BAKER, Sir Richard Chaffey (1841 – 1911) PRG 38 /1 ...€¦ · BAKER, Sir Richard Chaffey (1841...


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BAKER, Sir Richard Chaffey (1841 – 1911) PRG 38/1 Special list Scrapbooks of R. C. Baker. Volume 1: Judges. 1861 - 1876. Volume 2: Municipal Taxation. 1887 - 1893. Volume 3: Payment of Members. 1886 - 1893. Volume 4: Single Tax. 1890 - 1891. Volume 5: Electoral. 1892 - 1894. Volume 6: National Defence League. 1892 - 1895. Volume 7: Election Speeches. 1884 - 1901. Volume 8: Progressive Taxation. 1893 - 1899. Volume 9: Australian Federation - Various papers. 1897 - 1898. Volume 10: Indebtedness of Colony. 1884 - 1892. Volume 11: Succession Duties. 1887 - 1889. Volume 12: Central Broken Hill Company. 1891 - 1895. Volume 13: Australian Postal Union 1885 - 1886.

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CENTRE, OXFORD. Note on the Baker Papers Letter from Bede Jarrett to Bernard Delany OP, 9 December 1933, in the archives of the English Dominican Province: ‘ I was sent sometime ago the papers of Miss Bessie Anstice Baker to set in order for her niece, Miss Ross. Miss Baker has been dead since 1914; but I suppose Miss Ross was too distressed by her death to make the effort to straighten things out. There was a lot of rubbish there including piles of my letters, dating from before 1908 and to almost the very day of her death. Letters too of Benson, Fr Vincent, Norbert, Aidan, and all the older people except Fr Humbert, tho’ he did have correspondence with her but I could find none of his. But I did find almost the whole of Clerrisac's (sic) retreat. I have to say 'almost the whole' because there is one meditation alone missing, the one that dealt with the devotion to Our Lord or the Holy Name. ... such as it is it goes to you.' It appears that Bede Jarrett must have destroyed the letters from himself to Miss Baker, and there seems to be no trace of the Clerissac retreat. Otherwise most of the papers are now in the Dominican Historical Centre, Oxford, except for a few which are in the archives of the English Dominican Province in Edinburgh. It does not look as if Bede Jarrett made much effort to sort out these papers. NB This is only a provisional catalogue. Further research may well necessitate some changes both in the dating and in the ascription of some of these documents. Any information that might shed light on the contents of these papers will be most gratefully received. Simon Tugwell OP Editor.

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CONTENTS A Family and personal documents (not letters). B Letters from Gertrude Frances Blount. C Letters from John Stratford Collins. D Letters or documents from Mother Drane and other Dominican sisters. E (a) Letters from cardinals and bishops (not Dominican). (b) Letters from Catholic Priests (not Dominican). (c) Letters from Mgr. R.H. Benson. (d) Letters from nuns and sisters (not Dominican). F Letters between members of the Baker family, not otherwise classified. G Letters from Mary or Jacob Hagen. H Letters from Harriet Baker (Mrs Charter). J Letters from John Baker, K Letters from Caroline Gawler and L. Maxse. L Letters to or from Etienne Le Vigoureux OP. M Letters from Margaret Baker. N Letters from Mary Baker senior. O Letters from Dominican friars. P Letters concerning Miss Baker's book: (a) from Gabalda; (b) from the Maritains; (c) from Mrs and Miss Ober. Q Letters by Miss Baker, other than those included in L. R Letters from Richard Chat fey Baker junior. S Letters to members of the family from people not members of the family, up to 1875 T Letters from (Sir) Richard Threlfall. U Reviews of Miss Baker's book. V Letters concerning the Order of Sanctissima Sophia.

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W The Benedictine nuns of East Bergholt and the 'Escaped Nun'. X Miscellaneous correspondence. Y Talks, papers, notebooks writ ten by Miss Baker. Z Miscellaneous scraps and papers. _______________________________________________________________________ A FAMILY & PERSONAL PAPERS (NOT LETTERS) A 1 Memorandum on John Baker's mother's father's family: on the recto, it lists

his mother's father, John Anstice, and his siblings, and John Baker appended a note on 8 June 1353: ‘This memo is in the handwriting of my great grandfather - the family is still resident at South Petherton Somersetshire - England - my

grandmother being still alive.' On the verso, in John Baker's hand, is a note that John Anstice married Mary Silvester and a list, of their children.

A 2 An official travel permit issued by the Consul in Britain for the republics of

Lubeck, Bremen and Namburgh, in the name of Mary Baker and Elizabeth Baker, London, 23 June 1343. Stamped in various places on the outward journey, beginning Hamburg 26 June 1843, and on the return journey concluding Hamburg 20 April 1845.

A 3 John Baker's will, made in Adelaide 20 December 1845; annotated by his wife:

'My dear husband's will from 1845 to 1861'. A 4 Copy of a memorandum written by John Baker about his family, including a list

of his children. The last date mentioned is 1859. The copy is in John Baker's hand, I think.

A 5 An envelope, dated 6 October 1866, initialled 'EAB", with a note saving: 'Copy of

letter written to Dick on the birth of his first child (i.e, to Richard Chaffey Baker on the birth of his son, John Richard).

A 6 Receipt to Miss Baker for £70.6.6, from Mayfield & Son, Adelaide, 17 June

1874, on a bill made out in January 1874 for goods bought 27 September to 6 December 1673.

A 7 Miss Baker's enrolment in the Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls in

Purgatory as an Honorary Member, 3 November 1885 (London). A 8 Certificate that Miss Baker has attended a course of instruction at the

Metropolitan Centre of the St John Ambulance Association, London, January 1886, and is qualified to render first aid to the injured.

A 9 Appointment of Miss Baker a member of the State Children's Council , South

Australia, from 5 February 1896. Dated 21 May 1897. A 10 Receipt to Miss Baker for £19 from St. Teilo's Catholic Historical Society of

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Wales, for printing Have Anglicans Valid Orders?, 25 July 1898. A 11 Re-appointment of Miss Baker a member of the State Children's Council, South

Australia, dated 4 January 1900. A 12 Cutting from The Daily News, 26 June 1907, remarking that Miss Baker once

refused to stand for the South Australian Legislature. A 13 Printed sheet, headed Private and Confidential, giving the Proposed Council of

Catholic Women's College, Cambridge. Miss Baker is both on the Council and on the Executive Committee.

A 14 Cutting from The Daily Telegraph, 11 May 1912, about Miss Baker being one of

the speakers at a meeting in support of the Emergency Fund of the Gentlewomen's Employment Association.

A 15 Receipt to Miss Baker, 18 Egerton Terrace, from Lush & Cook, Cleaners, 4

February 1914, on a bill dated 31 October 1913. A 16 Certificate that Miss Baker has attended a course of instruction at the Bedford

College branch of the St John Ambulance Association and is qualified to render first aid, September 1914.

A 17 Certificate from London County Council that Miss Baker has satisfied the

examiners in both theoretical and practical work in first aid, 3 October 1914. A 18 Receipt from Harrods, dated 19 October 1914, on a bill dated 19 October 1914. A 19 Obituary of Miss Baker from The Missionary Gazette. _______________________________________________________________________ B LETTERS FROM GERTRUDE FRANCES BLOUNT B 1 To Miss Baker, from 61 Rue de Courcelles, 23 Dec. (1877). B 2 To Miss Baker, on black-fringed paper, from Imberhorne, 14 August, after the death of her son in 1878. B 3 To Miss Baker, from Imberhorne, 1 October 1884. B 4 To Miss Baker, from 59 (corrected from 61) Rue de Courcelles, 2 Jan. 1888. B 5 To Miss Baker, from Imberhorne, 29 July 1895 (incomplete). B 6 To Miss Baker, from 59 Rue de Courcelles, 2 Jan. 1896. B 7 To Miss Baker, from 59 Rue de Courcelles, 26 May – 7 June 1896. B 8 To Miss Baker, from Imberhorne, 20 July 1896.

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B 9 To Miss Baker, from Imberhorne, 25 August (1896). B 10 To Miss Baker, from Imberhorne, 10 September (1896). B 11 To Miss Baker, from Imberhorne, 1 October 1896. B 12 To Miss Baker, from 59 Rue de Courcelles, 13 Jan. 1897. B 13 To Miss Baker, from 61 Rue de Courcelles, 27 January 1897. B 14 To Miss Baker, From Morialta, from 59 Rue de Courcelles, 16 June. 1897. B 15 To Miss Baker, from Imberhorne, 16 September 1897. _______________________________________________________________________ C LETTERS FROM JOHN STRATFORD COLLINS C 1 To Miss Baker, from Collegio Beda, 1 November 1909. C 2 To Miss Baker, from Collegio Beda, 2 December 1909. C 3 To Miss Baker, from Collegio Beda, 22 February 1910. _______________________________________________________________________ D MOTHER DRANE AND OTHER DOMINICAN WOMEN D 1 Mother Drane to Miss Baker, from Alton, 15 August (1882). D 2 A document in Mother Drone's handwriting, concerning the foundation in Adelaide, with a pencilled statement, 'I undertake half the expenses of this undertaking. I. Baker (i.e. Miss Baker's mother). Presumably 1882. D 3 Mother Drane to Miss Baker, from Stone, 19 June (1883). D 4 Mother Drane to Miss Baker, from Stone, 13 August (1884?). D 5 Sr. M. Catherine Philip to Miss Ross, from Hawick. 21 October 1914. D 6 Sr. M. Pius (Mother General) to Miss Ross, from Stroud, 22 October 1914. D 7 Sr. M. Augustine (Spooner) to Miss Ross, from Carisbrooke, 23 October 1914. D 8 Sr H. Suso to Miss Ross, from Carisbrooke, 24 October 1914. D 9 Mother M. Agnes Philomena to Miss Ross, from Stone, 31 October (1914).

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E (a) LETTERS FROM CARDINALS & BISHOPS CURIAL PRELATES ESSER, Thomas, OP E(a)1 See under DOMINICANS (0). MARTINELLI, Sebastiano, Card. E(a)2 Calling card, inscribed 'p.r.'. E(a)3 Letter to Miss Baker, from Rome, 16 June 1906. MERRY DEL VAL, Raphael, Card. E(a)4 Calling card, inscribed 'Many thanks'; printed on the card is 'Segretario di Stato di Sua Santita'. VANNUTELLI, Vincenzo, Card. E(a)5 Calling card, inscribed ‘v. ti ed auguri'. DIOCESAN BISHOPS (in order of diocese) ABERDEEN. E(a)6 Letter from Bishop Aeneas Chisholm to Miss Baker 8 March 1907 ADELAIDE E(a)7 Letter from Archbishop John O'Reily to John Richard Baker, 22 October 1914. E(a)8 Two letters from Robert William Spence OP. See under DOMINICANS (0). AGEN E(a)9 Letter from Bishop Charles Paul Sagot Du Vauroux to Miss Baker, 18 June 1912. BALTIMORE E(a)10 Letter from William J. Russell. on behalf of Cardinal James Gibbons. See under PRIESTS E(b). BAYEUX E(a)11 Card from Bishop Thomas Paul Henri Lemonnier to Miss Baker, 7 March 1912. BESANCON E(a)12 Card from Archbishop Francois-Leon Gauthey to Miss Baker, n.d., on receipt of her book. E(a)13 Calling card from Archbishop Gauthey to J.Gaballa on the same occasion

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CAMBRAI E(a)14 Calling card from coadjutor Bishop Francois M. Joseph Delamaire to Miss Baker, on receipt of her book. CHICAGO E(a)15 Letter from Archbishop James Edward Quigley to The Pilgrim, 14 January 1907. CLERMONT E(a)16 Calling card, from Bishop Pierre-Marie Belmont postmarked 24 February 1912. CLIFTON E(a)17 Letter from Bishop George Ambrose Burton. to Miss Baker, 20 January 1907. DUBUQUE E(a)18 Letter from Archbishop John Joseph Keane to Miss Baker, 28 December(1906). E(a)19 Letter from Archbishop Keane to Miss Baker, 15 January 1901. JOLIETTE E(a)20 Letter from Bishop Joseph Alfred Archambeault, from Joliette, to Miss Baker, 13 August 1912. E(a)21 Calling card from Bishop Archambeault, announcing that he is going to be at the Canadian College, Rome, until Christmas. LIEGE E(a)22 Calling card from Bishop Martin Hubert Rutton, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. LIMERICK E(a) 23 Card from Bishop Edward Thomas O'Dwyer to Wilfrid Ward, 8 November 1906. E(a)24 Letter from Bishop O'Dwyer to Miss Baker. 17 November 1906. E(a)25 Letter from Bishop O'Dwyer to Miss Baker, 10 December 1906. E(a)26 Letter from Bishop O'Dwyer to Miss Baker, 13 December 1906. LIVERPOOL E(a)27 Letter from Bishop Thomas Whiteside to Miss Baker, 8 October 1909. LUCON E(a)28 Calling card from Bishop Nicolas C.J. Catteau, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. MALINES E(a)29 Calling card from Cardinal Désire Joseph Mercier, on receipt of Miss Baker's book.

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MEAUX E(a)30 Calling card from Bishop Emmanuel Marbeau, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. MELBOURNE E(a)31 Letter from Bishop Thomas Carr to Miss Baker, 15 October 1906. MONTPELLIER E(a)32 Calling card from Cardinal Francois M.A. Roverie de Cabrieres. NAMUR E(a)33 Calling card from Bishop Thomas Heylen, O. Praem., On receipt of Miss Baker’s Book. NEW YORK E(a)34 Fragment of an undated letter from Archbishop John M. Fawley (archbp. 1902-1918) to Miss Baker. ORLEANS E(a)35 Calling card from Bishop Arthur S. Touchet, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. PARIS E(a)36 Letter to M.C. de Ganay from the secretary of Cardinal Leon-Adolphe Amette, 25 February 1912 (see X GANAY 5). PEMBROKE (Ontario) E(a)37 Letter from Bishop Narcissus Zephvrinus Lorrain to Miss Baker. 2 July 1912. PERIGUEUX E(a)38 Calling card from Bishop Henri Louis Prosper Bougouin, thanking M.Lecoffre and Miss Baker for her book. PHILADELPHIA E(a)39 Letter from Archbishop Patrick John Ryan to Miss Baker, 11 February 1907. POITIERS E(a)40 Calling card from Bishop Louis Humbrecht, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. PORT AUGUSTA E(a)41 Letter from Bishop John Henry Norton to Miss Baker, 27 December 1906. QUEBEC E(a)42 Letter from Archbishop Louis Nazaire Begin to Miss Baker, 4 July 1912.

