Awareness Posters About Recycling




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By year 7 bilingual students

Here are some of our posters …

If you take a shower instead of a bath you save water… this is one way we can help our environment.

This is another way of saving water…

…Always turn off the taps…

Eco-Friendly products

We both use eco frienfly products for example:

•Recycled paper

•Recycled soap

“Don´t waste water”

Use the least possible water when washing your hands!

Always Turn off standy!

Make sure that you turn off all electrical appliances at night.

For example: television , computer , DVD player

Turn off all lights …

We use energy saving lightbulbs at home…

Everything can be recycled!

These posters are all examples of how we can help the environment!

• We both try to help the environment as much as possible.
