Bajko Paul Adela 1972 Poland ECC



missionary newsletters

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Bel Air, Maryland 21014

OUR miMtsnY:Assistance in Establishment of New Congregations • Publishing ofChristian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language • SpiritualMaterial and Moral Support of Preachers in Poland • Relief Ministryto Poland • Training Foreigji Students #New Testaments and Biblesto Poland and Russia • Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian andUkranian Languages • Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners byCorrespondence # Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies •Work Among Foreign Speaking People In the United States of America

Dear Friends?

Paul Bajko, Director

January, 1972

Each year the Guidance Committee of the Department of Missionsmeets in the tremendous spirit of Christian love and unity in order toevaluate the work, to find out what was accomplished for Christ and tomake new plans.Because you are interested in the work of the Department of Missions, aswell as those 10 men, I would like to give you a short report of our workin 1971.

1. OFFICE WORK - On the average, it takes 3 hours a day to answerletters to preachers in Poland, radio listeners from Poland,Czechoslovakia and other countries, speaking dates, requests forliterature, help, etc.

2. PROMOTION - At conventions, missionary rallies, churches; whereI appeared in person, with slides and display. Through newsletterevery second month and through visitation of each church which regularly supports Polish work - once in 2-3 years.

3. PUBLICATIONS - Regularly publish Polish magazine which became verypopular and reaches people in 30 countries.Published new songbook and 4,000 copies of Life of Christ vis. andthe New Testament Heroes, vis.Put out Polish record of George Bajenski - the only long playing record with Christian music in Polish language.

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Russian songbook for chpirs.Christmas cantata, and D^la is now working on a Missionary Cantata.

4. BIBLES - Bought from Ameijican Bible Society in Rumanian, Czechoslo-vakian, Polish, Russian and Hungarian languages and sent out.

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5. RELIEF - 225 packages olf used clothing were sent to Poland andParaguay and 30 packages jwith medicine.

6. BUILDINGS AND CAMP - Sent over $ 2,000.00 for new sanctuary and repair of church buildings in Poland.$ 3,000.00 were given to^rd the purchase of the Christian Servicecamp in Poland /about $lb,000.00 is needed to develop the camp/Purchased mission car for follow-up work in Poland.

7. RADIO MINISTRY - Two broa(icasts each week - Monte Carlo sponsoredfinancially by Gospel Broadcasting Mission which coasts $54.00 eachweek and Slavic Church of Christ broadcast sponsored financially bythe Department of Missions at the coast of $48.00 each week.

8. SUPPORT OF PREACHERS - 23 Ipreachers full time, 4 part time, 5 students and several Christialn workers.

9. RALLIES AND PREACHING - 10 Faith Promise Rallies, 10 MissionaryRallies, 3 Conventions anjd 2 camps; 50 churches and 2 specialcommittee meetings.

10. WORK IN BALTIMORE - Substijtuted for Adam Korenczuk when he wasabsent with the College | Choir, Eastern Christian Convention,rallies and vacation.

Made visits and calls and attended all board meetings.

11. EASTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE | Teach missions, attend faculty and staffof administration meetings^ represented the College in churches.

12. PURCHASE - Purchased new sjddressograph for over $ 2,000.00. Revised mailing list completely.

13. RELATIONSHIP WITH GEORGE BAtoward the same goal of win

JENSKI - Harmonious, work togethering souls for Christ in Poland .

George has his own forwarding agent and is raising his own funds.

14. BRO. WINNIK'S WORK - He is v^ry busy with the production of Polishradio tapes for our Polish biroadcast, packing and sending out literature, answering letters, visiting people and serving in the church.

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15. DELA'S WORK - Contributors' letters, correspondence with Poland,packing packages, writing articles and poems, translating songsand articles, preparation of Polish magazine and song books, activities in the church and college.

George is receipting contributions and does bookkeeping and Andrewfolds and staples literature.

16. FUTURE - Booked already for all 1972 with Faith Promise Rallies,Conventions, Missionary Rallies and speaking dates in the churches.Prepare for publication new song books, poem book.To visit our work in European countries.


