Awaken Your Inner Oracle - CoreLight · The ancient Gaia-worshipping culture built temples where...


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Awaken Your Inner OracleA Pilgrimage to Ancient Sacred Sites of Greece

With Lina Berntsen and Brad Laughlin

October 14 – 25, 2020

Discover the mystery and magic of the Apollo-Athena ley line at some of Greece’s most ancient and powerful oracular sites.

Walk in the footsteps of the priestesses and priests who worshipped the great Earth Mother goddess, Gaia.

Awaken your inner oracle at temples where priestesses prophesied and where the veils between worlds are still very thin.

As we meditate and pray along the ley line, one of Earth’s primary meridians, we:

• Experience the tremendous spiritual power and natural beauty of the ancient sacred sites

• Activate and balance the divine feminine and masculine energies within us

• Initiate the heart and third-eye chakras to new levels of awakening

• Learn simple, effective techniques for acting as a human acupuncture needle on Earth

• Assist with healing the Earth

Just as the body has subtle-physical flows of masculine and feminine energy moving through it, so do the meridians of the Earth. Apollo and Athena are the names given to the masculine and feminine Earth currents that spiritually empower the sacred sites.

The ancient Gaia-worshipping culture built temples where this natural phenomenon occurs.

Discover the Apollo-Athena Ley Line

Our retreat is an intimate, unique, “hand-crafted” journey to both well-known and off-the-beaten-tourist- route pilgrimage destinations. Here we will:

• Connect with the memories of our pre-patriarchal roots

• Rediscover an era which still lives inside of us, when masculine and feminine energies were more balanced in humanity’s collective consciousness

• Attune to our ancient past when the clairvoyance of the priestess was revered

• Reawaken primal memories that have been banished for millennia to the far reaches of humanity’s collective psyche

Throughout our journey, Lina will offer group channeling sessions, Brad will guide us to places of spiritual power, and as a group we will participate in meditation, prayer and ceremony for transformation and healing.

Beginning our two-week pilgrimage in Athens, we journey on the mainland by bus to visit the ancient sacred sites of Dodona, the Nekromanteion, Meteora and Delphi and return to Athens where we visit the Acropolis and Parthenon.

Our Retreat


The ancient oracular site of Delphi, the center of the Greek universe and its most venerated shrine, is a supercharged, multi-layered vortex of intense spiritual light. The Earth currents are extremely powerful here. Because Delphi has been a pilgrimage destination for millennia, there are many levels of energy that remain as a result of the devotions of countless pilgrims, from the worship of the great Earth Mother goddess Gaia in Neolithic times to the more surface layer of Apollo’s reign during the classical Greek, Hellenistic era.

A magical vortex of joy, Delphi has exquisitely beautiful, mountainous surroundings with a vast, pristine and intensely silent valley below, which seems to whisper its mystical secrets in the forceful, hallowed winds. It is no wonder the ancients chose this site. Such astonishing natural beauty is graced with great spiritual power.


Meteora literally means, middle of the sky, suspended in the air or in the heavens above, and is one of the finest gems in the Greek crown. Originally built by hermits who wanted to escape the distractions and limitations of the physical world, the network of monasteries sits mind-bogglingly high atop huge, primordial pillars of rock. We will ascend to the heights of these masterpieces of nature to visit two monasteries and to admire the breathtaking views.

The Parthenon, Athens

Like innumerable ancient pilgrims before us, we will follow the Sacred Way to the famed Acropolis, a craggy outcrop of rock that rises above the city of Athens, a graceful beacon of inspiration amidst the smoggy, urban sprawl. The crown jewel of the Acropolis is the Parthenon, a masterpiece of Classical Greek architecture. It is the temple dedicated to Athena, the goddess of wisdom and the patron of warriors.

We will meditate along both the Athena/feminine and Apollo/masculine ley lines and experience how they each feel in our bodies.

We will stay at one of the finest boutique hotels in Athens, near the Plaka, a pedestrian area with quaint, winding streets and alleys, stucco-fronted homes and gardens of palms, fruit trees and honeysuckle spilling over the high walls. It’s an ideal place to enjoy the shops, cafés, and green, shaded squares.

Osios Loukas Monastery

Situated on the beautiful slopes of Mount Parnassos, this 10th century historic walled monastery is a Byzantine masterpiece adorned with breathtaking frescoes and mosaics. The famous monastery houses the relics of Osios Loukas or “Holy Luke,” a 10th century hermit, healer, and prophet famous for predicting the conquest of Crete by Emperor Romanos.

