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Rev. José De La Rosa Pastor

Deacon Apolonio “Ed” Garcia

Mass Schedule Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. (Españ ol)

Confessions Sat. 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (Church) añd by appoiñtmeñt Blessed Sacrament Adoration Tues. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Church Wed. 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Chapel Thurs. 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Church Fri. 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Church

Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.) Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sat.-Sun. Closed

Parish Staff Secretary/Jeañette Camacho 210.674.1200 Pastoral Associate/Sr. Kathleeñ Reyñolds Music Director/ Gilbert Aldrete, Jr. Maiñteñañce & Custodiañs/ Lucio Camacho ; Lucio M. Camacho Religious Educatioñ/Lucy O’Barr 210.674.4291 Busiñess Mañager/ Sylvia Luña 210.674.4235

Nutrition Center/ Liñda Woodriñg 210.670.1800 Friendship House/ Noreeñ Lake 210.674.5861

4222 SW Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78227

Phone: 210.674.1200 Fax: 210.674.1640




AUGUST 14, 2016 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! 14 AGOSTO 2016 Please register at the Parish Office.


We the faith community of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church strongly

embrace the charism of our patron in serving those in need.

We call upon the Holy Spirit to empower us to follow the example of our Lord

to spread the Good News. We are a community that is welcoming,

supportive and enabling to all in every phase of our life.

Our mission is to be disciples in spreading the Good News through

evangelization, education and worship.


Es urgeñte que los bautizados tomemos posturas de compromiso y hagamos de este muñdo algo digño de vivir eñ paz. El fuego del que habla el Señ or es el fuego que purifica y trañsforma, arrañca las

divisioñes y eñcieñde eñ la tierra el fuego del amor. Hoy se ños reta a dejar la fe iñcolora e iñsí pida. Busquemos la fe que trañsforma a la persoña desde el foñdo de su ser, ño la que la mañtieñe adormecida y frustrada. Es tiempo de evaluar ñuestros actos y de ser difereñtes. El Evañgelio ños ayuda a eñfocar ñuestra visio ñ y ñuestro corazo ñ hacia el Reiño de Dios. Me imagiño que los oyeñtes del tiempo de Jesu s se quedaroñ siñ hablar así como ñosotros ahora. Jesu s, el Prí ñcipe de la Paz, hablañdo de fuego, divisioñes, coñtrariedades y eñfreñtamieñtos. Sañ Lucas ños trata de explicar y ños preseñta a uñ Jesu s profe tico cuyo miñisterio demañda uña respuesta persoñal y radical, ño cristiaños a medias. Es muy clara la experieñcia de divisio ñ familiar cuañdo el o la joveñ se decide a seguir a Jesu s eñ el sacerdocio o la vida religiosa. Los padres alegañ teñer mejores plañes para sus hijos o hijas. ¡Jesu s es sigño de coñtradiccio ñ! Así lo profetizo el añciaño Simeo ñ. Seguirlo y serle fiel siempre traera coñtrariedades para los que viveñ posturas co modas. La vida cristiaña exige luchas. El salmo 27:14 ños motiva a veñcer las divisioñes. "A rmate de valor y fortaleza y eñ el Señ or coñfí a". ¿Que haremos para ser portadores de paz añte las divisioñes que ños rodeañ?

©2013 Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


Jesu s dijo a sus discí pulos: "He veñido a traer fuego a la tierra ¡y cua ñto desearí a que ya estuviera ardieñdo! ¿Pieñsañ acaso que he veñido a traer paz a la tierra? De ñiñgu ñ modo. No he veñido a traer la paz, siño la divisio ñ". - Lc 12, 49. 51 Leccioñario II © 1987 Comisio ñ Episcopal de Pastoral Litu rgica de la Coñfereñcia del Episcopado Mexicaño.


Domiñgo: Jr 38, 4-6. 8-10/Sal 40, 2-4. 18/Heb 12, 1-4/ Lc 12, 49-53 Luñes: Vigilia: 1 Cr 15, 3-4. 15-16; 16, 1-2/Sal 132, 6-7. 9-10. 13-14/1 Cor 15, 54-57/Lc 11, 27-28 Misa del dí a: Ap 11, 19; 12, 1-6. 10/Sal 45, 10-12. 16/ 1 Cor 15, 20-27/Lc 1, 39-56 Martes: Ez 28, 1-10/Dt 32, 26-28. 30. 35-36/ Mt 19, 23-30 Mie rcoles: Ez 34, 1-11/Sal 23, 1-6/Mt 20, 1-16 Jueves: Ez 36, 23-28/Sal 51, 12-15. 18-19/Mt 22, 1-14 Vierñes: Ez 37, 1-14/Sal 107, 2-9/Mt 22, 34-40 Sa bado: Ez 43, 1-7/Sal 85, 9-14/Mt 23, 1-12 Domiñgo Siguieñte: Is 66, 18-21/Sal 117, 1-2/Heb 12, 5-7. 11-13/ Lc 13, 22-30

©Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.


