Authority over spirits of addiction


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Taking Authority

Over Spirits




& Addictions

By Carlos A. Oliveira

“It is really a great revelation that God has given you brother Carlos. This

book will stir up this generation to live according to God's purpose. I believe

anyone reading this book will never let the devil frustrate his health as it is

God's will that we all live well. My baby was sick when I was reading this book, I just stood up and commanded the Malaria demon out of my baby

and she instantly got healed. I greatly recommend this book to all kinds of

people, both young and old.”

Pastor Gideon Mudenyo.

The Lord's Ministries,

P.O Box 1590 Webuye 50205 Kenya .E. Africa

“In The Name Of Jesus Christ

I Command You Spirits Of… Cancer, Leukemia, Diabetes, Migraine, Heart Diseases,

Aids, Mental Illnesses, Arthritis, Lupus, Epilepsy,

Obesity, Scoliosis, Asthma, Deafness, Suicide, Nicotine,

Alcoholism, Drug Addiction…

Come Out In Jesus’ Mighty Name” This is a valuable handbook for healing which can be used by

Moms, Dads, Evangelists, Pastors, Ordinary Christians, Medical

Doctors, etc…

“ I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions

and to overcome all the power of the enemy, nothing will harm


Luke 10:19

Copyright © 2005 by Carlos A. Oliveira. All rights reserved.

Scriptures taken from:

The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. The Holy Bible, New Kings James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas, Nelson, Inc.

About the Author

Carlos A. Oliveira is a native of Goiania, Brazil, currently residing in San

Jose, California, USA. He attended Bible College in Texas and Florida

before returning to Brazil to teach at a Christian Bible College. In addition

to being a businessman, he has been in Christian ministry since 1989,

conducting seminars and speaking in churches in various parts of the


Table of Contents Chapter 1

The Power of Spoken Words

Chapter 2

Speak To The Mountain

Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5

Body Adjustment Through Laying On Of Hands and Command

Chapter 6

Creative Miracles

Chapter 7

“Spiritual Blindness” One of Satan’s Most Powerful Strategies To

Deceive Christians: Evil Oppression and Possession Inside The

Church, Overlooked by Christian Leaders.

Chapter 8

The Signs and The Believers:

Are You a Believer?

Chapter 9

Inner Healing

Chapter 1

The Power of Spoken Words

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

“… If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. Indeed, we put bits in horses' mouths that they may obey us,

and we turn their whole body. Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the

pilot desires. Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.

See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of

iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body,

and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. For every kind of

beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly

poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have

been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing

and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring send

forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? Can a fig tree, my brethren,

bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and

fresh.” James 3:1-12

Speak Blessings! Stop Cursing! We as fallen humans have a natural tendency to do evil rather than good, due, of course, to the nature of sin which is incarnated in us. We have almost always the capacity to curse others more than we have to bless them, especially those that have hurt us one way or another. If we want to be happier and healthier we have to learn from the Holy Spirit to obey and please God rather than our flesh. We need to acquire the habit of speaking blessings all the time no matter how challenging the circumstances may be at the present moment. A person who speaks blessings seems always to be healthier and happier than those who always begin their day cursing, hating and meditating in the lies of the devil. Stop saying negative words throughout the day, learn to say positive ones. Learn to bless yourself and other people. The Bible says that we ought to bless even our enemies (Matt 5:44). I personally believe that our health and happiness are somehow related to how we conduct ourselves, if we smile more often we seem to have more disposition for the things we do, if we speak positive and healthy words throughout the day

we seem to have more energy left after a busy journey of work. The more we bless ourselves and others the less stressed we feel. Our body functions better when our attitude is positive. Always remember that life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Words Can be Very Destructive One day I was conducting a meeting on deliverance in a hotel conference room in the city of Goiania, Brazil. A woman came up to me asking for prayer. When I laid my hands on her a demonic force began to manifest. The woman was totally controlled by a demon who began cursing me and some of my helpers. He said he had jurisdiction in her life because her mother had given her to him. After about an hour of deliverance prayer the demon left her and she became conscious again. That woman was approximately 40 years old, she told us that she began having spiritual problems when she was at the age of 6. She told us that her mother hated her and used to curse her by saying that she belonged to the devil. In doing that, the mother simply gave Satan the right to possess the daughter. We need to be careful with the type of words we are speaking to others, especially to our children because we have authority over them. Depending on what we say we can transfer this authority over to Satan, and in cases like this he is going to be the one who will have control over our children, spouses, relatives, friends, etc. Curses produced by spoken words in one’s life will always be a hindrance for healing, prosperity, peace, and all the good things you desire. Once detected, the curse must be broken in order for the person to receive God's blessings. Learn to speak blessings always. The more you bless the more peaceful you’ll become!

Chapter 2

Speak To The Mountain

“So Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and

does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done,

he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask

when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. And

whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him,

that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses” Mark 11:22-25

Speak to the problems no matter what they look like. You will determine how the outcome of a particular situation or adversity will be. Jesus said it, so, then, let’s believe it. Whatever the mountain may look like it doesn’t matter, what matters the most is to do what the Master asked us to do--command the mountain to be removed. Throughout the gospels we see that in many occasions and situations Jesus spoke out loud to the problems people faced, whether they were infirmities or evil spirits, the fact is that Jesus spoke and gave orders. He commanded eyes to be open, evil spirits to come out, lame to walk, deaf to hear, dead to rise up, fever to go away, hand to be restored, etc. We as His ambassadors on earth need to come up to the surface and exercise the authority He has given to His church on earth (Luke 10:19). We need to represent Jesus with humility, authority and determination. We are called to serve Jesus with passion, boldness, obedience and holiness as well. We are His ambassadors on earth. We, then, are called to change what is wrong and make it right in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. The most effective way to heal someone is by speaking to the problem the person is facing. Speak out load. The devil who is holding someone captive will only obey you if you step up to the plate and command him to come out in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. If it’s cancer then speak to the spirit of cancer. If it’s aids then give the spirit of aids a command to leave the person’s body in the name of Jesus Christ. If it’s cigarette addiction then command the spirit of nicotine to come out in the name of Jesus Christ. If it’s migraine headache then speak out loud and command that spirit to go in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name. Speak to the problem as if it were to a person, in fact, diseases and infirmities are result of influence and works of evil spirits in humans. They hate us. Also the bible says that demons are always looking for “houses” to live in, and those houses are human bodies. "When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking

rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’” Luke 11:24 “…and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities--Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons.” Luke 8:2 “Jesus asked him, saying, ‘What is your name?’ And he said, ‘Legion,’ because many demons had entered him.” Luke 8:30 I have seen in many occasions spirits of incurable diseases manifest in one way or another. They are living creatures searching for a way to destroy us, and one way they can eliminate us is by placing diseases in our bodies. If they can live inside us then it’s obvious that they can control and manipulate our bodies also. The Bible states that the “thief comes only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” John 10:9. Demons not only can place diseases in human bodies, but they also can control our minds to force us to follow their instructions, for an example, they can easily manipulate people to make them have poorly diets, drink alcoholic beverages, smoke cigarettes, take drugs, etc. In many cases you only can get rid of diseases through the discerning of the works of the devil. Once they are detected in someone’s life then it will be easier to set that person free. You only can successfully help people to be set free from diseases if you understand that demons and diseases are related to each other. In fact our struggle is not against flesh and blood. “ Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our

struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the

authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces

of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that

when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled

around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your

feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to

all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming

arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit,

which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:10-17 Incurable diseases are caused by the influence of evil spirits. Throughout the years of Christian ministry the Lord has allowed me to pray for many people and heal them from many diseases, such as: asthma, epilepsy, obesity, herniated discs, scoliosis, migraine headaches, heart conditions, cancers, etc., as well as cast out many devils.

