

B2day January 2013 issue full of news on earls barton, local advertisers and whats going on in the village

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Barton Today October 2012


Featuring: Local News, Views, Letters, Features, Events, Photos and more...email: bartontoday@gmail.comtelephone: 01604 810831 Now Online: - http://issuu.com/b2day


www.bartontoday.orgJanuary 2013



Let's Hope2013 Is A TimeTo Celebrate

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:45 Page 1

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B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:45 Page 2

Barton Today January 2013

About UsBarton Today is a Not-For-Profit CommunityInterest Magazine with over 6,000 readers.Delivered FREE every single month toevery home in Earls Barton we are notcontrolled by, or affiliated to, any political,religious, social or commercial group.

Website: bartontoday.orgManaging Editor: Steve WatkinsEmail: bartontoday@gmail.comTelephone: 01604 810831

Advertising: Contact us by phone or emailand we’ll discuss advertising rates andpayment methods, and help you in anyway that we can. Any problems, just call.All adverts before our deadline please.

Deadline: Space permitting, we try to printeverything sent in, but our deadline is the10th of the month (for the January issue itis November 30th).

After that date we’re flexible but we can’tguarantee publication. Include your name,address and phone number as we do notpublish anonymous articles. If you don’twant your name published let us know.Articles may be shortened if space islimited.

Articles & Adverts by Hand:In an envelope, please to: Barton Sweets,The Square, Earls Barton (Please addressall items to ‘Barton Today’)

Photos: By email or on disk please. Wecan scan your photograph but if you want aphotograph returned, include a stampedaddressed envelope.

We ask permission of a responsible adultbefore any images are published ofchildren under the age of 16.

If you live in Earls Barton:Your magazine should arrive by the last dayof the previous month. If you know ofsomeone who hasn’t received a copy bythen, please give us a call and we’ll handdeliver it directly to them.

If you live outside Earls Barton: A year’s subscription costs £18 to coverpostage and packing. Please make yourcheque out to ‘Barton Today’ andremember to give us the address formailing. If you’re overseas, contact theEditor for postal rates.

Our Aim: We wish to bring all peoplestogether in peace and harmony and tocelebrate the diversity of the humanspirit by encouraging talent in all itsforms. Barton Today does notdiscriminate against anyone.

The Legal Bit: © Barton Today 2012

All views expressed in this magazine aresolely those of the authors and do notnecessarily represent the opinions of thePublishers, or anyone involved with theproduction or delivery of the magazine.

The acceptance of an advertisement or anarticle does not indicate any endorsementof a product or service by this publication.

Barton Today is a Community InterestCompany.

The website is courtesyJames Rands-Allen of Sublime Media

The Decision o f the Managing Editoris Final

Here’s To ASuccessful 2013


The beginning of a new year is a great time to take stock of our lives. We can reflecton the past twelve months and consider what might lie ahead. For me the year2012, like 1966, will be etched on my mind forever thanks to the outstandingsporting successes that came Great Britain’s way; fantastic medal winningperformances at the Olympics and Paralympics heralded by the Queen, in herjubilee year, parachuting from a helicopter, the first tennis Grand Slam winner for76 years, a test series win in India, an heroic victory against the All Blacks andWiggo’s jubilant ride to victory down the Champs d’Elysees. I wonder what theodds on all that would have been had you gone to the bookies last January.

As a regular user of a local gym, I am always bewildered by the sudden swelling ofnumbers in January as new members puff and pant their way towards their NewYear resolutions. By February the numbers begin to dwindle and soon the gym isback to its normal state. Those resolutions quickly become long forgotten. Just toprove my point, how many of you can remember any of your promises from lastyear? How many of you are still keeping them? I’d love to hear from you if you canprove me wrong.

So what awaits us in 2013? Perhaps your resolution might be to join the long list ofvolunteers who make such valuable contributions to the local community. In thismonth’s magazine you can read about the success of local charity NT TLC, thebrilliant fund raising event held at the Methodist Church and news from the EarlsBarton Music. Where would these organisations be without their willing helpers?

Let’s hope that in the year ahead, Earls Barton continues to flourish and that eachedition of Barton Today brings news of the many and varied things that take placein this splendid village.

'Dear Ernie Coming Soon...The withdrawal of Dear Eric hascaused quite a stir amongst ourreaders so much so that a petition hasbeen started to call for hisreintroduction. Unfortunately, for thenext three months, Ericwill be otherwiseengaged and is unableto fulfil his BartonTodayresponsibilities. Weare pleased howeverto welcome anothercounsellor of equalgravitas and hopethat you will findour Dear Erniecolumn just asinformative whenit comes to younext month.'

••• STOP PRESS •••We are putting together a useful numbers and information page and plan on

publishing it every three months. If you a part of a group/club and would like yourinformation included then please email your details.

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Barton Today January 2013


Line DancingWorking Mens Club9.30am - 12.00pm

Quiz Night atThe Silver Band Club

Knit & Knatter GroupThe Library4.00pm - 6.00pm

Crib TeamThe Old Swan7.00pm - 8.00pm

Weight Watchersat St John's 9.30am - 10.30am

Yoga - 10.00am EBBowls & Tennis Club

Poker GameThe Old Swan7.00pm - 8.00pm

Ignite Youth ProjectThe Church Rooms6.00pm - 9.00pm

EB Junior YouthClub 6.30-8pm

Hokey Cokey1.30pm -3.00pmterm time onlyAll Saints Church Hall

Line DancingWorking Mens Club9.30am - 12.00pm

TaekwondoSilver Band Club

ZumbaSilver Band Club9.30am - 10.30am

Starfruit Theatre GroupBaptist Church7.00pm - 9.15pm

Street Dance at The Silver BandClub at 6pm

ScrabbleThe Library2pm - 4pm

Puppy ClassesEB Youth Club6pm - 9pm

Weight WatchersSt John's7pm - 8pm

Whats on in January 2013

Bell Ringers PracticeThe All Saints 7-9pm

Youth Club 7.30pm -9.30pm age 12-16

Jog Group atThe Grange 6pm

Line DancingWorking Mens Club9.30am - 11.30am

Taekwondo at TheSilver Band Club

Yoga - St. JohnsAmbulance Hall 6.30pm

Poker GameThe Old Swan 7-8pm









Carolyns CollectionOpen EveningMore on Page 31

Carolyns CollectionOpen EveningMore on Page 31

Tennis & Bowls ClubWhist Drive 2.00pm

Tennis & Bowls ClubWhist Drive 2.00pm

Tennis & Bowls ClubWhist Drive 2.00pm

Jogging GroupstartsMore on Page 30

Floral SocietyMore on pg 6

Earls BartonLuncheon Club atAll Saints ChurchHall from 12 till 1.30

Earls BartonLuncheon Club atAll Saints ChurchHall from 12 till 1.30

Under the TowerDrama presentsmore on pg 12

Coffee Morning atThe MethodistChurch Info pg 7

CommunityDrop-In EventMore on Page 29

Fairtrade CoffeeMorningMore on Page 25

Under the TowerDrama presentsmore on pg 12

Steve Perry at TheSilver Band Club

Nataya at The Silver Band Club

Guy Surtees at TheSilver Band Club

Mike Bliss at TheSilver Band Club

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 15:30 Page 4

Barton Today January 2013


Yoga - not for me - I don’t bend that way!Yoga is widely recognised as one of the best methods of staying fit and healthy, even in more advanced years. Twenty years of worldwide research

has shown the positive benefits of yoga and its effectiveness in reducing ailments.

Hatha’s yoga gentle approach does not strain the joints and muscles, helps to increase the flow of blood to the various organs and tissues of the

body and slows the effects of ageing.

A typical class includes a gentle warm-up, posture work, deep breathing exercises and a relaxation session. The yoga poses practiced under the

guidance of a qualified teacher can help improve flexibility and joint mobility, keep muscles toned and help maintain bone density and strength.

Blood circulation is improved which helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure and getting more oxygen to the muscles and organs improves their


So don’t worry if you can’t bend that way, Yoga can help to restore and promote flexibility in the body. The breathing techniques teach you to

breathe properly and deeply so that the capacity of your lungs is properly utilised. This in turn ensures that all the cells of the body receive

sufficient oxygen which helps to reduce stress and offers a sense of inner calm. Meditation techniques help to improve concentration and sharpen

the memory and the relaxation session at the end of a class further reduces stress and gives a sense of wellbeing.

Stretching on a frequent basis through attending regular yoga classes will bring life and tone into your muscles and freedom and space to your

joints. It will reduce tension and strain in your body, help to improve your

posture and your spine will feel 10 years younger.

If you’re a beginner don’t expect too much of yourself and your body

when you first come onto the mat, everyone needs to start somewhere

and simply by recognising the need to start exactly where you are is

enough. It is important to remember too that the physical practice of

yoga is just one element for a well-balanced life. Meditation and breath

work enhance what you do on the mat and more importantly, how you

handle things off the mat too.

Yoga is a great tool for helping with whatever ails you in all areas, not just

a way to sweat out toxins and develop a pretzel like body! It really is a

discipline for anyone of any age and at any level of interest or


So the next time you doubt that as a beginner you can bend your body a

certain way remember that it is more the bend of the mind that is

needed to allow you to begin right where you are.

Happy New YouBring some of yoga’s vitality and zest into your

life. Enjoy 70 minutes of gentle Hatha Yoga to

feel rejuvenated, recharged and relaxed.

Thursdays - 6.30pm

at St. John Ambulance HQ

Fridays - 10.00am

at Earls Barton Bowls & Tennis Club

For further information contact:

Sue on 07831 738109 or email smartyoga@talktalk.net


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Barton Today January 2013

Well my answer is simple. A verygood friend of mine, Ray Ball, startedwalking the Pilgrim’s route toSantiago some 5 years ago.

He had completed over 500 kms of the routein France when I joined him for a week backin 2008. I remember it well and had a greatexperience of walking towards the Pyrenees,passing through lovely French villages and into the Basque country, where all the villageshave houses painted in traditional Basquecolours of maroon, white and green.Accommodation was in Pilgrims’ Hostelswhich varied from sharing a room with 8others (bunk beds) or a single room. Thisgave us the opportunity to meet and talk withother “Pilgrims” from all over the world – atruly fantastic experience. We ended up at alovely place called St Jean Pied-de-Pontwhich is the last stop in France beforewalking over the Pyrenees to Spain. I lived inFrance at the time so when we reached therewe took a train back to our house where Rayhad a few days rest until his wife and anotherfriend flew out to join him on the next part ofhis journey to Santiago. A few weeks later hehad made it and at that stage he startedplanning his next walk, starting in Seville toSalamanca and then on to Santiago on the“Via de la Plata” – a journey of some1000km!!

Then in 2009 whilst on holiday in France hecollapsed and he was rushed in to ToulouseHospital and Intensive Care. I met his wife atthe hospital where she explained he hadsuffered a brain tumour – it was a very closething but he pulled through only to bereadmitted to intensive care a week later withan infection. Four weeks later he was air liftedby air ambulance to London where he wastreated only to find out from the surgeon thathe had a hole in the heart! So anotherworrying time but then some happiness asthe operation was a complete success. At thisstage he was quite weak understandably butbeing the determined individual that he is andwith physiotherapy and a personal trainer hegradually got fitter and started to contemplatewalking in Spain again. Then he found out hehad prostate cancer; so 3 “hits” in the spaceof a year! Once again he drew on hisimmense inner strength and with greatdetermination and physical effort he gothimself “walking fit” and set off from Sevillewith his wife in May 2011. Unfortunately hiswife was taken ill and they had to return aftera week. As the route through Spain is ruggedand remote he decided against going back tocomplete the walk to Salamanca until he hadsomeone to go with and this is where I comein!!

Ray and I meet up every few months or so andtwice a year we are joined by old Army matesand at the Christmas lunch last year he askedme if I would consider walking with him. Thiswas an easy decision and I said yes straightaway in the knowledge that I would need toget a lot fitter than I was and the fact that I hadnot walked more than 8 miles since 2009!

