Author: Alina Chabina, grade 9 ”A” Leaders of the project: Natalia Borisovna Volkova, English...


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Author: Alina Chabina, grade 9 ”A”

Leaders of the project: Natalia Borisovna Volkova,

English teacherLavrezhenkova Lyudmila Ivanovna (first part)

Russian Federation, Republic of Karelia, Town of Sortavala, Municipal Secondary School №1

Tuokslahti. My little homeland Туокслахти – моя малая родина

Tuokslahti is my little homeland Туокслахти – моя малая родина

The aims of this work are:- to preserve our history and culture for future generation;

- to create a guidebook about Tuokslahti.

The subjects of this work are:• to study some materials about history of Tuokslahti;• to summarize materials from different sources;• to give a description of remained objects and buildings,

take their photos;• to describe natural sights of the village;• to analyse the material and to find out the characteristic

features of nature, culture, history, economic of my homeland;

• to think of some rational ideas about possible using of the sights of the village.


• working with the references, materials of the regional Museum of Northern Ladoga, topographical maps of the Finnish period, newspaper articles;• talking to the local residents;• walking around the surroundings;• taking photographs;• creating a guide.



Деревня Туокслахти расположена в 10км по шоссейной дороге на запад от .Сортавала.

Tuokslahti village is located 10 km away on the highway to the west of Sortavala.







Guide map:1 – The birth of the village

2 – Tuokslahti - fragrant bay3 –Walking through the village center

4 – Stone Kingdom 5 – The Estate "Karhatsu"

6 – What do we have as a heritage?

Tuokslahti - "fragrant gulf "Hotinlahti - Gulf in the shape

of small fish

Kivivuori - stone mountain, covered with forests Kiteenjoki - rushing river

«Дом госпожи»

Здание народной школы, которая открыта в 1898 году

"The house of mistres."

The building of the elementary school, which was opened in 1898

Окрестности горы Роуванмяки

Сосновый бор

Озеро Хотинлахти

Surrounding mountains Rouvanmyaki

pine forest

lake Hotinlahti

Местные жители на собрании в народной школе, 1890 г.

Школа - культурный центр

The school was a cultural center

Local residents at the meeting in public schools, 1890

Любимое место отдыха местных жителей

Порог Туокскоски с высотой 3 метра и протяженностью 25 метров

Река Китенйоки с горным характером

Favorite place for rest of the local residents

Kiteenjoki river with mountain character3 meter high and 25

meter long Tuokskoski threshold

Остатки мельницы на реке КитенйокиThe ruins of the mill on the river Kiteenjoki

Flour was made from wheat, rye, barley and oats, which were grown in the fields of local landowners.

Добыча жемчуга на реке Китенйоки

Китенйокские жемчужины были светлыми величиной с «сахарную горошину». Их тайно продавали в Олонец

Pearling on River Kiteenjoki

Pearls of Kitenyoki were light with the size of a "sugar pea." They were secretly sold to Olonets

Центральная часть деревни - ТиайсенмякиThe central part of the village - Tiaysenmyaki

There is a beautiful view on an agricultural landscape, Haaposenmyaki mountain, river Kiteenjoki, gentle slopes with

scattered old Finnish houses on them from the mountain Tiaysenmyaki

В этом здании располагалась пекарня, в которой пекли

вкусные булочки и кренделя

This building had a bakery where delicious buns and pretzels were


Этот дом принадлежал семье богатого землевладельца Рятту. Он построен из кирпича, имеет большие окна, высокий подвал

Старый финский колодец построен из

природного камня

This house belonged to the family of a wealthy landowner Ryattu. It is built of brick, with large windows and had high


Old Finnish well built of stone

Дома промышленных рабочих – пример жилых домов конца 19 начала 20


The houses of industrial workers are an example of houses of the late 19th and

early 20th centuries.

План жилого дома

Plan of the house

Гора Хаапосенмяки с каменоломнями

Каменный блок в фундаменте дома со следами от бурения

«Каменные ступеньки»

"Stone steps"

Mountain Haaposenmyaki with

the Quarry

A block of stone in the foundation of the house

with traces of drilling

Гора Тавонмяки – объект горнодобывающего значения

Имеет три вершины, расположенные друг за другом Высота горы 25 метров Бараньи лбы – следы от ледника

Mountain Tavonmyaki is an object withmining value

it has three peaks, next to each other, it is 25 meters high Mutton foreheads – the traces of the


Насыпь от узкоколейной железной дороги

Блок темно-серого плагиогранита со следами от бура

Dark gray block of plagiogranites with traces of


Mound from narrow-gauge railway

Скотный двор усадьбы «Кархатсу»

Farmyard of estate "Karhatsu"

Businessman Kale Nissinen donated a lot of

money on the development of the


Помещение для содержания коров


Следы от водяных поилок

Room for keeping cows


Remains of water drinkers

Второй этаж скотного двора

The Second floor of the farmyard

Архитектурные элементы скотного


Architectural elements of


Agricultural landscape with fields and meadows are the effectsof farming in the North Ladoga

Что оставлено в наследство?

What do we have as heritage?

landowner Nissinen

Judge Carl Berg

Paper factory was built on the money of patrons in 1907. The factory produced 3500-

4000 tons of printed paper a year

До наших дней от фабрики хорошо сохранились стены, хозяйственные постройки

The walls, outbuildings of the factory are well preserved to the

present days

Жернов использовался как пресс для получения бумаги

Бункер для древесной массы

Millstone was used as the press for the production of


The place for pulp

Порог Ниемискоски


Схема реки Китенйоки в районе гидростанции

Действующая гидростанция в Питкякоски. Построена в 1914 году

Hydroelectric power station in Pitkyakoski was built in 1914

Scheme of Kiteenjoki River near

hydroelectric stations

Трехметровая плотина, которая поддерживает напор воды

Пропускное отверстие, закрытое металлическими спицами

Outlet, which is closed with metal spokes

The three-meter dam that maintains water pressure

Окрестности гидростанции зимой и весной

Surroundings ofhydroelectric station

in the winter and spring

1. Tuokslahti village is a settlement with a rich history, culture and economy There are natural, industrial and agricultural facilities.

2. It was the village, that improved the methods of farming, using natural resources for construction, helped the development of culture.

3. The settlement played the great role in the development of the forestry and wood industry, agriculture and mining in the late 19th and first half of the 20th century in the Northern Ladoga.

4. The village is of great interest as a tourist destination.