Following are some testimonies of people who were healed

through a “speaking to the mountain” type of prayers:

Breast Cancer Gone! One day a 45 year-old woman showed up at our Ministry facility asking for prayer. She told me that after having some exams done by her doctor, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had approximately 15 lumps in one of her breasts and one of them was so large that you could see it through her dress. She also said that according to the doctor the solution for her was to undergo surgery to remove the cancerous breast. But she also said that the doctor didn't guarantee 100% healing since the cancer had already spread throughout the breast. "What brought you here?" I asked her. She answered, "I'm here because only a miracle from God can save my life." What an answer! "Only a miracle can save my life and I expect it from God. That's why I'm here," she said. The motivation for her was God's miracle. She was desperate, but at the same time she was expecting a miracle. She had a desire to be made whole, not through the doctors only, but through God's power. "You have the right motivation," I told her. "Put your hand on your breast and tell me what you feel." "I can feel them all. I can touch each and every one of them and there are 15," is what she said. "Keep your hand on your breast," I said. At that moment I commanded the lumps to come out of her breast, one by one, in the name of Jesus. Instantly she lost track of them and she couldn't find any of them except for a little one. "Just one left," she said. I gave another command and the last one found its way to hell where its father (Satan) was. She couldn't find or touch any lump anymore. I told her, "Go back to your doctor for confirmation of the healing." As you can see, the power of God is still in operation today. Many people are receiving the touch of God in their lives. God is healing people today. He is restoring families and also transforming lives all over the earth through His unconditional love. He has been revealing Himself throughout all generations because He wants His people saved and not lost. That's why He is giving us insight and revelation through His Word just because He wants us to have abundant life through faith in His glorious Son Jesus Christ who reigns forever and ever, Amen.

Crippled Woman Healed

Let me tell you the story of a lady who came to me few years ago asking for prayer. I was teaching spiritual warfare in an evangelical bible college in Brazil. One day I was in the prayer room when a woman came to me asking for prayer. She began telling me her story. The reason she was there was because of a problem in her back. She had been having constant pain for about four years. Her spine was curved like an "S", she was crippled of one foot and had one leg approximately five inches shorter than the other one. That's the reason she was in so much pain. This is her story just as she told it to me: "Four years ago I used to work in a friend's house as a housekeeper and nanny for the children. I was practically living with them. I didn't know that they were involved in drug trafficking until the day I overheard them discussing a drug deal in the living room. When they realized I was listening to the conversation they threatened to kill me if I didn't help them. They forced me and another woman to take an international trip carrying drugs. The destination was the United States. When we got to the airport in Sao Paulo, the police discovered that we were carrying cocaine. From that moment on my life was turned into a living hell. They arrested us as drug traffickers and treated us as if we were the worst criminals on the face of the earth. They beat us almost every day and as a result of the mistreatment they broke one of my legs and they didn't allow me to be treated by doctors. They broke my foot and my leg in four places. They didn't even allow me to have a cast. I stayed in prison for almost four years. Finally they gave me a conditional release, but every once in a while I'm visited by the police. That also is one of the reasons I want you to pray for me. I don't want to go back to prison any more. As you can see, I have a 6 year-old daughter and she already has spent too much time without me. I want to take care of my daughter and husband. I'm innocent." While she was talking, all the three of us were crying--the woman, her daughter and I. My heart was filled with compassion. As I asked her to sit in a chair in the middle of the prayer room, I noticed that she had a very serious problem in her back, it was totally crooked. Her foot was also crippled and crooked. One leg was five inches shorter than the other. In fact, she told me that she was embarrassed to be around friends because of her condition. She couldn't even wear a nice pair of shoes, and she told me that only a miracle would bring her life back to normal. Finally, I laid my hands on her and I commanded the foot to become normal and the leg to grow, and suddenly, right before my eyes, her foot became normal, her leg grew five inches and her spine became straight, totally healed! She received a miracle from God instantly through faith and command in Jesus‘ name!

Withered Hand Healed

A few years ago, I was attending a night watch where, often, unusual healings and miracles were taking place. At the time of the prayer the leader invited me to join the ministry team to pray for those in need of healing and miracle. As I was standing getting ready for the ministration a lady came up to me asking for prayer. She had an useless withered hand. She ask me to pray for her healing because she wanted her hand to be normal just like her other one. She knew that that was not something that could happen so easily unless faith had to be exercised. What amazed me was the fact that she was expecting a miracle. After I checked her hand out I asked if she had friends or relatives accompanying her at that meeting, she nodded her head positively. Then I said ask them to come and see a miracle take place. As soon as they approached us I asked her to stretch out her hand, then I commanded the hand to become normal, as I did that she moved her hand, closing and opening it, moving the fingers around. Her hand was miraculously healed and became normal just like the other hand.

Testimony: Dialogue Via E-mail

What a Mother's Faith and Prayers Can Do!

"Prayer Request"

First E-mail received on June 27, 2004

Please pray for Justin Ryan Carrillo who is 4 years old. Justin was diagnosed with tumor/cancer on June 4th. The tumor sits on a muscle in the neck area. One June 21st the doctors confirmed that the tumor (Rhabomyosarcoma) was smaller. Biopsy/surgery will be done within a few days. I believe the Lord has begun to heal Justin, I believe the tumor/cancer will be removed by our Powerful healing hands of the Lord. Please pray for Justin for complete healing... God Bless, Justin's mommy Cyndie Rosemead, Ca

My Reply on June 27, 2004

Hi Cynthia: Greetings in the name of Jesus! Thanks for this e-mail. It really touched me. I also have a 4 year old son and I can't imagine going through a trial like this one. I wish I lived close to Justin so I could pray for him with laying on of hands! He is sooo cute!!!! (A Justin's picture was also e-mailed to me) Cynthia, I have seen before tumors diminish in size and even disappear completely through intensive prayers with laying on hands. Could you and another bold Christian or Pastor lay hands on him and pray everyday commanding with a loud voice the tumor to leave his body in Jesus' Name (Mark 11:23)?. Do it everyday until his next appointment and after. Let me pray for him now. Lord, in Jesus' Name I command the tumor in Justin's body to die and to leave his body immediately in Jesus' mighty name. Tumor I command you to die now in Jesus' mighty name. I declare that Justin is healthy and that there's no place for cancers to abide in his body, in Jesus' Name. Justin BE HEALED in JESUS' MIGHTY NAME. Read (Pray) this above prayer out loud with laying on of hands, touching the area where the cancer was diagnosed to be located, read (pray) it everyday. If you do so you will see the mighty hand of God perform the miracle! Keep me posted, please !!! Blessings! Carlos A. Oliveira

Second E-mail (Reply) from Cynthia, on July 2, 2004.

