Baby Ensemble


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  • 7/28/2019 Baby Ensemble


    Baby Ensemble

    Mock cables are featured on this adorable knit baby ensemble.

    Complete with jacket, pants, booties and bonnet, the ensemble

    is made to fit a child up to six months. Two buttons near the

    jacket's neckline, with the remainder of the back open, makedressing easy.


    Row 1: P 1, sl 1, k 2, psso 2 k sts, p 1, (k 1, p 1) 3 times, sl 1, k2, psso 2 k St, p 1.

    Row 2: K 1, p 1, yo, p 1, (k 1, p 1) 3 times, k 1, p 1, yo, p 1, k


    Row 3: P 1, k 3, (p 1, k 1) 3 times, p 1, k 3, p 1.

    Row 4: K 1, p 3, k 7, p 3, k 1.

    Repeat these 4 rows for pattern.

    Body: Beginning at lower edge, cast on 127 sts.

    Work in stockinette (k 1 row, p 1 row) for 6 rows.

    Row 7: (Eyelet row, right side) K 1, *yo, k 2 tog, repeat from * to last 2 sts, k 2, cast on 6

    sts - 133 sts.

    Row 8: P 5, k 1, p to end of row, cast on 6 sts - 139 sts.

    Row 9: K 5, p 1, k to last 6 sts, p 1, k 5.

    Row 10: P 5, k 1, p to last 6 sts, k 1, p 5.

    Repeat Rows 9 and 10 twice.

    Hem: Row 11: Pick up one cast on St and k this tog with first St on needle. Continue in

    this manner across row.

    Begin working pattern as follows:Row 1: K 62, pattern St over 15 sts, k 62.

    Row 2: P 62, pattern St over 15 sts, p 62.

    Rows 3, 4: Repeat rows 1 and 2.

  • 7/28/2019 Baby Ensemble


    Repeat 4 rows of pattern until 7 cables are completed.

    Next Row: K 57, p 1, Sl 1, k 2, psso 2 k sts, p 1, (k 1, p 1) 8 times, Sl 1, k 2, psso 2 k sts,

    p 1, k 57.

    Next Row: P 57, k 1, p1, yo, p 1, (k 1,p 1) 8 times, k 1, p 1, YO, p 1, k 1, p 57.

    Next Row: K 57, p 1, k 3, (p 1, k 1) 8 times, p 1, k 3, p 1, k 57.

    Next Row: P 57, k 1, p 3, k 17, p 3,1, p 57.

    Continue in pattern until 3 cables are completed.

    Next Row: K 52, p 1, SI 1, k 2, psso 2 k sts, p 1, (k 1, p 1) 13 times, Sl 1, k psso 2 k sts, p

    1, k 52.

    Next Row: P 52, k 1, p 1, yo, p 1, (k 1, p 1) 13 times, k 1, p 1, yo, p 1, k 1, p 52.Next Row: K 52, p 1, k 3, (p 1, k 1) 13 times, p 1, k 3, p 1, k 52.

    Next Row: P 52, k 1, p 3, k 27, p 3, k 1, p 52.

    Continue in pattern until 3 cables are completed.

    Divide Work:Next Row: K 33, place on holder for left back, bind off 8 for underarm, k 5, p 1, (k 1, p 1)

    23 times, k 5, bind off 8 sts underarm, k 33.

    Right Back: Work in stockinette on last 33 sts only, until 10 inches from bottom edge,

    end wrong side row.

    Shape Neck and Shoulder:

    Continuing in stockinette, bind off 11 sts on neck edge once, 7 sts once and at the same

    time, bind off 15 sts at arm edge.

    FRONT: Join yarn to wrong side on last long Row - 57 sts. P 6, k 1, work 3 cable sts, k I(k 1, p 1) 17 times in established center pattern, k 2, work 3 cable sts, k 1, p 6.

    Continue working in pattern until 3 cables have been completed.

    Shape Neck and Shoulder: Work 24 sts, join another strand of yarn, bind off center 7 sts,

    finish row.

    Working both sides at once, continue in pattern.

  • 7/28/2019 Baby Ensemble


    Bind off 3 sts at each neck edge once, 2 sts each edge 3 times. At the same time, when

    armhole measures same as back, bind off 16 sts at each arm edge.

    Left Back: Join yarn and work on remaining 33 sts for left back, reversing shaping.

    Sleeves: Beginning at lower edge, cast on 48 sts. Work 6 rows in stockinette.

    Next Row: (Right Side) K 1, *yo, k 2 tog. Repeat from * to end of Row.

    Next Row: P

    Continue in stockinette for 6 rows.

    Work hem as on jacket.

    Continue in stockinette, inc one St each edge every inch 3 times - 54 sts.

    Work until sleeve measures 6 inches from underarm, bind off.

    Neck Edging: Cast on 76 sts.

    Work in stockinette for 3 rows.

    Work eyelet row as on jacket hem.

    Work in stockinette for 3 rows, bind off.

