August 14, 2016 9:30 a.m. - Bethel...


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August 14, 2016 – 9:30 a.m. We welcome you warmly in the name of Jesus Christ!


Call to Worship Christ Candle – Joshua Vermeer

Welcome and Greetings Pastor Harv Roosma

Songs of Praise & Worship

Installation of Deacons

Morning Prayer

Offering General Fund

God Speaks Through His Word Jeremiah 23:23-29; Luke 12:49-56

Red Bible – Pages 774 & 1032 Black Bible – Pages 554 & 738

Message “Peace or Not” Pastor Harv Roosma



Song of Response

Parting Blessing Pastor Harv Roosma

Closing Song

Come, let us PRAY together! We recognize the importance of coming together and praying for personal concerns. Please feel free to come up front after our service and someone will pray with you for whatever you would like to hold up to our great God. All prayer matters are kept confidential. Sheltering Tree Prayer Team

INSTALLATION OF NEW DEACONS TODAY Bethel’s new Deacons are Pat Gorham and Karen Sartell. Thank you to Lance Erickson and Brian Weldon who have completed their terms of faithful service on Council.

TODAY WE CELEBRATE THE LORD'S SUPPER – This past week we examined our lives, hearts and consciences. If your desire is to live in faithful obedience before God and in love and peace with your neighbors, please join us in this meal. When we come to the

table with true repentance for our sins, believing in Jesus Christ as our Savior, He welcomes us with loving arms to taste His goodness and to participate in

the joy of His kingdom.

Please be informed that the communion elements are juice and bread. There are gluten-free wafers in a cup in the middle of the bread tray. NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED NEXT SUNDAY – We will welcome Troy and Janelle Payment and Sam Daml into membership next Sunday, August 21st. As part of this welcoming we will also celebrate the baptism of Janelle Payment. We praise God as we look ahead to this exciting day.

SECOND OFFERING NEXT SUNDAY – CROSSROADS BIBLE INSTITUTE equips the church to disciple people in prison with the Word of God, free of charge, wherever they are incarcerated. It is a personal, in-depth and long-term program that is uniquely designed to help people grow dramatically in a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ, preparing them for and assisting them in successful re-entry upon release. If this is something that interests you, please contact Norma Baas.

Welcome to Bethel Church!

We are thankful that you are here this morning. We look forward to the opportunity to worship God together. This morning we install deacons for their terms of service.

We again thank God for providing leaders at church. We will also have the opportunity today to celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in which we

remember the saving work of Jesus. We pray that you will be filled with God’s strength and joy as we worship together.


Offering Received on 8/7/2016 $ 4,821.75 $ 5,251.37 $ (429.62) Offerings Received Year-to-Date: $ 4,821.75 $ 5,251.37 $ (429.62)

BUILDING FUND: Debt Reduction Received YTD (FY 7/31/2017) $

SPECIAL FUND – SIM/Wunderinks $ 795.00 August 21

st – Crossroads Bible Institute September 11

th – CCS

Sunday August 14th – 9:30 am August 21st – 9:30 am

South Door Greeters: Dan & Mary Ann W. Joel & Julie DH

North Door Greeters: Hana H. Steve & Deb D.

Main Door Greeters: Julian & Norma B. Mark & Terri B.

Christ Candle Joshua V. Alissa L.

Ushers: Harv S. & Joel T. Harv S. & Joel T.

Nursery: Annemarie U. / Toben DH Heather K. / Grace E.

Coffee Café: Jerry & Barb H.

LeRoy & Carolyn K. Tom & Heather K. Chuck & Phyllis K.

Second Offering: None Crossroad Bible Institute

Mark Oleen 6 Samuel Trunk 18 Troy Payment 25

Tom Eller 8 Cheyenne Nieman 20 Nathaniel Friend 25

Clayton Payment 9 Rob Braun 21 Sandi Geurkink 28

Tony Trunk 9 Alyssa Pohl 21 Ali Droogsma 29

Jerry Herman 15 Daniel Workman 22 Brandi Ulferts 30

Ayden Totzke 17 Alissa Lueck 22 Justin Vermeer 31

o A gift awaits you in the welcome basket just inside the front doors.

o Visit our “Fidget Area”: Quiet Bags, Response Folders & our Color Worship Table are available in the back

which provides an opportunity to respond in creative ways during worship.

o Nursery Care is available for young children by loving care attendants. The nursery is located to the south,

just inside the entrance to our educational wing; follow the signs past the kitchen serving window.

o As a courtesy, please switch your cell phone & pagers off or to silent mode.

o We invite you to join us after our service in our Coffee Café for an opportunity for us to get to know one another better!

JOE & LINDSEY KIEL – We extend our congratulations to Joe and Lindsey who were married on Saturday, July 23, 2016. We pray God’s richest blessings for them.

“Thank you so much for joining us on our wedding day. We love and appreciate each and every one of you. Your support, encouragement throughout the years has meant the world to us. Bethel CRC will always hold a special place in our hearts.” Marly & Tony

TONY & MARLY DROOGSMA – We extend our congratulations to Tony and Marly in their marriage that took place at Bethel Church on Saturday, August 6, 2016. We pray for God’s richest blessings for them as they establish their new home.

JARED & VICTORIA WELDON We extend our congratulations to Jared and Victoria who were married on Friday, August 12, 2016 in North Carolina. The couple will reside in St. Cloud.

