August 2014 Page 1 - Lincolnshire County...


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Issue No 8 August 2014 Page 1

Brookenby’s Community Newsletter

At 2pm (2nd August )the new Memorial to all who served at RAF Binbrook will be unveiled by Les Bradbury (one of the last airmen to leave RAF Binbrook) and Kenneth Bannerman, director of Airfields of Britain.

A blessing of the Memorial will be made by the Rev John Carr. Also attending will be The Royal British Legion, Members of the TA’s, The Sea Cadets and (hopefully) the Air Cadets.

**************** Music on the day and in the evening will be by Johnny Fox Kings of Swing Record Hop ***************** 1940’s Dance 7pm till late For tickets contact Steph on 01472 398114 or Dave on 01472 399549 Adult Tickets £3 each 12-18’s £1 each under 12 free Only 150 tickets available

Donations for the Raffle and the Tombola would be very much appreciated.

In aid of Macmillan, Help4Heroes and Happy Hearts. Donations can be left at 16 Lincoln Road any evening Or ring Steph on 01472 398114 Or Dave on 01472 399549

Thank you to everyone and we hope you all have a Great day!

Don’t forget on Sunday 3rd August at 2.30pm The Limelight Theatre Group are performing a show, with the proceeds going to Macmillan and Help4 Heroes. Come and finish the weekend off with a First World War time theme

BROOKENBY MEMORIAL WEEKEND 2nd AUGUST 10.00am – 4.00pm: 3rd AUGUST 2.30 pm

Craft Stall, Tombola, Anything Goes Stall, MacMillan Cake Stall, Help the Heroes Raffle,

Binbrook Fire Fighters and fire engine, Louth’s Vintage Fire Engine, Bessie, Police, demonstrations on CPR, martial arts and

new age curling, Brookenby Camera Club Stall, WW2 Re-enactment group,

Fancy Dress competitions (1914 for adults, the Future for kids) C&G Courses, Lincolnshire Remembrance Memories and

Memorabilia, Penalty shoot out, face painting, music throughout the day,

Burger and Ice Cream vans, and loads more!


Keep The Home Fires Burning This year marks the centenary of the outbreak of World War 1. This conflict, which cost the lives of over 700,000 servicemen from these islands with a further 200,000 troops from the then British Empire, will be commemorated in a variety of ways, but we have set out below the seemingly inexorable march of events that led to the outbreak of this conflict. In all, there were some 10 million military casualties from all the combatant nations leading to assertions of a ‘lost generation’ of youth.

