Bajko Paul Adela 1983 Poland ECC



missionary newsletters

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Guidance Committee:

Kenneth Meade, SccreloryHoward Brammer

Gerald L. Cowan

Edmund L. JohnCarol Kakac

Adam J. KorenczukC. Wayne MurphyJ. Thomas SegrovesCharles Steele

Desmond Tease

William Walker

Jack Webb

Department of MissionsPolish Ministry


P.O. Box 629

Bel Air, Maryland 21014Phone: 301-734-7250

(/•S-iT I

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Paul Bajko, Director

January, 1983


"Hitherto hath the LORDhelped us." 1 Sam. 7:12

Another year of service for the Lord is gone and we thanked God for all trials,victories and achievements in 1982.

First of all we want to express our gratitude to our wonderful supporters inUSA, Canada, England and Australia who prayed for us and our work in Poland andgave toward that work in 1982 a total of S 190,778.30.

Fot that amount of money we were able to:

1. Give regular support for 25 preachers and evengelists who are in full timework of the Lord, and 10 workers who are partly engaged in the ministry.Every church had several baptismal services last year.

2. We were able to make several shipments of food, clothing and medicine in ajoined effort with Christians of Encouragement.We also sent 300 individual packages with food, clothing, detergent, medicine on prescriptions, and another special shipment from Denmark of 22000lbs of food for Christmas to all our Churches in Poland.

The worst food shortage is over, and what was done for the Brethren in 1982is appreciated very much.

3. We were able to return to broadcasting the Gospel of Jesus Christ through"The Voice of Good News" which beams from IBRA station in Lisbon, Portugal,and at the same time to expand our cassette ministry.Cassettes are sent to radio listeners and people interested in the Word ofGod, as well as preachers, who use cassettes during visitations of homes inremote areas.

5. Over 5000 Bibles and New Testaments were purchased and delivered to Poland.

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6. Christian Service Camp in Ostroda, closed for two years due to the buildingof Multipurpose building, will be reopened in 1983 with dedication ServiceJune 19th in which we hope to take part.

7. New work for the Lord was initiated in several places. In connection withthat meeting places were needed, but with the Lord's help it was taken careof.

Four Churches reported such growth that present building? became too smalland there is a need of building new buildings or enlarging the present ones.Several thousands of dollars were already sent toward that purpose and another $ 40,000.00 will be needed this year.

8. We were able to publish regularly our Polish magazine, the only magazineedited ani printed in Polish language by the Church of Christ.Other literature, song books, poem books were printed and sent to Poland.

9. I traveled over 40000 miles by car and planes in order to preach the Gospel,visit people, promote Polish ministry, lead Faith Promise Rallies, speak atMissionary Rallies and to visit Poland with the Gospel of Christ.The Lord protected me and gave me strength and health. Glory be to God!

The year of 1982 was not without problems. There were problems with some ministers, problems with unsound teaching and practices, what caused us many headaches, but we prayed more and acted with love, patience and teaching.We realize that when the Lord is working and there is visible progress, the devil starts to act also. But we thank God for victories and great promise ofour Lord when He said: "Upon this rock I will build ny church; and the gatesof hell shall not prevail against it."

We thank God for

His help and thatin Him we can

find rest and

strength to moveon in 1983 with

greater zeal,energy and determination to

build the Church

of Christ in



Baptismal service in Polczyn Zdroj

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"My dear countrymen! ^7I am captain of a V hBIhh^^BPolish ship which ^ 99^9nlBsails between Gdynia ^and many places as ' r zfar as Africa. I am \a regular listener < M Ito your program "Voi- '

These programsvery good and not konly I Hthem mycrew some

places the reception ^is not very good but Bro. Peter Bronowicki plays new organin the Mediterranean

Sea the reception is very good. In the Red Sea it is not so clear, it dependson the condition of the atmosphere.I am 49 years old. My family is in Warsaw. Before I listened to your program Iwas a sceptic but through the program "Voice of Good News" I am convinced ofthe reality of the Bible and of Jesus Christ, who died for ray sins on the Cross.I ask you to send me a Bible and if you have other spiritual literature. Yourprograms on cassettes would be of great value. Could you also send a copy of theBible to ray fellow officer on the ship? We shall be very grateful to you. G.S."

