August 5, 2019 Stock Code: Equity - SPTL Stock …...Ploce : Gar goon Sonjoy Gupta Date : August...


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Ref No: SEC/NSE/BSE/2019-20 August 5, 2019

The Manager, Capital Market (Listing) National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor,Plot No : C /l, G Block,Bandra Kurla Complex,Bandra (E), Mumbai-400 051

The Corporate Relationship Dept. BSE Limited1st Floor, New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, PJ. Towers, Dalai Street, Mumbai-400 001

Stock Code: Equity - SPTL Stock Code: Equity 540653

SUB: Publication of Notice of 4th Annual General Meeting, remote E-Voting and Book Closure Information pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are pleased to inform that pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Notice of 4th Annual General Meeting, remote E-Voting and Book Closure Information have been published in the following newspapers:

1. Financial Express - All Editions (English) on 3rd August, 20192. Financial Express - Ahmedabad and Mumbai edition (Gujarati) on 3rd August, 2019

The Newspaper cuttings of the said publications are enclosed for your records.

Kindly take the same on record.

Thanking you.


Enel : As above

SINTEX PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY LIMITED(Formerly known as Neev Educare Limited)Regd. Office: In the premises of Sintex-BAPL Ltd., Near Seven Garnala, Kalol (N.G.) - 382721 Phone: +91 -2764-253500 E-mail: info@sintex-plastics.comCIN: U74120GJ2015PLC084071

Manan Bhavsar Company Secretary





jra iL-.'1. LdPh: aaUSKOUTCS IW0 Fas : 0265 5Bt17« flegiitoritd EMfici-:2M t>I Ql OC In JSlnai IjstHie, Waghqd-A- 39l7flQ Chsh VMocarj. Pfo 0;6t^67J1M F *t ^3^68-673135 Email ci a a Wabiitfr: www sfll'gU lfifijd cfim ClH. ..m 10&I 13S9F-LOC1201F

N O T IC Erictus* is p rabv giran :h-al in taims of Rsgi>atcn 29 read wrth RsgLiason 47 cd SEBi fLsdnq Obligation! and Dsdosure Require'ne-is) Regulations. 2015 rtre Board of OfiKfcrs cf tire Company will mwl w Monday August 12.20 IS at lire irepsterKt oHc* ortrflcomMnv srirfied at G ID C Industrial Fame. Wsgriodia 391760. Dist VaiHrla'V- Guiflia Ic wnsutar. approve and We nr rer.n l tire Standalnire Unaudited Fmarcia $tale™rTtj for tfreftjHitar ended Juft? 30. UO1?

Dale August 01. 2019 Piatt Vtotodara

For Sanffhvi Forymy .i rbd Engineering LimitedStt-

Ofllplha A grlw a l Company Secretary

C y / ) t T / W i? d i r CYBER MEDIA (INDIA) LIMITED

CIN: L9?114DL1DS7PLC014334Ru-gd. office; [774. PinchUm*! Enclave, Nqw QaH-11l | 11f. Tel.; 011-Z6491 J !0

Carp. Office: Cyder hPlCtt B-35. £cttiCr-3?, CurvQri<ri'1i29D1, H:irynnJ.Tel.: U1IA-45I3IZ2

Email: inue-sl-archre^ . Website. v,w*i eyhevmedlH.eo.inNOTICE

Pursuant to Rsgu alnn 23 read r;T- RagUsflm -I:' r he Securies srl Exchange Bedard nf Inflin (Listirg Obioaricna and DiaclosLre Requirements) Regulations. 2315, Netice is herecy g ven that a neetng of ths 3:era oF OireolarE :f Ihe Coirpanys sctiedjlaif 1a ae nelc- un Wednesday, tha 14th day oF August, 2C-19, nlnr-alia, It ccrsKter and approve the unauailed financial rasdls. stanriimB aitf cmsulidated, of fra Cmpary tiir Dia qjariur ai'dad Jltb 30, 2019The said lnfopfnstiai i$ also av^Ulrt w the Compaq's n^teils at w«v cybMmadla to In anti the websites nl slonL exchanges at www hseirn a tom pod ww* rseniC i tom

Q*te; August Q-Z, 2016P l a t t : G u r u g r j r t i

hiy Order ot Ihe Hoard £d/.

