AUTO M E I N Causes Furore VIOLENCE FLARES Their 'Auto...


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AUTO M E I N J i m A S l U l

O N L A B O R 'W

Causes Furore

linb tn ition Hopos-Aooon

W ill Koassuro OaplUl

On U nion Issue


ttsser Con^rovcrales RcgCLrdci

As M inor A fter Ending

O f M otor Threat,

By LYLK C. WIUSONW a s h in g to n , lu r . 27

Three crIUcal ot rapli] tirdInduirtrfal deveiopnifnt led the nd- ministration to hopo t<}<]ay w lut thrcatcne<l to be the worst ntrlUe cpIdemlc In Arocrlean history has

-lK»n-lnrBely tivolc!«l. -Devek^mcnta Include:1. Prevention of an automobile

Btrlkc,2. Continuation of rf/ortn lo

comjiromi*e thu railway wni;c dis­pute.

3. SubmlBslon of the Welrlon utecl cane to the courls.

ProKrcM In ralsinji: hour waiic nitM nnO rediiclnjr hoiira ■

■ lalxir.‘ '■ • ..........-Hall Dl>iput« StublKiri)

Tho railway dir.puLc lii stu bom. It may yoL Olwupt Imlu trial peace eJfortfl. Jllnera In the Appalachian bituminous f ie l d s confront operators wllh a ilt-mand for a flcvcn-hour. JO day. There:

0 numeroua Icsucr labor contjo-1

C«ii;;rcAS went Into i -Dwr asHerthoM ot WilUam A. VVIrt, nbo>T, nol«l C.ury rdu- tutor U'lio Ktatrd in a leltrr tiiat Iho "bralii triiHt" plots n vwiUil rrvoIutloii-iii Dip Uiill4'<I Staten. Itmoliidon dejnnndliii; it jirobo ivai* offcrtsl In thn JiHiwr yriirrday.

But PreBldcnt Rooscveit'ji auto- iioUve flettloment may have rep* ereusjilcwi tar beyond that Imlua- try. capital will find in It desired assurancea' rcgardlnp ndmlnlstra- tton attitude, toward the Amerlcnn (Continued

m im im1 BOISE 0[A'

Verdict of Coroner's Jury

Frees Trio After Probe

A t

UOISE. Mar. ^7 il'.l’)—1-V.incla Boyd. 10. Wendell, I’nul Hopper, ,21. and I3crt Jensen, a.'i, lx)lh of Pocfttelio, were freed today of ri-

IMge Coluon S ) Hnrley C. McVlclier.i, 27,McVlck-TH wna deelanii ijy »

coroner's jury lo hnve been nccl- deninlly kille(J In' a fiiil durlni; drunkcnheiui at a Boiiie hotel Sun> day. The trio was Jicld for ques­tioning after admittlnK flghtlnc with McVicltera.

The three told a coroner's Jury their version of evenlii that Ic<l to the 'flndlnc of McVle^cers, Bolao wnr*hou«e Tntin. dead with ft brblten oKull In (i hotel corridor.

Admit StllUlnir Theyhad atniek McVlckerfli biit

only with tlielr flnta," they laid. and, belnp dnink, he had forced hlmnelf upon them and they were obllfjed to take him lo another hotel room and hit Jilmto inak'e'nim slivy uljeJ:........■ Lester Smith of Caldwell testi­fied that he hncl Riven hln


Los Angelea W oman Ecfuses

........ Adm iflsiona.ln Death _of_

Studlio Acoountant

L03 ANGELES, Mar. 27 (lU;)—Mra. Nellie May Mndl/wn, 38. won held'lh the' county jmi here today While Bherifra officers souRht lo »h4lUr- the wall ’’of alienee- «he erccteO when qucsuoned eonccro-,^t^ 1, 15 n, McVlekcrs. who •inc^ lhe .fata i drunk, while he nn<l another

'ybulh went to dance.fourtb huiiband, Eric Msdlson, film Bludlo aecountAnt.: Captured-afur a 24-honr hunt Ui' a mountain cabin, the dark- haired wtclovf malnUlne<} a Atoliil Bllenco to questioners beyond denying? the Ultllnir and UUklnR frecjy of. hrr earlier rafirltal veij* ture«.’ Officers booked her on hub- pitlon of.murdcr.charjtfs. cceded with the nearcli for a nec-

.oad womaiv on the theory that Jwlouny. possibly caused the nl- leited. crime.

Flnil Rcvolvei.DDputie* oaJd they, found’Mrs.

. (Iljw n cowerin; in u clothes Closat'bh .tMe ranch, home of Rob­ert Cuddy,'a friend, near Lebec. W her'car. they.-Mid they found a. 32-32 caliber revolver and re- ceipta for two revolver*. A par­tially filled Uw of .cartfiaBCs alao v,Tta found. Ihe.depuOw reported.\Ura Uadiffon naid Bho first was

Dr. Ernest LaubauRh. who per­formed an aulopiiy on McVlckcni. ■said deatli'wafl cnu-ned by a blow on the head, but that the flJcuIl was found to be unusually thin. No mention of a weapon made;


E L E C T ! POLLSMobsters as City Votes

On Own New Deal


Kidnaping: of Little Tamniany

Rivals Marks Terrorinn

In Metropolis

KANSAS CITIT Mo.. :<Iiir. 27 The Kuiijuui City SUir toUity a rrtsurd of « , •000 tor the urrr»t und ronvlr- tlon .,-f thugn uho a>tHUuH«l und Injilmi nnr of thr nrv 'N. |>;iprr'« rrporlem, .J. I). IJowrr- sock.

The reporter witi linorUrO douii aiut l>rat('ii iie:i? thi- iirivnpiiprr Ijuiliiliij; by u puiK (if n-piitiHl Drmwnitir purlU

KANSAS CJTV. M».. 27 i;i—Terrorism flared In iCan.-iaii

City'll municipal clectloni) today.One munliT. numtroun sliii;-

Kini;n and rqwltfrl »Iiln:ipln(^ reconle<l, before norm a


Their 'Auto Pact Averted Disastrous Strik

ber« t the jreform niovcmi

ansaa Cliya "111110 Tiimi a:i at iilake.Willlnm rindley. a Ncki-o pr net worJier, wiiii /ihot Ki cli m -tiurl ■n-ltlr-fnm-or' on outilde 11 iwlllnK placc-/Klnd- y.woumle<l one of liln us!!all;ml.i-

. I-lrr.H nl Oiinmrn Findley was worklnj,' Iniildc tho

j)olllnK place when a ' l:n ;o cur iitoppcd In front. Wltni-iucii imiil {ConUnued on I’ajre 2. Column 3)

Nhnwn »Im promise .a/;rrC4ii('nl uvcrlcd riitlri- riTDViTy pniijruiii. - prrnliti'nt lliidhon trx-ui iiiilot Am<'rU';.ii I-.-.|pr.itli)ii of IjiD jirt-nldrnt Flolirr lloillt-s iiiili prc>ml«r. Ix-f« tn rlKlit, A lfm l I*. Stnni I'lii-karcl Motrir Car ('onijmny and Ix'iid

_r.-.Chrj.ticr. urrJildent Chrynirr iiir|Hirull, ehalrinun .S'usli iinil Mi l C E l S r

; ACTION Traitor Hunt Gains Impetusin S u i t j l i i ^Ponders Vcrdiot

By Western-Poultry-and

Produce Company

In Brain Trust “Plot” Charge

Jurymen commenccd delibera­tions thin ttfjemcKin on a vcrdict In a civil action broui;lil”in“ dlfltrlpt court by the Wcntem Toultry &Produce company aKnInnt the Northwcfitem Mutual rirc niuiocin- tion, !ict;klnfr collection on a 51,000 policy for nllf jrcil loss fit 11 carjjo of poultr>- and e(Tpi while bc-inc Ten Per Cent Rise Expccted transported- to I-o:i Angeles, Muy



Growers Absolved from 1934

Asrcomcnt by Directors

Of State Group

Statement of Uie board of di­rectors of tljo Idaho Beet Growern’ asnociation.Teleasiaff m e m b e rs from "tho marifctinff nffitrcraent

^ - i|nl(l._T^e mn|TiBic_.Cndtd in 1D3-I.'' was Klven'outdivorce'as did her next with \\flU T i?re^fty oy J. uaylcy anUTT - - “ - - - , G. Thomas, secretary of the local

after«'(U^.' L iter she became the ..ulfe pC E arijm iB t of, Vale.,Ore.

Brown. , Lon Angeles


I ' Twin Falls county has been rIv- , ah-a temporary, asslgflment of 160

mbn for CCO camps the approach- ing season, 11 was learned htr« Co- day., •' • Fixing of pertwnneU is In the Imnrta'of the atata relief commit* lee. Tending receipt of word rc- gartfihg ngo IlmltsUaaa, anil.other quaiificalioDs. tho quotas for oev* er^'oounUen,-which ara to be in addition to those alreadv enllnted; ore announced ^rom Bolsa as foi- 'iowsi ' .;;Ada 109. Canyon 1C2, Gem 38.

.poyetta 38,' Waahlagton 41. .Twin ‘Falls isa. Cassia 63. Minidoka 44. Jfromo 43. Gooding 30. Lincoln 1C,.

■ ■Diaina-10.' Camoji 7;"^imoro 23,.• Clark e, Fremont 52. MadUion 43,

Toloa.,18, Jefferson 47. BonnevUlB ‘103. Bingham 07. Butte B,. Custer

Bannoolt-1&4. Oear.Laue 4i; Fnuildin 21, Caribou 11, Oneida 30,

ipovyer 23. '

• ; ■ • F ^ u n D IE IN FLOOd. ANTOFAQASTA. Chile. Mar. 27 ,aU!i—F^ur persons were, killed, in* eluding a child,'', in' a cloudburst which /oliowod'a brlef earthquake i t 1 n. .m. today ln th«.lowMhlp of. Yungay, miles from here

n.MoeiaUon. who attende<l a meet. Ing of Uie board of directors in I’o- catello yesterday.

•‘After mcetlnga held with the Utah anisoclatlonfl and' the manu> fnctureru, we wiah to state that thin aanoclatlon does not endorse these contractji os written, wo endorse the laic action of the Utah Beet Growers’ hasoclatlon In releasing their growers." says the announcement. “Wo have met

In all of tiieso meetings___......... been understod by us thatthey would (alco no definite acUor until after this meeting at- Poea- Icllo.

\voiit “ao-ao’’'•’Our aasoclallon has submitted form of contract of our Krowero Id to tho manufaelurcm, that wo

hfli-e fan waa juat, and OAkeii for what we hove always felt waa a

,, 00-80 division of the sugar ttact from ,our beeta. Thu c tract also contains . a few minor benefltfl that we otiil contend

(Continued on Page C, Column 3)

W H O ;u / iE E iX ?

’.‘What’ slata passed tho flrjt denul prftcllee lawT

NVho 'was the (irai Amerlcaii' : actor lo ap{»ar abroadT

>Vhcn wiis thg llrst aeeount- anil' welstj-'formedT

. Aosviri'lQ next.iMUt.

30,'1032.Arj:umcnt of attomeyn

cUulcd thin forenoon.Nrtt on Duckel

Next on the docket In the. Jury trial of a iiult lnaUtutc<l by the Bill Bailey company agaUiut M. Slut- Uln. alleging breach ot cnntmcl in tlio delivery of potato bapi. It Is as.iertcd by the plaintiff company tliat iLi liiuilnesii wan damnge<l for failure of the bagii to bear thn brand of the concern. Judgment la flought on two counts, each f<040.

I'lnlntlffs are reprcflcntcd by Chapman 4 Chaiiman, and Uie de­fendant by tlie law firm of SVIlflQn, Faulaon and Sheneberger.■ Trial of Western Poultry & Pro'

ducc compan/s suit opened yester­day morning. It ia alleged that the concern nuiitained a lom» of 51.500 whrn the cargo burned near Glen­dale. Nev. Question to be decided by the jury was whether the lo.ui was oCoieloi Oho.

leloned. by.a ftrc, within • g.oLU

nustalnedmechanical dlfficuH by the tnicit.

J. R. Uothwell Is attorney for tho plaintiff, and the defendant iu represented by Frank Martin, Boise.


n v nONAlJ) G. VAN TINK WASHINGTON, Mar. 27 U'J:)—

President Boosevelt UKlay decided to retum the airmail to private op­erators without waitlnf: for.pas- MffC of pemiaticnt leglslaUon.

The President aald tempomry bids would bo called for at once.

Determined to get the army out of the airmail business permanent­ly and,as soon os possible, Mr. llooscveit decided the only solution was to return the mall lo private air lines on a temporary'basb and

the permanent legislation wait.let- ...................... . .. .y con­

tracts were to be canvaased a l .a White House conference before the President leaves for Florida to* night.

Tho White House gave finite indication as to whether companies.whose contracla cancelled would be permitted to bid on tho temporary basis. But In­asmuch as practically all major lines Were Involved in 'the cancel- latlonff. It was concluded that they would of nocesalty have to bo ia* eluded la aa^’Ufflporux Aat-ug,

Tomorrow Among Leading

Plants o f Nation

NiOW YOftK, Mar. 27 (IMH - Dow Jones Ji Co., flnunclul nc-wii acrvice, today luld tiiat leading; aleol producers tomorrow will An­nounce a wage Increase of jirol;- ably 10 per cent, offc-cllvc Api"

Statement of the incroanc. It an said, will be through the-

AjncrJcnn Iron and Steel Insli-...... It wan indlcatcil no changewill be made In the 40-hour worlt

c a.’i provliR-d In thi- ali-cl code.

PITTSBUHGJI, Mar. 27 a'.pi-A 10 per cent wni;e Increa.ic affect­ing the entire .‘iteel industry WA" expected In well infomiitl qiiar- ■tera here toil.iy to bo announced uliortly.

No official nnnouncemfnl wan arallnble here thl.i momlng. bul

;y Steel comp.iny In Cleveland In announcing its wage lncrenn(' precipitated the r u ni o r a iinil strengthened them.

Official announcements were expected before loaay Is over, nml it won understood they would place the increaJie In cffect on April 1. The United SUtes Steel corporation';! flnancc committee Is meeting In New Vorlt today, It wan polnltd out, and the an­nouncement of tliat corporation'.! Increniie may follow tlie meellng.

Pumpingr Rate Cut By Utility Body

BOISE, Mar. 27 <IU!)—Tlio public utilities commifBlon today aii- nounce<i approval of a new optional reduced rute on power for Irr/gu* tlon pumping In Iduho territory nerved by the Idaho Power com­pany.

Tlio rote, lo be effective after tho March meter rendlnga, Ui e.Hl- maleti to give an average reduc­tion. dependent upon the cuiitom- er's une. of 11 per cent from pres­ent pumping rates, and to glvo an aggrcgfltfi'imvlng to tho company’s customers ot npproxlmatcly S27.-

Idaho Income Tax ' A t H igh Levels

BOISE, Mar, 27 <ai>).— Income taxes paid into state coffers today totalled }lQ0,0a7, just $20,000 short of doubling tho entire rovcnue from tho aamo tax duriag tho entire year of 1032^88, Leallo SboUworth, de-. eattmeat Dl Iiaaiu»t'.c()£QxMd.-

SPlMfilEIE d u c a t o r A f t e r

---- 1‘ O u t b u r s t ! ’ _______ S E T o rA P teuiit a

.-mlm Ul'll upiui H fini'pi'rcu;

me ciiarKi'a 01 im Indliula iii'lwuil- inanlcr that nK'nibiT.'i of tli'- br;ilti lrii:il were i>li>ttlni,' a r.‘v.iU|llnn, i‘X1iI(k1c<I louder I'.ml i;;vr a wnfi-i- arca. .Somo or the-hunl-T;t In d.'jid. iarnc.iiL Oilier had tnnj;u'';i 111 ehrel!.-:.

Conp'c.'ta wji;i (•on.'iliU'Ving wheth­er lo Ihr hunt official sanc­tion. •

In Gary. liul.. Dr, WilUiini A, Wirt. whoiK! Ipttrr charj:lni; that a iTBln Inistcr bad confldcd a revolu­tionary plot to lilm cn-ateil a fur­ore, InnlKtcd he would reveal I he' n/inie of Intormint only i» ji congre;u‘iloniil commltlei-,

AtUicl!» Wirt In Chicago, Profiwuir Harry

Gldconiie, University of Chicago economlut. charged that Dr. 'Wirt war an urganlrcr of a "lobbylnc orpiuiliatloti," - the Commltti'o for. ,the Nation, and declared that hla ‘•outburnf 'wuii in/iplrrd by tho brain tnint'.M npnoidllon tii the "lob- by'n di-slrivi,"

In Ntfw Yorlt, here, and elae- wherr membeni of the r.o-callcii

had ever Uillted to Dr, Wirt.Itapi Comml(t<-<-

Many thouj:ht It a joke and n rr- port current hero said that ii young Intelloctiml attached to u Kovemment agency, liitltned lo Dr. WIrfii Jierloun • minded fuai? of

le of thn new dcal’n ]X)llclrn and ‘pull hbleg'' remarked that Mr.

llwinevclt wan the Keren.Mty of the rewIotMn flwl Ifie St/ill/i u-ould como later. TliUi repoH aald Uic Hoonlcr nchoolmafilcr mlMed the point cf the Johe,

Prof. Gldconne. generally rocog- nizcd an one of Uie cnuntry'ii lirad- Ing economisLn nnd a foe of the lul- (Contlni»c<i on Page 2. Column 1)

WASHINGTON, Mar. 27 ni.lD— President noosc\-ell today slgneO Uio--Viniion*TraiiimcU- aa\->' - bill which pmvlde.i con'atructlon of new ahlps to bring the country'o sea forccs up «o tho Kmit pre­scribed by'the London ireaty.

The President Insued a state­ment in which he said ."It han been and .will bo the policy ot Urn admlnbtration to favor .continued limiUUon of naval armainenls. I t is my.'personal hopo that U»c naval confertnce to be held in 1034 will extend all oxUUng lim i­tations and ogroo to further re* UueUoni,’:- ,..........

Coiincil W ill Hear'' Protcstj;

AKaiiiHt District; Cost

Boosted Slightly

ri-.ile.’da ajialant trealii>n of a :-prlnl;llng dlnlrlct In -IWin J-'alW will be received by the clly coun­cil Monday cvenbiK-, April It, ac- cordlni' lo lenmi of a rri.olutl<m or Inlentlon, adopted ln;it niRht.

Ah ptx>iK)*('d now the dljitrlcl will be eonatltuled tlie same as In.'it ye.-\r. Petitions for udiling Jifw .-jtriTts or ellinliialln^' them, may be filed wllh the clly clcrlt during the Interim, 11 wna suted toifay by W. H. ICldrldni-, ck-rlt. The dlntrlct will be Itnown iia .-tpr- elal njirlnkling dlntrict No. IH,

HllKllt InerraMi

Terms ot tno rtnoluilon call for the clly bearln," the exjicaae of lipi'inlilln;: the Internccllonn, while liropcrly owners will be called UjKin lo pay on Ihe front foot- aire ia.-tfa. A i/icrcast; In t)r-

House Passes Vet AidMeasure^ver- Roosevelt’s Veto

W ASHlNGTOKrW ar. 2 r(IT P )—Tlic ltbU5e■ht^^odny~ j):p;sed increased vctcnina' bencfiUi iinil Bovcrnment tal-

ariw over President Roosevelt's veto.

Till} vole mi.i :U0 lu 72,It w;i.i‘ t!ie Prcaiclenfs Jirst dc'fcat by cou(;res.'; on -a

jiiajiir i siie.


.r i ')- - l’rc>.i-lrul Ilou'-velt tOiTny ' liill I’iirryiug anifiidini'Uts pro-

■imli-iaUMV i:iiL,';iU'.La‘l.'JiU-JJiiiLl>L-im^

Jifairiiti^' (fu- vidi> tr/is fmns- iiiiil.'d 1.1 ihe hoi!.-'.

'•I am Impelled to do thbi on a number of ground.i. any one of them Iiufflclent to rrquiro dbwp-

al ..fthe bm,’' lhc Prealdcnf

rn-dll SufrBiwrd II'- ni.Kle It plain that he waa

acting under the provlxlonii of. ih.- bill of March. 1!>33, which wan <lra'.vn In maintain Chu cred­it of {(K- Unlte<( States gwem- nient.

I'urlhermore. In .itib.'ilantlallon " f hill .icUon. he died the,hudj;et._ nubmilicd to congre.1.1 In January which laid dcTA’n a deflnlt^pro- gram of expenditure and a dpfin*

nat>; of receipts. He polnt- Ihal the bill he vetoed ex- .

