Baby Sea Lion Facts for Kids 6-12 years of age



A fact sheet and word puzzle about sea lions for kids in grade 4 and 5. Brought to you by EcoBuddies (

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Baby Sea Lion Fact Sheet

Did you know a baby sea lion is called a pup? When a pup is being born this is called pupping. Pups are born on land and weigh about 13 pounds at birth. They can see and walk right after being born. Pups can recognize their moms’ barks and roars in a crowd of hundreds of other sea lions. Sea lions live in coastal areas all over the world. Seals and sea lions look the same, but sea lions have ears that are like little flaps on the sides of their heads. Seals have little holes for ears. Sea Lions have been hunted for a long time, but there are laws now that keep many sea lions safe. SEA LION WORD JUMBLE Unscramble these letters to find a word about sea lions: U P P I N P G __ __ __ __ __ __ __ K B R A __ __ __ __ A O C T A S L __ __ __ __ __ __ __

