAYONNE.Three young sneak thleves were arreatai la Ba>

onne early yesterday morning by Patrolmenand AlcNamara. The cu'.prlta are James 7Bjjjlaan years old. of No. N East Twentyst ; Edward Hogan, aewaateen years old, of a_road-ave.. and Bernard Murtha. slxtaea yeari ._,of No. 88 luilroad-ave. Juat before midolfht .Wednesday they b^oke into the sa.oon of M__Lannon. at Rallroad-ave and Alechanic-it. Aftariflina the cash reglster of $o2 aad l iklng a qua>tlty ot iiquor an 1 clgare. th-y decamped wlthoatb-lng detccted When erreeted th-y at rtrst deaktthelr guilt although most of the s'o'.en moneyaajfound in their posaession. They ilnally eopaj*edgcl the escapaie and were committed oy He-corder Conneliy to the County .Tall.





Thomas Husaey was trled in the Hud«on CaMTCourt of Sesslons yesterday on two in r.-'menttfcrassault with (ntent to kill. Last Chrlsttn.s Dsybshot James Dalton. an old man. In the righ' _Barand ahot George Dalton. a son ot the old maruhBihand. They occupled adjoinlng housea ln laWlnkle-si.. Jer.<e> CltJThey had Hve1 ln harmony unf.l the agltaaa

over the VeneaueUti «UCsU»a. Thls provokejtquarrel aad . i.g-r.dered bad blood. On the nWCr-rlstmas Day Mrs Hussey anl Georg- DaMtenffaa-el ln a flght Hussey hearl hls wlfe* screaaa

;To and nrVd the Sota TheDaitons contaSXt Mr* Huasey bad f-X^Hu^V-aertidtfhim from tl.e dooryard Alrs. Husse> as.ertro i.

vouai"BhhSn vaulted f^L^k^ZuSi 2-Vher Hussey. whose left hand «v malmeu tu air

>L "ad he uw George Dalton beating hlaJBs-y of atroctoua assa dt and battery on both chanaa




Peter Guamerlo. an Itallan aaloonkeepar. ol'Sptffand Oak st*.. Hoboken. aad aaalataat MNof Protectlon Hook and Ladder Compaajf. olim

town. w_ reported miaalng by his wlfe y«**»Mra. Guarnerio sald that she had a au»"*J."her husband on .Monday nlght ¦,v/1\th*,,JfC5Mrs. HetS, a widow, and Guarnert left the »~»hlghly Indlgnant. taklng all hla c .-* .*££,Alns. He.s. too. wa* not in V*VH'L /£_?*.iav. anl the wufe thlnkathat her 1.- P<*«"j5someth'ng to do wlth Guarnerio a ;»_'*iBj«aloonkcper waa treasurer of an 1 ;ll!""ZL,beneflt soclety. Several ni-mbers of lha »s*x~«called on Recorder Schtndier >'«8terda> Mt «JTplalned that funds of the soclety. amountl«a»a»were ml^slng._OFFICERB OF THE TRUST ixntt*^SECRETARY AND VICK-PRESILKNT OF TlOtf,9,'TAX TOnACCO COMPANY TESTIFY IX new**xIn the sult agalnat the Amerlcan Tobacco ft»

pany ln the Vlce-Chancellorui Coart *[_*JS|liatartay. Joelah Brown. socretary of the a

trust, resumed the stand and was directed toc*,|-4the names of the conslgnees, whose .*T*e:n<Artictt.t>een cancelled. without glving any of the |Bin.-lars. The witness read the long Hst of e»*e*. JJoocaalonal Interruptlons by the lawyers- "*r

Carter sald that In the beglnnlng of tha rtan^|jtlon he had been reQueated to get certaln lnfjrm*lW,from the compaoy's records, and had not ,**n

to secure ll. He suggested thut Instead of J88BMmas to the conslgnees cut off Air. Brown should m*"a 11st In prlv.ue and submlt lt Air. Llndabury ««.

thut If the complalnants wunted that llst ol o?^.slgnee«i they must get lt from tlie witnessi on

, i_».../! .,...... nn H«, ln nrivilte. TBB »stand, as he would make no llst ln private. iffordedaeaa would glve no ttMitimony beyond that an

by hls memory. He had tbe v"**".he wns under no obllgatlon to seek Informatloa aw-the books and pupers of the company. and MiidviMd the company that lt was n )t o'.uig?d " T,Its records for the purpoee of allowlng the **

to get Informatlon for ihe wltness-stund. AnJf-:of the Court could brintf the books to the st*l7"Wllllam H. Butler. vlct-president of the To°*-r

Company, testlfled that he had been secretary otw

company untll February. 1896. as well a» * «"J^iJtHe was ahroad when the conslgnment ay*'c__ o-

adopted In February, im. lt had been .^.*JJSdlucuaaed prlor to hia gaing away. but he Baew .gllitle about lt. lt waa thought to ^ beaer".;tha robate system. as the goods woulJ 1*'?1.a.cnred for and put on the market. The wlt"«|?L"2mltted that he was one of the most actlve offlcers.the company, and that the change of »>*ie*" butbeen dlscussed Informally at dlrectors rnyetiag*.no record waa kept. He had nothlng to^do eicevl.aan advlsory way wlth the agreement of CK«o.r *

18*9. bv whlch the Amerlcan Tobacco ^ompaay-rfformei He had be«n actlve In th* ma~agcmem£the Klnney Tobacco Company. whlch ls no* a i-

ber of the American Tobacco Company. i".ness waa on the atand when the Court adjournee.

TWO SEAMEX AXD AGA8 JET.An emptoye of Gonaalea alterican Hotel. »

Rlver-at.. Hoboken, detected yesterday ~orn,n*~Jorlor of llluminatlng gas escaplng from a ro~-

oecupled by Dyman W. Ferrath and John mbit

steamshlp flremen. thirty and twenty-four ya«jold. respectlvely. The door was broken openthe two men were found ubcojibcIoub oti J***&Dr. Helfer. a member ot the ^Hoboken »e

Board. waa caUed. and he 8«ccaed«<» .« «v»rt-|them. It waa learned that ._«"'" "U{S?. thao'elock. Both were drunk and f»»'«' "V^tttfgaa off property. It oacaped for alx houra o»

it waa diacovered.

DVXKARdT'tTbTilTTCBVRCB.Frenchtown. Aprll 18 (Bpaclal).-Uno 'or . eMJJ

slte haa juat been bought of Samuel Rupiejaintereectlon of the Trenton Road and tne r~«

ing to Oak Orove, in Hunterdon C?unty. »» Th#la known aa the "rrog _Tawa proatjriy^^"Brathraa" a branch»^£^St\^U^chaaera. They wtll soon begin the erecuo" "j^ehuroh bulldlng. coatlng aavaral thouaand *>«-»-: j