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Information Fa Made By Auhur

COURim-JOORNAt, IRIDAY, OCTOBER SI, 1953 Rochester, N. Y.

Helene Ryan an 'FredSrlcjR. Berr* Unix; singing, » quintet compos of E^C&adyi w^JtfaiOaiiiQs* Ntncy Cimpl, Barbew. tcsaj-and ISfaricy Bennett, who also aeconv piinied the gingers and dancers.

Colored sUdes and movies of «?« Tm$~ tainfiy ait their Ver-spjat nojjs^jssre shown ray Ger-j$d Conrey, tHgardst of St.

f/C3toren. Basing bis re-on -severalJ*SHS and pe­

riods of^tiy- there, Mr. Cenroy tnattwelpft tKe^flptasn fith anec-<Sote* and reminiscences. -..tthe- .evenings concluded with

rfjrashmepts-served by & com' ttSft*«i oriaflbat from St»NMary*s


Aw&ttTO -I'laiis for a Catholic W a i ^ t l o n F o i w a % be sponsored in .Auburn during Adye&t « Q 4 Jj*a«ary ^J^btja-n JDwiery Council, Diocesgn Council ®$? Catholc Mmeik wisre otsflinsa at the October roe^tingf * x ^** fey -0»e moderator, the Rev.; Ktersto J, -Hiclses-. O. Orm.

"Tf* Rev. Francis P. Donahue, O Csrm., prior of Whitefriars, and fiie Rev. J&aclum U. Snyder, O. Carm., professor of philosophy at Whitefiriars, will conduct the Forron. /

MBS. EDWARD T. BQKUS is chairman of the ewenmittee ar­ranging the series. She wQl be assisted by Mr*, p. Eugene Car­penter, deanery^ president; Mrs. fled i , Amsaon!S» Mxt. inm^1

'f Cuddy,.jars. fhll^iJi: Q'Con-neti imd'-Mrs. Gefij^s A. S^der.

PoPowing the fct*W^&|&ting ai^-entertalnmeal•^k%•'$&(& by ""' "'" " " "' " ";j>t-y*>iy FamCy High ^ o o l : IHtocing,

Recite Rosary

?** »..•*«* eenevmw-Eflaay' «*». m^Omf

ot Praarer" for th? National Counpaot Gatholio Women aod It* afRUated organl»tions! iri thft'- city* •• ' ' •" . .

«'en«sv» unit, with councUa througihout tJw jistton, offered c«ntin««I recifaitioii of the Ko*

Hn* Ifnuoai Kobtuv* tatera*-ttonal ohalrmam, tor the Gener» De*neryi'\r»a chairrnan of the local program wlifch openei at ? a. m, y d condnded at 1 ffe;-ffts;:. ;-"t;'.- ' ' r T ~

Hembers were assigned id* dr»ld»uaiy to tlw 15 mlnste reel-t«tlon of the Rosary, bat ail women were Invited to ta&e part.1 '

Mis. Bowness Heads Scipio Rosary Group

Aubnrn—Mrs. Arthur Bowness was elected president of the RoS' ary Society of St. Bernard's Church, Scipio Center, at the Oc­tober meeting of that society.

Other officers elected to serve with Mrs. Bowness are: Vice-president, Mrs. Harlan DriscoJl;

AOH Units After Communion :hwrch Custodian Of Bible

ON STEPS «t St, AloyHkw Church, Auburn, meninera of newly or«anl»»d Auburn Division, Ancient Order of Hibernian* and Auxiliary are shown after receiviRg Holy Communion at 7t» aan. Maaa, Snnday. Breakfast followed at Osborne Hotel. Bernard Cullen was chairman and

Michael Walsh, co-chalnnsn.

secxetary, Mrs. Joseph Kanalley; .... . ... , • v. «nd treasurer, Mrs. Howard

Chu»r|! TBnder the cAaJtmanshi Lacey. The Rev. VVDliam D. Tc-ofMr* JoanCO^Toole* hip, pastor of St Bernard's, is

raoflerator. At the same meeting plans

wene made for a formal Rosary Reception to be held oh the third Sunday in November..

• • ' o — .

St. Andrew's Group tisfs Rummage Safe

Ruumage sale for the benefit of Cab Scout Paek 7 will be spon­sored by^wV^en Mothers of St. Andrew * Ghurcb, Nov. 5 at

?. 6 Jtwa 9

Home Town Market QUALITY MEATS

4!N«r*S*. Aufcwn, N.Y. ; . Ffcaita 3-6011

Friday d a b To Heat Chaplain

Auburn J- The Rev. Father In-nocent* OJJM. Cap, of the In* ma'cuiate Heart ot Mary Semin­ary, Geneva, will be the speaker at the November First Friday Supper, Nov. 7 sponsored by Au­burn Council '207> Knights of Columbus. The speaKer's topic will be "The Church Jn America."

An Innovation is being planned for the December First Friday meeting when the Debating Club of LeMoyne College will engage in'forensics with a team com­posed of Auburn Knights of Columbus.

. • ,., i - . Q 1 •

Women Trained gareeleaa. Spate—(NO-

of the aims of the Center of Women's Activities here is to make young wives and mothers familiar with the Papal social encyclicals. '

Geneva CDA Court Dinner Marks 33rd Anniversary

Geneva — Thirty-three years of existence is a record for any organization. Court Geneva No. 416, Catholic Daugh­ters of America, thought so in celebrating at -the annual banquet Wednesday In Hotel Sen­eca. Seventy members and guests

^attended.-THE BJSV, JOHN GUT, Monte­

zuma, former assistant at St. Stephen's Church, was guest speaker. Mrs. Thomas A. Kane, a charter member, gave the Court a "look at the record" in an in­teresting history of the organiza­tion! which indicated its growth in membership and activities throughout the years.