•nlrd the cjllmale.i by J228,000,.

law hi-eame one iif the pillars-of' , national recoveo . He added that whllr It was true large but whol­ly dUtlnct funds were being dls- penwd dally for cmerRcncy pur- iw.'ien. tlioiie funds were going dl- . -ectly lo the purpose of aaviag

.liomcn und glvlnj: relief and eiao' - liloynient to millions of cltl*«?ns.

"They are non-rccurrlng in' a«-- . turu whlle-Jthe Increases.cont^* plat<M In this bill are continuous and permanent. ' he aald.. Vk.,

In his dlflcuMlon.Qf thc.budffct, L, Mr. Jworaveit recalled tluit-'.-bc- causQ of tho emergeacy cxpeijdl* ' tur&i for relief and uneroploy','' ment the expected total d&floiU (Continued on P ^e 2, 1 ) '

liyeiiij: , piMH .>t il;i'vi. Ill', -■CoimcCllcut. ..Llircc_lC.\lllc_i'.ltyi,t rcmalnrd clo;ic<l an slate labor <Ie imrtnient metlbt«r.v attempted to iirlllo d la p u te s whichbroojjlit l.OOU worlccni away from tlK'lr ioomn. I'liintn were Idle at Jevvrlt a iv , Manchester niidWeiit Haven w'lH':e worlcent iK)Ui:ht wiu:.r Increani'H as high as 2.'. per cenl.

' SlilpliulUlIngShlpbutldini; ~ Conulruollon of. ••(. crulserii and four dcntroycra )r llie United Stale!! nuvy and VO Sfatidnrd Oil Ian}(crfl waa inpi-ntled al Ihc Camden yanii ' til.- Ne v Yorlt Shipbuilding

t,.„i-iK)raliua _ uL:_ 3.200 .. worker.-' alrueli acalnnt open idiop. prcnent - agra and ttic company Union.

Airplanes —“ -o Ihour.and em- ployi'ii of'tlie Cimsolldal'xi and Curtljw Airplane plants nlnicU for

lodny. Connollilated ...... .v.v.d to clo^e It.n doors bulCiirlbis rrmalnW In operation.

.mioe/! Apprortinuktely Haverhill. Maw... shoo worUera ■nlcrrd tlie fourth wcelJ <>f their itrllte lo<l.iy.


Pardoned' Murderer on Trial

For Attempt to Bribe

Dry oniccr

was agrccfl ujxm. after it pointed out that but 70 per cenl of the coals a.i;i;Uied arc collect­ible, nnd lhat depr<-clatlnn of ma­chinery must be laUen into con- alderatlon, l>aal year nprlnltllng iColnlnuetl on Page 2, Colun-ji U,)

puTOuucu I daho nUitc niuy- derer of Herald Clark. Newdale, allegedly Rave George \V. Doyle, fomer prohibition officer, 5200 to win a liquor before the U. S.

immlBsloner ai Idaho Palbi.Testifying in his own •behalf. Fox

aald lie gave ihe 5200 to Richard Garland liT the belief his friend would hire an attorney who was In- flucnUal wlUi U. S. District Attor­ney Hoyt R Jlay, In having blfl cane continued.

Doylo told of accepting the money from Fox la prcsenco of Garland and A. A. McGill, another prohibition officer. In hla home April 23, 1031.

13F.VERIA' HILLS. Cai,—Say that sltipplnjc• lhat striltc .wan. till- bent bit, of hltU thafs hap- jienod i(> us !n a lonp lime, for It JooKs like the U-isl.t of flfop- plnR all ot ihem, If the partici­pants will 1)0 us liberal an these wrre. Thera was one new thing- they brought out In .the agree­ment thal seemed pretty fair. That: was. Uial no 'matter what union, or group, or It noire at all, that in any nctllemcnl you

workers in your group. That’s bfon one of the. Wg troubles before, supposed leadcro who didn’t represent everybody, 'but were in thtro talking for ’em;. Sn it looks like tho president haa eamcy his vacaUon,' even ,lf_h8 woa.colag.on_MoT£aa'B. yacht Yours,

POCATELLO. Idaho. Mar, (l-.I’i—A federal court Jury today iicld Ihe- fate of William FVix. clmrged with bribing n federal of-

WASHINGTON, Mar. 27 (OE)— A sU hour day to relieve unsn- plojTnent among hundreds ol thousands of raQroad worken was demanded today .■by"Wr'^a.' Cantloy, representing the Brother­hood of ItoUwny Tralmnco. .' ConUo)' told the house Interstate commerce coiii^tte«''ivhieh opened hearinga on Croaser six ^dur'^ty-hUl, that suffering axaom ----ployed n il workers could aUfivlatbd liy -t. ihorter.(Jay. . , ; - •' The-Ml, BpoMor®dRobert Croiser.'l), Ohio, w e ^ e a a iiX.*boar dir-iw. tbUi o u - M ; ^, *inr.

MkiimmON CR Ii-B ILtr

AdminUtratiott Leader W ill

Hcquelt Early Fossa^

For Measures

WASHINGTON, Mar. 27 .CUR>— Majority Leader Joseph T.' Rdb- Innon after a conferenco with ■ President’ noosevoll- said tottoy . that an effort would be mmlo nt once to pass eight crime suppres­sion bills reported by the senate Judiciary ieommittee.' ''

" I informed Mi;. Iloosevelt it - ■ 'my plan t<), gki these hills'

through as soon as jposslblB and ho gave his heor^ 'appi^val,"* Robinson said, -

He dbcloted a full le^islattTo ^ ate during the Prcsid^t'b- ib-

nence from .the capital on'-his flah- ' ing trip, ■, '" . '

It«\'ehue HlV Ooa ^ .. < He eald the now revenue’bill.-.':

designed to plug 'up holes’ In . the ' Income tax law, would'be report^. ' ed tomorrow by-the #cnattt':f|»,'- nance commlllee and - would. be taken up on the-floor o H ^e e n - :•BTr u T c c t n irp c i_

Two bills relating to muaiclp«l. and -corporate hoakruptoy «re ready for senate csoalderation,'ho said. Tho permoneDt airmail- tull. • ftobinson added, will l>e of;, oommltteo soon and will be-ftven.-. immediate coDilderatSoa.*- -r .

"President -Roosevelt wIU. a iikft an aimuUI statement later tod«]r,’;;V>: Robinson said. . ..- ........ . .

The-raaoJrtCy fearer tOfiivbe drawn into a dtsoussion'.oa' tft#;, '- " bill how'in . oammittee alined'-at” regulatton of 'the stoelc.nwko^-'

House Receives - - DePrieat Motion;!\VAaHINGTOK..Mar. 37

Tho house rules committee;report*^ ed out today the DePrlest r ^ " ' ■-tlon for as inveattgatloa o( tba'b____ ,on Kegroes ia tUe i» u s e - : .« r ^tauraat ............. — .• r

la.loaderahlp'nioTe « u J maneuver to 'proreat tJ

---Id from TOtlng Apr« » ,c“petlUoa, to discharge' tbe ,«— tee front considering the r«S—Afl a result otthe conunitlMi'ik-i) tlm> «h> hniio <n<lhlfi Ih*

qutrjr l&tA the r account! comntt


liiiom c: Brtiin Trust "P lo t” Furore

' Spreads ns Economist

I Raps W irt

(Contlaufd rroiJi Pac* One): mJnJfltration'* /.'old palley, leveled

nllaclt ori Uie Commllti S’ntlon. jr. J. Rand. Jr.. chair- ■o(—lLs--«llrfiCllnff .commlLtcc

. . . . a letter conUlnlnK Dr. Wlrfi ...charcca bcforo a. conprc.-Lilonal

:ommlttce Intil weok. '’•When It l« discovered that Di

I W lrl II n member of' thin lobbying ' commlltco whrtt ho han nnld about , the brain Irujit wffl not l>c taken

erlou.ily." Gldconsc nalU. "The : co'rrimiltcc'a ■ fteiiviilfs will reveal ' ihu motive."

Pcndinfj bfforo the houne rulM ' committee wa* the Bulwlnkle reao.

luljon uutharlzint; uppolntment 'il u five man committee to invMtl- Ifntc the charRc/t. Dr. Wlrl’a lot-

; ter had hardly comc to llcht ht- foro Rep. Alfred Bulwlnkle. portly North Carolina Democrat. wn«

• working on the rtsolutlon. JH;i .............porl/rom

ty Floor Leader jMepU \V. By

liolney Skeptlaa Speaker Henry T. Rainey, how­

ever. wa.1 not so aurc the Invcntlfrn- ..lion shouW be carried on by con-

' fireu. Ills idea on the matter was j U »t Iho deparlmcnt of Justice ♦-nyenla-were well-qualified • to -ilc- [. tcrmlne the truth of Wlrt’a charjt-

DH. . •Rainey appeared Juxt a little

nkeptlcul. havlnp an Idea Hat the Indlasa eduealor m ljh l Imve bi-cn, tnlklSf* calanity for publicity pur-!

^^JS^Cholman Edward W. Pop ' of the rule! committee la lll.mnd

Rep. WllUam B, Bonkhtad, rank- —Inffmalorlty membor. ls out of the

city, there waa lltUo likelihood tlml a rule for cooaldcraUon of the Bui-

. vfJnblo reJwluUofi would be obtaLn- , cd Uklay.


Passes 'Vet A id, Federal Paj

• Eestoratlon Over Baa

---- PJesldont ■ “ •

(Conllnned from Pnjr« One)

this'year and In 103< 4re neces- ! aarily large; but at the tome time

a program for a eompleteJy bal­anced budget by Juno so, 1D30, was determined upon aa r defin­ite JSljJecUvc."

T^ mcmge wafl the flrat mnwr one nubmltted by Ur.

, o v c lf l t also W0.1 the lengthiest ' communicatioa during iila ad' t wlnUlraUon.

CaUed "Cnlvtoo"

...TJic. President. .rcjectea„nii.,tm'„ wine, the congrcsalonal plan to restore ilve per ctnt of the IS per'cent govcrnmeot p»y cut a; of Fob. 1 aad another five pe:

' cent July 1.~I have great nympnthy tor th(

. employes," i l r . RoosovcU imld,, "but I cannot forget that mlllloni

of American cttliend are today Btlll-wlthout employment, and re­duction In the compennntlon of federal cmployea hiui been and ntlll Is on the average less tliar the . reduction In compenfiatln: Uut'haa been patiently, nnduro toy those cltl2cns not Jn the em

1 ploy of ibo Unlte<l SWte.? govern Tnent" .

Th6 President said the letroae- tlvo feature would act a danger- oufl precedent.

Turning to the veterans' sec­tions, the Prtaident said Uic bill vlolaKU Xhe princlplpa h# had laW tlowTi that every veteran df- rectly disabled In the war or now In want should be cnrcd for. but that there should De no special benefit to veterans tllsnbled after the war.

WASJIINGTON. Ml Speaker of the House Jlenry T.

..Baincy sold t«lay that he w “ jiialte-'‘e>eij;c 'ffort-<b^Ielay-i tomoiTOv" a house %-otc on Presldeofs veto of the independ­ent offices bin.

Rainey said he considered It deslra*!e for members to study the veto mesnage before actio; the bill carrying veterans < penoatlon Increases and partial federal paycut reaJtiniUon. flo predicted that the veto would be sustained by the bouse.

This Mati’a RecordStaggered-Judge

JAMESTO^VN. N. Y. (ri!) — Judge Allan. E. Darga bellew <5irl young, 51,' Am set an ai . ...> rccord, for inloxicaUon.

Interested In the man’s recnrc, the Judge ordered court attend- ants, to look up his hlstorj'. They found:. 1. That. Toung haa been a: niigned 78 times on charges of li toxlcallon since 1005.

1. That 'he has paU J275 in fines. . . •

3.' That he has Aerved three years, ode month and JO day/i In jail. ’ . '

Judge„PvCor cortniltled Yoi IbjBayvme.jairwhen he

- abW to pay ii <10 fine.

T ii i/ tk K ESC vts pouro iSESEASIDE,fOrc. (ilTJ — A’jwr-

. .^ U « , rtmnd^od by-an-extmordln- .• 'arily hlgh-.tMe. proved a problem

'tplo-hanUred- 6«askW • residentsr wEo - tHM-W-.-wAtuTTamr-He

. KWea; ;ioad*J tato, a .trucks brtlea'to"'« brtdgft tntr the Ne-


P,,rUnnd-..i-.....-.... •'>2Salt Lake....-........Seattle ........-50 ,-rmN F A IX 9 .....43

Discover Papers of Father of Oregon

OKTCON ClTV. Or.-, il N’atiirdlr.'itinn i«iprr.'i of Pi

) iIi:L/)U)fJilin, "K.TWrr of Oi Wfrc' djnoi.von-il in viiull;i county ri'corUi-rn' offico hn

I DrltlJih HHd.ton Hay Furcoi I befriended American .•ii'tti ) Oregon In early d.iy.n. \Vh J fur p6st wao (llj.contl)I Oregon wn« .ceded to') Btatcn. Dr. McI.«UBlilh

nnd look a 'farm.. The natiir-illiatlon papers wen

3 issued by the second dlslrlet ciiiirl ) of Orcgoft Tdnllorjv Snpu fi, 18S1.

Mrs. L. S. Thompson and John Jacqbson, Owners

g Jiilii) ItirtMiiirh. Anf.llinii-^r ■. 11. W. WlllnimuD, Clprli —lU i ^ a a a a y i 8 l r n a ^ ' i n > ; M '> r i l « b d n l « » f i ' l l l l *

a<M )iltirch 27,-13S4 . r IDAHO EVENING TIME S. TWIN FALLS,. IDAHO Jago Thrcd


iFflNTDOiEyMore Than 100 Stars Seeking

Laurels at Finehurst


PINEUUnST, N. C,. Mnr,fcWmcjjraTca-.

Blonul invoded I’lncJuiral-toduy for opening of the fl2nil an BUttl north and ooulh open cbuii' pJonahlp mttL

JJore than 100 pron were ready to begin the (Irsl test of medal play over rinuliural'n chnmplon- ablp courae, In thii wake of red

"hot prncilee roundo mruJe oy — ' «ral player# ycBterdny.

ilule III Oiin Johnny luwaon, wcatem i

tcur, Jworcd n hote-m-one t<. low card of GS In an extabltlon engagement with Bobby Jones. Horton Smith and Ed Dudley, In the <Lrst public match wUti the new golf ball.

The playcra found the new ball .carried farther In Jong jihotji. Jontsa continued having trouble

—witb-hi9-«ullerri)Ul^li<->onK-*i><'^- (vcro go^. 11c .finished with ’ ii sUb^ar 70, Smith, who conqucrcd Jonea at Augxista, acorcd 60 to pone out Bobby, whtic Dudley <ardcd'7<.

‘C. A . BoUcy Named Director

Of District for Legion

' Baseball Program

Tcntiitlvc plun.i to organlr.c the south central Tdnbo dlBtrict in Iho American Lefflon'n otnte and na­tional Junior baacball program were underway here today under

pointed M d l^ lc t director by Sid­ney R. ^rber, Bolae, dejlnrtmcnt nthletlc officer for Idaho.

The Legion competition extcndn throughout the nation, and Include,-! regional, aectionnl a n d "world nerlW toumnmcntn. The Legion aim, according to ' Bailey, In not primarily in making great liajieball

— jilaycrs-of-the-young-pnrticlpftntJ but "in the good nportJimunBhip training they receive while pltiylrg Ihegiinic." The l.eglon contention, he Indicated, In that "biueball Is n laboratory of. good citizenship."

Duhl EnroDji ' Buhl has already, enrolled In tlic Junior progmm, Bailey wild.-Othei town.i In which ntlemptu are now being made to organlre team.T ore

--rwln -FnUa Filer, lamberly, -Rup­ert. Burley and possibly Paul.

Idaho participation In the pasl neveral years han been limited to n nmall number of tcninJi, Bnllcy polntwl.out in .oiitllnlng the cam-

_palgTi • to cnJarge the proRTom ahoahbne, which ban always been a strong contender for otatc hon- ora,. cnihUslaaticallj enclarsc:i the pUm; •


"Calamity Jnnr," (iio putter tbut carried Uobliy JonrH to th(' lilghrat hononi In golf, failed him on hlx ntteinpii-d romcliiicU In the Mii»lcm' Toumiunent. . staged over hl« coiimp ut Aligiiilu, <Ju. Here lie In, n t loft, on the uny to te« utt u'lth hln jiiirtnor, Puiil Runyan.


Pitching Weakness Only Flaw

Likely to Hold Revived

Aggregntion Down

.n v JACK CU'DUV.-

Charley Is Sad at Lack Of Form in Golf Meets

- NHWTORir,- •nMH.--Thp-Niill<innI'1?57:ft(-'?l!Ci:1vf(i ii (itlnui-. lining "licit:,in .th- iirin thin y-':ir '.vlicii r<iwci Crtmlcy. Jr., Ihu inil- lloiitilrr rii'llci rnnnufacturcr. iind hhi clymiinlc inuri Trldny. red-liciul- ml Ijirry Miicl'hull, took (ivor the Cinclnrmtl HcU.i, ■ jnil/i_rly1)..M|]:cnai:il_0l-Ulc 1033.

•mn. long hns W n u \vc;ik nin- In t)u- circuit, Iiicltfnj: gale up-

pt'iil lit hdine nnil on the rcmil. Uur- InK 33 yi-iim <if major Iragup jilay, the HnI.'i won only ono i)cnnimt. Thin WIN In liUI' whrn Ihc-y won thi- iiMincliiloiis wcirlfl iiork'ii from the Clilcaf;o BliicU So.t,

Nrw Drill Hut !!>34 will mark the begin*

line of a "nrw dral" for Ihr ll-dn, iccofillng to Cro,'tlry anil IiIm arao-

clatrn. U sliruil.l ..... tho Ix'Cln-nlng <if H climb from thf crllar to- wanl Ihu pi'nnant. Climc analyain i)f their proi'i'cclii Indlcalrn they will advance at Iciiiit oiu- tiiitch thin ni-aacin anil \»intl up In .KTvnith place, topping the i'lilMlra.

liob 0'1'Vrrvll, on« of the gajiie'n ■at catcUeni, acquired from the

Cnniln.ib-to net nn pluycr-mauag- —, will oupcrvliie tho wlvuncn,

WVrc It not f6r a weiik pitching fitntf, lb- Rcdii might climb lili;licr thiK year hccauiio they hiivc been itrenKthencd In nil other dcpnrt- nent.t,

I'ln t Cla<.n Infield

T4io Hedii will nport ii bang-up Inlleld .on the dlamnnd and nt b-nt. Sunny Jim Dottnmlerwili 1k’ bacit nt fln t baar,' Tony n e t from tlip •riratr:i wlinx' ul'wconil,' •Mark' Kocnig from the Phllllp!! nr Gor­don .Slade from Uie Qirdn nt ahnrt, and Spnrky Adama or Lc.'i Mallon. cx-l’hllllp( at third, Kmnilg and Adnins probably will get the ponfi. Miilltm and Slade iippear the best bcl;i for utility Joba,

-McKEGHNIE t h in k s it o v e r HIOPl BASEBALL G,

: R ud .W liilc SihRle F.iiiiim;=lioi

' TfmrniiniciU Stliudulcil for

Inaugural Today

Cement Tennis Courts Started In Harmon Park

I made Duncan MuD.

;l;.y Uiat the city iwo n-rw cement rta in Iliirmon iirr iLcaU'd cant •Ml o iir l .1 which j, for the

r ia beingImprovi



I l:ii . hi.'

PLAfIS ORAEIED; Burley Hopes to Formulate

I' Soiilh Ccntnvl Idabo

; Diamond Lcafrtic

I Hntl.iov, i;7 (.Special) — ' >-'M)>al]llity tl;.'it a .-idulh crural

lo li.;i.I);ill h JKile Will Ugaih


Thin In not Itndln'fl relehr.itrd utiitnp, •■The Thinker" . . . : IJHl .MeKrJ'hnle. miiuagrr of the Hrmtiiii Hmvr^, poiiderhij: i nriildwiiH Ibut I'l.tiJriint libii ii* he pn'parrn hl» Natliiaai le;u ralry for the lUIlI ])eiinant drive.


BbMing ’em — Over —

— S/oiw—

III.' teams, C’.irit<;ula, Ke-I: Th.cta l:iinii<, il:r^.l

Terrv. I'.olty .M:iiu:''l!."ii. Hula jjliniv. lilliv .Mar Wliltc, Hetty Yiirhroiigh, Elain El<lie-1, Ilaelu-I Uall.-nK<'i-. Uo,'ie i.iary .Sinclair, Klecn OlMin, Vi:<la IlleUri, Vlr(:!nla Kerlln. While; Uic.rna .Shainp,- Connliince .S(iiiliv:i, i;aoii;a t;pd<-n- ;;rapl., MarKarei l>e.vo, ll..;i.- Smock. J.aii IkniKla::, ITliHrllla I 'ltk . MarKarel Hjun:i. . .Marilyn Hrl.'-.-.-, J'.rma Coodnl^lil, J«'an Harvi-y, l\;ilherlne Hoov< r.