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REIMS E(a)43 Calling card from Cardinal Louis Henri Joseph Lucon, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. RENNES E(a)44 Calling card from Archbishop Augusta Rene Marie Dubourg, on receipt of Miss Baker's hook, postmarked February 1912 (day illegible). ST ALBERT (Canada) E(a)45 Letter from Bishop Emile J. Legal OMI to Miss Baker, 9 October 1912. ST BRIEUC E(a)46 Calling card from Bishop Jules Laurent Benjamin Nacelle, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. ST FLOUR E(a)47 Calling card from Bishop Paul Augustin Lecoeur to M.Gabalda, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. ST LOUIS E(a)48 Letter from Archbishop John Joseph Glennon to Miss Baker, 15 January 1907. SALE E(a)49 Letter from Bishop James Francis Corbett to Miss Baker, 1 January 1907 E(a)50 Letter from Bishop Corbett to Miss Baker, 15 May 1912. SYDNEY E(a)51 Letter from Cardinal Patrick Francis Moran to 'Mrs Baker’ (probably meant to be Miss Baker). 12 July 1886. TARBES E(a)52 Calling card from Bishop F.X. Schoepfer, on receipt of Miss Baker’s book. TARENTAISE (Moutiers) E(a)53 Calling card from Bishop Jean-Baptiste Biollev to M.Gabalda, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. TROYES E(a)54 Calling card from Bishop Laurent Marie Etienne Monnier, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. TUAM E(a)55 Letter from Archbishop John Healy to Miss Baker, 14 February 1907.

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VERDUN E(a)56 Calling card from Bishop Jean Arthur Chollet on receipt of Miss Baker's book. WESTMINSTER E(a)57 Letter from Archbishop Francis Alphonsus Bourne to Miss Baker, 4 June 1906. E(a)58 Letter from Cardinal Bourne to Miss Ross, 25 October 1914. WILCANNIA E(a)59 Letter from Bishop John Dunne to Miss Baker, 9 June 1907. _______________________________________________________________________ E(b) LETTERS FROM PRIESTS (NOT DOMINICAN ) Documents in this section are not numbered continuously, but only with reference to individual priests. ALLCHIN, A.J. 1. Calling card. BAILLE, Louis, S,J. 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Clermont-Ferrand, 8 March 1912. BATAILLET, Maximillien, OSB. 1. Letter to Miss Baker from Quarr. 18 November (1910). BEAUREGARD, A, 1. Letter to Miss Baker from Angouleme, 20 September 1912. BECKETT, Maurice T. 1. Letter to Miss Ross, from Westminster Cathedral Clergy House, 16 February 1922. BIDWELL, Mgr. Manuel 1. Letter to Miss Ross, from St Mary's, Cadogan Street, 19 October 1914. BOTTNIELL, P. 1. Letter to Miss Baker from 4 avenue Lamotte-Picquet, Paris, 17 July 1912. BOWDEN, S. (London Oratory) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 10 July 1905. 2. Card, presumably to Miss Baker, 15 July 1905. 3. Letter to Miss Baker. 12 September 1905. 4. Letter to Miss Baker, 27 June 1.906. 5. Card to Miss Baker, 2 July 1906. 6. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. BURNHAM, Wilfrid (London Oratory) 1. Letter to Miss Ross. 16 October 1914.

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BURNS, Cecil 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Shepherds Bush, 'Wednesday’ (prob. late 1906). CABROL, Fernand, OSB 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Farnborough, 24 June 1911. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Farnborough, 4 September 1911. 3. Letter to Miss Baker from Farnborough, 11 December 1911. (CAREW) Louis, OCR 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Rome, 9 June 1906. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Mt St Bernard, 18 October 1914. 3. Letter to Miss Ross, from Mt St Bernard, 20 October 1914. CATOR, Henry W. (London Oratory) 1. Calling card. CATOR, William Ralph Ambrose 1. Letter to Miss Ross, from Royal Naval. Barracks, Portsmouth, 21 October (1914). CHRISTIE, Henry James (London Oratory) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October 1914. CLEMENT, Maurice (Secretary to Archbishop of Paris) 1. Letter to M.C. de Ganay, 25 February 1912. See X GANAY 4. CONRARDY, Lambert 1. Letter to Miss Baker from Kalawao, Molokai, 23 January 1895. CREWSE, Edward J. (London Oratory) 1. Calling card saying 'with sincere sympathy'. DELATTE. Paul, OSB 1. Card to Miss Baker, from Quarr, 24 December 1909. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Quarr, 1 May 1910. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Quarr, 13 June 1910. ENGLAND, Henry O'B. 1. Card to Miss Ross, from Westminster Cathedral Clergy House, 27 October 1914. EVANS, H.M.M. 1. Letter to Miss Ross, from St Joseph's, Brighton, 26 October 1914. FINLAY, Peter, SJ 1. Letter to ‘The Pilgrim', from Milltown Park, Dublin, 16 June (1906).

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GERARD, John, SJ 1. Letter to Father Bowden, from Farm Street, 24 dune 1906. HOOLE, Arthur 1. Calling card, from Hotel Somerset, Somerset Street, W. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, from 4 Beaumont. Street, Portland Place, W., 17 October 1914. HOUTIN, Albert 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from 18 rue Cuvier, Paris, 13 January 1912. JACKMAN, Mgr. Arthur (Archbishop's House, Westminster) 1. Calling card, saying 'with deepest sympathy'. KELLY, Thomas P. 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Carmelite Priory, South Melbourne, 22 December 1896. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Carmelite Priory, South Melbourne. 12 January 1897. KERR, Ralph F. (London Oratory) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 16 October 1914. 2. Card to Miss Ross, 'Tuesday'. LANG, Jos., SJ 1. Envelope addressed to Miss Ross, from Innsbruck, postmarked on arrival 12 July 1920. LETOURNEAU, George 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from S. Sulpice, 22. March 1912. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from S. Sulpice, 30 March 1912. LOUTIL, Edmond (Ibis rue de Chaillot, Paris) 1. Card thanking Miss Baker for her book. McELROY, R. Alphonsus, CRL 1. Letter to Miss Ross, from Truro, 24 October 1914. McMULLAN, Francis, CP 1. Letter to Miss Baker from Highgate, 5 August 1906. MAIOCCHI, Rodolfo 1. Letter to Miss Baker from Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, 9 April 1912. MARTINDALE, C.C., SJ 1. Letter to Miss Ross from Stonvhurst, 11 March 1915.

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MONPEURT, P. (8 rue Saint-Simon) 1. Card thanking Miss Baker for her book. MOORE, Austin, OSM 1. Letter to Miss Ross from Todmorden, 25 October 1914. MUNSTER, W.H. (London Oratory) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. O’DOWLING, William, SJ 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Swinhill, S. Australia, 25 November 1908. O'HARAN, Denis K. 1. Letter to Miss Baker from the Irish College, Rome, 6 May 1902. PAUL, James 1. Letter to Miss Baker from St Andrew's, Braemar, 5 October 1910. PIERCE, George 1. Letter to Miss Baker at Morialta, from Archbishop's House (Adelaide), 3 February 1890. ROSS. A. (London Oratory) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 16 October (1911). RUSSELL, William J. (secretary to the Cardinal of Baltimore) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 13 January 1907, sent to the Lyceum Club, London, forwarded with a London postmark 26 January 1907. SMITH, Sydney, SJ 1. Letter to Miss Baker from Farm Street, 28 May 1906. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, written at her home (18 Egerton Terrace), undated (c.20 May 1909).(=W 3). 3. Letter to Miss Baker from Farm Street, 21 May 1909. (=W 5). 4. Letter to Miss Baker from Farm Street, 24 May 1909. (=W 9). 5. Letter to Miss Ross from Farm Street, 26 October 1914. TALBOT, John (London Oratory) 1. Card to Miss Ross, 16 October (1914). TYRRELL, G., (SJ) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Richmond, Yorks., 6 September 1900 (incomplete). 2. Letter to Miss Baker, no place. 10 November 1902. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Richmond, 22 June 1904. 4. Letter to Miss Baker, from Storrinqton, 23 May 1906.

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VASSALL-PHILLIPS, Oliver Rodie, C.SS.R. 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Wonersh, 24 July (1910). 2. Letter to •Miss Baker, from Convent of Nazareth. Lancaster, 9 August 1910. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Bishop Eton, Liverpool, 12 August (1910?). 4. Letter to Miss Baker, from St Joseph's, Bishop's Stortford, 27 September (1910). WELD, Joseph Anthony Basil, OSB 1. Letter to Miss Maker from Fort Augustus, 29 August 1906. WOODRUFF, J.E.L. (London Oratory) 1. Card to Miss Ross, 16 October 1914. _______________________________________________________________________ E(c) LETTERS FROM MGR ROBERT HUGH BENSON The date of many of these letters is conjectural. I have, for convenience’s sake, included also Miss Baker’s letters to Mgr Benson. Dated or datable documents Q1 Miss Baker to RHB. 18 October (1906). Q2 Miss Baker to RHB. (c.22 November 1906). E(c)1 Postcard to Miss Baker at. 16 Alexander Square, postmarked Cambridge 24 December (1906). Inc.: 'Please let me thank you ...' Q3 Miss Baker' to RHB. 17 January (1907). E(c)2 Letter to Miss Baker, from The Catholic Rectory, Cambridge, 18 January (1907). Inc.: 'I am more grateful to you than I can say...’ Q4 Miss Baker to RHB. 23 May (1908). E(c)3 Letter to Miss Baker, from The Catholic Rectory, Cambridge 25 May (1908). Inc.: 'Your letter & card ...' E(c)4 Card to Miss Baker, at 18 Egerton Terrace, postmarked Cambridge 25 June 1908. Inc.: 'Forqive card. I am in the agonies of packing up: I leave here on Monday'. E(c)5 Card to Miss Baker, 18 Egerton Terrace, postmarked Hare Street, 23 August (1908). Inc.: 'Alas! I cannot…’ E(c)6 Letter to Miss Baker, from Hare Street Horne, 4 September (1908) Inc.: 'Many thanks. Will you tell Mrs Grace ...'. E(c)7 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House (September 1908). Inc.: I find that Mrs Hogge…’

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E(c)8 Letter to Miss Silverstone, from Hare Street House 12 November (1908). Inc.: 'Please go and see Fr L…' E(c)9 Letter to Miss Baker. from Hare Street House 18 November (1908). Inc.: At last I am writing ...' E(c)10 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street house, postmarked 13 January 1909. Inc.: 'That seems to me exactly right…’ E(c)11 Letter to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House 2 February (1909). Inc.: ‘I need not say much ...' E(c)12 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House 2 February (1909). Inc.: 'I had to write in haste ..,' E(c)13 Card to Miss Baker. from Hare Street House 3 February (1909), Inc.: 'I send in a packet ...' E(c)14 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House 4 February (1909). Inc.: ‘That is excellent. I Quite understand ...' E(c)15 Card to Miss Baker (February 1909). Inc.: 'Yes I fully agree. The point seems…’ E(c)16 Letter to Miss Baker, on a scrap of paper (February 1909). Inc.: 'I enclose a note which you can shew to her…’ E(c)17 Letter to Miss Baker, from Hare Street house (February 1909). Inc.: 'I can't tell you how sorry I am…’ E(c)18 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House 19 February (1909). Inc.: 'Just a. line to say how really sorry…’ E(c)19 Letter to Miss Baker, from Westminster Cathedral (February 1909). Inc.: 'I must send this single line in haste…’ E(c)20 Letter to Miss Baker, from S. Silvestro, Rome 12 March (1909), Inc'.: 'Here is the matter I wanted to ask you about. ...' E(c)21 Card to Miss Baker, postmarked Rome 29 March 1909. Inc.: ‘Many thanks. Yes, I am afraid ...' E(c)22 Letter to Miss Baker. from Hare Street House. 4 June, postmarked 5 June 1909. Inc.: ‘As usual, in trouble ...' E(c)23 Card to Miss Baker, postmarked Hare Street 17 June 1909. Inc.: 'So sorry about. Miss Foster ...' E(c)24 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House, (June 1909). Inc.: 'A thousand thanks for all your trouble…'

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E(c)25 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House, Tuesday, postmarked 14 July 1909. Inc.: 'Very many thanks. I am so grateful…’ E(c)26 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House (July/August 1909). Inc.: ‘It seems to be unobjectionable ...' E(c)27 Letter to Miss Baker, from Tremans 16 November (1909). Inc.: 'It is extraordinarily disappointing ...' E(c)28 Card to Miss Baker, from c/o John Gray, Edinburgh Postmarked 2 December 1909. Inc.: 'I shall be charmed ...' E(c)29 Card to Miss Baker, forwarded to Corpus Christi School, West Walk, Leicester, from Hare Street House Postmarked 4 or 14 February 1910. Inc.: 'Very many thanks. Your plan is excellent ...' E(c)30 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House Postmarked 1 July 1910. Inc.: ‘That is all excellent. I will. remember…’ E(c)31 Card to Miss Baker, headed Magdalene College, Cambridge (crossed out), postmarked Cockermouth, 14 July 1910. Inc.: 'Please tell. Miss P. to come ...' E(c)32 Card to Miss Baker, from Loweswater, postmarked Cockermouth 14 July 1910. Inc.; 'Certainly. I heartily agree. I imagine ...' E(c)33 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House, with RHB's new Preface for Miss Baker's book in manuscript (by November 1910). Inc.: 'I hope that this will do…’ E(c)34 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House Postmarked 18 November (1910), Inc.: 'Absolutely right…’ E(c)35 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House Postmarked January (1911). Inc.: 'I have written already, suggesting ...' E(c)36 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House Postmarked 11 January (1911). inc.: 'I am venturing ...' E(c)37 Card to Miss Baker, from c/o John Gray. Edinburgh Postmarked 9 February 1911. Inc.: 'Many thanks for all the news ...' E(c)38 Card to Miss Mary Daniel, 59 Burrows Rd, Willesden, from Rome Postmarked 7 March 1911. Inc.: 'May I leave your note…’ E(c)39 Letter to Miss Baker, from Rome, Easter Eve (15 April 1911). Inc.: 'May I just answer one line?...’

