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Introducing The Heritage Series

Mono / Stereo Input Module

Input Fader

Group Module

Masters Module

Monitor Module

Matrix Module

VCA Master Fader & Automation

Performance Specifications

Overview and Statistics













Masters Module

Full Left / Centre / Rightmetering is provided as partof the HS0021 MastersModule along with a largeSolo-in-Place switch. Directinputs may be summed intothe left and right buses forconsole linking, or otherapplications, and these maybe switched pre or post themaster insert point. Each ofthe eight Matrix Mastercontrols has Left/Right/Sumsource switching and thematrix feeds may beswitched pre or post theMaster fader. This modulealso includes the talkbackcontrols, overall control ofthe master stereo balanceand single fader control overthe stereo mix level. Themaster mute buttons areintegrated into the snapshotautomation system andthere’s a VCA link to allowthe mono output level totrack that of the stereomaster fader.




Monitor Module

The HS0031 Monitor Moduleincludes peak metering ofthe left and right monitorsignals, a variablefrequency test oscillatorwith a 1kHz fixed toneswitch, pink noisegeneration and a talkbackmic input. The talkback micmay be routed to anexternal XLR or to theconsole’s internal talksystem, in which case localoutputs are dimmed by20dB. The signal generatorsection may be routed to theconsole’s internal Talk to Alland Talk Select bussesand/or to an external XLRconnector. The Talk to Allswitch takes priority overother output talk switchesso that the signal generatorsection or mic can be routedto all outputs.

A headphone monitoringsection is also fitted alongwith phase reverse,left/right reverse switchingmute and solo buttons forthe monitor output. A singlefader provides overallcontrol over all three localmonitor outputs and aswitchable Solo Add modeallows multiple channels toaccess to the Solo bus.




Matrix Module

Each HS0041 Matrix Moduleprovides full fader controland level metering for fourmatrix outputs. Matrixoutputs may be individuallyassigned to VCA controlfrom the master fader andTalk buttons may be used toinclude the matrix outputsin the talkback system. Safebuttons remove the matrixoutput from snapshotautomation control and Soloswitches send the matrixsignals to the PFL mono andAFL buses.




Group Module

The HS0011 Group Moduleprovides a highly flexiblestereo Group master controlstrip with one direct inputper Group that can be mixedwith the existing bus signal.These direct inputs may beemployed as extra effectsreturns or for console buslinking. Eight matrix levelcontrols are provided pergroup and pre/postswitching is provided todetermine whether theGroup’s matrix outputs arederived pre or post theGroup fader and pre or postthe insert point. Clear levelmetering monitors thesignal levels from -36dB to+21dB and any Group can beassigned to VCA automation.




Input Fader

The Input faders of the HS0003are linked to an intuitive, VCAlevel automation system,which is mainly controlledfrom the centre section of theconsole, though key statusbuttons and indicators arelocated adjacent to each fader.Each fader has a AutomationSafe button that removes itfrom automation control aswell as a Fader Safe buttonwhich removes the fader fromany form of remote control.

The set switch is used toprogram the channelautomute and VCA assignmentwhen creating subgroups.Status LEDs are used to showthe VCA ‘virtual’ fader level aswell as to prompt the operatorwhen nulling the faders. Thefocus is on fast, intuitive use ina live performance situation.




VCA Master Fader & Automation

The VCA Master Faders areequipped with Solo and Mutebuttons, plus an Auto Safeswitch that disables snapshotautomation control of both theVCA master faders and VCAmutes. If the Solo button ispressed momentarily, it willlatch on whereas if it is pressedand held for more than onesecond, the latching is disabled.The same status LED system isemployed as on the channelfaders to show the VCA ‘virtual’fader settings and to assist theuser in nulling the faders whennecessary. The status LEDs turnoff when the console is in VCA ormute assignment modes.

Virtual Fader Recall modegenerates a VCA fader levelbased on the value at the timethe last snapshot was stored.This level is added to thephysical fader level (effectively a‘relative’ mode) and the virtualfader level is displayed as avertical bar of status LEDs.

The Heritage 3000 includes ahighly sophisticated yet intuitiveMute and VCA automationsystem designed specifically forlive performance. Numericalreadouts of Act and Scenenumbers is provided and there’sdirect Fast Key access to the tenmost commonly used snapshotsas set up by the user. Snapshotsmay be stored as either acts orscenes where scenes areorganised as sub-sets of acts.Scene recall may be achieved bystepping through the storedscenes in numerical order usingthe Last/Next buttons, by usingthe Act/Scene Up/Down buttonsor by direct recall using a FastKey. Alternatively, scenes maybe recalled directly via MIDI. Acheck mode is provided so thatvirtual fader positions for anewly recalled scene can beviewed before making thatscene active.

