Bacteriological Weapons in the Coming War



@DenisPushilin IDK how much true But please read #GOP #chemTrails #химтрейлы #Pentagon “Bacteriological weapons in the coming war”

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  • @DenisPushilin IDK how much true But please read #GOP #chemTrails # #Pentagon Bacteriological weapons in the coming war

    In our lives we are quite common these circumstances, especially in anticipation of impending disaster, when really want to predicting its occurrence have not come true.

    We do not want this and we are faced with the facts that confirm our fears for the lives of not only our generation, but also for the fate of the state.

    After all, history is replete with examples where the country and its leaders, patriotic movement, in a timely manner to evaluate the signals of the signs of creeping tragedy, and time to eliminate the preconditions for its occurrence, managed to avoid catastrophic consequences for their lives.

    We know that the article is an appeal to our initiative group will be differently interpreted as a reader, and a certain part of the persons authorized to make responsible decisions.

    And yet, we hope to understand the different sides that for obvious reasons, we are able to give only their value judgments based only on circumstantial evidence.

    However, the seriousness and importance of the issues involved have led our group, have only circumstantial evidence, to draw public attention to the fact that in all probability Ukrainian Nazi regime in collusion with the US intelligence agencies are prepared to commit the gravest crimes against humanity.

    It is about preparing for the use of biological weapons, which, as you know, in the case of its application in our territories, will cover not only the European continent (at best), but it can cover the entire globe.

    We believe that the number of persons on which the decisions on this information, do not fall person like Chubais, once said:

    What are you worried about these people. Well, 30 million will die. They do not fit into the market .

    With the latest achievements in science and technology, we believe that the analytical

  • analysis of information from various sources will enable services known to draw conclusions.

    Its because it is no secret that Soviet intelligence had uncovered plans of the Nazis at the Kursk Bulge, and their venturing attacks in Tehran is the crumbs of information coming in different lines.

    Today we are dealing with an enemy that is honed to perfection Nazi geopolitical weapon and its core

    the CIA and now represents a much greater threat to peace than his predecessor

    Nazi Germany.

    It is the United States the main enemy of Russia and CIS countries, and by and large and countries around the world.

    Every day chronicle of the crimes of this sinister monster replenished with new and new crimes testifies that for the sake of their ambitions to world domination, he is able to destroy most of humanity with the use of weapons of mass destruction.

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the use of biological weapons in Korea, the mass spraying of defoliants, and others.

    Poisonous substances in the Vietnam War, the barbaric bombing of Yugoslavia and Iraq with these countries with uranium ammunition filling and many other war crimes, claiming the lives of millions of people.

    According to US media world emphasize the improvement of bacteriological weapons, ie development of such strains of viruses and bacteria that are differentiated on the defeat, depending on the age and sex of race, against which modern medicine is powerless.

    Such pathogenic agents already exist.

    Back in 1979, when analyzing the structure of the victims of the Sverdlovsk anthrax release revealed that the vast majority of the affected men from 18 to 49 years, although the cloud covered a kindergarten school and residential street.

  • From the point of view of military experts, with modern means of delivering such weapons can paralyze the entire continents of the earth, without the atomic bombing, as are not destroyed infrastructure of the economy, transport, defense facilities and others.

    Industries that after a certain period without resorting to armed invasion

    You can freely use their own purposes.

    From the context of the above interesting one significant detail.

    In the words of Advisor for Biosecurity at the then Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili American journalist and political analyst Jeffrey Silverman (on Georgian passport John Simonoshvili) US law prohibited the construction of bacteriological laboratory high level of risk.

    On its territory is allowed to build a bacteriological laboratory for the production of means of protection a vaccine, serum, toxoid, and others.

    Laboratory, developing martial strains submitted outside its territory.

    This is the immutable tenets of development bacteriological weapons.

    Ukraine, not a US territory, thus becomes a testing ground for developing bakoruzhiya placing on its territory CRL-3 US Department of Defense.

    And what the United States to risk his territory and his subjects, when very often bred country puppets power elite which has long sold their souls to the devil transatlantic?

    The assembly of traitors to the national interests of the role of first violin, of course, belongs to Ukraine Bandera.

    It is difficult to name any any defense facility or research institutes, which would not have hosted the US intelligence, not to mention the SBU, the entrance to which is decorated with the US flag.

    The list of delicious Americans object was, as you know, the Ukrainian Institute of Experimental Clinical Veterinary Medicine, which initiated the construction of a central

  • reference laboratory in the third level of biological hazards (CRL-3) in the village Shelkostantsiya Merefa city.