Bro. Peter Bronowicki plays new organ

MlGroup of believers in Bedzin-Lagisz

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"Dear Brother! Peace be unto you. I would like to inform you that on the samespot where you stood in 1981 where 3 soikls were baptized, this year we baptized 11 souls.

We started work in two other places. The Lord is blessing us. We are planingto purchase the building. Thank you for your support and prayers. L.S.".

"Dear Bro. Bajko. Last time I wrote to you in October. Today I received another2000 copies of the Bibles. Thank you very much. Also we received the Decemberissue of your Polish magazine, which is very v/ell liked and cherished here inPoland. Nov. 7, eight souls were baptized into Christ. The Lord is blessing us.How wonderful it is to meet every Lord's Day around the Lord's Table!God is sending revival to our country, vie thank you for your support. Biblesand everything what you do for us. May the Lord bless you. Yours, J.S."


A. The DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS received from Churches, Individuals and Mission groups S 155,540.48

Special "In the Name of the Lord" food for Poland 35,146.48

Balance from 1981 91.34

TOTAL S 190,778.30


1. Missionary support: Paul Bajko, B^leslaw Winnik,secretarial and bookkeeping help. S 32,091.35

2. Housing: P.B. and B.W 7,899.60

3. Insurances, Social Security and H<|)spitalization 9,143.974. Utilities 2,058.50

5. Office and telephone I 2,264.406. Promotions: J 12,511.65

/News letters 2,371.08//Cars allowances 1,800^00//Travels 7,372.07//Guidance Comm. 418.00//Conventions 550.50/

7. POLAND: Preachers, building. Camp, Bibles, Food 93,100.928. CPA 695.00

9. Transfer to "Designated Acc." Buildings and Food 25,693. 18TOTAL S 190,554.25

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Guidance Committee:

Kenneth Meade, SecretaryHoward Brammer

Gerald L. Cowan

Edmund L. JohnCarol Kakac

Adam J. KorenczukC. Wayne MurphyJ. Thomas SegrovesCharles Steele

Desmond Tease

WUliam Walker

Jack Webb

Department of MissionsPolish Ministry


Bel Air, Maryland 21014Phone: 301-734-7250

Paul Bajko, Director

March, 1983


For 29 years we serve the Lord in the Department of Missions - Polish Ministry.

During those years I preached in many Churches across this land and many othercountries.

I spent summers in Christian Service Camps, spoke at Youth Rallies, gatheringsfor Children, in Highschools, Colleges and Universities, apeared on Radio andTV.

Everything was exdting because everj^where I tried to present our Lord JesusChrist, His Gospel and His Great Commision.

I am now 60 years old and although do not speak any more in Camps but still Ispeak everywhere and UQT heart is thrilled and filled with joy and thanksgivingto God when many young preachers across this land and in Poland come and thankme for the messages in Camps, at Rallies and gatherings or in their homes wherethey met Christ and were challenged to go into ministry and now with gladnessserve the Lord.

To me it is the greatest reward I ever can receive Qn this earth!

As we serve the Lord with many projects like; •Supplying people with Bibles, Christian literature and Songbooks, Radio andCassette ministry, supporting preachers in Poland, building Church houses andChristian Service Camp, granting scholarships formnisterial students, sen -ding medicine, clothing and food, we feel great .blesssing.

Although many times we are tired and discouraged but then we go down on ourknees and talk with the Lord, and start again with new energy, praising God forthis great privilege to serve Him and to lead people to Christ.

We are thrilled to receive many letters from Poland, USA, Canada, Australia,

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England, Germany and other places whichencourage us and give us new desire andstrength to serve Him until the end ofour lives.

We would like to share with you fewwords from such letters:


"Beloved in Christ! I woud like oncemore to thank you for those wonderfulmonths with you in USA. It was a veryjoyous time fo me. I thank the Lord foryour home which is so warm and hospitable. Never in life I had such greattime as with you.I would like to thank you for all presents, support, chalices for the Lord*sSupper, baptismal robe and slide pro -jector.Now ny wife,Nelli, wants to write toyou. /Nelli writes/: Beloved, thank youfor wonderful gifts and for such consideration you showed to Peter. He saysthat the happiest moments were with youin your home. Thank you very much andmay God bless you."


