BAKERY AUTOMA TION - Weldon Solutions - … · When you choose Weldon Solutions, you'll soon...


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When you choose Weldon Solutions,you'll soon discover we're not just anautomation supplier - we're a memberof your team. From concept designthrough production and installation, we deliver all the services you need to efficiently and effectively automateyour bakery production process. Inaddition, we provide ongoing serviceand technical support to help youoperate, maintain and optimize theequipment and systems we install.

In wholesale bakeries, automated material handling is the key torunning an efficient operation. The production cycle requires

a continuous stream of ingredients, dough and bakedproduct, in addition to the constant movement of

troughs, pans, lids, baskets and other containers.For example, troughs must be filled with dough,

stored during fermentation and retrieved for final mixing.Meanwhile, stacked pans and lids remain in storage until brought

to the production line on an as-needed basis. At the end of the line, finishedgoods are loaded into baskets or other containers for shipment to distributioncenters and retail outlets. Weldon Solutions provides automated systems thatoptimize the performance of these tasks and integrates them into an uninter-rupted manufacturing process.

QUALITY. Over and over again.

BAKERY AUTOMATION... from Weldon Solutions

TURNKEY SYSTEMS... Design. Build. Install. Support.

We offer a wide range of cost-effective and flexible automation solutions that can...

• reduce labor costs

• eliminate lost time accident expenses

• provide real-time quality control

• allow processes to run without interruption

• extend equipment life

• minimize changeover time

The partnership that we form with our customers is the cor-nerstone of a successful bakery automated manufacturing solution. We combine our process expertise with our engineering and integration experi-ence to develop innovative and user-friendly systems that will help you outperform your competition every time.

Automated Storage/Retrieval Robotic Stacking System Turn Pans Upside-Down Packaging & Palletizing

• 2-line and multi-level systems

• Efficiently stores stacked pansor troughs

• Interfaces with conventional orrobotic pan stacking equipment

• NEW - Laser guided in ALL axes

• Precise, gentle robotic handlingextends pan and lid life

• Quiet, high-speed operation

• Utilizes FANUC’s industry-leadingpalletizing robot

• Improves sanitation

• Easy-way and Hard-way operation

• No changeover between bread and bun pans

• 40+ pans per minute operation

• Patent pending

Wholesale bakers produce a steadystream of goods that must be pre-pared for delivery to downstreamprocesses or customer facilities.Custom-designed grippers, machinevision systems and programmablemovements allow our robots to gen-tly package product in a highly effi-cient manner. Robots are typicallyused for the following tasks:

• Primary packaging for baked prod-ucts

• Feeding of high-speed wrappers

• Basket, tray and case loading

• Palletizing for shipment

• In-process material handling

The new Universal PanVerter usesmagnets and an axial rotor to reliablyturn pans upside-down for the ulti-mate in sanitary conveying, stackingand storage. Optional pan cleaningequipment allows gravity to assistwith the removal of allergens andother debris from the inside of pans.Changeover is eliminated since noside-guides are required to turn pansupside-down or right-side-up.

Getting the right product to theright place at the right time is criticalfor smooth operation in a high-speed bakery. The E300 (single-level)and E310 (multi-level) AutomatedPan Storage Systems keep your pansand lids moving efficiently from pro-duction to storage without an opera-tor. The E320 Automated TroughSystem controls the fermentationprocess and integrates seamlesslywith mixing and make-up equipment.

PanTender and LidTender take advan-tage of precise, high-speed roboticplacement to drastically reduce thenumber of jams and harsh treatmentof pans and lids normally found withconventional stacking equipment.These robots eliminate changeovertime with an End Effector that auto-matically adjusts to different payloadsizes. Pans can be stacked upside-down in their most sanitary and sta-ble orientation.

Weldon Solutions has the ingenuity, expertise and commitment you need tomake your next bakery automation installation a success. We are an AuthorizedSystem Integrator for FANUC Robotics, North America's leading supplier ofrobots. FANUC high performance robots, coupled with our advanced systemsengineering, project management skills, and extensive industry experience haveenabled us to successfully automate numerous applications for a prestigiousgroup of customers in the baking industry.

Automated System Partners
