Bad Debt Configuration



Bad Debt Confi

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The Procedure For FI Bad Debt Confguration How do you confgure bad debts in FI module? By: Prakash Sharma The procedure for Bad debt confguration! Defne Methods: SPRO / Financial Accounting / Accounts Receivales ! Payales / Business transactions / "losing / #aluate / Reserve $or ad dets% OB&' % Doule click defne methods % Select (e) entries utton Prov Period Months Percent* M Percent+ M Percent, M Percent' SA-**&+ +&, ,& '*&& Save "reation o$ Bad Dets Account: FS&& "o.code: //// % Select )ith tem0late utton1/2 A/c://////"o."ode : //// Account grou0: Administration% Select P ! 2 Radio utton Short te3t: Bad dets2ong te3t: Bad dets % Select control ta utton "urrent currency: -(R % Select only local currency check o3% Select line item check o34Sort key:&&*Field status variant: 1&&*% Save Defne Accounts $or Reserve ! Bad Dets: % OB/D SPRO / Financial Accounting / Accounts Receivales ! Payales / Business transactions / "losing / #aluate / Defne Accounts $or Reserve ! Bad dets "hart o$ Accounts: //// PRO#-S-O( M567OD D5B-6 "R5D-6 /// //////////// Select rules ta uttonAccounts are determined ased on% SelectDeit/"reditcheck o3 '&/8& % Select 0rovision method check o3 % Save S0ecial 1/2 Account: % FB9P Doule click S0ecial 1/2 Account 6y0e S0ecial 1/2 S0ecial 1/2 -ndicator Descri0tion D5ReserveReserve $or Bad dets Doule click Reserve% "hart o$ Accounts: SA- :5nter; Account Assignment Reconciliation A/c:////// :SD;S0l.1/2%////// Save Receivale 6rans$er 0osting :1ross;: % F*&, Accounting / Financial Accounting / Accounts Receivale / Periodic 0rocessing / "losing / #alue / Receivale trans$er 0osting :1ross;

"ustomer A/c://////Provision method: //// S0ecial 1/2 -ndicator $or Deit Rec: 5 :Reserve $or ad dets; % Select create atch in0ut session check o3 % Batch in0ut session name: SAPF*&,% Posting 9ey:& System %> Batch -n0ut %> Session % Select atch in0ut session: SAPF*&,Select 0rocess % Select dis0lay errors only #% Select 0rocess utton% 53it Batch in0ut Reserve $or ad dets :1ross;: "ustomer A/c://////"o."ode: //// 1/2 Account: //////"o.code://// Accounts grou0: reserves and sur0lus % Select alance sheet o0tion utton Short te3t: Provision $or Bad Dets2ong te3t: Provision $or ad dets A/c "urrency: -(RRec.Accounts $or account ty0e: "ustomer % Select line item dis0lay check o3 Sort key: &,*Field status grou0: 1&?@% Save