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Peter Karel and his family

"We are happy that we all belong to the Lord. The Lord is blessing us in ourwork.

The Church grows slowly but steadily. We hope that very soon few souls willagain accept Lord Jesus and will be baptized into Christ.Thank you very much for the help which you sent us through Bro. Sergius KobusMay the Lord keep you and bless you."


"Dear and Beloved in Christ Bro. and Sister Bajko! We greet you in the name ofthe Lord and wish you God*s blessing in your ministry. Times flies fast. Notlong ago we were with you. The time spent with you was a blessing for us. Wethank you for your hospitality, love and dedication. I was welcomed home withgreat joy by family and Church. Thank you for S 3,500.00 you sent for theMultipurpose building in Ostroda. May the Lord bless you richly."

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Reception for new members in Lidzbark-Warminski


"Just few day ago I returned from the hospital where I spent several weeks - Ihad a -light stroke. In the hospital I was able to witness to doctors and nurses and before 117^ departure I presented them with Bibles.Thank you very much for support you sent, for the Bibles and 13,000.00 for Multipurpose building in Ostroda Camp. Bro. Sergiusz Kobus is working there intensively and we believe that first Sunday in July we will have the dedicationservice and opening of the Camp. We sent official invitation to you and we areglad that you will be .here. Thank you for the best Polish magazine which youedit each month. Here in Wasraw last year 36 souls were added to the Church byChristian baptism. Please continue your work and pray for us."

WE are thrilled to receive letters from our supporters which encourage us andstrengthen us in Lord's work. HERE IS ONE:

"Dear Brother Bajko, I am writing you to encourage you in your work. We areat the Church of Christ in Trenton, 0. We are thinking of you and I thoughtof a Scripture. It is Psalm 37. The whole chapter is good. I hope you like it.Thank you, B.K."

"Dear Paul Bajko. Our Class at Kenai Christian Church in Alaska, is going tobe studying about missionary work for the next three months.We hope to learn how you and your family have helped teach others about Jesus.We will be trying to earn enough money to help you out in your missionary work.

Our prayers are with you andall the work you are doingfor the Lord. We will write

you again and let you knowhow our study is going. MayGod bless Che work you andothers are doing. Love, Suzanne Waldren, age 111/2,Christie Ganten, age 101/2,Kris tie Fairchild, age 111/2John Devolld, 10, Lisa Havoy,11, Paula Martin, age 11.We love you!"

Those children are helping to teach thesechildren in Poland


Last year in September we appealed for funds for Bibles for Poland. The responsewas good but we were not able to provide 10.000 Bibles as we plamedbut only4500, because we did not have enough money.This year is A YEAR OF THE BIBLE. In Poland there is always shortage of Biblesdespite the fact that thousands are printed there by the British Bible Society.This year we want to reach that 10000 mark. We can purchase the Bibles for $2.50per copy. The door is now open widely to distribute Bibles in Poland. How longit will be we do not know, so we have to act immediately. Please help us tosend BIBLES TO POLAND and bring many souls to Christ."Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the WORD OF GOD" Rom. 10:17.

It is the only way to reach souls for Christ anywhere. Send your contributionsto Department of Missions - Polish Ministry, P.O. Box 629, Bel Air,Md. 21014with designa- ^ ?ii

"Biblesfor Poland".

Thank you!

Study of the Bible in Polish home

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Guidonce Comfnitl«e:

Kenneth Meade, SecretaryHoward Brammer

Gerald L. Cowan

Edmund L. JohnCarol Kakac

Adam ]. KorencsukC. Wayne Murphy). Thomas Se^oveiCharles Steele

Desmond Tease

William Walker

Jack Webb

Department of MissionsPolish Ministry


P.O. Box 629

Bel Air, Maryland 21014Phone: 30I'734-7250

Paul Bajko, Director

May, 1983



On our appeal in March we received as of today S 2,736.50. That amount willbuy a little over 1000 Bibles. jThank you very much for generous contributions toward Bibles which are muchneeded in Poland.