)l-.y'>. H<-(1; 'Vils'.n, Elilo.WiJtJuii, - Orville. Invl^r.—KtiUlvIh Sherrill. Victor I'l.berln, Hill Kerr, Ch;irle.'i Kwlti, Max KinK', l^'.viM CtiltiTv. Art I'rantr, Ky.-r- etl O.iin.-rly, Keruiein Hallantyne. Wtiit,:: l-),-.le Wall.-, Kenneth l^.r- kin, V.-fl Hiiltlni:. Alin;i llrinlu-!- liirff. Tom I’riee, Jlin .MnlyneuX. Wayni- Stok.-;i. Oewry Miidrw.n,

. loiJilry

bv arlJvlllen of Imuln. jci inunnger of

Uih, wh’j 1.1 ciidenvor-. In J rmUon o f t’


'.•nliilalng_l';iuiifl..ln_.tlip,_. irorii Hiipijrt lo Hulil. Al- ij;h planji arc not yet definite, live lineup of the taimn Ihdl-. llml lho,ie In the ieujrue may.

•rt, Burley, Tivin Falls, ;hl ami probiibly Hanscn.- iiirlev i;quad lion already

iitfnittce for the Hurley club In mailo up of Ben P. -: Spnw:uc. Dr. .U ..IJ. Toolaon'iand L •:Uultc" ..'^cdcraon. _Bcrt-.J?orluh- - hrail.'i the jrtoundH committee. T." K. Iwvcnport Is necrtlary and P.1. .M^Oinnlck trmaurer.

Stengel Hunts for Southpaw Hurlers


Sport«mon Advised to InToim

<?bRfmsmen That Ponding

Measures Arc Needed

NSW -YoaK, nui) — with -iiiuotrouWii'iportanicn mny securo tho pouAS^'of thret blllfl .xvhlcb Will relict to’ thcie benefit with no ex- pondlttm) by tho govertimcnt The Unltcd'-StaUui Senate hns paased thtsM bills-imd t i i ^ have been npprovcd by lhe\Preslilcnt.'.' and the hendJ'of .'departments — corned.'’The bills are:

.Scmxto' BUI 2277. cstabllahing .fish nhd pLnie.-smctuarlea'in na­tional-foruts and on public do-

.......... .......

Senate BUI. :S29, <icUviUra

tho nctlvlUts or all departments of th« i Bovcmment • In conacrvlnj ■wlW'llfe. •■,Senntc Bill 2033, the duck stamp

■ bill, providingtevenueYorji'urchaflc aoQ.ulalntehiuice'or •anetunrieS. "

*bie dangtr oC defeat' lies in: the croWded"'hoUM‘ calradftP owl the various stiite gli'me commissioM u#j:o 'Bportsmea‘ Jo eomtnunlcato

j^vS tbeir;ii-le|« on the bills.

Diainond Medal to Auto Speed Champ

•W A S H IN G T O N «1£1 — No “trown".' i*’ b«to»-ed upon the

chiiroplon‘ ftutomobUe racer, ac- coniine 'to thc'-'Ainerican Auto­mobile »w>c!*llon,

•• Thbr"chnn:^lOnflhlp crw n.’r :the owoelatlon cxpliUned, la a mythi­cal ayinb&l of. “King of Speed," adoptW •aports writers to dca- lcno(e'tiio;K:prem«cy ot the out- stanaing driver.* Hocverer, it woj revealed, n dla> ntoad-sttidded' gold jn ^n l Is avardtfl the 'Mtiosal champion by

. the tontert Award of the-awocla*. tlOB-' The award la matlc • o.i 31eniorial:Day aVtbe InUlanftpolU SpeisJwuy, prior to the etnrt of

1 tho ciflMlC OOO'tnile race.

The United SUtea 1* represented In 15'forelgn countrlea by nmbaa-

. Midora.’

TUero are.’Six pcaVs in; the Alps hlffW-tlun ML whllney. which Is till'hl(^h<'(il ln'|h(‘ If. S.

By ireN uy nirU':Moi:B AUGUSTA, Cn„ Mar. 27 mill

— ilr , Chnrlcy Hnll, velcrnn Birmingham (jolf 'profcfl:ilonnl, one time P. G .A. prcaidcnt. one time longcot driver in the game, nnd now on the director- ate of two banlw, hn.i little p.i- tlence with winter golf tour-

namcntn, -- - ---In /net, Mr. Hull ia of tho

mind that tho money circuit, which opcnn Intc In the fall nnd carrlea r i g h t through Itarcb. |3 npoiling tho gome. Spoiling It. iw he c-xplalncd ovcru cup of . tea at the Aug­usta national club, by maUlng form sccondnry to victory.

"Bimrh of IJjingem"- - -Tbb • buftlnc/i:. -of mon-y tournament after money tour­nament." Mr. Hall iiald,' "in' turning the profe.nlonaln Into u bunch of biingcni and nolli- Ing clue.- "Before it-bcc-iime the-rngo for profcJialonab lo mahc a living—or try to make n liv­ing—out of prize money, nnd they ntnyed nt tbclr home clubs nnd taught. It wan a plciuiure to wntch the occo-iion- al big loumamcnLi, ,In a field of a hundred. 00 of the plnyera w-ould 'be fltyllJih •.itrokcHi,' with real rhythm in their nhotii. But now, watching' -the lilg name pros in like watching a troupe of second rate acrobats,. “I may bo crazy, but to mo

the fnct that n mnti finlahea boli'fl in the fcweiit number

of iitrokea doesn’t necc.'iaarily make him u champion. Korm b the noundfit measure o f a champion. Not only in gf)lf, (but on moat of the other nporLi. I ’lias me a mice of lorn-

Sound und UnsnimdMr, Hnll didn’t ask what I

tlluughl of hlH'llne of reimon- Ing, but it acfm-T to me that It’n’ very aound when npplled to noroe sporLi and ,vcry tin- jiound when applied to otliern. In connection with taxing. It doc.m’t hold w n t e r. T^lcu Dempsey and ‘Loughmn when they were in their .prime, for cjuuiip^crLoughrah wiiii u'Tnlin- tcr craftsniun whose every move wn-1 perfection. Dempney WIL1 JUHt the opponltc, but who would place Tommy ulxjvo Jack no a champion?• In tonnis. Mr. JIair»-ruaooa--

Ing Li nil rlghU Bryant Grant, to A man whofic Htyle Of piny Li about n.i graceful n.i n terrier digging for n bone, could bent Bill Tilden' every day in the week, but he’d never be a champion. In' n real scnoe. He's loo ungraceful.

Take bowling-well go ahead nnd take it ,nnd while you’re nt It, take Javelin throwing, plunging for dUitanca and In- tercolleglntc wrcatllng. I'm not interested.

fey nl center, Adam Comnra.iky of tlic Plratc-1 at rlghl, unil Johnny Moorr or Harry Rice a l left. John IGII, up from ClmlUmioca. h.ia a chance to nllck bccnunu of hla hit­ting,

O'Karrell cxpcoted to catch 100 ..nme.'i, but ir l':ml-' (.Schnosile) 1/imbiirill contlniU'H walloping I1i<! ‘ nl hla prcaeni paec. big limlo

y ahiue cipially In thr biickaloj) dutlCH. ■

I’Uchrn. WraitO'Karrell and i^imbiirdl muat

turn out a pitching ntiiff from an as.'iortmcnt of IG rlght-handera and four .•loulbpuwii. moat of whom are anclentii, cu/it-off or uiiproven. SllnJi Johnson. Lurry Benton nnd I ’aul Derringer iirc expected lo

clmncn to replace tin- tr;ided lied I-uc;i.i. O'Karrell wantn five aUrtcnr. The fifth probably will ciiine fmni Benny Krey, lljiy Kolp, Don Brrnnnn of Newark. Joe .£Mutc.uf J^ruoklyn. and . Shcrllf Fred Uljike. of Columbua,

Newspaper Pimneii W in Thrc(

Gamc:>; Sm ith Garners

H igh Total

K..l).Tl 15.IU Ajul.-r

•vl.'ra t.>' of Ihn'c ;alnst Idaho ,l.T l«.wUnri

Alnnln;; team

. ;p.i.|H. h,Kai:ue.

Threi- men turning in .: . . . wlih Smith noslnc out Joneii by two pinn lo tivpUirc hl;;h three- giune total. .Snitlli i-olled lo a 5.1:: :<core,


Jonc;i ...........171 1S2 177 - T.ntSmiih ... . i7*i :;i)K 14.S— i3;,CVj-.van .............ll.’i If'') lOI - -’-illullcn ............ lll.l.l'ir) ir.H - 1-1Brint'gi.r ..........171 IS.T lf>7- W

Afln- a fw <lay;i’ lay-off. the Tiiiiea iilartol llie week hv lakln:; the .Sjaiila for three In

nm led IiIh ti-alilRiioil p>me'- He

tf<lmt«l hmv 1.1 plrk



Chicago Teams Eenew Scries

A t Los Angeles; Bruins

Defeat Angels

- r-

LOS ANCEU3S, Mnr. 27 (UD—

Aj'lrr,:iL wrrlr’n Innin In'Whlch the Natlonol leaffucm were add­ing hew victories to their airing, the' Chlcaco Cuba nnd \Vhlto Sox trncw'cd their exhibition Bcrlea at Wrlcley fieltl here todoy.

Tho Cuba captured their eighth game In 12 .»prtag’.‘nlartJi yester- day <jy .trounclnff ,Loa' Angeels, 11 to 6. .J. CamptKll 'and'Carlond, Los Angeloi hiirlera. wetu haia- Toercd for JO lilUJ.' Including threo apiece by Chuck lOcln nnd Wol- Ur Cocbol, rookie catcbcr. Char­ley 'Root abd Lynn Nelson were tlosted for. IS hits by Angel bats-

Before tninsportlng hls.troi^s;er from Paoadcna,- Lew ronoeca

released iwo.vplaycm from Uio White Sox payroll. .Pitcher Otho Nltebolas was u n l ’to Sacramento of the Pacific coast league while Catcbcr Morpaa Snyder was ihlpped to Topeka of tne Western oague for addltJoaiD' ocaaonbg.

“SGRAM”■ c l e 'v'e l a n d , )Ui;t —Jamea M. Scram, a truck driver, applied fgr a Job.■ “Nnme?" ■ oaT!td“ Uic“ at- tcndanL •

"Scram,” juild Scram,■ "Cut the funny jituff, 'bud­

dy,'' snarled the questioner. "Whaffl tho name?"

•■Scrora," tho applicant In- alstcd. Scram finally wrote IfouL Scram is married and has one lltUe Seram, James,, Jr.,-7. . - ••••

McMillen Throws ' German Wrestler

NEW YOUK, Mur. 27 (r,i:>-Jlm McMlllcn, llllnoUi, threw Hiinu Kampfer. Ccrmnny, here night. Dicle Slilkat, Germany, drew with Rudy Du.'ielt. Omaha. SanJor. Srabn... Hunffary, threw Waller Podolak, l>oland, E<l •■Stninglcr" Lcwtn, Callfomln, Uirew George Cftlzn, Italy. Ab<- Colcmnn. Loa AngelCJ, ihrew Tony Collnsno, Italy, mu, Hollihnn, Conm-ctlcut. dccWoncd Jack McArthur, Texa.i.

. "."x; XCiH Hl't ^•n''IDAHO SfJtHS

■ ■ inn itifs ............i.vj i ir. n n - ua

Jacobaon .......... n s 1(13 l.’U - -l.ViBaldwin ...... 1-12 H'i— -HIam. ..................M l 12.T ISO- 'I'HHandicap ........ •»<! •«»

7.'.2 7S3 7S0


and pinie. NIer going. Holly.

Smithy, wilU 11 double In the I flrat game uml four In a riw ] in the iteconti, maie hb I high ninglc game of the nlghl

, 1 aiKl alMi collfclcd high total ;l_ p lw i.......................................

lA-H Oman hh.m'ed the boyn hnw not to i1<> It on hit npuh' . What did ho do? Van iu.k him.

Braves Ready for Series With Yanks

ST. I'KTKll.SHUUr;, riti., .Mur. ::7 'I .I'I Mjinai:er Hitt MeKrehnl-- or ttl.% Hrav. ;. hiva Ilecl.|,-c1 to .lend rookie'll Stiiip;ion, Moran. Kak.' and Taylor to the Harrbtiurjr c Ho.'don fann, McKethn

.'ard 1 ' rini. two■olu-d

YorJt Yiinlcei-

Oregon Grid Ace ---------Signs With ProsMEDFORD, Ore.. Mar. 27

(IU!i — Bemlc Hughca, .nt4ir center of the Univcrelly’ of Oregon football team, co- chilmplona of tho Pacific c o a s t confercnce. revealed here that he wan under con­tract today to play projen- alonnl football next neanon with the Chlcaso CarjllnAlu.


i i HfTlic Bnsketcers '' copped . tho

heavyweight chamjilonahlps-from tho Sap.i in the boys 'do^nut

league basketball' toummncpt at 'th.0 Junior high ochoaT yeoterday fcy on 18 to 13 score. Tlie Shoot­ing—Staro ran away from tho Lucliy Five 18 to 7 for the light­weight honors. Players in . the games were: , •. Boaketccrs; Dunn. c4pt. Brow .

Triinmor, Mort, ^^erriil, Turacr; Saps: Bro«-ne. c(tpU, Almqulat, Hewlett, Sutcliff. 0 ’Loar>-..Smith,

Lucky rivc: Waite, capt., Haw­ley, Hafer, Larkins, Klrfonon. ShooUnp. Stars: Shay .and Glbb, co-capt, Smith. Boaley, Capps, Frantx. i

New England City,, :Wm 3r.eed Clams

WAREHAM, Mass. Voters of this town have appropriated '$100 to finance' a clam fanning

L view of tho Opinions of ahcll fishei'meo that ' clams' . can be grown commBrclaily, as arc qua- haugs and oyatera here. Instead of' depending.on noturo' to ,supply them, cltlzona .voted the money to buy two acres of salt m irah for ua<>'nB nh I’xperimenfntntlon.

f l i COLLEGES p

Nebraska University Surveysi

Reveal H igher Education

. Not -Athdistic

LINCOLN. Neb.. 'I'l’i- II r<lucall(»n nt lln- i;nivenilt. Nebrnakii In not conducive t

I religion.I Dr. Stci:

. . Max Oner, .up to 23S pguinds aft<ir montlui of York anil HoIIytt'uoa bright llghta. dowin’t scom iv^rrlfd about getting In­to,,abap« .-for'. Ills Iiftixv-ywrisbt tIUn battle In .Juno' ajiunsl Champion Primo Cunent. Max la, -khowR -utrovb' undorgDlnr-

‘ tnuMgo um'usde IooIhp h.ind» of n tnilnrr.

Dr, Stephen M. Corey In vealed.

Rcpreiient^itlvo croupn of acnlorann<l freahmt-n wrro ankrd to agrei'. or i1i«npn-e, with rcllglmii: pro).o-

fiupstlonnuln: .lubmitteil by’ Dr. Corey, The ri'nctionii wore ilcfi- nltcly op Uie aide of relliilon.

In tabulating the reimll-i of the Hun-py, Uie profc-.-iaor noted thiil crystalllzatiun nf ibought. that follows development of more in.i- lure thinking proccruwi among no- nlors. hiia rc.wltcd In the' older men po.w.miing a more clear con- Coptioa of a Deity thun frcalimca


PARIS. Mar. 27 — Mnrccl Thil of France. ’ clolmnnt- <}t the world middleweight ch.implonshlp, last night wre.nea thelight heavyweight title from Mftr- Unez dc Alfara of Spain ut the Palais dcfl Sports.

The bout wuK ntoppcd In the 13th round when Do AUara was Uln- ouallflcil for low blows and illegal tacUcfl.


voteran paraclrate jumper, w js awarded $5,000 damages by *i Jury becaunei when he Jumped 2,700 feet * t Cunlaa Wright fieVl here;. the chute -failed to open property and Ills left leg broken la twolvb placcs. Cope charged that the. pawchute^.wnji. ;pnckwl' 'Impmpwly,

. . "Kvnr/ game - I-- get. better and better," remarked Jlmniie Jltillen, n!iil laire ennu:;h he did. "C;in ynu Imagine?" .':;>|tl Jaiilc-1, "I oven got a double."

with III day und t conridcncc. The Ilravea mana/'.'d lo beat the Yanka In thclr Iiixt '•ncountcr, und .veutetday downed Ihelr bitter Coaton rivala, Iho lU-d Sox, f> ti. I.


.Tom Robln!M>n. Northsveracrn untviTiilty jiwlin co;ich. Iiaa had only-|:ll)Ie i.iember.i-.on hla t.-ama due lo deflulenele;! Il<

Miinaj:er Caaey .Stengel is worriW about Uie Dodc'T.i lack of south- -imw pKchera, lie hnn only tv o, Charley I’erkina nnd Phil Page, neither apparently brililonL Mean^.q whili- rhi- 01ant;i ndded nnothef Irft.handed hlttor over the week­end. Ceorge Watkina of the Curts.Tli<- I'lralca liIno an; well equippedwlUi Irft-bnrded-nlngirenn-Stcngcl---i:i i-xp'-eted to make a deal coon that will bring In nniiUier nouth:,, paw luirlt-r Ici r< medy the Bitua;'"'-’ tl(.n.

WILL TELL ..........

•Suiniyoahi. involln champion of. .lapnn. hna heaved the apenr 220 feet, allhoiijrh hi- welghs'onJy 1<0 '.‘’‘ piiund.'i nnd ntjiniln'onlyfl'fcct'tl'’''' Jnchea. lie developed bis form by' nluilylng the nrt of throwing thu‘“ "' Javi'lln in Finland.'


" Yjockey“ ian'lTbc‘ onry thbpf'tri^--^oncl Omncher, Chicago ' Black- hawkn' iitnr. doe.i well. He prob--I.', bly ia the all-around alh‘*‘ '

•Mimt to keep in form," oU- tirrvrtl (tap llrlnrjrnr, itn he got doubles In Iwlh tlir urcond noil tiilrd gnmcH nnd picked two nicc spllw in the first gnme.

■ When it comen to getting npllLt. Ju.-il a.ik Clyde RnMy how Ifn ilone. Twelve In threo games. Thcro’ii n record, gang,

Acn Miller Hnuekrd ’em down ut hit usual pe •d. Hn iiUr. drinolwtmt.Hl Umt he knew how In pirl; upllti.

Stun Ualdwln had hla pro- verblnl luck -nlcc bita 'but no atrlken, ’'But," liald Stiin. •'aft­er iieeing ull winter I'm uned lo It.'’


Another Nfgro sprinl<'r will b: iirty to take Ralph MetcalfeV

place when that grcsl dn.ih :nnti l:i gnidunlrd from Marquette, ,H<. in Paul I'hlllipa, a nopliomore whc ha.i been right on Icnlpir.i hceir

m :o N x n o m :sY o n .mat

Hroncho N a g u r a k l. adcago IJenr,'!' fullback, haa Ijj od in /.ticli (lemiinil iwi i\ wreatling i.llricllon in th- mlddlwr-it that he ia uiinble to fill all hin canla. He wrentlcil flv<- night.*c during one recent week.

66 MilesOn 1 Galloii?::,

S c 10 n 11 f i e Laboratory. Whcnton. 111., report an amailB|r’‘' now autnmnlic vapor gas SM W Kuvcr. CulH co.1t—aavea raoofy. . fltji ull nulon. Anyone'can attaeH.":’' joor/ to riooci' profits to hustling- ngenta. De flrot ’ locally—write <iuiek for ntartllng free atfcr ,lo ' introduce quickly.—Adv. '■

------ — — --------- Z ii . ' ' ;

C u r l Glll.'n eu rvp hall wouldn’t work until Ihe bwl came, but did he co then? Txirkry for lilch Iwlcunie, for both team'*. Hy tho wuy. It wnn Ihn only turkey - hH gnnc during Uio nl|;lit1i

pbo'- ____________

12 Horses Selected On Tanforan OpenerSAN CiRUNO, Cal., Mi>r, 27

U',11,-.Twelve haisen were named today for the Inaugural handicap, fenture event of the opening of the spring mce meet­ing at Tnnfornn track Thuwday. The hnnillcnp will bi- nin over the Spreckela course, a epring dia- t.-incc:. Tliosc -accepting Ibe eondl- tiona for the 51.000 purse Included Alochlng. Donald L.vl. Honnl- walker. Mnrccltn. Onniah. Frlalcy Mnatron, Chief Almgren.'Al Jol- lon, Hucu, Wichita City, Kap'cnn ind Chlctoncy.