Greetings in the name of Jesus, I want to thank you for your prayers for Justin. I know you are still praying for Justin and I believe and trust in the Lord. Everyday I grow spiritually in the Lord. I have the word well rooted. I have learned how the devil is a liar and how sickness is from the devil. The Lord is who is priority and whom I love. Justin awoke this morning with a slight fever, I prayed over Justin. The devil is a liar and wants to put fear into me so I doubt the Lord and that is not going to happen. In the name of Jesus I command that devil to leave and never return. Within a half hour Justin's fever was gone. Justin will see the neurosurgeon today for consultation. Justin saw the general surgeon on Wednesday and checked Justin and said that maybe a biopsy should be done first and then determine if surgery should be done. Doctor is not sure about this tumor his thoughts are if everything comes out normal nothing malignant with the biopsy, then the tumor can heal on its own. Since the tumor is smaller. I again believe the Lord has begun healing upon Justin. I just wanted to let you know how Justin is doing and that we have the appointment this morning. Thank you and I will let you know what happens. I have faith and believe in the mighty works of the Lord.................. God Bless, We love you Justin's mommy Cynthia

Third E-mail from Cynthia, on July 3, 2004

Good morning, Justin to inform you that Justin will be having surgery on July 9th. Neurosurgeon was going to do a biopsy first, but decided to remove it. The doctor said Justin can go home the same day if he is not in to much pain, if so he will stay a few days. Justin will have surgery at children's hospital in Los Angeles at about 8:00 or 8:30. Please continue your prayers for my angel Justin for complete healing. I have been praying over him with the prayer everyday. I know healing has taken place. I believe in miracles and I will continue prayer for this tumor to die and by the time surgery takes place it will be gone. Justin's mommy Cynthia

My Reply on July 3, 2004

Hi Cynthia: Let's continue praying for his complete healing. Trust in the Lord for the miracle, whether through the hands for the doctors. Let's also pray for the Lord to anoint the doctors with wisdom and knowledge for the purpose of Justin's healing. Yes, don't give up on praying for him with laying on of hands, and confessing his healing in the Name of Jesus! May the Lord bless your entire family with many blessings! Carlos

Fourth and Last E-mail from Cynthia received on July 10, 2004.

Hello Carlos, Justin is doing fine, in fact he was doing so well the doctor released him home already. Justin was in surgery for 2 hours yesterday morning and recovery 3 hours only because we were waiting for a bed for admission. The neurosurgeon said that the mass was benign and was not a tumor. Praise the Lord!!!!!! Justin is recovering with minimal pain, just when he moves too much. He slept well last night, his pain medicine is Tylenol. I thank God so much for this miracle and I have asked him for continuous guidance for us. When Justin left to surgery I stayed praying and trusting the Lord. I knew he was in good hands. I had a few tears but not from doubt it was just from wishing I could be holding him. I kept in mind the Lord was embracing Justin. My family thought I would fall apart, but there was no reason I had the Lord with me. Justin and I were also blessed with roommates that were Christians. We were really excited. I want to thank you for your prayers for my angel Justin. I am proud of Justin and

myself :).... I will keep in touch with how Justin is doing.......................... God Bless, Justin's mommy Cynthia

Chapter 3


“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

In the first chapter of the book of James, verses five to eight, says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding

fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not

doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a

double-minded man, unstable in all he does." This portion of the Scriptures refers to a certain kind of people very common nowadays--people who constantly struggle with lack of or, perhaps, misunderstanding and misuse of faith. By the way faith is not a simple or easy thing to put into action, because it usually means believing something that is contrary to our current circumstances. It often takes a determined effort to act on faith and see things come to pass, especially with the most common types of struggles, challenges and problems mankind has faced throughout the centuries. These common problems are colored in the form of sicknesses, diseases, financial disturbances, family challenges, and many other issues and difficulties. Let's be realistic, we face all kinds of challenges and misfortunes that sometimes hit us so hard that we find ourselves lost in the midst of those events looking for answers, no one seems to escape them. In situations like those we can easily find ourselves plagued by desperation. We, as believers, are accustomed to hearing people teach, preach and talk about faith, it doesn't matter where you go or what church you attend, there will always be teachings on the subject of faith and so forth, but when we find ourselves in situations that require faith to be used we tend to faint and despair realizing that doubt has actually taken over our minds and hearts. Why is that? It is because we have been taught the theory of faith and not the practical application of it. We hear people teach about faith, preach about faith, talk about faith, but we don't see many showing us how faith really works. The Bible actually gives us examples where we clearly see faith being demonstrated by actions--action first, results comes after. The first example I want to point out is found in the book of James, chapter 2:20-22, it says, "You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? was not

our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his

son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did." The second example I would like to expose is found in the second chapter of the Gospel of Mark, verses from 1 through 5, it says, "A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. So many

gathered that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and He

preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing a paralytic, carried by

four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they

made an opening in the roof above Jesus, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralytic was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the

paralytic, 'Son, your sins are forgiven'".

What lesson can we learn from these portions of the Scriptures? Well, we certainly can see that faith can be more than just an abstract concept. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1. What we see in the above examples of faith in action is that in both cases actions were taken first before the results came to pass. Abraham had to take action against his own will in order to please God, but believing that God was powerful enough to even raise his son, Isaac, from the dead. And in the second example we see four men showing faith through their actions, even to the point of making an opening in the roof of a house just to be able to bring the paralytic to be healed by Jesus. What a great demonstration of faith! It often take a huge effort to act on faith, whereas is does not take any hard work to operate in doubt. Why is that? It's because faith comes from God almighty and doubt comes from the devil, and since "...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Rom 3:23, the nature of Satan works in us without much resistance or hindrance, the human race has been, along the centuries, subject to his demonic influences and evil attacks. This causes doubt to work in us rather than faith. The Bible warns us that if we don't change this reality we will live in constant conflict rather than living in the grace of God, which is available to us through Jesus Christ's sacrificial death and glorious resurrection, which summarizes in His free gift to humanity--salvation. "But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is

like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think

he will receive anything from the Lord." James 1:6-7. Have you ever encountered sick people trying to get healed, especially in church's services or special evangelistic meetings? Most of them go back home the same way they came in, or maybe even worse. There are many reasons or perhaps excuses why people don't get healed when they are prayed for, the most prominent reason is lack of faith--genuine faith! Hebrews 11:1 says, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.". What happens in the faith process is that we try to put faith to work without having the substance (assurance), that's not going to work due to the fact that we are missing the "front door key". How, then, can we achieve the evidence in order to have the breakthrough? Jesus says in Mark 11:22b "Have faith in God.", in other words, He is saying that, first of all, we need to exercise faith in God by believing that He exists and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6). Everything begins by believing in God. In order to believe

in Him we must expose ourselves to the reading and teaching of His word, because "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." (Rom 10:17). Once we believe in God things will be much easier to understand and God Himself will be there ready to pour out blessings on us without limits. There are some practical ways that helps accelerate the process of faith in us, for example: reading the Bible--understanding God's ways toward us, praying without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), fellowship with people of strong faith, avoid hanging out with folks of negative attitude, avoid cursing others, and learning to confess God's promises.

Chapter 4


“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19 “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not

believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take

up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they

will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:15-19 Beloved, Jesus gave us power and authority to trample on Satan’s head. By the power of Jesus’ name we can cast out tormenting spirits, infirmities and diseases out of people. We, in the name of Jesus Christ, can set people free from the chains of the devil. In Jesus’ name we can rebuke and cast out spirits of cancers, aids, leukemia, diabetes, asthma, blindness, arthritis, scoliosis, herniated discs, nicotine, homosexuality, alcohol, drugs, etc. You name it and Jesus’ name will take care of it. The authority Jesus gave to us was to be used. Whatever gift God has given us is without a shadow of doubt to be used. What I mean is the authority God has given to us is to be exercised. This authority is to be used primarily against the devil is his cohorts. It is also to be used against sickness and diseases. It is to be used to correct what is wrong. Parents can exercise authority over their children. For instance, I already have rebuked and cast spirits of asthma and pneumonia out of two of my children, and they got healed. I hate asthma and pneumonia. I have the devil, too.

How to minister to sick people

Say out loud, “Devil, I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ, my savior. I rebuke you and command you to come out of (person’s name). I rebuke you spirit of leukemia, come out of (person’s name) and never enter him/her again, in Jesus’ mighty name. I command you spirit of aids, come out of (person’s name) and enter him/her no more, in Jesus Christ’s name. Spirit of diabetes, I command you now come out of (person’s name) in Jesus’ name and enter him/her no more. Spirit of epilepsy, I rebuke you and command you to come out of (person’s name) in Jesus’ mighty name. Spirit of homosexuality I rebuke you in Jesus’ mighty name come out of (person’s name) and enter him/her no more. Whatever

the problem may be this is how you should pray. Always speak out loud to whatever “mountain” needs to be removed or cast out.