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E(c)40 Letter to Miss Baker from St. Mary at the Angels, Westmoreland Road (February 1911). Inc.: 'Can you stand one more? …' E(c)41 Letter to Miss Baker on paper headed 'St Mary of the Angels, Westmoreland Road (crossed. out) (February 1911). Inc.: 'I am plaguing you to death…’ E(c)42 Letter to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House (February. 1911). Inc.: 'I hope you will allow me to send you that ₤1…’ E(c)43 Card to Miss Baker, forwarded to St Rose's, Stroud, from Hare Street House Postmarked 18 January (1912). Inc.: 'I quite see. Yes ...' E(c)44 Card to Miss Baker, forwarded to The Convent, Baldock, Herts., from Hare Street House Postmarked 29 June 1912. Inc.: 'Could you see Miss S. about the French MS…’ E(c)45 Letter to Miss Baker, from Spanish Place (30 June 1912). Inc.: 'Certainly I can open the Bazaar ...' E(c)46 Letter to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House 30 November (1912). Inc.: 'Do you know anywhere ...' E(c) 47 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House Postmarked 4 December 1912. Inc.: 'I will send both your letters…’ E(c)48 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House Christmas Eve (1912). Inc.: 'How can I thank you for that lovely gift…’ E(c)49 Letter to Miss Baker, from S.Silvestro, Rome (Lent 1913). Inc.: ‘I’m not a bit well…’ E(c)50 Letter to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House (June 1913). Inc.: 'Absolutely the only lunch-time I have free is June 15…’ E(c)51 Letter to Lady Elliot, from Tremans 2 September (1913). Inc.: 'Just a line to thank you…’ E(c)52 Card to Miss Baker, forwarded to Carisbrooke, from c/o John Gray, Edinburgh Postmarked 7 October 1913. Inc.: 'So many thanks. Fr W. will no doubt…’ E(c)53 Letter to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House 23 November (1913). Inc.: 'Ever so many thanks. I shall hope…’ E(c)54 Letter to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House 8 January (1914). Inc.: 'Most certainly I will see him ...'

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E(c)55 Letter to Miss Baker, from St Peter's, Falcon Avenue, Edinburgh (January/February 1914). Inc.: 'There is another hitch about the new church…’ E(c)56 Letter to Miss Baker on unheeded paper, from Hare Street, (January/February 1914). Inc.: 'I think that's immensely kind of you ...' E(c)57 Letter to Miss Baker, on a scrap of paper (January/February 1914). Inc.: 'Many thanks. I think that is excellent.' Not precisely datable E(c)58 Card (to Miss Baker), from Hare Street House, clearly thanking her for a Christmas gift. Could be any year between 1908-1913, except 1912, for which another document exists. Inc.: 'With a thousand thanks for the lovely gift ...', E(c)59 Card to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House. Inc.: 'Many thanks, I had a letter from Miss S....' E(c)60 Card to Miss Baker, from Tremans. Inc.: 'Miss S. sent me a book, which I have accepted ...' E(c)61 Letter to Miss Baker, from Hare Street House. Inc.: 'I think it's rather satisfactory…’ E(c)62 Card to Miss Baker, without date or place. Inc.: 'So many thanks. I am so sorry about the unnecessary trouble…’ E(c)63 Card to Miss Baker, headed St Mary's Convent, Cambridge (crossed out). Inc.: 'Thank you so much. I saw Mr Venny (?)…’ _______________________________________________________________________ E(d) NUNS & SISTERS (NOT DOMINICANS) Arranged chronologically E(d)1 Letter to Miss Baker (incomplete) from a nun of Oulton Abbey, Stone, 1 October 1893. E(d)2 Letter from Mother Raphael Paley SHCJ to Miss Baker. from Training College, 11 Cavendish Square, London W 7 September (probably 1906). E(d)3 Letter from Sr. M. Evangelist to Miss Baker, from English Convent (Bruges?) 20 September 1908. E(d)4 Postcard from Mother Gabriel to Miss Baker, from Ursuline Convent, St Martin, Brown County, Ohio. Postmarked 20 September (probably 1911).

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E(d)5 Letter, presumably to Miss Baker, from Sister de Sales to Miss Baker, from Ursuline Convent, Dartford, Kent. 19 January 1913. E(d)6 Letter from Sr F. de Sales to Miss Ross, from Daughters of the Cross, St Wilfrid 's Convent, Gale Street, Chelsea. 17 October (1914). E(d)7 Telegram from the Reverend Mother ‘and all', presumably from the Convent of Mercy, Edinburgh, to Lady Egerton. 17 October 1914 (=F 18). E(d)8 Letter from Sr Jane Francis FC, from St Wilfrid's, Gale Street, to Miss Ross. 18 October 1911. E(d)9 Letter from Sr Ellen Mary, superior of St Katherine's Convent, 32 Queen Square, London WC (writing from Garstock, Farnborough Park) , to Miss Ross. c.18 October 1914. E(d)10 Letter from Sr Mary Augustine CRL, from Priory at Our Lady of Good Counsel, Haywards Heath, to Miss Ross. 19 October 1914. E(d)11 Letter from Mother St Catherine Genoa, from Holy Rood House (Convent of the Helpers of the Holy Souls), 1 Gloucester Rd, Regent's Park, to Miss Ross. 20 October 1914. E(d)12 Letter from Sr Magdalen Aimee, from St Mary 's Cortvilt, Roehampton, to Miss Ross. 22 October (1914). E(d)13 Letter from Sr Mary from The Convent, The Butts, Brentford to Miss Ross 26 October 1914. E(d)14 Letter from Mother M. Michael, from St Michael's Convent of Mercy, Clacton, to Miss Ross 26 October 1914, with an account for Louisa Dixon for 1 June - 13 July. E(d)15 Letter from Sr Mary Augustine CRL. from O.L. of Good Counsel, Haywards Heath, to Miss Ross. 28 October 1914. _______________________________________________________________________ F FAMILY LETTERS NOT OTHERWISE CLASSIFIED Letters between members of the family (including people connected to the family by marriage), in chronological order. See also G, H, J, M, N, R for other family letters. F1 Letter from Jessie Allan to her brother J.B. (i.e. her brother-in-Jaw John Baker), from Melbourne, 9 December 1839 (annotated in John Baker's hand: 'Jessie Allan'). F 2 Letter from Uncle John Baker, to John Baker, from Ilminster, 8 Mav 1840. F 3 Letter from Jessie (nee Allan) Smythe to her brother (presumably John Baker), from Melbourne, 1 June 1841 (annotated in John Baker’s hand:'Jessie'), F 4 Letter from J.H.Harrison to (his wife) Harriet (nee Baker), Staplehurst, postmarked Maidstone, June 18 1846.

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F 5 Letter from Mary Anstice (John's grandmother) to her daughter, Mary Baker, from Petherton, 17 February 1848. F 6 Letter from Elizabeth Baker to her brother Henry, from Morialta, 18 January 1850. F 7 Letter from Isabella (née Allan) Baker to her husband. John, from Villa du Parc, 35 Boulevard N., Neuillv, undated (summer 18607 cf. H 15) (incomplete). F 8 Letter from H.C.Baker to Miss Baker, before Margaret's departure in 1876 (cf. M. M 10) (incomplete). F 9 Letter from Alfred (Ross) to his Aunt Bessie, from Highercombe, 3 August 1892. F 10 Letter from Reginald Egerton to Miss Baker, from Dublin, 30 Nav 1906. F 11 Letter from 'Friddy (not in the same writing as F 12) to his 'aunt' 'godmother', Miss Baker, no place, Christmas 1909, F 12 Letter from Wilfrid W. Egerton to his aunt Bessie, from H,M.S.Minotaur, China, 30 January 1910. F 13 Letter from Ethel Ross (wife of Alfred Ross?) to Miss Ross, from Waikerie, Australia, 26 August 1914. F 14 Postcard from Evelyn Fuller (nee Charter) to Miss Baker, from The Vicarage, Palgnton. postmarked 13 October 1914. F 15 Letter from Hilda Dupre Egerton (Sr Filippo) to Miss Ross, from St Catherine's Convent (of Mercy), Edinburgh, 15 October 191.4. F 16 Letter from Isabel in Baker to her niece, Miss Ross, from 37 Brooke Street, Holborn, 16 OctoLer (1914). F 17 Telegram from 'Harrison' to Miss Ross, from Liverpool, 17 October 1914. F 18 Telegram 'from Sr Filippo's community (Reverend Mother and all') to Lady Egerton, from Edinburgh, 17 October 1914. F 19 Letter from Sr Filippo to Miss Ross. from Edinburgh, 18 October (1914), F 20 Letter from 'Evie' (Fuller, née Charter), to Miss Ross, from The Vicarage, Paiqnton, 18 October (1914). F 21 Letter from Florence Baker to Miss Ross, from Redcot, Ilminster, 18 October 1914 F 22 Letter from H.S.Hagen to Miss Ross, from Ropley, Alresford, Hants., 19 October (1914). F 23 Letter to Miss Ross from A. Reath. 23 Sloane Gardens, SW, undated, but probably before F 26, and not earlier than 1913 when the Heaths apparently moved to this address), possibly the day before Miss Baker's funeral (in which case 19 October 1914), F 24. Letter from Isabella Baker to Miss Ross, no place, 20 October (probably 1914). F 25 Letter from John Richard Baker (son of Richard Chaffey Baker) to Miss Ross, from Rheda Cottage, Glenelq, Australia, 21 October 1914, F 26 Card from A.Heath, 23 Sloane Gardens, to Miss Ross, postmarked 12 October 1914, F 27 Letter from 'Evie' Fuller 1-c Miss Ross, from Paibnton, 23 October (1914). F 28 Letter from Sr Filippo to Miss Ross, from Edinburgh, 27 December 1914. F 29 Letter from Isabella Baker to Miss Ross, from 37 Brooke Street, 3 December (1914?). F 30 Letter from Isabella Baker to Miss Ross, from 37 Brooke Street, no date. F 31 Calling card, with no date or message, from Mrs Richard Egerton, _______________________________________________________________________

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G LETTERS FROM MARY (née BAKER) & JACOB HAGEN G 1 Letter from Mary Baker to her brother (probably John) . no place or date, but 1838' has been written on it in a different hand. G 2 Letter from Mary Baker to Elizabeth Baker (senior), South Petherton, from North Adelaide, 24 January 1840. G 3 Letter from Mary to her mother, 3 Lawrence Lane, Cheapside, London, from North Adelaide, 3 May 1842. G 4 Letter from Nary to her mother, 3 Lawrence Lane, London, from North Adelaide, 11 September 1844. G 5 Letter from Jacob Hagen to 'Mother' (Mrs Baker), 3 Lawrence Lane, from Adelaide, 28 December 1845, G 6 Jacob Hagen to 'Baker', from Ropley, 26 December 1867. _______________________________________________________________________ H LETTERS FROM HARRIET CHARTER (née BAKER) H 1 Letter from Harriet to her mother, on black-fringed paper, undated (but. clearly Easter holidays 1873, cf H 5). H 2 Letter from Harriet. to Bessie Baker, undated (before Miss Baker's trip to Europe in 1877?). H 3 Letter from Harriet, presumably to Bessie, undated, bill certainly before Margaret's marriage. H 4 Letter from Harriet, on black-fringed paper, presumably to Bessie from Gibraltar, 28 May, after the death of her husband on 14 December 1887, so the year is probably 1888. _______________________________________________________________________ J LETTERS FROM JOHN BAKER (MIS8 BAKER'S FATHER) J 1 Letter to his mother, South Petherton, from Launceston, Van Diemen's Land, 19 October 1834. J 2 Letter to his mother, from Launceston, 23 October 1837. J 3 Letter to his mother, from Adelaide, 4 April 1840. J 4 Letter to his mother, from Adelaide, 15 May 1841. J 5 Letter to his mother, from Adelaide, 3 July 1841. J 6 Letter to his mother, South Petherton, forwarded. to 12 Bowhill Terrace, Brixton Hill, London, from Adelaide, 12 January 1843. J 7 Letter to his mother, South Petherton, forwarded to Bowhill Terrace and then on to Mr H. Baker, 3 Lawrence Lane, City, from Adelaide, 16 March 1843. J 8 Letter to his mother, from Adelaide, 12 September 1844, J 9 Letter to his mother, from Adelaide, 30 March 184.6. J 10 Letter to his mother, South Petherton, from Morialta, 2 July 1846. J 11 Letter to his mother, 2 Mar 1848. J 12 Letter to his 'Uncle' (unspecified), from Morialta, 26 August 1349. J 13 Letter to an unidentified 'Sir', apparently- making a business appointment, from Morialta, 10 January (no year). _______________________________________________________________________

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K CAROLINE GAWLER & L. MAXSE K 1 Caroline Gawler to Miss Baker, from Oaklands, 10 December (no year, but clearly after Miss Baker has become a Catholic). K 2 L. Maxse to Mrs Gawler, apparently in Miss Baker's hand. K 3 The same letter as K 2, in another hand, and the end of the letter is shorter. Mrs Gawler is asked to reply to New Zealand. _______________________________________________________________________ L ETTIENNE LE VIGOUOREUX O.P. All the documents in L. are letters or cards from Pere Le Vigoureux to Miss Baker, unless it is specified to the contrarv, Place and date of sending when known. L 1 Just before Miss Baker's decision to become a Catholic (i.e. before 10 December 1877). L 2 Letter from Miss Baker to Le Vigoureux (presumably a draft), evidently in response to L L. L 3 Paris, 10 December 1877. L 4 'Mercredi soir (this must be 12 DeCember 1877) L 5 'Dimanche 16 dec.' (16 DeceMBER 1877). L 6 'Mardi soir' (almost certainly 18 December 1877). L 7 'Jeudi matin (almost certainly 20 December 1877). L 8 'Dimanche 23' (23 December 1877). L9 Paris, 27-28 December 1877. L 10 29-30 December (1877) L 11 1-2 January 1878. L 12 Paris, 3-7 January 1878. L 13 Paris, 9-10 January 1878. L 14 Updated. but certainly c.11-1(-) January 1872. L 15 15-19 January 1878. L 16 Begun Paris, 20 January, finished St Aubin, 24 January 1878. L 17 (Paris), 26-29 January (1878). L 18 Dated in the middle 'Lundi 4’; c.30 January - 4 February (1818). L 19 Dated in the middle 'Dimanche 10'; 8-11 February (1878). L 20 14-15 February (1878). L 21 20 February (1878). L 22 24 February 1878. L 23 26 February - 1 March 1878. L 24 'Mercredi soir, probably (6?) March 1878. L 25 18 avenue Ste Foy Neuilly, 'Mardi soir': probably (12 or 19?) March 1878. L 26 31 March 1878, L 27 2-3 April (1878). L 28 'Mercredi soir' (10 April 1878). L 29 Paris, 'lundi saint' (15 April 1878). L 30 'Jeudi saint' (18 April 1878). L 31 'Lundi de Paques' (22 April 1873). L 32 'Mercredi de ?agues' (24 April 1810). L 33 'Samedi matin' (almost certainly 4 May 1878). L 34 4 June 1870. L 35 Paroisse de N.D. de Bon-Secours, Truuville. 11 June 1870.

