August/September 2015 Vol. 47, No. 5 God’s Work. … · that share the love of God with all of...


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PAIDPermit No. 345St. Cloud, MN

BethlehemLutheran Church 251-8356

4310 County Road 137Saint Cloud, MN 56301


A congregation of the: A congregation of the:

A Welcoming Community of DisciplesA Welcoming Community of Disciples

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Many Bethlehem people have known the blessings of a Summer of Serving – making a difference for people across our community. On Sunday, September 13, Bethlehem will join many of the nearly 10,000 congregations of the ELCA in putting faith into action by serving our community in ways that share the love of God with all of God’s people. However, wherever, & whenever you choose to serve our neighbors it is your hands doing God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities.

For God’s Work. Our Hands. 2015 a team of leaders is setting up service opportunities throughout the community.

They are arranging a wide variety of times & activities, intentionally seeking sites suitable for whole families. In addition, you can also look around

your own neighborhood to spot opportunities to share God’s love with your neighbors through serving in someway.

God’s Work. Our Hands. T-ShirtsTo help increase the visual impact of

Bethlehem’s presence in the community while serving during “God’s Work. Your Hands.” Bethlehem people are encouraged to wear a Bethlehem T-Shirt. Need a BLC Tee? Pick up one of the bright yellow God’s Work. Our Hands. T-shirts on sale for $8 beginning September 7.

Saturday5:00pm – This service of evening prayer includes weekly Communion.

Sunday8:00am – This 45-minute traditional service provides an option for early risers.9:00am – Traditional liturgy with music led by the Adult Choir & accompanied by the

organ.10:05-10:55am – Education Hour: Sunday School for Children & learning opportunities

for adults.11:00am – Guitars, percussion & a vocal ensemble lead this contemporary service. 12:30pm – This service is in the Nuer language of our South Sudanese brothers & sisters

on the first & third Sunday of each month. On the second and fourth Sunday the South Sudanese worship at the 11am service with simultaneous translation into Nuer.

Wednesday5:30pm – Sunday School Wednesday Option for Gr. 1-6. 6:30pm – Worship & praise music and sermons using the weekend’s assigned readings.7:10pm – Confirmation Large Group lesson and Guide Group discussion for Gr. 7-10

Fall Worship Schedule Starts Sept. 12

God’s Work.

Our Hands.

God’s Work. Our Hands 2015August/September 2015 Vol. 47, No. 5

Worship Schedulethru Sept. 6Saturday:5:00 pm* Sunday:8:30 am

10:30 am12:00 pm*

*Nuer language service

Saturday Community MealBethlehem will serve the Saturday Community

Meal at Hope Covenant Church on August 22. This is an excellent opportunity for families to serve together. Offer your assistance with meal prep (9-11:30am) or serving & clean-up (11:30am-1:30pm). You may also sign up to provide milk, salads, fruit, vegetables, and other items for the meal. Sign-up at the Serve Desk or follow the link at

Our Congregation’s MinistryYear to Date Offerings thru 7/19: $429,653Year to Date Offering Target: $464,292Difference ($34,639)

Year to Date Income thru 6/30: $385,649Year to Date Expenses thru 6/30: $524,137Difference ($138,488)

Our Congregation’s MortgageYear to Date Offerings thru 7/19: $133,501Year to Date Offering Target: $129,939Difference $3,562

Financial Update

Year to Date Budgeted Income: $428,464Year to Date Budgeted Expenses: $558,590

Total 2015 Ministry Plan$905,442

Offerings thru 7/19/15 $309,326


Mortgage Fund ThanksThe Mortgage Fund’s year-to-date

deficit has been overcome thanks to continued, regular giving and special gifts. This generosity made the difference in helping remain current with our monthly “house payment” this summer. Continued generosity for both the Mortgage and Ministry Funds puts us on firm financial ground as we begin another school year & prepare to call another pastor.

Do You Have a Bethlehem Name Tag?Names are important at Bethlehem! All who

regularly worship or participate at Bethlehem are invited to order reusable name tags. So if you can’t find your name tag or have never ordered one, now is the time to get a new tag. Regularly wearing your name tag will help staff and others put a name with your face. The vinyl badges come in your choice of fastener: magnetic or clip. Stop by the table in Bethlehem Square to order your name tag. A donation of $2/tag is suggested. Your new name tag will be ready the very next weekend! Then just remember to wear your name tag each time you are at Bethlehem!