    Finishing: Turn facing on left and right back edges to wrong side and sew in place.

    Sew shoulder and side seams.

    Fold neck edging along eyelet Row, p sides tog.

    Sew to neck edge of jacket.

    Beginning at hem edge with hook, join yarn with Sl St to left back. Sl St in every otherSt along left back to 7 inches from hem edge. Ch 6, sk 2 (button lp made), Sl St in every

    other St for 1 inches, work second button lp.

    Continue working Sl St in every other St along hemline of neck edge on right side.

    Work to neck edge of right back.Work Sl St in every other St from neck edge to hem edge, omitting button lps, fasten off.

    Sew buttons to correspond to loops.

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    BACK: First Leg: Beginning at lower edge, cast on 30 sts.

    Work hem same as on jacket bottom.

    Work pattern stitch as follows:

    Row 1: (Right Side) K 1, p 1, k 1, p 11 Sl 1, k 2, psso 2 k sts, p 1, k 22.

    Row 2: P 22, k 1, p 1, yo, p 1, k 1, p 1, k 1, p 1.

    Row 3: K 1, p 1, k 1, p 1, k 3, p 1, k 22.

    Row 4: P 22, k 1, p 3, k 4, end wrong side row.

    Place sts on holder.

    Second Leg:

    Work same as for first leg, knitting the pattern of the last 8 sts, reversing pattern.

    Next Row: Work pattern St over first 8 sts, k 22.

    Cast on 8 sts for crotch, with same strand of yarn, work 30 sts of second leg, work in

    pattern St over last 8 sts - 68 sts.

    Keeping in pattern at each side edge, continue working in stockinette over 52 sts until

    there are 14 cables, end wrong side row.

    Short Rows: K to last 4 sts, turn.

    Next Row: P to last 4 sts, turn.

    Next Row: K to last 8 sts, turn.

    Next Row: P to last 8 sts, turn.

    Next Row: K to last 12 sts, turn.

    Next Row: P to last 12 sts, turn.

    Next Row: K to last 16 sts, turn.

    Next Row: P to last 16 sts, turn.

    Next Row: K to last 20 sts, turn.

    Next Row: P to last 20 sts, turn.

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    Next Row: K to last 24 sts, turn.

    Next Row: P to last 24 sts, turn.

    Continue in stockinette for 6 rows.

    P 1 Row.

    K 5 rows in stockinette, bind off.

    Pant Front: Work same as for back until 14 cables have been completed.

    Work 6 rows in stockinette.

    P 1 Row.

    Work 5 rows in stockinette, bind off.

    Finishing: Sew side seams and crotch seams. Pin waistband to wrong side and sew in

    place, inserting elastic, cut to waist measure before closing seam.

    Beginning at top, cast on 35 sts.

    Work hem as on jacket bottom.

    Work in stockinette over 10 sts, pattern over next 15 sts, stockinette over last 10 sts until

    2 cables have been completed.

    Next Row: (Eyelet Row) K 2, *p 1, Sl 1, k 2, psso 2 k sts, repeat once,*pattern over next

    15 sts. Repeat between *s, k 2.

    Instep: Place first 10 sts on holder.

    Work pattern over center 15 sts, place last 10 sts on holder.

    Continue in pattern on 15 sts until 4 cables have been completed, ending with first row of


    Foot Shaping: Wrong side facing, Sl sts from first holder to needle.

    Pick up 15 sts along side of instep, 15 sts of in-step, 15 sts along other side of instep, stsfrom other holder - 65 sts.

    Work in ribbing (k 1, p 1) for 3 rows.

    Next Row: K.

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    Repeat these 4 rows 2 more times.

    Sole: K 1, k 2 tog, work in ribbing over next 27 sts, k 2 tog, k 1, place marker.

    Row 1: K 2 tog, work in ribbing over 27 sts, k 2 tog, k 1 - 61 sts.

    Row 2: Work in ribbing.

    Rows 3 through 6: Repeat Rows 1 and 2 two times, bind off.

    Sew sole and back seams, press.

    Run 13 inch length of ribbon through pattern at cable and tie ends in front in a bow.

    Starting at front edge, cast on 85 sts.

    Work hem as for jacket bottom.

    Next Row: K 10, work pattern over 15 sts, k 10, work pattern over 15 sts, k 10, work

    pattern over 15 sts, k 10 - 85 sts.

    Continue in pattern as established until 6 cables have been completed.

    Next Row: Bind off 30 sts.

    Work in pattern to end of Row.

    Next Row: Bind off 30 sts.

    Continue in pattern on back panel until piece measures same as bound off edges, bind


    Sew seams, matching bound off sts to side edges of center panel.

    Rows 1, 2: Pick up 82 sts for neck-band. Work in ribbing (k 1, p 1).

    Row 3: *K 2 tog, yo, k 1, p 1, repeat from * to end of row.

    Rows 4, 5: Work in ribbing across row.

    Row 6: Bind off in ribbing.

    Press lightly. Run 27 inch length of ribbon through eyelets.
