BAMBOO Katherine and Victoria. Pictures Q: From where does Bamboo come from? A: Bamboo is native to...


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BAMBOOKatherine and Victoria


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Q: From where does Bamboo come from?

A: Bamboo is native to Asia but was brought to Africa, Australia, America.

Question 1

Q: What objects are made of Bamboo and how are they used?

A: Kitchenware, paper, furniture, decrative objects, fabric, ply wood, flooring, and even bicycles.

Question 2

Q: How much Bamboo is produced at any period of time?

A: 1 hectare of land can hold up to 60 tons of bamboo in 4 months.

Question 3

Q: How are Bamboo items typically disposed of?

A: Most people simply throw away the cloth\fabric or , If it’s a plant, they pull up the stalk and put in the recycling bin.

Question 4

Q: Where do Bamboo products go to be recycled?

A: Most bamboo products are thrown away and others haven’t been soaked in chemicals so they decompose if left.

Question 5

Q: What are the steps involved in recycling Bamboo?

A: Since Bamboo is decomposable, you can leave it in a compost pile or just throw it away. If you throw it away, trash trucks bring it to a landfill where it eventually decomposes.

Question 6

Q: How does recycling bamboo help the environment?

A: Bamboo is too short to be made into yarn. Therefore, the stalks must be mushed with water and chemicals including carbon disulfide, lye, and strong acids, and then run through a nozzle into a sulfuric acid bath to harden into rayon(woven fabric). Some bamboo fabric manufacturers re-use the chemicals rather than dumping them, but most manufacturers do not. The point of this is, when we recycle bamboo products, we keep harmful chemicals from being used more than neccesary.

Question 7

Q: Describe how bamboo fibers can be used.

A: Bamboo fibers are used for, of course, clothing and bedding. They are also used for medical supplies and sanitary materials because it has an antibacterial nature.

Question 8

Q: What type of clothing/furnishing can be used with bamboo fibers.




•Bathing suits

•Bathing suit cover ups

•Bath robes


Question 9


Slide 6-www.thriftyfun.comSlide 7-www.ask.comSlide 8-www.ask.comSlide 9-www.bamboo-china.comSlide 10-www.bamboogrove.comSlide