    It is therefore not surprising that the criminal power has allowed the Americans to ensnare the whole of Ukraine is not only intelligence cobwebs,

    but the network of bacteriological laboratories on the basis of the regional SES in nine areas in which

    according to our information

    victuals specialists gather to carry out research and experiments, far from the diagnostic and preventive purposes.

    Ukrainian public, however, as Russia, unfortunately, rather superficially aware of the danger represented by such American scientific centers.

    An example is the outbreak of African swine fever in the southern regions of Russia.

    The source of this outbreak was a CRL 3-DoD, located in Georgia.

    From this we can conclude that the possible source of the epizootic in the Ukraine may be the CRL-3 DoD, built on the territory of neighboring States.

    The economic damage caused by these epizootic enormous he can put the affected countries to food addiction.

    But it is African swine fever!

    Where is the guarantee that in this situation these scientists is not practiced by other scripts!

    With the same success can be sent to the furnace to reduce not only the number of pigs and the population in response to Margaret Thatchers dream come true and others like her.

    It sounds scary.

    But being aware of the track record of humanism American hawks, not only Russia but the

  • whole world community should put in alarm.

    The basis for such anxiety is more than enough.

    As you know, (which is confirmed by relevant documents), for several years,

    the patriotic movement of the Kharkiv region has failed to either the central or local authorities to make a clear answer to requests for clarification as to

    what does the US Defense Department is the construction and operation CRL-3 Merefa.

    The public not only did not get a clear information on the issue, but turned out to be false and dezinformativnoy and that also finds confirmation.

    Only a naive average man and politician could believe that the Americans could easily give up the tasty geostrategic direction towards the Russian Federation, as is the Kharkov.

    Especially that from a base without much difficulty can perform acts of sabotage involving the use of biological weapons.

    About impending CRL-3 Ukraine, we wrote back in 2013, when the public and the activists managed to stop the construction of the laboratory for an indefinite period on the assertions of the authorities.

    However, as seen from our publication, the Ukrainian authorities have not abandoned their intention to cooperate with the Americans in this regard.

    This, in particular, the article clearly explains our activist, published on the website Behold the root.

    Bacteriological laboratory of the Pentagon in the town of Merefa. One year later.

    The essence of the problems encountered by citizens of Ukraine last year is that

    the Defense Department has decided to take control of all the microbiological industry and set monopoly control over the epidemiological situation in Ukraine.

  • According to the agreement between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

    Pentagon has financed the construction of three central microbiological reference laboratories 3 levels of danger and a dozen ordinary laboratory-based laboratories of SES regional centers.

    Ordinary laboratory were built quickly and quietly, but when you try to build the central reference laboratories was leaked, and the plans were made public.

    However, despite the opposition of the media, particularly the weekly 2000, it was possible to realize the construction of a temporary central reference laboratory on the basis of anti-plague station in Odessa,

    to gain control and take in an unknown direction reference collection of microorganisms, which is the property of the people and served base for diagnostics in the event of epidemiological risk,

    as well as a ban on working with highly dangerous infections by microorganisms scientists of our country, thereby completely blocking even the few studies that were carried out in a meager financing and illiterate management industry.

    US Department of Defense to bet on a central reference laboratory hazard level 3, which is going to build in the town of Merefa

    20 kilometers from Kharkiv and Kharkiv airport

    at the former Research Institute of Sericulture, which was previously disorganized and closed.

    As a result, the country has lost the advanced industry, and with it more than 100 breeds of silkworm, which have no analogues in the world, silk, which was only in the defense industry and medicine, and more than 120 varieties of mulberry.

    Incidentally, a year before the closure of Sericulture Research Institute, the Institute participated in the international competition of Rearing Silkworm, where he took 2nd place out of 15 participating countries.

  • It turns out, the Research Institute of Sericulture deliberately closed to make way for future bacteriological laboratory, since the building of the Institute immediately transferred Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, on the basis of which the planned construction.

    The geographical location of the facility construction is clearly in line with the requirements of the Pentagon, the bacteriological laboratory to the location:

    the proximity of the airport, the availability of necessary infrastructure, the presence of a small river Rzhavets, a member of the Don basin, a secluded spot on the outskirts of the city, the proximity of the Russian border.

    And all would have happened if not

    Merefa city residents and nearby communities that were able to organize and achieve a ban on the design and construction of what they have been informed

    by a letter from the Regional State Administration, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and RNBO by deputy A. Avakov.

    It would seem that the point set, but every letter it was that the construction of the Central Reference Laboratory in Kharkov region at this time is not provided.

    That is, the construction can be resumed at any time!

    Therefore, residents of the town Merefa have to deal with the monitoring of events that may directly or indirectly indicate

    the possible resuscitation of the project,

    the more we all know that the Pentagon its plans are not retreating, and have patience and wait for the right moment, and

    at this time adjusts the legislation of the country of the target a more favorable option for themselves.

