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Food Australian

Breakfast or Afternoon Snack: Macadamia nuts

Native to eastern Australia, the macadamia nut is eaten raw or included in a variety of dishes. From breads and cakes.

Breakfast or Afternoon snack:Anzac biscuits

Associated with Anzac Day on April 25, the biscuit is a crunchy commemoration of the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought in World War I.

Dinner or Lunch: Witchetty grub

Very strangebecause enjoyed by indigenous Australians for thousands of years.

Lunch or Dinner: Emu

Emu Steak can be used as you would ground beef for a Healthy Heart alternative.

Dinner or Lunch: Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin helpe in satiely and causes that is lesshunger.

Drinks: LLB

Drink don’t alcoholic

Lemon Lime and Bitter

Bitter , which is a liqueur flavored herbal essences, characterized by a bitter taste.

Drinks: Ginger and Mango Beer

Is na Australian beerwith flavor.

Ginger, Mango and Cider.

Dessert: Pavlova

Is a dessert created by chefAustralian soon watched

The Ingredients are: sweet merengue more sour fruit