Summertime by George!Bethlehem has partnered with St Cloud Rotary’s

Summertime by George! community festival to provide a “ clean-up crew” of 8-10 people each Wednesday night (8:45-9:30pm) through August 26. Crew members may attend the whole event or arrive at 8:45pm to assist with clean-up. Parking Note: if you arrive before 8pm please park on the side streets or at Tech, reserving the Lake George lot for Handicap Parking. Signup at the Serve Desk or at

Youth & families can also sign up to help the Early Childhood Center Board provide art experiences for children on August 12.

Summer Building SecurityIf you need access to the building (to drop-off

communion bread or coffee treats for example), please do so during office hours or place a call to the office beforehand to check the schedule. For safety & security the church building is locked at the end of the business day when no other activities have been scheduled.

If your group is planning a meeting at Bethlehem, even informal gatherings in the Square, it is critical that room reservations be made with Membership Assistant Jennie Meemken, in order to maintain an accurate calendar of events. She may be reached at or 217-6535.

GreenFaith Certification UnderwayThis spring, Bethlehem was accepted into the

“GreenFaith Certification Program”, the first of its kind interfaith environmental certification program for houses of worship. During the upcoming two years, BLC will undertake a large number of creation care initiatives. By successfully completing these efforts, Bethlehem will earn recognition as a “GreenFaith Sanctuary.” Learn more and finds ways to get involved in this ministry:

Call Committee Named“Thanks be to God!” for the following Bethlehem

leaders who have expressed an interest and have been named as members of a Call Committee for a Pastor for Youth & Family Ministry: Kathy Dahlberg, Eric Felsch, Claire Garcia, Sue Ann Heck, Doreen Meier, Jon Noyes, Chad Roggeman, DeEtte Wurm; Church Council–Scott Stenseth; Personnel Committee–Pat Plamann; Lead Pastor–Rev. Dee Pederson. The committee will begin meeting now to wrap up the “necessary paperwork” and will be eager to soon begin receiving names of candidates. Ideas or suggestions? Please feel free to contact one of these awesome leaders.

The Bethlehem STAR


Ripple Effects WatchingCirclesofFaithExpand

Luther Crest Day Camp & Preschool VBSDay Camp for Kindergarten-Gr. 6

Luther Crest Bible Camp is returning to Bethlehem for VBS! We had a great turn out last year and hope for even more campers this year. Keep your calendars open August 10-13 for Day Camp at BLC! Children who have completed Grades K-6 are welcome to attend. The day camp runs from

9am-5pm. Cost is $60/child; register online today!

Preschool VBS for Ages 3-5 Preschoolers (3-5 year olds) are invited to attend

Bethlehem’s Vacation Bible School, also August 10-13. Preschool VBS runs 9am to Noon. There is no cost to attend. Please register online so we can plan our supplies. Register online at:

Register Now for Fall Ed. ProgramsRally Day, kick-off of the Sunday School year, is right

around the corner (September 13) and Wednesday Education Programs (Wednesday School & Confirmation) start September 16. Online registration allows for timely communication with families and accurate records of enrollment. Links to online registration for each program Sunday School & Wednesday SchoolSundays 10:05-10:50am

Children age 4 through Grade 6 will have the opportunity to explore their faith by participating in Sunday School! Classes of approximately 12-14 students will be taught by a team of teachers. Students will also experience a large group time where they will learn songs and help contribute to God’s work through their offerings. Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:15pm

Students in Grades 1-6 have the option of having their “Sunday School experience” on Wednesday afternoons rather than on Sunday mornings. The Wednesday option will follow the same lesson outlines as the Sunday class. Children will be enrolled in a class of approximately 12-14 children. Students will also experience a large group time where they will learn songs and help contribute to God’s work through their offerings. ConfirmationWednesdays 7:10-8:15pm

Confirmation begins immediately following the 6:30pm Worship and Praise Service which features the same message from the weekend and Communion each week. Students in grades 7–9 will start their large group lesson at 7:10pm and then break out into their Guide Groups to discuss the lesson for the night. These small group times are wonderful opportunities to bring questions about faith.

