Australia. Aussie Celebrities Here are some famous Australians. How many do you recognise?


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Aussie Celebrities

Here are some famous Australians.

How many do you recognise?

Australia’s Attractions

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is located on the North-East Coast.

It is approx. 25 million years old!It is the world’s largest coral reef,

stretching 2000 km.There are over 1800 species of life on

these coral reefs including fish, plant life, turtles and many other marine life-forms.

Great Barrier Reef From Space

The Great Barrier Reef is so large that it can be seen from space!



Uluru or Ayer’s Rock as it is also known, is the largest monolith in the world.

It is located in the Northern Territory.Lots of people climb it but the native

Australians; the Aborigine people prefer that it is not climbed as it is sacred to them. It is also dangerous and some people have fallen off.


Sydney is the most populated city in Australia.

It is home to two of Australia’s most popular tourist attractions.

These are: Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sydney Opera House


Australia – Some Quick Facts

Area: 7,741,220 km sq.Population: 21 million approx.Capital City: CanberraCurrency: Australian DollarGovernment:

Parliamentary Democracy

Constitutional Monarchy

Australian Wildlife

Australia is famous for its unique wildlife:

Wallaby: Funnel-Web Spider:

A small kangaroo Its bite can be fatal if not

which carries its young treated quickly!

in a pouch.

Tasmanian Devil: Wombat:The size of a terrier dog. A marsupial thatSo-called because they likes to burrowcan scream really loudly and livesand look fierce. underground.

Duck-Billed Platypus:

Lives in a burrow beside a

River. They are great

swimmers and are one of

only two mammals in the

world which lay eggs!


The name koala comes from

an Aborigine word meaning

“no drink”. Koalas get all

their water from eating

Eucalyptus leaves.