Nekromanteio & Dodona

Dodona is the most ancient sacred site on the Greek mainland and has very few visitors due to its distant, isolated location in the mountainous region of Epirus. It was a goddess worship site until at least 2,000 BC. Unspoiled and dramatic, the soft, powerful and enveloping energy takes one back to the fullness and balance of those ancient times. Like Delphi, Dodona was an oracular, priestess site, not as famous as Delphi, but much older. We will visit the ruins and meditate in the shade of a hallowed oak tree where the divinations, prophecies and sacred ceremonies were performed in ancient times using sound.

Along the Northwestern coast of Greece, the mysterious Nekromanteio was dedicated to the goddess Persephone, and was famous throughout ancient Greece as the gateway to the underworld. This extraordinarily powerful and influential site is where the ancients made pilgrimages to consult with their ancestors and to lose their fear of death. Our experience of meditating in the cave-like structure has been that it acts as a gateway to the subconscious, facilitating the clearing of shadow. After a short time of meditation here, one feels reborn in a powerful, vibrant way.

Awakening the Divine Feminine

For over a decade Brad has guided pilgrimages to these ancient, sacred sites and discovered the enormous spiritual power stored in the Earth there. In his manuscript, Discovering Archangel Michael, he has written about the extraordinary energetic experiences that he and his life-partner, Leslie Temple-Thurston, shared at these centers of incredible spiritual power. Of particular significance is the profound degree of feminine energy trapped in the Earth at Dodona and Delphi—ancient, sacred sites where Neolithic people worshipped the great Earth Mother goddess many thousands of years ago, prior to our modern age of Patriarchy.

Our pilgrimage is an invitation to come and access that primordial feminine energy, to bring it up from the Earth, into the body and out into the world. The divine feminine energy is so greatly needed at this time to help balance the extreme level of unbalanced masculine energy in our modern era.

Our Pilgrimage Leaders

Meet Lina

Lina Berntsen, MA, is a gifted and inspired channel with over 40 years of experience in working with a group of ascended masters known as “The Guides.” She has worked with people from all walks of life to help them heal, to understand themselves, and to grow spiritually and psychologically. Lina has conducted workshops and classes nationally and internationally, and has helped thousands of people to open their hearts and to experience higher states of consciousness. She has co-founded two healing and educational centers: Nexus in Memphis, Tennessee, and The New Age School in Iowa City, Iowa. She has served as a consultant for the University of Iowa Medical College and the University of Tennessee College of Nursing.

She currently lives in Portland, Oregon where she has an extensive practice with clients and students worldwide. She invites you to attend this traveling retreat by “divine appointment.”

Meet Brad

Brad Laughlin is a spiritual teacher who for over 20 years has offered innovative ways of helping people transform consciousness and awaken during these times of great change. At his events he shares a transmission of love, joy, and healing energy that is uplifting and enduring. He is the author of Living with Enlightenment—A Journey of Love and other books, which offer tools, guidance and inspiration for spiritual transformation through the teachings of non-duality. Brad is the Executive Director of the international non-profit organization, CoreLight, which is dedicated to fostering outer peace through developing personal inner peace. He facilitates journeys to sacred sites worldwide and is a co-founder of Seeds of Light, CoreLight’s humanitarian arm, serving marginalized communities and AIDS orphans in South Africa. He has a B.S. degree from Duke University and when not with his life-partner, Leslie Temple-Thurston, in South Africa, is traveling and offering events in other parts of the world.

Meet Katia and Maria

We are very excited that our dear friends at Inspiration Ventures, Katia and Maria Mavrelli, will be our tour organizers for the pilgrimage. As native Greeks, they open a rare and special door into the heart- centered local culture that would not be opened otherwise, adding an intimate and personal welcome to our experience.

The Greek Connection

Inspiration Ventures was born out of passion, experience, and love for Greece and classical education. With an accumulated experience in the travel industry of over 50 years, this mother and daughter team are always ready to craft tailor-made itineraries to Greece based on the unique theme, needs and dynamics of each group. “As Greek boutique tour operators, we are deeply rooted in our local history and culture. It is always an honor and a pleasure for us to welcome in our country guests from all over the world who value not only the history, ancient sites, landscape and gastronomy, but also the secret spiritual gifts that Greece has to offer.”

Tentative ItineraryDetails may change depending on the weather and prevailing energies of the moment.