•Mrs. Anna Boisvert was gen­eral chairman of the banquet witht Mrs. Vincent McCann co-chairman. Mrs. Mae Myers was toaitmlitrrjg. « 1_

' rfcw*, t»<* JteMalw 59 mmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmk

VfWm jff?GP*- W^fm iWwP«w» wwft

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M. malm, Heotinfl | WSPta?*? 1 C O '

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Father Guy spoke on "Women and Their Role In Life". He re­ferred to the story of "Cyclone Ik Calico'*, a book dealing with the life story of a heroic nurse.

Miss Elizabeth Kane, grand re­gent, welcomed members and guests, invocation was delivered by Rev. Raymond P. Nolan.

»NTEETA1NMENT included community singing with Mrs. Josephine Binary as accompan­ist:; Irish selections by Mr*. Vir­ginia Lindsay; readings, by Mrs. Arthur T. MdAvoy/

Brief remarks were made by the deputy, Mrs. Grace Partrlck, and by Father Nolan of St. Ste-phen's Church*

Charter members of the court are Mrs. Mary Kane, Mb* Eliza-

Kane, Mjaa Ellen Kane, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs, Margaret Con-Mr*. Mary Malone, ]Mss

Bible Discussion Club Reorganized InWaikinsGlen

Ity Rosemary V. MarceHino Wadklns Glen — Rev. Benedict

A. Ehmann's Bible Discussion Club has reorganized. The meet­ings take place each Friday eve­ning in St. Mary's of the Lake Church.

Upon request of St.' Mary's Odessa partshlonwrK. a Bible Dls-cussion takes place in Odess^ each Wednesday evening at the different members' homes.

ON SUNDAY, Nov. 2, a . 4:30 p-in. if weather permits, the Blessing ot the Graves will take place.'

Members of Our Lady's Sodal­ity were honored Sunday, Oct 28, with the presence of some guests from. Rochester who were well Informed about the Medical Mis­sion Work. The guests were;

Patricia' Morgan, Leader of the group, Ida 'Dandriano, Catherine Brady, sister of Rev. Hugh F. Brady the assistant-pastor of St Mary's. jV «

The guests explained Medical Mission work to the students .and wul help them to get started on this type of work.

' • O ' •

McGuIre. Committee on arrangements

assisting the chairman and co-chairmen were Mrs. Anna Mae LeVole, 3B% Ruth Dudhajjeyi Mrs. Florida p^de, Mrs. Eleanor Heffemar^ Miss Margaret Gan­non,- Miss Edith ChacchSa, and Mrs. Mae Myers. — i • ii.,1.0.

Mother of Sorrows Sfggp l|pl«i fete

A Fair will be the first lall ac­tivity of Oar Mother of Sorrows Attar atid Rosary Society, accord­ing to Mrs* Chatfe* Thlnes, pres­ident The event utftt be field to the school: Tuesday and Widnea-. day> Ncfe^38 and .19* '

Mr«.\Walte*\iZ*ta;tt,|s .chair-lltea, ' \ w ":_'' -••.•..*

Maiiyrs and Moxai« Tnrfi* i m r l HlhNe. (aWTTTUflgT I y -T^aU P •> * Ml- t* BL^I JISIH-M -

Stxndsy, November 2nd,, and Monday, November 3rd, wOI bring a series of special programs to the Memorial Art Gallery for both public and membership groups. At 3:00 p.m. on Sunday Mrs. Edna \Veeks Smith, Roches­ter artist and television person­ality will demonstrate the paint­ing ef a watercolor in one of the GaUerya "How Ifs D6he"--pT5v grams. A series of color travel films and one on Grandma Moses eomjgjetes the. program. , Members of fee Gallery fit the

Monday Study Course which this year is devoted to the art of Italy, will iiear Mtp. Gertrude H. Moore* Director of the Gallery, speak on Monday afternoon, Nov. 3, at 2:006„ on "Martyrs and Mo> sale*: The Early Christian Era.w;

(The' lecture will be illustrated with* color ftm taken in Italy !thJt pttt»urnrner.

-hrouqK Ages Says , Auburn—Seventy members and guests of the Immacu­

late Heart of Mary Society of St. Alphonsus Church attended the annual banquet at the Sprinffside Inn and heard the Rev. Qrrln T. W. Feller, pastcw of St. - - -—

SafSBSS* Worai"a' dlsiM^eum To Show Film ials talk, Father Feller ,01 Iroquois IndidRS

1 fl o o n e

In Two color Alms on Alaska and

the Iroquois Indians will be 'shown at Rochester Museum of

.'Arts and Sciences on Sunday aft-

polnted out that the Catholic Church was the custodian and preserver of the Bible down through the age.

He reminded his hearers that, the first printing ol th=e Bible.lemoon, Nov. 2,.at 2:30 p.m. and the anniversary of wliicri was so,3:30 p.m.. It is announced by Dr. widely observed during late Sep-'Edrward T. Boardman, acting dl-terober. was done by a Catholic Sector. There Is no charge tor printer Gutenberg under Catholic 'the nun programs which are open asuptces, jto the public, and no tickets are

The Rev. Clarence W. Gardner, required. moderator of th® group, spoke | , . to the women briefly, idrs, Ger­trude Ehresrnan was chairman of J the party -with Mra. Raymond' Lewis -Sr— as co-canlrnran.

In arranging for trie party they were auslsteii by tiie presi­dent, Mrs. Charles Hutson.

TURKEYS We cr* iaking-orders for Thonkigrving to cissure your lire. Please order

now. Call us at


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