The automation data is readfrom two micro cards. A switchis used to select whether card Aor B is active. Potential faultsituations are also monitored bythe status LEDs.Comprehensive automation andMIDI editing is provided, thoughthis may be disabled duringperformance if required forsecurity reasons.

The fader automation operatesin either Real Fader mode orVirtual Fader mode. In RealFader mode the signal levelsare controlled by the physicalfaders, while in Virtual modethey are controlled by the VCAautomation system. In virtualmode, the 11 status LEDsadjacent to the faders show theVCA gain setting regardless ofthe physical fader position. InReal Fader mode, theautomation system can stillprovide visual prompts via thestatus LEDs. Comprehensiveediting facilities are provided,including the ability to edit,insert or copy scenes.




Performance Specifications

Input Impedance Mic 2K BalancedLine 20K Balanced

Input Gain Mic Continuously variable from + 15dB to + 60dB(all faders at 0dB) Mic + Pad Continuously variable from -0dB to + 35dB

Line Level Inputs 0dB

Maximum Input Level Mic + 6dBuMic + Pad + 31dBuLine Level Inputs + 21dBu

CMR at 100kHz Mic (gain + 40dB) Typ 115dBMic + Pad (gain 0dB) Typ 80dB

CMR at 1kHz Mic (gain + 40dB) >100dBMic + Pad (gain 0dB) >60dBLine >50dB

Frequency Response Mic to Mix (20 to 20kHz) (gain + 60dB) + 0dB to - 1dB

Noise (20 to 20kHz) Mic EIN ref.150 Ohms(gain + 60dB) -128dBu

System Noise Summing Noise(20 to 20kHz) (48 channels routed

with faders down) - 80dBLine to Mix Noise(48 channels routedat 0dB, pan centre) -75dB

Distortion at 1kHz Mic to Mix(+ 60dB gain, 0dBu output) <0.03%

Crosstalk at 1kHz Channel to Channel <-90dBMix to Mix <-90dBChannel to Mix <-90dBMaximum Faderattenuation > 80dB

Output Impedance All Line Outputs 50 Ohms Balanced Source to drive > 600 Ohms

Headphones To drive > 8 Ohms

Maximum Output Level All Line Outputs + 21dBuHeadphones + 21dBu

Nominal Signal Level Mic -60dBu to + 10dBuLine 0dBu Headphones + 10dBu

Equaliser Hi pass slope 12dB / Oct. Hi pass frequency Continuously variable - 3dB point from 20Hz to 400HzTreble Gain Continuously variable + 15 dB to -15 dB

Centre detent = 0dBTreble Shelving Freq. Continuously variable - 3dB point from 1k to 20kTreble Bell Freq. Continuously variable centre from 1k to 20k Treble Bell Bandwidth Continuously variable 0.1 Oct. to 2 Oct.

Centre detent = 0.5 Oct.Hi Mid Gain Continuously variable + 15 dB to -15 dB

Centre detent = 0dBHi Mid Freq. Continuously variable centre from 400Hz to 8kHi Mid Bandwidth Continuously variable 0.1 Oct. to 2 Oct.

Centre detent = 0.5 Oct.Lo Mid Gain Continuously variable + 15 dB to - 15 dB

Centre detent = 0dBLo Mid Freq Continuously variable centre from 100Hz to 2kLo Mid Bandwidth Continuously variable 0.1 Oct. to 2 Oct

Centre detent = 0.5 Oct.Bass Gain Continuously variable + 15 dB to - 15 dB

Centre detent = 0dBBass Shelving Freq Continuously variable - 3dB point from 20Hz to 400HzBass Bell Freq Continuously variable centre from 20Hz to 400HzBass Bell Bandwidth Continuously variable 0.1 Oct. to 2 Oct

Centre detent = 0.5 Oct.