Ministering to the Immune System

Our immune system is the body’s ability to fight and overcome diseases and infections. If our immune system is week our whole body is week, if our immune system is strong and healthy then the body is in good shape. Our immune system may fail to recognize a problem such as cancer cells. Thus, it is important that we take authority over our immune system by commanding it to recognize any foreign cells, such as cancer cells, and to send out antibodies to locate and destroy these foreign cells, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Also command the immune system’s memory to continue doing this. Also speak to the blood system and command that it produce healthy blood cells and that it not allow cancer cells to grow. The importance of our authoritative healing command is that the power of God’s Holy Spirit is dispensed or released in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

How to specifically pray for people with cancer The most common types of cancers are cell-related ones. An increase of cancerous cells in one’s body will eventually spread the disease within the body. There are cancers known as cancers of the bones, cancer of the blood (Leukemia), liver cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the spine, colon cancer, etc… Being a Christian who believe in the power of God, I truly believe that the best treatment for cancer is intensive prayer sessions with laying on of hands. I don’t believe that the spirits that are causing the malfunction of the body can resist an intensive prayer session, especially if the prayer warriors target the spirits by rebuking them and casting them out in Jesus’ name. The power that is in the name of Jesus will by default eliminate the power of that particular spirit who’s holding the person captive, and so forth. I have no definition whether cancer is a particular spirit or a legion, whatever it is it will yield to the power of Jesus’ name. This is how you should pray, “Spirit of (type of cancer), I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to leave this person’s body right now. I rebuke you and bring your power to nothing in Jesus’ mighty name. Come out of this person and enter him/her no more. Immune system I command you to fight the sick cells that are causing this cancer to manifest. Good cells I command you to fight and digest the bad cells in

this body, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Chapter 5

Body Adjustment Through Laying On Of Hands and Command Yes, you read it right! Command your body to be adjusted, in Jesus’ Name, and it will obey you. It will work whether you pray for yourself or for someone else. Yes, the prayers and commands have to be done in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. The glory for all the healing and miracles belong to Him and to Him alone. We share a little portion of the excitement of seeing people set free, but the glory is always His.

The Spinal Column The spinal column is the extension of the brain containing approximately 100,000 nerves, through which the brain sends signals, telling every part of your body what to do and when to do it. When a nerve is pinched because the spine is out of alignment, it can cut off the spinal fluid (which insulates the nerve). The result of this is usually quite painful. The spinal column consists of vertebrae, discs, ligaments, muscles and nerves and is divided in three sections: seven cervical vertebrae (neck bones), twelve dorsal vertebrae (attached to ribs) and five lumbar vertebrae. The cervical vertebrae contain the nerves which go to the head, neck and throat. They affect problems such as allergies, chronic tiredness, dizziness, ear problems, eye problems, fainting, hay fever, headaches, high blood pressure, hoarseness, neuralgia, neuritis, sinus problems, skin disorders, sore throat and stiff neck. The dorsal vertebrae contain the nerves which go to shoulders, chest, upper back, heart, lungs, gall bladder, liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines. They affect problems such as arm pain or numbness, asthma, blood circulation and adrenal problems, bronchial conditions, bursitis, chest pains, congestions, coughs, fever, gall bladder problems, hand pain or numbness, heartburn, heart problems, hives, jaundice, pleurisy, shingles, shoulder pain, stomach problems, throat problems, thyroid conditions, and ulcers. The lumbar vertebrae contain the nerves which go to the appendix, bowels, genitals, bladder and lower limbs. They affect such as ankle swelling, backaches, bed wetting, blood circulation problems, cold feet, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, hiccoughs, impotence, knee pain, leg cramps, menstrual cramps, prostate problems, rectal itching and problems, rheumatism, sitting pain, sterility and varicose veins.

Ministering To The Spine When ministering to the spine it is vital to command the spine to be in the proper alignment. Command it to be in harmony and in balance. Command all vertebrae, discs, nerves, muscles and ligaments to be in line and adjusted to the proper positions. It is vital also to minister to the arms, legs, neck and pelvic area due to the influence they have to the spine. If the spine is out of alignment the person usually will have one arm appearing shorter than the other, or a leg appearing shorter than the other. The pelvic bones also need to be adjusted properly in other for the whole body to be in balance. Have the person receiving prayer sit down in a chair and then hold their ankles with your hands and then command the shorter leg to grow to the normal size and be adjusted to the normal position, and then watch it grow. Ask the person to stretch out the arms then command the shorter one to grow in the Name of Jesus and then watch it grow. Have the person stand up then put your hands as close as possible their hips then command the pelvic bones to be adjusted properly and to be in harmony and in balance. Command the pelvic area to rotated and to be adjusted properly. Always make sure you command with a loud voice in the Name of Jesus Christ. Try it and see the results for yourself! I always have a good time when I have the opportunity to pray for people with physical problems. I command arms and legs to grow, in Jesus’ mighty name, and they grow. I command spines to be in line and in balance, in the name of Jesus Christ, and they obey me. I command evil spirits to come out, in Jesus’ name, and they come out. It is exciting to see with our own eyes arms and legs growing, curved spines being straightened, crooked limbs going back to normal, the pelvic bones being adjusted, people being healed of herniated discs through body adjustment ministration, lumps disappearing, people falling under the power of the Holy Spirit, evil spirits coming out, etc. In the next few pages I will be sharing some ways you can apply when praying for other people. I will also be sharing some exciting testimonies of healings and miracles that I had the privilege to see over the years of ministry. So, then, let’s get started!

Life Or Death? You Choose!

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

The Bible clearly states that our words are powerful! We have the power to curse and the power to bless, that’s why it is so important to measure the words we speak to others, especially to children. We have to be careful with what kind

of words we are speaking to ourselves, too. We have the power to influence one’s life and destiny based on the words we speak to them. The devil knows that words are powerful, that’s why he causes people to hate and curse other people, because he knows what the outcome of a cursing may result. Learn to speak positive words all the time. When you drive to work, say words of blessings and positive ones, say it out loud. When taking a break at work, say few positive words about yourself and others. Learn to bless yourself, your family members, your co-workers, your boss, your place of work, do it on a daily basis, when you wake up in the morning say, “I am going to have a blessed day today. My family members will have a wonderful day today. My kids will have a great day today“. Ask the Lord to prosper your day and to meet your daily needs. Ask Him to guard and protect you and your family members. Ask Him to help you accomplish your tasks and goals for the day. Be like Abraham, be a blessing! (Genesis 12:2)

Command The “Mountain” To Be Removed

“For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, "Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things

he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:23

I heard a very interesting testimony from a preacher from Miami, Florida. He said that one day he was leaving home to go to his office in a new car he had just purchased. When he was getting out of his garage he hit a large tree standing there by his driveway. The incident caused a huge dent on the side of his car. To make a long story short, he got so angry at the tree that he went and began punching it. He said that he cursed the tree while he quoted the verse from the gospel of Mark, chapter 11:23, he then commanded the tree to be removed from the sidewalk. He said that every time he was at home he was commanding the tree to be removed and be cast into wherever place it would like to. Well, things were not that easy because that particular tree was 100 years old and was so big that it took tree men to hold hands around it with open arms, that‘s how big the tree was. Well, he mentioned that he contacted a tree service company and ask them to give an estimate on how much it would cost to have the tree removed, and they said $2,000, besides that he had to have a special permission from the city to be able to get rid of that tree. He then thought that that would be impossible because he did not want to spend that much money to have the tree cut off. Well, he said that a month went by and the tree he had cursed was still sitting there as if it were telling him that his prayers and words were in vain. But he did not give up and kept commanding the tree to be removed from his property, but at the same time he had no way of getting rid of it.

