B-‡gBjinpe.buet.ac.bd/notice_file/1540623609.pdf · Dmitrii Samokhin, PhD (Candidate of Technical...


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  • Bbw÷wUDU Ae wbDwK¬qvi cvIqvi BwÄwbqvwis (AvBGbwcB) evsjv‡`k cÖ‡KŠkj wek¦we`¨vjq, XvKv 11 Zjv, BwmB feb, XvKv - 1205, evsjv‡`k ‡dvb: +880255167100,+880255167228-57 GK&ª. 6603

    B-‡gBj: dirinpe@inpe.buet.ac.bd ,Web site: inpe.buet.ac.bd

    Sl. No………..

    “Nuclear Power Engineering”

    Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering


    1. Name of the applicant :

    2. Father’s name :

    3. Name of the organization :

    4. Student ID no. (if any) : Level

    5. Degree obtained (Please specify) :

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    9. Pay order/ Demand draft no.

    Signature of the applicant : ________________________

    Web site: inpe.buet.ac.bd

    Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (INPE)

    Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

    10th Floor, ECE Building, Dhaka

    Phone: +880255167100, +880255167228

    E-mail: dirinpe@inpe.buet.ac.bd

    Short Course


    “Nuclear Power Engineering”

    organized by

    Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (INPE), BUET, Dhaka.


    no. (if any) : Level- Term-

    Degree obtained (Please specify) :

    o./Cash : ________________ Date:__________

    pplicant : __________________________ Date:__________

    Engineering (INPE)

    Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

    Floor, ECE Building, Dhaka – 1205, Bangladesh

    Phone: +880255167100, +880255167228-57, Ext. 6603

    ,Web site: inpe.buet.ac.bd

    (INPE), BUET, Dhaka.




  • Olga Momot, PhD (Candidate of Biological Science), Associate Professor

    1. Nuclear Fuel Cycle


    The program provides a general overview of all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle from

    mining uranium ore, operating nuclear power plants, to reprocessing spent nuclear fuel

    and radioactive waste disposal. A description and analysis of the open and closed

    nuclear cycle is given. The program provides a description of the main technological

    processes of the NFC, as well as the materials that are used in each stage. In addition,

    the issues of safety of the nuclear fuel cycle stages and the problems of

    decommissioning NFC facilities are considered. The program may contain elements of

    the economy of the nuclear fuel cycle.


    Topic 1. Introduction to the nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) Nuclear fuel cycle (NFC). Types of nuclear fuel cycle. Typical schemes of fuel cycles. An open NFC, a closed NFC, a partially-closed NFC. The advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fuel cycle. NFC in the leading nuclear powers today. Topic 2. Uranium mining Nuclear materials. Uranium and its properties. Uranium ores and minerals. The biggest uranium reserves in the world. Proven uranium reserves. Uranium deposits in Russia. Basics of natural uranium mining technologies. Open pit mining. Underground mining. in situ leaching/in situ recovery (ISL/ISR) uranium mining technique. Heap leaching. Safety fundamentals of uranium mining. Largest uranium producer worldwide. Theme 3. Refining, conversion and enrichment of uranium ore Refining production. Refining methods: precipitation, sorption, extraction. Uranium Conversion. Preparation of uranium hexafluoride. Physical and chemical properties of uranium hexafluoride. Uranium enrichment. Gaseous Diffusion. Gas Centrifuge. Laser Separation. The enrichment factor. A separation factor. World conversion, enrichment capacity. Safety issues involved with refining, conversion, enrichment of uranium. Theme 4. Nuclear fuel fabrication The fuel fabrication process. Fuel pellets manufacturing. Fuel rods manufacturing. Manufacturing of nuclear fuel assemblies. World fuel fabrication capacity. Distinctive features of the Russian fuel from the fuel of foreign manufacturers. Assessment of advanced nuclear fuel and cladding material. Theme 5. Operation of nuclear power plants Nuclear power plant. Basic principles for using nuclear reactor to produce energy. Fast neutron reactors in the nuclear fuel cycle. Advanced reactors for nuclear fuel cycle. The world NPP construction market. Ensuring safety during normal operation of nuclear power plants. The risk for the population during normal operation of nuclear power plants. Radioactive waste management at nuclear power plants. Gaseous, liquid and solid RAW at NPP. Theme 6. Management of spent nuclear fuel Spent nuclear fuel: composition, properties, storage. Fundamentals of technology for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel. PUREX process. Fundamentals of storage and disposal technologies for spent fuel and radioactive waste. Ensuring safety at the 'back end' of the NFC. Programs of the closing the nuclear fuel cycle in the world.

  • Topic 7. Decommissioning of NFC facilities Policies and strategies for decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities. The basic decommissioning options for the nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities are. Status of the decommissioning of NFC facilities in the Russian Federation. World experience of decommissioning of nuclear fuel cycle facilities.


    Studying of nuclear fuel cycle facilities functioning and the safety issues of operation of

    nuclear fuel cycle facilities.


    2-24 hours.

    Target audience.

    Students (nuclear, non-nuclear specialties) Any level of education specialists (BSc, MSc, Engineer) (nuclear, non-nuclear industry).