Special Guest at Gather Bible StudyOn Thursday, August 20 women of the congregation are

gathering for a Potluck Dinner at 5pm and the Bible Study from the summer issue of

Gather magazine. We just received word that we will have a special guest for part of the Bible Study, Rev. Catherine Malotky. Rev. Malotky is a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, currently called to serve as Director of Development at Luther Seminary. She is a recognized leader in the area of

stewardship which ties into the summer Bible Study nicely. Women follow her regular

column, “Amen,” in the ELCA’s women’s magazine, Gather. Rev. Malotky will be at Bethlehem on August 20 for a Synod Stewardship event and agreed to share a brief presentation with our women as part of the Bible Study. Bring a dish to share and join in an evening of wonderful food, fellowship, and study. Questions? Call Barb at 293-5796.

Find a Book Club That Fits!Several new book clubs will begin in the fall. You can

choose to meet with other couples with young children, with other single adults, or other empty nesters. To register go to Once you have registered your group leader will coordinate a date & time that works for the group to regularly meet. All groups will begin the week of September 13. Questions? Contact Pastor Janine at 320.217.6533 or

Tenth Grade ConfirmationTenth Grade Confirmation kicks off with a one day

retreat and includes 3 Wednesday evenings when students meet with their mentors. If you have not selected your mentor yet, there will be a chance for you to do so during registration. Mark your calendars and invite family and friends for “Affirmation of Baptism” - Confirmation Worship Service at 1pm on Sunday, October 25. The final year of Confirmation costs $50 and includes the retreat, team building activity, Confirmation gown rental, banquet, and picture. Scholarships are available. Bethlehem will never turn anyone way due to cost. Register online at:

Ripple Effects Watching Circles of Faith Expand

Orientations Offered for Ed. ProgramsAll parents who have students enrolled in Sunday School,

Wednesday School, or Confirmation are expected to attend a short Parent Orientation on the first day (or evening) of class. This orientation aims to help parents understand the scope & sequence of the year, the schedule, and other important information. Please mark your calendar:

Sunday School Parent Orientation: Sunday, September 13, 10:30am, Shepherds HallWednesday School Parent Orientation: Wednesday, September 16, 5:45pm, Magi RoomConfirmation Parent Orientation: Wednesday, September 16, 7:15pm, Sanctuary

Join the Bikers of BLC for August 23 RideAll bikers (motorcyclists) are invited to join the Bikers

of Bethlehem for a ride along the back roads of Central Minnesota on Sunday, August 23. This ride will depart from Bethlehem at noon and cover 75-100 miles including a stop for lunch. A suggested donation of $5/rider is given to a local charity at the end of the season. All faiths & all motorcycle makes are welcome! It’s a great way to meet new friends. For the 2015 ride schedule & to stay informed of BoB activities send an email to:

So You’re Thinking About Joining BLC At Bethlehem we believe that it’s important for all new

members to participate in membership sessions. If you have been thinking about joining we invite you to attend these sessions resuming in the fall.

Bethlehem’s New Member process involves two learning gatherings and one gathering to serve in our community. Relationship building is woven throughout all three as a key component. Our hope and prayer is that every new member finds a good fit and becomes fully involved in the life of the congregation.

The first learning gathering is an Introduction to Life at Bethlehem: Sunday, October 18, January 24, or April 17; 12:15-3pm. This gathering is designed to help each person learn about life at Bethlehem, focusing on the Vision & Mission of the congregation, ways to serve and first fruits giving. New Members will begin to develop relationships with others in a small group with discussions led by guides.

The second learning gathering is Finding Your Neighborhood: Sunday, October 25, January 31 or April 24; 12:15-1:30pm. Following a formal welcome into the congregation at the 11am service, New Members will gather for lunch and deepen connections with their small group. At this session New Members will discover their gifts for serving that are truly: “Made for Ministry.”

Contact LaNae Cobb, Welcome & Serving Ministries Coordinator, at 217.6537 or to register.

Youth Return Changed by DetroitOn July 20 at 6am, 27 Youth & 7 adults returned from the

2105 ELCA Youth Gathering (July 14-19) in Detroit. Three students returned with much shorter hair after donating their hair to “Children with Hair Loss”, a Detroit non-profit. Some students returned with sore hands & backs after hauling bricks during their day of service. Other students returned covered in temporary tattoos from churches all across the country. Every person returned with a unique experience and all grew in faith as they served the people of Detroit, worshiped with 30,000 other Lutherans, and had the time of their lives! In worship on Sunday, August 9 students & adults will share stories about the trip. Worship on Youth Sunday, October 4 to hear about all the summer ministries that helped children & youth grow in faith this summer (including the Gathering, VBS/Day Camp, and Luther Crest Bible Camp). Be sure to check out some student reflections and lots of pictures on the trip blog:

Help & Items Needed for VBSVacation Bible School for Preschoolers is just around

the corner and it is time to start gathering people and material to make it a wonderful faith-building week!

