AUDITION INFORMATION - Theatre Tallahassee


Citation preview

Adapted by Patrick Barlow

Directed by Brian Davis

Audition Dates: Oct 27 & 28Performance Dates: Dec 12-22, 2019




CONTENTS AUDITION PACKETWELCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3ABOUT OUR AUDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4SPECIAL EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4THE PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5ABOUT THE DIRECTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5AUDITION NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5IMPORTANT DATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6CHARACTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

SIDE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8SIDE 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9SIDE 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11SIDE 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12SIDE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

CREDITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16AUDITION FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


Thank you for your interest in auditioning for a Theatre Tallahassee production!

If you’ve auditioned for us before, welcome back!

If this is your first time auditioning at Theatre Tallahassee, we’re thrilled to have you! We’ve been around now for 70 years, and we wouldn’t have lasted so long without new people, new talent, and new voices.

Whether you’re a veteran performer who just moved to town or you’ve never been on stage before but really want to try, we’d like to encourage you to audition for shows at Theatre Tallahassee.

We’re aware that auditioning can be an overwhelming experience, even if you’ve done it a hundred times before. We’ve put this information booklet together for you to help you learn a little more about the play, the characters you will be reading for, and to give you some idea of what to expect during auditions.

Please read over the character list and director’s comments, and pay attention to any specific audition requirements for this show. Then review any script sides provided. We’ve included a printable audition form at the back of this information booklet that you can fill out and bring with you. You may also bring a headshot and/or resume, if you have one, but they are not required.

Break a leg!



We’ve been around for over 70 years, and produced more than 460 shows.

This season, we hope you’ll become part of our Theatre Tallahassee family.



Theatre Tallahassee auditions are open — we try our best to discourage directors from pre-casting roles.

Know what you’re auditioning for . Most directors provide script sides in this packet for you to study ahead of time. Do a little research online about the play. We also keep copies of the script at the theatre, so if you would like the opportunity to read it ahead of time, you can drop by during business hours and we’ll let you peruse it at Theatre Tallahassee.

Audition requirements may vary from show to show . Some directors like cold readings. Some might ask for monologues. For musicals, you may be asked to bring music, or wear dance clothes. Read the audition notes in this booklet to be prepared.

Audition formats vary depending on director . Some directors prefer closed auditions, where you will wait in another room until you are called in. Others like having everyone in one room. During closed auditions, if you bring someone to support you they may be asked to wait in the other room (unless you are a minor).

We know that it can be disappointing not to get a part . We always have more people audition than we have roles for, and there are many factors that directors have to weigh when casting. We encourage you to audition often. Just because you weren’t right for one role, doesn’t mean that you won’t be perfect for another.

We encourage you to get involved in other ways . Helping paint or build sets, costumes or props, working backstage, or volunteering to usher are great ways to meet people, network, and become part of our theatre family.

We look forward to seeing you on stage. Break a leg!


This production is a special Mainstage event, and not part of our regular season. Here’s a quick list of what you should know.

• This production will be performed in our mainstage auditorium, which seats approximately 270 people.

• This show will only run for two weekends, and extra performances may be added within those two weekends.

• Performances will be Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays (matinee).

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Brian Davis is the Artistic Director of Theatre Tallahassee, most recently he directed Leading Ladies (June 2019), A Chrismas Carol (December 2018). Prior to that directing credits include Constellations, Private Lives, White Christmas 2014/2015, One Man, Two Guvnors, and Fox on the Fairway.


It’s the classic tale of Christmas with a fresh and clever twist. 5 actors playing all the parts and even sometimes the scenery. This re-imagining brings exciting new life into the story that we all know.

Patrick Barlow, writer of the Broadway and West End hit The 39 Steps, has retold Charles Dickens’ holiday classic, A Christmas Carol. This thrilling adaptation uses only five actors to bring some of Dickens’ most beloved characters to life. From Scrooge and Tiny Tim to Bob Cratchit and Mrs. Fezziwig, Barlow’s A Christmas Carol uses nothing more than some simple props, fresh physicality, and the power of imagination to convey this timeless story of redemption. Witness Ebenezer Scrooge’s transformation from a stingy miser to a man who generously celebrates the spirit of the season all year long, in this highly theatrical adaptation.


Aside from the roll of Scrooge, each actor in this show will need to be able to play multiple characters of various ages, genders and various British/Cockney/Irish accents. Ability to do character acting, accents and improv will be very helpful with this show and the audition process.