  • Dmitrii Samokhin, PhD (Candidate of Technical Science), Associate Professor

    1. Practical issues of NPP safety


    The course briefly characterizes main accidents at nuclear power plants. Features of

    systems affecting safety; security systems; providing systems of safety and other systems,

    the quality of functioning of which determines the level of reliability and safety of

    nuclear power plants. Safety features of reactors. Description of accidents at the

    Chernobyl NPP, TMI NPP and Fukushima Daichi NPP. Lessons and conclusions. The

    concept of risk. Levels of probabilistic safety analysis (PSA). Technique for constructing

    failure trees and event trees. The analysis of tasks for evaluating the reliability of parallel

    and serial interconnection of elements, as well as the task of assessing the reliability of

    systems with combined redundancy, including: elemental, functional, voting, switching to

    a spare element, etc. Analysis of examples of assessing the reliability of products, whose

    failures are rare or not observed at all.


    Theme 1. Types of accidents at nuclear power plants. Features of systems affecting safety; security systems; providing systems of safety and other systems, the quality of functioning of which determines the level of reliability and safety of nuclear power plants. Safety features of reactors. The difference between these systems implemented in the projects of reactors.

    Theme 2. Description of accidents at the Chernobyl NPP, TMI NPP and Fukushima Daichi NPP. Lessons and conclusions. The concept of risk. Levels of probabilistic safety analysis (PSA). Technique for constructing failure trees and event trees. Examples of the construction and use of trees in the probabilistic analysis of the safety of reactors. Accounting for human factors and failures for a common cause. Methods of accounting for the human factor. Databases on the probabilities of human fault. Assessments of the reliability of elements and systems as part of the probabilistic safety analysis of nuclear power plants.

    Theme 3. The analysis of tasks for mastering the concept of "Risk". Analysis of tasks for building failure trees and event trees for specific NPP systems. The analysis of the problems of human factor accounting and common cause failures.

    Theme 4. Independent and incompatible events. Random variables. Laws of distribution and numerical characteristics of random variables. Probabilistic schemes and the calculation of the probabilities of events. Elements of the theory of random processes. Correlation functions of random processes at the output of inertial and oscillatory links. Internal feedbacks, ways of investigating sustainability. Differentiability in mean-square random processes.

    Theme 5. Quantitative characteristics of reliability. Reinforced and non-renewable products. Reliability of parallel and serial connection of elements. Reservation (elemental, functional, voting, switching to a spare element, etc.). Recovery streams. Typical laws of reliability. The physical meaning of the standard laws of reliability and the possibility of their use in various research situations. Accounting for control of health, aging elements. Methods for evaluating the reliability of products whose failures are rare or not observed at all. Rationing of reliability. Accounting for the intensity of operation of the product and personnel errors when rationing reliability.

  • Theme 6. The analysis of tasks for evaluating the reliability of parallel and serial interconnection of elements, as well as the task of assessing the reliability of systems with combined redundancy, including: elemental, functional, voting, switching to a spare element, etc. Analysis of examples of assessing the reliability of products, whose failures are rare or not observed at all.


    The following aims are pursued by the training course “Practical issues of NPP safety”:

    A. Familiarity of students with the basic probabilistic safety analysis, which are currently used at

    various stages of designing a nuclear power plant.

    B. Acquaintance of the students with current state of main nuclear technologies approaches to

    safety analysis.

    C. Acquaintance of the students with the threats caused by application of nuclear technologies

    for the environment and the possibility of minimizing threats.


    Lectures: 10 hours. Practical lessons: 6 hours. TOTAL: 16 hours.

    Target audience.

    Any level of education (BSc, MSc, Engineer).

    Basic knowledge of nuclear physics is required.

  • Viacheslav Fedoseev, PhD (Candidate of Technical Science), Associate Professor

    1. Thermal-hydraulic profiling of nuclear reactor cores


    The basic principles of thermal-hydraulic profiling of nuclear reactors cores to ensure

    uniformity of heating of the coolant in the cross section of the core and alignment of the

    radial temperature distribution in the core are considered. Simplified examples of

    calculations are given for pressurized water reactors and boiling reactors. The method of

    the tangent for determining the stock factor before the crisis of heat exchange in the core

    is considered.


    Heat release function in nuclear reactor core, non-uniformity coefficients,

    peculiarities of boiling moderator

    Basic principles of thermal-hydraulic profiling

    Splitting of a reactor core into energy zones

    Calculation of coolant flow in the energy zones of the reactor core

    Calculation of hydraulic losses in the energy zones of the reactor core

    The determination of the additional hydraulic resistance in the fuel assemblies of

    energy zones

    Temperature calculations in the energy zones of the reactor core

    Calculations of stock factor before the boiling crisis in the energy zones of the

    reactor core


    The following aims are pursued by the training course “Thermal-hydraulic profiling of nuclear

    reactor cores”.

    A. Acquaintance of the students with the purposes and basic principles of thermal-hydraulic

    profiling of nuclear reactor cores.

    B. Acquisition of computational skills by students at thermal-hydraulic profiling of cores for

    various types of reactors.

    C. Acquaintance of the students with the method of the tangent for determining the stock factor

    before the crisis of heat exchange.


    16 hours.

    Target audience.

    Level of education - MSc, Engineer.

    Basic knowledge of hydrodynamics and heat transfer is required.