1. Creative minds to join our VBS decorating team. 2. Large appliance-type cardboard boxes to be used by

the decorating team.3. People willing to: provide sack lunches for (up to 6)

Luther Crest Counselors on one day the week of August 9 (Monday-Thursday mornings); or host a dinner or donate a gift card to a local restaurant for the counselors on one night Sunday-Wednesday.

If you are able to help, please contact Shelly at or (320) 217-6541

Training Offered for Hospice MinistryPeople interested in a Hospice Visitation Ministry

at BLC are encouraged to attend one of the three hour training courses to be held at Bethlehem in August. Those who complete the training will be able to provide much needed care to those who are nearing death, as well as their families. The requirements are simple: A desire to share God’s love and an ability to sit, hold a hand, or say a quiet prayer. Please choose the training that best fits your schedule either Saturday, August 8; 9am–Noon or Thursday, August 20; 5:30–8:30pm. Contact Pastor Janine at or 320.217.6533 to sign up.

August/September 2015 Ripple Effects

Mark Your Calendars: 2015-16 MilestonesInfants–Age 3: Building Circles of Faith – January 9, 2016; 10amAge 4: Preschool Bibles – October 10, 2015; 10amKindergarten: Share, Spend, Save – April 9, 2016; 10am1st Grade: The Lord’s Prayer – February 20, 2016; 10am2nd Grade: Hands-on Bible – September 19, 2015; 10am3rd Grade: First Communion –

Fall Session–October 23, 2015 5:30-9pm and October 24, 10am-2pm Spring Session–March 18, 2016 5:30-9pm and March 19, 10am-2pm

4th Grade: Made for Ministry – January 23, 2016; 10am5th Grade: Serving in God’s World – October 10, 2015; 10am6th Grade: Preparing for Confirmation – April 27, 2016; 6:30pm7th & 8th Grade Milestones – January 27, 2016; 7:15pm9th Grade: Driving Milestone – March 16, 2016; 7:15pm10th Grade: Affirmation of Baptism – October 25, 201511th Grade: Exploring the World Ahead – May 4, 2016; 7:15pm12th Grade: Graduation – May 22, 2016

Early Childhood Registration OpenEnrollment in Bethlehem Early Childhood Center’s

Half-Day Program is underway. This program serves children ages 3 & 4, Monday-Thursday, 9 to 11:30am during the school year. Extended Day Care is available. A popular 2 year-old Child & Parent class meets 1 day/week serves as a wonderful introduction to the Early Childhood world. The Full-Day Program welcomes children, age 33 months–Kindergarten entrance, Monday–Friday, 7am–6pm, year round. Contact the ECC office, 320.251.6775, to arrange a tour or request an information packet. More info is online at:

Bible Milestone for Second GradersAt the time of your child’s baptism, you and your child’s

sponsors made an important promise that we here at Bethlehem want to help you keep. You may remember the words: “…as they grow in years, you should place in their hands the Holy Scriptures, and provide for their instruction in the Christian faith…” All 2nd graders are invited to a Bible Milestone where we will explore the Bible together

and find age appropriate ways for you and your child to grow together in

God’s word. Instructional time for the Milestone is at 10am on Saturday, September 19; parents will then present their child with the Bible in worship on Sunday, September 20 at your choice of 9 or 11am services. You can register

for this event and pre-pay for your child’s Bible at www.bethlehemlutheran.

org/milestones Please contact Shelly Davidson,; text 320-492-0789; or call 320-217-6541, with any questions.

Women of BLC ScrapbookThe Women of Bethlehem are creating a scrapbook and

are seeking pictures, brochures, programs, etc. of events held by the Women of Bethlehem. Please put these items in the Women of Bethlehem mailbox in the church office by October 1. Be sure to identify people in the pictures. Thanks for helping us with this project! Call Barb Janey 293-5796 if you have any questions.