Puppeteering experience is also a plus.

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AUDITIONS Sun, Oct 27 & Mon, Oct 28 at 7pm please arrive 10-20 min early for sign-in

Call Backs Tues, Oct 29 at 7pm By director invitation only.

REHEARSAL PERIOD Oct 30-Dec 11 7-10pm, Mon-Thurs No rehearsal Nov 1, 7, 8, 15, 22, 28, 29, Dec 6 NOTE: See calendar for potential rehearsal dates. Subject to change after casting.

Tech Week Dec 2-6 Crew integration, cue-to-cue, tech rehearsals. Please try to avoid schedule conflicts during this week

Dress Rehearsals Dec 9-11 required attendance

PERFORMANCES Dec 12-15 Dec 19-22 Weeknight and Saturday evening performances are at 8 pm, with a 6:30 pm call time. Second Saturday and Sunday matinee performances are at 2 pm, with a 12:30 pm call time. *Benefit performance likely

Pick Up Rehearsals Dec 18 Held at director & stage manager’s discretion. Keep dates open.

Closing & Strike Dec 22 Cast & Crew are required to participate in show strike. Please keep this evening free of conflicts.

Actors must be able to commit to all

performance dates & tech/dress rehearsals .




No rehearsal Sept. 18. Sat rehearsals TBD

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We are only auditioning the Male characters in this production, the female roles are going to carry over from last years production.

Actors must be able to play all parts listed under the title - you will likely be asked to audition for multiple roles under each.


Miserly, but enjoys his lot in life, scoffs at the world around him as frivolous and unnecessaryEbenezer Scrooge - standard British - 50-60


Bob Cratchit - cockney - 40 - always optimistic, high energy, at Scrooge beckon call, lots of physical energyMarley - standard British - 50-60Young Scrooge - standard British - 16-19Little Scrooge - standard British- 8Katie Cratchit - cockney - 9Boy in street - cockney - 12Frederick’s children - standard British - 3-12Various narrators, carol singers, debtors, spirits, skaters, ghostly helpers etc.


Frederick - standard British - 35 - upbeat and kind, loves this time of year, can't understand what is wrong with Uncle Scrooge, but never gives upMr Grimes - Northern English - 60 - a terrible and mean head masterMr Fezziwig - Irish - 50George - standard British- 30Peter Cratchit - cockney - 15Abigail Cratchit - cockney - 9Tiny Tim - cockney - 7Spirit of Christmas Yet To Come - 50 - standard British - dark, mysterious Passer-by - cockney - 20Various narrators, carol singers, debtors, spirits, skaters, ghostly helpers etc.


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SIDE 1 FREDERICK . And will ye not hear ME sir! A Christmas feast uncle! A roaring fire sir! A fine plump turkey sir! Chestnut stuffing! Roast potatoes! Cranberry sauce, brussel sprouts and gravy sir!

(He addresses this to SCROOGE who stands grimacing, but also to CRATCHlT, the door [ACTOR} and the doobell [ACTOR} who listen yearningly.)

SCROOGE . Gruel sir!!!!

FREDERICK . No sir no! A true Christmas table uncle! All alight with smiling faces! Joy on every countenance! Music and dancing and—

SCROOGE . —and parlour games l should imagine sir!!!

FREDERICK . Yes uncle yes ! All manner of games sir ! Oh uncle, dearest uncle!! (puts his arms round him)

SCROOGE . (freezes) Unhand sir me please sir!

(An awkward moment. FREDERICK lets him go. Looks at him.)

FREDERICK . What is it about Christmas uncle!? What is it makes you so unhappy sir?

SCROOGE . IT DOES NOT MAKE ME UNHAPPY SIR! I am exceptionally happy with Christmas if you wish to know sir! It brings me joy sir! For the plump profits it heaps upon my table! For the merry way it stuffs my wallet sir! Christmas? I ADORE IT SIR!

FREDERICK . Profits uncle! Stuffed wallets sir! That is not the point of Christmas! Christmas is not that ! It is a time of loving sir! Of giving and forgiving and —

SCROOGE . That is YOUR Christmas sir! Giving and forgiving and lovey dovey doving and that Christmas sir is a fraud! A sham! A fake sir! just like this — paper chain sir! (He rips down the banner.) What is the excellently expressive and — if I may say so — hilarious word I use for 'Christmas' Cratchit? CRATCHIT!!!


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SIDE 2 SCROOGE. Everything tickety-boo Mr. Cratchit?