The planned route would be from where heleft off with his wife, Fuento de Cantos toSalamanca, a distance of over 200 miles.

So after 3 months of training (you may haveseen me walking more than usual!) I packedmy ruck sack put my walking boots on andset off with Ray to Spain. We arrived inSeville and found a Pilgrim’s hostel where Ipurchased my “Credencial del Perengrino”(Pilgrim’s Passport)- this I would need forboth proof of the journey and stops made butalso to gain access to Pilgrimaccommodation. We then took a bus toFuente de Cantos and found some hostelaccommodation for the night.

Excited and apprehensive we set off at 8amthe next morning and were almostimmediately into the Spanish countryside.This was so different to Northamptonshirecountryside. It was rugged and barren. ThePilgrim’s route was a dirt track which wefollowed to our first land mark, 6.5 kms away.After a brief stop we set off through pigfarms and olive groves on a hike of 15kms. Itwas getting warm now with the temperatureeventually rising to 31c and the full impact ofa 14kg pack was taking its toll! Stopping forlunch after 10kms (succulent Spanishoranges bought in a village market!) wemarvelled at the quietness and undulatingterrain. A further hike of 6km took us to thetown of Zafra. We arrived there at about3.30pm and found the Pilgrimaccommodation. It was a very old monasterywhere we were allocated bunk beds. Wewere surprised that there was only one other“pilgrim” staying but we were informed thatit had been quiet for a couple of weeks.Having done our washing, we set offsearching for something to eat. It was about4.30 in the afternoon. This was a fruitlessjourney as “siesta” lasts from 3.30 until 7ishwith restaurants not opening until 8.30!! So along wait until our pork supper – well wewere in “pig land!”

Over the next few days we walked througholive groves, vine yards, cattle and sheep andsmall remote villages until we arrived atMerida on Saturday, a large town with apopulation of just over 50,000. Civilisation atlast! On this stage of the journey we cameacross an Austrian who we swapped storieswith and cross checked our guide bookswhich were most important as they gavedetails of accommodation and places to eat.At Merida we stopped in the main square andenjoyed a coffee whilst tourists glanced overat us obviously thinking we were mad tocontemplate walking in the hot conditions!But this was to change very soon. We hadalready had some rain the previous eveningand looking at the newspapers it looked verymuch that the weather was due for a seriouschange on Monday.

The hike from Merida to a Roman dam,Embalse de Prospeerpina, took in somewonderful Roman bridges and the sun wasblazing as we saw the famous Dam whichlooked very invitingly blue, but perhaps a bittoo cold for a dip. We did however have apicnic lunch and gave our feet a rest! Thatafternoon we completed our longest hike sofar, a total of 33kms and were delighted tofind a German and an Italian waiting for us atthe pilgrim accommodation at Aljucen. Wespent a pleasant evening with our new found“Pilgrims” although it was unfortunate thatour Italian friend was not well at all and as aresult moved to another room in the hostel.At this stage of our journey we were bothfeeling good and relishing the week ahead.

Sunday and the weather had turned a lotcooler so on with our thicker jackets and offthrough a National Park to Alcuescar, justover 22 kms away. In the spring this NationalPark is a sea of colour but in the autumn itwas pretty bland and we saw nothing ofinterest. We found a small hotel as thePilgrim accommodation was simply awful andenjoyed a late lunch in a local hostelry.

We had an early start from Alcuescar and itwas really cold. On route to Casceres, a city(where we would take a much needed dayoff!) we passed through Valdascar when theweather changed again to brilliant sunshine.This was another long hike and by the timewe reached Casceres we were ready for acool drink but first we had to find somePilgrim accommodation! Luckily for us thetourist Information office provided us with achoice and half an hour later we were bookedin and doing our washing. It was a pleasantsurprise to meet up once again with theItalian (feeling much better now!) and theGerman and we spent a very pleasant andrelaxing evening in one of the many squaresin this lovely city. The following morning wehad a walk around the city, taking in thesights and then at noon made our way toCanaveral. Just after we booked in Ideveloped a temperature and headache, tooksome tablets and had a lay down. Ray wasvery chesty and we both thought that we hadcaught a bug of some sought, from our Italianfriend perhaps! The following morning wedecided to keep going and set off just after8am. We faced a steep ascent out ofCanaveral which certainly got the bloodcirculating but the view from the top of thehill was breathtaking and well worth thesharp climb. This section was described as“not suitable for cyclists” and we soonrealised why as the tracks were very rockyand there were numerous deep ditches tonegotiate. We made good progress and thesun was out again so we were able to restour feet after a couple of hours and then onthrough olive groves for a further two hourswhen we stopped for lunch.

Why would anybody want to walk over

250kms in Spain?

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Barton Today January 2013


I quickly changed my top again (I had already changed one twohours earlier) and we rested. I must admit I did not feel great atthat stage but we only had 6 kms to go to reach our target ofGalisteo a lovely walled town. About half an hour after settingoff on this last leg we spied another “pilgrim” walking towardsus. We greeted each other and discovered he was French andthis is where my knowledge of French came in as he explainedin graphic detail that there was no way through to the town asthe local farmer had blocked off the route. Being British wetold him that we would climb over any obstacle! It was at thistime we realised he spoke perfect English as he replied “oh noyou won’t!” So between us we checked maps and guidebooksand decided on a route to take us to thewalled town – it would be a diversion of8kms and as the weather was closing in weagreed we should get a move on as gettingwet when tired is no joke! It was a laboriousroute, mainly on roads but we arrived at theancient town of Galisteo only to find thatthere was only one place to stay – and was itrough!! There we met a Dutch couple whowarned us not to expect too much from theaccommodation but being very tired wewere not that bothered. The rain started andthe temperature dropped, food would not beavailable for another four hours and theshops were closed. There was little point indoing any washing as there were no facilitiesfor drying so we repacked our ruck sacksready for an early get away in the morning.We did eventually get some food and it waseasily the worst meal we had eaten in over aweek – but it was food!

Sleep was difficult to come by with the windand rain buffeting the windows and it wasvery cold – the morning could not come soon enough.

Up early and after coffee and toast we put on our waterproofs,covered our ruck sacks with a waterproof cover and set off for arelatively short hike of 11kms to Carcaboso. There was a drivingwind with rain in our faces and it was very cold – I rememberthinking that this was some sort of Army test until I remindedmyself of why we were doing this – it was supposed to be fun!!Ray was coughing for England and despite the cold rain I wassweating however with mind over matter we plodded on and after3 hours arrived at our destination where we had to make a choice toeither stay there of walk another 38kms to the next availableaccommodation – there was little discussion as we agreed that theconditions were so poor it would be stupid to go on.

Our decision was ratified by the fact that over the next hour a totalof 9 pilgrims joined us in the hostel where the owner was doing allshe could to keep us warm. With a temperature and feeling rough Iwent to bed where I slept for 6 hours waking with a shiver andsheets soaked – great I thought sweating it out and as I showered Iwas beginning to feel human again. We enjoyed a great eveningwith “Pilgrims” from France, Germany, Austria, Holland and Brazilbut both of us were still so tired that we retired early. The followingmorning and it was still raining and cold. At breakfast our Frenchfriend made comment that we did not look well and he was right fordespite both of us feeling better the previous evening we wereboth clearly not on top form. It was then that doubts entered ourhead and when the owner of the café explained in broken Frenchthat the route was flooded as the canal had burst its banks westudied the maps and guidebooks and realised that our journey thistime was over for the terrain we had planned to walk through wasclearly impassable. Moral was now really low but in reality we hadno choice – we had to come home and finish the journey thefollowing spring.

On the eve of our departure from Spain we had mixed emotions butwe knew we would be back in the spring to complete this part ofthe St James pilgrimage. We had done really well, walking over250kms, but the weather and “bugs” had made continuingimpossible. For my part it was a wonderful experience walking theroute that proper Pilgrims had walked centuries ago with a truefriend who had overcome his own battles too!!

Keep climbingRoman Milestone


B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:45 Page 7


Barton Today January 2013

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New BuildsExtensionsAlterationsStonework


Matt Morgan

Earls Barton Floral Society

17th January 2013“Congratulations

- Happy New year”with Alan Smith

from Ipswich, SuffolkCome along and enjoy a great evening!

Meetings take place in The All SaintsChurch Hall, Earls Barton at 7.30pm - 9.30pm

A Raffle of the Demonstration Flowers is held each month

Dont forget, you can dropyour articles and news for Barton

Today into Barton Sweets!

Dan HughesSession Guitarist / Guitar Teacher

• Guitar and Bass Lessons

• First Lesson FREE

• Qualified Guitarist HNDBrighton Institute of Modern Music

• All ages and levels welcome

Call 07921 573936A Moo...zin taleHello everybody it’s Buttercup here!

I’m an amazing cow and you can come and see me do manythings on stage with all my “udder” friends.

I’m appearing in Jack and the Beanstalk at the Castle fromTuesday 15th January every night until Saturday 19th Januarywith matinees on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th.

My friends include June Johnson as the Queen, BradleyWestley (an up and coming actor) playing Jimmy Wessex, theMajor is played by the lovely Lilly Hill and Maid Marion is playedby Victoria Farrar

So come on mums and dads bring the kids and enjoy the show!

Kirsty, Louise and Bayley Buttercup!

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Barton Today January 2013


Bernie Keith, Riley andWidow Twankey put ona star event for Aladdin!Gary L Johnson bazaar director of Aladdin’s Magical,

Chinese Bazaar said “What a brilliant day we had and what

record numbers we had for the opening.” The opening itself

consisted of a special musical number sang by our

princess and then she was joined by all the other characters and

guests. A special thank you to the actors for their work once again this year,

and to our guests who joined us. Thank you to Rev Nigel Bibbings as always

for supporting our event, Mike for bringing along his Olympic torch

for us to have a look at and not forgetting Bernie Keith and Riley.

Bernie and Riley officially opened the event after Widow Twankey

and Aladdin forget to order a ribbon so found an old washing line

for Bernie to cut to officially open the bazaar. Thank you to

everyone who came along and supported our event. We raised a

brilliant £1,622 on the day and welcomed a lot of new guests on the


One final thank you to make to all the stall holders who worked very

hard to help bring the event together. So thank you all.

Have a look on the ebmc website for more photos from the day.


Our brand new looking coffee morningsstart on January 5th 2013 (9.30am - 11.30pm)

Our coffee morning on Saturday 5th will be raising money for

DONNA’S DREAM HOUSE in Blackpool as well as raising money

for our TRANSFORMING EBMC project. Please come along and

support us and one of our linked charities. We have cakes,

brick-a-brack and so much more to buy. It’s only 50p to enter and

this includes a FREE cup of tea or coffee when you’re ready to sit

down and relax. Kick of the year how you mean to go on.

Come along to our coffee mornings the first Saturday

of every month at the Methodist Church.

Preachers for January 2013 at theMethodist Church:January 6th: Rev Lynwode

January 13th: Mr Keech

January 20th: Rev Bibbings (Covenant Service)

January 27th: Mr Thompson

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:46 Page 9

Barton Today January 2013


Please pay us a visit soon – A warm welcome awaits you all.

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Opening Times: Mon to Fri: 8.30am-5.30pm, Sat: 8.30am-5.00pm

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B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 10:33 Page 10

The 90th Annual Presentation Dinner of the Earls Barton Bowling Club (Mens

Section) took place at the Club on Friday 23rd November with 53 members and

friends attending and with Richard Paintin, The Club President presiding. Michael

Griffin, the Competitions Secretary presented the trophies and Laurie Harrison was

the Master of Ceremony.

It was an excellent evening, with really good food provided by Sadie, her Mum and

helpers. Janet was kept busy behind the bar and members and guests provided an

excellent atmosphere with much laughter, banter and of course a few unbelievable

stories and I mean unbelievable!

In past years the Club has arranged for a “guest speaker” but on this occasion the

Club President took centre stage and gave us a very funny and enjoyable after

dinner speech – even those determined

not to laugh too much could not stop a

smile and then a huge grin appearing on

their faces! Well done “Tricky!” We are

now making plans for him to be hired out

to other Clubs to gain some income for

the Club in future years!