Guest Musicians Share Story of God’s Rescuing Grace in Worship August 22

Dave Anderson and Roger Walck will share music, stories and the message of God’s saving grace during the 5pm worship service on Saturday, August 22. Dave and Roger’s music is a blend of contemporary, gospel, hymns, and lots of old-time Sunday School songs. During the service, Dave will share from his personal experiences from having traveled 4,000,000 miles over the past 35 years of concert ministry. In 1993, God used incredibly heroic men to rescue Dave, his wife Barbara, and five others from 36-degree water after their plane crashed into the Bering Sea while returning from a humanitarian mission in the Russian Far East. All seven aboard the plane survived what could not be survived! The Rescue Story points to the God which rescues men and women from overwhelming circumstances in their lives. Learn more at

Thank You Notes from CampStudents attending Luther Crest Bible Camp are offering

thank you notes to the generous donor who enabled so many students to attend at a reduced rate. Additional notes will be featured in the weekend bulletin as space allows.

Outdoor Family Movie Night August 3An Outdoor Movie Night for the whole family is

planned for Monday August 3. Now Showing: “Remember the Titans”. Children 6th Grade and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The evening begins at 8:30pm as we enjoy some fellowship while roasting hotdogs over the fire as we wait for the sun to set! Then it’s showtime! The show will go on rain or shine (we’ll simply move into the Youth Room & skip the hotdogs)! Although there is no cost to attend movie night, we ask that you RSVP so we make sure we don’t run out of snacks! RSVP online at:

July 29–September 19, 2015 Bethlehem Lutheran Church; St Cloud, MNSunday Monday TueSday WedneSday ThurSday Friday SaTurday

2 3 4 5 6 7 89:30 am Miriam Circle10 am BLC Staff Meeting1 pm Esther Circle2 pm Priscilla Circle6 pm ECC Staff Meeting6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study7 pm Boy Scout Troop 147:30 pm St Cloud Call Up (AA)

7 pm Narcotics Anonymous7:30 pm BLC service on Charter Cable Ch. 180

10am-5pm Directory Photo Sessions

5 pm Worship7 pm Narcotics Anonymous

8 am Mission Quilters6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study8:30 pm Outdoor Movie Night

7:30 am Prayer Group6:30 pm Summertime by


8:30 am Worship10:30 am Worship12 pm Worship–Nuer


9 10 11 12 13 14 158 am Mission Quilters10 am BLC Staff Meeting11:10 am ECC Chapel Time6 pm Congregational Life Board6 pm St Cloud Call Up (AA)6:45 pm Church Boards7 pm Beginning Experience7 pm Boy Scout Troop 14

7 pm Narcotics Anonymous7:30 pm BLC service on Charter Cable Ch. 180

5 pm Worship7 pm Narcotics Anonymous

8 am Mission Quilters6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

7:30 am Prayer Group6:30 pm Summertime by


8:30 am Worship10:30 am Worship–

Outdoors12 pm Picnic on the Prairie12 pm Nuer Bible Study

July 29 30 31 August 17 pm Narcotics Anonymous7 pm Be Alive! ensemble

7:30 pm BLC service on Charter Cable Ch. 180

5 pm Worship7 pm Narcotics Anonymous

7:30 am Prayer Group9 am STAR Mailed 6:30 pm Summertime by


16 17 18 19 20 21 227 pm Narcotics Anonymous10 am Safety & Security Team

12 pm GRIP Clergy Lunch5:30 pm Women’s Potluck &

Bible Study6:30 pm Synod Stewardship

Event7 pm Be Alive! ensemble7:30 pm BLC service on

Charter Cable Ch. 180

9 am Baptism Orientation11:30 am Community Meal at Hope Covenant5 pm Worship7 pm Narcotics Anonymous

8:30 am Worship10:30 am Worship6:30 pm Recital

6 am KidStop8 am Mission Quilters10:30 am Prayer Shawls5:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

Potluck Dinner 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study7 pm ECC Parent Orientation

7:30 am Prayer Group6:30 pm Summertime by

George!7 pm ECC Parent Orientation

8 am Mission Quilters10 am BLC Staff Meeting11:10 am ECC Chapel Time12:15 pm Women of BLC5 pm Executive Committee6 pm St Cloud Call Up (AA) 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study7 pm Boy Scout Troop 147 pm Troop 14 Committee Mtg.