A noop Singh Canaany Secretary

M. No. FS264


Regd. Office: Peninsula Business Park. "A" Tower, SLh Fluor, SonapaLi Bayal Marg Lower Panel. Mumbai - 400 013

Tel No: (022) 06B30100; Fax. Nt>: {91) (022) 66&BQ1QE Email id: hd££ website: www L ndcornfw.cem

NOTICEPursuant to 1he Regulations 29(1 )(a)and47 (1Xfl) ufthe Securities and Fxeha-ige Board of i rejig (Listing Obligations sru) Disclosure Requirements) Regulations. 2015, notice Is Hereby given lhal a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will bo held on Saturday, I0 lh August, 2019. nter- alia to consider and approve 1he Un-audited Financial Results oF 1he Company for the quarter ended 30th June. 2014.Intimflfron regarding strode is also evsilsble on (a) Company's websue viz w w w .h ihdcom poco iri (b) Stock Excftangei' wcbsde yiz. ■wyvwhseindii.eorrt (scri u code: 5DSG35) and www.nseindi a com (symbol 11 IN DC QM FOS)

By order o f the Board of Directors For Hindustan Composites Lim ited

£dAVlkram son I

company Secretary A Compliance CXficerFisec: Wumbai Dale : 02^ August 201 &

IN T e R G lO B e R V IflT IO N L IM ITEDCIN: 16210DDL2Q04PLC1S9768

fle^ is te fed Central UJmg, Ground flpor. Thopor Hous®,1EA, Janpoth. N&uu Delhi - 110 001, Indio

Tel: +91 11 96500 9B905; Fax: +91 11 A3S\ 3200 e-mail: investor3@90 LUebsite:

NOTIC€Notice i£ hereby given that the Sixteenth Annual GeAerol Meeting ("AGM") of the Members o# InterGlobe Aviation Limited (the ’'Company") tuil\ be heid on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 ot 10:00 Q,m. Indian Standard Time at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, PHD House, 4/2, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Morg, New Delhi-110C16, India, to transact the business as set aut In the Notice of the AGM (" Ncl ice").The Notice along with the Annual Report for the finaJicial year 2018-19 {"Annual Report"') in electronic made has been sent to oil the Members whose e-mail ids are registered with the Company / Depository participants. Physical copies of the Nolke along with the Annual Report have been sent to other Members ot their registered address. The Members may also note that the Notice, Attendance slip, Proxy form and the Annual Report will also be available a t Investor Relations Section of the Company's website ajww.goindl^o.ln for download- All document* referred to In the Notice shall be open for inspection ot the Registered Office of the Company and copies thereof shall also be made available for inspection at the Corporate Office of the Company during norma! business hours on all wording days except Saturdays, up to and including the date of the AGM.The remote ^-voting period will commence ot 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 24, 2019 ond will end at 5:00 p.m. an Monday, August 26, 2019 At the end oF remote t-vating period, the facility shall forthwith be blacked. The voting rights shall be os per the number of equity shares held by the Members as on Tuesday, August 20, 2019, being the cut-oFIF dote. The Members are eligible to cost their votes electronically only if they are holding shares as on the cut-off date, In addition, the facility for voting by baElot paper shall be made available ot the venue of the AGM and the Members attending the AGM, who have not cast their votes by remote C-votmg shall be eligible to vote a t the AGM. The Members who cast their votes by remote C-voting prior to the AGM may also attend the AGM but shall not be entitled to cost their vote again.In cose a person has become o Member of the Company after dispatch of the Notice but on or before the cut off date for remote Gvoti ng, i .e., Tuesday, August 20. 2019 , he or she may obta i n the User ID and Password by send i ng on sms ot +91 921 £993399 or emo i I ot evotl ng^karvy .mm or generate 0 password on the home page of in the manner as mentioned under Wole 23 to the Notice. However, If you are already registered with Harvy Flntech Private Limited ("Harvy'') for remote Gvoting, then you con use your existing User ID and Password far costing you* vote-In cose oF any query pertaining to remote Gvotlng, you may reFer to the 'Frequently Asked Questions' (fAQs) and '^-voting user manual' ovailabfe in the download section of website of Korvy httfjsJ/ For any grievances connected with the remote Gvating, you may also contact Me. I L Murthy, Manager - Corporate Registry, Korvy, Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-52, Financial District., Nanokromguda, Serilingampolly Mandal, Hyderabad - 500 03£, India. Tel: +91 40 67161500, £mail:,

