Avant B Edenfield Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


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  • 8/3/2019 Avant B Edenfield Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    ~oJ0 1 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT R e p o r t R e q u i r e d b y t h E t h i c sin Government Act of 1978R e v . 1 ~ 7 0 1 0 F O R C A L E N D A R Y E A R 2009 ( J u . s . c , a p p . ~

    1. Ptr$on Repo rting (last name, first, m~ddle i~6.al) 2. C ourt ar O rganization 3. D nte of R eportEDENFIELD, AVAMT B. U.S. DISTRICT COURT, SD/GA 05/03/2010

    4. Title (Article III judges indicate active o r senior status; 5a. Report Type (check appropriate 13,pc) 6. Reporting Periodmagistrate judges indicate full- or p art-time) [] Nomination, Date 01101t2009SENIOR DISTRICTJUDGE [] l~tial [] Annual [] Finai to!2/31/2009

    5b, [] Amended Report7. Chambe~ or Office Address 8, On the b~si~ of the information contained in this Report and anymodtficatlon~ pertaining thereto, it Is~ in my opinion, In c~mpliancePOST OFFICE BOX 9865 with applicable laws and regttlations.S AVANNAH, GEORGIA 31412

    Reviewing Officer Date

    I 3 ~ P O R T A N T N O T E S : The instructions accompanying this form must be followed. Complete all parts,checking the NONE box for each parl where you ha~e no reportable information. Sign on lastpag~

    I. POSITIONS. ~,por~ i~a~a o ~; , , , pr. ~-~ o/~a i,~ ~,~o~)NONE (No reportable po sitions.)

    PO S I TI QN N A M E O F O R G A N I Z A T ~ Q N /E N T I T 1,

  • 8/3/2019 Avant B Edenfield Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Name of Person Repor ting Dtte of ReportFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPO RTPage 2 of 7 EDENFIELD, AVANT B. 0 5 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 0

    IIL NON-INVESTMENT INCOM E. (Repo,~g~v~a~,po~;,,epp.A. Filers Non-Investment Income

    NONE (No reportable non-investment income.)DATE SOURCE AND TYPE (yours, n o t s p o u s e s )




    B. Spo uses Non-Investment Income - I f y o n w e r e t n a r r i e d d u r i n g a n y p o r t i o n o f t h e r e p o r ~ i n g y e a r , c o m p l e t e l h i $ $ e e t l o t ~(Dollar arnnu~t not required e.xcept for h onoraria.)

    NONE (No reportable non-investment income.)SOURCE AND TYPE




    I V . R E I M B U R S E M E N T S - , , a ~ ,~ , o ,, a , o ~ , Io a ~ i ,z . ~ o o ~ , ,, e~ , i~ = , ~(Includea those to spouse and dependent ch ildren; xee pp. 2527 of filing instructions.)

    [---] NONE (No reportable reimbursements.)~ ~ L O C A T IO N PUR PO SE ITEMS PAID OR PROVIDED

    1. L, q4I V ER SlTY " O F OCT 29 Jacksonville, FL Moot Court Competition lodgingGEORGIA SCIfOOL OFLAW

    2. GEORGE MASON NOV 6-12 Captiva Island, FL Economic Analysis of Law food, lodging, and reimbursement forINSTITUTE institute auto mileage and toils3.4.5.

  • 8/3/2019 Avant B Edenfield Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTPage 3 o f 7 EDE~LD, A V ~ N T B . 0 5 / 0 3 ~ 0 1 0

    V . G I ~ S . a ~ s ~ o ~ ~ o , , .. .. .. ~ depende~ ~ifdren; see pr, 28-31 of filing i~tructio~)NO~ ~o repotable g~s3

    V I . L I A B I L I T I E S . a , , a , ,a , ~ n ~ o s , o s ~ , . . .. . a , l q , ~ n ~ t t , t *itaren; st, p p . 3 2 - 3 3 of fil~.,g insrructlo,s.)N O N E O V o reportable liabilities.)