Our goal is to purchase 3000 Bibles when we will arrive in Poland June 23-rd.

Like never before Poland is open for theis sold there in 2-3 weeks. That shows

Truth which is revealed in the Scriptures

Word od God. Any number of Biblestthe hunger of Polish people for the

We see results of Bible reading in our Churches - people attend services andaccept Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior and are baptized into Christ.Out Churches grow to the extend that there is another need - to build largersanctuaries and there are opportunities to establish new churches.

Many letters we receive read like this one:"Dear Sir. I ask you from the bottom of iny heart to send me a Bible and otherChristian literature, which will show me truth, strengthen my faith and helpme to put complete confidence in Jesus Christ. Also please send Bibles to myfriends. It will help them to accept Jests Christ as personal Savior.Yours, Peter"

We can not pass those opportunities of wittnessing about Christ through Hisprecious Word - the Bible.

Please help us to reach our goal of 3000land.


Bibles this year before we go to Po-

All contributions please send to Departnfcnt of Misssions- Polish MinistryP.O.Box 629, Bel Air, Md. 21014 with indiication at the bottom: "Bibles forPoland" i



We are happy to report that all:ssignals Ifor our plans to visit Poland are "GO"

In March we received Polish visas, tickets are purchased and dates are set.

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Brethren in Poland are in great expectation. We will be able to visit manyChurches and homes, dedicate Multipurpose Building at Christian Service Campin Ostroda and preach the Gospel.

We thank all who responded generously to our appeal for funds for our tripto Poland.

Please pray for us, especially for me. I am still having some problems withmy stomach. Now I am going through some tests to find the cause of it.Please pray that I will be well before June 22, the day of departure, so Ican serve the Lord in Poland without any hindrances.It will be a very strenuous trip and I have to be in good health.

Please pray also for ministers in Poland who labor for the Lord in difficultconditions.

Especially we ask you to pray for Bro. KONSTANTY SACEWICZ, minister in Sos-nowiec and my pre - war Sunday School teacher, who lost his wife April 5th.Brother Konstanty is a very dedicated servant of the Lord and is in poorhealth.


ktd uwiERZY I mnni chrzest



SHALL BE SAVED" Mark 16:15

This sign over the baptistry in Biala - Podlaska and the baptismal service in-

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dicate the truthfulness of the Word of God.

Bro. Peter Bronowicki writes: "Dear inyou in the name of Jesus Christ*.your spiritual and material help in ourI thank God that you decided to purchase this place where we meet.blessing us.This year we baptized several persons and trust that soon more souls willaccept Lord Jesus Christ. Our sanctuary is filled to its capacity each Sunday.Now we plan to start the work in two other places.' * We also plan to enlargeour building.My health is not so good but seeing results of the work I feel strong.We are looking forward to see you in June. We pray for you.We remain in God*s love."

"BELOVED IN CHRIST!I am very happy that your work in the Lord's Vineyard through different publications is indeed a great blessing toI would like to know how I can get regupost."Also please send me the book you publisied "The Harmony of Science and Scriptures" .If you have any other Christian literature and books, please send me.We wish you God's blessing in your work through which many souls find the wayinto Eternity with the Lord.


"Dear Brother in Jesus Christ!God is Love and with this love we love you. We thank you very much for sending medicine for our sick child. We do not know how we can repay you.We are Christians and the only child we have is often sick.We believe that the medicine you sent will restore her health.

Christ Paul and Dela Bajko. We greetOnce i^ore we would like to thank you for

ministry. Thank you for S 800.00.God is

everyone who likes to read.larly your Polish magazine "The Guide-

in Christ, Markus"

Once more thank you and we wish you God 's blessing in your ministry.

Magda, Bronislawa and Josef"

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Guidance Committee:

Kenneth Meade, SecretaryHoward Brammer

Gerald L. Cowan

Edmund L. JohnCarol Kakac

Adam J. KorenciukC. Wayne MurphyJ. Thomas SegrovesCharles Steele

Desmond Tease

William Walker

Jack Webb

Department of MissionsPolish Ministry


P.O. Box 629

Bel Air, Maryland 21014F/ionc: J0!-734-7L'50


P28 19S3

Paul Bajko, Director

September, 198J

IT WAS great!

