AutoCAD Map 3D - WMS Integration


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AutoCAD Map 3D - WMS IntegrationThese instructions apply to AutoCAD® Map 3D® 2016 and above, and describe how to load georeferenced Nearmap imagery using Web Map Service (WMS).

Rather than import a single image of a small area, WMS allows AutoCAD to request the imagery directly from the Nearmap server in a variety of map projections.

Please note that only certain Autodesk applications ( and ) support this functionality.AutoCAD Map 3D  Autodesk Civil 3D

AuthenticationTo consume Nearmap imagery via WMS, you must first create a  or Service, which generates a URL for you to copy to your Simple Custom WMScomputer's clipboard. Once you have done that, you can conveniently paste it into your application as required.

For more information, check out the   documentation.WMS 2.0 Integration

Loading ImageryFrom the  , click the   icon.Task Pane Data

Click  .Connect to Data

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In the   window, click  .Data Connect Add WMS Connection

In the   panel, at   enter  .Add a New Connection Connection Name, Nearmap

At  , paste the WMS URL you copied to your computer's clipboard.Server name or URL

Click  .Connect

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Do not enter anything in the   and   fields. Click User Name Password Login

The   panel appears in the connection window. Expand the   node and configure a layer:Add Data to Map NearMap

Check a layer to select it.

Change the   to  . This step improves performance by using compression at a usually imperceptible cost in Image Format jpegimage quality.Change the to NAD83 UTM and your zone. For example 26910, and if you hover over it you will see it's Server CS CodeNAD83 / UTM zone 10

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Check  , and give the layer a name. Then click  .Combine into one layer Add to Map

Your layer will display. To configure a different coordinate reference system, click the CRS icon at the bottom of the map display window.

Search for an appropriate coordinate reference system, select it, and click  .(Please refer to  )Assign Natively Supported Coordinate Systems

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11. The imagery is reprojected into your chosen CRS.