(CRATCHIT takes SCROOGE 's overcoat and and hangs them over hook [or ACTOR].)

CRATCHIT. Everything tickety-boo sir yes thank you sir.

SCROOGE. Tickety-boo for, Mr. Cratchit?

CRATCHIT. Tickety-boo for er - (thinks)- the day sir?

SCROOGE. For the day indeed sir. Always for the day sir!

(SCROOGE laughs. CRATCHIT laughs. The ACTORS laugh.)

But for what else sir? What else particularly Mr. Cratchit are we tickety-boo for?

(SCROOGE waits. CRATCHIT thinks. The ACTORS think.)


SCROOGE. (hums just audibly) God rest you merry Gentlemen—

CRATCHIT. (small voice) Christmas sir?

SCROOGE. What was that Cratchit? Didn't quite - catch it Cratchit!

(SCROOGE laughs. CRATCHIT laughs. The ACTORS laugh.)

CRATCHIT. Christmas sir!

SCROOGE. Christmas sir! Absolutely sir! Spot on Mr. Cratchit!

(SCROOGE applauds. The ACTORS applaud. CRATCHIT bows.)

CRATCHIT. Thank you thank you sir. Thank you kindly sir !

SCROOGE. Now then! Eyes closed!

(CRATCHIT and the ACTORS close their eyes.)

SCROOGE. No peeking!

(SCROOGE chuckles. CRATCHIT chuckles. The ACTORS chuckle.)

(SCROOGE pulls a cord. A garland drops down. It says A PROSPEROUS CHRISTMAS TO OUR ESTEEMED CUSTOMERS!)

SCROOGE. And open!

(CRATCHIT and the ACTORS open their eyes. They see the garland [they've seen it before} and applaud wildly.)

SCROOGE. Thank you, thank you , thank you. My mostest mostest favorite time of year. Is it not, Mr. Cratchit?


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CRATCHIT. Indeed it is sir yes sir. Your mostest mostest, sir.

SCROOGE. Indeed indeed sir! Ha ha ha! Ho ho ho! So - let us begin on this happy happy Christmas Eve. Time please if you'd be so kind Mr. Cratchit?

(CRATCHIT nods to the ACTOR playing the clock. The clock tings seven times. SCROOGE, CRATCHIT and the ACTORS wait. )

CRATCHIT. Seven o'clock sir.

SCROOGE. Seven o'clock. Precisely. And time for Mr. Cratchit?

(CRATCHIT consults a large appointment book.)

CRATCHIT. First customer sir.

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SIDE 3 CRATCHIT. Sir? Excuse me sir?


CRATCHIT. If it's quite convenient sir —

SCROOGE. Convenient sir? For what sir!?

CRATCHIT. To bid you goodnight sir.

SCROOGE. Goodnight sir!? GOODNIGHT SIR!!? No it's not convenient sir. Not convenient one jot sir!

CRATCHIT. But sir it's closing time sir.

SCROOGE. Closing time! Closing time! It's always closing time, isn't it! Go on then! Away with ye! Back first thing tomorrow!

CRATCHIT. Tomorrow sir!? But it's Christmas Day, sir!

SCROOGE. So what am I supposed to do Cratchit! While you're gallivanting with your brood. With all your loathsome little 'kiddies'! Gorging yourselves on some profligate Christmas bean-feast no doubt!

CRATCHIT. Yes sir. Sorry sir.

SCROOGE. Which I shall be paying for sir ! Picking a man's pocket every twenty-fifth of December! It's not fair sir! But don't think about me, no no no, don't spare a thought for others will you! You wait sir! See how I work you next year sir! You'll repent sir then sir I can tell ye! Back on Boxing Day Cratchit ! Before the first light cracks the sky! Or - it's the hatchet Cratchit!

CRATCHIT. Right sir.

(Brings SCROOGE cloak, hat and stick. Puts cloak round him, over:)

SCROOGE. So if you happened to have any little happy family jaunt jotted in your diary for that particular day Cratchit, then you'd better scratch it Cratchit! (laughs loudly) Ha ha ha ha ha!

CRATCHIT. (laughs halfheartedly) Very good sir. Yes sir. And a very happy—



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SIDE 4 SCROOGE. Get back sir! Get back I tell thee!! Who are you sir? Who are you? Who are you sir!?

(Sound Effect: FLASH of thunder and lightening)

(The FIGURE transforms into MARLEY'S GHOST.)