A/ We received from churches, individuals. Youthgroups, rallies and Sunday Schools $ 64,849,78

B/ Expenditures:

1. Living-link support for P. Bajko, B. Winnik,secretarial and bookkeeping help. Insurancesand Taxes 20,559.44

2. Travels, car maintenance and new car 6,315.32

3. Newsletter 980.80

4. Office suplies, telephone, postage, parcels,new addresograph 3,038.67

5. Polish preachers and relief 20,147.28

6. Printing of Christian literature, songbooks,purchase of Bibles and shipment 7,907.45

7. Radio ministry 2,711.75

8. Miscellaneous: Scholarships, E.C.C., etc. 1,393.18

TOTAL EXPENDITURE IN 1971 $ 63,053.89

All needs are supplied in abundance through you, beloved friends, and wethank God for your great love. Thank you very, very much!

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With great sadness we received a telegram from GeorgeBajenski on November 28th with the sad news that his father and our faithful minister died November 27, 1971.The funeral was on December 2nd with hundreds of Chris

tians from all of Poland and all the preachers present to pay homage to Bro. Bajenski.

I Bro. Bajenski was one of the oldest preachers of theChurches of Christ in Poland who was at the same timeone of the pioneers and leaders of the Restoration Move-

He was very dedicated to the cause of Christ and was ve-ry courageous in the work. Many souls found Christ be-

of his preaching.His home in Warsaw was opened to all pilgrims and stran

gers, as well as Christian workers and visitors from other parts of Polandand other countries. He was also the moving force which brought to us hisson George and Kostek Jakoniuk to study for the ministry. He was a man ofinitiative, and our Polish brotherhood lost one of its most energetic andfaithful preachers. We thank God for him and his work.Our deepest sympathy is extended to George, Vera and other members ofthe family.


1. Living-link support for th^ Staff members $ 21,105.00

A. Paul Bajko, Boleslaw Winnik - salary and housingB. Insurance, Taxes and HospitalizationC. Secretarial and bookkeeping help




2. Polish ministry: preachers, radio, buildings,literature, Bibles, etc.

3. Offices Supplies, telephone, postage

4. Promotion and service

A. Car service, fuel and insuranceB. Newsletter and conventions

5. Other projects? Radio in Baltimore, tripto Europe, scholarships andimiscellaneous 4,965,00







Bel air. Maryland 21014

OUR MIMt$nYsAssistance in Establishment of New Congregations • Publishing ofChristian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language • SpiritualMaterial and Moral Support of Preachers in Poland • Relief Ministryto Poland# Training Foreign Students •New Testaments and Biblesto Poland and Russia • Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian andUkranian Languages • Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners byCorrespondence #Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies •Work Among Foreign Speaking People in the United States of America Paul Bajko, Director

""May, 1972


With great joy I would like to share the good news with our friends thatin March Polish government granted me special visa to go to Poland. Itwas the answer to prayers of inany Christians in Poland.

Lord's willing, myself and Bro. Cloyd Christraan, director of the GospelBroadcasting Mission will leave for Poland June 14th, Immediately afterlanding in Poland we will be engaged in very active ministry there.

First of all we will meet with all ministers for a 2-day special conference and then we will start to travel to cities, villages and many homes with the Gospel of Christ.We will spend at least one day at the newly purchased grounds for Christian Service Camp.We believe these will be glorious 20 days of service in Poland. We willbe able to visit and talk with some radio listeners, see the need ofour churches and find out about the progress of the work in Poland.20 days is too short, but due to my very busy schedule home, it is allI can spare.

From Poland we will go for 5 days to Czechoslovakia, where we will meetsome of our radio listeners and see what can be done for people in Czechoslovakia .

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From Czechoslovakia I will go to Lugano to meet all European Missio -naries at their camp and retreat time and during the next 20 days Iwill be visiting some radicp listeners in Western Europe and preachingthe Gospel.

We ask you to pray for safety and blessing of this trip.



So far we got good response and we received little over $5,000.00 toward the Camp in Poland. We need at least $10,000.00. We trust thatby the time of my departur^ to Poland the second half will be raised,so we ask you to help us to raise the full amount by sending immediately your love offerings to the Department of Missions - for the Polish Camp.We thank you very much for the amount we received already.

I plan to take some amount with me and deliver it in person and Ianxious to see the progress of the building of the camp.


The camp in Poland is a very vital part of the ministry in winning forChrist Polish youth. From the letters received from Poland I see thatthere is a spiritual awakening among Polish Youth, so we have to redeem the time.

Bro. George Bajenski and Kostek Jakoniuk together with other youth laborers work very diligentlyprayers

in Poland. Please remember them in your


The Missionary Cantata "Let the Earth Hear His Voice" by E. Clarkwas translated by my wife, Dela, and now is in print. We believe thatthis Cantata will challenge our Churches in Poland for greater ministry and will bring many soujs to Chist.

Another poem book - 336 pages is in print too. Polish people like touse poems in special meetings and services and the first book with

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poems written by Dela was exhausted long ago and we must repeat thispublication because still people ask for more.The new book will have more poems with wider selection and we are sure that it will serve our Polish people as a great blessing and alsoas a silent evangelist touching the hearts of many.



The Slavic Church of Christ.,J^ very unique and it is the only Churchof its kind in our BrothefHooa here in United States and Canada.We started this^work/jn 1960 ^ Baltimore among Slavic people and in

n!Wl~th:g~Ctun:ch wa"^ incorporated with 12 members.In 1961 we purchased our own building for $8,250.00 and paid the fullamount in 2 years.

In 1961 Bro. Adam Korenczuk accepted the call of the Church to be a mi-nister and under his leadership and the leadership of elders and deacons the Church became self supported in January 1971.

The Church has a good choir, an orchestra, a well organized SundaySchool and has radio program each Sunday in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian languages.

The services in the Church are in Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and English languages.The Church has a nice Youth Group with many young people - 11 personsfrom the Youth Group study in Colleges and Universities of this country

Each year the Church has special programs like: Song Festival, MusicFestival, Thanksgiving for the harvest day, special New Year's, Easter,Christmas and Mother's Day program, special prayer meetings with fasting and home services.There is great fellowship in the Lord among those people of differentnationalities.

The Church supports mission programs.

By this time we almost outgrew our present facilities and there wasneed for a new building. The Lord led us in a wondertui to^pur-

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chase of a previous Methodist Church building for $42,000.00.

On Christmas Day the members of the Church pledged $10,000.00 fordown-payment and securing the loan of $30,000.00 from Bro. Leroy Tru-lock we got the building which is located in a Slavic area and whichperfectly;/ suits our needs^^e~* are v^ry happy with this move.

'^^If there are Churches, Sunday Schools, groups and individuals whof would like to help us with paying the loan, please send your contribu-' tions to the Department of Missions with note "Designated to Slavic


Your help will be appreciated very, very much.

The Church is located at 516 S. East Ave. and corner of Fleet.



"I am a faithful reader of tlje Polish magazine "Drogowskaz". I treasure and love this magazine, ibecause there aranot many magazines inthe Polish language, and the^i are needed so badly for each Christianas well as other people. •I would like to have my part (Ln this magazine by writing short articles from my observation and experience in my life which can help o-thers in following Jesus. Yojirs in Christ, M.D."

"Dear Friend! Thank you very,[very much for the Polish Christian magazine. I trust you will send lit to me regularly.In the neighbouring parish I ^w your beautiful songbook. I like those songs very much. Please seitd me several copies, so I can teach mypeople to sing such great religious heart-searching songs.I listen to your broadcast faithfully and thank you very much for thegreat messages from God's Worc(. May God bless you richly."

A. K. Cath. priest

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The Christian Mission, Vol. 15, No. 8, August 1972 Page 7


In the summer of 1969 PaulBagko was able to make a verybrief visit to his homeland toencourage the struggling churchesthere. He said of that trip:

"This summer, with theLord's help, the door wasopened for me to visit Poland, the country where Iwas born physically andspiritually. It was good tomeet all of our ministersof the Gospel and to have aconference with them aboutthe work in Poland in thefield of evangelism. Duringthe few days of my visit inPoland, I was able to preachto hundreds of people, tovisit a few churches andhomes, and to see the wonderful results of our radioand literature ministry. Ourchurches in Poland have freedom to meet and preach theGospel. The work among youthis especially fruitful. Ourministers do great work."Arrangements were carefully

made for him to return again in1970. A 20-day evangelistic tourwas planned and both he and thechurches there looked forward tosharing the precious word of Godand encouraging the small butspiritually strong churches inPoland. However, his visa wasnot granted by the Polish government and A1 Hamilton, thenDirector of Public Relations forMission Services, was requestedby Paul to go in his place.

AL HAMILTON'S TRIP TO POLANDRather than disappoint those

good Christians who hungered tohear the Word, A1 Hamilton agreedto take Paul Bajko's place. Hisvisa was granted. A1 was greetedby Kostik Jakoniuk, son of NikonJakoniiikj another of the earlyPolish pioneers. Kostik also

attended Bible college in theU.S. with George Bajenski andPaul. He was now the evangelistfor the area around Warsaw. A1was greeted warmly by the Christians and spent 20 days of hardtraveling, preaching, teachingand evangelizing in the city ofWarsaw and across the countryinto the small congregationsin the rural areas. He wasenthusiastically received bythe youth at the newly established youth camp. His lastweek in Poland was spent speaking each day and preaching in thechapel services eachevening.

(A slide program of A1Hamilton's trip to Poland isavailable through MissionServices Slide Library.)


received his Preachers visa toPoland. He writes:

"With great Joy I wouldlike to share the good newswith our friends that inMarch the Polish government granted me a specialvisa to go to Poland. Itwas the answer to prayersof many Christians in Poland. Lord willing, myself and Brother CloydChristman, director of theGospel Broadcasting Mission will leave for PolandJune 14iii. Immediatelyafter landing in Poland wewill be engaged in veryactive ministry there.

"First of all, we willmeet with all ministersfor a two-day special conference and then we willstart to travel to cities,villages and many homeswith the Gospel of Christ.We will spend at least one

Page 8 Tlie Christian Mission, Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1972

(continued from previous page)day at the newly purchased groundsfor the Christian Service Camp. Webelieve these will be glorious 20days of service in Poland. We willbe able to visit and talk with someradio listeners, see the need ofour churches and find out about theprogress of the work in Poland.Twenty days is too short, but due tomy very busy schedule at home, itis all I can spare."


Gene Dulin reports - "In 1965,God, through His people, providedfunds for our first missionary tour.We preached time after time inRussia and Poland. God indeedshowed that men could witness forChrist even in the midst of atheistic communism. In every churchthe voices of Christians unitedin praising God for His love andmercy, and they had one additionalthing in common, they all said,"Give me a Bible."

Back in America, in 1964 inresponse to our appeal, God,through His people, provided $20,000to print the smallest Russian NewTestament ever published. Thesewere soon in use behind the IronCurtain and another edition wasprinted. Other missionary tourshave been carried out taking missionaries into satellite countriesin Europe several times. In everycountry the gospel is preachedand souls are saved in response tothe invitation of Christ."

The Christian Mission, Vol. 16, ITo. 8, August 1972 Page 11


BOLESLAW wimiK:Boleslaw Winnik, producer of

the Polish language programbroadcast over Radio Monaco,tells us that he had receivedword that young people hearingthe program in Iron Curtaincountries are recording it sothat they may "pass it on."(Listen, Oct. 1971)

Polish broadcaster, BoleslawWinnik, sent this news, "I thankGod for your work and I am happythat I can be co-worker in thisgreat ministry. Radio is veryimportant to reach people forChrist in most parts of theworld. I see from our ministryit's importance. Many peoplewrite to us from Europe and howgood it is to know that becauseof this ministry many peopleaccept Christ as personalSaviour."