One day he was invited to speak at a conference in Venezuela, he stayed there for a week. Two days prior to his return to Florida he saw on CNN news that a hurricane had swept part of Miami, he called his wife to see how things were going and she said that the situation was under control. Many homes were damaged, but theirs was intact. Well, he then was eager to go back home to stay with his family. On his arrival to his house two days after the hurricane hit his neighborhood, for his surprise and much joy he found the tree laying flat on the ground. He said that on his street only that tree was knocked down by the hurricane, all the other ones were standing. He said that he jumped on the tree laying there and said, “Have I not commanded you to be removed out of my property?“.

Body Adjustment - Command It In Jesus’ Name One day I was approached by one of my students, right after a class on divine healing. She had asked me to pray for her body to become normal. She suffered from a severe scoliosis and because of that she could not sleep without taking pain killers and with much discomfort. As soon as she finished telling about the problem an anger towards the devil of scoliosis rose up inside of me as I rebuked that spirit and commanded him to come out in Jesus‘ Name. I also commanded her spine to be in line, the vertebrae and discs to go into proper position. I also commanded the shorter arm to grow, and as soon as I finished praying that twisted body became totally normal, right in front of my eyes. As soon as she saw that a miracle had taken place she was astonished as if she could not believe what had just happened. On another occasion I was teaching at a seminar on the subject of healing, a lady came up to me asking for prayer. She said she had suffered from a terrible pain due to a herniated disc on her lower back. She was a Baptist and, like any other Baptist, was a little skeptical. But Jesus who loves even the Baptists was present at that meeting as I commanded with a loud voice the herniated disc to be totally restored, the spine to be in line and in balance, the discs to be in place, the tendons, nerves and ligaments to be adjusted accordingly. She was instantly healed! It is amazing to see how the human body can be influenced by even our words. We command things to happen and they happen. You can also try for yourself. If you see someone who has a shorter arm or leg lay your hands on that person and command the shorter arm or leg to grow and it will grow. If you come in contact with people who suffer from all kinds of diseases just pray for them, command the problem to be solved, the sickness to go, the pain to cease, demons to come out, etc., always be specific. Remember to pray in Jesus’ name. God is the one who performs the miracle. Without Him we can do nothing (John

15:5). Give glory to God! Be specific when praying for someone. If the person has an incurable disease, such as liver cancer for an example then address the problem by speaking to the liver cancer. Command that liver cancer to go in Jesus’ name. If the person you are praying for is deaf then put your hands over his/her ears and command them to open and the ear drums to be restored, in Jesus’ name. It is important to notice that when addressing a particular problem you must speak with a loud voice as if you were speaking to a person.

Key Components In The Healing Process

“Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among

the people.” Matthew 4:23

In the healing process there are some components that I consider important. They are present in the Bible and were seen during Jesus' healing ministry. Their application is not important just for healing, but also for other areas of our life. Some of them are motivated by love, and some by faith. These components include the following: hope, desire, patience, prayer, love, joy, faith, command, expectation, determination, petition, action, confession and perseverance. They are all inter-related to each other and when put into practice they work in a powerful way. Let's see some practical examples from the Bible and from life experiences as well as the results of the application of some of these biblical components in the healing process. Mark 1:40-42 - "A man with leprosy came to Him and begged Him on his knees, 'If you are willing, you can make me clean.' Filled with compassion, Jesus

reached out His hand and touched the man. ' I am willing,' He said. 'Be clean.'

Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured." In this short passage we see some of the components being put into action. For example, the man with leprosy came to Jesus. It means he took ACTION by going after Jesus. he had DESIRE to be made whole. he had HOPE to find a cure for his body. When he saw Jesus he EXPECTED to receive healing. He BEGGED (petition) Jesus on his knees. "Filled with COMPASSION, Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. 'I'm willing, 'He said. 'Be clean!'

(COMMAND) Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured." And JOY sealed the process. It is amazing how effective Jesus was in His ministry. It is important for us to know that the power of God is still as available to us today as it was to Jesus 2000 years ago. His power is available through the person of the Holy Spirit, through the name of Jesus, through the Bible, and through you and me, because Jesus gave us authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). Let's look at another example of God's power in conjunction with some of the key components. Mark 5:24-34—"A large crowd followed and pressed around Him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a

great deal under the care of many doctors and spent all she had, yet instead of

getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up

behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak, because she thought, 'If I just

touch His clothes, I will be healed.' Immediately her bleeding stopped and she

felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from Him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, 'Who

touched my clothes?' 'You see the people crowding against you,' His disciples

answered, 'and yet you can ask, "Who touched me?"' But Jesus kept looking

around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened

to her, came and fell at His feet and, trembling with fear, told Him the whole truth.

He said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.'" Let me ask you something. What do you think motivated that woman to keep searching for healing without giving up? Just a simple desire to be made whole. She had a deep desire to become a normal person. Her desire generated perseverance and action--during 12 years she went from place to place and from doctor to doctor searching for healing without giving up. Finally, when she heard about Jesus she was determined and single-minded. She knew in her heart that this was the opportunity of a lifetime. The moment had arrived and once again she took action to go after Jesus with single-minded determination to be healed. She set a condition for herself: "If I touch His clothes I will be healed . . ." Her faith was based on that condition, but her determination would not accept failure. She knew what she wanted and she got it. As I mentioned before, these key components are inter-related. They begin with desire and end with faith. Love and compassion are also important ingredients in this process, never despise them.

Chapter 6

Creative Miracles

Creative miracles are the most fascinated ones. To call into being something that is not is really gratifying. I remember one day a friend of mine was asked to pray for a little girl who had lost her hair due to a very serious illness. For a couple of years that girl did not know what was to have hair to comb and so forth. This friend of mine then went on to pray believing that God would heal that child. Anyway, three months later the news about the little girl arrived, she was completely healed and her hair had grown perfectly to normal.

Titanium Removed

One day I had an opportunity to pray for a man who had gotten in a car accident. That accident left him with a shorter leg and a piece of titanium screwed to his femur to hold it together. I prayed for that man commanding his shorter leg to grow and, in the sight of all the people that were present at that prayer meeting, his leg grew few inches. To my surprise that man noticed that he no longer could touch that piece of titanium in his leg anymore. No more titanium, no more screws, no more nothing. That piece of metal was miraculously removed. Besides that he started running around and jumping up and down, something that he wasn’t able to do since the accident. Amputated Leg Grown Back To Normal

Yara, a dear friend of mine, one day spoke at a Christian radio broadcast about creative miracles. After she delivered that powerful message she encouraged people to go out and minister to those who needed some type of creative miracles in their bodies. Well, listening to that program was a Brazilian army soldier who was concerned about one of his fellow soldiers who just had one of his legs amputated as a result of a car accident. After he listened to that program he invited two of his fellow Christian friends to join him on a mission. They went to the hospital where the other soldier with an amputated leg was staying. When they arrived at the hospital they asked for permission to stay alone with his fellow co-worker. Just like he heard on the radio he then began commanding the missing leg to grow, they prayed and commanded the leg to grow and they related that they saw the leg being formed and growing little by little until it become perfectly normal. Because of Yara’s obedience to the Lord in delivering that message that soldier had his amputated leg completely restored to his body.