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L 36 Evian, Haute Savoie, ‘jendi soir' (4, or more probably 11 July 1878). L 37 Evian, 19 July 1878, L 38 Paris, 7 August 1878. L 39 Undated note, possibly during Miss Baker's visit in August 1878. L 40 'Dimanche soir', probably during Miss Baker's visit in August. 1872, most likely 25 August, judging from L 44, which is itself dated by L 45 and L 46. L 41 'Mardi'; this letter seems to follow L 40, therefore probably 26 August 1878. L 42 'Vendredi soir'; this letter seems to belong with L 40 and L 41, so probably 30 August 1278. L 43 Draft of a letter from Miss Baker to Le Vigoureux, from Hotel Liverpool, Rue Castiglione, Paris; it seems to be related to L 44. therefore just before Miss Baker's departure from Paris at the end of August / beginning of September 1878. L 44 'Mardi soir' (L 45 and L 46 show it must be 3-4 September 1878). L 45 From Rocamadour, 9 September 1878. L 46 From Rocamadour, 14 8eptember 1878 L 47 Paris, 26-77 September 1878, L 48 Paris, 22 September 1878. L 49 Paris, 1 October 1878. L 50 'Veille du St Rosaire.4 (5 October 1878). L 51 8 October 1878. L 52 'Samedi soir' (12 October 1878). L 53 Undated, but clearly before L 54. L 54 Paris, 26 October 1878. L 55 Paris, 4 November 1878. L 56 'Jeudi matin’ (almost certainly 7 November 1878) L 57 Compiegne, 24 November 1878. L 58 'Mercredi soir' (some time in Advent 1878). L 59 Paris, 27 December 1878 L 60 31 December 1878. L 61 7-13 January 1879. L 62 20 January 1879. L 63 27-28 January 1879. L 64 6 February 1879 (containing Miss Baker's allocated time in the Rosaire Perpetuel for February), L 65 14-17 February 1879. L 66 'Lundi' (probably 24 February 1879). L 67 'Dimanche soir (probablv 2 March 1879) L 68 1,Jeudi soir' (probably 6 March 1879) L 69 28 March - 2 April 1279. L 70 'Mercredi saint' (9 April) 1879 L 71 Flavigny, 18 April 1879. L 72 Telegram from Flavigny to Miss Baker at Brindisi, 23 April 1879. L 73 Paris, 25 April 1379. L 74 Paris, 5 May 1879. L 75 11 May - 4 June 1879. L 76 Begun in Paris. 23 June, ended Noyon, 30 June 1879. L 77 Montagne des Voirons, Boege, Haute Savoie, 25 July 1879. L 78 Paris, 20 September 1879. L 79 222 Faubourg St Honore, 21-23 October 1879. L 80 Paris, 10-18 November 1879.

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L 81 Begun in Paris, 1 January, finished New Orleans, 4 March 1.880. L 82 Paris, May 1880. L 83 Paris, 15 June - 10 July 1880. L 84 Paris, 31 July 1880. L 85 Paris, 4 September 1280. L 86 Flavigny, 25 September 1' L 87 Paris, 4 November 1880. L 88 Paris, 75 November 1880. L 89 10 December 1880. L 90 5 rue Dutrenoy, Passy, 23 December 1880. L 91 Passy, 7 January 1881 L 92 Passy, 3 February 1881 L 93 Paris, 1.7 February 1881. L 94 Passy, 18 March 1881, L 95 Passy, 31 March. 1881. L 96 Passy, 26 April 1881 L 97 Passy, 13 May 1881 (incomplete). L 98 Passy, 6 June 1881. L 99 Passy, 4 July 1881. L 100 Les Voirons pres Geneve, 9 August .1881. L 101 Passy, 29 September 1881. L 102 Passy, 11 November 1881. L 103 Notre Dame de Bon-Secours, Trouville. 23 November 1881 (incomplete). L 104 Eglise St Oüen. Rouen, 1 March 1882. L 105 8 July 1882. L 106 17 July 1882. L 107 Strasbourg, 24 July 1882. L 108 Amphion, près Evian, Haute Savoie, 7 August 1882. L 109 Amphion, 18 August 1882. L 110 10 September 1882. L 111 25 September 1882. L 112 'Dimanche matin’ (probably 8 October 1882) 1 113 10 October 1882. L 114 Letter of Le Vigoureux to the Duke of Norfolk, Passy, 10 October 1882 enclosed in L 113, and almost certainly never forwarded to the Duke (see L 115). L 115 13 October 1882. L 116 'Samedi matin' (almost certainly October 1882). L 117 'Samedi 3 h.' (almost certainly 14 October 1882). L 118 Paris, 16 October 1882. L 119 24 October 1882. L 120 Passy, 26 October '1881' (but it must be 1882). L 121 Passy, 6 November 1882. L 122 222 Faubourg St Honoré, 19 January 1883. L 123 222 Faubourg St Honoré, 13 March 1883. L 124 Paris, 15 June 1883 L 125 Paris, 7 August 1883. L 126 Paris, 3 October 1883. L 127 Paris, 27 November 1883, L 128 Fragment, possibly December 1883. L 129 45 rue Notre Dame (Nord), Lille, 18 January 1884.

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L 130 Lille, 15 March 1881. L 131 Lille, 9 August 1884. L 132 Lille, 4 December 1884. L 133 Lille, 23 January 1•;56. L 134 Lille, 9 February 1385. L 135 Rules for Lent (probably Lent 1885). L 136 Letter from Le Vigoureux to Miss Ross (incomplete) from 222 Faubourg St Honoré, '24 avril 1885' (only it must be 24 February 1885. since be says his Lent has started at St Augustin). L 137 Undated card, probably Lent 1885, probably 15 or 22 March. L 138 Lille, 23 April 1885. L 139 Lille, 4 May 1885. L 140 Lille, 9 July 1885, L 141 Lille, 23 May 1885. L 142 Lille, 11 June 1885. L 143 Lille, 16 July 1885. L 144 Lille, 6 September 1885. L 145 Lille, 12 September 1885 L 146 Lille, 2 October 1885. L 147 Lille, 15 November 1885. L 148 Lille, 26 November 1885. L 149 Lille, 12 December 1885. L 150 Lille, 19 December 1885. L 151 Undated, but certainly about Christmas 1885. L 152 2 January 1886. L 153 Lille, 31 January 1886. L 154 Reims, 10 April 1885. L 155 Lille, 17 August 1886. L 156 Lille, 20 December 1886. L 157 Ste Gudule, Brussels, 5 March 1887 L 158 Lille, 14 August 1887 L 159 Lille, 1 January 1889 L 160 4 rue St Martin, Le Havre, 4 February 1890. L 161 Le Havre, 9 January 1892. L 162 Paris, 9 February 1893. L 163 Paris, 3 January 1895. L 164 Fragment, apparently June 1895. L 165 Jerusalem, 20 January 1898. L 166 Jerusalem, January 1999. L 167 7 rue de la Chaise, Paris, 14 January 1903. L 168 Ermitage des Voirons, 14 August 1907. L 169 Chénas (enclosing a postcard of Chénas), 10 September 1914. L 170 Letter to Miss Ross, from Chénas, 23 October 1914. L 171 Le Vigoureux's card, with a message to Miss Baker on it; entirely undated. With the Le Vigoureux letters there is a piece of paper, in Bede Jarrett`s writing, saying: Mons. Le Vigoreux (sic), 20 Rue Louis Philippe, Neuilly, Paris.

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M MARGARET EGERTON (née BAKER) All the letters from Morialta, and M 10 are on paper fringed with black. M 1 Letter to Bessie Baker, from Morialta, 23 February 1873. M 2 Letter to Bessie Baker, undated but evidently early March 1873. M 3 Letter to Bessie Baker, from Morialta, 25 March 1873, M 4 Letter to Bessie Baker, from Palm Place, 4 April (1873). M 5 Letter to Mrs Baker (Margaret's mother), from Morialta, 12 April (1873). M 6 Letter to Bessie Baker, from Morialta, 26 May 1873. M 7 Letter to Bessie Baker, from Ballarat, undated, but apparently Spring 1875. M 8 Letter to Bessie Baker. 6 September 1875. M 9 Letter to Bessie Baker, from Savings Bank. Ballarat, 'Saturdav 25th 1875' (25 September 1875). M 10 Letter to Mrs Baker, Bessie and Harriet Baker, from on board The China, 15 March 1876 (Incomplete). _______________________________________________________________________ N MARY BAKER (JOHN BAKER’S MOTHER) N 1 Letter to her son, John, North. Adelaide, from London, 7 June 1842. N 2 Letter to her daughter, Mary, North Adelaide, from Graefenherg, 12 February 1844. N 3 Letter to her son, James, North Adelaide, from Graefenberg, I Jul 1844. N 4 Letter to her son, John, North Adelaide, from Ilminster, 12 December 1846. _______________________________________________________________________ 0 LETTERS FROM DOMINICAN FRIARS (except Etienne Le Viqoureux, for whom see L) Documents in this section are not numbered continuously, but only with reference to individual friars. ADAM, (?) Constant See BOULANGER 1. BABONNEAU, Mannes 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from 24 rue des Volontaires, XVe, Paris, 25 March 1912. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from the same address, 11 January 1913. BOULANGER, Raymond 1. Calling card, from Obis, rue Marguerite, thanking Miss Baker for her book on behalf of P.Boulanger & P. Adam. BUCKLER, Reginald 1. Card to Miss Baker, from Woodchester, 13 April 1910. CHOCARNE, Bernard 1. Letter to Etienne Le Vigoureux OfP, from Volders, 1 October 1882). 2. Letter to the Duke of Norfolk, from Rue Bayeu 22bis, Paris, 17 October 1882.

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CLERISSAC, Humbert 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Sta Trinita, Florence, 6 April 1908 (incomplete). 2. Fragment torn off a letter to Miss Baker, from Versailles, 4 October (1900. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Angers , 9 February 1911. 4. Letter to Miss Baker, from Milan, 28 February (1911). 5. Letter to Miss Baker, from Milan, 30 March 1911. 6. Letter to Miss Baker, from St Louis, Fontainebleau, 15 May (1911). 7. Letter to Miss baker,from 7 Place Marguerite d'Anjou, Angers, 6 June (1911). The Historical Centre also possesses photocopies of the following documents, whose originals are in the English Dominican Provincial Archives, Edinburqh: 8. Card to Miss Baker, 28 December 1911. 9. Card to Miss Baker, (Easter?) 1912. 10. Letter to Miss Baker, from Bude, Cornwall, 29 September (1912). 11. Letter to Miss Baker, 25 November 1912. CORMIER, Hyacinthe 1. Card to Miss Baker, from The Angelicum, evidently thanking her for her book. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from The Angelicum, 10 May 1914. DIX, Fabian 1. Letter to Miss Ross. from St Dominic's, London, 17 October 1914 2. Letter to Miss Ross. from St Dominic’s, London, 27 October 1914. DUPONT, Marie-Augutin. 1. Calling card, thanking Miss Baker for her book. ESSER. Thomas 1. Calling card from 'Tommaso Esser, Segretario del la S.C. dell'Indice’, thanking Miss Baker for her book. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, from Rome, 24 June 1922. FALVEY, Benedict. 1, Letter to Miss Baker, from Newry, 23 August 1906. FERRETTI, Lodovico 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Fiesole, 6 May 1911. FOUCHERE, Francois 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Cruzy-le-Chatel, undated (probably December 1910). 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Paris, 12 April 1911. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Appoigny, 17 May 1911. GARCIN, Sebastien I. Card to Miss Baker, from 2 Square du Roule, 27 January 1917. HOWARD, Augustine I. Letter to Miss Baker, from Cork, 4 May 1910. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Cork, 13 May 1910.

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JACQUOT, Pierre 1. Calling card, from 5 Square Cu Roule, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. JARRETT, Bede 1. Letter to Miss Ross, from St. Dominic's, London, 23 October 1914. 2. Letter to Miss Ross at 29 Brampton Square, from St Dominic's, London, 13 May 1916. KEANE, Antonius 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from St Dominic's, London, 12 October (no year). LAGRANGE. Marie-Joseph 1. Calling card from him as Prior of Jerusalem, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. LECONTE, Matthieu 1. Official copy of a letter from the Master General, presumably to Miss Baker, concerning the Oeuvre de Marie Immaculee, from Rome, 27 January 1883. LOUIS, Ravmord 1. Calling card, from Le Saulchoir, Kain, on receipt of Miss Baker's book. MAINAGE, Thomas 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Meudon, 'Iundi'. c. June 1911. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Paris, 10 October 1911. 3. Card to Miss Baker, from Paris, 4 December 1911, 4. Calling card, from 8 rue de Saint-Simon, Paris, thanking Miss Baker for her book. 5. Letter to Miss Baker, from Tours, 18 January 1912. McNABB, Vincent 1. Letter to Miss Ross, from Hawkesyard, 22 October 1914. MOSS, Raphael 1, Letter to Miss Baker, from St Dominic's, London, 'Thursday', otherwise undated, but c. 1906. POPE, Hugh 1. Card to Miss Baker, from The Angelicum, 0, December 191.1. 2. Letter to Miss Ross. from Woodchester, 21 October (1914). PROCTER. John 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from St Dominic's, London, 20 May 1906. 2. Card to Miss Baker, from St Dominic's, London, 12 January 1907. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from St Dominic's, London, 6 November 1909. SCHWERTNER, Thomas 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Aigle, Switzerland, 14 April1911. SCHEIL, Vincent 1. Calling card, from ibis rue du Cherche-Midi, thanking Miss Baker for her book.