With great anticipation we were looking toward our trip to Poland. We prayedhard that the trip will materialize. There were some obstacles and the greatest one was my health.Since December, 1982 I was sick. My health was worse than ever when I star -ted my trips in February - visiting Churches, leading Faith Promise Ralliesetc. At the same time we started to make arrangements for the trip to Poland.Although from human standpoint it looked that it will be impossible for me togo, nevertheless I was ready to go. I lived by faith that Lord is able torestore my health and I will go to Poland. Just 3 weeks before the departureI started to improve and by June 22nd I was ready to go.We give thanks to God for hearing our prayers, the prayers of many Christiansaccross this land and the land

We for you

who to*-

our were

given/, money for Biblesand

sent us with your blessing andassurances of prayers topreachJthe

This year other brethren fromU.S. were able to go to Polandand spend some time there prea-ching and visiting Churches.There were three members of

the Guidance Committee of the

Department of Missions: KenMeade, minister of Manor Woods {ii'tChurch of Christ. Rockville,Md. ' 'Charles Steele and his wife Paul Bajko preaching in Biala Podlaska

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Dolly, minister of WestsideChristian Church, Richmond,Ky., Jerry Cowan, attorneyand elder of the Traders -

point Christian Church, Indianapolis, Ind.Others who came along were:Dr. Allan W, Lee, secretaryof the World Convention of

Churches of Christ - Chris

tian Churches, Dr. HaroldW.De i tch, pas tor-evangelist,Christian Church Greenville,N.C. and 17 year old JeffMasters from Westside Chris

tian Church, Richmond, Ky.All of them preached, wit -nessed about the Lord and

contributed greatly towardLord*s Kingdom in Poland.

Bro. Jerry Cowan preaches in Dabrowa G.

First of all we found all our Brethren sound and well. The economical situation in

Poland is improving - there are much more articles in the stores although at a muchhigher cost. The big crises seems to be over.Everywhere in Churches and homes Christians expressed their thanks and appreciationfor food, medicine and clothing which were sent in the last two years to them. Inmany places we saw on the tables and ate ham and other foods from our last Decera -ber shipment.

Every Church we visited /we visited all Churches of Christ/ was full of worshipersand some additional chairs had to be brought in and still many people stood outside.The Church in Poland is growing. In the last year at least 300 souls were baptizedinto Christ.

Several Churches like: Bielsk-Podlaski, Kostek Jakoniuk, minister, Pulaska StreetChurch of Christ, Warsaw, Andrew Bajenski, minister. Church of Christ in Bialo -gard, Roman Szmigiel, minister. Church of Christ in Dabrowa Gornicza, Henryk Sace-wicz, minister, Church in Biala Podlaska, Piotr Bronowicki, minister, have tobuild new sanctuaries because of tremendous growth, and in Bedzin, Piotr Juszczykminister, they are looking for a building to purchase.

Thousands of dollars will be needed for those projects. Locally Brethren raisedlarge ammounts of money toward the building programs but still they will need ourassistance - at least S 30,000.00 for each building.AH those Churches have already permits for buildings and they need our help.

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Bro. Deitch while visitingin Sosnowiec, contributeufirst S 100.00.

We were able to contribute

to other Churches all to -

gether I 15,000.00.

If the Lord laid upon yourhearts to help in thisgreat enterprise, pleasesend your contributions andlove offerings toward building programs in Poland.You can adopt one of abovementioned congregations.

• Another we

ff have seen areX6S«

Bro. Deitch presents S100.00 to Bro. H.Sacewicz ^ i. i. • ^ c d-vtEach shipment of Bibles no

matter how large is gone within one or two weeks. While being in Poland we purchased 2000 Bibles and to the great joy of the ministers every Church received 100 -300 Bibles. More Bibles will be purchased in the future.