    CREDITOR ~ ~,

  • 8/3/2019 Avant B Edenfield Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ~ a m ~Page 4 of 7 e : r ). ~F I : ~ : L D , A V A N T B . 0 5 1 0 3 / 2 0 1 0

    NO~ ~o r~ortable income, ~sets, or ~ansactiomOA. B. ] C. D.Deep,on of Asse~ Income d~g

    ~G~ss value ~ ~d T~asactioas d~ng ~poning period(incl~g ~st ~e~) ~po~ng ~i~ of ~po~ng period

    ~ ~) 0) (2) (0 ~2) (3) (4)P!a= "(X)" a~er ~ch ~set A~t [ T~e (e.g., Value V~ue T~ (e.g., Date Value Gain Iden~ ofexempt ~m prior ~los~e C o d e 1 [ ~v., ~t, ~ 2 Me~od buy, ~ ~d@~ ~de 2 Code I buyer/~ ~(~) ~

    o r i a L ) ( J - P ) C~e3 ~dempfion)~

    (J-P) ~ (A-H) (ifp~va~: .. i (Q~ ~ans~tion)

    1. gVS Di~iplhed ~ F~d B Dividend L T2. KVS Growth F~d B Divided M T3. Syno~ Finmci~ (St~k) A Dividend K T4. Fairs & Mer~ts Bmk (S~ck) A Dividend K T5. Rental Income - Duplexes Statesboro GA E Rent M W6. Lard Rental Income Farms Screven/Bulloch D Rent O WCounties GA7. Waterfront Lot, Stmbury GA None M W8. Vacant Lot, Statesboro GA None J W9. Farmers & Mercants Bank (Chking) A Interest J T

    " 1 0 . T. Rowe Price, IRA Growth Stock C Distribution L T1 1 . Savannah B,Lnk (Clddng) A Interest K T1 2 . United Community Bank CD C Interest Redeemed 07/I0/09 L1 3 . Redeemed 07/31109 L1 4 . Sea Island Bank A Interest L T1 5 . Regions Bank CD (formerly Integ~ty Bank) C Interest Redeemed 03/04/09 M1 6 . First Citizens Bank CD None M T B uy 03/06/09 M

    " " Buy 07113/09 L

    2. Value Codes J -$1 f.000 o~ le~ K = $15.001 - $50.000 L =$50.001 - $100.000 M -$100,DOI - $250.~O0P] "$25,000.001 - $$0,000,000 P4 -More than $50,000,000

  • 8/3/2019 Avant B Edenfield Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    !FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ] N .... fPerson Reporting D~te of ReportPage 5 o f 7I E D E N F I E L D , A V A N T B .


    V I I. !N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - ~co.~ ,,as.., ~..sa.lo~, a.a~a~ ,ho,, of ,p ..... a dtpendenr children s e e p p . J 4 - ~ 0 of fiting instructions.)~-] NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    A. B. C. D.Description of Assets Income during Gross value at end Transactions during reporting period(including mast azset~) reporting period of reporting periodPlace "(X)" aRer each asset Amount Type (e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., D ate Value i Gain Identity ofexempt from prior disclosure Code 1 div., renL Code 2 Method buy, sell, mm/dd/yy Code 2 Coe~ 1 buyer/sdler( A - H ) or inr_) (J -P) Code 3 redemption) (J-P) (A-H) (if private( Q - W ) t r a n s a c t i o n )

    " " Buy 08/20/09 L1 9 .

    (See Co~ C1 and D$) N =$~0,~1 - t~,~ 0 "$500,~1 - $1,~,000 Pl -$t,~.~l - $5.~,~ ~ =$5,~,~1 - $2~,~0.~

    (S~ Columa C2) U -B~k Val~ V ~ W

  • 8/3/2019 Avant B Edenfield Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Page 6 of 7 E D E N F I E L D , A V A N T B . 0 5 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 0VIII. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR EXPLANATIONS. ~Z,~.,,,*arto/.~e~,,,~.)

  • 8/3/2019 Avant B Edenfield Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSUR~ N a m e o f P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g


    D a t e of R ~ p o r tE P O R T[ EDENFLELD, AVANT B.

    05/03~010age 7 of 7

    IX. CERTIFICATION.I certify that all information given above (including information pertaining to my spo~e and minor or dependent children, if any) |~accurate, true, and complete to the best of my knowledg e and belief, and that any infomation not reported wa~ withh eld because it met applicable statutory

    provisions permitting non-disclosure.I further certify that earned income from outside employment and honoraria and the acceptance of gift~ which have been reported are incompliance with the provision~ of 5 U.S.C. app. 50l eL seq., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations.


    FILING INSTRUCTIONSMail signed original and 3 additional copies to:

    Com mittee on Financial DisclosureAdm inistrative Office of the Un ited States CourtsSuite 2-301One C olumbus Circle , N.E.W ashington, D.C. 20544