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SPENCE, Robert William 1. Letter to John Richard Baker, from Archbishop's House, Adelaide, 21 October 1914. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, from Adelaide, dated 24 December (but postmarked 22 December) 1914. VILLARD, Antonin 1. Card, from 11 rue Chateaubriand, Paris, thanking Miss Baker for her book. WYLIE. Norbert 1. Letter to Miss Ross, from St Dominic's, London, 17 October 1914. 2. Letter to Miss Daniel, 19 October 1914. 3. Calling card. _______________________________________________________________________ P LETTERS CONCERNING TRANSLATIONS OF MISS BAKER'S B OOK P(a) LETTEP FROM THE FRENCH PUBLISHER All the letters in P(a) are from Librairie Victor Lecoffre, J. Gabalda & Cie., Paris, and they are all to Miss Baker, unless it is specified otherwise. 1. 11 November 1910. 2. 17 December 1910. 3. 12 May 1911. 4. To M.Maritain, Id rue de l'Oranqerie, Versailles, 11 July 1911. 5. 28 August 1911 (written on it in Miss Baker's hand: 'Ritas birthday' 6. 29 Auqust 1911 7. 2 December 1911, 8. 6 January 1912. 9. 20 January 1912. 10. 24 February 1912. 11. 4 March 1912. 12. 17 June 1913. 13. 14 January 1913. 14. 11 December 1913. P(b) LETTERS FROM THE MARITAINS TO MISS BAKER 1. Jacques Maritain, undated 2. Jacques Maritain, 19 March 1911 3. Jacques Maritain, 17 April 1911 4. Jacques Maritain, 24 April 1911 5. Jacques Maritain, 28 April 1911 6. Jacques Maritain, 10 May 1911 7. Jacques Maritain, 14 May 1911 8. Jacques Maritain, 18 June 1911 9. Jacques Maritain, undated 10. Jacques Maritain, 19 October 1911 11. Jacques Maritain, 7 December 1911 12. Jacques Maritain, 18 December 1911 12. Jacques Maritain, 18 February 1912 14. Jacques Maritain, ‘vendredi saint’ (5 April 1912)

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P(c) LETTERS & CARDS FROM MRS & MISS OBER, DANZIG 1. Card to Miss Baker, from Fri Anna Ober, 19 January 1913. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Frau Johanna Ober, 19 February 1913. 3. Card to Miss Baker. Hotel de Londres, Rome, from Anna. Ober. 4 April 1913. 4. Letter to Baker, from Johanna Ober, 16 April 1917i. 5. Letter to Miss Baker. from Johanna Ober, 7 May 1913, 4. Letter to Miss Baker. from Johanna Ober, 16 July 1913. 7. Letter to Miss Baker, from Johanna Ober, 20 January 1914. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Johanna Ober, 12 March 1914. 9. Card to Miss Baker, Hotel Bavaria, Rome, from Johanna & Anna Ober, 18 March 1914. 10. Card to Miss Baker, Rome, from Johanna & Anna Ober, postmarked 2 April 1914. 11. Card. to Miss Baer, London, from Johanna Ober, 29 April 1914. 12. Card to Miss Baker, from Johanna Ober, 13 May 1914. 13. Card to Miss Baker, from Johanna Ober, 23 June 1914. 14. Letter to Miss Ross, from Johanna & Anna Ober, 19 June 1921. _______________________________________________________________________ Q LETTERS FROM MISS BAKER On 11 March 1915 Fr Martindale sent Miss Ross a bundle of letters from Miss Baker to Mgr R.H. Benson, all of them undated: Q 1. 18 October, from 16 Alexander Square (1907?) Q. 2. ‘Thursday’, from 16 Alexander Square (December 1907?) Q 3. 17 January, from 16 Alexander Square (1907 or 1908) Q 4. 23 May (1908), from 18 Egerton Terrace, after the death of Mrs Baker, on paper with a thick black fringe. Q 5. 6 June. (1909), from 18 Egerton Terrace, on paper with a thick black fringe, replying to E(c)10. The remaining letters are: Q 6. Draft of a letter to P.Le Vigoureux, December 1877 (= L 2). Q 7. Draft of a letter to P.Le Vigoureux, August 1878 (= L 43). Q 8. [Letter to Master General Larroca, from 24 Queensberry Place, London SW, 17 April (1885), in AGOP XIII 65095, transcribed by Bede Bailey OP.] Q 9. Draft of a letter to a ‘Dear Sir’, from Morialta, 6 November. No year is indicated, but a reference to Card. Vaughann puts it between 1893 and 1903. Q 10. Draft of a letter to Burn & Oates, undated, but evidently before publication of her book in 1906. Q 11. Pencilled on the last page of Q10 is the draft of a letter to Wilfrid Meynell, Q 12. A pencilled note to 'Isobel’ (Miss Ross), probably during Miss Baker's final illness. R (SIR) RICHARD CHAFFEY BAKER R 1. Letter to his mother, from Duncroft House, 1 May 1856 R 2 Letter to his mother, from Winkfield, 3 May 1856. R 3. Letter to his sister (not identified), from Eton, 10 June 1856.

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R 4. Letter to his mother, from Brighton, 1 August 1856. R 5. Letter to his father & mother, from Winkfield, 1 September 1856. R 6. Letter to his mother, from Eton, 3 September 1856. R 7. Letter to his mother, from Winkfield, 9 December 1856. R 8. Letter to his father, from Winkfield, 8 April 1857. R 9. Letter to his mother, from Winkfield, 8 April 1857. R 10. Letter to his brother, George, from Eton, 10 May (1857). [The year is inferred from the mention of the burial of the Duchess of Gloucester.] R 11. Letter to his mother, from Winkfield, 8 September 8 September 1857. R 12. Letter to his father, from Eton, 6 December 1857l R 13. Letter to his mother, from Eton, 14 February 1858. R 14. Letter to his mother, from Ropley, Hants., 12 January 1858. R 15. Letter to his father, from Parc de Neuilly, 27 July 1860. R 16. Letter to his mother, from Trinity College, Cambridge, 21 December (1860). [The year must be 1860, if the examinations mentioned are those which got him into Lincolns Inn on 23 January 1861.] R 17. Letter to his mother, from Trinity College, Cambridge, Monday October 17th 1862. [The final digit looks like a diminutive 2, but this is not certain. 17 October only fell or a Monday in 1864, after RCB had left Cambridge (and probably England), so the date is certainly wrong in any case. His parents are dearly. on their way back to England; they were in England in 1861, so the year could be 1862 but this is far from certain.] R 18. Letter to his mother, from Cambridge, 26 November (no year but this letter follows R 17). R 19. Letter to his mother, from Cambridge, Friday 25 March (1864). R 20. Letter to his father, from 14 Bedford St, Sunday 10 April 1864. R 21. Letter to his mother, from 14 Bedford St, Monday 25 April (1864). _______________________________________________________________________ S MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS TO MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY This category includes letters to members of the Baker family, from people who were not members of the family, up to 1875. S 1. Recipe (in German) from Grafin Schliefen, presumably given to Mrs Baker at. Gratenberg c. 1844. S 2. Letter from Henry Clarke Wright to Mrs Baker, from Grafenberg, 2 July 1844. S 3. Letter from Elizabeth Oulton to Mrs Baker and to Elizabeth Baker, from Grafenberg, 17 June 1845. S 4. Letter from H.S.Whitington to the Hon. John Baker, c/o Robert Brooks MP, Cornhill, London, from Adelaide. 18 August 1859, S 5. Letter from Charles Hunt to 'Baker’ (presumably John. Baker), from Ainan la Bretagne, 21 January 1862. S 6. Letter from Francis S. Dutton to Mr Baker (presumably John), who is clearly in London, from 90 Sloane Street, 11 December 1862. S 7. Comments by 'Privatus' on 'Mopsy’, apparently on his eligibility as a suitor, 22 November(?) 1875(?). _______________________________________________________________________

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T LETTERS FROM (SIR) RICHARD THRELFALL T 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Union Club, Sydney. 31 July 1887. T 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Union Club, Sydney, 16 August 1887. T 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Melbourne Club, 21 September 1887. T 4. Letter to Miss Baker, from Union Club, Sydney, 2 December 1887. T 5. Letter to Miss Baker, from Union Club, Sydney, 22 March 1888. T 6. Letter to Miss Baker, from Union Club, Sydney, 28 Mar 1888. T 7. Letter to Miss Baker, no address, 9 June 1888. T 8. Letter to Miss Baker, from Union Club, Sydney, ‘19.1888’ (almost certainly June 1888). _______________________________________________________________________ U REVIEWS OF A MODERN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS Reviews marked with an asterisk (*) are contained in a thin grey scrapbook. Action Sociale de Ia Femme, 15 February 1912. Advertising leaflet (first edition), citing several reviews. Advertising notices. two, (second edition), citing several reviews. Ami du Cierae, 27 June 1912. Annales Catholiques, 14 April 1912. Annales de la Jeunesse Catholique, 15 May 1912. Apologetisch Overzicht, 1912. Apotre de Marie, 15 April 1912. Aquitaine, 2 February 1912. Australian Catholic Record, October 1906. Austral Light, 1 October 1906. Bibliographic du Livre Francais, February 1912. Bibliotheque Universello, Lausanne, March 1913 (slip accompanying a review, but the review is not there). Book & News Trade Gazette, 6 October 1906. Bulletin de Litterature Ecciesiastique, Toulouse, January 1912, November 1912. Bulletin Religieux de l'Archidiocese de Rouen, 20 January 1912 Bulletin Religieux du Diocese de Bayonne, 21 January 1912. Bulletin Relichieux du Diocese de La Rochelle, 27 January 1912, 30 March 1912. Bulletin de la Semaine, 7 August 1912. Catholic Book News, August (1906). Catholic Fireside, 17 November 1906. *Catholic News, 1 June 1906. *Catholic Times, 1 June 1906. Catholic University Bulletin, USA, January 1907. *Catholic Weekly, 18 May 1906 Catholic Weekly, 30 November (?), 1906 (announcing a 2nd ed.), 11 January 1907. Christianisme, 9 February 1912. Christianisme Social, March 1919 (announcement onlv). Christian Life, 15 December 1906. Conferences, 27 February 1912. Correspondant, 10 September 1912. *Country, 30 June 1906.

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Croix, 12 December 1911, 3 January 1912. *Daily Telegraph, 5 September 1906. Democratie, 7 February 1912, Dimanche, Amien, 11 February 1912. Echo de Rome, Paris, 10 February 1912 (simply an announcement). Enseignement Chretien, 1 June 1912. Etudes Franciscaines, February 1912. Examiner, 11 August 1906. Freeman's Journal, Australia. 10 November 1906. Guide des Communautes, 10 Anvil 1912. *Irish Rosary. *Irish Times, 17 August 1906. Irish Times, 18 January 1907. Journal des Demoiselles, review and extract (1 March 1912). Journal de Psychologie, December 1912. Liberte, 8 April 1912. Libre Parole, 29 January 1912. *Literary World, 19 August (1906). Livres et ? (the rest is not legible), 10 June 1912. Marche du Livre, February 1912 (announcement only) Memorial de la Librairie Francaise, 19 January 1912 (announcement only). Mois Litteraire et Pittoresque, April 1912. *Monitor, 1 June 1906. New Ireland Review. Osservatore Cattolico, 23 June 1912. Patriot des Pyrenees, 12 March 1912. Polybiblion, July 1912 (announcement only), October 1912 (review) Pretre, Arras, 18 January 1912. Primitive Methodist Leader, 13 Derember 1906. Razon y Fe, April 1913. Revue Benedictine, April 1912. Revue Catholique. Troves. 27 January 1912. Revue du Clerge Francais, 1 February 1912 (announcement only). Revue du Diocese d'Annecy, 26 January 1912 (simply an announcement). Revue du Ia Jeunesse, 10 February 1912. Revue Montalembert, June 1912. Revue Philosophique, August 1912. Revue Pratique d'Apologetigne, 1 March 1912 (review by A.Poulain), 1 March 1913. Revue des Questions Historiques, April 1912. Revue Religieuse, Cahors, 27 January 1912, Revue Religieuse, Rodez, 19 January 1912 (announcement only). Romanul, Bucarest, 22 January 1912 (announcement only). Romans Revue, Cambrai, 11 March 1912 (announcement only). Romanie, Bucarest, 11 January 1911 (announcement only). Saturday Review, 13 October 1906. Semaine Catholique, Agen, 27 January 1912. Semaine Catholique, Toulouse, 11 February 1912. Semaine Religieuse, Bourges. 30 March 1912. Semaine Religieuse, Coutances & Avranches, 1 February 1912.