The winners of the Club competitions are:


Winner D. Wright

Runner – up A. Jeyes


Winner N.Gould

Runner – up T. Denny


Winners T. Denny

& A. Ellis

Runners - up J. Butts

& S. Jepson


Winner N. Gould

Runner – up T. Denny


Winner G. Dartnell

Runner – up A. Ellis


Winner B. Tipler

Runner – up J. Butts

Following the annual

presentations the Club

President presented Zac

Wilson with a new trophy

donated by Dave Wigley,

“The Young Bowler of the


The President also

presented his “Clubman of

the Year” trophy to Graham

Dartnell, a very popular


All members and new

members look forward to

another great season in

2013 when it is hoped new

“stars” will emerge whilst

those who have yet to win

the Club Championship get yet another go!!

Barton Today January 2013

Earls Barton Bowls Club90th Annual Presentation Dinner 2012


Michael Griffin presenting the

Handicap Cup to Damien Wright

Club Champion Brian (Brains) Tipler

Michael Griffin presenting the Skeel

HarrisonTrophy to Neil Gould

Michael Griffin

presenting the Drawn

Pairs Trophy to Alex

Ellis and Trevor Denny

Zac Wilson with his Mum, Sadie,

Grandad Dave Wigley and Club

President Richard Paintin

Club Presdident Richard Paintin

presenting the Clubman of the

Year trophy to Graham Dartnell

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:46 Page 11


Barton Today January 2013

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This autumn has been very busy with several events being held.September 28th saw the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning event atWellingborough School. We started at 7.30am with a full Englishbreakfast followed by a coffee morning with a variety of stallsincluding the ever-popular cake stall. This raised over £3,500 – afantastic morning’s work.

This was followed a couple of week’s later by an Auction ofPromises at which we served a 3-course meal and offered lotsincluding a week’s holiday at a Welsh cottage, a day watchingSpringwatch being filmed and a helicopter ride. This raised just over£2,500

We then held our autumn ladies’ golf day at the Embankment Clubat which 30 ladies played 18 holes of golf, were served a 3-coursehome-cooked lunch and an afternoon tea which enabled us to raisejust over £1,000.

Our final event of the year, held yesterday, was Reindeer Racing atStanwick Village Hall. Attended by nearly 70 people, it was a funevening which got us all in the Christmas spirit and raised another£1,000.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported us this year atour events and those who have held their own events and contactedus with their donations.

All the money raised will be sent to assist the fund-raising campaignfor the Haematology Unit at NGH.

We are currently putting together a programme of events for nextyear but we will be starting with a Pudding and Prosecco night on13th February. If you would like tickets or any support for your ownevents, please contact me on 01604 810347.

Sally Fordyce

Action For ChildrenWe would like to thank everyone for the support given at the recentChristmas Celebration Concert, at the Earls Barton MethodistChurch.

We enjoyed a wonderful evening led by ‘Musical Roots’ and the EarlsBarton Junior School Choir.

A full report will follow next month but in the meantime our mostsincere thanks to everyone, for your help in helping the children ofthis nation, whose needs are great, and who are seeking to rebuildtheir lives.

Jonathan Thompson and Joy Drage

The Centre Stage Swing Band Concertin aid of the Royal Air Force Association’s Wings Appeal 2013

To be held at the Baptist Church, Park Road, Rushdenon Saturday 2nd March 2013 at 7.30pm

Tickets £10

Mike Nichols - Wings Appeal Organiser01604-810802 rafawingsappeal@yahoo.co.uk

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:46 Page 12

Barton Today January 2013


Where has B2daybeen lately?

Around the


withBarton Today

While taking a break from presenting on QVC,

Alison O’Reilly (nee Nolan) shows

John Barrowman what’s been going on in B2Day

Marilyn Pettit's continued travels with her copy

of B2Day - Brighton Beach (Sydney, Australia) you can

see Sydney city skyline in the background.

Mick the Printer with

Captain Ole-Johan

Gronhaug of The Royal

Caribbean cruise ship

Adventure of the Seas.

Discussing the finer

points of B2day.

Snap shots togive you a laugh

Julie Cleaver with her copy of B2Day visiting the

Yosemite National Park while on holiday with husband

Mick (taking photo) in California

David Martin sent this fab picture

into B2Day, excellent snap shot!!

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:47 Page 13

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As part of their Global Curriculum studies of India, a class of 5 & 6 year olds from Grendon CE Primary School headed over to LittleIndia on Wednesday 14th November for a taste of authentic Indian cuisine! The chef invited the children into the kitchen and gavethem a curry making lesson before the children sat down in the restaurant to begin munching through their poppadoms.

They were treated to massalas, kormas and rice and ate so much food that they all came back to school very excited and very full.Some of the children had never eaten a curry before but every single one of them was very adventurous and left fully converted.The staff at Little India made the pupils and staff incredibly welcome, catering for special diets and making sure plates were stackedhigh.

School staff have revisited Little India since (purely for research pusposes) and the pupils would certainly recommend a visit.

Grendon School Pupils Head to Little India



Here we are in 2013, looking forward to the next villageshow to be held in September as usual (date to beconfirmed). We hope that the severe weather conditionshaven’t ruined your gardens too much?! And you all had anabundance of home grown sprouts to serve up onChristmas day!

We were thrilled with the amount of money raised at the2012 show, we were able to donate to Saxon Pre-school,EB Junior school and some towards the refurbishmentsscheduled for the new year at the Youth Club, but this stillleaves us with £100 in our pot, we would love to help anyother group, charity, club or organisation in the village thatneeds financial support……………

If you have any ideas or projects coming up that you thinkmight benefit from £100 donation, please contact BartonToday at the usual address/email address with a briefexplanation of how you propose to use the donation. Manythanks for all the support shown in the 2012 show, the teamwill be meeting again soon to plan this years event, pleaselook out for more details in Barton Today.

Thank you - EBVS team.


Barton Today January 2013

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Barton Today January 2013








B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:47 Page 15

Barton Today January 2013


at earls Barton

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Grangefield Care Home won the Best Customer Service Award as part of the 2012Northamptonshire Business Excellence Awards. Finalists in 12 different categoriesattended the awards ceremony, which was held on 15 November 2012 at theDaventry Court Hotel. The Best Customer Service Award was judged by the ChiefExecutive and Operations Director of the Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerceand finalists had to go through face-to-face interviews as well as providing acomprehensive application.

"We won the Best Customer Service Award due to our stubborn attention to detailand innovative methodology in care provision. We like to think outside of the box,and this award is testimony to the huge effort we put into what we do," commentedMr Nikul Odedra, Proprietor of Grangefield Care Home.

Grangefield is a 23-bedded residential care home for the elderly based in Earls Bartonnear Northampton. In addition to residential care Grangefield also provides ahomecare service, which helps local elderly people to continue living in their ownhomes.

For further information please email Nikul or call on 0788 758 0506


Proprietors Nikul Odedraand Archana Odedra

with staff members PeterDaniels and Wendy Phillips.

Congratulations to

Care Home

The Earls Barton and District Historical SocietyThe night that Moulton Morris came to Earls Barton!Frank Batten writes…The Historical Society recently welcomed Barry Care from Moultonwho gave a talk on traditional English dances. The talk was illustrated, not by slides or aPowerPoint but by fifteen dancers and musicians, all in full Morris regalia, all crammedinto the St John Ambulance building.

We heard how many villages boasted their own Morris sides, all performing subtlydifferent versions of the same dances and melodies. This was demonstrated by three meneach dancing to the same tune but in styles from villages less than 8 miles apart.

The Historical Society is actively trying to increase its membership and broaden its appeal.Non – members are welcome at any of our meetings where our season of talks covers abroad range of topics and interests. Suggestions for speakers are always welcome, ifthere is a subject that you would like to hear being discussed by an expert please let usknow and we will try to find a suitable speaker.

We do not limit ourselves to local history at all, but nor do we ignore it. In the past we have hadtalks about the Royal Train, Rockingham Castle, the English longbow and Cosworth Engineeringamongst many other subjects.

Our meetings are held at the St John Ambulance building on Manor Road and start at 7:30 pm.Visitors are more than welcome at all of our meetings. For further details of the Society or our futureprogramme please contact Frank Batten on 01604 810618.

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Barton Today January 2013

Festive Treats Thanks to a Successful Shopping eventSupporters of the NC TLC Trust charity and regular customers of the Koru shop in Wellingborough turned out and raise just over £800 for the Earls Barton charity.

On Monday evening, December 3rd the Koru Accessories store off the Irthlingborough Road attracted hosts of shoppers to its Christmas charity event organised for the NC TLC Trust by Fay Weatherston of Koru.

On the night customers paid an entry fee but were offered a glass of bubbly and a mince pie or cup cake on arrival, then we were free to look around at handbags, shoes, scarves, clothing and other items for sale, with 10 per cent of profits onthe night being given to the children’s cancer charity.

Other small businesses also set up their stalls in the shop for the special event including The Gift Shack, Medium KarenBrown, Karen Walters with her wonderful perfumes, Angelica Florence Jewellery, Nikki’s Hampers and Sweet Things and MissBumblebee’s Bakehouse , and passed on a donation from their takings also.

The entrance fee of £3.50 per shopper and all raffle ticket money also went to thecharity.

The grand total raised from the night was a fantastic £800.50, which is going to enablethe charity to treat the families they support this Christmas.

Not only will Christmas presents be able to be bought but also just before Christmas thefamilies are being taken to the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, London on Sunday,December 23rd.

Chief Executive Officer for the NC TLC Trust, Janet Walker-Smith said: “Truly amazing night, what a result!! Thank you verymuch to all concerned. We couldn’t do it without you.”

Fay Weatherston of Koru Accessories said: “We were so pleased to arrange a shopping night at our factory outlet here atKORU ACCESSORIES for NC TLC Trust and what a wonderful night it was, with so many customers, friends & familysupporting the night. Everyone said what a wonderful time they had grabbing some bargain presents & stocking fillers fromourselves and from the lovely stalls that attended on the night. Thanks again for a great night and we were so pleased peoplecame along to support such a wonderful charity.For more charity information call the office on (01604) 811025 or email nctlctrust@btconnect.com

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Lose weight today at Rosemary Conley Classes

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Lose weight today at Rosemary Conley Classes

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(Slim & Aerobics)ednesday 09:30 - 11:00 am Wowcester Road, Delapre, NN4 8TTowcester Road, Delapre, NN4 8LG

(Far Cotton Library And Pharmacy),Far Cotton REC Community Centre,DELAPRE

(Slim & Aerobics)Monday 09:30 - 11:00 am venue, Abington, NN1 4QAAbington Avenue United Reform Church,Abington A


Earls Barton Silver Band Club,THAMPTONNOR

Thursday 5:45 - 7:15 pm Pound Lane, Moulton, NN3 7SDMoulton Sports Complex,

illage Hall,Moulton VTONMOULLTON

uesday 6:00 - 7:30 pm TBushland Road, Headlands, NN3 2NSHeadlands Primary School,HEADLANDS

(Kardy-O-Fun)(Slim & Aerobics)

(Slim & Aerobics)owcester Road, Delapre, NN4 8LG

(Far Cotton Library And Pharmacy),Far Cotton REC Community Centre,

(Slim & Aerobics)venue, Abington, NN1 4QAvenue United Reform Church,

Earls Barton Silver Band Club,THAMPTON

(Slim & Aerobics)Thursday 5:45 - 7:15 pm Pound Lane, Moulton, NN3 7SDMoulton Sports Complex,

illage Hall,

(Slim & Aerobics)uesday 6:00 - 7:30 pm Bushland Road, Headlands, NN3 2NSHeadlands Primary School,

(Slim & Aerobics)Thursday 1:00 - 2:30 pm

eston Favell, NN3 3ERBooth Lane South, W Weston Favell, NN3 3EReston Favell Parish Centre,W


Fitness)®® (Zumbauesday 7:15 - 8:15 pm T(Slim & Aerobics)uesday 6:00 - 7:15 pm T

Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6DJMartins Lane,Hardingstone Primary School,


eston Favell, NN3 3ER

Fitness)(Slim & Aerobics)

Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6DJ




Monday 6:00 - 7:30 pm Northampton, NN6 0LN4 Queen Street, Earls Barton,Earls Barton Silver Band Club,

.coela.holling@rosemaryconleyy.comAngela on 01327 706995 or 07794 525479Call

(Kardy-O-Fun Aerobics)Monday 6:00 - 7:30 pm Northampton, NN6 0LN4 Queen Street, Earls Barton,Earls Barton Silver Band Club,

.comAngela on 01327 706995 or 07794 525479


(Slim & Aerobics)

Angela on 01327 706995 or 07794 525479.com

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:47 Page 17

Barton Today January 2013


The Royal British Legion - Poppy Appeal 2012The trays for poppies have been stored away for next year, the collecting boxes emptied, the contents counted and banked. The totalthis year is £6170 which is some £600 down on last year but given the economic situation I am not too surprised.