Mono / Stereo Input Module

The HS0001 Mono InputModule is a fully featuredmic/line channel stripincorporating the classicXL4 mic-pre and MIDAS 4-band parametric equaliserwith 24 adjustable, dualmode Group Mix controls.These controls operate asbus assign on/off switchesas well as conventional auxsends, adjusting the signallevels sent to thecorresponding aux buses.The group mix busesthemselves may beconfigured as Mono Aux,Stereo Aux or Post PanGroup, selectable on anindividual bus basis. InStereo Aux mode, theleftmost control of each pairfunctions as a pan controlwhile the rightmost controladjusts the aux level. Thechannel insert points may beswitched pre- or post-EQ.Each mono channel featuresthe MIDAS SISTM spacialimaging system for use withLeft, Centre Rightloudspeaker systems. WhenSISTM is active, the Imagecontrol modifies the actionof the pan control so as toadjust the amount of centrepanned signals which arefed equally to both left andright outputs as well as tothe centre. This can beparticularly useful fordistributing the load of highenergy, centre-pannedsounds across all FOHloudspeaker arrays. Aconstant power law ensuresthat the overall balance willnot change as the Imagecontrol is adjusted.Stereo Input ModuleLike the HS0001 Mono InputModule, the HS0004 stereo

is a comprehensive,mic/line channel stripincorporatingthe classicMIDAS 4-band equaliser and24 adjustable, dual modeGroup Mix controls thatoperate as bus assign on/offswitches and aux sends. Theinput gain and EQ controlsettings apply to both the leftand right signal paths. Theaux modes are similar tothose provided on the monochannel, though whenconfigured to mono, thesignal is derived from a sumof the left and rightchannels. Like the monoversion, the channel insertpoints may be switched preor post EQ. Bargraphmetering indicates the pre-fader peak input levels whilea Mono button connects thepost-fader channel signalsto the Mono Master fader.

Left and right pan controlsare used for setting thestereo positioning of the twochannels and a Stereorouting button connects thepost-fader channel signalsto the stereo bus via the pancontrols.




Introducing The Heritage Series

Midas is proud to introduce the Heritage Series of

audio mixing consoles, the latest in the Midas

tradition of impeccable sonic quality and outstanding

technical specifications. These three new consoles

represent the state of the art in audio mixing

technology, with features and electronics developed in

direct response to the outstanding success of the

Midas XL3 and XL4 consoles during the 1990s Midas

has been designing and manufacturing live

performance mixing consoles for the world’s most

demanding sound engineers, performers and

production rental companies since the early 1970s.

The evolution of Midas consoles throughout the 25-

year history of this classic marque has always

paralleled, and often led, increasingly sophisticated

audio innovations for the world-wide entertainment

technology industry. Raising the standards of sonic

quality through continual research and development

has always been - and still remains - our overall aim.

Equally important to us is the design and

implementation of many new areas of control

functionality and user-friendly desk operation to

anticipate and accommodate the rapidly changing and

expanding needs of audio professionals who specify

Midas consoles for their major tours, festivals,

international events, broadcast projects and

prestigious fixed installations. The Midas design

pedigree has, since our birth, been founded upon a

track record of achieving a unique symbiosis with

working sound engineers around the planet -

engineers who respect and endorse our proven

technology in the light of their responsibilities to their

internationally-based clients who are themselves the

leading lights of our industry.

Better Audio Technology with the Midas Touch

The new Midas Heritage Series embodies features

selected after extended consultation with hundreds of

leading international and local sound rental and

installation specialists and sound engineers - adding

up to a powerful bedrock of on-the-road expertise. At

every point in the critical audio path, our use of the

highest possible quality components ensures smooth,

consistent performance within a truly class-leading

sonic, electronic and mechanical design concept.

Electronics derived in part from the Midas XL4 provide

a superb dynamic range, very low noise floor, flawless

audio path transparency and a beautifully warm EQ.

Equally importantly, every Midas console has an

impeccably solid construction with proven road-

worthiness, using high quality mechanical

components, a rugged frame and easily-serviceable

modular design - and is designed by engineers who

have a personal interest in music and the needs of

real-world live performance. Other generic features

include the XL4’s high quality mic pre amp, 1st stage

passive filtering, constant bandwidth topology, low

noise at mid gains, totally symmetrical voltage gain

and Z; full headroom and total stability maintained

into all load types; unity Gain Structure and the all-

important Midas EQ. Gold board interconnections,

high stability and tight tolerance resistors and

capacitors, low noise summing amplifiers, hum /

noise cancelling busses, sealed high cost ALPS pots

and a zinc plated steel chassis complete some more

of the special Midas audio and mechanical quality

picture. The enduring legacy of the Midas XL3, the

first truly industry standard multifunctional console

(over 800 sold to date) and of the pioneering Midas

XL4, many of whose advanced automation functions

are employed in the Midas Heritage 3000 console,

including features expressly designed to

accommodate multiple stereo inputs and generous

facilities for stereo in-ear monitoring and Matrix

mixing, has created a powerful new series of sound

desks fully equipped for the new Millennium.