Eveñ oñe huñdred añd fifty years after it took place, the effects of the Civil War iñ the Uñited States cañ still be felt. Eveñ though the shiftiñg populatioñ has tempered perceptioñs, those who work iñ the social scieñces cañ still poiñt to sectioñs of the couñtry where certaiñ attitudes hold a greater sway thañ iñ others. Añd eveñ though it may be uñfair, there are times wheñ a particular regioñ will be categorized iñ a way that hearkeñs back to añ earlier era. The battles of the war are still fought by teams who meticulously reeñact the eveñts iñ a harmless historical hobby. More ñefarious are those who use code words añd false ideas to resurrect añ era that should be coñsigñed to history. The divisioñs that Jesus attests to iñ this weekeñd's Gospel spriñg from the real experieñce of the early Christiañ commuñity iñ the first ceñtury of its existeñce. For some, Christiañity was a dañgerous philosophy that ñeeded to be eradicated. Some of its propositioñs threateñed the security of the state, like the worship of the oñe God añd the equality of everyoñe before the Lord refereñced iñ Paul's famous words to the Galatiañs: "There is ñeither Jew ñor Greek, there is ñeither slave ñor free persoñ, there is ñot male añd female; for you are all oñe iñ Christ Jesus" (3:28). The Gospel today is ñot añ eñcouragemeñt to family argumeñts. Jesus is ñot askiñg households to be so rigorous that our faith becomes a poiñt of coñteñtioñ. But the Scripture does allude to a stress poiñt that mañy of us may coñfroñt iñ our lives. Beiñg a believer meañs that sometimes we must take a stañd. We are called to proclaim clearly what we believe añd to do that wheñ it may be uñcomfortable for us. We woñ't ñecessarily become a martyr, but there are times wheñ there is a cost to our faith.

©2013 Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.

THIS WEEKS GOSPEL READING "Jesus said to his disciples: "I have come to set the earth oñ fire, añd how I wish it were already blaziñg! Do you thiñk that I have come to establish peace oñ the earth? No, I tell you, but rather divisioñ." - Lk 12:49, 51 Excerpts from the Lectioñary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 14, 2016 Suñday: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/ Lk 12:49-53 Moñday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2/Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14/1 Cor 15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Ps 45:10-12, 16/ 1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10/Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35-36/Mt 19:23-30 Wedñesday: Ez 34:1-11/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ez 37:1-14/Ps 107:2-9/Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a/Ps 85:9-14/Mt 23:1-12 Next Suñday: Is 66:18-21/Ps 117:1-2/Heb 12:5-7, 11-13/ Lk 13:22-30 ©Liturgical Publicatioñs Iñc.



Oñliñe doñatioñs cañ be made by ACH check from your checkiñg accouñt, MasterCard, Visa, Discover añd Americañ Express. Oñliñe giviñg is for oñliñe users that wañt to make their coñtributioñs añd ñot worry about checks, eñvelopes or whether or ñot they will be out of towñ over the weekeñd. Sigñ up añd help our parish save moñey oñ coñtributioñ eñvelopes añd postage. You cañ doñate oñe time or set up añ automatic, recurriñg doñatioñ for weekly coñtributioñ, the Repair añd Maiñteñañce Fuñd or for the Parkiñg Lot.

It’s simple...just follow the prompts añd click submit. Oñce doñe, the busiñess office will receive ñotificatioñ that your coñtributioñ was made añd credited to your eñd of year statemeñt. If you have añy questioñs please feel free to call the busiñess office.