The literature which we publish, and especially our Polish magazine "The Guidepost",is the most requested literature. Everywhere, Christians and non-Christians, oldand young, our ministers, protestaiit pastors, catholic priests, nuns and monks,teachers and musicians ask for

one copy.

we to


One man

see me to us for

He now a the sa-

power Jesus to ||HH|^Hi^H|^.

We soon

place where hea new . uP^H

Everywhere wefor more cassettes songsand messages. Right now itone of the greatest means of Great gathering for dedication ofevangelism in Poland. Multipurpose building at the Camp in Ostroda

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... - ; I —July 3rd was one of the- r ^ J greatest days in Poland.

Over 400 people gatheredunder the Ostroda

dedication of the Mul-

Yjifc tipurpose Building at theIHHjBl Christian Service Camp.|g IW^i ~. service lasted 3 hoursI and all American Brethren,

George Bajenski and Rostvit

I After the thewas the

L was for

W day we sawI i ren the wel-

coming us with flowers andCutting the ribbon ' | gifts and a big sign "YOU

ARE IN OUR HEARTS". Theythanked us and all contributors in America and Canada who made it possible forthem to have this beautiful building and the campgrounds where they can learnabout Jesus Christ and where many accept Him as their personal Savior.

Yes, IT WAS A GREAT TRIP!Tired, exhausted but enrichedspiritually we returned toU.S.A. with greater zeal anddetermination to preach theGospel in Poland and buildthe New Testament Church.

Once more we THANK YOU for

your help, your support, yourlove and concern.

We thank God for you who areour co-laborers in this greatmission field of Poland.

May the Lord reward you andbless you richly.

Yours in His Service,

i/oaaJ o^...i f^C^ko

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"You Are In Our Hearts"


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Paul Bajko, Director

Department of MissionsPolish Ministry


P.O. Box 629

Bel Air, Maryland 21014Phone: 301-734-7250 November, 1983


Our hearts are filled with joy and gratitude for all blessings we receive fromthe Lord.

After traveling this Summer in Poland and other European countries we returnedto United States with thankful hearts for the freedom and peace in our country,for health, for the Church and the Bible, for our families and the great family of God*s Children.

There is no country like our wonderful America where people are free and canenjoy life to the fullest.

Brethren, God blessed us in this country above measure. No other country inthe world enjoys more freedom than we, no other people in the world have somuch spiritual food like we, no other nation in the world is richer than we.

I strongly believe that the Lord is blessing us so we will share our blessingswith others, that we will be the light for others and that we would proclaimthe excellences of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelouslight 1 Peter 2:9.

We have so much!

This year is "THE YEAR OF THE BIBLE".

Here in America we can have any size and any translation of the Bible in theworld. In our homes we have several Bibles.

When we were in Poland we saw how people are hungry for the Word of God -This year we were able to purchase 5000 Bibles. Other organizations and individuals do the same but still there is shortage of the Word of God,People are willing to pay almost a day wages in order to have a Bible.

As New Testament believers we know that only through the Word of God person

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can believe and accept Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior. Rom. 10:17; 2 Tim.3:15.

Almost every week we receive letters with request for Bibles and other Christian literature.

Visiting some Eastern European countries one day we were in a restaurant forbreakfast with the lady who was our guide for that day. She lived in anatheistic society for over 50 years. When before the meal I prayed she started to cry. She could not eat her meal because tears were chocking her. Shetold us about her grandfather, how each day he read the Bible to them andprayed. After so many years the Word of God stood vividly before her.There are millions of such souls who need the Word of God today.

When we sit in our beautiful sanctuaries every Lord's Day my thoughts run toPoland where we have such small places for worship that often there is notenough standing room.When we were in Poland we heard cries: "Help us." Yes, we have to help.In present critical economical situation they will not be able to build ontheir own. Their eyes are turned to us, to God*s people in this country. Theydo not ask anymore for food, for clothing or shoes, although there is stillshortage, but they ask to help them to build places of worship. Will we helpthem? God is blessing us abundantly - let's share!

We thank God that the Mul- ^4^tipurpose Building in Os- i -troda Service Camp wascompleted.We thank God that we have

preachers .