Brand New Kidneys

A dear preacher friend of mine who lives in Pernambuco, Brazil, had the misfortune to be born with only one kidney. Well, after she got married she became pregnant and during the pregnancy she had a very serious kidney problem. After she gave birth her kidney had to be removed or else she would die. Being a woman of strong faith she never really gave up, she always believed that God was going to show up and perform a miracle. In her case it wasn’t that easy due to the fact that she only had that one kidney. Anyway, the doctors did not have any other choice but to go on with the procedure and remove her kidney. They finally removed it from her body. They were also trying to replace that kidney, but things did not look that good. There was no kidney available that matched the requirements of a normal transplant, and so forth. Well, her fellow Christian friends were fighting for her with much prayers and intercession. She related that on the third night at the hospital, after the kidney was removed from her body and when hope wasn’t an option anymore she saw two angels dressed like doctors coming to her room at midnight, they came in with a platter in their hands, she could not see what they had in the platter. They approached her and with their hands they opened the sides of her body and put two things in it, one on each side. Then she fell asleep and only woke up in the next morning feeling really well. The nurses and doctors noticed that something unusual had happened to her since she did not look so weak any longer, but on the contrary she wanted to eat, get up and go home. After that strange reaction they decided to exam her again to find out what was going on. They, then, finally came back with the results, astonished, to let her know that her God had given her two brand new kidneys and she had no need for a transplant or stay in the hospital any longer. Praise the Lord!!! This is the God we serve!!! “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, "Be removed and be

cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things

he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:23

Dear beloved in Christ Jesus, I encourage you to minister to those in need without fear. If we can do it, you can do it, too. Do not be intimidated by those religious folks who think they know everything when they know nothing, those that try to stop God‘s redemptive work. Do not be intimidated by them. Also do not be intimidated by the devil, he is a loser. Pray for those in need of deliverance, healing, miracles, creative miracles, salvation, etc. May the Lord of hosts protect you, your family and your business as you go into all the world preaching the good news to all creation, healing the sick and casting out devils (Mark 16:15-17).

Chapter 7

“Spiritual Blindness” One of Satan’s Most Powerful Strategies To

Deceive Christians.

Evil Oppression and Possession Inside The Church, Overlooked by

Christian Leaders. I don’t mean to scare you, I just mean to warn you about what I believe is one of the most powerful tactics Satan has ever used inside our churches--Spiritual Blindness. Oppression and possession by evil spirits inside our churches are also being overlooked, and not being taken very seriously by our leaders.

Satan is still the number one killer in the entire world today. Now, honestly, how often do you hear your pastor say something like what I just said? Or, perhaps, I should have asked, "When was the last time you heard any of your leaders talking about oppression and possession inside the church?" Usually we have more important things to talk about, such as: football games, parties, Halloweens, Christmas programs, shows, movies, weddings, and so forth. We as church leaders are ignoring the warnings God’s Word gives us. Perhaps, we are not taking God’s counsels seriously. It doesn’t matter where I go to minister, whether here in the U.S. or overseas, whether here or there, whether at Pr. Good Guy’s church or at Pr. Bad Guy’s evangelistic meeting, one thing I always encounter--evil spirits. Evil manifestations of all kinds, colors and shapes happening inside our churches. That tells me something that the church of Jesus Christ is not yet completely set free. Recently I was invited to minister at a couple of churches in Taiwan. There also the situation wasn’t different than the one in the United States. During our regular ministrations, under the power of the Holy Spirit, demons began to manifest in both Christians and non-Christians alike. Most of the manifestations were happening in the stomach and abdomen areas, due to the fact that in Asia it is very common to hear about food and drink being offered to idols during ritual ceremonies and festivals. As some of you may know that kind of religious rituals is very common in Asian countries, it is a part of their tradition to sacrifice food to idols and then eat them. Many children are also victims of this abuse since they have no choice but to obey their parents. This is one of the types of generational curses that travel in the family tree passing on from generation to generation. Now if you were to ask me what is the church in Asia doing to change the reality there, I would say “not much” especially because they are following the footsteps of the American church very closely. Anyway, the crisis in the church of Jesus Christ is everywhere. Don’t get me wrong I am not denying the restoration and transformation power given by Jesus Christ, I am not just seeing the church stepping up to the plate to be what Jesus has called it to be.

The Most Common Grouping of Evil Spirits That Operates Inside The

Church: Lying Spirits, Divorce, Violence, Addiction, Incurable Diseases,

Sexual Impurity, Sensuality, Mental Illness, Prejudice, Suicide, Hatred.

The majority of Christians, about sixty percent, still tell lies. Have you ever encountered some that likes to tell lies all the time. Out of ten words they say six are lies? Perhaps, you may be one of them, or maybe one of your children. We’ve got to get rid of lies, no matter how few they may be, they come from the devil. Lies are produced by unseen spirits who dwell in bodies like mine and yours, and once detected they must be cast out or else they will be traveling from generation to generation making their habitation at out family tree. I have no doubt that I was born with these spirits inside of me. I always loved to tell lies to everybody. Lies seem easier to tell than truth. I am still fighting these spirits because every once in a while I find myself being tempted to lie to others. The spirits seem to go away for a while and then later they tend to come back again, but I am working hard now to keep them once and for all away from me and my family. Well Jesus said that the Devil is a liar and the father of all lies. “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because

there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own

resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” John 8:44

Divorce! It happened to me.

I will never forget the day before my ex-wife filled for legal separation and that later turned into a divorce. On April 22, 2002, I was working on my computer late at night, around 11 pm, when suddenly, right before my own eyes, I saw this dark and very short creature standing in between me and my computer, then I heard this inexpressible voice saying, “I came to destroy you”, after he said that he disappeared. Well, I went to bed thinking about that encounter, but I did not take it very seriously nor didn’t take authority over the spirit that just had appeared to me, and consequently, on the following morning, me and my wife had another argument that turned out to be the event that separated us. The bible says, “Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities (evil spirits)” Ephesians 6, but how many of us really understand that? It amazes me how the devil has been successfully blinding Christians, I mean ordinary Christians and leaders, within the church.

We have the knowledge but we lack wisdom. We hear over and over again that “the devil is seeking to whom he may devour” I Peter 5:8, and “the thief only comes to kill, and to steal, and to destroy” John 10:10a, but we are not fighting the causer of all disputes, splits, enmities and struggles. We hear about, but in reality we don’t believe that the devil really is the one acting behind the scene. It’s easier to blame one another for the wrong doing. I actually don’t blame the devil for that, he is doing his job, I blame myself and the Christian leaders for the lack of knowledge and understanding of the facts, as Hosea 4:6 says, ” my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge,

I also reject you as my priests;

because you have ignored the law of your God,

I also will ignore your children.” My dear friends, the devil is still the one killing, stealing and destroying. Jesus even said that in John 10:10a. How much longer are we letting him keep deceiving us and deceiving our children? How are we going to fight him? Keep in mind this, we cannot cure demon possession with counseling, medicine or prescriptions, we will free someone from demon possession by casting out the devils tormenting the person who’s been afflicted. I’m fed up with the type of teachings I hear no the radio and in churches that don’t tell the truth. We need to teach our people how to fight and resist the devil. We need to encourage them to exercise their faith and authority over the evil one. Is that too hard? Evil spirits were made to be trampled by Spirit-filled Christians. We were saved by Jesus Christ not just to go to heaven, but to also exercise our authority on earth as He commended us to. Luke 10:19 “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy, and nothing will harm you.” How hard is that? Do you want to learn how to trample the devil underfoot? Then, study God’s word, especially the gospels and observe how Jesus did and do the same. I encourage you to study all the gospels, especially the gospel of Mark so that you can see how Jesus performed so you can also perform alike. Just like divorce and lies, there are many other struggles Christians are facing on a regular basis, such as alcoholism, sexual impurity, incurable diseases, etc. Remember, “the thief (Satan) only comes to kill, and to steal, and to destroy, but I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly” John 10:10 . We have a powerful enemy! Let’s fight him using our spiritual weapons described in Ephesians 6:10-18 and Luke 10:19. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of