THE ONt: AND ONLV . Win.ilon, tho only lO-gnal

hnndlciip Indoor polo player in the world, will lead a team of canlem- era In the National Indoor- Polo tournament at Chlcngo, April 21-


__ _.jl«n glass replaced be­fore coia weather, act* In. No charge for' labor oetUng glOJB. • , Open ^ t i in t o y ' I ^ U l ' . - ^

MdbJj’spAnra A PUBNrrutte store


_______QE. PREVTINrT|| Spnim ],;is ,irr

iiil.s for i ’riiil.iiig.ijrc,

.... .

ivhIs, ctivelDiH-s, .sijiic:iicti|s,nnd:

ilrn^ Jjig-*. ('uvH iiik ' etidosiircs.

l>ii(>iJ:ic|HT .ilniiit vliccks, n-vortK ruled

iel• an.l o liie/ iims,-'I'li,! of. lUc.

lol far awjiy. W jiirti vuur i>riii<ing

1 iiKl. riin oiil at lltc Iasi iiiimKc!' •

mmcreini J ’riiiiiitj:, <l(-|)urtnifiit of tlicr'1

inu-s i.'s rt|uii)|K‘il lo ri’iiil.T iJioroiiKli

I- iiriiiiiiig ‘w;iiiiH lit inoiK'nitt' prlceK, Qnd'j| ' ■

clii.sse.s of iiriniiiiK, u-liciliiT ill buiall- or 'j

Aad note-this: W hile prices of most: com-"'

, raodities have advancod materially, yoU’ w ill '

find that Evening Times prjhtlflg: prices re-'




•ncclulluux l-'ull'-iiU-V I'c;

^tilcrcd tuj Hcrtmil •'


■ Freiglit rate injustices lon^ endured l)y this sec­tion have their coimtoniart in liie tariffs assessed 1)V tlie truck lines. ________ ___

Idaho has a public utilities eoniihission whiclfiS presumed to examine charges and re^ulaie curriei'^.

Here is something'.which will bear the close at­tention of the utilities body:

The truck line rate on canned-goods from here to Idaho-Falls is 75 cents a hundred pounds. From Salt Lake City to Idaho Falls, the rale is only (58 cents a hundred, but the distance is miles less.

-One local manufacturer finds this sort of a charge . something .difficult to explain to liis customers in the

upper, xiv(ir. country, and in addition jiiakes Utah competidon-doijbJy iiurd. ,

about the rates to SalrLake City? Ag, is'gross discrimination. Tiie following sounds

■■'dribejievable, but is vouched for l>y one in the truck buiiness: .'•• •,/To ship..vegetables from Salt Lake City to Twin

B|all?;\viH,Qost 70 cents a hundred pounds; but to re­verse’ the jsituation and ship them from Twin Falls to Salt' Lake City, the charge is not 70 cents but

. 94 GENTS A HUNDRED POUNDS!'- -'-potatoes-TTiay'-b'e-shipped'in from'Salt Lake-City ■'■foir'GO'cbnts a'hundred.',To ship'lhem to the Utah .metropolis the rate is 80 cents. Fresh fruit will i>e transported here from Salt Lake for 85 cents; but when sent from here to tliat city, the charge is ?1.M a«hundred.■ Tjie instonces cited are'only^samplcs of the sort

- T ira iJJC l'lH llH a llon 'su fr irred- by this sUuc. i iiere are ly others. .Perhaps this calling of attention to

sacn rank injustices will result in some good to the lyoducere of this area.••■Heaven knows this section j)ays Iiigh enough

freight rates on commodities shipped in. Must it al- '■ continue-to-be-penaliKed'On-tlie fost of shipping . products to consuming centei-s but a few hundred

mjles away? '


• I ’Samuel Insull seems to iiave taken on most of the aspects of a will-o’-the-wis]). On this side o f the At-

■■ lanticr, black headlines'tcil-tlie latcst-news of his wanderings; on the other side he flits about tiie borders homeless and restless, a fugitive harried hy tome compulsion wliose roots go deei)ly into siit)soiI

-of-the land that he has disowned,Consider what he ha.d a few yeai-s ago. He was

ricR* beyond dreams and powerful Ijeyond any man' need. He was an industrialist, a financier, a- patron of the arts.

I f an ambitious broker’s clerk had dreamed wildly 'extravagant dream of worldly greatness, it would have not come uj) to the reality-wliicli was Samuel Insull’s.

Everything that cleverness and accjuisitiveness and ruthless energy could get /i)r a man, in a land where those qualities w'ere allowed to function uncliecked; he had won.

AH',this he had, and all of it has dissolved like the mists of yesterday morning. His j)rincipality has shhihk to a lusty Greek freight steamer; his do. m i^ p n extehds'to her bridge, hut no farther.• T9fe sFiip wallows .across tlie eastern seas bound forjAbyssinia, or for Persia, or jjcrhaps for Somali' lanti— It does .not matter, for Insull really is Inint- ing a j)ort not to be found on any chart, a i)lace of .reiyge that this life with iLs imperfection.s, never

' w iji open to him again.-•Tt:mnkeSj indppri, vpr\- lift.ln diffiM-cnro u-1n44jt.4-_U»‘

At lk« rlrtd 1

ntiil till

colli crc

CMAI'TliK XVI A Fi:w houni- Inicr Mafcit

Trcarlwiiy, In Unvnnn. cn irri'cl tlio n il: llotul. Here, ai (Inrlitli'nr.' ncUlud oa llio I’fnilc

liiu of Morro crcv bbrd Ucr faco vrlll: il acitlcil on n cliali..

loiinuo to ilil:ik ntiJ ilcclilc trliai la iio iiMU Obvlounly thtro ratim be ccrtiiln wiiyn to no nUout llnU. Ini: a pi-r«on liut dIio litiil bcvci coiinldcroil them bc(oro nhd (ouniJ liorncir (unil>Mni;. if iilio cod- iiuUcil a dPiccllvo nlic tnlnlit lirloE I’nhllio clonur lo tbo nulUorlller iliiiii iilie wliilicd. Tliofo wn» nc dciiitjt by now Hint u dc.icrlrtloi) of lilin liiul l.c-rn‘ brouclcaiit widely tocctliiT vvKli ilic fncti> ot (il3 sup.

Slio rrnwuc-il. nibbcl Qwny ll frouii. and llicn cloned lier fy .10 llKhUy nmull wrliikl titood. out around them.

At iliai nioiiiPiU I.ol(le. lie; and I’ablKo were xcntcd nt n tab lu-u umall..JIuKX cufo looUuc-uul on an nfiiially. dreary.,iitrcoL tIvcM of III.- (own crowdcd or n:irr.jw nlilvtvallc oiitiildo to

nnd well aheadTiir iiii' "r;iTnivni [fllllflt cr.inNii'iilfil. 'l.ioldni: nl Hio' Oh rili.iv.'lri| cot.tiime!i ot tho tt.ree pa­trons. i’abilto. knowing tlio Siian- Inh mind, nii^woreil. "It In better to bi- too early than too late."

till nllciiirr.'cil. “AMil many benln tho fell- rhiii nlKlit." IIo dctldcd llial I’aiiiuortiespnimtniirnninirima rye;i. was n native. None but rr-, thVii u[ii>iic ijiianliili In Ihls nay, without acci'nt,' The other two ,'tt< r,g,lH)l..Cul>.->Wt.,., I.,,

rablii.that lual .

m an ever actually is collared and lirought back to . America. He carries his own punishment with h im ;

an unquiet shade that nnist stand eternally at his el­bow and remind him of the kingdom that he lost, the reputation that he destroyetl.

How~can a .man run away h'om a thing like that? Insull cannot; no man can. He can dodge from one out-of-the-way seaport to another to the end of time. I t does not matter. Retribution caught up with him a long time ago. .

• Settlement of the threatened industrial strikes in the east must be rated as a.distinct acliieveniunt for President Roosevelt and' the administration. South­ern Idaho would be among the fii-st to suffer directiv from a large strike on account of curtailed consum*- in g power for such cojnmodities as jjotatoe.s, beans, ■wheat and sugar, principal i)roducLs of tliis section.

Twin Falls will be in gala dress a week from todav to celebrate the arrival of the Union Pacific’s new .aluminum speed .train. The. entire countryside is being invited to be guests of this city on that oc­casion,. and predictions are that thousands will throng Twin. Fa lls ..

Iowa State Univereity hhs instiilled easy diaire for , students. Thc'professors should stiirtd iip, so tliat at

Jrasfcithey'^viJl remain awake.

rdercil. hlm to malio li-snttpiiy,';

I-oiili.- entreated, "or I’ll cat tlic inlik- cloth mill net hydrophobia."

■•It will tiQ half an hour at iht

best." Pnblito raid. “Hurry is thr one thlDi; ( doca not tlirlve Ic tills cllraatc.“ -

•'WlmfB.._thn narao of lUIr lurKT" Lattlo anked then.

••Naino it nnd you con have It.' Reau toIO her Inrlly.

‘•.Mnybo wc can QniJ tbc namt OB tlio Dtatlon.” Lotllo uuRBcatei: ninco no onu anawercd her gucs lion.

JJeau rcnponded cnorccllcally with. "My Gawd, tlicro ain't ao slallonl It a train, run In here It would roll over on Us back, BulfTlo twice, not to nnorlnf; anil HlDcp foruvcr. That'a bow much life th

ruhber-necks nnd i

lln< jutnldov-Klvlu-


"Hnrana.- ho aniiwored. "Noti lildo wlicn you're aupposed t> IfB nlwayo n . j:lvo-away— hldlu Wu'ro-Rola'-to-ilaTaDB and coli to the cnrnWnl tomorrow. Wo'Il ret ooounli tiero lo Biarl. TUerc'i no danncr lioru. I'll hot they don’t


ytlilni xeoptllio lottery. Ix>ok actlvo and nlert. don't thuy?" he onded i lio nianci'd toward tho lluo ou olile. crowdlni; and jonilinn ot nnntlicr In order to aeo th(j atriii Kern bettor. • ’

A CiC.NTI-ICMAN who twirled bln mouiitnclioa entered t*i'n

and naked tlic trfo (o drink with him. Pablllo thanked blin and in turn nuKed him to drink. Tiien (bey both ruCunocS ono another witb niiuiy-ihanks.nnd-so.onUod that cuatoinnry ccremonr.

"You onnlita bo nblo to-plek up cotiildernblo-loot tomorrow. Lot­tie," lleau ntated. Sbo Tiodded. “Vnu any nood nt that kind of ItilncJ'.' lio naked, turnlni; to I'ab-

"I don't believe '.'ilvl u coin", lo m

d;....—■ I’ablitc

llTlnn?"- llcR'•'I don't -

swercd dully. •"I'll look out for j-oii, honey."

nalil l.ottle aulelily nnd warmly.'•Ob. M l Kot nlntic." I ’abllto

aiuurcd them with more cnntl- CO In. blB volco limn ho folt. a not c.->uy for men In hidinc ■pply o|ienjv.for work, ho real-

now nt counio wultlns for nt tho hotel In Havana.

•X would bavo to bo fed and ed. TIio problem waa loo bln ho tried to dlnmlna It but

found lliat ho could not. It ro- funed to bo cant aiilde. as proh- leniB will refutio lo bo forROlien .ivlicaJlMh_la.acUlur.Jrom_wcarl:.

13 and tho mind la whirllnr m lack of nleep. . , ..'Go alo»v," Ilciau warned CTO no tho food nrrlved. ''Tlio llencO’OiilDldo la likely t'o.Bun- t tiomntlilnc funny If you doa'U

aceJ" ■rattle nnd rnblllo did aeo nnd

hoy aio with n sIowdciir that waa ireof of n eommendnblo and un- isunl-wlll powor.-Iloau drauk to 'nuccei-.B." I’ablllo lltled bln ilasa but It W1U1 wllh n heavy baud.

Pablllo tur kecn-taceil bn ual Bmllo In >-ycB. -'Senor, Spanlob. "wli


Thu boy ent.ired ihe cafe with the lltbe. craceCul stride of t)u l^tln. IIo aecoptca a tltty~1;i«u. 3t wine ot wbic


ContainB 1,500 Teacliors Wli

Aro Mentally Unbnlanccd,

Psypliiatrist S.-iyn

H I S T Q R Y Of Twin , Falls City &-County

mil I«ieh-Infor

i ’abllii-tlicy - needrdr-

"Aro you ncouilnr: tho eountr; of-|h«.uow Bovcrumcut?" the bo] QUcslloned, bl« eyra auddcnly be eomlnc ovoo brljtbicr.

•'1 will let you Judne tluit Senor," I’ablllo replied.

"A h , yesl Tho wino man I nllent," the boy eald. noddlnt:


}f elaklnn

. Ho hill

ilmnelf would cncort th.;in to tho Dbop of Bancho who rold the apparel of value both for ilie sunorn nnd tbe nenoran. lie bliii- uelf would awakoa Snneho wlio nlcpt early, and then lie Uiiim-lf would take them to tbe liouge of I’edro who owned ao automobile which In tinin—Ood belun per- fucily wllllnr— wouhl deliver them In tafety In Ilav.ana, the

'.Hut cUr ot lauRhCur and

NKW yOKK. Mur. 2' (['I’l-Tlu New Yorlr City public whoni i;yn teni conUi)n.i tnnre Uian J.CCiD un. l«i!iiiiC(?d t.-acher;). many of llicn •'lUUe Iran than ravine maniac.",' Dr. Kmll Allman, chi.rf medical e.f iinilncr of the :iyiit.-m, cti.iqtcd l->' .lay. ^

He clmrcrd tliat [ulltlcal Influ- «’ncr, nrcH;:rne»-«ifTXrtiiHvr"-mH' Lilipn Uiniliiw mill the reliictanri t'f the Ituclicni' retirement board tc pay <ll/mblllty pi-iijiiijnii kec']i!i Ir nervlco or rcnlorcii In the p;tyrfill t.-ucherfl nuff.'rliij' from varloiM formii nf Iniiunlty.

Dr. Altman r ilrl tlmt In bin fili';i

15 Years Ago

With tho robln:i bcfrlnnlnj: ;hlrj> nnd tlio Ice cream- con. ibout lo l)Ioa.nir» the Time:! jirln •ra have bi';;un to fei-l nn Itoli w lor thi- Ii-ft auiijicnder. ltecoj;nl nc tbi- «yn)ptr)ni.i they have ch:i (•iiKi'.l the N.-IV.1 prlntPM to

bond buyin;; finiia, Hnli;er, iicr and Wlllman, Amea, ]■ lek »n<l cumpilny, ami iCI.'itor


ivcd nI'yo and iwb

(rom mynelt.

I lx)y-i

Untlo of Ihe


SnuclioI flea

lUiniled I.otllr: l*iih

0-- - look - Hko-C’ubatj I ono of the lllilo villages— :

bit bulky whom tbey ab been Blender nnd ii bl where tbvre should li


lied bufor pocU-

IIo had earned hl» nickname arJy. .throuKli bin BartlcuiuriLy ibocr hla attlrc.-Now no'navr-vio-" ontly. brown i(! ouiaorft uo piiddod

elDC tho only Bhoca :ock. > Pnlillto clioio n mntlni; ‘blue, Sancb

boy Ruhlo who had

tio'wnt) lc:in awkirard tliiin tlio In her Ill-cut coi.ntry i IiIiikh. looked D bewildered and

;r nwcet child of -tlic prov- Inccs nnd youncor than nbe bad looked In many bnriT yoara.

"No ono now'would know you." 'hli>perod Iho solf-appolnie.l riiI.Io

•Pabllio-nn lie conitldorod l-al>-IllO'B ibout t nal><:ra


Jca?’"'^rieHrilinQS'ctl! 0|it.,Ood will know rou and cuard youl"

Pablllo doubled this, but ho gripped tbo olber'a hand firnilr

Id Koodby • • •rllh

(To nc ConllnucU)

News '.Behind The News'":3H j

Hv I’A III. SIAI.I-ON (Cop.vrlKht, IIISI. I.y Pai.l .Mallun)

WASHING'rON—Thi- .mly Ihlni: wroPK' with .liiiili'H H. UanH'ii .ll« covery .if a brnln lni;<l |ilt>l li m-olthrow. I'n'alilent I t .... lu-velt'; Keirn!.lty reKlnic wltli n rciirsialli reviilulliiii hi that nl! the Inaldei; hero .lecllne ti> Imp.THomil.- Stalin

I.0 UI11 Howe la allinfj; I'nif, Mol .•y li< ninnln,: 11 mi.Kazln.-; I'nif, TupvTll I;,' or lea.'i .ll!tj;ti.'ile.l; I’nif. ll.iKera lia:> been idianKhaled I.) China; I’ruf, Wiirr.rn 1-h Iryl

<|ihUn lil!i KuM policy: Mri. ..•c-lt 1» alr<-a'ly .loliiff .10 much ahe innni tiiUe on uiiylliln),' more, ,'Tlu' iiiily brain triisier (.>r whal

la' left Ilf them) wijo ,ha:l ahbwi .-iny Slullnlstle .leahoii 1;. liiir.rk Dali. He Ima rabu-d' the tv.l flaj; Avr the While Ilnuiie nurnpiy .;vcral oeca-ilipnii.T he revolutirjniirle;) cerljilrily

.•III iK.t'tieleet Cm, .Jnhnii.m I'iTSie

. .Stalin for Ihelr .nvn aelf-pn- alliw.-HlH reconl In the NU;

PU)TMr. Jtixnd'H .llBrriv.T.vlbat thr

Hl.K-U miirh.-! Mil h u IlrllMi (•lot also iiuiy Ih< i'hi»<<iri.-<l with !>m: CiinU'H illneov.-ry of thn Miirlh polr.

I ’rof. IVII.t I- run It fu r ter nmhrH a vrrv tmiuitli.twtorv IlrltNh »;;i nt. III1 Antli.inv Ad- v.icutrH hrrr. who wrolr the bill, aril moHtly Sln.i Frliirm ntid •Ip>v«, the Cori'.imiiH ' and IheC.dK'iiH. .

It H triir th.-.v mo.lel.Hl Ihelr priipofml nru‘ htorU liuirli.-l nyK. tein Mime.vhat on thr llrmnh iiiarliet Im-hIh. AinerI.-un law Is .Iho f.mnde.1 nn tb.- Ilrltl»h hji

ircMl lltho lanl 1.-.0 yn .\nirrl.-iiii IrKiil Ky^tem U it llrlt Inh plot.

I-ACTS■ ir .mly Ihinfr .liaclua.'d by t:..

lUind dlaccivcrle.'i In tb.” lm|imvp<l tinn nf Ainerleuii parlor talli

alneo r.-pcal.It la inie that when the brata iiatern Kot their hea.l'i loi:elhcr,

their tJilk In Jual itlnitit the-iuime 11,1 vrniKe parlor convcraall<m li veraRe Ainerlcnn home. They

KoiLiip nboul the jwmjlbilitle;! of 11 revolution. LlndberKh, 'technocracy nnd the hljjh pric! Of lliimir.

No one doUbW that ;i(iinc brain tmatcr told ablo Prof. Wirt, who told Mr, Unnd, who told the houac committee, jiomclhlnf; nbout Uio llJtellhood ot a lctt winff.rtovement. If Mr. non.welt fnll.i. The New


claaa c-.maclifu-''H.?.'u'. iin(l Iwlh arc now liluvvlnir off /iteain. So lonj; <u-i Iliey blow .Iff an.l not up, every­thing will l>.! all rli;hl.

only pent-up l>.illera luii.d,

flicnni.KThe h.m!.e llearin>;a have mud-

.lled the atocU market bill altiiatloii Mil mucli that they nmy lie cur- lalled,

Tr.-aamy rtepre.'ienlatlve Tom .‘imllh wa.'i iiupiHincil lo iiiiii|>.irl Ihe bill. Thill l.'i why he waa ealkd lie- f.ire the comniltli-.e, Hut hla refuiial 1(1 en.l.iiw ll waa i.n p.ijnled llial adliorenta .if the uieaaure aay In: made u l>eltor ciuic ii^ainat llw bill than any .if ll;i upp.incntii. Similar­ly. Mr. Kami waa iiupimm'd lo op- iiiiie th.! bill, but Wall Streetem :nmn.-.l when they heanl llu; teati- ii.iiiy. They miy he iniide Ihe liciH iiae for Ihe bill.