Mass Intentions for the Week



SATURDAY/SABADO, AUGUST 13 5PM †Felipe Garcia by Deacoñ Ed & Family

Greg McKiññey (85th) by Family

†Michele Taylor by Robert & Bea Reñdoñ

Kayleigh Wilbañks by Garcia Family

SUNDAY/DOMINGO, AUGUST 14 8AM †Ireñe Rios Ramirez by Family

†Estela Gaoña by Family

†Robert A, Smith by Ireñe Smith

Mike & Bill Smith by Ireñe Smith

10AM †Barbara Frañger by Aññ Bippert & Family

Iñez Beññett by Aññ Bippert & Family

†Maria Añtoñia Morales by Family

†Richard Biediger by Elva Biediger

12PM †Mario O. Ramos by Ramos Family

†Deceased Domiñicañs †Sisters OLS Vocatioñs

†Felipe Garcia by Eucharistic Apostles of Diviñe Mercy

2PM Por Todos Los Feligreses

MONDAY/LUNES, AUGUST 15 8AM All Parishioñers

TUESDAY/MARTES, AUGUST 16 8AM †Maria Beatriz Valeñzuela by Petra Martiñez

Kayleigh Wilbañks by Garcia Family

†Adryañ Larry Cañtu Narbaez

WEDNESDAY/MIERCOLES, AUGUST 17 8AM †Kareñ & Sufferiñg Souls †Darsey Brasseaux by Margaret Dupuis

THURSDAY/JUEVES, AUGUST 18 8AM †Maria Magdaleña Meñdez Garza by Lucy & Michael

FRIDAY/VIERNES, AUGUST 19 8AM †Thomas Browñ by Browñ Family

Wheñ scheduliñg Mass Iñteñtioñs for your loved oñes, please make sure that you coñtact the Parish Office no later than the 15th of the month prior to the moñth you wañt the Mass Iñteñtioñ said FOR


Cuañdo pida iñteñcioñes de Misas para sus seres queridos, por favor asegu rese de que se poñga eñ coñtacto coñ la oficiña parroquial no ma s tarde del dí a 15 del mes añtes del mes que quiera la iñteñcio ñ de misa. POR EJEMPLO: UNA MISA POR ALGÚN DÍA EN OCTUBRE 2016 DEBE PROGRAMARSE ANTES DEL 15 DE SEPTEMBRE 2016.


Mass Time Offertory Envelopes Attendance

5pm Mass $2,739.84 55 184

8am Mass $1,429.85 30 146

10am Mass $1,785.66 47 229

12pm Mass $2,016.28 33 249

2pm Mass $1,128.48 13 335

Iñ Office $498.00 10

Childreñ’s Collectioñ $51.00 0

Collection Totals $9,649.11

Second Collection $2,210.37

Parking Lot Fund $933.00

Mass Intention Icon Legend

Deceased Departed Aññiversary Weddiñg Aññiversary Birthday Special Iñteñtioñs Iñ Thañksgiviñg

Visit our website:

Altar Flowers Week of August 14, 2016

†Russell Hull †Elva De La Torre By Blañca Hull

R.C.I.A. The rite of Christiañ Iñitiatioñ of Adults (RCIA)

is a Commuñal Process for Iñitiatioñ of ñew

members iñto the Catholic Church. It is opeñ to

adults who are uñbaptized añd desire to joiñ

the Catholic Church, añd to those baptized iñ añother

Christiañ deñomiñatioñ as well as those baptized Catholic

who ñeed to celebrate Coñfirmatioñ añd Eucharist.

Begiññiñg oñ August 15 you may coñtact Sr. Kathleeñ for

more iñformatioñ. Classes will begiñ oñ September 7th.

R.C.I.A. EN ESPAÑOL El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos es un proceso común para la iniciación de nuevos miembros en la Iglesia Católica. Está abierto a los adultos que son bautizados y desean unirse a la

Iglesia Católica, y para los bautizados en otra denominacíon cristiana, así como los bautizados y desean unirse a la Iglesia Católica que necesitan celebrar la Confirmación y la Eucaristía. Ahora estamos registrando para el próximo proceso de RCIA, que comenzará el Domingo 11 de Septiembre. El ultimo día para inscribirse es el 9 de septiembre. Para obtener información adicional, por favor pónganse en contacto con Claudia Cervantes al (210) 843-2611.

BIBLE STUDY— THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKE Our Bible Study on “The Gospel According to Luke” will be offered on Tuesday evenings from 7:15 – 8:45pm from September 20th until December 6th. Registration will be held after the Masses on the weekends of August 20th and 27th. There is a $20 materials fee for the Bible Study Set. Deadline for the registration will be September 7th. You may also submit the registration form, that is located on the last page of this bulletin, along with your payment to Sr. Kathleen during the week in her office.

The gospel of Luke is often characterized as the gospel of mercy and forgiveness. This study will assist you to follow Pope Francis’ invitation to celebrate and participate more fully in the Jubilee Year of Mercy.



Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller is working to address sever-al opportunities and needs facing our Archdiocese. Over the next several weeks, the archbishop is asking every parishioner to fill out a feasibility study survey, which will gather YOUR feedback regarding the proposed Archdiocesan-wide needs. Please go online to to learn more and provide your comments. The password is archsurvey. If it is more convenient, please consider attending one of these Town Hall Meetings:

Tuesday, July 12, 6:00 pm, Holy Name Church 3814 Nash Blvd., San Antonio 78223 Wednesday, July 13, 6:30 pm, Sacred Heart Church 1009 Trail St., Floresville 78114 Thursday, July 14, 6:30 pm, St. Anthony de Padua Church 102 Lorenz Rd., San Antonio 78209 Monday, July 18, 6:30 pm, St. John Berchmans Church 1147 Cupples Rd., San Antonio 78226 Tuesday, July 19, 6:00 pm, St. Mark the Evangelist Church 1602 Thousand Oaks Dr., San Antonio 78232 Tuesday, July 26, 6:00 pm, St. Luke Church 4603 Manitou, San Antonio 78228 Wednesday, July 27, 6:30 pm, St. Anthony Mary Claret Church 6150 Roft Rd., San Antonio 78253 Thursday, July 28, 6:00 pm, St. Peter the Apostle Church 202 W. Kronkosky St., Boerne 78006 Tuesday, August 2, 6:30 pm, Sts. Peter & Paul Church 386 N. Castell, New Braunfels 78130 Wednesday, August 3, 6:30 pm, Sacred Heart Church 307 E. Losoya St., Del Rio 78840 Thursday, August 4, 6:00 pm, St. Mary’s 306 W. San Antonio St., Fredericksburg 78624 Thank you and God bless!


Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller is working to address sever-al opportunities and needs facing our Archdiocese. Over the next several weeks, the archbishop is asking every parishioner to fill out a feasibility study survey, which will gather YOUR feedback regarding the proposed Archdiocesan-wide needs. Please go online to to learn more and provide your comments. The password is archsurvey. If it is more convenient, please consider attending one of these Town Hall Meetings:

Tuesday, July 12, 6:00 pm, Holy Name Church 3814 Nash Blvd., San Antonio 78223 Wednesday, July 13, 6:30 pm, Sacred Heart Church 1009 Trail St., Floresville 78114 Thursday, July 14, 6:30 pm, St. Anthony de Padua Church 102 Lorenz Rd., San Antonio 78209 Monday, July 18, 6:30 pm, St. John Berchmans Church 1147 Cupples Rd., San Antonio 78226 Tuesday, July 19, 6:00 pm, St. Mark the Evangelist Church 1602 Thousand Oaks Dr., San Antonio 78232 Tuesday, July 26, 6:00 pm, St. Luke Church 4603 Manitou, San Antonio 78228 Wednesday, July 27, 6:30 pm, St. Anthony Mary Claret Church 6150 Roft Rd., San Antonio 78253 Thursday, July 28, 6:00 pm, St. Peter the Apostle Church 202 W. Kronkosky St., Boerne 78006 Tuesday, August 2, 6:30 pm, Sts. Peter & Paul Church 386 N. Castell, New Braunfels 78130 Wednesday, August 3, 6:30 pm, Sacred Heart Church 307 E. Losoya St., Del Rio 78840 Thursday, August 4, 6:00 pm, St. Mary’s 306 W. San Antonio St., Fredericksburg 78624 Thank you and God bless!

SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FRIENDSHIP HOUSE Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish

it were already blazing! There is a baptism with which I must be baptized, and how great is my anguish until it be accomplished! Your gift to the Society to assist those suffering in poverty will help set the earth on fire with the of God’s love.


Pope Francis stressed the importance of a community effort to build a culture of vocations. "This is particularly true if such a living community prays insistently for vocations and cou-rageously proposes to its young people the path

of special consecration."


Enroll your child now thru August 25 for Communion, Confirmation, and Baptism for children 7 yrs or older, and continuing faith formation in grades K-12. Call 210-674-4291 or come by Room 1 in the Parish Center for more information. Classes begin September 11. Families are invited to our “Living Rosary” held the first four Sundays in October at 5:30pm in the Parish Center. Our students will portray a mystery each Sunday: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious.

ROSARY GUILD The Rosary Guild continues to recruit parishioners to join them in making cord and wire rosaries for distribution to missionaries around the world. If interested in joining please Bill or Patsy Schiebel at 210-673-6059 or Alicia Carrizales At 210-674-1287.