6 7 Labor Day 8 9 10 11 127 am ECC Parents’ Coffee8 am Mission Quilters10 am BLC Staff Meeting11:10 am ECC Chapel Time6 pm Congregational Life Brd6 pm St Cloud Call Up (AA) 6:15 pm Bells of Bethlehem6:45 pm Church Boards7 pm Beginning Experience

7 pm Narcotics Anonymous7:30 pm BLC service on Charter Cable Ch. 180

11 am All God’s Children Choir5 pm Worship7 pm Narcotics Anonymous

Church Building CLOSED 7:30 am Prayer Group9 am STAR Mailed 10 am ECC Parents & 2s

Parent Ed6:45 pm Adult Choir

8:30 am Worship10:30 am Worship2 pm Worship–at Saint

Benedict’s Center

23 24 25 26 27 28 297 pm Narcotics Anonymous7:30 pm BLC service on

Charter Cable Ch. 1805 pm Worship7 pm Narcotics Anonymous

8:30 am Worship10:30 am Worship12 pm Bikers of BLC Ride

8 am Mission Quilters6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

7:30 am Prayer Group5 pm STAR Deadline6:30 pm Summertime by


8 am Mission Quilters10 am BLC Staff Meeting11:10 am ECC Chapel Time6:45 pm Church Council7 pm ECC Parent Orientation7:30 pm St Cloud Call Up (AA)

30 31 September 1 2 3 4 57 pm Narcotics Anonymous9:30 am Martha Circle

4 pm ECC Open House7:30 pm BLC service on

Charter Cable Ch. 180

5 pm Worship7 pm Narcotics Anonymous

8:30 am Worship10:30 am Worship

8 am Mission Quilters6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study

7:30 am Prayer Group6:30 pm Summertime by


9:30 am Miriam Circle10 am BLC Staff Meeting1 pm Esther Circle1 pm Eunice Circle1 pm Naomi Circle2 pm Priscilla Circle4:30 pm Hymn Planning6:15 pm Bells of Bethlehem6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study7:30 pm St Cloud Call Up (AA)

13 14 15 16 17 18 198 am Mission Quilters10 am BLC Staff Meeting11:10 am ECC Chapel Time12:15 pm Women of BLC5 pm Executive Committee6 pm St Cloud Call Up (AA) 6:15 pm Bells of Bethlehem 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study

7 pm Narcotics Anonymous12 pm GRIP Clergy Lunch7:30 pm BLC service on

Charter Cable Ch. 180

10 am Gr. 2 Milestone11 am All God’s Children Choir5 pm Worship7 pm Narcotics Anonymous

8 am Mission Quilters9:15 am Women’s Bible Study6 pm Girl Scout Troop 996:30 pm Women’s Bible Study7 pm Phoebe Circle

7:30 am Prayer Group10 am ECC Parents & 2s

Parent Ed5 pm Pizza Supper5:30 pm Wednesday School6:30 am Worship6:45 pm Adult Choir7:10 pm Confirmation

8 am Worship9 am Worship10:10 am Education Hour11 am Worship

Directory Photo Sessions 2-9pm

LCBC Day Camp (K-6 9am-5pm) & Preschool VBS (age 3-5 9am-12pm)

Congregation OfficersPresident: Larry KetchumVice President: Jane MastroiannaTreasurer: Pat Plamann Secretary: Bill Chaffee

Church CouncilChurch in Society: Randi MagsamCongregational Life: Scott StensethPreschool: Elizabeth ReisingerProperty: Stewardship: Doug GjersetWELCA: Barb Janey & Mary RethmeierWorship: Cheryl RunningDiscipleship Ministry: Mardi Noyes

Bethlehem Media TeamSTAR Editor: Christopher KiewelSTAR Assembly: Martha Circle & friends

Lead Pastor: Dee Pederson [217-6532]Pastor for Discipleship Ministries: Janine Olson, [217-6533]Director of Operations: Lori Fuchs [217-6534]Welcome & Serving Ministries: LaNae Cobb [217-6537]Director of Discipleship Ministry: Anders Meier [217-6544]Discipleship Ministry–Youth & Families: [217-6542]Discipleship Ministry–Children & Families: Shelly Davidson [217-6541]Early Childhood Center Director: Laurie Tritabaugh [217-6549]ECC Office Manager: Anne Fuchsteiner [251-6775]Communications Coordinator: Chris Kiewel [217-6538]Administrative Assistant: Carol Weis [217-6536]Membership Assistant: Jennie Meemken [217-6535]Facilities Manager: John Pederson [217-6539]Custodians: Jay Ramos, Bruce WagnerSudanese Ministries: Music Coordinator (Traditional): Keith MagsamMusic Coordinator (Contemporary): Brenda Handel-JohnsonAdult Choir Director: Keith Magsam“All God’s Children” Choir Director: Brenda Handel-JohnsonBells of Bethlehem Director: Al MarquardtOrganist: Kaye SchimnichWednesday Worship: Terry Elliott, Megan SeamansSaturday Cantors: Brenda Handel-Johnson, Marcia Benson Sound Technicians: Jerome Deyle, Peter WilsonWedding Assistant: Nancy Farb