You May Not Know That—

I ’ayr.iolHellred hy Ihi- Imanl of auiierin- iKlintJi. ahe wna returned t.i a. n--

Ice by the te;\chera' rellremtnl liDanl. IJecau.'ie (if her Biib.wqurnt conduct ;ihe was apiln retired, '

Meiiaid that in unolher cane po­litical pre.'i.'iyre reln;tlnti><l n li'aeh- er aiifferinj: frmn maniac d/'iirea- alve imyc!in«hi. while In Bltll an-' other Ihe. retirement !ioar.l placed hade on the payn.ll a teacher cun- fln.Ml yean. In ina:ine aa.vlumn.

At on.' CIme. Jie miM, u croup of t.-achera umlerK-iInc trrnliiienl at BloominKdale M.'nlal Inatllute for maniac depreieilve pr.ychoala usecl'.’..comniulCjJal!i'.lo,Uidr..wpil!.li the achiMilii,

I ’re.iUlenl Charle-1 We;iley Ten n.'y of <;o<xlinjr eolle};e arrlve<l It Twin ralla today li> lake char;;,

f.lnancial .Irlve In thla .Ihitrict k’hlcl will 1

.if the

27 Years Ago

(Thnniday. .%Ur. Mr. J, C, Wa.xwt

uithe I' •The flKUl'e I,.'inO 1

Ur'Mai Lit I

Iie"ndde<l thrit heei He l<K.-al jHiliey, d.Tmif;rii ti ■ho have l.isl lleennea li

alal.'.'i come here fur wiirli, 'Wu Juive dralncHl ihe .t cmclqiot:!."

e-Miert VK


ii.:atlonal opfn 11 j; l.:acla; her unl.'iw nl|.

- S(:H()0», TlttlSTHrs MKKT-

KUI'ER'f, Mnr. 1:7 (Special) - V joinr-'mrfMni; of achno! tnisleca if Mlnl.kiUa and Caa.'ila counll'vi i-.n:rli(;!d ill llie wiiirt Kriilav .fternoon, with SlJile Siipt, .1, \V,

Comile In nttendanee. Mr. Ci.atlie '.'{pliilne.l Ihe .:cpiaIl7:illon la.-? liiw, mil apolce on Ihe April rdectlnn of ifflccra In the rural diatrlctii roundiUiblc., diacuaalon .-wui! :loidnj: part'of the pnij.Tani, I itleiidance waa r.'iHirt.'.l and ii •ill In achool affalra waa keen.

Oil,-year 1. 'ci tn.iay lii.'K-- -

low wlicaf. till l!io ]ii.,’al

iiiarltet lirouifht 27 L'riils a

Imslu-i; (iiiral .N'lirlliern

.S'o, I'lieali^;, were .'jlio lnl

at III i-l.J.'i; Uii.sMd

|..da1(.rs were .|:.e l.i 'ITe;

ami liiillerfal liroii-lil,*l I

eeiils a'p.mnii, .

notp:.s .•Huey I.<in(r. miilica a bltte

ipeech nKalnsl Ihe New Deal li .110 jicnale iilment dully, liul th.

The inner .iltuatlon haa liec.iine 1 Ifid ihal'JIr, H.ioaevelt'a pulmo- ir a<|und haa been iiocrelly niahed

inlti action.Prof, Mol.-y nn.l IVank Walker •n iiiipiioiicd lo have been preaacd lo acrvlce liackalace by ailvo- itea of Ihe meaaure lo Kive 11

from It.'i trien.lii and cncniic.r Thch will never appear hi print'

inecllon xvlth the menaure. hill they are Imvlnc conaldcrable lo j with plaoa l.i Uibter the ciuse •r the bill. ^They were call.-d after Mr.

Smilh'a rep<-atcil a;eicrllnn,l tlmt neither Die treaaiiry nor lliu fe'dcr-

reaerve wan for or acalnnt It, There i.-i no .l.iubt that it la an Imlntstratlon nienaiire, hut the iminMratkin aulhora of It have rn fnllinc: <ivor each other’B feet much tlmfciiifuaiim r.

PIIOPAGANDAThe movie new.i reela make

no aecret of the fact that Ihey wave the fliiK for whoever hap- pena lo he In the While Houac,

Two y.-am nir» during the cam p n.l 1; n Mr. Ho.i.icvsll'n friend;! thoujTht the nioviea wire .nbiiwlnc Mr, Il.iover'a plcliirc too much Rnd Mr, lloo-'HSvelfn loo llllle, Since Inauguration ev* erythlnjf haji chunked. Mr. Ilooa- I'velt la ith.iWTj with fadeouUi of W'aahlnKtnn nnd Mncoln and the play "The Stjira and Stripc.i I-'.irever."

That l3 conaldcred leKlllmatc pro]inf:tintlir.infr, but a'current rclcaflo ot one concern rcachinl' ft new ^ilRhwftter mnrk by try- Inc Co .Mlunv tliat llie avliiliori

nc.HOlft haa been Iwuirrjr nimont .Inlly ntfttement'i n.isalllni: Ihi New Deal for mtinllin. but hln re mnrlia receive no national rccoj; nltlon.

When Ibn hitn Andiaaiiador Ilrr- rlelt wiui In 1‘urlK, il)r ntatr Oepiirt- ment r tbled cjtcltedly luildni; whiil

'{to do iiliout 11 nlowauiiy ul>nur<l 1 '(runit-AtluntIc plane. Mr. Uerclel< told hl?i'Meeretary In r«hl.' tmeic: “IjxiiKh It off.", Tlie HecreUiry found ttm( thn dljilnnuitlc codo inioU eonUilned no rode word for

There la 11 .lintinction belweeaj uulhorlzatlon nnd np]imprhttlon of money for the newnaval bullillnfr prof^nm, but not enough tu make liny conBklcrablc.dlftcrencr. So fur confjren.'! lia-i only authorized the numn In the VlnBon bill, but Uicrc will be llllle qucallon about nppro- prlutlonn later n-i num.i arc needed - . lay kecln. _____ _


MLna Marsnret Thomnn. nlalo nurflu Uie Antl-Tulierculoaln luiaochi-

... ,i waji In nupert V'rlday iirrnnK-. Inu for tuberculin teals to be made on the jichool chllilre.i ot the coun-' ty. Tho work will be t-iken .care If durlnp April, with nil the doc- or'a coopcrnlinfr. ThI-i .ien.'ice 1«

.niicle po.i.Hlble throuRh Ihc iialc of tho Chrbtma.1 jicaln. Only thoHc who dc.5lrc the tcnla will be trcntcd.

Tho VnUcao at Home contains 11,000 roomn nnd'l.i the world'fl larfeiil imlace. ____

w <).i i i :n t o U(i u ) .sr iiv ic k

- UUf^IJFA^-^ror.-aT-(Ro<•el.ll)— .Vonl •u from all the chiirchwi In Hurley will unite in .ncrvlca at ho Mellio<ilat church Krl.lay for in lJa.iler aervlce. They plan l.i have seven ladlea Rive Ilvc-mlniil.- lalkn and will have a program of mualc and pniyer.

ce A. Kler-ntcd of Dolae. tia.H-fiilIj->eci.vcte.rflOm I aicliiieiiil. Mlaa Kleniled uniiblf to attend to her

Members Attend From Many

South Conlral Idaho


IIUIUJCV. .Mar. 27 (Special) — iiov .Seoul court nf honor v.-n!i held 1.1 the Hurley hlrt iichool

lilorlum I'ridny evenlnij. Rev. irle.i Heed, chairman, pre.iidc’l.

ilembera attendlnj; were; Dr. J. Davln, Kimberly: Pren. R. H, iler. Albion; K- II- Tliomii.i, (llnfr; Or. !'■ C. I'ollii, Good*

duliea the

it. II. May:., Ini: nt hl.i foi returned l.i .\lr, llaya wilmanr-iitlv. H*' l ^ , “P.D:i!e:


S, J. Perlcln.i, Kimberly, The fol- lowInK' .Scoula of troop 18 were advanced lo »econil eluna ocouU. David Peteriinn nnd Haven Gler- ich nn.l of troop ::n. Jack Smilh nd Howaril S«iri'n<icn, Fred Bullt- •y and Tylee lIoM'nr.1 of troop 215 ■fr.' advancixl-lo-tlrxt-clajui.-Al.— In Drake wa« mmlc a Btnr acoul. coiilii receivinj; merit bailRea •ire G r a n t Ilaliilall. Delbert arker. Rex Solm. Hal Meeclumi,

Tyler ilnw.Tr.1. Tlioamn Lyle. Al- Drake and Clanna Johnnon of

The Jury of c.immlBiiloncrn met with W, K, aa chairman. Th.Ki.- allendlnc were J, B. Frid­ley. Albion: S ,S, Stwnrl, Uurley: Carl IlklKeway, Kimberly; C, R. 5her,vo<'.l, "rwln Falls; SUnley ^irfiin. Twin Fall*; Gilbert Mil- er,. Kimberly; J,. 31. Wlddl.un. I>aul; IJ, E .Unmmcrqulnt, Filer;

ll:iiiv>cy. Fihr. Dr. K .S . Robinfton, CowllnKI M. F. Ryun, Goodlnir, and W. C .Ilobjirt.i, Bur­ley. There w'aa nb^ on executive meetinr with rc|)reaentaUve.i frimi Jerome, Filer,' nui.crt. Burlcy asa— Klmberlj’. Dr. J. N. Daviii of Kim­berly I3 chiiirnian.

The next board of review will he hel.l April 7 In Hurley and tho ne.'jt r.iurt of hnmir will be hold April 21 In Burley,


II.V i:iiltr.l I'rei'. .SKNATK

t I n u e a coiiniilerallor

av,- i;-'lli'i>;i when I <lld Ket the

Inced lhat HO per all illw- 1 iiil.l

d hv 111.- liral railway posUtl aervie.- In tlio • world; and If there were iinythlnir of (in emercenf nature. It coill.l eaaily be coVcro.l by the

eii.iiijih. It could then be cov­ered by Ihe beat l.,ni;-'H'‘lance telephone ay.item In the world, .So 1 think thj.l' when pe.iplo' are atai-vinir, w .oujrht to at..p lipeiidinj; S30,000,non ft year Dt)

iiaeie!.a alnnaH.Many will a,;r<:e with In

.thill, lie may be an old foj;ey. Inil what h.' haa l<i aay mnmchi like iiir.1 common nenne. The iinlverae iia noLJump.;i.coU-Whlb I’lin jiuapvnil.'d

iJanUlnff and eurrcncy commit- ec hearn Itlchinl Whitney on luck cxch.-uit,'i5 bill.

nou.si1'ralnte comniercr committee It; on railroad bills,' iklnfr and currency sub-oom-

e loan bill.


!iit weeW.

In India, a ahoe frequently wo by the lower claiacn' c.iniiiata .if a fI;iL hoard, wlUi n knob Which alijei between tbe first and aeconil

Cllffor.l Mulllkan la plnnnln;; to have Hurley represented nt Ihe atjite imialc c0nle.1t In IVcatcllo May -I. The, pn,il t\vo yearn the

icinteat waa not licld owlnj; to cconrimlc c<mimiurtn. Ilc plans to

I enter the txiya' (jlec club, the Rlrlfl' 'Klee cluh. the band nntl a numljcr of liololMta. Hurley's band was Klven flrat nwnr.1 In the last two ;.inte.iUi held. Hint of 1030 nnd 3P3J.


■nin ."pn-ltlrst prlnci-w» In Kurope,” tliey'vpil«fi!n Queen of thn BrlRlan«, and her lltUo duuf;htcr, I ’rlne Hhoivn hen* In nvn it poseil portnllK.

TiiciJliy, JInrdi;:?, 1D31 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO 1Society, and Club NewsFRIENDLY FIV15v


Thomtia McElwaln, sponsor of Uio l-'ricnaiy Five, la cnItruilnInK members of Uic flqunil that rcecntty won Uie loiimament nl Coodlni;, fornicr members anJ miinugcni, frltndfl of Uio orinwlMllon at f union dinner n l 7 p. m. today aL .... I’orlc liolel. Bob Wumer will act OK toutmaster and pruJdc over the Informal proffmm.

Gucalfl will Include present team mcmlwri!. Pcte.Toylor. Hank Coin­er. Check Coiner. Woyne Brciver, I ’oul Brewer. Wuyno Johnoon.

Kimer Clvens, llitrry Bceluiteac: nnd Al Wenterprcn; Kred Judovlnc i\na Dich. Sorpn, former iMmbcm of the team: luid Bill McRoberUi

nnlcly. Jimmie Mullen, Bob Wii ncr nnd I’ftt Dalcy nre dcscrll>c<l c "catricalTatui.” “ '


iliaa JJfMle Carlflon onlerJrtJnr<J 18 members of Wealcynn Guild a l her home on Blue Uikcs boule­vard Iiiiit evening.'Mlwea Ealbcr Smith nnd Fannie Amey fllAtnnC hoatCMen. Mrs.\Varr : • tulk

'•The Slpilflcance .. ____and MlM Mury Hoover pnve rcaJlng. Group alnginj; and gamf,! completed the evening. Daffodils centered the tables ni which the reJreahmenti, wliicti carried out the Eaatcr color* of yei;oK- «n'l white, were served., •

The group made' plans for on I': ;iler brcnkfrnit to be li^d Sun-

...'■"y. morning.ftl Twln FnlLi. Ml'.t Bcsalo l^uiinlng Is pro),-rsin elinlr- man, WIm Pearl You:ig‘, rcfrc.ih- ment ehiilrmun, and Mins Mildred Illrtjd .tranBportfttlon chalrni

CHUIICH CI- VSS HEAllS GOOD JfltOOIlASI , An interesting progrom presented nl the meeting of Ben-

^ la h dBSS of the F ira l'l’reabyler- ian ■ chur^' Sundliy'iichool laat

■ evening' a? Uio church-parlorr. Numbera were: Plano oolo. Miss Louise Krengel; reading, MIm Ho- phcna Ko.iler; vocal duct. Miss Joy Moreliouac nnd Rftlph Blnhe. iiccompanled by ISr.r Margaret recU; reading, itira Krengel; vlo

-Iln nolo. M lu Bnmes:,bMlc re view, nccond part oT ‘Todov'!------ Wi rJJ.'

- Calendar-

Noted Stage Mentor Outlines “Ideal Lover” Route for Men

stitch and Cliattcr circle will meet T/wrwMy n/Jem<wn al the home of Mrs. Icy Baliey.

• * * * s.Gem.State Study club will

meet with Mrs. George H. John­oon Wednesday ut J:30 p. ni.

A aliower lionnrlng Mr. and Mru. Joseph VV. Botl will be given al 8 p. m. Wednendiiy In the Latter Day Solnta church at j Wurlftugh, '# # ♦

Drama and Uteiiiturv depart- nient of the Tu'cnlleth Cenlury club will meet at 2:30 p. m.

ACoJn«»day.*Hh«-li«im®-of-Mn«r. W, Orr Chapman, UD Seventh iivenuo eiiflt.

IJdivil j: uuiie mel

Ihcm-ieivca ii:

Washington Parcnl-Tcacher assoclaiion study group will meet al the home of Mra. J. A, Canipbeli on Blue Lakes boule-v!«pl_Wp<inesdav,_Mnxch__2fl.I ’arentfl nre Invited‘ to be nt~ \S'ashlnglon «hool al 2 p. m. and transportation will ibe nrr>- vlde l.

;irc'fcw, liiulni.v bi- (in't ntt<‘mpt to .not

.................... women nee them . . .Fronccu Roblnnon - Duff, fnmoui tencher of ntnge mid .serecn ntiir.i. piilnti out to Mr, Man •'Tlie Wuy In Pemonallty" in the following nrllclc.)


(Written for NKA .Scrvlco) NKW YORK-Aak a woman It

descritjo her Idfiil man. Ten chnncM to one nhe will paint you a glowing word-plcltire' of the Prlnco CiiarminK who Uvea In-crv-Bitl-tliiUUjMlfaaau------

Look about at the husb<indn oi;

nv U, Smith, aupcrlnteadenl of nohoolB. A pol-l«ck dinner ceeded the program.


Celobratlng the blrthdiiyn Mlsa Helen Vooburg and Nonnan Alvord.and honoring Ilobcrt NLv on. who left yesterday for Altron. Ohio. Mlis-t VoSburg entertained at fln Informaf buffet supper Sun­day. GuesU) included:- Mljwcs Vivian - Wlhwn. Xuclllo Ahem, Mary Haddock. Florence I'atLof . }lelen Porrlne, Bulh Me- Itoberls, Helen Taylor, EmeraU ifarlin, Mary Patterson, Helen Voffbuiv anJ Nancy Jlodtloch.- Measrs, Robert Nlxoa, Kenneth Zapp. Norman Alvord. C lyde Hady, Louis Hahn, Howard Cer- rlab, Leavitt Craven, Burton Per- rlne. Bus Vonburg, Dorian Put­tier and-Edwin Dclss. Washing­ton. D. C. _ ,


Bccauac Mra. Lillian Morccheck.i grand chief of Idaho, could nol at­tend the April meeting, the date of tho district convention for Pyth­ian Slaleni hao been changed to the second meoUng In-May. Twin Fulla temple will b« host to the PocatcIIo group at Umt 'time. Tlic convcn- tli/n Oalv wna changed ot a meet­ing held yesterday aftemoon nl Uie.

of Mra. C. H. KIdrcd. Th-


A clevtr playlet and n group . readings in which Mm. George Worberg pre.ncnled a number of her pupils featured the meeting of Star SoclBl club yeaterdny cmoon. Mra, Carton Nonlling. slated by Mr*. E. R, Huron iimi Mrs, L Friedman, wuii ho.ite.ns JJro, L. a Wjidninn preaiiled. Mrs Fred Ojers was program chair-

•Membera of the cast of •'Fniry Hlddle" were. Fairy Queen, ttir- b.ira Sim.i: ■Green "Crig, ■ pigc^ Marilyn North; Klale, village child. Helen Jenn Weaver. Helen Jean Weaver, Wllmn Tnggnrtt. Barbara Sims, and Marilyn North pave tlic re.idings. Miss Bernice ICxleton, also a pupil of Mri< Wnrberg, read ‘The I’rlnce of II- lu.ilon," Miss Faye Sluyter ancJ Murray North played piano noloa “ •nK" ~hostf!is sen’cd- refresh- inentn.

day afternoon, A l a ahorl tiusi- ting two baseball teams

were orijanlied. Helen Stcphenn

captains, A brief program fol­lowed. Bevgrly Woolley, honlesa,

!rve<l refrejhment.1.* * »


Mra. Rh'oda Smith entertained members of Blue Monday club nl a 1 o'clock luncheon nl her homo yealcrdny afternoon. Vaaeji ot daffodils formed dainty centerplec- cii for luncheon table.1. A t the con- Im ct whicch,followed, high flcorc! prise fell to Mrs. Frank McCor­mick and low score favor to Mra., J, W, Porter.

world and you will be likely think that not many women u married their princes —

Uiough uniloubtediv they dlil Iho beat, they could with the materliil at hand.

For the Iniili In, .th:»l Prince auMiiinfrunaiuicnra'Ui—nil -too neldiim met outside of story booku unc drcama,

■ Cnn Bo Done jfe found In rrni lift-

pftener if men reiilln.'d that they might easily ■'cuitlvnlir whul It liike.-i to make the ide.ii.

Tlie capiieity in within eneh one. Only the will l.i lacking to make it

The (jualltlw women want Iti men nre: Mental allveneiia. ntrengtii. health and a cnpaeity for tenilernrmi. They are nol often lit- Inicted to the weakling or to the bitter cynic who !ipeak:i in iitinging cpfgnnns.

A woman naturally wanln her an to Iw iitrong menially, as well ' plwslcally. Nothing so. puls her f him as lo feel that she mual iilnrdi'cislona' for ■ thu' two of

them,Vet imr.uliixicaiiy, nothing given

her greater happlnejiii Hum the ■ ice to mother iiim. To liiiti.'ify

eoiii|ilelely. Ur. .'ihnulil have ii sort of dual perwinailly—one dash­ing and linive, the other iittle-boy- isiiiy renily to turn to her for com­fort when things j:o wrong.


tivo ^groomed, not only aa If he liiul junt nhnved and liathcii and jirMi-ied hi; cinthrii. but aa If hia iuiigii wer. full of fresh nir and elenn blooi waa couniing through lib bo<1y, re veallng ifieif in the (luiiiiiy of hi; akin, the Kleain of hia terth uik he r'parlUc.


Entcrtaiamcnt nnd In itiation

W ill M ark Sesilon of

Locnl Lotl^c

of the

M'lll Ia.-,

LightweightIDAHO i''AI.U< , I.lah.;.

Miir, d'Ifi-Michael Clenn Wiiliin.non, Ihree-dny old lum • if Ntr. and Mra. Cl.-nn Wii- kinajii. hulda the !ii:hl- wrIgM ehampionnhlp for Ihr Uwi! l>. .S-, tionpllal. II wai dl,icKi.-ied lotli./.