Wednesday, October 14th Individual arrivals in Athens. Dinner at our hotel’s rooftop garden with a stunning view of the Acropolis. Overnight Athens.

Thursday, October 15th Today we enjoy a quiet day after the long flight. After a good night’s sleep, depart Athens and drive to our beach hotel. Coffee stop at Corinth canal. Afternoon at leisure to enjoy the pool or beach. Opening circle in the late afternoon. Overnight Rio.

Friday, October 16th After a delicious breakfast, we start our drive to the north. Upon arrival at Piges we enjoy a late afternoon walk by the sacred Acheron River, learn its mythology and have a channeling session with Lina. Overnight Piges area.

Saturday, October 17th In the morning we visit the famed Nekromanteio, temple of Persephone, where the ancients communicated with the invisible realms. Late afternoon channeling session with Lina. Overnight Piges area.

Tentative Itinerary Continued. . .

Sunday, October 18th Today we discover the hidden treasures of the oracle of Dodona and walk in the footsteps of ancient priestesses, who prophesied under the sacred oak tree. Continue to Meteora, the second largest monastic community of Greece. Overnight Meteora.

Monday, October 19th In the morning we visit two monasteries at Meteora and enjoy the breathtaking views. Afternoon by the pool with stunning Meteora views and a channeling session with Lina at the amphitheater. Overnight Meteora.

Tuesday, October 20th Drive to the ancient sacred site of Delphi, where priestesses worshipped the great Earth Mother Gaia and pilgrims sought the famed oracle.

Channeling session with Lina in the afternoon. Overnight Delphi.

Tentative Itinerary Continued. . .

Wednesday, October 21st Morning channeling session with Lina in an exquisite, private, natural setting in the Delphi countryside with unparalleled views of the majestic Gulf of Corinth. In the afternoon experience the magic of the ancient Temple of Apollo where the oracle pronounced her prophecies, and linger at the archaeological site until closing time. Overnight Delphi.

Friday, October 23rd Depart Delphi for Athens. On the way we enjoy the peace and enchantment of Osios Loukas Monastery and meditate on the ley line. Delicious picnic lunch. Athens rooftop dining with Acropolis view. Overnight Athens.

Thursday, October 22nd Morning visit to Athena Pronaia temple ruins, meditate at Kastalian spring and visit museum. Afternoon channeling session with Lina, leisure time or return to Delphi ruins. Overnight Delphi.

Tentative Itinerary Continued. . .

Saturday, October 24th Visit the famed Acropolis, experience the Apollo and Athena ley lines at the Parthenon and tour the New Acropolis museum. Closing circle in the afternoon, farewell dinner on the rooftop. Overnight Athens.

Sunday, October 25th Retreat ends after breakfast. Departures or extend your stay in Greece.


Pilgrimage is as ancient as human memory; it is a tradition in all religions. The search for our origins, for a taste of our eternality, for the feeling of something holy. We seek places where we might touch Heaven, where the divine presence is more tangible than others.

Brad LaughlinLiving With Enlightenment—A Journey of Love

Pilgrimage to the place of the wise

is to find escape from the flame of separateness.



Early-Bird Discount: If you register by February 2, the cost of the retreat is $6,450 (double occupancy). The regular price (after February 2) is $6,950. Rooms will be released on February 3, and participation cannot be guaranteed thereafter.

The trip includes: All breakfasts, lunches and dinners, lodging and domestic transportation in Greece, except airport transfers.

The trip does not include: Airfare, transfers to/from Athens airport and items such as laundry, phone calls, snacks and alcoholic beverages.

Single occupancy: Please add $950 to the retreat cost.

Deposit: A non-refundable, non-transferable deposit of $950 is required to reserve your space. Half the balance is due on April 30. The final balance is due on July 31.

Arrival: Please plan to arrive no later than Wednesday October 14, as we will depart for our first destination the following morning. If you would like to arrive early or stay later, this can easily be arranged via our dear friends at Inspiration Ventures, Katia and Maria Mavrelli. They can arrange tour packages such as: 3 days on Santorini, 5 days on Santorini and Naxos, or a 4-5 day cruise to: Santorini, Crete, Rhodes, Turkey-Ephesus and Patmos.

After we receive your application and deposit: Upon acceptance, we will send you further logistical information. To attend, you will be required to purchase travel medical insurance, including medical- evacuation (“medevac”) insurance with a minimum deductible of $100,000, which costs approximately $100.