Very many thanks to everyone, local businesses and organisations, my colleagues in the Legion, our volunteer helpers and last, but notleast, those who put their hands in their pockets, purses and wallets!

Thank you on behalf of those who will now benefit from your support.

Mike NicholsPoppy Appeal Organiser

Royal British Legion - Earls Barton 07783 516933 or 01604 810802 ebpoppyappeal@yahoo.co.uk


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Children in Need Buskathon 2012This year’s BBC Children in Need Buskathon took place during the weekend of 16thNovember, beginning on a dark and cold Friday morning outside M&B Newsagents,Doddington Road. After a breakfast break, it was off to the Co-op stores for the rest ofthe day.

The next day dawned bright and I was pleased to welcome Berta who joined me for theshift. There's nothing better than playing good acoustic music in the open air with thesun shining on your back.

Berta must have enjoyed the experience, because we were a duo again for the Sundaystint.

There were many highlights during the weekend but the one that springs to mind tookplace late on Sunday afternoon. A young guy in a pickup truck beckoned me over, wavinga lottery scratchcard out of the window. 'Here, you've got a winner there', he said. Wewere feeling cold and tired and I frankly thought it was a wind up. I thanked him andcarried on playing. Later we examined the ticket and saw it cost him £5 but had a £20win on it. Sir, we thank you - you are a gentleman! The total raised on the street was£396.92 with an extra £40 raised from a JustGiving page on Facebook. We also hadseveral foreign coins, a brass token and a Cransley Hospice trolley coin thrown in forgood measure.

We'd like to thank ALL those who gave so generously, despite the tough economicconditions still prevailing. You're ALL stars! Also to Bharat and the Co-op staff who putup with our songs all weekend!

Thank you to Roy Collins for sending in afabulous Photo of the All Saints Tower

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:47 Page 18

Pine Tree Farm, London Road, Little Irchester, Northamptonshire, NN8 2EHTel: 01933 278080

Email: admin@animals-in-need.org www.animals-in-need.org

Barton Today January 2013



loViNG homesNeeded


Cinnamon and pumpkin thesepretty girls are only 6 weeks old and

would love a home together.

BILLIE is a cracking girl, a 5 year oldAylestone Bulldog. She has been used

as a breeding machine and thendumped when she was no longer

good to breed! The staff here wouldtake this girl in an instant if we all

didn't have too many dogs already!she is a happy friendly girl who lovestoys& cuddles and gets on with other


GIO is around 16 months old, he is acracking little terrier boy who

wouldlike a for ever home afterbeing sent back for the second time.He is lovely chap who enjoys a walk

& a cuddle and is fine with otherdogs, but not small furries.

BOB is a 2 year old liver & whiteSprocker! He is ok with other dogs

but would like a home that will givehim lots of exercise and has no

children or smaller animals.

Mork & Mindie are 10 week old siblings,Mork (pictured) is black, Mindie is black and

white. They are looking for a home awayfrom any busy roads. They are quite shy but

should be fine to live with sensible olderchildren and possibly another feline.

Rainbow is a stunning 8 month oldtortie lop boy. He would love a large

home with a gentle femalecompanion.

Bandit & Hobo are handsome 6month old boys who would like a

home either together or seperatelywith female companions


� �

By the time you read this they will be well and truly into the


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raiNBow ciNNamoN &pumpkiN

mork & miNie BaNdit & hoBo

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:47 Page 19

Barton Today

on how ourChristmas fr Dawn Tebbutt

In December, we were very grateful to Dawn Tebbutt for the brilliant front cover that she produced for Barton Today ofSanta flying over All Saints Church. This month, she shares with us the trials and tribulations of the creative process thatlead to the final article. If you want to find out more about her paintings, you can find four galleries of them on her web-sitewww.dawntebbutt.daportfolio.com and mounted prints are available for just £25 each, cellophane wrapped and deliveredto your door.

Stage 1 this is the firstlittle sketch to checkcomposition etc before Icommit to the idea, As youcan see it was very muchlike the finished piece

Stage 4 and I'vepainted theoutlines in blueand havestarted to put inthe bluewashes (I thinkI may haveused as manyas 8 to give thepicture depth.)

Stage 5 and thedark tones arecoming alongnicely - the onlycolour used sofar is PrussianBlue,Ultramarine anda purple I mixedwith AlizarinCrimson andUltramarine

Stage 1 Stage 4

Stage 5


Stage 3 and this is ascan of the drawingthat I went on topaint. It just has thebare bones as I addthe details as I go withthe paint

Stage 3

Stage 2 then I had to work outhow I'd like Santa to look, sohere's a copy of the sketch Iwent with drawn on a bit ofscrap paper - you can even seethe rubbings out on this one(and the badly drawn andplaced thumb on the handholding the flag which stayedlike this until the very end!)

Stage 2

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:47 Page 20

January 2013

front cover was done...


www.bartontoday.org December 2012

Stage 6 andthe trees havebeen paintedand the villagehas beengiven a liberaldusting ofsnow. I'vealso addedcolour withthe streetlights,Christmasdecorationsand lights atthe windows

Stage 7 and we now have a snowman in themiddle of the village, and the reindeer andSanta and sleigh have been started. Santastill looks a little flat as I hadn't yet addedshadows and highlights to his clothes orbeard (his thumb isstill wrong too!!)The reindeer justhave white antlersas no shade ordefinition havebeen added. Alsothe war memorial isyet to receive itspoppy wreath -which you can seein the finishedpiece. After lookingat this pic I wasdissatisfied with thelight shining out ofthe windows of thechurch (especiallyon the rook) so Isoftened it upwhich you can seein the final painting.

Stage 7

Stage 8Stage 8 and we have a low res copy of the finishedpiece complete with painted flag, reins and facesfor the reindeer (one has a red nose), and shadingon the snowman and Santa’s clothes, beard andface (he now has smiling eyes and pink cheeks) anda corrected thumb!

Stage 6



B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:47 Page 21

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Some of our theatres are still showingtheir Christmas shows so please have alook at December’s Barton Today for moreinformation about those shows. Thismonth we take a look at the shows comingto our local theatres. Make sure you keepsupporting the local theatres throughout2013. We’re starting with a bit of dancing fun…

Miss Strictly come dancing? Well on the 17th and 18th of January at theDerngate Erin and Anton (from strictly come dancing) are performing inthere new show. New for 2013, the UK's favourite dancing duo Anton DuBeke & Erin Boag are back with a dazzling new show in a salute to theGolden Years of the MGM musicals. Sassy tunes, sensationalchoreography and sparkling costumes conjure up all the fizz andrazzmatazz of glamorous Hollywood at its best.

The show features guest singer Lance Ellington, conductor RichardBalcombe, a 25 piece orchestra and guest dancers. It sounds like it is setto be a very exciting night so don’t miss it.

Next on my January must see list is the Moscow City Ballet at theDerngate (Monday 21st – Saturday 26th). The universally-loved MoscowCity Ballet is currently at its artistic best, with the orchestra,choreography, beautiful costumes and sets, and outstanding virtuosoperformances wining repeatedly rave reviews. This January it brings twoof the most famous ballets of all time to Royal & Derngate; their stunningperformance of the timeless love story Sleeping Beauty is a jewel in theirrepertoire, while their version of The Nutcracker has an appealing,innovative freshness.

The company are set to perfom Sleeping Beauty (Mon – Wed) and TheNutcracker (Thur – Sat).

Join this outstanding company for the perfect start to the New Year, andthe ideal introduction to ballet for children.

Next we move over to the Castle for a little bit of music.

Paper moon Theatre Company presents “Magnificent Music HallMatinee” on 23rd January.

They’re back! Carefree, cheerful and of course uniquely British!Step backin time to the heyday of Music Hall, as Jan Hunt and her multi talentedPaper Moon Theatre Company return by popular demand to summon upthe high spirits of rich entertainment with two hours of song, dance,magic and laughter portraying with great wit and warmth this trulygolden era. With special guest stars from the BBC TV series The GoodOld Days. Hesitate not, book early to avoid disappointment!


Time to talk about a production I’m co directing at the Castle Theatre.On 25th January the Castle Youth Theatre, present WAR CHILD. DuringWW2, Terezin in Prague was used as a site for a concentration camp. Themajority of the Jews sent were writers, artists and musicians, within thecamp, parks, concert venues and statues were built to hide the truth; thatmost of the inmates were not going to survive. What did survive was asuitcase full of drawings and poems created by the children of Terezín.War Child is a play inspired by the poetry and literature written bychildren during the Holocaust. This production is delivered inpartnership with Wellingborough Borough Council and WellingboroughMuseum as part of Holocaust Memorial Day.

Do please come along and support our local young performers at our localtheatre for this true thought provoking piece of theatre.

Lastly are you IN THE MOOD FOR MILLER on January 26th? Well ifyou love music head to the Castle. Ray McVay presents the world’sGreatest Big Band live in concert, bringing the 40s back toWellingborough! Come and hear the music that got us through the warwith smiles on our faces and laid the foundations of pop right up to thepresent day, including the song that became pop history’s first gold disc,Chattanooga Choo Choo! The show also features the fabulous harmoniesof the Moonlight Serenaders, the sublime vocals of Catherine Sykes andColin Anthony as well as the swinging jazz band, The Uptown Hall Gang.The perfect night out for Big Band aficionados!

Anyway that’s it this month so enjoy that start of the new year and nextmonth we welcome Jimmy Carr, Milton Jones and Joseph in his multi-coloured coat.

Your host:Gary Johnson

So January sees thestart of a new year.HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Barton Today January 2013


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B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:48 Page 22

Circa 2010, we (being the team at JacksonGrundy’s Earls Barton office) decided it wastime to stand out from the crowd and give

something back to the local communities who hadsupported us for so long. Lots of chat later, Brian Evans,Director and Branch Manager, suggested donatingsome of our house sale commission to a local charity orgroup chosen by the home seller. And thus the JacksonGrundy Community Support Initiative (C.S.I.) schemewas born!

Since then, we are proud to announce that throughC.S.I. Jackson Grundy has donated in excess of awhopping great big £10,000 to local charities

and groups. But we’d like to give more and with a littlehelp from the residents of Earls Barton and thesurrounding villages we are hoping to reach another£10,000 before too long! We currently have a list ofvery worthy nominees who, as you can see from someof their kind words, are always pleased to receive anunexpected cheque. However we want to be able tohelp more of you. So if you know of a local charity whoyou think might benefit from a little helping hand(courtesy of your friendly local estate agent) andperhaps aren’t aware of the scheme then please get intouch.

In the same vein, it’s worth mentioning that thescheme only works if we sell houses (so we’ve gotsome commission money to donate)! So if you are

thinking of moving and would like to market your homewhilst also ‘doing your bit’ for the community, pleasecontact us to arrange a free valuation. Similarly if youwould like further details of how the C.S.I. schemeworks, please contact Brian, Georgina, Paul or Karenand we will be proud to talk you though it.