0y Order of the Board of Directors For InterGlobe Avlotloft Limited

Sd/-Ploce : Gar goon Sonjoy GuptaDate : August 0£, 2019 Company Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer


ICICI Prudential Asset M an ag em en t C om pany Lim itedCorporate Identity Number U&99&9DL1993PLCC|54135

T n i H B KARCflV?

Registered Offica: 12* Flour, Maruin Hlanzil, 23, BtiT-aklldinba Ruud, New Dolhi -110 061. Corporate Office: One EKC, 1 3T Flnnr, Banrira Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 4f>3 D51.Tel.r +91 22 2&52 &000, Fax: +91 22 2652 8100, Website:

Email id: eiiqurry@icicipruamc.comCentral Servi ce Office: 2nd F laor, R lack R -2, N i rin n K n nwledq n Park, Western Ex press Hiq hway,

Go res aon (E f, Mumbai - 400 06 3, Tel,: 022 2685 2000 Fax: 0 2 2 2 &&&&315 'N o tic e to th e I n v e & to rs /U n it h o ld e rs fo r d e c la ra t io n o f d iv id e n d ' under ICICI P ru d e n tia l M u lt i-A s s e t Fund, ICICI P rud en tia l In fra s tru c tu re Fund and ICICI Prudentia l Balanced Advantage Fund jth e Schemes)

Notice is hereby given that ICICI Prudential Trust Limited, Trustee to iCICf Prudential Mutual Fund has approved declaration o f the fo llow ing dividend under the dividend option o f the Schemes, subject to availability o f distributable surplus on the record date i.e on August 8, £019'*:

Name o f the Schemes/Plans D iv idend (7 per un it]

(Face value of ? 10/ - each)s#

NAV as on August 1, 201?

(? per un it!

ICICI Prudentia l M u lti-A sse t Fund

D iv idend 0.23 19 4773Direct Plan - Dividend 0,20 24.6568ICICI P rudentia l In frastructu re Fund

D iv idend 0.60 11.71Direct Plan - Dividend 0.60 15.35ICICI P rudentia l Balanced Advantage Fund

Direct Plan - M onthly Dividend 0.07 15.41

S The dividend payout w ill be subject to the availability of distributable surplus and may be lower depending upon the extent o f distributable surplus available on the record dale under the dividend option o f the Schemes,

# Subject to deduction of applicable statutory levy.* or the immediately fo llow ing Business Day, if that day is a Non - Business Day. Dividend w ill be paid to all the unit holders/beneficial owners whose names appear in the register o f un it holders,''Statement o f beneficial owners maintained by the Depositories, as applicable under the dividend option o f the Schemes, at the close of business hours on the record dare.

II should be noted th a t pursuant to paym ent of d ividend, the N A V of th e d iv idend option of the Schem es w o u ld fa ll to th e ex ten t of dividend payout and s ta tu to ry levy (if applicable).

For ICIC I P ru d en tia l Asset M a n a g e m e n t C om pany L im itedplace: M um bai Sd/-Date : August 2, 2019 A uthorised S igna to ry______ jta tm.-vsvoi*___________________________________________________________________

To know more, call 1300 222 949.'' 1 BOO 209 6566 or visit w w w .iciciprumf .comAs part of the Go Green Initiative, investors are encouraged to register,''update their e-mail id and

I_________________mobile number with us to support paper-leas cornmunicHtfons.__________________I To increase awareness about Mutual Funds, we regu larly conduct Investor Awareness Prog rams across

the country, To know ntore about it, please visit https://www,icicjprtj or I_______________________ visit AMFFs webwte https ://www.arnfiindia.com_______________________

M utual Fund investm ents are subject to m arket risks, read atl schem e related docum ents carefu lly.