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Semaine Religieuse, Grenoble. 7 March 1912. Semaine Religieuse, Laval, 10 February 1912. Semaine Religieuse, Le Puy, 16 February 1912. Semaine Religieuse, Lyon, 23 February 1912. Semaine Religieuse, Moulins, 20 January 1912 (announcement), 10 February 1912. Semaine Religieuse, Poitiers, 25 February 1911(announcement). Semaine Religieuse, Rennes, 20 January 1912. Semaine Religieuse, Rue On Faub, Stanislas, 10 February 1912. Semaine Religieuse, St Brieuc, 31 May 1917. Semaine Religieuse, St Die, 1 March 1912. Semaine Religieuse, Versailles, 23 January 1912 (announcement only). Southern Cross. Spectator, 5 January 1907. *Tablet, 11 Augusi, 1906 (review), 1.5 September 1906 (Literary Notes). *Times, 1 June 190u. Unidentified review. Unidentified review in French (from 5 rue Bayard. Paris). Unidentified review in Italian. Unidentified review, in (apparently) a Scottish paper, of the third edition. Univers, 16 January 1912, 31 January 1913. *Universe. 25 May 1906. Viganais, 25 February 1912. Voix Catholique, 1 January 1912. _______________________________________________________________________ W THE BENEDICTINE NUNS OF EAST BERGHOLT AND THE 'ES CAPED NUN' W 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Dame Dolores Lane Fox, 13 May 1909, W.2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Dame Dolores Lane Fox, 19 May 1909. W 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Sydney Smith SJ, written at 18 Egerton Terrace, date. W 4. Letter to Miss Baker, from Dame Dolores Lane Fox, 21 May 1909. W 5. Letter to Miss Baker, from Sydney Smith SJ, from Farm Street, 21 May 1909. W 6. Letter to Miss Baker, from Miss Moult (the 'escaped nun'), no date or place. W 7. Letter to Miss Baker, from Dame Dolores Lane Fox, 24 May 1909. W 8. Letter to Miss Baker, from Abbess Hildegarde Heggen, 24 May 1900. W 9. Letter to Miss Baker, from Sydney Smith SJ, from Farm Street, 24 May 1909. W 10. Letter to Miss Baker, from Albert White, enclosing a hotel bill from Davies' Private Hotel for 'Mrs Moult for 19-22 May, 26 May 1909. W 11. Receipt from Davies' Private Hotel, made out to Miss Baker, 76 May 1909. W 12. Article by Albert. C. White on the escaped nun, The Universe 4 June 1909. H 13. Letter to Miss Baker, from Albert White, 15 June 1909. H 14. Letter to Miss Baker, from A.J.Hiiton, 29 June 1909. H 15. Letter to Miss Baker, from John Procter OP, 6 November 1909 (=0 PROCTER 3). W 16. Letter to Miss Baker, from Abbess Hildegarde Heggen, 8 April 1910. W 17. Letter to Miss Baker, from Dame Agatha Horne, with a page from Dame Hildegarde Heggen, 2 May 1910. These papers were sorted out by Bede Jarrett and put into an envelope on which is written, in his hand, 'Miss Moult of E.Bergholt'. _______________________________________________________________________

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V THE ORDER OF SANCTISSIMA SOPHIA V 1. A printed document on Ladies of Honour, the 'Fourteenth Pandect of the First Year of the Lieutenancy,' promulgated 15 March 1908. V 2. Typescript of a talk given by R.Palmer-Thomas on 'The Spirit of Chivalry', 23 November 1908. V 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Robert Palmer-Thomas, 23 March 1909 V 4. Letter to Miss Baker, from RoberT Palmer-Thomas, 5 April 1909, V 5. Letter to Miss Baker. from Robert Palmer-Thomas, 17 April 1909. V 6. Patent from Harry Pirie-Gordon. making Miss Baker a Lady of Honour, 3 June 1909 V 7. Letter to Miss Baker, from Robert Palmer-Thomas, 17 July 1909, V 8. Letter to Miss Baker. from Harry Pixie-Gordon, 28 July 1909. V 9. Letter to Miss Baker, from Robert Palmer-Thomas, 30 July 1909. V 10. Letter to Miss Baker, from Harry Pixie-Gordon, 1 August 1909. V 11. Christmas card from Harry Pixie-Gordon to Miss Baker ‘the Lady Elizabeth', presumably Christmas 1909 at the earliest. _______________________________________________________________________ X MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE Documents in this section are not numbered continuously., but only with reference to individuals. ADAMS & WATTS, Auctioneers etc. 1. letter to the executors of Miss Baker, 19 October 1914. ARGUS DE LA PRESSE (12 rue du Faubourg Montmartre, Paris) 1. Cuttings of reviews, one envelope postmarked 14 February 1912, 2 with illegible postmarks. ARKWRIGHT, Agnes (lately 28 Brompton Square, SW, 1. Letter to Miss Ross, undated (oh Miss Baker's death). AMR1GHT, Miss Edith (14 Egerton Terrace, SW) 1. Calling card, inscribed 'With deep sympathy'. ARTINDALE, Mary (45 Ashley Gardens, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross. 16 October 1914. 2. Lotter to Miss Ross, 21 October 1914, BALFOUR, Reginald 1. Letter to (Wilfrid) Meyneil, 25 June 1905. BANBURY, Edmund (16 Hans Place, SW) 1. Calling card. BARNES, Arthur C. (University Pitt. Club) 1. Letter to Miss Baker ('Pilgrim'), 6 June, no year (presumably 1906).

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BECKETT, Lady 4 (6 Brompton Square, SW) 1. Calling card, inscribed ‘To inquire’ BERNERS, Julia G. (33 Chester Square) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October (1914). BLOCHER, Countess (56 Courtlield Gardens, SW) 1. Calling card. BLUMENTHAL, Mme. L. (10 Campden Hill Court, Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 14 October (1914) 2. Card to Miss Ross, 15 October (1914). 3. Letter to Miss Ross, '1-,Tiday evening (16 October 1914). 4. Letter to Miss Ross, 21 October (1914). BLUNDELL, Minnie (10 South Street, Thurloe Square) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October (1914). BLUNDELL, Miss (10 South Street. Thurloe Square) 1. Calling card. BONYTHON, J. Langdon ('The Advertiser', Adelaide) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 18 October 1808. BOTTING, Mrs Cecil G. (22 Perham Road, West Kensington) 1. Calling card, inscribed '1st Monday'. BOWDEN, The Miss Bowdens (30 Thirloe Square, SW) 1 Calling card, inscribed 'With sincere sympathy to enquire'. BRAGG, W.H. (The University, Adelaide) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 30 June 1886. BRAND, Mabel Fairfax (Stag's End, by Hemel Hempstead, Herts) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 23 October 1914. BRITTEN, James (Ard Einin, Killiney Co. Dublin) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October 1914. BROWNE. Miss (Alice M.) Harris (12 Alexandra Court, 171 Queen's Gate, SW) 1. Card to Miss Ross, undated. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 22 October 1914. 3. Calling card. inscribed with a note from Alice Browne. 4. Calling card (from Alice and her sister, Miss M. Harris Browne). BROWNE, Rupert M. (Meriden, Sutton, Surrey) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 1 June 1911. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, 25 October 1914 (intended for Miss Ross, whom he took to be Miss Baker's sister).

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BRYCE, James (Irish Office, Old Queen St, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 29 Mar 1906. BURNEY, D.J. (Langham Lodge, Alton, Hants) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 24 October 1914. BURNS & OATES Ltd. 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 26 October 1906. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, 15 November 1906. 3. Financial statement, to Miss Ross, January 1921. BUTT, Lady Anna Georgina, and Miss Cecily Butt (9 Albert Hall Mansions, Kensington Gore, W 1. Letter to Miss Ross from Cecily Vivien Butt, 3 September (no year). 2. Calling card from both Butts, inscribed with deepest sympathy'. 3. Letter to Miss Ross from Anna G,Butt, 19 October (1914). BUXTON, Lady Victoria & Miss Buxton (2 Princes Gate, SW) 1. Calling card. CAMPBELL. Alice (16 Egerton Terrace, SW) 1, better to Miss Ross, 'Saturday' (17 October 1914). CAMPBELL, Mrs Henry A. (25 South Street, Thurloe Sq., SW 1. Calling card. CAPES, F.M. (1 Ovington Street) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 1 November 1914. CARBUTT, Miss (155 Sloane Street, SW) 1. Calling card. CARRIGAN 1. Telegram to Miss Ross, from Brighton, 17 October 1914. CELAURO, Pietro 1. Postcard to Miss Baker, postmarked 21 May 1912 (?). 2. Postcard to Miss Baker, from Palermo, postmarked 2 March (?) 1914. 3. Postcard to Miss Baker, from Palermo, 5 April 1915. CHAPMAN, Kathleen (56 Leinster Square, W) 1. Lotter to Mrs Maxwell, 30 September 1914. ‘CHARITY’ (?) (no surname) 1. Letter, presumably to Miss Ross, from St Thomas's Hospital, SE, 'Sunday', evidently after Miss Baker's dea(h. CHARLTON, Miss (23 Kensington Square) 1. Inscribed calling card on Miss Baker's death).

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CHICHESTER, Miss Christine (42 Cadogan Street) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October 1914. 2. Calling card. CHICHESTER, Miss Constance (14 Pelham Street, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 22 October (1914). 2. 3 calling cards from Miss Constance Chichester & Miss Amy Chichester. CLEMSON, Miss Frances C. 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Palazzo Odescalchi, 31 May 1906. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, from Alexandra Club, 12 Grosvenor Street, 13 Oct )er 1914 3. Letter to Miss Ross, from Alexandra Club, 19 October 1914. CONYBEARE, Edward 1. Letter to Miss Baker ('Pilgrim'), from Cambridge, ?R June 1906. COOPER Miss J.L. (15 Aynhoe Mansions, Brook Green. W) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 95 October (1914). COOTE, Maud (20 Hans Mansions, SW) 1. Letter to Miss ROSS, 2 November 1914. COTTER, Mary (Steventon House, Steventon, Berks) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 20 October (1914). 2. Letter to Miss 'Rice', 21 October 1914. CRAIGIE, Pearl Mary Teresa (56 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park) 1. Letter, presumably to Miss Baker, 5 July 1906, CREWSE, Mr Jordan (17 Alfred Place, SW) I. Calling card inscribed 'with kind sympathy', CUFF, Herbert (War Refugees, Alexandra Palace) 1. Letter to 'Miss Baker' (meaning Miss Ross, whom he took to be Miss Baker's sister), 2 December (1914). CULLINGTON, Helen (Hotel Rembrandt, South Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914. D., G.W. (unidentified, except as Miss Baker's 'godchild') 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Avenue Rogier 28, Liege, Christmas Day, no year. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Via Mascheroni 1, 'Tuesday'. DALE, A.M. (Brabazon House, Moreton Street, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. DALE, Harriet (132 Kensington Park Road, R) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914.

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DAMER 1. Telegram to Lady Egerton, from Liverpool, 19 October 1914. DANGIN, Paul Thureau (11 rue Garanciere. Paris) 1. Letter to 'Mon Rev. Pere' (P.Clerissac OP?), 9 January 1911. 2. Card inscribed 'respectueux remerciements et felicitations'. DANIEL, Mary Samuel (38 Langley Road, Willesden, NW) 1. Card to Miss Ross, 18 October (1914). 2. Card to Miss Ross, undated, but after 1. DAVIDSON, William Leslie, Col. (5 St George's Square, SW) 1. Letter from 'Colonel' to Mme Blumenthal, 4 March 1910. DAVITS, William Everard (5 Tvnvbedw Terrace, Treorchv) 1. Letter to 'Dear Sir or Madam', 27 October 1914. DAVIES-COOKE. Beatrice (91 Sloane Street, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 21 October 1914. DEASE. Charlotte (Rath House, Ballybrittas, Queens County, Ireland) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 21 October 1914. DEASE, Mrs M. (Rath House, Ballybrittas) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October (1914). DEELEY, Leila (8 Pelham Place, S.Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. DICKENS, Mrs Henry Dickens & Miss Dickens (with 'Mr added) (8 Mulberry Walk, SW) 1. Calling card inscribed 'to enquire'. 2. Calling card inscribed 'sincerest and profoundest sympathy'. DOMVILE, Lady Margaret (46 Sussex Place, SW) 1. Calling card inscribed with much sympathy'. DOREHILL, Mrs Muriel (c/o Ramsdens, 27 Onslow Gardens) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 'Saturday', on Miss Baker's death. DORMER. Geta (The Old Rectory, Goring, Oxon.) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 'Wednesday evening'. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, 29 November, no year, 3. Letter to Miss Baker., from Milan. 4. Letter to Miss Ross, from (c/a Miss Moore) 17 Berkeley Square, F. 24 October (1914). DOVE, The Revd George (St Andrew's Parsonage, Walkerville) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 26 May 1908.

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DOWLING, A.E. Raymond (Oxford & Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 21 October (1914). DUFFY, Margaret Gavan (Villette, Hotham Street, St Kilda, Melbourne) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 24 September 1896. DUNCOMBE, Miss Evelyn Pauncefort (21 Brompton Square, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October (1914). EDELL, Linda Fitzpatrick (2 Queen's Gate Gardens, SW) 1. Card to Miss Ross, 21 October (1914 ELLIOT, Nellie [Lady Helena] (9 Percival Terrace, Brighton) 1. Telegram to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. 2. Letter to Miss Ross. 'Saturday' (17 October 1914). ELWES, Winifred (48 Onslow Gardens, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, Wednesday 10 November, no year [must be 1909). 2. Letter to Miss Baker, no date. ‘EVELYN’ (no surname) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, from 59 Tregunter Road Rio (c/o Braithwaite Lockyer, 'Sunday'. evidently just after Miss Baker's death. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, from BrookIands, Lower Bourne, 'Saturday morning', evidently just after Miss Baker's funeral. 3. Letter to Miss Ross, from Brooklands, 'Tuesday', probably later than the other two letters. 'EVELYN’ (no surname, different writing from the previous 'Evelyn') 1. Letter to Miss Ross, from 9 Brompton Square [this is the address of Evelyn Laurence, but it is not her writing), 16 October 1914. EYRE. Edward. (1 Belqrave Place. SW) 1. Letter. presumably to Miss Baker, 21 May 1909. EYRE, May (?) (Hotel Vandyke, London SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October (1914). FAIRFAX-CHOLMELEY, Annie Blanche (2 Foulis Terrace, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 September 1914, FANSHAWE, Miss (16 Cheyne Gardens, Chelsea) 1. Calling card inscribed 'Mv most sincere sympathy', FAWCETT, Rev, J. (Swan Villa, March, Cambridgeshire) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 14 September 1911. FEGEN, Margaret (15 Bond Place, Onslow Square, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 15 October 1914.

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FERNANDEZ, Ramon 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 29 March (1912). FFRENCH, P1. Rosamond (3a Lower Grosvenor Place, SW) 1. Letter to Lady Egerton, 20 October 1914. FINNISS, Julia H. (Acryse, Catherine Sr, College Park, St Peters, S.Australla) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 19 dune 1912. FITZGERALD-KENNEDY, Miss (Christian name not deciphered) (Local Government Board, Dublin) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 14 October 1914, FLETCHER, Edith (164 Lambeth Road, SE) 1. Card to Miss Ross, 25 October 1914. FORSTER, Miss (Sidmouth Lodge, Park Road., Richmond) 1. Calling card inscribed with sincere sympathy'. FORT, Edith A. (13 Brompton Square, SE) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, undated (on Miss Baker's death). FORTLY, Emily Catherine, TOSD (1 The Paragon, Richmond) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914. FOSTER Miss Beryl I. Calling card inscribed 'with my love'. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, related to M.P1.FOSTER 1, no date or address. 3. Letter to Miss Ross, from 11 Alexander Square, apparently on the sickness of Miss Baker. FOSTER, Mrs M.M. 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from L9 Elisabeth Street, SW, no date. 2. Calling card from Mrs and Miss Beryl Foster, 11 Alexander Square, inscribed 'with kindest enquiries'. 3. Letter to Miss Ross, from 11 Alexander Square, on Miss Baker's death. FRASER, Mrs A..E. (91 Elm Park Gardens, SW) 1. Two calling cards. FRAZER, Annie (Enfant de Marie) (Melbourne Hall, Derby) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October 1914. FRAZER, R. (3 Guthrie Street, SW 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. FRENCH, Violet 1, (Enfant do Marie) (2 Stewarts Grove, Chelsea) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October 1914.