Photo: British troops at rest in the trenches

28th June. On a visit to Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie the Duchess of Hohenburg, are assassinated by a 19 year old Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, allegedly assisted by a Serbian secret society of army officers known as the Black Hand. 30th June. A tidal wave of horror and indignation over the assassination sweeps Europe: The Times declares “it shakes the conscience of the world”. Austrian Foreign Minister Count Leopold von Berchtold declares that Austria must be prepared to go to the limit in pressing her demands on the “Serbian Wasps’ Nest”. 5th July. In Berlin, Kaiser Wilhelm II reaffirms Germany’s alliance with Austria. 15th July. French President Raymond Poincare arrives in St Petersburg on a state visit to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia (there was a formal alliance between the two countries). 23rd July. The Austrian Government made war virtually inevitable with a series of drastic and humiliating demands which Serbia could not accept without impairing her sovereignty. Serbia must allow Austrian officials to take part in investigations in Serbia into Serbian complicity in the assassination plot and collaborate with Austrian representatives in suppressing subversive movements directed against Austria-Hungary. A 48 hour deadline was given for the acceptance of these terms. Until this point – almost a month after the assassination –most European governments had believed that Austria-Hungary would seek a settlement by negotiation or arbitration, notwithstanding the strained relations between Austria and Serbia. By a cruel combination of events, however, the leaders of the main antagonists were not at their posts: the Kaiser was away on a yachting holiday in Norway; the head of the German Army, Count von Moltke was taking a recuperative cure at a foreign spa; the French President was on a state visit to Austria; the Serbian Prime Minister was preparing to launch his election campaign away from Belgrade; and the Russian Ambassador to Vienna was absent on leave. 25th July. Serbia rejects the Austrian ultimatum: Austria breaks off diplomatic ties with Serbia 26th July. The Serbian army is ordered to mobilise. In St Petersburg the Tsar warns Germany he cannot remain indifferent if Serbian territory is invaded. 27th July. Austrian troops begin invasion of Serbia. 28th July. Austria declares war on Serbia 29th July. The Tsar orders the mobilisation of 1,200,000 troops 30th July. The Kaiser warns the Tsar that Germany will mobilise unless Russia ceases its mobilisation operations within 24 hours 31st July. The Kaiser issues a formal ultimatum to Russia and asks for assurances of French intentions. Over the preceding week, British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, had made several proposals for mediation which at first, found the Kaiser conciliatory, but later to be superseded by a view of “British insolence” in making such suggestions. Germany now mobilises followed by the French. In Britain, the Royal Navy is being prepared for war although it is still unclear even at this late stage whether Britain will join any conflict. 1st August. The Italian government proclaims neutrality. Germany declares war on Russia and the first shots are fired. 2nd August. The Royal Navy is mobilised. 3rd August. Germany declares war on France. The British Government tells Germany that the UK will stand by the 1839 Treaty guaranteeing Belgian neutrality, and will protect French coasts. 4th August. Germany invades Belgium as part of the pre-war ‘Schlieffen Plan’ to overwhelm France by a massive flanking movement whilst striking at Russia in the east: Britain declares war on Germany. Britain’s declaration of war sent cheering crowds surging through London to gather in Downing Street and outside Buckingham Palace singing the national anthem. Optimism in many quarters that the war will be over by Christmas is countered by the view of the newly-appointed Secretary for War, Lord Kitchener, that the struggle will be a long one. The Empire rallies to the colours with Canada, Australia and New Zealand offering expeditionary forces. On a more modest note, Chief Lewandika of the Barotse tribe of Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) calls on his people to make ready with the war effort.




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The Diocese of Lincoln Children & Youth Service, Local Anglican & Methodist Congregations and others will be starting a new Junior Youth Club in Brookenby. The plan is to offer a programme of activities for the 8-12 age

band for one evening a week, during term time (approx. 40 sessions per year). We are seeking to recruit volunteers and to employ Two Session Workers. We need volunteers who are prepared to work with the Club

members and someone to act as Treasurer. The two employed posts are:

Children & Youth Worker – 120 hours per year Assistamt Children & Youth Worker – 110 hours per year

The CYW would be paid on the scale £9.20 - £9.55 per hour, depending upon experience and qualification. The AYCW would be paid on the scale £7.70 - £8.30 per hour depending upon experience and qualification.

Employees who do not hold a national qualification at level two or higher must be willing to undertake training to achieve a level two award.

Training will be provided to volunteers, and all posts are subject to Safer Recruitment procedures, including an enhanced DBS.

For Job Descriptions, Application Forms and further information contact Dave Rose CA, Diocesan Children & Youth Officer,

01522 504067 Or write to:

Brookenby Junior Club, DoLCYS, Edward King House, Minster Yard, Lincoln, LN2 1PU

The Application Closing Date for the two employed posts is Friday 22nd August. Interviews will take place on the evening of 22nd September in Brookenby

LINCOLN Children & Youth



Next Session 9th August

Community Groups Update Brookenby Singing Group The Singing Group will have a summer break after having taken a programme of 60s music to Ravendale Care Home on 15th July. The regular Tuesday morning (10.30 in the Church) will resume on 16th September when both old and new members will be welcome. The Group is open to anyone who enjoys singing – no previous experience or musical knowledge necessary. Happy Hearts Bingo made £25.00 on 5th of July. At the first new age curling taster session only a few turned up but it was enjoyed by all.1940s weekend Margaret has contacted Look North and Radio Lincs about them putting event on their forthcoming events notifications. She is also going to contact Rasen Mail about putting an advert in the paper, Steph is going to contact Grimsby Telegraph about putting an advert in. We hopefully are going to have two plane cockpits coming on day. Les Bradbury was the last man to leave the camp so he is going to unveil the memorial on the Saturday the 2nd at 2.00 p,m, The plinth has already been laid just waiting for go ahead for when memorial will be coming. The Rev John Carr will be holding a short service to bless the memorial. Night dance £3.00 a ticket for adults £2..00 for kids 12 to 18 under twelves get in free. You need to book your tickets in advance ring Steph on 01472 398114 to reserve we only have limited number of tickets available. Sarah

Wolds Events In June, Wolds Events took a small party to the Open Bike Night at the Aviation Museum, East Kirkby. For this annual gathering, the sound of 4 Merlin engines was enhanced by the additional tone of 400 motorbike engines. We had a good opportunity to look around this extensive museum and enjoyed the Lancaster Taxi Run along with the multitude of interesting motorbikes. Merlins and motorbikes; what’s not to like! Jon

Limelight Theatre See report at page 10

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Community Groups Update (continued from previous page)

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Brookenby Community Centre • We have employed a cleaner for 2 hours a week • The Bar will close today but is due to re-open on 1st August under new management • The Dance and fitness studio boiler is due to be replaced hopefully this coming week • We will be launching the digital hub Tuesday 5th August • Community Lincs are running a digital skills course for over 65's on 29th and 31st July 1-3 pm upstairs in the BYPP room. contact Louise Moore for more information 01529 301973 • BYPP now runs from 7pm on a Monday evening and is open to all children aged over 8 Sam Wolds Acoustic Sessions In spite of willing and able performers, we are not attracting the level of support from residents that we would like to see. However, a different format has been suggested that includes a teaching element and this is being investigated and costs examined. Voice coaches are in the region of £25 hour but as there does not seem to be one around here there may be traveling cost to add in. Tony Brookenby Camera Club Brookenby Camera Club have produced a 2015 Lincolnshire Wolds Calendar. The front page has a photograph if the community centre in watercolour and there are twelve photos of the surrounding countryside. If you would like a copy email us at brookenbycc@gmail. and I will deliver locally. The price is just £4.50. They are going fast and there are just a few left so be quick. Michael

Six a side football George Johnson is starting a team for a six a-side league. We train every Tuesday at 7.00 pm behind the Community Centre and all are welcome.

THE PEENEMÜNDE RAID Last month I retold the 2nd part of John Goulevitch’s biography from Peter Dunn’s website: It was briefly mentioned that one of the operations John and his crew took part in was the Peenemünde Raid on the night of 17th August 1943. As this was a pretty important operation involving a huge number of aircraft I thought it might be interesting to write about it in more depth. Most of the information obtained comes from the official RAF website: Unusually, but happily, I can report that no aircraft from 460 Squadron were shot down during this raid which was especially welcome because it coincided with the Squadron completing 1000 sorties. The picture on the right shows Flight Sgt Daniel Rees and Sgt S Rolfe examining their aircraft, the only one from 460 Sqdn badly damaged in the raid. Flight Sgt Rees was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (CGM) which he received at Buckingham Palace on 14 March 1944. His citation reads, ‘One night in August 1943, this airman displayed superb skill when piloting an aircraft detailed for an operation against Milan. During the outward flight, 2 of the bomber’s engines became defective but Flight Sergeant Rees continued to his far distant target and bombed it, afterwards flying the disabled aircraft to base. One night in August 1943, Flight Sergeant Rees took part in an attack on Peenemunde. Whilst over the target area, the aircraft was attacked by a fighter. The attacker was driven off but the bomber had been repeatedly hit. The starboard tail plane and the trimming tabs were shot away, 1 engine and the hydraulic system were damaged, while 1 of the petrol tanks was pierced and its contents lost. Despite this, Flight Sergeant Rees again coolly and skilfully flew the damaged bomber home. This airman, who has completed many sorties, has displayed courage and tenacity of a high degree”. To put this into perspective, Flt Sgt Rees was just 21 years old at the time of the raid! The photograph and citation are reproduced courtesy of The Australian War Memorial. Over 600 aircraft from Bomber Command took part in the moonlight Peenemünde Raid. The operation was to bomb the German research establishment on an island on the Baltic coast where V2 and V1 rockets were being built and tested, and for the first time, there was a Master Bomber in control. There were three targets: the scientists and workers living quarters, the rocket factory and the experimental station. The Pathfinders found Peenemünde easily enough because of the moonlight. The Master Bomber controlled the raid fairly successfully except for the initial marking and bombing which fell on a labour camp for forced workers, situated about 1.5 miles south of the first aiming point. However, the Master Bomber and the Pathfinders quickly brought the bombing back to the main targets. A Mosquito diversion to Berlin drew off most of the German night-fighters which undoubtedly accounted for Bomber Command’s relatively low losses for the first two parts of the raid. By the 3rd phase the night-fighters had arrived in force and armed with their new schrage Musik weapons a total of 40 aircraft were shot down. In addition to 180 Germans, an estimated 600 foreigners were killed in the workers camp. These workers were either sent to Peenemünde from Buchenwald concentration camp or were deportees from France. Aswell as the research centre at Peenemünde, many rocket launch sites were also under construction, again using forced labour. We have been to the Blockhaus d’Éperleques, in northern France and it’s an impressively

foreboding place. It was first attacked by the US 8th Air Force on 27th August 1943 by 187 B17s. The timing of this first raid was apparently due to the advice given by Sir Malcolm McAlpine, who said that the site should be attacked whilst the concrete was still setting. As with the Peenemünde Raid, hundreds of the workers were killed or injured. To keep production going for the “wonder weapon” the concentration camp, “Mittelbau-Dora” in Germany opened for business on 28th August 1943. It is estimated that over 20,000 workers died in this camp at the hands of the SS. Interestingly, Wernher von Braun, one of the two designers of these weapons of destruction, was

whisked secretly out of Germany at the end of the war and was instrumental in the design and successful operation of the Saturn V rockets that allowed NASA to land a man on the moon.




Children’s Artwork Competition 2014

The Community Lincs Children’s Artwork Competition is once again open for entries with a theme this year of “Lincolnshire Wildlife: The Flora and Fauna Through the Seasons” and is again sponsored by Sleaford & District Lions. The competition is open to children aged from 4 to 16 in three categories: 4 to 7, 8 to 12 and 13 to 16. Entries can be black and white or colour, in any medium the children choose. Entries should be on A4 paper or card, landscape or portrait and should include the name and age of the artist along with contact information on the back of the entry.

You can find out more about the competition and download a poster by visiting our website at

Community Lincs’ Photographic Competition sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sleaford is now in its forth year. From this year the competition will have a different format and will now be judged quarterly, providing the opportunity for budding amateur photographers to enter up to four photographs per year. Each quarter the winning entry will be awarded a £40 Love-2-Shop gift card and of course our much coveted certificate. The 2014 theme is: “Wildlife in Lincolnshire” – The flora and fauna through the seasons… The winning photographs will be displayed on our website and in any additional publicity material we feel appropriate from time to time. The quarterly judging dates for 2014/2015 are as follows: · 1st April to 30th June 2014 · 1st July to 30th September 2014 · 1st October to 31st December 2014 · 1st January to 31st March 2015

For further information please email the competition organiser; Tracy Ingram at or Tel: 01529 301952

The Light Goes Out "The lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our time" announced Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary from 1905 – 1916, on the eve of Britain declaring war on Germany and so beginning the First World War. Over the next four years there will be many stories on the radio and television, articles in newspapers and magazines, and countless books published on the First World War. Just about every angle will be covered; women, poetry and

prose, the home front and trench warfare heroism and heartache. And it is quite right that we do continue to explore this subject because by November 1918 I’m fairly certain that the vast majority of people in Britain knew of someone who had either been killed or severely wounded; the “Great” War touched the whole nation in one way or another. The following story came to light just over ten years ago and perfectly illustrates the unique bond that men form when they share something beyond the understanding of their families back home. “Great War Archaeology” by Yves Desfossés, Alain Jacques and Gilles Priaux was written by the archaeologists who were tasked with surveying the land destined to become a business park, just outside of Arras, France. In May 2001, they discovered a rectangular grave about 15m by 2m which contained 20 bodies, carefully laid out side by side. The discovery is described as follows: “Nineteen of the bodies had been buried at the same time, laid out on their backs with their heads facing northwards, their forearms folded and placed horizontally with their joined hands resting on their abdomen. The bodies had been laid out progressively east to west and particular attention had been paid to ensure that the right elbow of each man covered the left arm of his right hand neighbour. Only the 20th and last in the grave was laid out differently with the arms laid along the body without any direct contact with the previous body, situated 40 cms away. Although most of the skeletons were complete the 16th and 17th bodies were only represented with fragments from limbs and the thorax. These few remains, which represented no more than 10% of the original person, had been laid very carefully laid out in the grave at the exact place they would have occupied if the person buried had not been mutilated.” Although it was extremely difficult to identify the bodies because nearly all the evidence had disappeared (personal items were probably removed from the bodies at the time of burial and returned to their families) or rotted over the years. However, the scientists were able conclude that the human remains were those of British soldiers as the excavation site would have been in the British sector, and that they were from the 10th Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment because a few shoulder badges were found. From documented evidence they knew the regiment was in the area from 9 to 13 April 1917. We know the regiment as The Grimsby Chums, men with a strong personal bond not only because they came from the same geographical area but because they shared the same awful conditions and tribulations of war together. It’s no surprise really, that even on the front line, these Chums were buried with care and devotion by their friends. As I said, the twenty men have never been formally identified but they have now been reburied in the Commonwealth War Cemetery at Athies, 5 kms east of Arras. It’s an amazing story but also a little intriguing as to why the 20th man was not touching his comrade. Perhaps he was an officer? When the Commonwealth War Graves Commission was set up, it became a matter of paramount importance that all the graves and headstones were exactly the same with no distinction between rank, race or creed. I guess this mass grave from the outside was a precursor to this principle. It’s really quite poignant to think that the link for these men carried on even in death.


Village Library The Library (located just inside the Church premises) contains a good selection of fiction and non-fiction titles available without charge to anyone in the village. Please feel free to borrow any and return when read. Special thanks are due to the lady who maintains the selection in such good order.


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The Limelight Junior Theatre’s latest show was entitled “Olivia” and 20 youngsters from both Brookenby and Binbrook, and one from Market Rasen took to the stage; some for the first time. Considering the complexity of the play and the ages of the children, the rapturous applause was well deserved. Congratulations to everyone involved especially Ann Forward, the director. The next show will be a performance by the seniors on 3rd August as part of the Brookenby Memorial Weekend. Please refer to the diary page for more details. Please also note that the theatre group will have a summer recess so there will be no drama club until September.

Limelight Theatre – ‘Olivia’ 9th/10th July (Photo: Dave Riddall)

01472 840720


You could have an ad this size (actual size as shown to the left) for just £25 a year (12 issues). Please contact me on or on 399876 for details.

1.  What is the collective noun for ladybirds?

2.  When did Britain declare war on Austria-Hungary?

3.  What is Stefani Germanotta’s stage name?

4.  What dance do the New Zealand rugby players perform before a match?

5.  Who was Han Solo’s partner in crime?

Answers from July: 1. Lionel Bart, 2. Michael Morpurgo, 3. The knee 4. 25 July 1909, 5. Edson

Quiz for August

Lincoln Tank Memorial Update by Julie Cooke. These magnificent T Shirts, designed by Robin Wheeldon, have been produced and are selling like ‘hot cakes’. Very good quality, they are a very reasonable £10 each. They will shortly be available on ebay and details

will be on our website: The date for the Memorial unveiling has been set for Sunday 10th May 2015; one hundred years after William Foster & Co Ltd were in the early stages of their work with the Landship Committee which led to the first tank prototype later in the year codenamed a ‘Water Tank for Mesopotamia’. The Royal Tank Regiment has kindly said they will send a Troop of Soldiers and their Pipes and Drums to the event. We are still working on someone to unveil the Memorial but do have an idea in mind. Potentially we may have another exciting participant at the event but for now my lips are sealed!! To all our supporters – THANK YOU! Julie Cooke, Secretary Lincoln Tank Memorial Group

Brookenby Lounge Bar Mike McLintock who was invited to run the Bar at the beginning of February for an initial period of three months whilst another tenant was found, finally ‘shut up shop’ on 13th July. In spite of having to overcome difficulties not of his creation, he has carried out his role with patience and good humour. I am sure residents would wish to thank him for his sterling efforts and to wish him well for the future. Negotiations are in train with Lynne Johnson and it is understood the Bar will re-open on 1st August.


Advertising rates (All rates based on A4 page size format) Size per annum (12 issues) per single issue ‘business card’ size £25 --- シ page £60 £7 1/2 page £105 £10 Full page £180 £18 Advertising material can be distributed separately with each publication for £8 per item. To have an ad inserted or to arrange deliveries of flyers, contact Tony on 399876, e-mail or deliver to 21 Dale View Road. All material to be submitted by 9.00 am the 25th of each month for inclusion in the succeeding month’s issue. Community News is an independent non-profit making venture under the direction of Wolds Events and supported entirely by advertising revenue.


Lincolnshire’s Finest – Bernie Taupin

Lyricist and poet Bernie Taupin was born at Flatters Farmhouse near Sleaford on 22nd May 1950. Of French ancestry, his father was employed as a stockman by a large farm estate near Market Rasen. Much of Taupin's childhood is reflected in his lyrics and poetry Taupin's father decided to try his hand at independent farming and the family moved to the run-down Maltkiln Farm in Owmby by Spital. Bernie attended school at Market Rasen Secondary Modern, now De Aston School. Taupin was not a diligent student, although he showed an early flair for writing. At age 15, he left school and started work as a trainee in the print room of The Lincolnshire Standard with aspirations to be a journalist. He soon left and spent the rest of his teenage years hanging out with friends, hitchhiking the country roads to attend youth club dances in the surrounding villages, playing snooker in the Aston Arms Pub in Market Rasen and drinking. He had worked at several part-time, dead-end jobs when, at age 17, he answered an advertisement placed by Liberty records A & R man Ray

Williams who was searching for new talent, that eventually led to his collaboration with Elton John. Elton John answered the same advert and although neither Bernie nor Elton passed the audition for Liberty Records, Ray Williams recognised their talents and put them in touch with each other. The pair have collaborated on more than 30 albums to date. Taupin's lyrics include such songs as "Rocket Man”,” Levon” and “Crocodile Rock”, "Honky Cat", “Candle in the Wind", "Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting", "Bennie and the Jets" “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” and “Your Song” their first hit. Hits in the 1980s include “I’m still Standing”, "I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues”, "Sad Songs” and "Nikita." In the 1990s, Taupin and John had more hits, including "The One", "Simple Life", "The Last Song", “Club At The End Of The Street" and "Believe." Taupin and John had their first Broadway musical open in March 2006 with Lestat: The Musical. Taupin wrote lyrics for 10 songs (and an 11th completed non-album track "Across the River Thames") for John's 2006 album The Captain and The Kid (sequel to Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy and appeared on the cover with him for the first time marking their 40th anniversary of working together. ("Across the River Thames" was issued as an Internet-only download as a bonus with certain editions of The Captain and the Kid.) Taupin and John also composed several songs for "The Union", a collaboration album between Elton and his longtime hero Leon Russell released in October 2010. They also collaborated on five original songs for the Miramax movie Gnomeo and Juliet, released in February 2011. In addition to writing for Elton John, Taupin has also written lyrics for use by other composers, with notable successes including "We Built This City” which was recorded by Starship, “These Dreams", recorded by Heart (both of which were collaborations with English composer/musician Martin Page). In 1978, he co-wrote the album From The Inside with Alice Cooper. In 2002, Willie Nelson and Kid Rock recorded "Last Stand in Open Country" for Nelson's album The Great Divide. Nelson's album included two other Taupin songs, "This Face" and "Mendocino County Line” The latter song, a duet between Nelson and Lee-Ann Womack was made into a video and released as the album's first single. The song won the 2003 Grammy for best vocal collaboration in country music. In 2004, he co-wrote Courtney Love’s song "Uncool", from her 2004 debut solo album America’s Sweetheart. In 2005, he co-wrote the title track to What I Really Want for Christmas with Brian Wilson for his first seasonal album. In 2006, he won a Golden Globe Award for his lyrics to the song” A Love That Will Never Grow Old" from the film Brokeback Mountain.


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Useful Information

The Lincolnshire Connection

You may remember that The Collection in Lincoln held an exhibition earlier this year charting Sir Joseph Banks’ voyage with Captain Cook to the South Pacific. Here is another piece of the Lincolnshire/Australian puzzle. Urged on by Joseph Banks, the Admiralty decided to launch an expedition to map the Australian coastline, as well as studying the plant and animal life. The Xenophon was chosen for the expedition because she had plenty of space for supplies; ideally suited to making a long voyage of exploration. She was refitted and renamed the Investigator. On 25 January 1801, Matthew Flinders took command of the ship and on 18 July 1801 HMS Investigator set sail from Spithead (Portsmouth) for Australia.

Captain Matthew Flinders, Royal Navy, was born on 16 March 1774 in Donington. He was a navigator, scientist and cartographer, and was the first to circumnavigate Australia, identify it as a continent and give it its name. He also served under Captain William Bligh (he of Mutiny of the Bounty fame). Flinders made three

voyages to the southern ocean in 1791, 1795 and 1801. In the second voyage, accompanied by George Bass, a fellow Lincolnshire man from Sleaford, he confirmed that Tasmania was an island. It was during the third voyage on HMS Investigator, accompanied by his relation, John Franklin, that Flinders circumnavigated Australia, giving names to many locations that we would find familiar such as: Port Lincoln, Point Bolingbroke, Kirkby Island, Louth Bay and Spilsby Island. The archipelago in this area is known as the Sir Joseph

Banks Group. On this voyage of exploration Matthew Flinders also enlisted the help of an Aborigine called Bengalee to act as interpreter and negotiator with the many tribes that they encountered. In 1803, after 2 years of surveying this continent, HMS Investigator was deemed unseaworthy for the voyage back to England so Flinders took command of HMS Cumberland. This vessel didn’t fare much better as it needed urgent repairs and had to make a stop at the French island of Mauritius. Despite the scientific nature of his work, Flinders was held captive here for the next six and a half years; Britain was after all at war with France. During his captivity, he recorded details of his voyages and put forward his reasons for naming the new continent 'Australia'. He finally returned to England in 1810 but did not live to see the publication of his famous book and atlas, “A Voyage to Terra Australis”. He died on 19 July 1814 and was buried in the churchyard of St James’s Church, which is now believed to be platform 15 at Euston Station! To commemorate Matthew Flinders’ achievements and marking the 200th anniversary of his death, Network Rail is unveiling a new statue of him outside Euston Station. Ironically though, he may actually be exhumed because Platform 15 is one of three platforms being surveyed for the new High Speed Rail link! A smaller statue of him can be found in St Mary and the Holy Rood Church in Donington. However, in Australia there are apparently around 200 statues of this remarkable man. Rear-Admiral Sir John Franklin, Royal Navy, was born in Spilsby in 1786. His aunt

was Matthew Flinder’s step mother and one of his sisters, Sarah, was the mother of Emily, Lord Alfred Tennyson’s wife. Like Matthew Flinders, John Franklin was desperate to go to sea and joined the Royal Navy aged 14. He took part in a number of historic voyages and naval battles, including the Battle of Trafalgar and the expedition to explore the coast of Australia on HMS Investigator. He also made three voyages of exploration to the Arctic, unfortunately he died on the last one, trying to locate the North West Passage in 1847. He was Lieutenant-Governor of Tasmania from 1836 – 1843 and there is a statue of him in Franklin Square Park, Hobart, Tasmania. The epitaph was written by Lord Tennyson:

Not here! The white north hath thy bones and thou, Heroic sailor soul, Art passing on thine happier voyage now, Toward no earthly pole Emily and Alfred Tennyson’s son, Hallam, went on to became the Governor of South Australia from 1899 – 1902 and Governor-General of Australia from 1902 – 1904.


Binbrook & District Women's Institute July report Monthly meetings are on the 1st Thursdays of the Month. Doors open 7 pm – Meetings start 7.15pm Village (Queens) Hall – Plenty of Free Parking. Visitors always welcome.(men as well as women unless otherwise stated) NO MONTHLY MEETING IN AUGUST By the time this gets to you, the garage sale will be done and dusted and we will have had our outing to Gainsborough Old Hall, with the enthusiastic help of our celebrity costumed guide Sue Allan (April 2014 speaker) we will have found out all there is to know about the lives of its occupants in times past. Also some of us are joining other local WI's on their trips, having strawberry teas and hog roasts to name just a few of the things we get up to. We still have our annual visit to Binbrook bowls club on the 15th August where we try not to cause havoc as we team up with the professionals to play 10 ends after a brief refresher session. Several of our menfolk will be joining us for the evenings exercise and the food afterwards ! My husband & our presidents husband are also joining us as we go up up and away in gliders at Kirton Lindsey, courtesy of LNWI federation. Thursday 4th September 7.15pm Speaker :- Jeanette FortnumSubject :- Chernobyl Children Lifeline.Harvest Auction – please bring produce to be auctioned.Hot soup & roll followed by Apple pie will be supplied by WI committee. I still have a few places left for the mosaic workshop with Karen Frosdick forMonday 29th September, members £33 non-members £36. 10am until 4pm. All materials included to make four coasters or a trivet. Venue Binbrook Village Hall. To book a place phone Bunny 01472 399009. Our July meeting was brilliant, yet again we had seven different visitors join us for a fun filled evening. After a brief roll call when everybody was asked what is your favourite musical and nearly every musical ever made seemed to be mentioned, we sat back and watched American born Connie Hurd demonstrate eastern dance which is more commonly known since the 1901 French Worlds Fair as belly dancing. Just like those who have preconceived ideas about the WI we thought we knew what eastern dance was, when we all got up to have a go we found it was easy to do and loads of fun. Our monthly competition, an eastern item was won by Sue J – a highly decorated opium pot. Flower of the month winner, Loreta Sloan an ornamental blue thistle. For more information phone Marina 01472 399501. Visitors £3.50 Members free Raffle 50p Refreshment included.

Brookenby Parish Council Update At the meeting on 1st July, these were the principal issues under discussion. • Wind Turbine planning application. Lee Cordwell was concerned that the supporting documents on the application still related to the previous application for much bigger turbines which made it very difficult for people to make an informed decision. The documents also suggested that the turbines were to power the businesses which is believed to be incorrect. The PC have lodged and objection to the application. • Grass cutting. It was resolved to terminate the contract with Green Grass and accept the quote from Malcolm Slawson. • Cigarette ends & general rubbish. It was resolved to purchase a wall mounted cigarette bin for the front of the building and a waste bin for the rear of the building. • The bar. The Bar is closed for refurbishment and is due to reopen under new management on August 1st

There are currently two vacancies on the Parish Council which may be settled by an election to be held in August or, if there are just two nominations, by automatic co-option. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 5th August starting at 7.00 pm. The meeting is preceded by a public forum in which residents may ask questions or raise points. Any matters requiring the attention of the Parish Council may be raised in writing to the Parish Clerk at Also you can deliver a note in the letterbox outside the Community Centre.

Discount summer travel for under 18s CallConnect is offering £1 tickets (one way) for bus journeys throughout Lincolnshire for young people under 18 until 6 September. The initiative will be available for off-peak travel Mon-Fri 5pm -7pm, all day Saturday and all day during the school holidays. Journeys must be pre-booked so please call 0845 234 3344 for further information or to book seat.

Friends of Binbrook School would like to thank the following people for their help in making the BBQ Sports Day a great success despite the weather trying to put a damper on proceedings: The Gordon Blur Brothers for manning the BBQ, Wolds Events and Happy Hearts for loaning the BBQ, Frank Preston for the delicious sausages and burgers, Mrs Blakeley, Mrs Foulger, Mrs Sturgess and Mrs Walker for making scones and finally a big thank you to the unflappable Mrs Moulding. Our next event will be a Macmillan and St Andrew’s Hospice coffee morning on the 25th September so please look out for further details. In the meantime have a great summer holiday.

Contact me on 01472 399838 or 07590 220490