M mBEM L LIM ITE D %fCIN:L35?0ZKA19b4G(HO01H0||A Govt, of Endia Mini Hatia Company under Minislrr gF Relencel

Registered Olfice: "BEML SOUDHA , 23/ 1, 4th Main Road. SR. Hagai.Bengaluru-560 027. Tel. & Fax: (030122963142, E-mail: cs@bemE.coJn. Website:

Statement of Consolidated Unaudited Results for the Quarter ended 30-06-2019

(? in lakh* except EPS)£1.Nu PARTICULARS Unaudited results lor three

months EndedAudited Results for year ended

30 M 2019 31,05.2019 30.06.2m e 31.03,201912

Total Income (font Operations 580D2 1366D3 4532G 347425Net Profit/ (Loss) forthe period (before Tax. Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items)

(9£21} 23034 (16256} 13045

3 Nel Pmlri / (Loss) for the period beFore Tax (alter Exceplional ardfor Extraordinary items)

(9821} 23024 (16256) 13D45

4 Nel Profit / (Loss) forthe period after tax (after Exceptional tftiAff Extraordinary items)

(9821} 16291 (16256) 6316

5 fota; Domprehenaive Income for 1he period (Cornprrsing Profit/ (Los&Jfor the period (alter tax) and Other Comprehensive Income (alter lax)

(M55fl) 13539 (17452) 4972

6 Equity Share Capital 4164 4164 4164 41647 Earnings Per Share (01 ? 10/- each)

(for continuing and discontinued operations)1. Basic:2. Diluted




15.17 15 17

Hota:1. Key numbers ul Standalone Unaudited Ftesulls far the Quarter ended 3(1-06-2019

Total income from Operations 58107 136648 45466 346106Profit before tax (9695) 22971 (16034) 13096Profit after tax (9635) 16224 (16034) 6349

2.7he aoove is an extract nf the retailed format of OuartEdy Consolidated Financial Resells for ihe quarter ended 30 06.2019 fited wilh Ihe Slock Exchanges under FlEgufarion 33 al the SEEK (Listing obligations and OthEr Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015. The detailed format ol me Standalone 4 Consolidated results may t?s accessed at the ivet+sites o! USE al Q5E al www.bseindia.CDir and Company's web-site

By oFder oFttrefloand for BEML Limited

5d/-Place : Bengaluru (0 K H0TA|Date : 02.0 B 2D 19 C ha i r m a n ari d M an ag ing Oi recto r


Rc d. Office: In me profrvses. of £ nlax-BAPl_ Ltd., Naai Sevan Sarnala. Kaioi (N.G.) - 3B2 721. __Ph. 1-2754-253500. E-mai nf&gsintex paslkscorr-'tVetote: iwn shl&npaslk5ct)[r


NOTICE is hereby given that 1_hc4lh Annual Geieral Meet ig (AGM) ohhe Members of ihe Company *,11 ee held on Frday. [lOlh August, 2019 at 10.30a.m at ihe Registered Office of the Company situated a: In ihe premises of SinteK-BA3 L Ltd . Near Seven Gamala, Kalal (N.G.) 382 721, toIranaaci Ihe ordinary and special businesses as set oirlin Ihe Notice dated 19th July, 2019 convening AGMThe Notice of tha AGM along y.'iLi ihe Annual Report, inter alia, including tha remote e- vobng instructions, Attendance Slip and Proxy Form are berig e-mailed lo ihe Members whose e-nrail addresses have been r*5 stered *ith ihe Company or with Depository Panicipants and are being sent by permided mode 1o all other Members M :her registered addresses.Nobce of th& AGM and 1his pLdic notes for FY 2D1S-13 can be downloaded from the rtabsite of Ihe Company: and of Conical Depository Services (India) Limited f CDSL). E-voting:Pursuari to me provisions of Section 15fl of ihe Companies Act 2013 read wlh Rulc2£ of Ihe Comdanie& (Managenem and Administration) Rules, 2014 fm e Rules'), and Regulation oF the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. member are provided with ihe facility to casl their vete electronically, though e-voling facility services pnovded by CDSL cn afl resolutions sel forth m the AGM Notice The deta ted inSlmctions for remote e-veting tecilityare contained m Not ce of the AGM. which is being sent to Ihe Members The details pmsuam to ihe provisions of ihe Companies Act 2013 & ihe Rules and Secretarial Standards-2 issued by ihe Institute of Comcany Secretaries of India are given hereunder;1. flusifiMsas as stated in Hie Notico may btlransaoladJiya-vating.2. Cut-oR date terlhe purpose ofremole e-voting: 23nd August, 2D19.3. Date and time of commencement of remote e-voting: Trom 10:60 a.m. on 27te

August. 2019.4. Date and time ol and of remote -voting: 05.00 p.m. on 23th August. 2019. Remote

e-vuting shall not be allowed beyond Ihu said tune and date.5. Persons who hgive enquired shares end become members of Ihe Ocmpeny 3lteF

dispatch of Ihe Ngbceol Ihe AGM and homing shares as cn the pjl-off detei e. 23te August 2619 may ws1 Iheir votes by fo axiinc the instructions and pmcess oF remote e volmg as provided m Ihe Notice of Ihe AGM.

5. A person whose name is recorded in ;he register of members or in the register oF beneficial owners maintained by ihe depositories es on Ihe cut-offdare only, shall be entitled to avail Ihe feciily of remote e-ratirg or atlhe AGM venue Any person who becomes-i member of the Company alter dispatch of tie Nolice oFlhemepting prxt holes shares as on Ihe cuf-oH date i e 23ml Augual. 2616 may obta a the user ID and passwpro hy sending e-mail request to helj) 1esk.EvctircijQiGdslindia.Qcm However, if Ihe pereo" is already registered with C 3&L ler rernolE e-voling then Ihe existing user ID arc password can be u&ed for casting vote

7. Members may padicipate m ihe General Meeting even after exercising Iheir rigM to rare through remote e-rating but shall not be allowed 10 vole again in the Meeting.

5. The facility for voting through po paper shall also be made available allboAGM and Members who have not cast their vote by remote e-voling shall be able to exercise Iheir f^ht at the AC-M. In case members cast meir votes lhrough both ihe modes, rating done by e-voling shall prevail and rate casl lhrough poli paper shall be treated as invalid.

9. A member emitted to attend and vote i t entitled Eo appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead ot hi msalf, and theta praiiy need not be a member.

10. In case of any queries relating 1o e-voting. mrernt?5r5.ibeneliciflti otwrers may refer the Frequentiy A&ked Questions and e-rat ng user manual available at the CDSL websile: www.evctingircjte com orocrnlacf atlolUree number 1500225533. In case of any gnevjnces reeling to e-ratirg. please contact Mr. Rgkesh Dalvi, Manager, DDE. 25h Floor, A Wing, Maralhon Fulurex. Mstellal Mills Compound, NM Josh Marg, Lower Parel (E |, Mumtiai - 461) 013. E mail: halprtesk .evoL ■ig^cdslim:: a com 01 dfo<resH d Loll fraE number.

11. The enfiry at the meeting venue will be regulated byAttendance Slip, which has been sent along wilh Ihe Annus Report to the Members. Members are requested bo submit dulyf tied m Attendance Slip at the registration counter Ip aitend Ihe AGM,

Notice is also hereby given pursuari to Section 91 of the Companies Act, 2013 and applicable roles thereunder ihal the Register of Members ard Share Transfer Books of ihe Company will remajn close from 20th August, 201910 39lh August 2019 (bolh days inclusive) terlhe purpose of AGM.

Date -D2.'3a.'201D Place: Kulol (N.G.f

By order cl the Board For Sinfex Pteal cs Technology LimitEd

Morion Bhovsar Company Secretary



Regd. Office: 88, Mount Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032 Tel: 044-40432209 Email: website:


( lakhs)

Standalone Particulars Quarter
















1 Total income from operations 333.64 138.37 134.19 541.18 918.61 919.60 782.37 3,439.592 Net Profit/(Loss) for the period before tax, exceptional and/or extraordinary items 176.03 68.02 106.25 405.52 189.84 111.16 130.64 523.263 Net Profit/(Loss) for the period before tax, after exceptional and/or extraordinary items 176.03 68.02 106.25 405.52 189.84 111.16 130.64 523.264 Net Profit/(Loss) for the period after tax, after exceptional and/or extraordinary items 128.63 32.22 77.66 282.66 138.85 68.24 95.71 370.845 Total Comprehensive Income for the period [ Comprising Profit / (Loss) for the period (after tax)

and other Comprehensive Income (after tax)] 155.60 1,073.40 33.08 1,365.11 224.73 1,233.18 109.69 1,748.896 Equity Share Capital 11191.82 11191.82 11191.82 11191.82 11191.82 11191.82 11191.82 11191.827 Earnings Per Share (of Rs.10/- each) (for continuing and discontinued operations)

Basic: 0.11 0.03 0.03 0.25 0,12 0.06 0.09 0.33Diluted: 0.11 0.03 0.03 0.25 0,12 0.06 0.09 0.33

Note:1. The above is an extract of the detailed format of Quarterly Financial Results filed with the Stock Exchange under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)

Regulations, 2015.2. The StatutoryAuditors have carried outalimited review of the accounts forthe quarter ended 30 June 2019.3. ThefullformatoftheQuarterlyFinancialResultsareavailableonthewebsiteofStockExchangeatwww.bseindia.comandalsoonCompanys'

For and on behalf of the Board

Place: Chennai Date : 02 August, 2019

E N Rangaswami Whole-time Director

^ C a m lin CAMLIN FINE SCIENCES LIMITEDV ^ R r jJ ld J n c « ClH! L74iaDMHigg3PL.O)753E1

Registered Ottito: Plot No. F /lt & FH2, WlCEL, Opp. SEEPZ Main Gate,Central Roar, Ardhcri (E), Mumba - 400 093.

Tel: 0691 '22-67001000: Fax: 20324404. Email; SKrelariai^caminte.cDm: Website: www.camlinfs.comi



No. PARTICULARSQuarter Ended Year Ended Quarter Ended Year Ended

3G.0&2O19 31.03.2019 30.06.2013 31.03.2019 30.06,2019 31.03.2019 30.06.2018 31,03.2019

(Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited} (Audited) (Unaudited) (Audited)

1 Total Income from Operations 14.301.28 17,151. ia 10.785.28 54,812.29 26.012.45 26.803.53 18,139.68 89,210.672 Net Profit/(Lass) from ordtnary activities

after lax162.66 265.32 532.28 1,072.82 1.643.34 629.88 (443.15) 300.58

3 Net Profit/(Los&) forthe poriod aftertax and non-controlling interests (after extraordinary items)

1,555.51 727.22 (596.83) 57.72

4 Total Comprehensive Income for the period 155.47 273.-5S 533.25 1,042.70 1,652.08 944.09 (447.02) 353.915 Equity Share Capital 1,212.54 1,212.54 1,212.30 1,212,54 1,212.54 1,212.54 1,212.30 1.212,546 Reserves (excluding revaluation reserves as

shown in the Balance Sheet of previous year)33,530,10 35.875,57

7 Earnings per share(before and after extraordinary items)(of ? tAeagh)- Basic ? 0.13 0.22 0.44 0.88 1 28 0.60 (0.49) 0.05 j

- Diluted ^ 0.13 0.22 0.44 0.88 1.28 0 60 (0.49) 0.051 The above information is an extract of the detailed format of unaudited results for the quarter ended June 3D, 2019 filed with the Stock Exchanges

under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, The full format of the unaudited results for ihe quarter ended June 30, 2D19 are available an the Company's website, and the Stock Exchange websites i.e. and

FOR CAMLIM FINE SCIENCES LIMITEDPlace: Mumbai Ashish S. Dandekar□ate : August 02, 2019 Managing Director

• • Ahmedabad

WHElcae, 91& 012, dl. *<WC-

SINTEx'S *^<* 5«J* £5oilc-<l% fa in ts~ C I N : L74120GJ2015PLC084071

?R r. a t ld la : '5'od^t oflted)aiG«f) iflH id e fate , « i o .'->on«ii v iid ,5Q)G ( § . ^ . ) 3«-S

^ ° l : W«0 wwwsmiexp s&cs.comW8fl G lfS * »l£ JR B I 2iW lcfl 2H<A £ ^ .Q b | Hlfecfl

CM«fl teila an*a;*i an3 d d d*«?)oii aoalo?) sdl aiR s 0*1120 2K*i ( 2»?3J2>)*) Vi&cire, 3o>fl atPue, «osc-«»i 2lqr a a £ qo 30 5G id , aaoftoTi 23>2ed aM $a, (§<■£# otkWWteofl J?)*id2f)0 *i. aw 212011011 * « ), sg I g (f i .^ . ) -3<:232q, «nd aVnq), ^* i di£b* qc-»A <jend, 2oqc-oii zVirofl teajte* o ilian i £9ifaai*i ancai ^'rotoii ai*ioei dS! (a9l*~(Sijtea eia &»v)0)*o{| oi^ila a fed aif*5 f2*l^oai a*** (aow't <^*d R*led*alle*«fl jjaoiiail, aliosoa 2dl* ate *152?) d-Ada <4121 *lseiai*i and) 23g d d <J»*i d-Ada tejja d*-?t tiaai dWtrfle^l vjiifaV e aid 25922^ d . awe cww 2x*0te, *100 *ss;(d **id 3*oti23)2ed aeouA *lsGai*i anal 2&a d .2Ats32A>»«»n oA^la 2*3 at 1 oiiiai^la cnf 2oqc-qc-ofl qnle °i1^1a, s*oflo?) ate 2l«ga d*lifle3 a(o(3oj (dodtei) fifth s ( 2fld)teateG )of) Ooiaide *22?) siSota'ls &2I 215121.Rule d-alBaed*ofl ailSifoa*, 2oq3of) s g * qoeoft qteiaidail d « i syofte ( A<AqrAoe alos aiSHi4l2^?i<>t) 2,0a. 2o<*»<ri tea* ?o (*goa” )<A ate aiaoi 3 *qr, (ase^l^h* ate 0)502)*** o iK ail 5 dodlai ( d l ^ ^ i ailoidlolqtoa ate d)2SGl»2 ^IsaiaeAoea) ^2jd9toa, 2oq*oii 4->2gd9tot s* h w , eA^teno?) <>tlila>ti ae?aai*i ati^Gi d*i* &2ial G*2 acreite 3 *oti *d 8G 6£lo?l5C-fl attuoi *i£ d - a'1(2’j|of) a fain efldlalateaofl *12^3 ^ 1 *isai*i and) d . (enta ^-a'lla^i afaeiiofl faadaie aa»natl al?»)ai»t°fl oildzpti atiAa d , oflia aoai^ iti&GaiMi atidl 2^G o .aii aio) artiofl ai®(3w » i , 20*13 d0i ^«»i fewAt ai«A d^a ^la a 2ei«s^a-2 yxcuon feowl often* id d ;q . oil ala hi e?ifooi*i awta fci»<Aa d -a l& i <4121610 & 2id.2. (2*le ef-alf?oi *d»fl &a-ait§di^h* ; 23>fl afloiae, 2oqc-.3. fanla ef-olfaa 213 aaiofl diaVt ai<A a n a ; di. 2s»fl att^iee, 2oqc-oti eW

a a d qo.oo &g i^ .*. (2*12 ef-oH&i ua aaiofl d i ^ t 2*<$ a * a ; d i . 2C-A1 ailoiae, 2oqc-oii eW a W

m x>o send. feula ef-al®* Gu2lsd di h* en<A a * a udl a e i?l <*&.

v . g1&1 eA^atHofl "ft^la nlscai irefl, &nof)oii $12 mih s^l suofloii 2*oal o« « ji

§te at<A 23>fl ail3i2e . 2onc-«fl &a-ail^ d i^ o n sVr 212 &2iadi ste. ^tail d*ofl d'te aitijat*ofl oii^a*i aiKta flnla tf-o)®>i nfeen ai«S a,aoiiail wnid atiyl^i&sA.