    What happened immediately after the military coup of 2014 in Ukraine.

  • The same deputy from the BYuT A. Avakov has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a draft law regulating the construction of bacteriological laboratories 3-4 levels

    (it comes to the military laboratory of the American classification, which is the mirror opposite of the national classification adopted after the collapse of the Soviet Union, which also leads to some thoughts non-randomness of reclassification).

    Of course, the bill is very necessary, because there is no law regulating the construction of bacteriological laboratories, in addition to the general laws of the high risk to prohibit in principle the construction of such a facility in Ukraine as area densely populated,

    but when you read the measure of responsibility for the violation of the law providing for Only penalties on a small scale

    (1 million USD for individuals and 10 million USD for the legal)

    once it becomes clear who wrote the law, and who needs it the Pentagon!

    I pay a fine and order and no residents is not a hindrance.

    Sabotage in the legislation do the road is open!

    Now we need to wait time, new elections will legalize crimes of the old bureaucrats and you can act.

    It is unlikely that the Americans, to whom the door wide open to all defense agencies of Ukraine, taking into account of the events, will not disregard this object, deceived them by its proximity to the borders of the Russian Federation.


    In 2014, America released a documentary film What are they sprayed?

    This film details the problem spraying chemicals to form the weather so called himtreylov and at the end of the film the author presents a table globalist events on the planet in order to reduce population.

  • So thats the first place are chemtrails, in second place a vaccine, in third place bacteriological laboratory, and the fourth the war.

    We could all be attributed to the authors imagination, if not one but.

    Chemtrails sprayed almost every day

    (look at the sky and see a long white stripes left by aircraft, which gradually transformed into feather clouds, unlike contrails that disappear within two to three minutes),

    children and adults are trying to vaccinate imported vaccines containing squalene, temirosal and aluminum salts, after which the vaccinated become disabled on immunity,

    especially NATO member countries have the right to export the vaccine, since they are the product of a strategic military imagine that they deliver us!

    Bacteriological laboratory built around the world, and in recent years around the perimeter of the Russian Federation.

    But the war they unleashed in the Donbas, using zombie illiterate population.

    So all, as mentioned above, is already at work in Ukraine, in addition to bacteriological complex, which have already started to build and try to finish the course and run.

    PS. October 2, 2001 the US adopted an act of HR 2977 on the protection of space, where, under paragraph 7 (B) is

    a list of so-called exotic systems of military defeat,

    where chemtrails were on the list of species of military action.

    This category of effects attributed electronic, psychotropic, informational influence, the impact of low-frequency wave, plasma, electromagnetic, ultrasonic system lesions, laser bomb system, as well as chemical, biological, natural, climatic and tectonic bomb.

    Because of this act it is absolutely obvious that chemtrails related to weapons of mass destruction.

  • Paragraph 7 (c) of the Act explains that includes the term exotic systems of military defeat.

    This system affecting objects of outer space, the living ecosystem, ionosphere and upper atmosphere, as well as the impact on the climate, tectonic systems with the purpose of causing damage or impact on the population group or a plot of land or airspace.

    We are well aware that at this stage of our efforts to persuade the authorities to abandon the joint criminal intent with the Americans are doomed to defeat, and taking into account the inability to obtain direct evidence of the impending crime.

    We still have only the possibility and the right to build their own version, based on the analysis of the facts, which are located.

    In some cases it is necessary to compare the publications of journalists and public figures with the information coming from ordinary citizens who accidentally witness a suspicious actions of the authorities in the areas where they live directly.

    Can we, for example, ignore and not to assess the following article from the Internet?

    It may be, and do not deserve our attention, if the authorities reacted immediately, in fact, on a sensational message that can cause panic among the population and the negative reaction of neighboring states.

    The silence of the authorities this is indirect evidence of the fact that Ukraine has turned into an accomplice planned crime and, above all, against its own people, which may become the first victim of the American experiment.

    To remain silent and a puppet of the EU, which surely will not escape the wind, carrying his countrys viral genie, released from the Ukrainian laboratories.

    So, we give a full presentation mentioned article


    Poroshenko gave his consent to a test of pathogenic agents in the territory of Ukraine

    June 6, 2015, I published a short article on the establishment of a new laboratory of the

  • Pentagon in the Kharkiv region Lab with errors.

    The development of the theme it was reported that Poroshenko allowed two firms controlled by Vanguard, testing two pathogenic agents: anthrax (Anthrax) and botulinum toxin (Botulinum toxin (BTX)).

    These pathogenic agents can be used as components for biological weapons. The greatest danger is the possible use of these components by various terrorist groups.