NEW CELL PHONE NUMBER – Dustin Ulferts has a new cell phone number: 612-834-2747

NEW CELL PHONE NUMBER – Rachael Small has a new cell phone number: 612-312-3423

NEW EMAIL – Tiffany Wolf has a new email address: denmother3483

NURSERY COORDINATOR NEEDED – We are in need of a coordinator for the nursery. Please see Carolyn Koppendrayer if you are interested in serving God in this way. THANK YOU to Jody Rice for offering her time and talent in the Nursery Coordinator position the past few years.

MELISSA DAHL is looking for a place to host a garage sale and will need

shelving to display the items on. Please call her at 763-389-0171 if you are able to help her out. Thank you.

The LUKE SOCIETY NEWS magazine Summer 2016 edition is available on the

table in back of the Gathering Place for the taking.

BETHEL’S GARDEN has produce. Please feel free to take whatever you

would like on the table located by the coat room. Enjoy!

LOST AND FOUND – Please pick up any items that belong to you. They are

located on the table by the front doors. After August 14th all items that are left will be donated.

RUNNING FOR JUSTICE 5K is scheduled for August 20, 2016. If you are

interested in participating in this run, please see the flyer on the bulletin board by the coatroom.

DAY OF KINDNESS is on August 20th. Bethel Church will be giving away

socks at Thrift with a Twist which were collected during BAC2ONE as one of their community projects. There is a flyer in your mailbox with information about all kinds of activities that will be taking place on that day.


family are cordially invited to join us on….. Sunday, August 21, 2016 from 4-6 pm in front of the Caley House… as we celebrate God’s goodness to us and say a HUGE THANK YOU to the people who make Elim’s ministry possible.” For more information, see the flyer on the bulletin board by the coat room.

MEALS – Are you willing to make a meal for someone who needs one? If so,

please call Norma Baas at 320-369-3003.

BOYS CLUB – looking for 1-2 more leaders to help either full time or part-

time. The Boys Club is for boys who are in grades 1-6 and meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 6:00-7:30 pm for adventure, to learn fun skills, and to put God first in their lives!

GEMS – The Council is looking for someone to help Kimmy Quale with GEMS

this fall. Girls grades 1-6 meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 6:00-7:30 pm. Girls have a place to belong and build lasting relationships with God and with other girls!

REFORMATION JUBILEE TOUR – “Dr. Cornel and Nancy Venema will be

hosting a 13 day tour to Germany, France, and Switzerland to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Tour dates are Oct. 28th – Nov. 9th, 2017. Anyone interested in joining the tour, see the Mid-America Reformed Seminary website ( for more information.”

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways

acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Blessings With thankful hearts we commemorate Christ’s death for us Celebrate with Joe and Lindsey Kiel who were married on July 23rd Celebrate with Jared and Victoria Godley who were married on August 12th Celebrate with David and Ashley who were married yesterday

Requests Wisdom and good training for new elders and deacons as they begin their

service — may each one have the mind, heart and eyes as of Jesus. May we as a congregation pray for them!

New members class Persecuted Christians, especially in North Korea and the Middle East Brian and Heather’s little baby girl Godly wisdom for our next president and for us as we vote — “Lord lead us in

the way!” The Council is looking for someone to help Kimmy Quale with GEMS this fall Boys Club needs 1-2 leaders for full or part-time help. If you are interested,

please talk to Tom Kittok at 320-983-2414

Those struggling with addiction & life challenges: God’s wisdom and strength for all

“If you have a celebration or concern, we’d like to prayer for you. Please let the office know. We post what we are aware of and have permission to publish.”


The mission of Bethel Church is to glorify God in worship and our daily living, to evangelize His world, and to connect people to God so that they become part of a Christian community. We will accomplish this through prayer, joyful

worship, Biblical training, use of spiritual gifts, Christian fellowship, and outreach in our community.


Prayer Groups Sunday School Worship Wednesday’s Table BAC2ONE Music Ministry Library Children in Worship Just for You! Bethel Garden Stitch & Share Booktalk Bookclub

Youth – Grades 1 – 6: GEMS Girls Club & Boys Club Youth – Grades 7 - 12: IGNITE Women: Coffee Break w/Children’s Programs, Women’s Prayer Group, Stitch & Share Men: Men to Action! Adult Small Groups: List available from the Bethel Office Hospitality: Carolyn Koppendrayer

Sunday, August 14 Communion

9:30 am Worship – Pastor Harv Roosma

Tuesday, August 16 7:00 pm Cribbage with Willy

Wednesday, August 17 7:00 am Prayer at Bethel

5:00 pm Ignite – Summer Small Groups

6:00 pm Bethel Garden

7:00 pm Ignite – Summer Bonfire

Sunday, August 21 9:30 am Worship – Pastor Harv Roosma

8938 – 33rd

St., Princeton, MN 55371 763-389-5715 Office Hours:

PASTOR HARV 763-310-9268: M-Th 10:00am – 4:00pm YOUTH PASTOR - JASON 320-980-6253: M 1-5pm Tu 8:30am–12:30pm W 8am–Noon Th 8:30am–12:3pm OUTREACH DIRECTOR - BETSY 763-360-3342: M: 10am-3pm, generally ADMIN. ASST. - CONNIE: M: 10am–3pm Tu: 11:30am-3:30pm W/Th: 10am-2pm F: 10am-4pm

Offices are typically open before and after the hours listed. However, due to ministry needs

in our community these in-house office hours can fluctuate. If you need to contact any of our staff, we encourage you to call their cell phone.

10:30 Worship begins on September 11th