Refund Policy: Our cancellation policy is that all monies paid are non-refundable. If we have to cancel due to what we perceive as conditions that would jeopardize the health or safety of our travelers, all money will be refunded or applied to a later journey. We have never had to cancel for these reasons in our 20-year history. We strongly recommend that you take out travel insurance in the event that you have to cancel your trip for any reason.

To apply for the trip, please complete the form below and return to Dhari Gray at the CoreLight office: or (505) 424-8844, extension 2.

Application Form



Early-Bird Discount: If you register by February 2, the cost of the retreat is $6,450 (double occupancy). The regular price (after February 2) is $6,950 (double-occupancy).The trip includes: All breakfasts, lunches and dinners, lodging and domestic transportation in Greece, except airport transfers. The trip does not include: Airfare, transfers to/from Athens airport and items such as laundry, phone calls, snacks and alcoholic beverages.

Roommate Selection (please choose one)

q Name of preferred roommate:_________________________________________________________(I have made a confirmed agreement with this person.)

q I do not have a preferred roommate; please choose one for me.

q I would like a single room (which is $950 extra).


q Please charge the nonrefundable deposit of $950 (USD) to my credit card below. Or contact DhariGray at or (505) 424-8844 ext. 2.

q Please charge half my balance due to the credit card below on April 30, 2020 and the final balancedue on July 31, 2020.

Name on card:________________________________________________________________________

Your CC #: _____________________________________________ Expiration Date:________________

Billing Address (City, State, Zip)__________________________________________________________


Signature _________________________________________________ Date:______________________

APPLICATION ESSAY Please write a short essay answering the following questions: What are your intentions for coming to the retreat? Please explain what you hope to receive from the experience and what you hope to give. How would you respond if for some unexpected reason, there arose the need to change the itinerary of the pilgrimage? How would you feel and how would you act?

Please return this form to: CoreLight, 223 North Guadalupe Street # 275, Santa Fe, NM 87501-1850

Phone: (505) 424-8844 ext. 2 / Fax: (505) 424-8848 / Email:

Release Form


I _____________________________________, do hereby release CoreLight, Brad Laughlin, the CoreLight staff, Lina Berntsen and Journey Into the Heart, from any injury or damage which I may sustain during the retreat, Awaken Your Inner Oracle, A Pilgrimage to Ancient Sacred Sites of Greece, October 14 – 25, 2020. The right is reserved to alter the itinerary or to cancel the tour prior to departure. In the event that this trip is cancelled, liability will be limited to a refund of all payments received. The right is reserved to decline to accept or retain any person at any time should such person’s health, mental condition, physical infirmity or general deportment impede the welfare and enjoyment of other participants. Any physical disability requiring special attention or treatment must be reported when this registration is presented. We recommend the purchase of travel accident insurance, baggage insurance and trip cancellation insurance.

This pilgrimage involves hiking and walking. The Acropolis requires walking up steps, and there are two optional hikes in Delphi up paved mountain paths about 120 meters.

q I have physical issues that may prevent me from being able to cope with the walking and hiking. (Pleasedescribe on a separate page.)

q I am in good physical shape and will have no trouble walking and hiking.

q Please add me to CoreLight’s email list if I am not already on it.

AFTER WE RECEIVE YOUR APPLICATION AND DEPOSIT: Upon acceptance, we will send you further logistical information. To attend, you will be required to purchase travel medical insurance, including medical-evacuation (“med-evac”) insurance with a minimum deductible of $100,000, which costs approximately $100.

REFUND POLICY: Our cancellation policy is that all monies paid are non-refundable. If we have to cancel due to what we perceive as conditions that would jeopardize the health or safety of our travelers, all money will be refunded or applied to a later journey. We have never had to cancel for these reasons in our 20-year history. We strongly recommend that you take out travel insurance in the event that you have tocancel your trip for any reason.

I have read the above and agree to the terms and conditions as stated.

Signed: ___________________________________________________ Dated:_________________________

Please complete the following in case of emergency:Contact Name: ______________________________________Relationship:___________________________ Phone numbers:___________________________________________________________________________Physician: ________________________________ Physician’s Ph. #:__________________________________

Are there any health conditions (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) that we should know about? If yes, please describe:

Please return this form to: CoreLight, 223 North Guadalupe Street # 275, Santa Fe, NM 87501-1850

Phone: (505) 424-8844 ext. 2 / Fax: (505) 424-8848 / Email: