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BADERMAN ISLAND• The Alpha Team has chosen the Baderman Island website

to evaluate for our team project. Baderman Island is a vacation resort that features some great amenities for family getaways and organizations who conduct business conventions. In this power point, we will evaluate the design principles of the existing site, including layout, color and font selection. The team will also evaluate the strength and weakness of the existing site in these areas to include the navigation, performance marketing, e-commerce and community of the existing website.

Baderman LobbyThe photo of the lobby is too dark. It does not scream of excitement for the resort. So we had Baderman hire a international photograph to take new photo of there lobby as you can see big improvements.

OUTSIDE PICTURE OF THE HOTELAn outside picture of the hotel would have probably been more appropriate to demonstrate excitement. So Mr. Pierre La Feet took these wonderful pictures to show the Baderman at it’s grand form.

WEBPAGE BALANCE The webpage alignment is weak; the website page does not fill the screen. There is not a good balance between the text and graphics. This is Team Alpha future plan for Baderman webpage . Clean lines , warm and inviting picture for the website.


INFORMATION ABOVE THE FOLDThe original webpage didn’t have compelling information above the fold . As you can see we have gathered the most important information and put it at the fold. Always remember 5 second that is all a webpage has before the user find the webpage boring.

TARGET AUDIENCE Baderman target audience is 35 to 60 example, CEO, Baby Boomers, family, people who want to get away from the daily grind of life. Baderman want us to show the this side of there resort to this target audience .

SIDE NAVIGATIONThe side navigation buttons are a plus, however, the navigation buttons are located on the wrong side of the website. These buttons should be place on the left side to prevent them from being-cut off by the resolution or advertising contents on the right side.

CONVENTION CENTER We thought a more appealing photo would have been a picture of the inside of the convention center where a large group of people gathers.

ACCOMMODATION PAGEIn the accommodation page, the photo does not do justice for the word “accommodations.” The photo should have been taken a farther distance to display a wider angle of the hotel for the web visitor to get a sense of what the surroundings are like.

ISLAND MAPThe island map uses colors that are not within the scheme of the rest of the site and therefore stands out. Additionally, the cartoon-like nature of the map fails to evoke the luxurious, up-scale elements of the remainder of the site and therefore breaks the illusion that the designers attempted.

THE VISTOR CENTERThis beautiful cottage sit at the top of the slip from the dock were guest arrived from the mainland so we felt this would great pictures for a back drop for the webpage.

WEATHER MAP We would like to see a image from Google earth satellite shots onto an actual map. The webpage will have real-time data from the National Weather Service to be delivered within the site.

CONCLUSION The Team has determined that this

optimization to the Baderman Island website will help to increase traffic to the site due to word-of-mouth appreciation of the site as well as dramatically increase the enjoyment and usefulness of the site to potential visitors.