    In combination with the presence of uncontrolled armed groups of radical wing and a clear failure of the functions of policing the state power, the US partners chose Ukraine as the most ideal for getting the results of the test into the hands of extremists and terrorists who are ready to use them.

    Syria nearly bombed out only on the basis of apparently unjustified suspicion of use of chemical weapons. But what is not allowed B. Assad may, without fear of consequences for themselves, to do the American viceroy in Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

    Just in case, let me remind Peter Alekseevich that the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, Ukraine signed in 1972 and ratified in 1975.

    The Russian Federation in the border areas will have to tighten up sanitary and epidemiological control, without waiting for dangerous pathogens entering our territory. patogennyh-agentov-na-territorii-ukrainy


    As you can see, the list of incoming information allows us from fragmentary evidence and statements of citizens to build unambiguous inferences about the rightness of our versions and suspicions link above from the Internet,

    by the way, an objective embedded in the stories of some people that in the area of the ATO unknown persons in chemical protection suits immersed in abandoned coal mines and precautions render out their contents.

  • Interesting!?

    And very good!

    If we take into account the work of Ukrainian Americans with anthrax pathogens and toxins, and visit of unknown mines, which were used as burial sites for disposal of bacteriological materials.

    Here and amateur in this regard may be the hair stand on end only one submission: what !!!

    Samples lethal bacteria can be obtained if they survive for many years in perchloric acid medium.

    In the context of the foregoing, in chronological order, you can refer to some of the other circumstantial evidence showing that the criminal authorities do not intend to abandon the deal with the US Department of Defense:

    1.Avgust 2013 from residents. Timchenko (seen on the attached map) comes the information that along with sampling the soil on Shelkostantsii, soil samples were taken in the Black Forest near the village. Us it was regarded as the preparation of a backup site for construction of the CRL-3, as the authorities were aware of the public outcry against the construction of such a facility on the territory of Shelkostantsii.

    2.Konets September 2013 During the break of the International Congress of veterinarians activists of the NGO Labor Kharkiv handing out leaflets against the building of the participants CRL-3 at the Research Institute of Sericulture. After reviewing the contents of the leaflets, the current rector of the Veterinary Academy (former director of the Institute of Sericulture) VA Golovko said brusquely: Trying in vain, we will build it anyway. But you sell Ukraine! Shouted one of the activists. In this void sumnyashesya, this official spoke cynically: Yes, we will sell you. That is, such a statement can be interpreted as the position of the central government, indicate that subordinates must consistently perform.

    3.Iyul 2015. In one and a half kilometers from g.Merefa in the Black Forest residents met to build an unknown object, which encloses capital fence. Someone (not a local there power?) Circulated a rumor that this new site will be built instead of the old duck farm at the same place. But the question immediately arises: why such investments in only one fence. Only the visible part comprises 350 sections, the value of one of them is at estimates on the Internet,

  • at least 4600 UAH., One cup -1700 UAH. Plus, delivery, installation, concrete works under the fence, so that the mouse is not slipped. As a result, according to conservative estimates, the amount accumulates around 4500000 USD. Only in the visible part, but it ok.1 / 3 of the territory covered by construction. That is, only a fence around the perimeter can cost half a million dollars.

    4.Sooruzhenie paved road several kilometers long and rests to a standstill from one area to another Zmievskoy. Who built it? Goal? Until 2013 the road was dirt and all arranged: utkofermu and residents and farms that were previously inhabited.

    5.Ohrana object under construction is carried out by paramilitary units, and on August 13 this year By the military. According to witnesses on the territory of the facility it was introduced in the tank trailer. We can assume that there is a valid and others. Heavy Equipment, as the road has acquired characteristic of track movements of an invoice at the site of the locomotive depot adjacent to the gate object.

    And 6.NU UTKOFERMA !!! According to local residents, who happened to be near the fence being built farm protection warns them that in case of attempts to penetrate the fence behind them will open fire.


    This is not an exhaustive list (albeit indirect) evidence that

    the US is in cahoots with the anti-people regime of Ukraine

    intends to turn the whole country into said duck farm, invisible to the human eye products that can feed in full, not only Ukrainian and European nations, but the whole humanity.

    Feast or Famine reckless fun on the background of the universal plague, no doubt, affect and frivolous feasting, silent indifference that has allowed these farms to release viral genie.

    We are well aware that for the position expressed by us, for the desire to get the truth to power, the current regime is now can pull us from the chains of mad dogs, not only with batons, but bristling with malicious foam corrupt journalistic mongrels.

    Despite this, we remain steadfast in our resolve to prevent the impending catastrophe in

  • Ukraine.

    To be indifferent to their fate then turn into accomplices of those who betray the interests of their motherland.


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