Tile Infant,.. i'-*! t

ti;iif' pjun'lfi, ■


• til.-

Tiiur,idiiy evening will h

night for Klks, Munibrr:Jocai lodge wJJJ wJlnra* ;i including tricks by Ma;;lcl:ii K, Diiilnghum. Kllrf; G io rg- ;_ 'Wake and la i Kim Uock llltlcr.i, ’ . iCharie.i I*urn<tt In ii blackface, number featuring -loulhcrn -wngs., Limd.u 1.T0UP of dance nunib'-m l>y jiucal children. The e'''—-’" '" " '" ”' ■ ;wlii Blurt at H;<5 p./i-aturv of the j/ra/;i Inttlutlon.

Dance numbeni •will bf; dance. Htlly llJle Hiirve;Verna Slni-ma; lUit;Rc(ly Bolo dance. liecky Vietor: Iri'ili ■jigi Luclle Tirirniiui-Shd Virginia- Farnsworth; aulo. chissic dance. Jthoda Phllilpa,

Inviliillona . i enl out liy the coMinilttee emphii:i::..- that nil nieniber.i arc weicu,.u and may Invite a frirnd. "Onec' an I'lk al- waya an Rik,” ihry

IwniK Kipt unttl hi' lit- Wright. .>


m r i A E E f i

E m mB U R L f fW i i

- HUat.lCY. Mnr.'-27 (Special) FuniTiil strvlcca for Mra. Ida May ICellcr Ujwry. 73, widow of JoHn'' l.»iwr>-. who died at the home'W h'T hrother Samuel M. Kelley, Sal* iirdiiv night, werr lirld Lhin after-

n f the Jnlmwn morluary .hiircl. It.-;, Charles M. n » d . poilk lor of the Methodic churcH; officii liU-l. .MuMc tt'iw fum/aheJ by lh<3 Chrhlian church.

Tomorrov/ the will be trtl^■ to Hunlin:7tt>n. Ind.. for burlap l).:alli n.r Mra. I»wry folioweil niniK'- of apoplexy. Her hu*ban<l I’c' 11' yi'ar/i ago. Shr was born

J .1I5--1;

Ann.Kilrndfi iiid ri'In^v.vr ikT.. w,-i •

• iiiaUnKday fur Mn; .Sii;ui- !'-;irnre:i M;t-

Iveii by thf following brolhera aii.i .-liaiera: Samuel M, IC'elier.’' niirle>; Ca«iiua M, Keller. Hunt- Inclon. Ind.; Perry Keller. Michl- iiiin; Mm. Sadir CrofUNorth Man- (tic;ii<T. in>i.iJ nnd Mra. Alverta ClJiyti.n. MIKoril, Ind, ■

Ihia, niiml you, neeil not <

Spokane Services — ForMrs.'Gheley

GOODING, Mar.' 27 il!,i:i—The body of Mra, Kdith Cheley, a bride of one day who waa fatally in- Jureii li?rc Sunday, on her ODlh blrUidaj-.-Wll!.bc,uciil-lO- SpoitHne. Waah., for funeral acrviccs. It wna announced today.

Mra, Cheley was Injured when me automobile in which her • band, Oliver Cheley. 78, was (Ing went oul of control and over­turned, ni.x miles west of here,

Piifislng molorista mahcd ihe couple to a hoapilal hero Where Mra, Cheley died, Cheley, fluffei Ing from shock and brulaea, wii reported to be In fair condition.

Mni- Cheley, formerly Mra. Edithcmup sprnl-the' afU'rhfKin .itltch-1 Day of Spoiiimr. wiui inarried lo ing qulil blocka following Uie buid- Cheley In I5<ibio Saturday nnd nwia .aeafllon. Ljitcr Mra. Eldred the couple sUrled Sunday foraerved rcfrcahmcnts. Eden to make thclr home.


■former n

. Kug.n

Even dre;i:i, ly lie effective, need . not be expeniilve. A man’ii clDtiiea

ly be liruahed and . ..II iierm Jaimty bi-cauiic they havr I'een.bruflhed and liecauae he wenni them with an air.

The unforlunale who lacka thla phyfllcal appeal for wonii'n ran oft- . .rn flml Ihe wny U. gain it llirdugh' Newm:-.n Aiken, wife lennible hubita of living, eating,‘roLilng nnd playing.

MiLHt Ih) iloiTUitlle The perfect lover, hnwewr. n

» more than neat Add vitalaelf-confldent. To really fill ...11.- - .......... --bill, ho mu.H have a deep, underlv- atrvicen and burial, ing almin ot the romnnlic in hia' »paldea Mrs. Oatrander. Mn, porsonalliy. must dellglit In the *" aur\'lved by her mother,amoll I'oiianlrica Uuit mean ao Pi'‘rcc Newman, formerly ofjtiuch TwIirFiillH.'bat now fi-i'rcidenl of

If iic cannot a/ford a tiox of Berkley. Calif,; a ulster. Mra. Oitli- oweni he can k'lve the on«' r o i i e b r o t h r r s , Sler-

tiial meijna the tmme. Ho ciin re- Hiiniid. Mike and Julian New- member birthdays and annlver- " ’'i"' "f San Fnxnclico bay R«rlea. .aectlon. Miite Newman Is now n

BccflUM- Ujclr—huubanda-.attd.K"'”'t » l the. p.ilrimder_.home.___ swcctliciirta fail to cultivate the Mr;;. v\1ken w-aa a gnidiiaie of Ideal personaHty, Btngc and screen at Idaho. u'Ik w mcalara who do ao become romance ««i!niber of Gamma Phi Belapersonified to Uiouakncls of worn- aororlly.

" many of those, Clark Gabii '

Oatiaiider re

i;venlng'of tin alater. Mra. Be.vili

j. 'Aiken ot Twin Falla. Mm.

Aiiten <ll>'d riiiiilftily at her iiom« in New York City, Toe telei. alattxi that the Ixviv will Ih , brought to T\vin Falla for funeral

State O fficial - Near - Poetic—at-

Civic Club to Back* llir.,

Tree’ Planling Plan .spim 11”’.''mmi.iCV, Mai. (SprclnD—a P'^k. Ivan.;

■number of niemhcrs met nl the .^li'IIonl, Kaii 'homi- of Mra. Wiiloiighliv for the Mellac. Il.j'.ii 'regular meeting oS ihe Civic club Mr.r .Mi:i( Innl week, Mra. C, A. ll;irclay wna tieaiity op-r, ehonep lo represent Ih" club for two in;iiilhi

iCanaiii county in llie National there from IHealtl' Council, plan. The club thr imuK, plana‘16 lake nn iictlve iiiii'.t In lhe She -,vaa-a-

Urec plicnUni; cnmpii/gn lor Hiiriry. thin c)iii:vli IMuaic wna in rharge of Mra. (lli-; _Iwrt Hogue, CounetUvoninn Ida,Parke g:ive' a nplcndld talk on trf.i and the city parka, llefreah- mrnis were .•wrved. Tlic next inocl- iag will Iw hrid <in the ev.-ninc nf April 4. a l Ihc home of Mra. Kila Jlo.iecrana.

• Men, K. C. Steph.miujn waa-ho.-». tefia to 'the Sacajawrii ehiii at her

' home Inst wr.Hr- Two tnbira of ' brl<tgr were In play. The honteaa : Hcrved . refrenhmenl;;- Club prise wiLS hwanird lo Mra. Amelia I ’ow-

;ern. The club meets axaln April

• Mr. nnd Mra. George terlnlned n l breakfaa

nnd Mr tinri Mi

\Vy.).: Mrs, II. .M. l; Mr--i, .M. T. l.aril:. a.; I.Inyd ]■:. Mllirr,

Flovii, 1-. ililicr, \Vii1t<T ■ \V. Miller,


.MAN.SFI!:l I), O. -r.l:. — Dur- m: recent cold wavea, while pe- ic;ilri:in.'t and incitorlats fought- hc’lr way tlirough anow drifts icic, two lieen, a jieach and a liiirvviiiiii, wt-n- optlmlKlically bloa- :.aalng_al lli.- h-,;iic of Alvin

here fell ,aa below aero

• ere defying

Lyle r: Friili

imple. Is Prince Charming LadlGS Aid GrOUDS incamnlc, Hla feminine admirer;. u i u u p j>

Thanks of City' Ncar-poellc worda 'ffom Ihe offiee of the .nlate department of public WMrka have been re­ceived here with aa much amaztment aa waa the renolu-

.'tton recctvcil by.atatc cBClac^. from the T>vin I'alls city coun­cil pralalng Ihe highway de- niirtmcnt. It wna revealed last

j l ig h t J J ^ -’ .Miiyor.'Duhcan McD, John- nton preaentcd Uie council with ietlera from District Engineer J, M, Johnston. Sho.ihone. from 0. E. McKelVey, commissioner of the denartment of public

•worica, and'j. H. 8leiiiinor,.di.. rector of the bureau of hlgli- w.iy.i, expressing appreciation for a recent reaolulion of Uie Twin Falla 'city council thanlt- Ing the several individuals anil Ihi-lr rtejiartjjienla for the co- o))cratlon exlehiled Tn aectirlllg the fourth nvcnm- Izaflic irfne.

lliiA Seiitlmeat. Too

•Patlernon enterlalni-d I I'riday, lionoring Mr. and M n. W. ;i). Funk nnd family, Tlir Funka ' left Snturdny for Orhind. Cnllf,, ; where they cxpecl lo re.ikle per- ' mancnlly.; Mra, George llumney and Mia* 1 Margaret Homney enterlalned al I bridge Wednesday evening in hon- . or of Mw. CJjarJca B. Be_vr)cr who is le.iVing’ahorlly'for'lier homc'ln

: Twin Falbj, Four tables of bridge were nl phiy. Tiie ho*te«sca served dinner at 7 p. m, Mra. Poller P. Howard won high score prlrc nnd M n. K. C. Bnrlow cut prise, and a gueal prize was given to Mrs. Hey- meiv Tlio Ubles were profusely de- conited with daffodils.

wait In all kinds of weathei alage dooni hoping to .gel one \ glimpse of Ihc handaome, doiihing, figure who typifies their Ideal. ;

Have Joint Meeting

Neckties Reflect

Proving that an engineer ia also poaaeised of nentlment, Slemmcr wrole;

"For n public servant to ro- ceive a iMtUnony of apprecia­tion for'hla work In ntinoal no niro iin occurrence that it woulii tpiaiify for Uipley'a 'Be-

'I T*’''iVrigcii! 1 • in Hie alwiie


Complele, Diagrammed Murlnii • _Mortiii 8«v Chart Inchided

PArTEaN.oa43 • •

Detnchabic capcs arc ao fnacln'

iy drcaa for town wear, nrtd it la ndaplable to all sorts of occaslon.r

Il'n capecially attmctlvd If jnndc of a dotted print, as shown In tho pfctore; ftul any of Uie chocks alrlpca or figured fabrica ore nice for It Tho dress I# unlfjuely fnoh- •lonnbleln ihal-it :comblne.i ml 'flIendcrn.csH.wlUi well-planned curves. The curved hip line i j rc' pente<J by tho curvo of the yoke collnr and cape. Very becoming to everyone!

Pattern 0(J<3 may bo ordered only In sl«a 12. U. 10. 18. 20. 30. 31-, 31, 3B. 33 and <iO. Size 10 re-

•qulrc84yBrda3&-Inchfnbricand >; yanl contniating.

Send FIFTBEN CENTS ItLcoins or aliimps {coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MAHTIN pnl- tcm. Be Bure to write plainly your NAME. ADDRESS, the STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of tnch pot' ,tem.


^PATTERN BOOK — n pracUqal Spring Sftwlngguide.offerinirBiiin* nliig model;, (or aU occoslozu for grown-ups. Juniors and, young- sters. and for the woman woo needs aiendorlslng tinea. PfUCE OF NEW BOOK. F IF T E E 3N CENTS, COOK AND PATTKRN T O O E T H B R , TWBJn TY-PIVB CENTS.

' .-'Bud yout «rder Co The Idaho Evening TlIae^ PalUra Dcpari- mrnL

MURTAt;GH. Mar 27 (Special)A izcnt'riil nirptim; lor rill groijp.v th'' Uiiii<'!i- Aici was belli Thura-

ly a l the MriUodixt Epl;iC(>pai _ , . _ - , . nurcl* wilh Mn-, C..............Econom ic T rends '-'I'cwtrr nna,sii .

cracrN.vATi ,irt;i -.-eflect the economic-trend. In the ,yaa i-lvcn: devollunals Mrs.opinion of Harry D. Liehschut*. j k„|(cv- reading Mra Paul president of the Men's Apparel 11’mrhlirf; twn mandolin aokiH. Mra. cJiib Ohh. Inc.. which recently Staplrtnn; chorna numbera,.....I ... ----- iiero. Mra. Oliver Johni^on, Mn, Fohey. -------- .. -----, „ .

Mn;. Hinrhliff, Mra. HarnltfStuple- ^> «".venRer, lon l .spe<vlnlhl, anil Mra. Kiinrr Ciiance.. Ue- Prniiey UWg,. I’himn 333-J.--A«lv.

, ... ,;hiiicnla were iinvc«I to llie 3 r .----------------------Icr sha<le.i, arc la demimd. An (n)* membcra prearal. '

Hook bri^-n the, call Sevenil men have been woriiliig fiAnTTPn m r t n nATF pattern and brighter ^t the L. D. S. church the past COOKED FOOD 8A1E

The floor in the luiaement

held Its imnual LlebachuU .laid that

outlook 'Is pessimliitic.ami staple patterns, with dni- 1

I Icr shode.i, arc la demimd. An tn)- ji lllmlstic outlook briru:" the. call for more pultcrn and brighter ^ tones," he pointed out.

, ridiuuiv and aaminni are thrown a l un In iiuch enor- mnus quanUlles tiial whenever a bouquet arrives on our desk, it brings a ray of aunahlne In­to our lives and revives our fiifth In humaniiy."

ha;i been ........... . ............ .'Wded put In, 1‘iaslering. papering, j

- cleaning is to l>e done in Uie eSo Uiat It ahould nol be errIt by lls own seedlings Uie ..........,

Mle busii drops its seeds nnd then buildin);, A pipe will be laid aroundaprei^s a poison on Ihem lhal the oulaldo to prevenl waler from


Miirch 28th and M lli At liidependeat Meat Cu.

By L.^dlefl of Seventh Day AdvenUst Church Come nnd See Ua!-



A d d itionalL istings

I p Youn KAUE im 't in ihc , directory now but you arc livine in a home that har« lclq>oone, fou caii have a listing o f foae o tm (or 35

• -cenu a month.

BusifESS UEN sharing office quarters with present telephone lubacribcrs can

, alM secure • listing a l very 'moderate coil.

J*iC*c«ybur order to any emplo^ te

or eaJt our tw incjs o jfict '

The IVext Telephone

Directory Cfoses Soon

T jm L L YOUR NAME bc liaicd> ;TY ibc next telephone direciory;?

With a telephone, friends can get in touch witii you morc-^Qsily. >yoif can call tAem. Ku^ing: errand^ calling^e istores, making app^ l^ mcnt8...a telephoneperfoi^ raimi- less servicea. In emcrgchcies—

sickness or accidcnl one ;C ^ :.- nindc quickly niaj' Iw’ .•■■

pricde88., ■

T h e M o n n te tii.S ta te s T e lep h o n e

Paio Bij; inAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Tucsflfly, srnrcli'27. 1531

W A N T A D S I « -


Each 11151'rllc.


New Today

l-ANSV I-r,ANTri

, Growcrii


Ab.-olvLii from ia:j4

iiiciil by Dircclors •

Of S u i^ Croiip

Today’s Late News in Markets and FinanceI-vESTogrilimilOPS


■;i M.GO; :!T fliolro 53.1 I luO-130 I

lu lili;licr; inodcr- ; i ii<lv:.nru; kllllnj: 1

:iiuJ olioio.' 1

It mcidcrnii' hf whcnt pit todiiy iift- c of W-.j crnin II tjunhol arUnl cluDua lltllc mort-

N. Y. STOCKS i P I I I C E S B H i

II Tobac^i I! ylliai-viJuU Cf)}i])cr .....

,J Atchlmm. Toi).'U« * S I • Allniitic llrftnlliK .’-Annuoi'Sn'nirn -•I Ilaltlnior*' £• Ohio ... .

- W ijrcalw of. tho yci

■ I fallcl t r IHK I-v


H>K I'.KNT Tlir-'.- r-.oiii 1110,1. • Til itiniinhril ;ija, i!imj:alcnv Ajil--

^POH -BALE O’ ^ R A D B — OlK-n IUkM l^iH

‘ Clil.. Mil.. St l ‘.nil & I'acific fl--.


STIIAYICD V. Ilinlrnffl.Jt nine -Wliltc fiicc Jiclfcr. Owner nii.

by puyinic


MAIUUEIJ .MAN walllM worlt. Ex|irrlrnci“(i. »j:r cnccfi. Write Box 3M-. cure '


WANTED- Twi) nn'ii acpartmfnL KUln rcf<-r

-IclUrr. Box 3(>-Ar. cuiv 1


WANTED,TO BUY—1000 ear* b wreck. Fartntra’ Auto Supply Us^d Pirla Dfpt. Phone 22S-W.


.SI'KCIAl. I'\UM billiinlilniTl , Idal


•ijriitcfl,pmlrlc. 1 ni pri> V r (I. iiulmprovn ijvrrlirail low. I.ltcriilurf. imi.ii llii! iidvlce. Mo/itlon /iliito. J. \ Haw, 3li Norllu-rn I'liclflc lOil way, KL I'liul. Minn.


” .V(ITI(i: TO CON-j-lTXcTOItS.Snilnl pniJK)!cllH will 1»' ntl'lvi:

bv 111.' Conimlr.-ilim.T of i’ubll ....................... .r Miibo. I

Uir C..In I!nl!

ml.'inlDii ■, Idaho

of 1‘nb-1 ■

uUurc 111 III ili'tlir.'i

I able 16 I " W r ,


.•clock i>.of April, for tlu- coniitriiclldr if u Ijllumliiijiifl puvciiu'nl on j hm;i.' '.770 mllc'.'i of Ibc Old OrcKun Trail lJS''lliii;

•■In nuhl, unJ a blluinlnoU!i mirfnt_________________________________ on 0.(131 JiillMi i.f Ibc Old OrrKo

• NATUPjVL Permanrnt compict.r 1 - 12.73 ,l!alr.j:uU.,25c. Shjunpoy. i t M Vi-0 N .tn ‘

"I' tTV-iKFiUl.-i'CouTiry, ' ' ' “ Pri.poiMlH will Ix' -oiii'ncil an

publicly rcail iil tin- iilxjvi- iilaU'MIBOELLANEODS

FtnuaTUnE w a n t e d —Cnhh yaW tor uofd fumliiin*. 1 rooges,. h«allnc atovrn and cli lators. ,Phone 5. Moon'n.


ibi.d al P(.crU.'

ili> iiu'iiibcra, 1 b .a(lJUKli;l‘’iil il' llrlirtit, II..


inarlicl uti-aOy; ba 1 2.'.: cows S!i;. iK'Ifn ilm i 5<-$7,M; f.ndi-i»; i.uibi s::-j

1)1;NVK!J SIIKKI’DKN’VICH, Mar. U7 jIMli -Shcii.

Jhi;0; ),.arJi,'I .li'tlvc; fed UmL. lllc I') ir<c Vij;liiT; K.ur luiids Koml lo cbi.ko .Colorn'Jo!. SB.7S; IrciKbt piilil; bulJi SS.iiO to S3.7r.; .iprin;; laiiih.'i ;i!rii,lv. iiidxtly $10; Ilnci j:i;ulr!i SS.Tn to si‘; ^iivip .•:U'acly; load ;:.-K.>l 107 lb. fa: I'Wrn S.’;,'lO


11,01)0: Miuiltoi <.trt.uK. K'o b1i;hcr;

,:,!)(); fr.'.liiijr liuiib.i wcalc-J: l.ijr.b.t, fltra'ix: ri stivini; U. ir.c blKli. «iiil tincliani:c-(l; curly ilrd laiiib.'i 5.‘>.r,0-S8.7n; tilcbi'r; native iiprlliK '.-Sn.ri; I'wiM cllj;lblc


Dol.'x', 1<I:iIk.,(il-.LKS l.tVKSrOCK


ir.i:. — Bultcr; W acoro 2:

11 Uc.

IX).S AN{ii:i.KS ..LOa-,VNGI';i,K-S..Mar.I5uttt!ri- 12.ttra-2ii,-down l:-vrini fb'!it:i di.wii 1; :itanUard;i 2\ down t: iinilor craclva 111. down

•i:K);.-i. UnchanKoii.