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FULFORD, Agnes (Emlev Hill, Bowlhead Green, Godalming) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October (1914). FULFORD, C. (16 Egerton Gardens, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914. 2. Card to Miss Ross, postmarked 26 October 1914, GAINSBOROUGH, Mary Elizabeth (nee Dease) (Countess) (Exton Park, Oaktiam) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 'Sunday', no date (black-fringed paper). GANAY. M.C. de (Chateau de Tracy. Tracy le Mont) 1. Card, presumably to Miss Baker, undated. 2. List of names and a note in Mlle do Ganav's writing, evidently preceding no.4. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Paris, 22 February 1912, 4. Letter to Miss Baker, added to a letter from the secretary of the Archbishop of Paris to Mile de Gandy, which is dated 25 February 1912. 5. Letter to Miss Baker, from Paris. 17 March 1912. GARDNER, Edmund G. (Royal Societies Club, St James's Street, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 26 June 1906. GARDNER, L. (Framfield Place, Uckfield, Sussex) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October (1914). GHOSH, Sarath Kumar (18 Elgin Avenue, W.) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 13 July (no year) [probably 1910]. GIDD & GIDDY, Land Agents 1. Letter to Miss Baker's executors. 19 October 1914. GOULD. The Misses (35 Roland Gardens, SW) 1. Calling card inscribed 'with sincere sympathy'. GRACE- Mrs (39 Oueen's Gate, SW) 1. Calling card inscribed 'to enquire'. 2. Calling card inscribed 'with sincere sympathy'. GRANDY, Delia (Ashley House. 20 Vevensey Road, St Leonards-on-Sea) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 20 October (1914?). HADGATE, G.P. (52 Lower Sloane Street, 58) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. HALIFAX, Lord (88 Eaton Square) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 25 Maw 1906. HARDY, J. (Belgian Relief Committee) 1. Card to Miss Ross, postmarked 20 October 1914.

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HAUSSONVILLE, Le Comte de (Academie Francaise) 1. 2 calling cards. HAWKER, Mary L. (Moulin :6 Lofty?) 1. "Letter to Miss Baker, 2 January 1907, HAWTREY, Valentina (Eastburton House, Pulborough) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 'Sunday', on Miss Baker's death. HEDLEY. Frances (85 Harcourt Terrace, SW) 1, Letter to Miss Ross, 23 October (1914). HERDER. B. (68 Great Russell Street) Letter to Miss Ross, 27 February 1922. HERRICK, Mrs G.Mary (3 Cresswell Gardens, SW) 1. Calling card inscribed with much sympathy'. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October (1914). HILL, E.M. (44 Egerton Gardens, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, undated (immediately after Miss Baker's death). 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 21 October (1914?), 3. Letter to Miss Ross, 28 October 1914. HOBSON, Eleanor (28 Rosary Gardens. South Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. HOBSON, Fanny (27 Brechin Place, South Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October 1914. HOPE, Mabel 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Catholic Women's League, 11 October (1914? 2. Letter to Miss Ross, iron 70 Chester Square, 16 October (1914). HORN, P.E. (Wimbledon Park House, Wimbledon) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October (1914). HORROCKS, Charles (4orialta Chambers, Adelaide) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 21 October 1914. HOWARD, Lady Mary Fitzalan (59 Egerton Crescent SW) 1. Calling card inscribed 'to enquire'. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. HUME, Major Martin Andrew Sharp (14 Cavendish Mansions, Portland Place, W. 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 7 June 1906. HUTTON, Mary (?) Stuart (5 Priory Grove, The Boltons, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914.

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IRELAND, John (St Paul) 1. Letter to Miss Baker ("The Pilgrim'). 5 February 1907, JACKSON, G.L. 1. Letter to Miss Ross, no date or address (on Miss Baker's death). JAMES, G. & C., and Emily (St Wilfred's, Gale Street, Chelsea) 1. better to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. JARRETT, Agnes D. (South Lodge, Imberhorne, East Grinstead) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 25 October (1914). JENKINS, Mrs Arthur G. 1. Calling card. JENNINGS, Jeanie (63 Fulham Road. SW) I. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914, JERNINGHAM, Maude (Cliff House, Warrior Square, St Leopard's) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 25 October (1914), JONES, Spencer (Moreton-in-Marsh) I. Letter to Miss Baker ('Pilgrim'). 24 May 1906. 2. Letter to Miss Baker ('Pilgrim'). no date, but after JONES 1. JOYCE, John F. (12 Brunswick Street, Fitzrov, Melbourne) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 11 September 1886. KEATING, A. (Alms Houses, Cadocian Street) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914. KENNEDY, Teresa M. (78 Coleherne Court, Old Brompton Road, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 21 October 1914. KEOGH, Lady Camilla (The Bungalow, East Grinstead) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October (1914). KERR, Captain John (Sherwood Foresters, 5th Batt.) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, no date, but soon after Miss Baker's death. KERR, Margaret 1. Card to Miss Baker ('Aunt Bessie:), from 58 Cromwell Rd, SW, 27 March no year, 2. Letter to Miss Ross, from Melbourne Ball. Derby, 20 October (1914). KYNGDON, Amy J. (Clovelly, South Cliff Drive, Herne Bay) 1. Telegram to Miss Ross. 17 October 1914. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October 1914.

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LACY, Mary (printed address: 109 Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath T address in pen: 12 Mandeville Place, W.) 1, Letter to Miss Baker, 12 June (possibly 1906). LA MOTHE HOUDANCOURT. C.B.(?) Walsh 1. Letter to Miss Baker. from 59 Ennismore Gardens, SW. no date. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from 16 avenue du Trocadere. Paris, no date. LAMY, Etienne (Academie Francaise) t. Calling card thanking Miss Baker for her book. LANE, Adelaide, JOSH (24 Chester Terrace, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 15 October (1914). LA PRIMAUDAYE, Mrs Blanche (4 Onslow Houses, Onslow Square) I. Calling card from Capt., Mrs, Miss and Miss Idonea La Primaudaye. 2. Letter to Miss Ross from Blanche La Primandaye, 20 October 1914. LAURENCE, Evelyn (9 Brompton Square, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 'Friday' (16 October 1914). 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 'Monday (probably 19 October 1914), LAWLER, Mary (Loretto Terrace, Aberdeen, Burra) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 12 October 1909. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 December 1.914. LAWRENCE, Mrs Nord-more Lawrence & the Misses Lawrence (66 Elm Park Road, SW) I. Calling card inscribed with much sympathy'. LEAHY. Mrs D.F.Arthur Leahy & Miss Leahy (48 Egerton Gardens, SW) 1. 2 calling cards, one inscribed with deep sympathy'. LEE, R.(?) (16 Wynnstay Gardens, Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October 1914. LEE, 6.J. (Australian Club, Sydney) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 19 November 1906, LEE, Rosie (Selwood Lodge, Elm Place, South Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October (1914). LEGGE, Mrs Augusta (35 Beauchamp Place, Pont Street, SW) 1. Calling card inscribed 'to enquire, with love and much sympathy'. LEIGH, M. Blanche (Scar Hill, Woodchester Park, Stonehouse. Glos.) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 22 November 1914.

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LETHBRIDGE Lucy Amy 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from 19 Taaster Square, SW, 2 June (1910?). 2. Letter to Miss Baiter, from Ravenscourt, Minehead, Somerset, 20 July (1910) (cf. the letters of Father Vassali-Phillips, whom she introduces an this letter). LIEBICH, Louise (16 Abingdon Villas, Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 10 October 1906. LODGE, Oliver 1. A scrap torn oft a letter, bearing his signature and the address to 'The Pilgrim, Lyceum Club, Piccadilly'. LOGAN, Mary I. (23 Kensington square, W.) 1. Letter to Miss ROSS, 18 October (1914). LUCAS, Edith (2 Stratham Place, Stewarts Grove, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October 1914. LUCAS, Iris (2 Stratham Place, Stewarts Grove, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October 1914. LUMSDEN. Magda (27 (Queen Square, Bath) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 23 February 1915. M.. J.(?) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, no address or date, but clearly after the Encyclical of 28 December 1878, and related to Le Vigoureux's letter to Miss Baker on 27 January 1879 (L 63). MacDERMOT, Eleanor 1. Calling card (The Priory, Bishopstone, Lewes). 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Bishopstone„ June, no year 3. Letter to Miss Ross. from 43 Onslow Gardens, 17 October (1914). 4. Letter to Miss Ross, from Taunton, 25 October (1915). McDERMOTT, Hilda (6 Evelyn Gardens, SE) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, no date, on Miss Baker's death. McDONNELL, Michael Francis Joseph (Bathurst, Gambia) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 22 November (1914). McKENNA, Miss Alice (5 Ashley Gardens, SW) I. Calling card inscribed. 'with most sincere sorrow and sympathy'. MacMAHON, Anita (18 Oueens Grove Rd. Chingtord, 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 4 October 1906. MAJOR, E. (1 Belgrave Square, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914.

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MALLOCK. Mr (William Hurrell) (Bachelors' Club, Piccadilly) 1. Letter to Miss Baker on receipt of her book, 13 July (1906). MARNDARS, Montague I. Letter to Miss Baker, headed 'Poste. Restante, Dewsbury', 15 March 1910, 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from Dewsbury, giving the address as '29 Sidney Street, OXford Rd. Manchester', 22 March 1910. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from 226 Victoria Square, Oldham Rd. Manchester, 1 April 1910. MARTIN, G.E.M. (or G.E.W.) (Glenelg) I. Letter to Miss Baker, 13 February 1898. MASSIGNON, Louis 1. Calling card with a personal message inscribed: he is going to London, and has a letter to pass on from P. Le Vigoureux. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from 91 rue de l'Universite, 8 December 1911 [signed L.M., but I think the writing is his]. MAXWELL, Henrietta C. (12 Cadogan Gardens, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 'Sunday' (on Miss Baker's death). MEYNELL. Wilfrid (Burns & Oates, 28 Orchard Street, London W.) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 7 July 1905 2. Letter to Miss Baker, 23 October 1905. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, 24 October 1905. 4. Letter to Miss Baker, 6 July 1906. 5. Letter to Miss Baker, 25 November 1910. MITCHELL, W. (27 Angas Street, [Adelaide]) 1 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 9 June 1897. MOLE, M.M.(?) (St Mary's Nursery College, Belsize Lane, Hampstead) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 21 November 191 MOLONEY, Kathleen (Cefntilla Court, Usk, Mon.) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 26 April 1910. MONTAGOU (no other name) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from 3 rue Cloche Pisse, Poitiers, 4 October (1885). MOORE, May (?) L. (Parkfield Vicarage, Middleton, Manchester) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 25 October 1914. MOORE, Mrs and Miss (Mooresfort, 64 Pont Street, SW) 1. Calling card.

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MORE-SMYTH, Mrs Helen (3 Hans Crescent, SW) 1. Calling card. 2. Card to Miss Ross, 'Saturday' (17 October 1914). MORETON, Vernon (Devonshire Club, St James's, SW) 1. Calling card. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914. MORETON Vernon. Mrs 1. CallinG card. inscribed 'with sympathy'. MULHALL, Teresa (14 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 25 October 1914. MUNSTER, Mr J.P. (43 Onslow Gardens, 1. Calling card. MUNSTER, Mrs J.P. & Miss Munster (43 Onslow Gardens, SW; Bloomfields, Keymer) 1. Calling card inscribed 'with much sympathy'. MURPHY, O. (3 Coleherne Road, S.Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 24 October (1914). NEVILL Mrs (59 Egerton Gardens) 1. Calling card inscribed with heartfelt sympathy'. NOEL, Agnes (Exton Park, Oakham the residence of the Earl of Gainsborough) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October 1914. NOLAN, Richard Stanislaus Crosbie (Lamb Building, The Temple) 1. Letter to Miss Ross. 21 October (1914 NYE, Hilda J. (30 Wolverton Gardens, Hammersmith, W.) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 21 October 1914. O., A.C. 1. Report on Miss Baker's book, whose authorship A.C.O. evidently did not know, 13 October 1903. O'BRIEN, Mrs T. & Miss O'Brien (18 South Street, Thurioe Square, SW) 1. Calling card inscribed ‘with sincere condolence'. 0'DONOGHUE, J.M. 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914. O'HALLORAN, Mr & Mrs Joseph S. (6 Fox Hill, Upper Norwood, SE, crossed out, with new address written in: imperial Hotel, Barnstaple) 1, Calling card inscribed ‘With our deepest regret and most sincere sympathy'.

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OSBORNE, Annie (Ladies Athenaeum Club, 31-32 Dover Street, W) I. Letter to Miss Baker, 'Monday', evidently before 2. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, 29 July 1914. PAGET, Lady (C.I.) (4 Eaton Square, SW) 1. 2 calling cards. 2. Letter to Miss Ross. 21 October (1914). PU.LS. B. (24 Montpelier Street, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October 1914. PESKETT, Nellie (32 Earls Court Square, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, on Miss Baker's death. PHILLIPS, Cecil Faudel: (54 Cadocan Place, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October 1914. PIERS, Mme Louise de Kervegnen (court milliner) (6 Halkin Street, Grosvenor Place, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Rose, 17 (October 1914). PION-NOURRIT. Librairie (Rue Garancire, Paris) 1. Letter to M.F.Tavernier, 20 September 1910. POL,ARD, Dr Reginald (27 Egerton Crescent) 1. Calling card irom Dr & Mrs R.Pollard inscribed with kind enquiries'. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914. POLLEN, C.H. (Rodbourne, Malmesbury) 1, Letter to Miss Ross, 17 (October 1914), POLLEN, Margaret (157 Victoria Street, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October 1914. POPE, Mrs C.O'Fallon & Miss Pope (Hans Crescent Hotel, 1. Calling card inscribed ‘with our deepest sympathy', POWER, Eva M. (Enfant de Marie) (8 Alfred Place) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 16 October (1914). POW15, Miss Louisa F. (Hereford Lodge, Hastings Road, Ealing) 1. Calling card. PRAGNELL, Connie (1 Minton Place, Bury Street, Chelsea) 1, Letter on behalf of The Girls of St Philips Club, to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914.