CSIcommunity support initiative

community support initiative

CALLCALL 01604 810933 CLICKCLICK www.jackson-grundy.com COME INCOME IN 29 The Square

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:48 Page 23



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PEPSI HAS QUALIFIED!!!!Elaine and Gary Horne write…We are absolutely thrilled to share this wonderfulnews with Barton Today. Our little Pepsi is now a working Guide Dog. She isthe lady's 4th Guide Dog, so an experienced handler, and the lady still has herlast Guide Dog, who is now retired, and apparently they have lots of fun togetherwhen Pepsi isn't working. Pepsi is still a bit enamoured with the lady's 3 cats -but is slowly learning to behave with them. We are looking forward to hearingabout her soon.

We were lucky enough to see Pepsi at Leamington when Sandy went for a checkup, we had a lovely play with her, and also were able to take the photo shown,Sandy didn't sit as still as Pepsi.

Sandy has been a good girlwith all the Christmasdecorations. She has been toEarls Barton Junior School acouple of times, and reallyenjoyed all the attention she received.

She is growing up fast, and everyone admires her, and "mostly" she is very wellbehaved when out and about with us. We took her to Wellingborough MagistratesCourt - don't worry, it was for a family adoption ceremony - no one was in trouble,and she behaved impeccably. We did have a chuckle though, when Gary wascarefully led in a special way, rather than being taken through the metal detectors- it took them a few minutes to realise that Sandy was a pup in training, and thatGary was not visually impaired with a working dog!!! We then went for a lovelyBrunch at AJ's Diner, where Sandy was again as good as gold.

At puppy classes she still tries hard to do all that we ask, and believe it or not,doesn't even bark when the younger pups start vocalising. It's nice to not havethe class clown for once!

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and would like to wish you all a HappyNew Year.

Barton Today January 2013

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Barton Today January 2013


Carolyn writes .......

NEW YEAR - NEW YOU?Does that headline fill you with horror? Bills lie several deep on the mat every morning, the children are already bored with all those new toys you went into debt for and here am I,talking about re-inventing yourself!!There is plenty of good news though. You can do lots of things without spending a huge amount. The easiest way to update anoutfit is with accessories. A single signature piece can re-invent last year’s dress - try a coloured bag, a silky scarf or a pashmina.A bold necklace or even a simple silk flower corsage can transform how you look. Do you usually wear black shoes – why not trysilver, gold or a brightly coloured pair?

If you have always longed to try a different look - perhaps a long tunic worn over leggings or skinny trousers and boots; have a go!There is only one golden rule to trying something new. Either go with a good friend who will tell you the truth or, if you have to shopalone, go to a shop where you trust them to do the same and not just fob you off to get a sale.

There are various ways trying different looks without breaking the bank.

• You could have a ‘swishing’ party with your friends. Some of these are held locally for charity and are a good way to swap items free of charge.

• You could look through charity shops. Some of these have wonderful bargains in them and, if you are out and about through the year, try visiting them in other towns. The more prosperous the area, the better the clothes on sale for charity!

• Internet shopping also offers many, many bargains. The downside is that you can’t actually feel the fabric or trying on the garment until it arrives. It is, therefore, very important to ensure that the seller will accept returned garments and be prepared to post things back if they don’t fit so you can claim your money back.

• Finally, there are agencies, which sell nearly new and new, pre-owned garments at prices well below those on the High Street.We are lucky enough to have three of these very close to us, one in the village, one in Castle Ashby and one in Wellingborough.

There is one final accessory which, whatever month it is, is essential to put on – and that is your SMILE.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.

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Barton Today January 2013

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New Year message fromJonathan ThompsonHealth, wealth and happiness are words that we often see on cardswe receive for the New Year. They are words that slip off the tongueso readily, but I have a different wish for you all;

Firstly let’s take a look at these three key words. As we are all tooaware, our health we have little control over. Of course, we can tryto eat well, keep ourselves in good shape, exercise regularly bywalking, swimming, running and playing sport. However, all thesethings count for little in the change and chance of life. Ill health canstrike anyone at anytime and many people find that their lives arechanged forever by illness.

Within our own families, we can count ourselves very fortunate, ifwe have never had to face deep pain and sorrow over someone whohas been struck down by a life-changing illness.

It would seem, therefore unfair for me to wish everyone good health,when many people have to share and carry heavy burdens becauseof illness.

I would feel more than ready to say to everyone, may you be given,through all things, an inner strength and peace, as well as courageand dignity to face the unknown tomorrow.

Where does true wealth lie, I ask. Is it in winning the lottery, inowning the largest house, the fastest car, a huge swimming pool,the most expensive clothes, or the most luxurious computer?

If that were the case, you would expect people to be happy, with aspring in their step, a smile on their face and with not a care in theworld.

The truth is, the more people have, the more people want. Aconstant striving after one of the most insecure things in life –MONEY. Caring for material wealth, instead of caring for others,breeds selfishness. The greatest treasure of all will never be foundin wealth.

It will be found by those who are content with what they have, atpeace within themselves, and who realize that there is far greaterjoy in giving than in grabbing.

We live in a world that we have helped to build, and we each have aresponsibility to seek to accomplish a more just and fairer world.

I wish you all then not wealth, but the seeking of life’s greater valuesin sharing and caring for all people especially the poorest in theworld.

Ken Dodd that great Notty Ash???????? comedian sang, “happiness,happiness, happiness the greatest gift that I possess, I thank the lordthat I’ve been blessed, with more than my share of happiness”.

But, where is happiness to be found? To show you, I would take youto one of my business calls in a place called Beanhill, Milton Keynes.Every Wednesday, I call on a small bakery shop where severalmembers of the staff are mentally ill. On each visit the staff insistthat I sing them a song and they will join in by making a joyful noise.

Lorraine, I’m told, calls me ‘the singer’ and John always shakes mewarmly by the hand. These lovely people are able to work to the bestof their ability, and I always feel that happiness fills this place. Itseems that nothing can take away their happiness, and I know thatthey are loved dearly.

I am very humbled as I meet with this small group of people, for theirhappiness is something that is very precious.

Therefore, may you hold the assurance that in good or ill health,nothing can separate you from the love of God, may you find thattreasure that nothing on this earth can buy, and may you know trueand lasting happiness that is not artificial, but that dwells in the heartsof the meek and lowly.

God bless and be with you all,


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Barton Today January 2013

Earls Barton based travel professional Laraine Drage is flyinghigh after being personally invited to join fellow colleaguesfrom across the globe to celebrate the success of theirtravel business’ growth at a star-studded event last month.

Laraine who is one of over 1,200 travel agents worldwide who runstheir own business with the support of award winning companyTravel Counsellors, was invited to attend the special event atLiverpool’s BT Convention Centre as a reward for her dedication toproviding her customers with the highest levels of personal service.Laraine was joined by over 500 fellow Travel Counsellors from sevencountries at the largest travel company conference in the UK, whichcommenced with a roof raising start with a highly entertaining setfrom renowned comedian Jason Manford. The event showcased anarray of special guests including a dramatic performance from the‘people’s tenor’ Russell Watson and chart-topping singer AleshaDixon.

Hosted by TV presenter Amanda Lamb, Travel Counsellors’conference provided Laraine with all the latest companydevelopments and future plans, including news on new methods ofcreating tailor-made holidays and business trips for her customers.The event saw a record number of over 175 suppliers exhibiting ata dedicated session where Laraine was able to meet directly withrepresentatives from a host of tourist boards, hotels and airlines tolearn first-hand about their products and destinations.

During her two-night stay in Liverpool, Laraine heard from acollection of guest speakers including founder of internationallingerie brand Ultimo, Michelle Mone OBE, who gave a motivationaland inspiring speech on how you have to believe in yourself in orderto succeed. Agents learnt key business advice and skills from anarray of speakers whom are considered the best in their fields. Theevent was underpinned throughout by the theme ‘with us it’spersonal’ which demonstrates each agent’s highly personalapproach to customer service which has ensured their businessgoes from strength to strength in an industry where many arestruggling in the current uncertain economic climate.

Laraine commented, “I had an incredible time at the conference inLiverpool. We were updated on the company’s future developmentsand given insightful travel advice and tips for the year ahead. It wasa truly motivational experience with some influential speakers givingknowledgeable advice on how to succeed whilst running your ownbusiness. I am eager to utilise all I have learnt to benefit mycustomer’s needs.”

Priding herself on the highest level of personal service, Laraine runsher own travel business using Travel Counsellors’ award winningtechnology, and is available whenever is most convenient for thecustomer - including during the evenings and at weekends. Thisunique way of selling travel has enabled Travel Counsellors toachieve one of the highest customer service scores in the world,with over 90% of its customers stating that they would recommendtheir personal Travel Counsellor to their friends and colleagues.* Thisyear’s highest scoring Travel Counsellor was awarded a brand newMercedes SLK for their remarkable level of customer service.

Laraine adds; “When running my own travel business it is imperativeto focus on the personal side, always putting the customer first bygoing the extra mile to satisfy their needs. I am proud of the growthand success of my business over the past year and would like tothank my customers for their loyalty and support.”

Customers interested in speaking to Laraine Drage about theirbusiness or leisure travel plans can contact her on 01604 812589 orby emailing laraine.drage@travelcounsellors.com

Local travel agent celebratessuccess at star-studdedannual conference

FAIRTRADE NEWSPeace & Work for all in 2013As we come to the end of a year of fairtrading, we wanted tosay thank you to everyone who has helped and supported ourevents through the yearand most recently in theChristmas shop, which willhave closed on the 22ndDecember. Special thanksto the 23 wonderfulvolunteers who made itpossible to open the shopduring November andDecember

Here is one of themessages of thanks fromthe producers who haveprovided us with somelovely products over thepast year, including someof the clothing, which Ithink sums up for many ofus why we’re involved:

“So Christmas is comingagain. What gift can yougive this Christmas? One is to give your heart to God, and theother is to give your heart for others. And that’s what we areall about – trying to make a change in the lives of people, toshare the love that we have received. I will quote theCorinthians to say it is more blessed to give than to receive.Happy Christmas and God Bless.” Gaby Kamundu, Craft Aid,Mauritius

To help Traidcraft carry on enabling producers like Gaby andhis team, do come along to our next coffee morning whereyou’ll have a warm January welcome!

For catalogues & other Traidcraft info please Contact Nicky on: 07812 686944 or emailnicky_smithseb@yahoo.co.uk

Fairtrade Coffee Morningand book sale

at All Saints Church Hall, Earls Barton

Saturday 12th January10am -12 noon

for homemade cakes, fresh coffee,Traidcraft food & gifts, secondhand and

new books & children’s activities

For more details contact Nicky on:07812 686944

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Barton Today January 2013


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Thinking Of A Second Dog?Expert Dog Advice from Graeme Hall, “The Dogfather”

There’s a lot to be said for having two dogs. There are pros AND cons, however.

“Should we get another dog?”: is a question I’m often asked. Like many things with dogs, there’s no right or wrong answer in my book. (That’s a book I haven't written yet, by the way)

It depends on why you want another dog: “To keep our dog company because we don't have much time to walk him” That sounds like a bad idea already. You don't have time for ONE dog, you say..? How about: “Because mine is badly behaved and I think another dog would teach him to be good” Well you might be right. It can happen. It’s called social learning. Trouble is, it also works the other way around. There’s a good chance your new well behaved dog will learn his new friend’s habits and voila! TWO badly behaved dogs. Ahh...

It’s not all bad of course and many of my clients have more than one dog for good reasons. They certainly do keep each other company. Dogs are certainly happier in company - be it canine or human, and for many of us one dog is just not enough. Like children, they are all very different.

Assuming then that you’re looking for a second dog for all the right reasons. First of all, are you looking for a puppy or an older dog? Puppies often adapt more quickly whereas older dogs can take longer to adjust. You need to be aware of especially dominant or nervous or un-socialised dogs. You certainly don’t want a situation where fighting may occur.

Some behaviourists prefer a neutered male and spayed female. I have to say, in my experience, I’ve never found a firm combination I’d recommend. The truth is, it depends on the breed, temperament, age, sex and learnt behaviours. It’s important to see which combination will work with your existing dog.