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Leadership

BLC’s phone system includes Direct Dial numbers for office staff. Please use the direct dial numbers listed whenever possible, thanks! When calling the church office (251-8356) during the day you will be greeted by a staff member who will be happy to assist you. After hours the Automated Attendant can help you route your call by topic.

Prayer Requests: Complete the Prayer Request Form or call the church office, 251-8356. Prayer requests will be printed for up to 4 weeks, call the church office to extend listing.

BaptismsMay 30, 2015

Zeke Noah SchurhammerLincoln Michael Tschida

May 31, 2015Dominic Walter Schnabel

June 3, 2015Jordan Nicholas Springsteen

June 28, 2015Hailey Jane Anderson

Jacob Joseph HommerdingGabriel Jiechalat-Tikchour Thuok

Genevieve Helen WilsonVivienne Joanne Wislon

FuneralsJuly 29, 1968–June 21, 2015

Lorabeth P. Brdlik

Green Team TipThe average home spends about

$2,000 on energy bills every year. By changing to appliances that have earned the Energy Star, you can save $75 a year in energy costs (Energy Star). Energy Star rated appliances use 10-50% less energy and water than standard models over their lifetime, making a big difference for the environment and your budget:

Tips from

Make BLC Media SocialSocial Media is meant to be, well .

. . social! Please do more than follow: & Answer questions. Ask questions! Post #SermonTweets Check-in. Share posts. Tag @BLC56301

Search #RiseUpELCA on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and you will witness the power Social Media can have in connecting & growing a community of faith!

WeddingsJune 6, 2015

Daniel GohmanAllison FreemanJune 20, 2015Allison Byron

Peter MortensonJune 20, 2015Nellie Kippley

Davis GabrielsonJune 27, 2015Kristie Loucks

Michael BrownJune 20, 2015

Shannon TschidaKyle EdelbrockJuly 18, 2015

Katherine LaSotaJeffrey Jackson

Believe It or Not: It’s Time to Shop for School KitsLocal retailers have cleared out

the Fourth of July merchandise and went straight to Back-to-School sales! Before the rush of parents clean out the inventory consider buying the following for Lutheran World Relief School Kits: 70-sheet

notebooks, rulers (cm & inch), pencil sharpeners, blunt-nosed scissors, 2.5” erasers, unsharpened #2 pencils w/erasers, ballpoint (not gel) pens, and boxes of 16 or 24 crayons. Place donations in the LWR marked bin in the Square.

August/September 2015


Non-Profit Org.U.S. POSTAGE

PAIDPermit No. 345St. Cloud, MN


BethlehemLutheran Church


4310 County Road 137Saint Cloud, MN 56301

A congregation of the: A congregation of the:

PrePrint 2012.indd 1 12/16/2011 10:28:54 AM

On Sunday, August 9 the 10:30am service, weather permitting, will be held outdoors. The Congregational Life Board invites all to a “Picnic on the Prairie” immediately following the 10:30am service, rain or shine. The Board will provide burgers, hot dogs, lemonade, plates & utensils. Those attending are asked to bring

a dish according to the following list: A-G Salad, H-M Sidedish, N-Z Dessert.

The Property Board & GreenFaith Team invite you to explore

Bethlehem’s prairie to experience first-hand the huge variety of wildflowers that are hitting their peak in early August.

On August 9 Worship Outdoors and then Picnic on the Prairie

We’re Saving Space for You in the New Directory!The Congregational Life Board is

working with LifeTouch Church Directories on a new photo directory. There will be photography sessions in the summer (August 4-8) and in the early fall (9/22-26; 9/29-

10/3). Sign-ups are available now online at and in the Square through August 2. The summer session is a great opportunity for families with college students to be photographed together while students are home. The directory won’t be complete without you!
