Background Media planning is a process of determining how to use time and space to achieve...


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•Media planning is a process of determining how to use time and space to achieve advertising objectives

•Media decisions are complex due to cross‑ substitutability of various media. Each media is capable of achieving what the other- media may achieve.

• Media choice is important from two reasons : It leads to outgo of funds and delivers message to desired target market.

• For making right decisions about media choice, it is important for the marketer to know where does the customer spend his entertainment time.

Steps in Media Manning

Marketing Objectives

Marketing Communication Objectives Strategy

Direct Marketing•Objectives•Strategy

Sales Promotions•Objectives•Strategy

Advertising •Objectives•Strategy

Personal Setting•Objectives•Strategy

Public Relations•Objectives•Strategy

Internet •Objectives•Strategy

Media Planning

Target Audience Analysis

Media Objectives

Media Class Decisions

Media Vehicle & Option

Media Schedule & Training

Evaluation & Control

Creative Planning

• Factors that influence major Media decisions: Type of Product Stage of PLC Company Policy Budget Nature of Audience

• Major media decisions are : Media class, media vehicle, media option, media scheduling and timings.

• Media planning is important due to proliferation of media choices and their increased costs.

• Media planning is the last stage and very important in marketing strategy of a firm. if not handled professionally, it may jeopardize the whole efforts and money.

Terms in Media Planning

Media Class : Type of Media : TV, Newsletter, Magazine, Radio &Internet etc.

Media Vehicle : A single programme, magazine, or radio station (TOI,India Today)

Media Option : It is selecting the unit of advertising that is to beemployed. Example. 15 seconds or 30 seconds sport in TV Commercial;Half page or Full page; Black & While or color Ad; Inside page or Backcover page.

Scheduling : Scheduling is concerned with timing the insertion ofadvertisements in the selected media. Decisions in this area areessentially based on certain assumptions regarding how the targetaudience will respond to the presence or absence of the advertisingmessages with respect to the set advertising objectives.

3 approaches to scheduling : Continuity, Fighting and Pulsing. It isbased on the advertising objectives (Brand awareness or brandattitudes), buying cycles, competitive spending, advertising decay andavailable budget etc.

Timing's : It relates to where and when the ad. be placed i.e. specificissues, days and time etc. Target Rating Points (TRPs) : The reach of Media to number of persons in the primary target audience and the number of times. Gross Rating Points (GRPs) : This measure represents the totaldelivery of a media schedule during a specified time period. It is reachmultiplied by average frequency of media schedule. 

Frequency : Refers to the number of times the audience is exposed tothe advertising message in a given period of time. Reach : is the measure of the number of different audience membersexposed at least once to a media vehicle carrying the advertisingmessage within a given time period (actual audience). Coverage : Refers to the potential audience that might get exposed tothe ad. message through a media vehicle. (potential audience)

Zipping : It occurs when customers fast – forward through commercialsas they play back a previously recorded program.

Zapping : It refers to changing channels by the remote to avoid commercials.

Fleeting message : The commercials are becoming shorter & shorter because of the increasing cost & increasing demand for a limited amountof broadcast time. Increasing media costs are forcing advertisers to consider shorter commercials of 15 second, 10 seconds & 5 seconds.The commercials appears to be a fleeting moment in time.

Scheduling Strategy : Deals with when to insert the advertisements

•Pulsing – It alternates between high and low levels of advertising. It has peaks & valleys.




Ad. Spend

• Continuity : It spreads the advertising continuously & evenly over the length of a campaign.

Ad. Spend


Flighting : It alternates between intense & no advertising


Intense Ad. Spend


Setting Media Budget

Basic principles :


•Objectives - oriented

Methods of setting objectives

i.% of sales

ii.Affordable rate

iii.Competitive parity

iv.Object and Task oriented

Source of Media Statistics

Information related to consumer demographics and popularity of a media is available with :



c)AC Nielsen


Examples of Media Plan

(a)Fast Food Co. Media Mix decisions

Magazines Newspapers TV Radio Yellow Pages

Pizza Hut 0% 0.7% 0.16% 91.0% 3.3% 5.5%

Domino’s 0% 0.3% 0.19% 90.0% 4.4% 5.4%

TAM Rating (of a Media Vehicle) for TV Medium

Star News DD News Aaj Tak Zee News ND TV Channel7 Sahara India TV Samay

26% 4% 22% 16% 14% 6% 6% 6%

Readership Survey

Newspaper & Magazines etc.



•AC Nelson Report

(b) SBI (Personal Banking)

Objective :

•Change of consume perception

•Bank of choice not bank of habit

•Talk to Youth and not the Yuppies : without alienating the loyalists(Attract New Gen. Indian through surprise & Delight)

• Product knowledge (category & line)

• Understand Target audience (Non customers, All adults SEC AB25-35 years & current customers)

• Total Ad spend by banks Rs.341 crores (TV + Press)

• SBI is highest with 45% of total spend


•All India & cities are decided•Dailies — English, Hindi & Language•Publications are decided (Media Vehicles)•Ad Size in CC & No. of Insertions are decided•Total cost is calculated•Magazines are decided•Location and issues are decided•Size (Full or Half)

Radio Stations Market Duration H.spots Cost (in lacs)

AIR Mumbai 30 Sec. 480 15 lacsFM Delhi 30 sec. 480 15 lacs

3 sports/day for 3 monthsRoll out activities are decided (fighting or pulsing etc.)

Period : 20 Sept. – 31 Dec., 2005

Media Mix

(a) IV – 30 Secs, 6 Copies

(b) Press – Theme – 10 copies, 260 cc color

Auto Loans – 1 copy, 260 cc colorHome Loans – 1 copy, 260 cc colorVishwa Yatra Card - 1 copy, 260 cc color

( c) Radio 30 secs. Commercial

(d)Internet Pop – under Fixed spotEmail logout BannerTargeted Mailer, Google, India times, Yahoo, India,,, Thomas Cook, Journey Mart etc.

TV Channels

•Star plus, Sony

•Aaj Talk, ND TV India

•NDTV 24x7, Star News, CNBC

•MAX, Star Gold

•ESPYN-Star Sports

•Star Movies, HBO

• Discovery, National Geography

• Sun TV, Gemini, Surya, Eenadu, Uday  No. of spots and its associated cost is decided channelwise

Frequency and reach is decided to get GRPs

Media Vehicle & sports are decided