We for souls

accept Christ

ship it to Poland. RWe we can


ce to the Brethren


We thank God that we can

spread the Gospel alsothrough Radio and Cas- Church Building in Bielsk-Podl. K.Jakoniuk, min.sette ministryWe thank God for all of YOU who help us to preach the Gospel and build His Church.

Church Building in Bielsk-Podl. K.Jakoniuk, min.

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Bro. Boleslaw Winnik arrived in USA to work with Dep.of Missions in 1967, From that time he faithfullyproclaims the Word of God through radio and cassetteministry.Despite his age /76/ and several heart attacks he isa tireless worker. He not only produces radio messages and cassettASbut he sends out hundreds of packages each month with literature and answers hundreds ofletters from radio and cassettes listeners.

We thank God for Bro. Winnik and his service.


able to work and do job. Several years ago I started cassette ministry, which proves to be a blessed

Bro. Winnik and succesful ministry. Our cassettes reach many Polish people here in USA, in Poland and Polish people

in Australia, England, France, Canada and West Germany. We reach all kinds ofpeople with the Gospel messages. We thank God for this blessed opportunity."


"Dear uncle Winnik: Thank you for your letter and cassettes. They are very helpful for us and partially through them I accepted Jesus Christ as my personalSavior. Many people in my city are looking for religious cassettes and I dis -tributed them between my relatives and friends. I am 18 years old. Please prayfor me. P. Salwa".

"I am a 37 years old woman. I am married and have a 15 years old daughter.I aman office clerk. Accidentally I received from one Christian man few cassettes.It was wonderful. But in short time my joy was gone because this gentleman tookhis cassettes back. The messages and songs that I listened for several days were so wonderful, completely new in my life and spiritually powerful. It was a sadday when I lost those cassettes. But, after this trouble I received your addressand wrote to you and asked you to send me few cassettes." /This letter was received in March 1983/.

Next letter she wrote in August: "Dear Bro. Winnik! Thank you many, many timesfor your letter and for so many cassettes. Glory to God for this privilege,whogave me this life and gave me such wonderful people. When I look at what I received from you - it is unbelievable, but - thank God - it is reality. Now Iwill share those cassettes with my friends and co-workers. In the meantimelife has completely changed because Jesus Christ is now ny personal Savior. Iwas baptized July 3rdj and daughter also accepted Christ. God bless you. J.T."

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While being in Poland this summer I speiit 2 days in conference with all prea -chers. Over and over again I heard about one great need and the most urgentpetition was for help to build chapel^.All were very appreciative for food, clothing and medicine which were sent forChristians in Poland but now they need money for buildings.They asked me to designate the money left in the fund "Food to Poland" to the"Building program fund."

After last shipment of 22000 lbs. of food in Dec. 1982^ another 516,270.00 werecontributed by Christians in USA, Australia and England.The request of the Polish Brethren was presented by me to our Guidance Committeewhich met August 25, 1983 and here is the decision which I believe you willalso approve:

"Because of your love and generosity the total contributions toward thefood for Poland totaled S70j813*00, i^umerous shipments of food have beenmade and since^ by the grace of God^ food is now available in Poland^ wehave on hand a balance of 516^270,00 which still must be used for theLord's work in Poland,

Since the food shortage no longer exists^ we believe thaty in order tobe good stewards of the money entrusted to us, we should look to the nextmost critical need of the Polish people in,order to apply the remainingfunds on hand.

Therefore, at the Guidance Cormittee meeting on August 25, 1983, theCommittee, after conferring with Bro^ver Bajko, authorized the expenditurre of these monies for church building purposes.There are 5 congregations who are eii^er presently involved in a buildingprogram or who contemplate beginning pne in the next few months.After prayerful consideration, we are convinced that this is the next mostcritical need of the Polish brethren and we have acted to use the resourcesmade available to us by you, our contributors, in a careful and prudentmanner.

For these reckons and believing that stewardship and accountability shouldbe of utmost importance, the Guidance Committee of the Department of Mission- Polish Ministry has requested that this decision be communicated toeach of you and we continue to request your prayers for God's guidance aswe strive to serve Him in Poland,

In i-he name of the Guidance Committee,Jerry Cowan,"

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