Ull Pont clir Niv l’:a.ilmiin KU'ctrlc Aiilo I KIrctrii: I'ow.T

Bcrlou: il.rctDCU-

Hour aciunK mnvcmcnl, .nhuw any ileflnlte rally- •r ail trading ilricd Up, M .with , lon.iM cxlcodcd I four jOTfiil.t.



Uo-.v-.lnnrji pri aj;c.i Jilmwi-d Jn'ill •J.IU, railroad

1,500,000 ml 1,VH0,000 Mlirc

ritmlnar}' ' nver-

Lo^1' Markets

Tho rollowinR mftfKet xjuola* Uon» nro corrected d«Uy by tor Iduiio Evening Time* and rcpre- oent the average pricefl'pal<J, as-' cordlDfr to the • 'boat avaUaWo In­formation. Tbe prlcfj are subj«t to chiuiKo without notice i y thi iloalnrs, hmvever. Rfadtra are urg- ff<l to wrttch the MtJooaJ morkeU with which . IhfM locflJ m arkfa will rise and Xall.

........... Beaa*-. ..1 V. S. (3. N'/i..........2 U. S. G. n;b.

„«] Same prlccn for nniull redo.. Mnil'ccd* .. .

'Brnn, lOO'lbn. _____________mrnn. SOO lbs. ,


(«ncA (io . CHICAGO,' Miir. 27 H'

.Mnrliol oafiy; rccclpl-KKK! 3 ,7^3

; frc.Hb

iial TclcpM(.nvlllc ..... .


mount Piibllx .. la. It, K. ..

J. C. Penney ........Purr Oil '.................R.-jdlQ Corp.......Itadlo Keith Orpheu Kcynolda Tobacco I

niliird Oil of Ciillf. . ndaiil Oil of N. J. ;a.n Con.. ............... .

MAICCU POl'ATOKS iKiirnli,hL-d b.v Sudlcr". WcKTicr

and Comnmyl Idiibo-Ruancl:'. Murch delivery;

None, April J1.7.'i. May Jl.PO 'i J2,

u).\no roT,\Tb»:.s

IDAHO K A L L S ,. Mur. 27 lUSDA)—MondAj-: Upper vallry and Twin FiillM-Burley. iiecllon conslderiibl^ ran^'c In bulk prlcc-i at different polnla nwitly 05c to 70c for p . a. 1.1J mosUy -15c to .'.Oc for U. S. 2ii.

NKW YOItJi POTATOES ■'NEW 'YORK. Jl'^r, 27 a’.!’) — PotutoM nteftdy: I,^ni: Inland $1,W to S2.<0 tbl.; Boiitliorn J4.B0 to $G bb!.: Maine J1.20 lo J3.80 Uhl,: Idaho 52 to S2.2,’. MCk; Her- inuila 5< to $7 bbl.; CnnaJa $1.80 t(> $2.1.1 b1)l.


CHICAGO. Mur. 27 rrin-Pota- liH-.troid /itMln; supply licivvy; de­mand nn(t-:tmdlni;-nlow; mnrkct firm on rtumjcLi and steady on nthcni- Wloconnln Uountl Whites SJ.IO; Minnc-iot.T nnd North Da-

I kolii R<-<! River Olilos Sl,50-$l.Gf>,I partly , rnided $1.3r.-Sl,10; Iduliu lUufisotJ 51.72>i-$1.77'.i,

Colored li U»:bt he, lx-i:horn

................. .......................-Ccloclci............— ...................3c

Sc«xla:lover. per cwt. _____ S10,7aion alfalfa, per cwt. -Jll-M

I'uUtOTM Iliinfiets and RuruUi

•n bulk ...... ............... 60c-6.'ic•« bulk _____ i .......... lOc-ASc.,


KKJT*. «tandaril...... ......E kB", medium .............EfTi,'". No, 2 ..................Ekc/i. wnfrnvdpd —

IJvatock Choice light butchcra. 100 to

210 pounders....-........-......$3,75Overwulght butchers. 210 to

’ JO poundei

UndcrwclKht butchera, 125 toino pounders............... , .....$3.25

P a c lc i n j; nows, goodjw®' •___'p b u h d c rs .jjp ....................$2.50

Stccrn -................ r.'.n.;,:-.2 to-3%o'.25i to 3c : to 2 ’mc .,2c to 40 ...... $7.00

— MA7T»KS!jm ■rcnov;iti-j,'-ni i'j recovered. Clean wool carded. 20c Ib. 'Wftahtd ana coriJcd 30c. Ftiml- lure • uphobiUrlnj;.’ Twin Kiilla UBltrew Factory. Plionc 51-W.

SPOT CASH PAID fnr nil lUndf »f U<ed Fumlturt! nnd Stovca al Port A, Sweet. Phono-1205. urcto:parts nnd iiervlcc. K. C, H. Motos Bervlcei 230 Shoahonu SL W., Twin Falla,

Idaho, and ari- on flit- fnr i-xamlna- tion In llic officc.i of llio A.-t,TOcliil- ed Ornrrul Contnicloni, .Sjiokiino WniililnKlon. ami Salt Uikc City Utah.

A chan;.- of two ilollara IS2.001 will be made for ei.nii «cl of ;.laii: lind iii>rclflcatlnn!i. Piiviiienl to 1>. made by check payiible to the I)e. l-firlmrnt-.-f-PuWlit.—W.,rl.ri,-Rl..(. of Iduhu.

All pro|Ki:ial!i iiiiial be miide iln

.St.-jrllchl of lb.- o wa;<. until .Siilitr- N. Hiitchln.'i, meaa

iliry wrIn 11 suriirl

I Kail nnd

Uutter: Market eajiy l>.37r. tubii; iitornKe (itani 22; extra flr»t;i (OO-tU'j

21-21’ .

United Alrornft .United 0.rp...........U. S. Steid, commo

intaH0-H7>-> 2

(I''urnlJihed by Sudirr, \VcKiitr mid Company)

Fund. Inv.............................$2.20Fund. Trunt. A ..................SI.C!.-;Home 0«Tier.i ....$nf>,l2.‘''.i 500.375

(r> r ounce): New York, ccnt*, off >i cent. U.’ S. trea«iry price for newly mlntd metal 6l\i cenLn. London, 20 pence, unchanged.

^■FOR SALE—Mi.-!CcllfineouB

FOR 3AU':-'l-lv<' nnd iritcili ihurcfl water (iti>cli In Twin Kal Cannl cnnmiiny. J.'O Hhnrc. W. Shinn, Firltf

the farm

____ F!OR. SAUi -r- AnoUier.. cjirloiulpf Murenco Knl.iomlne In built - .buy what you need ami brlnj; buck fi-hnt you have left. We loun you n bruflh free. Let un entlmat.: the material jnu will neoil, or If you want a painter we have ncvcnil on

— Bur'ltst whn-wlll bo glnd tf. /rivn you 11 price on your work. UOON'C,

iiiRtieil by tl»- and iKJiit offji

Tlie riKlit all pni;uix;il:(, or to acec po.ial or pn.|Mi.ialn ilerni the State iif Idaho.. No pio(KiNal will be

list I . w ltli hlu naiii rcria.•1-ve.I lo n-Jec :iceept the pn. ra-nK'il fo

.J-OKTI-ANIl I.IVKSTO(;ilI ’OKTl.ANI), Ore., Mar, 27 H . . . .Ill,);:i, .lOtl; iitriKly'to 15c lower. ,

-CaLUc;-25_*:jUvi:;aO; Very in tlfi. , .. . _• •-...... - -

.... .. Makes Fair LargerSb.'.-p; KIU ^ LONDON 'Cl:!.-The ’ Prlnec of

'vt ■ESL’ttt’ss sdSSa. JS5r-'- "' to the Untlnh Indua-

rlh Co. .

I’n »nl

Vila ;ij.i>eared at Citv HaJI ■linj; her am;.'! elilltl iHiiteh- ;i l.v the lian'd.' H.- iiremni iirwli;i1. inibarni;e;ed.

, trle.n Fnl:


FOR SALiC-Tnick load of un.-.l furniture of nil klnd.'i. TI1I-1 furni­ture In In ).'oo<l condition and will be Jiold at prlce.n you cun uffonl to pay. MOON-S. •

the iilior PHXl coi ei|iilpnient anil 1

ic of tho C<anaih- r Improvonieat In • conHliitent with

3 Corn-Hog Groups Besrun in Minidoka


e Inalated lipoi iitlenUon of bidden lo the S|.i-clal I ’r

ivaj;e paid lo iiipkiyoii on t .• Ilfiy-five C


•a^e paid t. l.iyed on I xtj’-ftve

FOR SAI.KC,\Vl,it- Cliln; IhiK e(jp. 1',: So, of U»i,i<.r.

led .Maivh 20, IICM,

Hiiby ChlrliK uii.l CuHlom 1 lut<'li- Int:. J’.lKi:erfn Quality Halehery, H20 Main Ave, So. Phone 22.--J.

.1. H. STl'IMMKK, Jlivctor of MlKliwiiy.i. C. K. McKKLVK.V,

i.ner of I ’libllC Work.i!

C lassified


SHOE RKPAlIt H.XPI'RTS-\V1. Actually rebuild »hiMa and tia< only tbe benl of mateiialii, Oui

FOR.. RELIABU? SII0I2 SHOPe.tpert /ilioe repairing while.yoi. wait. .Next- to Parrot FrUli Sldre. Fred Monuen. Prop. -

a B't o i o p - b o d y w o r k s

FOR SALR--\VIND.SHIi:i.D~\ND ’ door glitM. Auto top.i nnd cur-

tjiln repair, atnvaa and ainviia rcpnlrlng, Tlioinetz Top £c Body Works. Back of Dancclaad’.



ttXDPlNO .ANNOUNCEMENTS • an j oilllng:'-canla cUgravcd or printed. Uaay carrecV styles to .chaoM'from..'Cin &t tbo Eve- •nlnfT Tlmeji <l^fl^ 2M Mnln |

; ' 'ATo. Kaft. Trlopliono . i


■•in r'alln dally are aa folkuvn 0i:i:(i0N SH(»uT i .in k


.............. IKo. :!10. (K.m W.'lla, a


NOilTIUVKSTKKN STAOK.S............. .

I-eaveH lii.Kentoii Hole: .|:Oflp. n- Wr^llH.nnd

U;u'i:,i ItdK'Twon Hotel ;i;On j,. ir NOimiSlUK STA(iKS '

Arrlve.i . ................. 11. r;I.raven . . . . •I;2,1 p. n;

TWIN FA1.I.S-U EI.I-St-eav........................... 1();;h) II. niArriv.i ................ 7:4.-. p, Jr



pic'ted iit Paul, wllli im.I J, 11, Cully the Ileybiini with I'dwa Uireicll Helll;,-a;i III. lui.l at lliipert with I

H.M. Cole aa tlir

■ heltl tjie

;i|ie }3rai;a

There' hivv. i'cneil reprr.ientlng H.IOd lio;;a f(.i he 1032 nnd ‘.in period. Tlila wll H' thi' laat of the conLiacta for till:

confeivnec II day. Hlie w,

■t of tho Rii

1 Hunter Ki irK went aa etini;. Hepre


L bci knl that

S'. V. Cl'ltlS KX<'HANGK•rli;airSu|.or”ro'w'er “ . 'r r r :

Citlea Service, conrmoii ...... ;I'lectrlc Bond * Share ..:..... 1(FonI Motor, Ltd.................... iSwirt and Co.......................... UUnited Founder;! ................. 1

Ni:\;ci.ii:, Mur, 27 lUlli

. ..............., ......... «'d four .. .-[points—hlR-hrr;— Spot—1.<2, May I,.-;!, J j ly l.W-1,50. Sept. l,li[). Dee. l.OC.Ifjan. 1.07-l,Hi3, March 1.71-1.72, Snlc.i 59,700 tons.


llvfir -I5*i: lead $4. • .. .

,t| hiitcheni steady; 2 1om:<ly , 2)ii lb, Calif. S'f.S5; lo,il|,,» . ........... . Mil '.'•II

Cattle; Sr.O; [airly i

held firmly; load I'lM lb. fed' Utah aleera $r.,8r.; few lol.i meil,' iiniler Onn Ibs linldnver:i S.I.IS n sr.-'iii; com, ]ii:hl wcii:hi« $< 10 S».r.O; load ined. 1174 11). Iiliih»» $'..2:1; fairly Kood raiiKC cow.h S'l. m<v|. S3.:i5; fleahy dairy type elt;,-, ll.l- S3,2.'.; ;:ot.d bulla up to S3.7.'i.

3H,’.; parfvealer ir,(

.led to iior.'ilbly $S.Kliccp; 117:.; inirlnr laniba :il)- it; med. to i;(>o<I mimlnally oled aix.uiiil SK.riO lo S'i.ftO.

Huge Dredging Job ---- Will. Start Soaa

, the Britlsirinduntrlen the firnt time thla year entirely to tho I>rlnce'fl

ourlni; the 10S3 fairwllh man. W, T, Munro. the

Siard- feminine attire. In ' of the poaition Orcal Urlt.ibi hnldx in the inarkeUi for mcn'a wear I definitely think you oliould have a .•lectlon for men'ii wear,".

Munio and otber-ofTtchib Im- mertlnlely began preparations for the Inauguriitkin of thu ..........

SILVER FUTURES NKW YORK, Mar. 27 (lM|i •- Ivcr fulure.n cloaed atendy, aO lo : jiolnta li>wer. March KS.f1. prit •l.'..5.’'.n. Slay iri.H-'m. July

45.60. July 40.0.’in, Aug, 40.17. .Sfpt. 4(i.3t)-.40, Oct. 4fl.r.O, Nov. •ie.70n, .Dec. 4C,0(in. Jan. 47.10n. Feb. 47.30n. Salea 7r. :01s,

M^rrHO^ nANNKt) JERO.ME. Arlz. il'.i;i ~ .Metli

.(1-1 of hla forcfntiier.i In'ge'.llni ■ven wllh a rU-al caused Y. C jhen. Chlneae phi>tnRrophcr, It >e haliil Into court' here oc :hargc o f cilmltmr libel. He' pbnt d a a!gn In fninl of libi otudic

lenouncln;,' Enrique Guerrero, e

MAX’S ; Harness Shop


'‘■‘ '■•IPrincL ...



"T j.

'he aveiaKe weight of 11 n In ill three jxiunda eight icc.i. na compared wllh n v M tw<. poimda eleven ounce;

Blue Tag Certified Russets

Scctl from McCall, none bel­ter. F irst car w ill arrive Twin F.ills Friday. Can ur- raugc hold apcclal orders

Itirgc qu;\ntilics later uliip-


H. B. LONG;|infJioitr We*it. Phi

i.peiatK.iia . lie- .Superior' atari when

of the clre.lum;;

Cl-l'VI'TLAND d’l;•le i ha.H lu;ird ..f Cl.•iency In collcciinir nahen,' ind gnibage. A lell.T fron ■)unn, elly sanitary Inspccl

K^nberly, asked Mayor Ha r>.ivi,i for full Infrtrmntlon-. nty'K ,-i!hriioii.,iv«t.-m.


WANTED Heavy Hens

10c Lb.

Mglit Hen....................

nr -siartnl Clilelu ^


(•holee-,.MatlMgCIileliH8c«"9Ctirade -A' ChleltH SG .30 I><t 100 .• larli-d Chk-kn ......... 8 c “" J “l>

Hriag >i» your lieiw on i.bove

rlllek: lay date II desire.

i\> nlll alvi allow i l,))) |>er I. Ii.r \ili.-al. barli'V, ..atn and •llr.1 . 1.11 oil .ehlekH during . tlmf-.



Bantamweight Irrigating ShovelSpring Steel Blade

$ 1 .7 5 Each

We Have a Full Line of Garden SeedsBuy Them Now!


NOTICEWc are p,ayiiig cosh for No, 1 Poultry Dclivt

Our Plant-*Colored Hens, 4 1 ^ 1 0 6‘/- lbs. .....................Colored Hens, C’/j lbs, and over .......................

Colored' Hens, imder iV i lbs................................Leghorn Hens, all ^weights .

SlagsOld Roosters .......................... . • . .........

lO e

9 c7 c7e6 c3 c

THESE PRICES GOOD A LL W EEK .Don'lt forget wo .bavo .-high .qu a lily . baby,, chiclu

ir.tching: cadi'wcck, •’

SwiEt & Company .>linnp isr. - ' . ' Twin.Fallfi'

Tlie cmcrgenq- arises—tliere i$ Conoco Bronze in ilic tank and j;ou arc iu possession of the instant staninr and liglit- ning pick-up that saves the jituation, i f speed is required.

Conoco Dron;;e has those oiitstandiag qualities but it also . has long milcjpc, greaterpower.smooihncss ofopcnuion and. high anti-knock to serve you from .day to day. Ic is blended by science for praaical.perposM and comes to you without / premium pricc,foe such pcrfopnince..

Cet 1 free Tony Sitgbock ofilieie ciBhieenadvcrtijemejiii.GJcti»n7 Conoco linion or. d « i« , who will gii-c you a po3tpiid.'ieir-»d- dr««dpo»ta,d.YoBw[llfCcdve «hit licse bofll:.,of entttnininj •dvetuting illusTOioai bjr niiil.


Ti;c;alay, :\Oirch 27. '10.11IDAnO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO

l-isro ElKht Tb.MTn KYKN'ING T B IK J l TWIN FAIJ.?;. I'nAUO


NortfiMdabo Forest Problem

■ ■ Delcm loed Camp Sites,

Coffin £xplaiiu

mi'iter ni-il prohlcm In lh« f<ir- MIS of northrm Idaho l;i iliu n-a- oon that UO C. C. faini):i Jinvo brrii allcillril lu Uiat .'trcllnn wlilli- Injl 10 arr afl.ili;ni'il to ihr r.oulh- (rn t)ort of llil.i niaU', 'It v/n« rx- pUUw<l-'tutoy-l)y-CunK..T..C..C«f.. fiR In a ululitJK'iil tu the Kv(-nlnjr TtmPB. • ' • . . .

tijaho'B. ullooiirnt In 1033 wnn coiiflUli-rably ulwv.- il.i pmpnrllon- Ble It und nri|;h»x)r Rtatrs wffft morr active In provl.l-

■ Inj; work pmJriitJ* nnd camp Jiilfii, he. eay.i. VThe rtaiill waji Ihut thounandB of younjr men wi-ic Rhippi-tl frc-m thi- cajil roa«t, Ni-w VorK. Kcw Jcwy. Pennsylvania

.... anJ.olhcc.canKcaleil ccntcra to the inlermounlaln counlry.

■ ■ “Wllh to conipd In Maho ytar. bailnK un enrolird jicraonncl of opproxlmat»ly IC.OOO. tlic Gini slate, on a population basin woutil have ^en fntltiol to only 1,^00

.Continuing, hi* ntalcmcnt iwyu: Avoid TroMportuHoii'

•Thin year, how«vcr. it in the dVilre of the forvntry Jrpartment to avoW tranaporttnK C C.C. work­er* iiueh ^reat'ilUluncca as tJiry wure. irMurportcJ laal yrur und ttlw. the fwt-ilry ilcparlmpnt han hail-'lO'lLitrn to Ihr clalxiw of the lurpcr ctnl»ni nuch na New Yfirh.

~ Pi'ndiiylTanU‘anirNcw"Ji'raryr -•TThi'i r«r*ull of tbtfle Influence

Wiu that 'when ihp oriKinal pro- /;riLm waa conaldArcO thin year, all thn WMtcm (itntM were cut down very' mftterlftlly under Innt year, flthoufh itbty aim were allowed morcthan Uielr quota on a popu­lation basil. For ln.ilance, Ihc en­tire nU»e-of i;uh rc;ci lvea only

— JO:eatnp«:'Jt''Wiut citnletnplal<^l-iii th» ffUtBet-;*ttal-'Uaho-wnuld re- ccUt'lJf tO.SO .campn.

Qiwlu.Hoo.leil ‘ '-‘With rraen ft preliminary nelup.

Ihe foirntry offlclaln from all /icc- Uona. of thr.Unlled Slatrji were cftllca to Waithlnjftoiv and. thin to tho fttct that We lind n bllnler ru;il probh'tn In ■ norlli ■Mftba a unll«’<l

Unnaninl \iy tho intmcll nf m'jl- whUli (llviil>;i->l Ibc pnipo:!-

ul.lanJ..Uii:u.lalii]' l2:.-iui'd.a.ilcuul. Ihc AincriCiiii l.’i luld l<i have iif- r.'r.-d ri liiinc (iijiii <-; iiK,n.-y for hLt cnthroni'nirnl. To Ihc. fitiintlon mi Ut whrlbcr he l-i Hiimin l Iii- imll. ihi eouncllldrn Wi'r>' .•iil<'nt.