One listener writes, " I donot know why, but I must writeto you because I feel a specialsympathy to you. I like yourbroadcasts very much, especiallythe Word of God which is presented in such a wonderful andclear way. Many of your messages and beautiful songs I puton tape. I would like to ask youto send me "Life of Christ Visualized" which I would like touse and give to others."A.K. (A Roman Catholic priest)

Brother Winnik says, "Iprepare each program prayerfullyand with great care and effort.We try to do the best and theLord is helping. I would liketo ask you to pray that ourradio ministry will reach manymore for Christ."

PROM A PREACHERDear Bro. Bagko, I greet you

and your family in the name ofour Lord. Please also greet fromus Bro. Winnik and the Church

of Christ in Baltimore andall Christians and ministersin the brotherhood in America.

In the name of our ministersof the Churches of Christ Iexpress our sincere thanks foryour care of us and our workfor the Lord. Your actual contribution toward our work isgreat and it is hard to describehow much effort you invested inour work. You did much and wesee the fruits of this work acrossthe land as we saw it during our50th Anniversary in Poland. Wesaw it in the dedication of anew sanctuary in Bial, in YouthCamp, in our baptismal servicesand in our worship services. Allbrethren are very happy andthank God for you and your co-workers. P.D.

PROM A READER"I am a faithful reader of the

Polish magazine •Drogowskaz.'I treasure and love this magazine because there are notmany magazines in the Polishlanguage, and they are neededso badly for each Christianas well as other people. Iwould like to have my part inthis magazine by writing shortarticles from my observationand experience in my lifewhich can help others in following Jesus."Yours in Christ, M.D.

PROM A.K., CATHOLIC PRIEST"Dear Friend, Thank you very

much for the Polish Christianmagazine. I trust you will sendit to me regularly. In theneighboring parish I saw yourbeautiful songbook. I likethose songs very much. Pleasesend me several copies, so Ican teach my people to singsuch great religious heart-

Page 12 The Christian Mission, Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1972

(continued from previous page)searching songs. I listen to yourbroadcast faithfully and thank youvery much for the great messagesfrom God's Word. May God bless yourichly."

"I want to congratulate you onthe establishing of Center forEvangelism in Austria. Our oldcontinent is full of churches,church organizations and churchmissions, but we need more evangelism now than any other continent.I ajn sure that your center will notdo the whole work of evangelism inEurope, this work needs a lot ofpeople and means, but I am surealso, that it might be, and willbe, a great contribution to thatholy endeavor.

"I have one suggestion moreconcerning the workof center ofevangelism. I think it would bebetter if you, I mean the center,invite sometimes other young people besides Churches of Christ.It": will enrich the fellowship andhelp for some other Christiangroups in Poland and Europe.

"I shall be very glad to visitVienna someday and I want toexpress my gratitude to you inadvance. I remember still ourtalks. (Report from Toronto)

The Christian Mission, Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1972 Page 13


In February 1972 a letter wasreceived for publishing inHorizons as follows:

Dear Brothers and Sisters inChrist,

Christian Service Camps inU.S. are one of the greatestblessings to our churches. Inthose camps thousands of youngsouls are reached for Christand hundreds dedicate their livesfor specialized service.

With God's help we were ableto start this very importantministry in Poland after thereturn of Kostek Jakoniuk andGeorge Bagenski from U.S. Eachyear hundreds of young peoplecome for two or three weeks tolearn about Jesus. Each yearmany souls accept Christ. Buteach year we had to rent facilities in different places, paying a high price.

But this is just the beginning. In order to meet the requirements of the governmentand to attract youth, we musthave more than just grounds.We need BUILDINGS.

After much time spent inprayer and consideration, itwas decided to purchase ourown grounds and in March 1971we were able to purchase 12acres of land with some buildings for $3)000. It was theLord's answer.

Lately I received lettersfrom our preachers, especiallyfrom George and Kostek who begfor $10,000 in order to erectbuildings and to be able tostart a youth program in thesummer of this year.

For $10,000 they will beable to build a kitchen, dormitories , a chapel and recreational facilities.

The facilities will serve notonly for camp purposes but alsofor training new workers for

Christ, for conferences, specialcourses, conventions, etc.

AMERICAN VISITORS VISIT CAMPBrother Desmond Tease, minis

ter of the First Christian Churchin Tallahassee, Fla. visited Poland in 1971 sind was impressedvery much with the work in Poland and the need for the campand here are his words:

"I have seen the camp groundin Poland, and when I was therethis past July I was excitedover the wonderful addition tothe work the camp will become.Our people NEED a place such asthis where our young folk cango for their summer conferenceand camp, where the ministerscan gather for refresher courses,where there can be expansion inthe form of additional accommodations for our Christian oldfolk. Whatever the Christiansof this country can contribute,sacrificially if necessary, itwill be a tremendous blessingto our wonderful Polish brethren in Christ."

Desmond Tease, MinisterFirst Christian Church

Tallahassee, Fla.

From Max and Gladys Randall:"Mrs. Randall and I were in

Poland almost six weeks duringthe summer of 1971- Two weeks ofthat time were spent in ChristianService Camps in which a totalof 190 young people were in attendance. The churches of Christin Poland can boast of as fineyoung people as any in thechurch anywhere. They love theLord Jesus and long to worshipHim and serve Him, and they arewilling to sacrifice and sufferto do so.

"Their facilities for youthcamp have, so far, been verypoor. The two camps we attendedmet in church buildings without

Page 14 The Christian Missipn, Vol. 16, No. 8, August 1972

(continued from previous page)adeq^uate sanitation and accommodation and with no recreationfacilities. Better things, however,are in store for the future.

Near the city of Ostroda inNorthern Poland the churches haverecently purchased an attractiveand adequate campsite - actuallya small farm with a reasonablygood farm house and barn along asmall lake. Considerable work willhave to be done, but it will makean excellent camp.

To make the campsite useable,however, considerable investmentmust be made. We know many of theyoung people and love them. We havebeen personally at the camp siteand know of its potential. To buildthe camp at Ostroda is a worthyproject.

Max and Gladys Randall

Contributions to the camp inPoland should be sent to


with the note: Designated toChristian Service Camp.

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11 Hi

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Bel Am, Maryland 21014

OUR MIMmRY:Assistance in Establishment of New Congregations • Publishing ofChristian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language • SpiritualMaterial and Moral Support of Preachers in Poland • Relief Ministryto Poland • Training Foreign Students • New Testaments and Biblesto Poland and Russia • Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian andUkranian Languages • Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners byCorrespondence •Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies •Work Among Foreign Speaking People in the United States of America

S\0 ^

Paul Bajko, Director

September, 1972


After 3 years Lord opened the door once more for me to enter Poland in personwith the message of Christ.Our contact with Poland never ceased. Since 1954 we constantly supply Polishchurches and people with literature, Bibles, song books, financial assista cein building of the church buildings, help for preachers, medicine and oth^rrelief. 10 years ago we started radio ministry which is sponsored by the Gospel Broadcasting Mission, so it was good that Bro. C, Christman, director ofGBM was able to go with me this year to Poland to see the fruits and effec-

tivness of this ministry too.We landed in Poland June 15 and were met

several preachers and friends. From•ly^the first day we had a very busy sche-

• L_I .5 ' Hfi HSil dule. On Saturday - next day after^ || our arrival, we had a meeting with the^ I M M1* preachers of our churches where we were

able to discuss the progress of the

^ were very pleased to hear how much] they appreciate our ministry of publi-

Bi HnSil 9 cation, support and radio.^ ai iBHIIBI 4 That Saturday we began our very heavy

schedule. On my first Sunday in PolandI preached in 3 churches in Warsaw and

Group of preachers in Poland Bro. Christman in two. Monday and Tue-

l»l 1^l|l lilAl

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|r^ j " ! •! ' ; ® sday I met with few government officials|;i ' ' P? ' fe 1 i jtll which was very beneficial to our work.• ^ i \ ^|| Then with Bro. Lonek as our driver we s-I M•• n ^ i],iJ tarted our jorney across Poland. In 17I " traveled 7,000 kilometers,had 17I UfIT fftti services, visited over 20 cities, took

^ I part in 2 baptisnial services, one wed-L numerous visits in private ho-

^ ^ mes, hospitals, meetings with younger &I "" , i older preachers, meetings with our radio

I listeners etc* Also we were able to vi-rl n ^ very remote place in Poland where

m^lOjA1 ill people were drown close to Christ throughI radio and we talked about the possibility*e*teiN I Qf starting there a New Testament Church,

what we believe will be done in a verynear future.