This is the Midas Touch.

The new Midas Heritage Series. BACK



Overview and Statistics

The Heritage 3000 is a 30 buss console with an additional 27 x 8 output matrix.The busses are 24 stereo or mono configurable groups =24

1 stereo master =21 mono master=11 stereo AFL=21 mono PFL=1TOTAL= 30

10 automute sub groups and 10 VCA sub groups which include VCA sub group muting.

52 input channels plus an additional 26 direct inputs on the group and master modules.

A total XLR inputcount of 95 are 52 channel mic inputs

24 group direct inputs8 matrix bus inject inputs3 solo bus inject inputs2 master direct inputs2 external inputs (2 track return)1 master bus inject1 talk mic input1 talk external input1 test bus input

A total XLR outputcount of 89 are 44 input channel direct outputs

24 audio group outputs8 matrix outputs3 master outputs3 solo outputs6 local outputs1 talk external output

A total of 180 balanced 1/4 inch jacks for inserts are 52 input channel insert sends

52 input channel insert returns24 audio group insert sends24 audio group insert returns8 matrix insert sends8 matrix insert returns3 master insert sends3 master insert returns 3 local insert returns

58 long throw faders for mix control with faderposition recall and virtual fader functions.

1043 automated switchfunctions are 480 input channel VCA sub group

virtual assign switches480 input channel mute sub group

virtual assign switches48 input channel mute switches24 audio sub group mute switches8 matrix mute switches3 master mute switches

A total of 89 peak program meters with 20 LED segments on all outputs and 11 LED segments on input channels.

Weight out of Flight Case 200kg 440.9 lbsFlight Case Dimensions Width 2370 Height 1540 Depth 560 mm

Width 93.3 Height 60.63 Depth 22.04inchesBob Tail Case Dimensions Width 2240 Height 1540 Depth 560 mm

Width 88.19 Height 60.63 Depth 22.04inches

PSU Width 443 Depth 380 Height 130 mmWidth 17.05 Depth 14.96 Height 5.12 inches

Front Panel Width 482 mm / 8.98 inchesPlus Harting Connectors Depth 470 mm / 18.5 inches




Klark Teknik GroupKlark Teknik Building, Walter Nash Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY11 7HJ. England.

Tel: +44 (0) (1562) 741515 Fax: +44 (0) (1562) 745371Klark Teknik Group (USA)

600 Cecil Street, Buchanan MI 49107, USA.Tel: +1 (616) 695 4750 Toll Free: +1 (800) 695 1010 Fax: +1 (616) 695 0470

Klark Teknik DistributorsCountry Address Telephone FaxSwitzerland Keltenstrasse 5, CH-2563 Ipsach +41(0)323316833 +41(0)323311221 Australia Unit 24, Block C, Slough Avenue, Slough Business Park, Silverwater, NSW2141 +61(0)296483455 +61(0)296485585Canada 705, Progress Ave, Unit No. 10, Scarborough, Ontario M1H 2X1 +1(0)4164314975 +1(0)4164314588France Parc de Courcerin, Allee Lech Walesa, Lognes, F77322 Marne La Vallee, Cedex 2 +33(0)164800090 +33(0)160065103Germany Hirschberger Ring 45, Postfach 0254, D-94315 Straubing +49(0)94217060 +49(0)9421706357Hong Kong Unit E&F, 21/F Luk Hop Ind Building, 8 Luk Hop St, San Po Kong, Kowloon +852(0)23513628 +852(0)23513329Japan 2-5-60 Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168 +81(0)333257900 +81(0)333257789

For many years Klark Teknik hasbeen in the forefrontof signal processingwith its well knowngraphic EQ,parametric delaylines, analysers anddynamic processors.1999 marks the 25thAnniversary and tocelebrate this factKlark Teknik haveissued a limitededition of theindustry standardDN360 EQ.

DDA has establisheda reputation fordesigning andmanufacturing liveperformance andrecordingproduction consolesof outstandingquality. DDAconsoles are used insome of the mostprestigious studiosand concert venuesaround the world.

Midas consoles havebeen renowned insound reinforcementfor over two decadesfor embodying thehighest standards ofsonic performance,reliability and soundergonomics. Sincethe launch of the XL3several years ago andthe introduction ofthe XL200, XL250 andXL4, Midas hasbecome the numberone choice of leadingsound engineersaround the world.More recently Midashas expanded bothits range and marketshare with the XL4Broadcast and thenew Heritage seriesof multipurposeconsoles. BACK