God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our

struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the

authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces

of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you

have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled

around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your

feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to

all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming

arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of

prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for

all the saints.” Ephesians 6:10-18

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome

all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” Luke 10:19

Chapter 8 The Signs And The Believers

"Go into all the world and preach the good news to every creature, he who

believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be

condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will

cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents;

and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay

hands on the sick and they will recover." Mark 16:15-18 Dear reader, let us put our brain to work a little bit now. The word of God states that after Jesus rose from the dead He appeared to His disciples and commended them to "preach the good news to every creature", and He went on to say that the signs would follow the believers as well. Let's pause a little bit here, based on the above passage of the Scriptures, do you see any link between SIGNS and BELIEVERS or am I reading a different Gospel? My point is this, the signs are for today, and they are supposed to follow the believers. Now if you are a believer , but the signs spoken by Jesus are not following you nor being manifested in your ministry in any way, then according to God's word you are actually not considered a believer, the signs will follow those who believe, there's no believer without the manifestation of the signs, if you believe, according to the Scriptures, then the signs will always be following you. Now let me ask you a question, are the signs following you? If not, why not? How about your leaders? If your pastor has no signs accompanying his teachings and preaching, then according to God's word he is not a believer. The believer MUST have the signs following him/her, that's what the Word of God states. Now, ask your pastor when was the last time he cast a demon out of someone? Ask him when was the last time he prayed for a sick person and healed him/her? Ask him when was the last time he spoke in tongues? By asking him those questions you will know whether you are attending the right congregation or not. Test your leaders with the Scriptures to see whether they are from God or just mere business people as some of them even called the pastoral position a job. The percentage of Christians under spiritual bondage, in the church, is very high. I could say without hesitation that the average congregation has approximately 30% of its members with serious spiritual problems even demon possession, so don't let your pastor say he does not have opportunities to set people free from spiritual bondage. I even have heard of pastors and deacons who were possessed by demons. If you read book "Pigs in the Parlor" you will see how a pastor was delivered from demons. A friend of mine, who pastored a church in Eugene, Oregon, mentioned to me that one day, at a home prayer meeting, one of his male deacons had a terrible manifestation of demons, up to that point no one knew that he was possessed by evil spirits. The fact is, in most cases, the people who are spiritually oppressed and possessed by evil spirits are not aware of that fact until some more serious things start happening, then

that is when they start looking for help. The Gifts Of The Spirit are for today! Now-a-days it's very common to hear ministers say that the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, such as the gifts, are not for today. Some believe and even teach that the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12) are no longer in operation, they were only assigned to the apostles and operated in the first century. They even say that the church does not need the gifts of the Spirit any longer. "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed Me to

preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are

bound." Isaiah 61:1 Dear reader, we are Jesus Christ's representatives in the world today, if Jesus was anointed by God to preach, to heal and to set people free, we, as Heaven's ambassadors on earth, ought to do the same. Now my question is this, why are we not doing it? Why is the church neglecting such a wonderful manifestation of the Holy Spirit and not obeying its calling in its fullness? What are we missing? Jesus even gave to His church the same power and authority God gave Him. Please, read these verses below: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth." Matthew 28:18 "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome

all the power of the enemy, nothing will harm you" Luke 10:19 " Go , therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to

observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always,

even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 The same authority Jesus received from the Father He transferred to His church. Are there any more excuses? Below is an email I received from a woman who was desperate for help and can't find any Spirit-Filled church in her region to assist her. Their names have been altered in order to protect their identity:

Now let me ask you a question, Why aren't the churches doing deliverance as Jesus commanded them to do? What's the reason each congregation does not have a deliverance ministry available to the public? Why do they normally refer cases like this above one to psychiatrics and psychologists? Dear reader, psychiatrics and psychologists are not qualified to cast out demons and to set spiritually oppressed people free, unless they are born-again believers and filled with the Holy Spirit. That's up to the Spirit-filled Christians only. That's up to the church of the Living God. Give me a break, please! I have lost track of the numbers the emails I have received over the years from people in desperate situations, looking for spiritual help. Our churches are too busy with their programs of all kinds and secular agendas that they can't offer spiritual help to those in need. The Theological Seminaries out there don't really focus much on teaching the leaders of today's church about what really matters. These entities, such as Bible Colleges and Seminaries, especially in the U.S., concentrate more on how to form leaders who will speak fluently and eloquently in order to impress people, that's primarily their focus. Master and Doctor in Divinity are degrees that are frequently offered by these types of entities who focus more on the abilities of man rather than the power of God. It seems to me that they have not yet understood that " the letter kills, the Spirit gives life." "He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter

but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." 2 Corinthians 3

"Hi, Blessings in the name of Jesus: I have a request for my daughter Anne, she is very oppressed by the enemy. She

suffers from cutting syndrome and suicide, I think some people did curse her when

me and my husband co pastor a church and I believe that because the Lord had give me so many dreams about it I just don't know how this can be broken because

we pray and fast and nothing is happening! As a mother I pray and pray very hard

but nothing changes, I thing she needs deliverance she doesn't want to pray and

she gets very angry and when I mention the name of Jesus she gets very scared,

she also think she is a vampire and she acts like one, I want to take her to a place

that will help me with deliverance and healing but I don't know where to go because there is so many places that are not the right ones! Please I read your web and I'

am desperate to get her free if you can lead me to a church or group that do serious

deliverance I don't care where it is we just want the real deal. I thank you so much if

you can help me and get me some information. The Lord Bless you and keep you!

In Jesus, Vicky."

Chapter 9

Inner Healing

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

Back in the late 80s I was involved in the Charismatic movement in Brazil. I was a part of a team of prayer warriors. Fernando, the person God used to disciple me, had invited me to join his ministry team. Even though I was overseeing a data processing department of a bank I found time to join my partners for prayer on a daily basis. That was a time of preparation for me as I learned to be dependable, obedient to God as well as to my spiritual leaders. Of course, God knew before hand what He was going to do in my life. As a new convert I didn't understand much about spiritual matters, but I knew I was thirsty for God. God had chosen Fernando, a man ten years younger than me, to be my spiritual father and I praise God for Fernando's life. May God always be with him. Through the Charismatic movement in Brazil I was introduced to the healing, deliverance and inner healing ministries. I experienced the power of God through our prayer activities, weekly seminars, door to door evangelism, radio broadcast and prayer meetings. Everything was new for me, but I was very excited to be involved in those ministries especially because God Himself was our instructor. I was confident in Him and knew that He had the best for me.

The Gifts of the Spirit The certainty of God's calling for me came at a Charismatic Conference in Anápolis, Brazil, on September 29th, 1989. During an explanation by our leader about the gifts of the Spirit the power of God came upon me. It was during a time of silent prayer that the preacher invited those who wanted to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and to receive the gift of speaking in tongues to stand up and repeat a prayer after him. I remember that I stood up to receive that gift when the preacher commanded us to let our tongue lay loosely in our mouth. He prayed for us and I felt my tongue moving up and down by itself. I also felt wind blowing on my face in a closed auditorium with about 3,000 people present. That was the sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and a few minutes later I was praying and speaking in tongues. What an exciting experience! After that incident I was convinced of the calling in my life, and I decided to study the Bible with intensity, and the desire to learn and to receive more from God consumed me.