Kostek interprets Bro, Christman Everywhere we have been, people with tearsin their eyes thanked God and us for the

work which is done by the Department of Missions and Gospel Broadcasting Mission.

R i n

Kostek interprets Bro. Christman

We were able also to visit the newly purchased camp grounds for which so far wereceived $ 7,000,00, It is the most beautiful place where Youth of Poland willbe able to meet and to learn about Christ.

At the time of my writing of this article already 4 weeks of camp passed in Poland on the new camp grounds for the first time. Hundreds of young people metfor A glorious weeks and experienced greatest blessings from God by learning a-bout Him and many of them found Christ as personal Saviour.

I am very happy to say that we have inPoland a group of young and very dedi- .JIBSHBBVcated preachers ^/ho love the Lord and

It was my privilege to spend some time

we discussed the present and future |^ ' ' 'work and also to give them many vital V'and important hints about the work andto explain to them in details the New V'l.'Testament patern of the Church.

and there is great future for the NewTestament Church in Poland. v

- 2 -Baptismal service


-^'WmN' (\i -i Jr

It was very beneficial for me and thework in Poland to spend some time withGeorge Bajenski and Kostek Jakoniuk,our former students and presently dedicated workers in Poland.

George and Kostek being trained herein the States are able to introducemany good points in the work of ourchurches in Poland and to lead thework in Poland.

Both of them, work not only in the local churches but lead the work amongPolish youth, which is very vital andhelp young preachers.We thank God for their ministry. Kostek and George serve also as interpreters for American guests.

Group of worshipers after the servicePoland is widely opened for the Gos

pel, and with such great opportunity we want to do even more for Poland thenwe have done before. I returned to the States with greater determination todo our part with greater effort.I was able to learn about the needs for more Christian literature, SundaySchool material, material for youth etc.We will try to supplement the work there with such material, so we ask youfor your prayers for our ministry and the ministry in Poland.These ministries require time, consecration and finances. We thank you foryour prayers, faithful financial assistance and we ask you to continue yoursupport of the work in Poland,


We preach Christ Crucified

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Polisli wedding

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Camp site


Bel air« Maryland 21014

OUR MiMIMnYsAssistance in Establishment of New Congregations • Publishing ofChristian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language • SpiritualMaterial and Moral Support of Preachers in Poland • Relief Ministryto Poland • Training Foreign Students •New Testaments ^d Biblesto Poland and Russia • Radio Ministry in Polish, Russian andUkranian Languages • Follow-up Work of Radio Listeners byCorrespondence • Preaching in Camps, Churches and at Rallies •Work Among Foreign Speaking People in the United States of America

Dear FriendsJ

Paul Bajb), Director

November, 1972,

Still I live under the impressions of my recent trip to Poland because I amstill catching up with my work and because we receive so many letters of appreciation and thanks for the visit, for the preached Word and the fellowship.

Travelling in Poland was not always very comfortable because we had to travel in a small car, sometimes waitifig 3-4 hours to repair a flat tire, sometimes almost without gasoline with the nearest gasoline station miles away.Sometimes we travelled by horse drawn wagon sinking deep in mud, but still Iwill never trade that experience with any other.We were always short of time. In addition to services each day we have beeninvited to many homes for wonderful meals and talks that often lasted till 2-3 AH. But Lord gave us strength.