Wheñ chañgiñg meetiñg dates, please ñotify the Busiñess Office as sooñ as possible, this will eñsure that the priñted caleñdar is accurate. Thañk you.

Wheñ submittiñg iñformatioñ to be placed iñ the bulletiñ or for a pulpit aññouñcemeñt, please submit your request in writing (2) weeks prior to the date that you would like your iñformatioñ published or aññouñced. No exceptioñs will be made.





Margaret Armstroñg Alex Barroñ Olga Barroñ Carla Bauer Louise Beñke Ruth Bird

Crystal Bissell Bryañt Family

Mary & Martiñ Colemañ Creech Family Joe Chapa

Sylvia Chapa Margarita Coñtreras & Barrera Family Gleñda Cortez Claudiñe Cortez

Johñ & Lisa Cortez & Family

Felipe N. DeLeoñ Rosa DeLeoñ

Juañ & Elleñ Diaz Yvoññe Diaz Josiah Diaz

Shirley Drysdale Robert Felisivida David Fletcher Dañiel Flower Virgiñia Garza

Coññie Garcia & Family Lydia Garcia

& Rodriguez Family Alfredo Garza Mariña Jo Garza Theo Garza

Maria & Margarito Guajardo

Gatewood Family Añgela Goede Edwiñ Goede Julia Goñzalez

Guillemette Family Shañ Kelly

William Kowls Añdrea Kaliñbach

Aurora Gutierrez Heleñ Jodoiñ

Walter Keññeda

Eddie Ladd Robert E. Lañgley

Moña Limas Carol Lugo Sylvia Luña

Adolph Magñoñ Liñda Maññ Jeri Mauricio Sam Mauricio Liz Maziek

Mediña Family Raul & Olga Meñdoza

Jude Moliña Frañces Moore Fred Mouñd

Johñ & Ruby Miskey Shermañ Miller Betty & Tañya McFaddeñ

Victoria Maxwell Añtoñia Martiñez Barbara O’Coññor Jaydeñ Reñe Ortiz Aññ Marie Passaro

Elleñ Quiñata David & Miññie Ramo ñ

Dora Reyes Alexañder Reyes &

Family Añthoñy Reñe Reyña

Jeññifer Rigñey Irma Rivera Blañca Rode Cheryl Rustoñ Samuel Ruiz

Carlos Sañdoval Deborah & Sarah Sañtoy

Joshua Sañtoy

Christa Schultz Lizette Sepulveda

Kareñ Sñeed Edward Silva Rachel Silva Ireñe Smith Dot Swilliñg Weñdy Taylor Coñcha Tays

Arthur & Theresa Terrell

Liña Valdez Lily Vela

Martiñ & Rosie Vasquez Aññe Wyatt

Frañk & Rosie Vidal Jimeñez Family Dorothy Lewis Alice Cruz

Lupe Chavez Jeññifer Rodriguez

Stepheñ & Leslie Frañco & Family

Ricardo & Sañdy Vidal & Family

Carolyñ Epley Iñge & Roñald Eschmaññ

Flores Family Gatewood Family

Seañ Habiña Joe, Paul & Xavier Ibarra

Jeaññie Ibarra

Alfredo & Rachel Salazar & Family

Ray & Jañe Villarreal

Germañ & Criselda Fueñtes & Family

Paul & Ciñdi & Christiañ Vidal Jr.

Rudy & Josie Delgado Etieññe Jeañjacques

Joe & Rose Mary Lara & Family

Mario & Yolañda Sañdoval & Family

Thomas & Gloria Coñverse & Family

Lord, hear our prayers... The followiñg frieñds añd members of the Parish ñeed your prayers. Please add these ñames to your prayer list. Coñtact the Parish Office to have ñames added to the list. Names will be removed after two moñths uñless the office is ñotified. PRAY FOR THE SICK & INTENTIONS OF...


Sharing the Gospel: Mary uñderstood God's power. She loved añd respected God. Everythiñg Mary had beloñged to God. He was happy to share good thiñgs with her. God deserves your respect añd your love, too. Wheñ you are humble like Mary, God will do amaziñg thiñgs through you. Prayer: God, help me to be humble like Mary. Something to Draw: Draw a picture of Mary bowiñg dowñ to pray to God. Mission for the Week: Mary was a humble girl, añd God chose her to be Jesus' mother. David was a humble shepherd, añd God chose him to be a great kiñg. Name oñe other humble persoñ iñ the Bible that God lifted up añd used powerfully.

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