If you think you’ve found that special dog, here are a few tips: Introduce the dogs outside on lead on neutral ground (I.e. not at home). They will sniff and even growl at first. Always use a positive voice when you see those wagging tails and calm behaviours. Walk around the area with the dogs still on lead. Keep a short distance between them so they can still sniff and see each other, but can’t make contact should things become volatile.

Have several meetings with both dogs if possible to determine if it may work. Take time in selecting your new dog or puppy. If the two are “just not hitting it off,” then you might have to rethink. There are lots of great dogs just waiting to be re-homed.

Incidentally, if you’ve given a home to a puppy and have an older dog, make sure you give the older dog a little quiet time away from the rowdiness of the young pup.

Finally and most importantly, make them a part of your family. Having two dogs gives you double the love. Enjoy!

That’s it for this month, friends. You’ll find more free dog articles, tips and help with dog training at www.DogfatherTraining.co.uk.


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Barton Today January 2013


New Baby?What About The Dog?

Expert Dog Advice from Graeme Hall, “The Dogfather”

The arrival of a new baby can be stressful enough without having to get a pet dog used to the new member of the family. To help, here are a few simple rules to ensure a happy outcome for everyone.

I work increasingly with parents-to-be, helping to ensure all goes smoothly. Parents have months to get ready for a baby and preparations should include your dog.

A baby changes everything – from how your home smells and sounds to what the rules are. Making some changes before the baby arrives can help your dog and ease parent anxieties:

If your dog is used to jumping in your lap or up onto furniture, new boundaries should be set in good time.

Perhaps you’ll want the sofa as a dog-free sanctuary for you and baby? Now’s the time to change the rules, before baby comes along.

You can buy CDs or find online recordings of baby sounds. Pairing noises with treats and affection will help. Use baby powder, shampoo and creams before the baby is born too.

While the baby is still at the hospital, bring an item with the baby’s scent home and encourage your dog to be calm around that scent. Don't allow them to get excited or rag the item around!

An appointment at the vets well before your ‘due date’ will ensure that pets don't have fleas, parasites or other problems.

When babies start crawling, it poses new challenges for fearful dogs. Their first response is to get away but when the scary object keeps coming after them and corners them, consequences can be dire. Don't leave it too late to seek expert advice.

Of course, you must NEVER leave a young child and a dog unsupervised. (I’d like to think that it goes without saying, but sadly news stories every year prove it’s not the case.)

In my experience, most dogs will accept their new roles as friend and companion given the right help but there can be reasons they can't. For example, you may have an older dog with arthritis. Getting pounced on by a young child can hurt, causing the dog to snap.

If a dog pants for no reason, licks their lips, yawns or won't look at a child, that could be a sign that the dog feels stressed by their presence. Don't force the issue by making them say hello. It’s much better to allow your dog to keep a respectful distance for now at least

If your dog is uncomfortable around visitors, bear in mind you’ll be having lots of them after you bring your baby home. Do you need a little help with your dog’s behaviour? There will never be a better time to tackle it!

Finally, I’d avoid taking on a baby and a puppy at the same time. That’s way too much like hard work!

That’s it for this month, friends. You’ll find more free dog articles, tips and help with dog training at www.DogfatherTraining.co.uk.



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eveYour Parish Councilwww. earlsbarton.gov.uk

Minutes of the Meeting held at Earls Barton YouthClub, Harrowick Lane on Monday 10 December 2012The council meets at Earls Barton Youth Club, Harrowick Lane on thesecond Monday of the month at 7.15pm, except in August. Meetingsare listed, three days before they take place, on the notice board in theSquare, outside Jeyes the Chemists. You are welcome to attend andwill be given an opportunity to address the Council.

PresentCllrs M Cahill (Chair), I Abbott, K Abbott, J Bond, T Brassington, R Gough, M Higham, R Page, R Paintin, M Perkins, P Wright.

Public TimeMembers of the public attended to speak to members about concernsregarding “right to light” laws in relation to the Redrow planningapplication and parking on The Pyghtle.

190/12 Apologies for AbsenceApologies for absence were received and approved from Cllrs GBlackwell and P Morrall, who were on Borough Council business.

191/12 Declarations of InterestCllr I Abbott declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 204/12.

192/12 Minutes of the Meeting of 12 November 2012It was resolved to adopt the minutes as a correct record.

193/12 AccountsIt was resolved to pay the following accounts:

3486 James Wilson Associates Ltd – Neighbourhood Plan Consultant (Oct) £1048.40

3487 NCC Earls Barton Junior School – Hire of Hall £25.00

3488 James Wilson Associates Ltd – Neighbourhood Plan Consultant (Nov) £702.38

3489 Earls Barton Methodist Church – Hire of Hall £60.00

3490 T A Greenham – VAS Maintenance £65.00

3491 Country Gardens & Ground Care – Cemetery Maintenance £330.00

3492 Clerk/Registrar – Salary/Expenses £1455.40

3493 Youth Club Leader – Salary £166.46

3494 Youth Club Assistant Leader – Salary £120.66

3495 Inland Revenue – Tax/NI £1.30

3496 First Choice Heating – Repairs to Cemetery Lodge Boiler £160.00

194/12 Finance & Projects(a) Grounds Maintenance Committee & Finance Committee

Meetings – 9 January 2012 – the meetings will be held at Earls Barton Youth Club at 6.30pm and 7pm respectively

(b) Dispensation Requests – the Clerk explained the need for dispensation requests in relation to Precept setting.

195/12 Police/Community Safety(a) Crime Figures and Report – no report received.

196/12 Neighbourhood Plan(a) North Northamptonshire Authorities – Consultation on CIL

Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule – the recommendations made by Cllr Wright for responding to the consultation were approved.

(b) Neighbourhood Plan – update and discussion on future funding – discussion was held and it was resolved to continue with the Neighbourhood Plan. Funding for 2013-14 will be discussed at the Finance Committee on 9 January, and brought to the Parish Council for approval on 14 January.

(c) Social Housing Needs – CONFIDENTIAL – this part of the meeting was held in confidence and members of the public in attendance left the room.

197/12 Meetings 14 January & 11 February 2013 – change of venueDue to refurbishment works being carried out at EB Youth Club, the meetings scheduled for 14 January and 11 February 2013 will be held at the Fire Station meeting room.

198/12 Highways & Maintenance(a) Parking Review – update – the clerk advised that the parking

restrictions requested have been submitted to NCC who will now move onto the consultation stage of the process.

(b) Highway Work Priorities for 2013/14 – the Clerk will make up a list of all requests for discussion at the January PC meeing.

(c) Barkers Meeting – update – Clerk to chase

(d) Clay Lane – update – Wellingborough Norse, BCW and Ecton Estate have all agreed to contribute to the costs of downgrading Clay Lane. Earls Barton Parish Council resolved to allocate £800 to the costs. The Clerk will write to Ecton Parish Council to ask if they can make a contribution. Otherwise, Cllr Blackwell will be asked if he can cover the shortfall of approximately £400 under the Empowering Councillors Scheme.

(e) Litter Bins & Grit Bins – update – it was resolved to purchase a grit bin for the Recreation Field, to a cost of £300.00. The Clerk will put in a request to NCC for a grit bin on the corner of Thorpe Road and Station Road.

(f) Memorial Bench – Clarke Court – awaiting quote. The Clerk was given designated powers to order the works if they are under £200.00

(g) Gulley Cleansing – Clerk to chase up.

(h) Road Closure Order for Maintenance Work – Grendon Road – 27 February 2013

199/12 NCALC/ACRE/SLCC CorrespondenceThe Clerk read out the review details and will respond to the onlinesurvey on behalf of the Parish Council.

200/12 BCW Correspondence(a) Trees & Landscaping Supplementary Planning Document –

Consultation – Clerk to deal

(b) Billing Sewerage Treatment Works Liaison Committee – Progress Report – held by Clerk

201/12 NCC Correspondence(a) School Buses – Earls Barton to Wollaston Secondary School –

the Clerk will write to NCC expressing concerns over the condition of the school buses used from Earls Barton to Wollaston Secondary school and the route they are using on Hardwater Crossing.

(b) Bozeat/Earls Barton Local Liaison Meeting – next meeting to be held 13 June 2013

202/12 Any Other Correspondence(a) Response from Ministry of Justice regarding closure of HMP

Wellingborough(b) Thank you letter from Evergreens(c) Thank you letter from Earls Barton Youth Club(d) Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association – Annual Report(e) Western Power – Fixed Prices for Unmetered Connections

203/12 Planning(a) Planning Applications Received

WP/2012/0479/FCOU – retrospective application for the use of units 12-15 for the mixing of ready mixed concrete – Units 12-15, White HouseIndustrial Estate, Main Road – Mr A Orton & MacLeod

WP/2012/0509/F – proposed new dwelling – land to rear 117 DoddingtonRd – Mr S Piercy

WP/2012/0510/F – single storey lean-to rear extension -111 Churchill Rd– MR R Coombes

WP/2012/0525/TX – application for a new outline planning permissionto replace an extant outline planning permission, in order to extend thetime limit for implementation for Ref: WP/2008/0150/OEIA for up to3000 dwellings, retails & commercial facilities, non-residentialinstitutions, a neighbourhood centre, open spaces & parkland,associated facilities & infrastructure & a reserve corridor for the Isham-Wellingborough improvement (IWIMP) – land off A509 Niort Way &A510 Northen Way & south of Great Harrowden – Mr Mark Best –Midtown Capital Ltd

No comments were required on the applications received.

204/12 Sports & Leisure Development – CONFIDENTIALNo report – deferred to January 2013.

Date of Next Meeting 7.15pm Monday 14 January 2013It should be noted that these minutes are subject to the approval of EarlsBarton Parish Council

Rosemary Smart – Clerk to the Council Tel: 01604 812850Email: theclerk@earlsbarton.gov.uk www.earlsbarton.gov.uk


Barton Today January 2013

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Barton Today January 2013

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All SaintsChurch News A l l

Saints Men’s BreakfastTThe next All Saints Men’s Breakfast will be held in the Church Hall at 8am on Saturday 19th January 2013. We warmly invite you to join us for deliciousfood, fellowship and to hear our speaker, Andrew Gunn who will be talkingabout "Quakerism". To help us with catering arrangements, please informBob Smith (bob_smithseb@yahoo.com), John Bromilow or Peter Harper(p.b.harper@btinternet.com) if you are able to join us.

Holy Communion for the Less MobileThere will be a 3 pm service of Holy Communion in the Parish Church Hall onthe first Wednesday of each month – so the next ones will be on 2 January and6 February. Hopefully this venue and time will mean that those who can’t getto church for reasons of mobility have the opportunity to share Holy Communionin fellowship with other members of our community. If you’d like us to pick youup please phone Valerie Brown on 811616 and we’ll be very happy to arrangea lift.

The next get together for prayer and refreshments is at 2.30 pm on Tuesday 15January 2013. Everyone is most welcome. If you’d like to come and need a liftplease phone Valerie Brown on 811616 and we’ll pick you up.

Mothers’ UnionThe next meeting will be a Faith Supper at 7.30 pm onWednesday 2 January at Grangefield Care Home inNorthampton Road. For details please contact BranchLeader, Kathleen Davison on 811452.

Don’t forget your donations for the Wellingborough FoodBank, particularly at this festive time of year. Thank you for the donations madealready, please keep them coming!

There is a box at the back of the Parish Church for any of the following: driedfoods, packets, tins, sauces, sugar, jams, quick meals, powdered/UHT milk, tea,coffee, squash, fruit juices – all with as long a shelf life as possible. Food isgiven to those in need who are referred by SocialServices and similar agencies.

All Bears @ All SaintsThe next meeting will be a Faith Supper at 7.30 pmon Wednesday 2 January at Grangefield Care Homein Northampton Road. For details please contactBranch Leader, Kathleen Davison on 811452.

Don’t forget your donations for the WellingboroughFood Bank, particularly at this festive time of year.Thank you for the donations made already, please keep them coming!

There is a box at the back of the Parish Church for any of the following: driedfoods, packets, tins, sauces, sugar, jams, quick meals, powdered/UHT milk, tea,coffee, squash, fruit juices – all with as long a shelf life as possible. Food isgiven to those in need who are referred by Social Services and similar agencies.

You are warmly invited to ‘All Bears@All Saints’. There will be fun, music, story,refreshments and activity for pre-school children (no minimum age) and achance for their carers to relax over a cup of tea while the children play.

We meet in All Saints Church Hall at 2.15 pm and end at about 3.30 pm. Allchildren – and adults – are invited to bring their favourite bear to meet All Saints’resident bear. Next dates: 11 & 25 JanuaryDon’t forget we also offer children’s clothes to buy or swap

All Saints Quiet DayAll Saints Church held an Advent Quiet Day on 24th November 2012 to providean opportunity for people to drop into the church to spend some quiet time awayfrom the busyness and the hustle and bustle of life and our preparations forChristmas. Quiet times provide an opportunity to simply ‘be’ and to contemplateand reflect on what God might be saying to us.

Advent is ‘a time of waiting, expectation and preparation’ for Christmas and theSecond Coming. At various points around the church inspirational pictures,prayers and suggestions for contemplation helped guide those attending in theirtime of quiet reflection.

Around 25 people dropped into the church on a cold, wet and thoroughlymiserable day. Many commented on how the silence and the materials hadhelped them find an oasis of calm and to feel better equipped to face thechallenges of life.

The success of the two Quiet Days that we have held this year have encouragedus to consider offering further such opportunities in 2013.

QR Codes In Use In Church (Thinks: Thanks to Barton Today!)

There’s More On The Web… At present, by using the QR app on your smartphone and clicking on the code, you are taken directly to the church website, but soon the codes could be used to give even more information about the church and items inside it. Want to know more about the history of the world famous Tower? Or the choir screen which was buried and then dug up again? Like to find out more about the painting at the back of the church? Or about the font? Or the pulpit? A QR code could give you a running commentary with a choice of languages for the many visitors who come from all over the world to see Earls Barton’s greatest historical asset. Interested? Watch this space! Or rather, watch the QR Code!

Sunday 6th January 9.30am Parish CommunionEpiphany 11.00am Together@11

6.00pm Evensong

Wednesday 9.30am Holy Communion9th January 3.00pm Holy Communion in Hall

for the less mobile

Sunday 13th January 8.30 am Holy Communion BCPBaptism of Christ 10.00am All Age & Parade Service

Wednesday 9.30am Holy Communion16th January

Sunday 20th January 9.30am Parish CommunionEpiphany 3 11.00am Together@11

4.00pm Week of Prayer for Christian UnityService at the Baptist Church

Wednesday 9.30am Holy Communion23rd January

Sunday 27th January 9.30am Parish CommunionEpiphany 4 11.00am Together@11

Wednesday 9.30am Holy Communion 30thJanuary

Barton Today January 2013


January Services at All Saints

There is a9.30am HolyCommunionservice everyWednesday in the LadyChapel

All Bear@All Saints

January JoggingNew 12 Week Beginners Course StartingEarls Barton Joggers are welcoming anyone and everyone to comealong and get fit in the New Year by taking part in the free jogginggroup which will be restarting on Thursday 17th January 2013outside Earls Barton Library at 5:30pm.

The group will be led by qualified and insured leaders Tony Kennedy,Linda Higgins and Sarah McVeigh to help beginners start running.

The new beginners group will run alongside the existing group andwill start with plenty of walking and jogging. If you came alongbefore and would like to give it another go or if you have never ranbefore then the group is for you.

If you already run and would like other people to run with, theimprovers group are always welcoming new members. TheImprovers groups run 5K – 10K every Thursday and the beginnersgroup will start with lots of walking and jogging to gradually buildup to 5k within 12 weeks.

For more information visit www.jognorthants.org or contact SarahMcVeigh: SMcVeigh@northamptonshire.gov.uk

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Barton Today January 2013

We were very pleased to welcome Revd. Nigel Bibbings back into our school this term. He impressed upon the children howthey are all stars and will all shine in their unique way during their life as well as helping them explore the part they have to playin numerous teams. This linked in beautifully with the key messages we deliver throughout our curriculum. We have also beenfortunate in having Brian and Lesley Emerson take an assembly, accompanied by the entertaining ‘Baa’. Our children thought thisslant on the Christmas Story was wonderful. As I write this the children are really looking forward to visiting the Baptist Chapel for our traditionalcarol service this year. We know Lesley will be there but what about the mischievous ‘Baa’?

Our fundraising activities continue at a pace with children in key stage 1 donating a total of £84.37 for the RNLI when they dressed up for‘pirate day’. Our Christmas fayre was very successful, thanks to the commitment and organisation of our ‘Friends’, and money is still comingin from sales of calendars and concert photos.

Needless to say this term in school has been dominated by Christmas festivities. Excitement ran high, especially when we had early Decembersnow! The children rehearsed daily to perfect their stage performance for the Christmas concerts. As a treat the term will be rounded off witha disco for the older children and a party day for everyone, including Steve the magician performing his Christmas magic show. A special visitorwill hopefully pop in too during the afternoon to see what our good boys and girls are hoping for this yuletide!

May we take this opportunity to wish all your readers a very happy and healthy New Year from the children and staff of Earls Barton InfantSchool.

Earls Barton Infant School News


Your Borough and County Councillors Contact Information


Peter Wright2 Dowthorpe End,

Earls Barton, NN6 0NH Tel: 07843 062197

E mail peter.wright@morningstar2.co.uk

Borough andCounty Councillor George Blackwell

16 White Way,Earls Barton, NN6 0HT

Tel: 01604 813485E: gblackwell@northamptonshire.gov.uk


Peter Morrall79 Dowthorpe Hill,

Earls Barton, NN6 0PY Tel: 01604 810824

E mail peter.morrall@tinyworld.co.uk


Computer Services

Tel: 01933 272002��

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Carolyn’s CollectionClothes you have Loved Clothes you will Love Carolyn’s CollectionCarolyn’s CollectionClothes you have Loved Clothes you will Love Carolyn’s CollectionCome to our one of our Open Evenings to see how to create your own new look for the new year.

Have you something which you bought but can't think how towear? Bring it along and let us advise you.

Book early as spaces are limited.Tuesday 22 January 7.30pm - 9.30pmMonday 28 January 7.30pm - 9.30pm

£2.50 per head to include refreshments

New Year.. New YouNew Year.. New You

Dont forget, you can dropyour articles and news for Barton

Today into Barton Sweets!

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:48 Page 33


Earls Barton Musicwww.earlsbartonmusic.org

Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd December saw our performances ofthe Messiah in the Methodist Chapel. Our two audiences of over 110were treated to an excellent rendition of the work.

We are a community based choir and as such we offer some of ourmembers the opportunity to sing solo parts or in smaller groups inmany of our concerts. These performances delivered the recititivesand arias linking together the together the choral numbers performedby the choir of close to 100. This is an opportunity that many of thesesingers would not otherwise ever have and we shouldn’tunderestimate the pressure of standing up and singing in front of 100peers and an audience.

The orchestra as usual performed impeccably and for ‘the trumpetsshall sound we were blessed to have two top trumpeters, both EBMstalwarts, Charlie Manning on the Saturday and David Blackadder onSunday supported on each occasion by Paul Parker.

Well done to everybody that performed and helped behind the scenesto make the concerts happen.

On a slightly different note Earls Barton Music will be taking steps in2013 to become a charity. This will help us to maximise our members’contributions through gift aid and to be more eligible to apply for grantfunding for those larger purchases of equipment.

Keep a look out for next years show which will be film and TV themeswhich we will perform in June during the Village Festival and also inFinedon at a time and date to be confirmed. If this is your thing comealong and sing. Keep a look out in Barton Today or on the website forthe dates or registration and rehearsals.

Nick ChapmanFor Earls Barton Music

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Barton Today January 2013

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B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:48 Page 34

Meet the Under12 Boys !! EBUFC Managers & Committee 2010/11MANAGERSUnder 7Contact Club Secretary

Under 8Mick McGuckin 07876 778872

Under 9Matt Parsons 01604 812273

Under 11James Cameron 07774 711171

Under 12Darren Booker 01604 811650

Under 13Steve Biggs 01604 810266

Under 14Graham Pinney 07411 522262

Under 15Dave Archer 07532 113155

Under 16Scott Bromwich 01604 510979

Under 17Keith Lawrence 01604 812517

Under 13 GirlsCliff Elliott 07815 543455

LadiesAngie Foster 01604 466265

Sat 1st TeamAntony Owen 01604 811645

Sat ReservesIan Clark (Temp)


COMMITTEEPresident Chris Heaton-Harris

ChairmanAntony Owen 01604 811645

Vice ChairmanSteve Biggs 01604 810266

SecretaryAnne Cleaver 01604 466366

Treasurer (Temp)Antony Owen 01604 811645

Club Welfare Offi cerAngie Foster 01604 466265

Manager’s RepGeoff Cleaver 01604 466366

General CommitteeMichelle Biggs 01604 810266Andrea Nolan 01604 811591Victoria Starmer 07896 214392Graham Pinney 07411 522262

EBUFC are alwayslooking for new Players, Coaches & Volunteers.

If interested, please call theclub secretary Anne Cleaver

on: 01604 466366 or visit:


Earls Barton United Football Clubc/o Anne Cleaver (Secretary) 8 Cordon Crescent, Earls Barton, Northampton NN6 0PW - Tel: 01604 466366


March 2011 55.

Ah don’t they look sweet ….. like butter wouldn’t melt !!! The Under 12’s squad consists of: Dan Talbot, Dan Webb, Lewis Carvell, Harry McNeill, James Perry, Charlie Lawrence, Luke Booker, Nikhil Khatri, Alex Woodruff, Sam Fidelia, Jake Channer, William Dodwell - and missing from the photo Jonathan Ashworth, Jake Lay and Jack Smart. The team is managed by Darren Booker and Assisted by Dave Dodwell.

Not one of the biggest squads at Earls Barton Football Club but the boys all get on very well on and off the pitch(and although go to no less than 8 different schools, they still manage to communicate during the week, evenif it is on the xbox or playstation)…………..

At the start of the season it was decided that it would be good for the boys to embark on anew challenge, so the decision was taken to move from the Kettering Weetabix League over to the Northants John Henry League. With 3 divisions, the team were entered into the U12C league. Unfortunately, although coming across some really friendly opposition, the majority of games have been won with ease for most of the season, hence they are proud to be sitting at the top of their league - having scored 80 goals and letting in just 8 in their fi rst 10 games so far. The team have done extremely well and are due to play Nether Heyford in the quarter fi nals of the League Cup and by the time you read this article they will either be sad or on their way to the semi fi nals……….

Training for the U12’s is on a Wednesday night at the Pioneer Sportsground6.30pm - 8.00pm. If you are player that can add something to our team, please dont hesitate to join us at one of our training sessions.

Tesco for Schools & Clubs Voucher Scheme is back for 2011 !!!

Vouchers will be available in store and with online grocery orders from Monday 28th February until Sunday 8th May, so get collecting! Last year went well but let’s make it a record collection this year!! The more vouchers we collect, the more equipment we can get for the club.

If you collect the vouchers and would like to donate them to EBUFC, please contact anyone on the General Committee - where they will be gratefully received! If you would like a collection box and poster to put in your workplace, please email us at ebufcyouth@aol.com


FOR 2012/13

Under 7

Shad�Hester 07413�570251

Under 8

Kirk�Thompson� 07976�555534

Under 9

Kyle�Lawrence 07745�183492

Under 10

Antony�Owen 01604�811645

Under 11

Ryan�Smart 07445�948532

Under 14

Darren�Booker 01604�811650

Under 15

Steve�Biggs 01604�810266

Under 16

Graham�Pinney 07411�522262

Under 17/18


Under 15 Girls

Cliff�Elliott� 07815�543455

Sat 1st Team

Matt�Smith 07967�311225

Sat Reserves

Darren�Bryant 07717�430858





Antony�Owen 01604�811645

Vice Chairman

Steve�Biggs� 01604�810266


Anne�Cleaver� 01604�466366

Michelle�Biggs 01604�810266

Treasurer (Temp)

Antony�Owen� 01604�811645

Club Welfare Officer

Angie�Foster� 01604�466265

General Committee

Geoff�Cleaver� 01604�466366

Andrea�Nolan� 07801�945862

Ryan�Smart 07445�948532

Matt�Smith 07967�311225EBUFC are always looking for new Players, Coaches Sponsors & Volunteers.