%. ^ » t M on* 2tJ)222 A»«2f*i aiaai 233222 <A(3tf$f§iacH a flo i^ iS*l^l22f di2i &2-2nl$rdi^h*«ii sicy ^ iAg §la <5atl«f) qr (2*la tf-otfjai ci*qr a>3)2>)**i a'lSaoJI ^feai *cnsit. a<*iofl ofi^a ^scfl anwn yrfl &)d caSd suofloft a « i otofl 6la ai<A s e a te d i^ M . aAad ^ 23AI aiViae, 2oqc-oti 2>r *>2f 62iacfl el a dl 3 ailai «* d-A^aeJl foofcfl ^ » 2 atief^l. dai v ia o ^ *iw seoioii 2^21. ^ cafSd 2fl^laiaaiG a*8t d -o l& i * d aionGefl <v oii&i^dl ela d l, dail uldioii 2»iqr ^ » 2 atitf^l. ai<A maa^oii gyaloiaO uldioil *d e «id la 4 d .

9. fl*l2 d-alfJ^ton aif&5i2oi'i Gnaloi safutfl a n a l, ai*t«0 a<*i*i aiAa ad ?i52l y2d>efl3jal**i oldwl o le ^ k f l amit 2152) °i^T.

c . a>ajai**i wI g 0*2 <si2i ala anuaiof) a(a£ji an*ai*i anad ai«^ <$ analeA (2*la d-al(?oi ,si2i vildiotl ale ot^T ainal el a , ail<A qr aii e«(Si5 i2 aiiuai*i aiiad. ^ analeA (2*la d-aKa^i £121 ai-A *1g 0*2 <5121 al* ot<0 ala amal &2l dl d-alfa^i ^121 aitOa ale *i<« oieite ai<A *1g 0*2 <si2i emOa a leai* i«« oiate.

c-. <* ana evl <1 *te wlsefloll f e * i» 5^1 91&2I at<A d calsb^ 2K «i o<fl eiqre 2^aiotl ai< aleemyawl ess 2^.^*15211 d d sf*ofWi 2K»a e't^qr^e'l °tefl.

qo. d-aXeo^) c+aai did *“ofi &ai dl acte) d otfi^atea a W dl^tefiaaicwl cMacte wwwevo*ngin<Sa.oom *2 ^socedl ane&s s6%oa (d*s2»i52p 2«oi d-di&i g »2 A=«ieoil SuaPi s d 9id d aiaai ita ^ °t^2 qaoo22**33 *2 dw sdA w * f 3 Ao& 2d d. d n ^ a ^ l 2M©a did M oil e»pl, eJ) 21 21 eadl. AAqre, dldtelaalG, 2**1 *icn, “a T (3a , idalm $32^81. *$dGiG ftca 5*11605, aioi ,al* qrfcfl *pf. Glare u^g (*cf), *t>id-5oooq3 oi 2tud d*da : neipdesK.evoting@cdsi!nda com *2 a «a i @ *& d a e dl <*e 6*2 s 3 9iste.

qq. f*#>i 2«k0 *321 al^os^a 2dl*«fl 01*12! 2C-0* anal3 aif*s (2*!^ ate*l5Gai*i widl 2^ g d . anal3 feoidl d d 3ail a)£os®?i jdl* al^a ^13(*^13 alt»jal**i ew el an*di *3g i 2332 2101 &iS<=e2 *2 anO.

aril 5*of) a i& fta * , 20*30?) 53* c-q a H 3 2ted 3«i aieptd al *0 oilite air*ai*i ai3 d d d*of)oii aoaH 233222 ate $2 5*02152 <350 drfl*i 2o*?l aila2e, 2oqc-dl 3o*?l ailoi2e, 2oqc- ( ofSi (|aal a*ifche)a,d) a iR s a 13120 a<*i * d o?a 2^21.

Mldoll «rf»te ) fate# wauels* isoiloltS RiStis o<fltltew : 02/02/20*2

tarn : sata (§.2j.) suoil 34