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RAMSDEN, Miss Selina (27 Onslow Gardens, SW) 1. Calling card from Miss Selina R. & Miss Georgina Ramsdell, inscribed 'with kind enquiries'. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October (1914), RANDOLPH, Mr F. 9. (103 Onslow Square) 1. Calling card inscribed ‘to enquire'. RANDOLPH, Mr & Mrs (103 Onslow Square) I. Calling card inscribed 'To enquire'. RATHDONE, B. Wm. (39 Cadogan Gardens, SW) 1 Card to Miss Ross, 18 October (1914), RATHBONE, Mrs William (39 Cadman Gardens. SW) 1. Calling card inscribed 'With deepest sorrow and warm sympathy'. REARDEN, Olive M. (14 Whitehead's Grove, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October (1914). 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 8 June 1915. 3. Letter to Miss Ross, 24 June 1915. 4. Letter to Miss Ross, 30 June 1915. ROBERTS, Miss Ethel (42 Emperor's Gate, SW) 1. Calling card inscribed 'With sincere sympathy'. ROD (first name not deciphered) (Llanarth Court, Raglan) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 2 October, no vear. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October (1914), 'ROSIE' (no surname) 1. Letter to Miss Baker ('godmother') , on paper headed S.Katharine's Convent, . 32 Oueen Square, crossed out, and the address The Bollans, Farnborough Park, written in; 'Friday night'. evidently near Christmas, no year. 2. Letter to Miss Baker. From The Bollans, Farnborough Park, 'Easter Eve', no year. ROTHERHAM, Lady Mary (61 Queen's Gate, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914. ROUVIERE, Louis (Vergeze, Gard) 1. Calling card. ROUVURE, Louis, Mme 1. Calling card, with message written on it, thanking Miss Baker for her book. RUSSELL. May (2) (71 Elm Park Gardens, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross. 17 October (1914). SANDS, Miss Sands & Miss Margaret Sands 13 Walton Place, SW) 1. 2 calling cards, one inscribed 'with deepest sympathy'.

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SANDS, Frances (The Toft, Bournemouth) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 'Monday', on Miss Baker's death. SANDS, Mr B.H.B. (United University Club, Pall Mall) 1. 2 calling cards. SANDYS. Lady (St John's House, Grange Road. Cambridge) 1. Calling card enclosed in a note to Miss Ross, 2.1 October 1914. SEABROOK, Janey (Lorne Villa) 1. Letter to Miss Baker. 18 August 1904. SHORT, John Patrick (68 Hillier Road, Wandsworth Common) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914. SILVERSTONE, Miss Miriam H. (34 Whiteheads Grove, S. Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 15 October 1914. SIM, Adelaide (19 Brompton Square, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October (1914). SINGLETON, Edith N.C. (Pie Hill Copse, Finchampstead. Berks) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 18 October 1914. SINGLETON. F.E.C. (Finchampstead. Berks) 1. Letter to Miss Baker (probably Isabella Baker), 19 October 1914. (SINGLETON), Kirstene (Finchampstead) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October (1914). SLATTERY, Adela (The Kerries, Tralee) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 59 October 1914. SLATTERY, Kathleen E. (St Philip's House, 401 Mile End Road, E.) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 30 October (1914). SMITH, Dr Heywood (40 Portland Court , W.) 1. Change of address card (new address: Kenwith, 30 York Avenue, Hove). SMITH, Joanna Bass 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from 40 Angas Street, 27 August (probably 1906). 2. Letter to Miss Ross, from Mount Barker, 9 December (1914). SMITH, R. Bass (Mount Barker) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 31 January 1897. SPEDDING, Carlisle (78 Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park, W.) 1. Calling card. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October 1914.

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STANFORD, H. (Wishaw Rectory, Birmingham) 1. Letter to Miss Ross (‘Tottie'), 20 October (1914). STEWART, Margaret (Grayshott) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 26 October 1914. STOURTON, E. (Woodcote, Souldern, Banbury) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 24 October (1914). STOURTON. Mary (47 Clanricarde Gardens, W. 1. Letter to Miss Ross, undated (on Miss Baker's death). STRIBBLING, Eileen (2 Parson's Green Lane, Fulham, SW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914. STREETER, Ada (47 Clanricarde Gardens, W.) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 17 October (1914). TALBOT, M.P. (The Vicarage, Ampleforth, Yorks) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 'Thursday' (after publication of her book). 2. Letter to Miss Baker, 'Sunday' (address at top of page crossed out: 6 South Street, Thurloe Square, SW). TAVERNIER, Eugene (36 rue du Bac, Paris) :L Letter to Miss Baker, 29 May 1910. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, 27 September 1910. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, 24 October 1910. TERRY. Nora (103 Edith Grove, Chelsea) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 20 October 1914. THOMPSON, J. Day (Primitive Methodist Church) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from Primitive Methodist Church, Fernando, Palatine Rd, Blackpool, 12 October 1903. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, from Alpha House, Cambridge, 19 October 1914. THOMPSON. Mary (111D Black Guinness Building) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, no date, on Miss Baker's death. TURING, G.Herbert (Society of Authors, London SW) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 4 December 1905. TOBIN, Miss (13 Brompton Square, SW) 1. 2 calling cards, one inscribed 'Sincere condolence'. TOMKINSON, G.C. (15 Well Walk, Hampstead, NW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 26 October 1914. TOMKiNSON, Mary H. (25 King William Street. Adelaide) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 31 December 1914.

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TREDGOLD, Fannie (Mrs Ralph) (The Oaks. Grange Road, Upper Norwood) 1. Calling card. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, 19 October 1914, TUNER, M.A.R. 1. Letter to Miss Baker, from The Lydds, Henfield, Sussex, 5 March 1908. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, from The Lydds, 13 March 1908. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, from Ashe House, Musbury, Devon, S ..-July 1910. TURNER. d.Maurice (83 Brook Street, Kennington Road, Lambeth) 1. Letter, presumably to Miss Baker, 18 November 1911. 'VAL' (no surname) 1. Telegram to Miss Ross, from Dartmouth, 19 October 1914. 2. Letter to Miss Ross, from Haven Cottage, Kingswear, South Devon, 20 October (1914). V1ALLS, Miss Mary Alice (60 Parliament Hill Mansions, Highfield Road, NW) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 'Tuesday', on Miss Baker's death. VlSCONTI VENOSTA, Louise (no address) 1. Letter, presumably to Miss Baker ('Dear Friend'). Wednesday evening. VON HUGEL. Baron Fr. (13 Vicarage Gate, Kensington) 1. Card to Miss Baker, 28 May 1906. VON HUGEL, Hildegard (13 Vicarage Gate, Kensington) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 'Sunday (presumably 18 October 1914). WARD, Miss I. Her name is written on to a calling card saying 'Mr Richard Ward. 50 Cadogan Place'. WARD. Wilfrid (Lotus, Dorking) 1. Letter to Miss, Baker, enclosing a letter from Bishop O'Dwyer (E(a)23), 12 November 1906. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, 15 November 1906. WARDLAW, J.C. (The Whist, West Southborne, Hants) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 26 November 1906. WARRE-CORNISH, Francis (The Cloisters. Eton College) 1. Letter to Miss Baker, 23 July (1910). WAUCHOPE, Henry (29 Eccleston Square. W.) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 23 October (1914). WEBSTER, T.B. (Princes Street Station. Hotel, Edinburgh) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 22 October (1914).

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WEGG-PROSER. Miss (C.M.) (Maryhill House, Belmont, Hereford) 1. Calling card, with message of sympathy on it. WEGG-PROSSER, Mary (Warham. near Hereford) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 25 October (1914). WEISCHER, Frau Auguste (Hamm i.Westfalen, Nassauerstrasse 12) 1. Letter to Abbot Cabrol, 3 February 1913. 2. Letter to Miss Baker, Hotel Bavaria, Rome, 18 February 1913. WELD, Constance (Bindon Abbey, Wool, Dorset) 1. Letter to Miss Ross, 22 October (1914). WING, Miss Evelyn (1 Chester Terrace, SW) 1. Calling card inscribed ‘to inquire with much sympathy and love'. WORRALL, Agnes (The Mount, Parkstone, Dorset) 1. Letter to Miss Ross. 22 October (1914). UNIDENTIFIABLE 1. Fragment of a letter referring to a visit to Highercombe and 'Mr Ross', at a time when Miss Baker's mother was there, assuming it to be a letter to Miss Baker. 2. Letter, presumably to Miss Baker, apparently from a rejected suitor. No date, name or address. 3. Letter to Miss Baker, front someone whose signature is illegible, writing from Prince of Wales Hotel. Harrogate, 3 September 1906. 4. An empty envelope, addressed to Miss Baker at 12 (crossed out and corrected to 18) Egerton Terrace. _______________________________________________________________________ V MISS BAKER'S NOTEBOOKS AND TYPESCRIPTS There are six notebooks, which l have not tried to arrange in any chronological sequence. Since Miss Baker used them from both ends, I have provided pagination from both ends. Arabic numerals indicate pages from the 'beginning' of the hook, Roman numerals indicate pages from the 'end': Y 1. There is a printed calendar for 1907 and 1908 at the beginning of the book, but Miss Baker started at the other end, and used the book consistently from that end. pp.3-52 contain notes on a course on scholastic philosophy. pp.54-55 contain some notes on payments made by Miss Baker. pp.56 to the end are blank. Y 2. pp.1-6 are apparently about the seating arrangements for something. pp.8-108 contain notes on a course on scholastic philosophy (dated 'Nov 3' and 'Nov 9' on pp.103-104). pp:ill-120 contain a sprinkling - entries about money (including a reference to Miss Silverstone on p.118).

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pp.i-xxix (interspersed with other things) contain notes on 'Hygiene' (probably lecture notes). pp. vii, xix contain accounts of payments or gifts (Miss Silverstone is mentioned on p.myii). p.xxi appears to he an isolated page of notes OR a philosophy lecture (?). contain notes on genius (lecture notes, probably). Y 3. pp.1-23 contain notes on 'Hygiene'. pp.25-33 apparently notes for a talk on All Saints (coming up on 'Thursday' [p.25], which suggests that the date is 1906, though All Saints was on a Thursday also in 1883, 1888. 1894 and 1900). pp.34-38 apparently notes for a talk on Purgatory. pp.41-53 contain more notes on scholastic philosophy pp.55-56 more notes on All Saints & All Souls, p.57 an isolated page of notes on scholastic philosophy (headed 'Elwes'). pp.58-59 more notes on Purgatory. pp.60-67 more notes on hygiene (here specifically on disease). p.69 a page headed 'Truth', seemingly about St Dominic and his inspiration. pp.14-75: between these pages part of a printed pamphlet is pinned in entitled ‘Talk with Young Mothers'. p.78 (written upside down) apparently another page of scholasticism. pp.80-87: various printed matter is pinned in, on the raising of babies and children. pp.88-95 various brief notes, apparently on truth and beauty. p.i: inserted, loose, is a list of addresses in the writing of Bede Jarrett Of'. on St. Dominic's, London, writing paper. pp.i-iii apparently a list of Dominican tertiaries, dated 'Oct 25'. pp.v-xxvii, xxxv (the intervening pages are blank) more notes on scholastic philosophy. Y 4. pp.1-9 contain (apparently) some notes on a theology lecture, pp.10-13 seating arrangements. pp.15-35 notes on (apparently) a theology lecture. p.36 apparently a lyrical effusion of some sort. pp.37-60 (mixed with other things) arrangements for some event {including acceptances and refusals). p.46 (upside down), the tail- end of some lecture notes, presumably. apparently on poetry. p.49 also contains a bit of some lecture notes, apparently theological. p.i accounts. pp.ii-v extract from Consilium Delectorum Cardinalium … iussa Pauli III conscriptum, with rough translation. pp.vii-xvii 'note on "By what authority" re Elizabeth's treatment of the Catholics.' pp.xix-xxxiv theological notes (probably not all one block).

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Y 5. pp.1-11, 36-39 prints from lino- or woodcuts. pp.12-17 apparently notes from some 'arts & crafts' class. pp.22-31 notes (presumably from a lecture) on the history of theology. pp.i-ixx addresses in Rome. pp.ii-xi notes on lecture(s) apparently. pp.xii-xiv accounts (partly in lire). p.xvi note to visit people (probably in Rome). Y 6. pp.1-13 Rotes, probably on lectures. p.20 apparently a list of 'agenda'. pp.22-23, 27-46 philosophy & theology notes. pp.24-25 notes on Baker family history. p.26 list of people headed 'posted'. pp.47-55 lists of names (including apparently ideas for Christmas presents). pp.i-xxxv lecture notes, dated Sept. 5 (p.i), 'Tues. 16' (p.v) (i.e. presumably 1903, 1908 or 1914). pp.x, xvi (upside down) list of names. Talks or papers by Miss Baker: Y 7. 'Architecture' (a lecture given to the Catholic Women's League) . Y 8. 'The Religion of Shakespeare'. Y 9. 'Sayonarola'. Course on scholastic philosophy: Y 10. Notes from a lecture on Scholastic Philosophy. Y 11. (Apparently) an examination done by Miss Baker on Scholastic Philosophy, with corrections and comments in another hand (presumably that of the teacher). _______________________________________________________________________ Z MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS AND SCRAPS The scraps are not catalogued, except that there is a piece of paper containing various names, which might shed light on names mentioned in the other documents. Two typescripts by M. de Halincka(?), 12 Milton Chambers, Cheyne Walk: Z 1. Phantasy: annotated, in Miss Baker's hand: 'Written January 1946 in I hour'. Z 2. A Phantasy. One other document: Z 3. An unnamed manuscript. on theology and science. (8 pages of writing paper).