Bro. Cloyd Christtnan who was with me in Poland and Czechoslovakia after return wrote this way? "Now I want to thank you Paul for all that you did tomake my visit to Poland and Czechoslovakia a memorable one, I cannot reallydescribe the joy and thanksgiving I feel in my heart for this wonderful opportunity that was mine. Thank you for being my guide, interpreter, and travelling companion. I could never have receive so great blessing by travellingwith other group. I am sure the Polish work will be better known by my experiences and the slide set I plan to work up".

In Czechoslovakia we were able to visit few homes and church buildings andhave fellowship with some Christians and find out about their problems anddifficulties. But all of them thanked us for radio programs which they heareach Monday, and for the literature which they received in the past from usand even at the present time by indirect mail.

From Prague Bro. Christman departed directly to the States and I went toGermany, where I stopped at uncle Mosalkov's place, visited several otherplaces and had a short fellowship with Mr. & Mrs. Barchy Scott from the European Evangelistic Society in Tuebingen, and Mr. & Mrs Alva Phillips fromBlack Forest Christian Mission.

From Germany I went to Switzerland to the Christian Retreat at Lugano, where I met Mr.6e Mrs. G. Mayfield and many other missionaries. It was rich Christian fellowship. There I preached also at one service.

My last stop before departure to the States was London, England where Imet with some Polish, Russian and Ukrainian people and I preached to them.



b&jko ¥. Qifc.Winnik tn coA-fenncC


"Dear Bro. Winnik! We just came back from a long trip where we visited radiolisteners. It is hard to describe our feelings and impressions. Wonderful!You must return to health. Because of your ministry souls accept Christ, thelives of many are changed. Thank you for sharing this good news with many ofus in Poland. Yours, L."


Dear Brother and Sister Bajko. We greet you with the Word of God Mark 8:35,Wethank you for your loving hearts. We are listening to your broadcast constantly and we thank God for such wonderful broadcasts which lift us and draw us

closer to God. Please pray that many who listen to the Word of God might findChrist as personal Savior, Yours in His love, A.B.


"Dear Friends! May the God be exholted! I turn to you, most gracious preacher, with petition to send me some Christian literature. I listen to yourbroadcast faithfully. I am 16 years old but I am bedridden. For 8 years I amin bed already and my sickness is incurable. In such condition I am lonesomeand I would like to read, so please send me a Bible and other Christian literature.

I am very happy that each Monday I can hear the living Word which strengthensme. Thank you very much. Please remember me in your prayers, M.G,"

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"Dear Polish Christians and Youth. When my copy of "Horizons" came yesterdaytelling of the Christian Service Camp that has been purchased and being nadeready for the use of the Youth of the Churches of Christ in PoIand,my heartwas filled with thanks to God. I am also thankful that I am able to have asmall part in this Christian service. Ever since Paul Bajko preached at ourchurch here - The Georgetown Church of Christ /Christian/ - several yearsago, telling of the hardships and devotion of our Christian brothers and sisters in Poland, I have kept them in my prayers. My husband was born in America - his father in Poland - and he was a wonderful person, being baptizedinto Christ soon after our marriage. He was called Home bfey 16,1968. 1 am84 years of age, with a small income, but I am enclosing a check for $25.00In memory of my late husband, John Jacumski, for use in building this Christian Service Camp. I pray that much more than the $10,000 will be generously given, that those who labor in the Camp and those attending it be richlyblessed. Sincerely. Mrs. John Jacumski"


"Dear Friends! I heard many times beautiful religious songs and did not knowwhere they come from and who made them so popular in Poland. Only this yearin August during our pilgrimage to Jasna Gora I was able to get in my handsfor few hours your beautiful song book "Heavenly Sunshine" It is a real treasure, it is a mine of beautiful songs reaching the depth of man's soul, helping him to find God. In your foreword you saids "If only one heart will betouched by those songs, the work will be not in vain" This book touched many hearts and I wish you could be here and see and hear thousands of groupsof Polish Youth singing. 0 yes, your songbooks bring fruits. These books areacceptable by all because in the songs we feel Lord's presence. His love andmercy. It gives us strength and energy to work among sick. Yours, BrotherStanislaw, Albertinian Convent, serving poor and sick."

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