The Word of Knowledge Among all the gifts of the Spirit the word of knowledge was one that I decided to pursue the most because two of my ministry partners, Fernando and Enedina, were being used by God in such a powerful way with the gift of the word of knowledge. Time after time I saw them praying for people with all kinds of problems and diseases and all through the word of knowledge deliverance and healing were taking place. My partners kept themselves busy in this ministry going from place to place, city to city, day after day. People came from everywhere to be ministered by them. Once in a while I used to join them in this mission even though I was not able to operate with the gift of the word of knowledge yet. One day I asked them to explain to me how the word of knowledge could be such a powerful tool in the healing ministry, and one of them said, "The word of knowledge is a gift of the Holy Spirit that brings to light what is hidden in someone's life. We pray for people and God reveals to us what is causing the turmoil in their life. In some cases the person doesn't even know anything about the facts in their own life. That's why God uses us with the word of knowledge. In some cases, when we are praying for people we pray in tongues while waiting for the message from God. Most of the time we are given a few words. The Holy Spirit prints those words on our minds and we always ask for confirmation. In some other instances God gives pictures or visions of events that took place in their life sometime in the past. We make known the vision to them as we ask for their confirmation. Usually after the confirmation of the given words the healing process begins." I myself experienced healing and deliverance after being prayed for by a group of ministers. Many times God had showed me things that had to be changed in my life as well as healing of emotional wounds that were afflicting me during those years that had to take place. I had to undergo inner healing sessions a number of times. Every time I was being prayed for God was healing me from the dark side of my past. I really felt it was necessary to undergo inner healing. How I was blessed through that ministry!

Operating in the Word of Knowledge for the First Time One day my ministry team was invited to visit a woman who was facing family problems and for the first time the team invited me to join the prayer session. We began to pray for that woman and God began to give me pictures of things that happened in her past as well as problems related to her daughter. I remember seeing a picture of a monkey as I asked what this had to do with her. She told me that she couldn't stand monkeys--she had fear of them. Then I said, "God is removing this crippling emotional scar from you." Another picture that I saw was silverware and she confirmed it by telling me that she had fought with her husband a few times using forks and knives. I said, "God is removing crippling emotional scars from your past." We all prayed for her and for her daughter as

well, and I remember that two other words were given to us related to abortion and unforgiveness. That was when the woman revealed to us that she had tried to abort her daughter shortly after conception, and for that reason her daughter hated her. Through those words and prayer God brought healing to their relationship. One last word was given to us which was not confirmed. It was a problem in her uterus. She stated, "I don't know anything about it." That was the only word among many others that wasn't confirmed by the woman. When we finished praying she felt relief and she knew God was doing something, He was healing her.

The Next Day Enedina, one of my ministry team partners who was with us that day praying for that woman, received a phone call the next day. She reported that the woman called her to ask who had mentioned the word uterus. She couldn't remember, but the woman went on to tell her that she had gone to church the next morning and during the communion time she was standing when all of a sudden her pants began to fall and she noticed that her abdomen seemed smaller. At that moment the word uterus came to her mind and she realized that God had healed her of that problem even though she wasn't aware of it.

Inner Healing Inner healing is a healing that takes place in a different manner, usually with the word of knowledge together with prayer. We say inner healing because in most cases the person's emotions are affected by a number of incidents that have occurred during their lifetime. These can contribute to many problems including depression, substance abuse, divorce, illness, fear, etc. Also, problems that sometimes begin at the time of conception and stay with the person throughout their life, for example: attempted abortions, violence, abuse, rejection. In some cases asthma is just a reflection of mistreatment and abuse in someone's past. Absence of one of the parents can also cause an emotional reaction that manifests as asthma. Depression can also be the result of mistreatment, abuse, violence, and loneliness in someone's life. The idea of ministering inner healing is to ask God to heal the person from the past hurts. Forgiveness is an important factor to deal with during an inner healing session.

Ministering Inner Healing Inner healing is an intercessory prayer. You pray to God on behalf of the person. It's biblical. Prayer is biblical. There are two common ways to minister inner

healing: 1) pray for a person asking God to reveal to you through the word of knowledge facts about the past of that person that are causing some sort of problem, and 2) pray with the person by going back in his past starting from the time of conception and going year by year, praying and asking God to reveal things that happened in those years. Usually God shows you pictures, scenes, visions, or just words. The fact is that through this process you can help someone overcome depression, bad relationships, asthma, sickness, marriage conflicts, etc. In closing, let me give you two examples of people who were healed during an inner healing session. I met a lady in 1991 who was afflicted with a problem in one of her legs. Actually, she had broken the femur (her bones were very fragile due to osteoporosis) and for about two years she had gone from doctor to doctor and from hospital to hospital, undergoing one surgery after another with no positive results. She was a Christian and for two years she had people coming to her home to pray for her on a weekly basis. Her problem was getting worse and worse, to the point that one of the doctors said that she was doomed to live in a wheelchair. At that time I was ministering once a week at a radio station. She used to listen to my radio program and one day she asked me, through one of her friends, if I could go to her house to pray for her healing. I agreed to go. I went to her house with two prayer partners. After she had told us her story and how people were praying for her, I decided to do what no one had ever done for her, an inner healing session. We started to pray and ask God to show us what was causing that problem and God gave me some pictures. One of them was a little girl, approximately six years old, in front of a bar where a few men were fighting, throwing beer bottles at each other. After I said that, all of a sudden she began to cry saying that she remembered the incident and had been afraid of being hit by one of the bottles. Then I said, "God is healing your emotions from that time." Another picture that God gave me was of a little girl on a farm, underneath a fence with cows walking by. After I said that she cried and said that she remembered being afraid of the cows. I told her that the Lord was healing her from that fear. After I reported the third vision and she confirmed it, we finished that prayer session. She commented that she never thought those incidents could have affected her life so many years later. A month had passed when a report came to me from her, through her cousin, saying that in her last appointment the doctor was astonished and said that her God had given her a brand new bone and she was healed from that problem. Praise God! Another story—In 1996 one of my friends' son had been depressed for about two and a half years. His mother was a prayer warrior and she tried everything she could during that time to see her son healed, but nothing seemed to work. They had also taken him to a psychologist during that period and he was actually getting worse. I also prayed for him a few times, rebuking the devil in his life, but he stayed the same. I remember that a few times she came to me hopeless, wondering why God didn't want to heal her son. I always tried to comfort her, but

had little success. Her son was getting worse every day. After about six months of praying for him, I decided to do what we had never done—an inner healing session. She brought her son and we prayed asking God to show us what to do and how to pray for him when I felt in my heart that God wanted us to pray for his emotions. We started to pray but no words of knowledge were given to me until I decided to pray for him by going back to the time of conception. God led me to pray year by year and in almost every year a picture was given to me regarding his life. Each time he confirmed it I said, "God is healing you from this." He was 22 years old at the time and we prayed throughout his entire life, year by year. There was no noticeable changes until about a month later when his mother came to me saying that he was getting better and after another month he was totally healed of his depression. If God leads you to pray for someone using these techniques, just do it! Never try to limit God's action. Inner healing is a prayer associated with the word of knowledge. That's all it is!

Testimony God led me to pray for this woman using the same methods previously described, in other words, we asked Jesus to visit her at the very age when the fear came into her life to make her just a miserable person and heal her of those terrible emotional wounds. This is what she told us:

"Dear Revivalist Carlos Oliveira: I emailed you right after the Service in Sacramento thanking you and Prophet Bob Hall for the work God is doing through you to help God's Children and those who need deliverance. I want to give Honor and Glory and Praise to God and my Savior Jesus Christ, for in that Service, God healed me from a fear I had in my life since a very young age, in regard to things I had went through at that age, and that fear had tormented me at different times in my life for many years. God has delivered me from that fear at that Sacramento Service when you prayed with me, and I just thank Him, and I thank you both for being obedient to God. This is my Testimony, by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our Testimony and our trust in God, I have overcome. Let the Almighty God of Heaven be glorified for this. God Bless this Ministry, you and your families, and all those you Minister to in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Your Sister in Christ, Gail Manizak

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.

And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they

drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the

sick, and they will recover." Mark 16:15-18