I .Medieval f

' The clamour f.f inHirvul (!iiy« inUll brniKln over Andorra, anil ll» ;r,000 InlubltanlK i;uiird Jo.ilou:jly tnc rljrhtii thai have twcn Ihclni (tince the ilnyii ut Ctuirlcmnj(n'>. True, they are under Ihe huz.t- ulnty nf Ihe French pre:i:dc-nl nml the Sp.ini.Ol blubcp of Ur;;el, but each man r«Karil;i lum.-ielf o-i hl/i own monarch in a lajid lhat ha« no law. no police, uml no iii-.'ny, and where crime vlrlti.nlly ih un­known.

Sheep ralilnir la Iho octup.illnn of roost of Uie InhabiUintii. lhui;j:!i Uiey h ' •

nmuixlers m -•KHithem Kump--,Anylhinp which jimncka o:

modem woyir in fiiwneil on by the mounlain folk, whu clln;: M the waya of thtlr-forefatheia.aaJ live nil they »lld.

TJic Inhabllnnt/i iipeak and nrc Iloinan CaUmlie.s. The council which rulen over the re­public of in i H<|iKiro niile.'i in- clude.s 24 monibern. clected by llie of Un 30 vlllaireit.


.‘ ••■'•■rr* Ij< VIelbi. one of Ihrr U'orld's nniallenl of Uieuoria'R iildeHt repulille, ' lookN with the vrhle of I: turh-.4 of friH-dom up 1 toiverlnc J 'v r r J t r r n n pr.nii »»hleh hem It In on eve The nuip nboHTi 'thn loei the tliiy republle, AmicIIvImk III tht< );<-»><'>uiilievul dii.VR.

-Chemists Hear Be Extracted

that Gold May_, I from Seawater:

I'H T li R KIIUHC':, of e.\-

ni; nitiio.'il (|uiin-

tfforl v.'aa muJe lo .Increase tlu number, of campa ollocatcil to lliat •ectlojj. The remit waa that Ida- ho'a quota'v,‘sa Lncrco-icd nnd we. wore .'fflven' • approximately . "0 Mmpa. Aa'o ntalB II can bn iieen l ^ t Idaho has fared extremely

w uiiioi'- or-T wni r a ils i

Dies of Complications

After Fall

Mrs. Rmma CliilHlhi. . . .. Lind, L>Tin, Uliih, and motherwull. '

',',Th« onJy renaon Hunt Idaho,

ujonl xyas on account of the Wlater , „ ^ind Injuml henial- pfoblem .and In recelvlnfr UOfhin m a fall earlv ihis l orlni' i«iniPfl,;U) handle that. situation i{;‘P 'neither.wuth Idnho .tor any o t h e r , r r i . n m r y . iltvitprri ■Ittle-v.TW dUcrlmlno^d [ The wa.n lalien in'thi-John- ai.->lmii -but rsther the forestry ....jno,.,, u„,,department was able to convince! pJn^rnl jirrvlc-.rwill beUie emergency conncrvallon corpH j,pm ^ i^ynj, sntunlay ai :: p. m

................... — Mr*. IJml wan bom In Kknrhori:.Sweden, March ::3, isnn. Hlie Im-

linc.l Ic) the American Chein- Iral Kociely'.n HTth mrellni'

' hrre hy Tliomnii Mldirlcy. 'an executive of ii fj.TMlIne loni- irnny.

.Mliijtley iiald he bantd hl« Iiredicliiin on the nuccejiaful exlmelion of »>romino from !i,-awiilir 111 a ncv.’ plant of

—lhcl-I•:ltlyI-I)ow-Cllc'lll^Clll-«.'<•ln— ll)any ^Vilmln(;ton, N. C. Kach dtiip of occan water, he

.iiulpluir,riiie, I

l>ol‘i"- vaniiillum, anil iilllei.n, c cheiiilc;il problems In recdve^ry are iilniple." ey .H.nid. allhouKh admit- lh:it "i.r rourae a Ini nf ,ler • wiiiilil have (o be

m m m u M .ENISEPARA

1 WllIC nini:e .

. that thn jieceaaltles of pnrth Idaho putwelRh*J the necf.wlllt» of other w'M tern-sections-.. "In <utlinp noulh Idaho to 10 camps.' of nece.isity a choice hail lu l» made between different In- caUUe-V all of which had Impellini; reaaona for de.ilrlnj; n camp this yrar. J t cannot bf.sald that one

- c^n-s itc- waa-more-lmporuwl . tJun I •n7‘.oth*r'Cftinp bUo nnd,

tntly, tho forcfllry dcpart-

itnl to Onmtflviile, Utah, 3870, and wa.5 married to John Lind In Salt Uke Clly In 1872. In lHh< Hhc moved lo Lynn.

She wa.1 the mother of- 13 chil­dren. 10 of whom iiur\'lve. A lilep- dauKhler. Dora Lind Juhnaioii, Tsvln-Palls.-nlTO ntm-lve.n. The chil­dren are Julia Clark, Lynni'Laurn Zellci', Sanln Monica, Calif.: Her­man G, Und, Twin Falln: and

_______ Laurence F. Lind, itjiymnnd A.\thleh'- aecmc<l..equally, or nearly . Lind, Phllberl C. Mnil, Mollle A.

ilement.l. lncIudlni;-i:old.. riiVr»tik':it«r'H linal

"The extraction of j;iil(l finin ':cawati-r. In whli^h II In iifes- i-nl lo the extcnl of but a-fii.v [larlji per billion." he .naid, "lia!! ihvivya Ix-en the invenllcator'a iioiii (iiHclnrvllnfr hui niliiiree:« alon;; thl.'i line han

riporled Ihuii

Program Given at Anniversary Meet

KOKN'.' Mlir, T: (.'Jpi'clan • •'00- lief .•‘orlctv iirealiieliey aiwiuioreil it

|.>|,|:,v rv.tilnjr al the L, 1), .S. rhiirch In hnnnr of the itelief

Scrccn Actress ancTHuabnml

I Decide to Part Company

I After One Year

i .........; (CiiliyrlKbl, 1031, Uiiltril I HOLLYWOOD, ;M'ar, 27 (f.l!i — . Ri-porL'i lhat Itiilh Chatlerlon .■ her huah.ind. GcorRe Urent. have *TlecltlrJ —to-Tiqiaratr ■were' con- [finned lixlay by the Irl.nh actor.1 \Vith hla wife in New York, nrcnt admitted that Ihoy hiive ai;n:ed lo live aparl-pcrmaneiilly. No mi-nlion was nmde of illvotre.

•cliiiin nj)parently h:iilWeri

Aft.- the •I her h

-equally. tnUilcd In a camp..•:VI. «nlf!ht *ay. further. In thla

'ednneellon .tlusl In making the .cbolc»»’.ht south Itloho. no one han .been consulted other tJiua the dis­trict-forc/ter. Mr, Rutlcilse. of ORdcn.' nnd the fnre.nlry offlciala .htrc' In- Wajhlngton-f

Baker, Vunce O. Lind, Alv^...........dKdltb M. I.lnd. all of Lynn,

ialer Mni. Annii Nuttnll. Ilveii

Sagers’ Play Shows ; Misjionary Workers•: O^kKLKTTilar. .27 iSpeclalV —

A'-two-nct drama’ wrillen by Wll- ford.'Sagers tltplcllnK Latter Day aalnti.mlssloaary work In forelfni lRntSfl..‘'Bnil Otrccted by Maud M.Clark, waa presented at the play-: Notrc Dome Student, Accnscil lioiuic by the mate ml«il<mary com-' mttteo. , • ■ I

.Merlin . and . Cardell Slock und \Waiftn' Cninnev n'lumed homu' fi-om l^oKan Friday. They have [Ueen ntlcnillnp school al the ajrri-[ UUCItANAN, Mich, culliinil collrjre'st Loijan. , ilM:i.-Vlacenl Dcnar\l<; Mra. EURcne I’lckclt ban been old frenhnulrntt'-Notre

lierlouhly lll at hrr home for the veralty was held toil; past two weelui. ■ . aapinj,' chi

A- p’lrtv waii tlv'en at the Oakley dl»ap[ii ar ....... ri|-<>hai>»l-TJiurr'

nlHK ■ honorlnK Ralph Oarrlnfre, 1 I'ullcc s;ild Dmuni') admlile ulho is leaving soon for an L. D. S. driving the j:lrl lo Chloair.i H-il mlMlt/n In the eaatem states; lurdny nicht bul lnslnle»| nhi •-MUa-Mo.iclle Ifaker spent the, '•• •' laltW part of thr 'week with her PUnt, Wrs. Olln IJaker, Durley. Mrs Baker was operal.vl on lant week for the removal of toniills.,,Mlaa Irene Ovelt. :St. Anlhony. r<itu»7i«l lo her home lusl wi'ek ofter vlsUlnj: aeveral'days wiUi her aimL M lti Vilda Vowdrey, Oakley.

M*'. nnd Mr.i- Kntl EU»on are Ihe parcnbi of a baby jlrl b<im \Vcd-

g'.bf-lhft blrth.ofla dauRhlcr lo t , anU Mra. ll.iymond McMur

rty. SaJt Lake CllyJ


leipunsler# tbo. Iwufle. Thiiy'ro at

'a n t n . , ■ I •AS'hen charjrea (Of rovc-

'raentAl nabolage,• the ; nipcrlntondcni ;Caof. Ind-, public

from nf the schools, relayed

■ iroinsirom the houst.• ‘Tbe countiyt la

frrw bad U Wirt"• Thi^ ll#p,. Ilcrtranil II. Snclli' Iho Hepubllcan floor leader,'made a bitter.attack

-Urlff <bi!lr--Hc'd- Jiahlly,:finished before 'ttila

.one’ was bclnp repealed In theicloak rooma: i •; "Ho ma<lc' the tariff bill

b e a y p n / - .

■ • ___L:-

ini'i- Ihr follawlni: pni(;n ,'••1.; reaclini:, 1-oln IVrklnii; orlrt. Mr.i. lieniv Schvvnli. Mni. W. I.tille. Mr:;, i'. A- Jobana^n.

li Mni. I.;ir;;nri; readlni:. Mm. rthi' Ilutli'i', jol;e;>, .Mra, IC. J.

I Chat imd (|iiote<l in hbi brief •ni the folliiwlni: tele- celvetl from her. •

In N'«-w York In i.iil • chance' r, I have d.-cid' ij.'iaiy for iia


eould■awiiter com-

inerclallv. Now II in an arroni- pllahed r,icl."

Duar/n KloMlike Mldi:li-y eatimnkd thal dally

one Ihau.siini! <lolhir;i worth nf ;::lcl fl.iw.i Into Ihi' Cape 3-Var river, v.’here the Uioiiilne al­ready i:i helnR ex:racle:l. Sue- ce:i.-!fiil extraction <>; the cold, he nalil. "would fuiMln;i a .-ilore of rlchi'ii thal dwarfji put of Ihe Klondike .South African lla:ii!-

tlie out- and Ih'' credlU'.t

1 llflln;;till' wfirlil fmm I dc'pre.inliin of Ihe nlnetiis."

Oilier elenientn In iieftwnler Iblel by Mldcley were allver,' loilliie ilinirine. Icr-d, Mtonti-

: eluh ot Hiisel- Thur 'tl.ny rve*

»r a i me aome of Mnv Fr.'ink Ion Willi Mm, Kerf<»d, Hazel- , preiiidhijr. Mnr. Lyorin i;ave a

rcadlnc on nekobilwhlp. HriiiRe followeil' the iiroi;ram, with hlRh »icon> KOlnir to Mr.i. Clnm llunn an<l .low to Mrn. l-ine, Refreiih- menr.i wcTe irerved.

nnil Mr.i, It, A. Wunchope enl' rtiiined the Hfiii> flaclietrrnuit I- .-itipp.:r party iifUr Ihe dance ThiirMlav evening,

Mri;, A. M, Hlaek waa culled to Sclpio, Ut; h, I.l3l week bv the xerl- 'oiifi illnea;t of hrr mnihc-r. Mrii. li.-inio-n. Mni. Calvin Black accom- panl.'il her ,ii,i *f;ir aa Klllmorc. IMah, where nho will vi»ll her pur- enlJ^ Ml , and Mra. John Davbi,

I'M.'n I'nrrnl-Teacher arwieiatkm :nei Thiir-Kluy evcnlni; wlih the chairman, Mni, Jaeli I'rlcc. prcald- liit,. nniile cchoi.l chllilfen put on I he proirrani.

1 •■After II V ■which ; ha'I think ihlnpi jih iil " 'ts';, separate," r The Couple wa;;, r,iarrlcil

ml ^

I under

eanderlni: land is ihe land lx>r- i|: rlveni or hil;i ii v,iih lrre(’u- itioreji atid which are likely to

Ji-;fn Harlow w, orJer today lo fib the aiiit of the public admlnlatrt- Uir of Saeramcnio county iiecUlni; halt of the e/ilale o f , her late huiihand, I ’aul Bern.

Her demurrer wa.T overnilwl. thn courl rcfii.ninR to iiUMlaln her contention that the ndmlnlalr«tor fntled'to tile proof of hl.-i churRcs thal ])urt of Ihe esuilo should iro to the e.itale of ihe late. Doi-olhy Milletle. Urrn'ii rqiuled common- law \vlfc.

. MAKItlK!) AT -IKIIOMKJEHOMK, Mar, 27 (Special) —

Curtin Mason. Goodin ', and Helen Andrui., DieUlch. obUiined a license lo wod Monday al the" county court houiie. They were married thal afleriioon by I’robate JiidRe Clark T. StJinton,

D. Sid Smith Approves Stand

Taken by Senator A p iin s l

Tnriff Measure

• IJOIHK, Mah>i, Mar, 27 <l'.l:i — I lilchocs of the (iplll between Presi­dent lUwiiJvyell anil Wtllli’ni K. IJorah, Mahd'R smlor i;enalnr, rr- lAjundnl h-'re today as iilate null-» tool! iililen un Ih-- i<inti->-versinl tariff fjiii-slloii.--------

I). .Sill ISmlth. Slio.ilwmi.', [ire.'il- denl of the Miih" IV. -.lcrx.wera, was firnt to Mipjiorl .Srnatfir Hor- ah In e.pjwi!ijni; the I'reiiidenl In hin move to I.ljlain coni:Te:i;;kynal approval lo nej:iilhile reeipioeaitariff chant;'«-

Smith w.-ole a Idler , lo the Keninr senator. In an.wer to one from Washlncton,- indoirihii; bln i.laad H)'alaiil the bill.

Senator Uorah, in his leller to Smith, said;

"A* you kntw. there waa a re- raiment here tunu' time a^o tlial w.1.1 the policy of the nilmlnin-

Iralion lo really put Ibo nujrar (luatry out of buslnc.'-i. Ono mircaeiitla,': the admlnls-

iraU'.)Ti definitely alale'! lhat aa a It ha.H been explaliieil ' rom jialWaclorlly,

.Menace to Weht ■1 cannot help bul believe thal

esl unJer.?t<xKl {hr croal of thl.i prf.pnjtiiinn. "

J . C P E N N E Y G O .Twin Falls, Idabo



L«snelieon Cloths

l( the \

iilcl be 1 imiHl I11 will juM «'i surely mlllli aftalast uw-as-lhnr (;o.n-on. C letl niiiar InlereHlji. our load In- crcjib, our lni< :enL-nlly - she.p. ealll -, V hlr.;:- will. In my Judpneniii|H'rili'd."

Jlorah urntd Smith t-> a public hentiment in Ihe we;i '■ r repre.'icnlatlve.i in Wushlnt;.... will definitely know how Ui;|people want them lo vote \■ V:ilil;ili.Tu-,i:.jveriihl(rDctn -r laos.comc.'iiJp--- -- .

Services Held forHans Peter Nelson I

UUIlLUy. Mnr, 27 (S|ieclal) - •uiiiTal servlcfs /nr liana I’eler | ri-l.wn were held Monday al 1 p.

45x45 Inches!Isiiuuli:;;: iiii.v y ou 'll priKM il.v novel- '(liiplicnto

.Si'leei from n \v i<ii' i-niiK<“ of fn.Kl colors— w illl

till'; ‘iiripni Itnnli-rs 1 I’ liiiu or luiltrnicii i-('nt<*rK!

^ - ' DltV (iOllDS I)KI>AIIT.MENT!


97 Men’s ^RAYON


SHORTSUhdinp Lewlii Drake offlclallnK. The mtiiilc ^vas furninhed by a mixed iiuarlcl under the dlrecllon I

• uel Bulkley. Lorin McHrlde I a;ini; a wtio, Speakcni were Sain- lel McIntyre. Oakley; H, O, Hall, iurley; Blnliop W. L. Waite,,

Inlcrmenl waa in Ibe Hurley cciitetery .nnder tbe dlrcctlor " r:.-jotin!!o

Request for Burro Reveals Gomeback

ALMUQURHQUK.The horse may not be . comlni; i">ck. but the burro in, n l leant In Montana.

Sawyer Slon'S. lillhnfin. Mont.. Irm, recently ai-nl an onlcr here nr a carload of burnci. In sound, ealth. broken -for Hdlnc. and uitable for children.-A so.irch of Albuquerque and ulmrbs resulted I n ^ nhipment of ran than ii half diir.en of the

bfn/.ts orbui'ilen;

Sloik up ci thOi great a:iviii{:l The Shirt: Itun'-riohil rayon. In white, cut 'or comfort..The Shorts; Tailored of lercerbcd broadclulhii — In fancy

. ailcrnn. elaallc . • Inuertji. Smartly iityled!


4Q0 Pair Meii' sd X F O R D S

Mllchell said.Aecordlnj' In

the Rlrl accampa friend. Tony Canr.,-r. to Chlr after a dance h>le Kalui nlKhl,

Will (,'keek riileaRn MItchcll said -the i;lrl prcb,

11.1 .itaylrf: at the CaH.--cr horChlcaRo. An ................. .

. made to local'

hcld’ ln'tlie citbcr lnve-illp»llon. Mltchrll

Mitchell bcllevefl the ui.vappearance waii an nlUnipL lo force her parents to condilne Iit frlend.ihlp.wlth'Dcnardo.

I Tlie youth had"TJ^w-*Uiyin>,' at the Denanlo ho5nc while he' wiip

■nol aUendlnK nehool. Tlic parents hnd-obJ«ted lo h:r continued’

jfriendflhlp with him. Mllc'fiell : 'Denarto. ualnf; his uncle's a

'mobile, attended the .lamc prh [party as Mlsa'Strunk Saluulay nlCht, After tbe party ihe i;irl ap­parently took her escorl homo, then drove to Chlcaf;o with !)?•

*nnnlo nnlnir her iiarer l ' Gamer accompanied them trip, Mllchell nald,

I Ailcr Mven yeara of court bat­tler, a lock of luilr belonsliic to,

. Nopoloon.T. haa''l)iftn 'to ■the .National Muueum of UouloBoq.''

Buy Now At Ous? Big






L y d a ^ W e a v e r

7 2


9 8 < i•Nececsities Under

- Your Spring Frocks!.Supple: Sniurlly cul! isiimllc aide j'oron and liRhtly Iwned, dia- phrarm control! In fact, Juat what moiit women want! Hook aide' openlnir, Attracllvo rayon atrlpe— AtMiavlnfa paiuilble only, because they’re rcnticy'a cxclunlvo'make!




Next Door to Times Office


'Always YoDr Moneys Worlb In Quality Uacd Cara!

ll>:0 Chevrolet Coupe .......JlC.'i10.11 Chevrolet Truck.

D, \v............................... j2:’n

$2.98Genuine All Leather!

Sport ojrford* nnd plala black. >Ve‘rc

ready with a prcal aelecUoa ' of

imiarl footwear-lrresl,itlbly priced at

$2,11.'': The slyles arc the last woH

In correctncsa! Solid leather.; Sices

G to lo:-

SltOK nKrAu-niENT


Childi*eti‘’s Shoes1933 Chevrolet. Rfdan.

..$r.[)0 , 53:s ..J250 .,$325 ..$17fi .J225

1031 Kiinl Seaiin .........102fl D«dce-D, A- Bcdi 1031 Ford Victoria ., .1H20 Fonl .Truck .......1020 01d.imobilo Sedan 1029 International 0 Speed

Tnick. pood rubber........ J225:S23 rord Coupe ............. JHR1033 Ford V-3 IDcLune-

Coupe S&85 ,03a Kont Coupe ............. $245

Union Motor Gompmy ■

9 S ^Straps!

Oxfords!Patent' orrc-atraps and dull, black bxfonla for mlMcs and children In , sm a r t Spring la*t«. Slunllly 'made w lt 'n

comfort Slzeo -from.