If interested, please call the club secretary Anne Cleaver 01604 466366www.ebufc.co.uk


This season the under 10’s have won six games andlost two, with a couple of matches cancelled. Wehave an open policy which has seen Robert andJacob join the ranks over recent weeks. We alsohad two Arrans sign up at the start of the season.This means we have a wide spread of ability through15 players and whilst we play seven-a-side, it isinsufficient to form two teams due to weeks whenplayers are unavailable. Disappointingly, we havenot had any girls wanting to join.

Each month we coach a specific topic. Septemberwas passing, October, skills and dribbling andNovember a combination of the two previousmonths, combining them in match situations. InDecember we will be focussing on techniques to usein the attacking third, although with the recentweather, we have to adapt to limited training nightsand locations.

The lads are a great bunch of mixed personalitiesand their parents are very supportive of the teamand our aims. We had a few weeks recently where,after a string of good results, they started to play asindividuals rather than a team. However thecharacter of the group was shown when, after apre-match discussion every player withoutexception took on board what was asked of them.

As a team we believe football has a lot to offeroutside the pitch as well as on it. Last summer wewere highlighted as the largest club fund raisers. Therecent Christmas ice skating at Mears Ashby wasattended by 37 players, family members and coaches and a further 33 are going to Wales for atournament at the end of the season. The parents will be having their Christmas night out soon andMartin and I have a few other excursions planned for the New Year.

Finally, I must thank Callum and Martin for their coaching and match day support and Mick formanaging communication, plus all the parents who collect the subs, put up the goals and respecttape for matches.

However, the ones that really matter and the reason we give up our time are Rob, Lewis, Charlie,Arran, Arran, Sonny, Robert, Jacob, Ben, Cameron, Finley, Owen, Seb, Joe, and Hector.

Barton Today January 2013


B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:48 Page 35

Barton Today January 2013



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Do you have star quality?Short term and permanent foster carers urgently needed for children of all ages.

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B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:49 Page 36

Poo Bags in the SquareDear Barton Today

This is a request to the dog owner who bags their dog mess up butleaves the bag behind in the vacinity of the square every day.

If you can go to the trouble of picking it up why not take it with youand dispose of it, instead of expecting others too?

Perhaps all dog owners will make a New Year's resolution to beresponsible in their disposal of dog mess

Barton Today January 2013


We always welcome your letters, phone calls and e-mails on anysubject. They may be edited. Our address is shown on the Editorial

page. Please sign them and mark ‘B2Day’ on the envelope. If yourequest that your name is withheld we’ll need your phone number or

home address for verification. Thank you for writing to Barton Today

Have your Sayto B2Day...

Library Car ParkDear B2Day

With reference to the letter in the December edition of B2Dayregarding Library Parking I would like to reply accordingly.

The library car park was resurfaced in the summer by NorthantsCounty Council following repeated requests from myself. The linemarking was done with a donation from the Parish Council.

I would just like to clarify, however, that the ‘Staff’ parking bay isfor the Library not the schools. We asked for 2 disabled parkingbays to remain, however, the Northants County Council agreed tothe request from the Library staff for a designated ‘Staff’ bay.

May I take this opportunity to remind all drivers to keep theschool entrance clear and do not park on the hatched area, this isthe school’s emergency entrance and must be kept clear AT ALLTIMES.

I hope this clarifies the situation.


Steve GreenhowEarls Barton Junior School

Thank you Mr Greenhow for explaining the parking situationoutside the library. Can I also reinforce the need for drivers to beextremely careful around the school and to respect any safetymeasures which are in place.

Lost RingHi Barton Today,

I’m just wondering if you may be able to squeeze a little notice in– I found a gold wedding band in the gutter at the junction of BroadStreet and Dowthorpe End a couple of weeks ago. It’s prettybattered, but having lost my engagement ring several years ago, Iknow that there’s probably someone out there who is devastatedto have lost it. I have been able to decipher the hallmark, whichgives details of carat and year of production, so if the owner wouldlike to get in touch and provide me with these details, I should bevery happy to reunite them with their ring.

Kind regards

Claire Henson

Thank you Claire for contacting Barton Today. If there is anyoneout there who has lost this ring, please get in touch with us andwe will make sure you get it back.

Great Doddington’s Christmas Shopping Eveningwas a great success Dear Barton Today,

Thank you very much for including in Barton Today anadvertisement for Great Doddington’s Christmas ShoppingEvening. It was a great success and we raised over £500 for ourChurch Flush Fund. It was good to have shops from Earls Bartonhelping us with the evening. Please pass on my thanks to everyoneinvolved for an excellent village magazine,

Thank you,

Ann Newsome, Chairman of Great Doddington Flush Fund.

Thank you Ann for the compliments about our magazine. We arevery pleased that you had such a successful fund raising evening.

A Message from the Youth Club Dear Barton Today,

We would like to sincerely thank you for supporting Earls BartonYouth Club in its recent fund raising event ‘The wolf run’.

The money raised is going toward the refurbishment of the kitchenfacilities at the youth club. On average 150 people use the youthclub every week, from the short mat bowlers, to the young peopleof the village. The kitchen has been in place for over 30 years andis in desperate need of an update as its poor condition inhibits itsfull use. We would like the youth club to be able to use the kitchento develop the skills of our young people. Also if in full workingorder our older people would be able to use the facilities topotentially make meals and drinks for events.

The wolf run and surrounding events have been tremendouslysupported by the village, so we thank you again for your generosityin contributing to this community event that will directly benefitthe community of Earls Barton.

Kind Regards

Helen StantonOn behalf of Earls Barton Youth Club

We are really pleased to support the Earls Barton Youth Club.

It is fantastic that so many youngsters from the village have sucha facility that they are able to use.

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:49 Page 37

Barton Today January 2013


The Feel Good FactoryHappy New Year to you all. This month I want to share some of the success we have seen at the Earls Barton WeightWatchers meetingsin 2012.

On Tuesday evening, members have lost in excess of 180 stonebetween them. On our Wednesday morning meeting, whichopened this time last year, over 114 stone has been lost.

Two sisters are celebrating their weight losses after shedding 63lbsbetween them. Rachel Hayes has lost a total of 35lbs and achievedher goal weight in 9 months. Helen Stanton has lost two stone thisyear and is well on her way to achieving her goal in 2013.

I am so proud of Rachel, she has been such a huge inspiration tomyself and the other members of the Tuesday Weight Watchersmeeting. She is proof that you can lose weight and keep it off andstill enjoy life, including tempting times like summer holidays,birthdays and celebrations. As a single mother with a part time joband her own business, she is an amazing lady. Rachel is loving hernew shape and the fact that she had to go shopping after droppingthree clothes sizes.

Helen has regularly enjoyed the Zumba class at the Silver BandClub on a Monday morning – she even got me to join. Hopefullythis will restart in the new year. She also loves walking her dogMinnie, a cockerpoo, further and further as her energy levelsincrease.

Helen has been helping me out in the Wednesday meeting all year,and always has a smile for everyone. I know the other membersreally enjoy her company in the meeting and miss her when she isn’tthere (which isn’t often). Not only does she run Maemonili ~Handcrafted Jewellery and Accessories with Rachel, she iscurrently a MDS at the junior school covering for Maternity leave, Secretary for the Youth Club as well as a volunteer at both the Juniorand Senior Youth Club sessions and has her husband and 3 sons to look after! I know Helen enjoys cooking the WeightWatchers recipesand is proof that you do not have to eat different food to the rest of your family when you are trying to lose weight.

With all the Christmas Markets/Fayres that Helen and Rachel have attended over the past couple of months they have been surroundedby many tempting treats. They have indulged in some, but by keeping control they have still lost weight. At a time when scarcely aweek goes by without the national press running another ‘obesity epidemic’ story, it’s great to see our local people winning their weightloss challenge.”

Helen and Rachel say, “We can’t begin to tell you how much better wefeel as a result of losing weight. From increased energy to loads moreconfidence; We’ve never felt better! So we challenge all Earls Bartonresidents to join us and feel fantastic – You at your best! There’s no magictrick or short cut to gaining a healthier, slimmer shape. What makes allthe difference is the motivation and good advice we get from Susan, andthe support and encouragement we all give each other in the meetings.We have both been WeightWatchers members on and off for most of ouradult lives. The ProPoints plan is by far the best one. We both love thefact that fresh fruit and marmite (not at the same time!) have a zeroProPoints value. The plan is so flexible that we can make it fit into oureveryday lives even when life gets hectic.

I have some more great stories I want to share with you later this year, sowatch this space. In the meantime if you have been thinking about losingsome weight just pop along to the meeting and see what we do. I had tolaugh in December when we had our works Christmas party, the DJ didnot believe we were the WeightWatchers party, he said we were all tooslim to be WeightWatchers, we know that we are slim because ofWeightWatchers. You could be too.

If you want to see what Rachel and Helen offer, have a look at theirwebsite www.maemoniliaccessories.co.uk.

If you want to know more about Weightwatchers visitwww.weightwatchers.co.uk or pop in at St Johns on a Tuesday eveningor Wednesday morning.

I would love to hear from any of you who have anything you would like tosee covered in the Feel Good Factory, email me at sprice@weight-watchers.co.uk or call me on 07779 081264.

B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:49 Page 38

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B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:49 Page 39

Devon Cottage, £575,000Gt DoddingtonThis is a stunning cottage with outstanding viewsoverlooking the Nene Valley. The cottage has beenlovingly restored to offer spacious livingaccommodation withfour/five bedrooms, twowith ensuite, an openplan kitchen/diningroom, lounge,study/fifth bedroomand a balcony. It alsohas a single garage andparking for severalvehicles

Talk to your local propertyconsultantFor a refreshingly different, personal service…

Meet Steve Dodds, your local property consultantI would like to wish everyone from Earls Barton a Prosperous New Year. Properties in our village still seem to be selling very quickly so if you are thinking of putting your house on the market at thestart of the new year then why not give me a call for a valuation during December so you are ready for the new year

Your local property consultant Steve Dodds

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Northampton Road £525,000 A unique opportunity to buy this beautiful propertyin one of the premier roads in Earls Barton. Thishome consists of four/five bedrooms and veryspacious living accommodation. There is a fully fittedkitchen with utilityroom, a sun room andtwo bathrooms. Themaster bedroom has adressing area andaccess to the reargarden

Sunnyside £179,950 A FULLY REFURBISHED Victorian mid terraced threebedroom property offering stunning views over theNene Valley. The property benefits from a newkitchen, new bathroom, new central heating system,and fully decorated throughout. It has beenrefurbished to a very high standard and viewing isessential



Churchill Road £179,999An Underwood built detached house inthe sought after area of Churchill Road.This extended four bedroom propertycomes to the market with no upper chain.There is a lounge, dining room, kitchenand utility room with a downstairscloakroom. One of the four bedroomscomes with an en suite shower room.

Oxford Close £214,950An immaculate four bedroom detachedhouse in the sought after village of EarlsBarton in a quiet cul-de-sac. Situated on theedge of the village near to open fields theproperty briefly consists of an open planlounge and dining room with adjoiningconservatory, a downstairs cloakroom andmodern fitted kitchen. To the first floorthere are four bedrooms and familybathroom. There is a single garage that hasbeen converted for use as an office and alandscaped rear garden

Broad Street Mews (option 1)£249,950An exclusive development in Broad StreetMews. This four bedroom home will befinished to an extremely high quality. Thehouse will have a fully fitted kitchen,bathrooms and will be fully carpetedthroughout. The grounds and gardens willbe landscaped to a very high standard.Please call now to discuss and reserve yournext home on this very exclusivedevelopment

Broad Street Mews (option 2)

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B2DAY JAN 2013 final_Layout 1 18/12/2012 08:49 Page 40