MARLEY. 'Tis I EBENEZER!!! Jacob Marley! Retuned from the grave sir!!!

SCROOGE. (transfixed) MARLEY!!?? Marley!!??? Returned from the — No no no sir! You are — ha ha ha! Not he sir! You are — as door as a deadnail. As dale as a door-ned. As ned as a nob-dod. I mean — you are — you are —(steadying himself) — an infection of the mind sir. Is what you are sir! Caused by a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato, an undigested piece of roast beef. Grave sir!? There is more of gravy than of grave about you sir! You are not he sir! (He laughs loudly) Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

MARLEY. Then I shall prove it to thee that l am sir. Remember mine face sir? A face like ancient parchment it was said sir.

(The GHOST reveals his face. He might undo the traditional MARLEY bandage. He might pull a mask off. Whatever he does, he shrieks into SCROOGE’s face)



(SCROOGE ricochets across the stage. Staggers to his feet.)

SCROOGE. No no no no sir!!! You will not frighten me sir with all your ghosty tricks sir! I am very sorry if thou art decomposing but it is hardly my problem. Put a brave face on it sir! (He laughs.) Don't go to pieces! (laughs again) Ha ha ha!

MARLEY. (unmoved) True. It is not your problem. Yet. But soon it will be. For you bear the same fetters as I.

SCROOGE. Fetters? What fetters?

MARLEY. These fetters.

(MARLEY stumbles as if dragging a great weight.)

SPIRITS. (wail and moan)

SCROOGE. Lo! What is this thou wearest A great - (gasp) CHAIN!!! Clasped about they ghostly middle made of —

(The ACTORS offstage make metal clanking noises and intone.)

ACTORS. Cash boxes!

SCROOGE. —cash boxes!

ACTORS. Heavy keys!



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SCROOGE. —heavy keys!

ACTORS. Padlocks and bolts!

SCROOGE. —padlocks and bolts!

ACTORS. Deed boxes wrought in heavy steel!

SCROOGE. —deed boxes wrought in heavy steel!

MARLEY. 'Tis the chain I forged in life Ebenezer. And attached to it, all the dreadful accoutrements of my trade! OUR trade Ebenezer! Of my own free will did I wear it. As do you sir.

SCROOGE. Me sir! I have no chain sir! Ha ha! (A jaunty little twirl.) I am chain-free sir!

MARLEY. Only at the end willst thou seest it.

SCROOGE. End? What end ?

MARLEY. Thine end sir! Only then willst thou seest that which — I dost — (confused) - seest.

SCROOGE. And what ist thoust dost doest — (confused too) seest sir ... precisely?

MARLEY. That thou art eternally and irrevocably trapped!

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SIDE 5 GRIMES. Scrooge?

SCROOGE . Mr. Grimes!

(Enter ACTOR 2 as LITTLE SCROOGE, aged eight. He is poring over an exercise book. [He could be a mask or puppet.)

GRIMES. I said Scrooge!

LITTLE SCROOGE. (looks up, flinches) Yes sir. Mr. Grimes sir.

GRIMES. I have heard from your father. He cannot take you home. So you must spend Christmas at the school.


GRIMES. A burden and toil for me and Mrs. Grimes but there we are. Don’t expect any Christmas jollities from us sir.


GRIMES. No fine plump turkey sir! Chestnut stuffing, roast potatoes, brussel sprouts or gravy sir! Gruel will be thy fare sir.


GRIMES. Ain't that right Mrs. Grimes?

MRS. GRIMES. (offstage ) Gru—el! Quite right Mr. Grimes!

MR. GRIMES. You have something to occupy you?

LITTLE SCROOGE. My mathematics sir.

GRIMES. Mathematics. Good.

(GRIMES turns the pages with his cane. Whacks down with it.)

Compound interest, boy! Compound! Divide boy! Divide!


GRIMES. Stupid witless pointless child !

(He lashes the page as he shouts. LITTLE SCROOGE flinches. SCROOGE flinches too. The GHOST quietly watches the scene, watches SCROOGE watching. GRIMES spots something else. Another book beneath the exercise book.)

What's this?

LITTLE SCROOGE. (tries to hide it) Nothing sir.

(GRIMES nudges aside the maths book with his cane. He reveals hidden beneath it an old leather-bound volume. It is a story book. He turns the pages. Each one reveals a picture.)

GRIMES. Robin Hood - (turns page) Robinson Crusoe - (turns page) Jack

Little ScroogeGrimes

(Scrooge) (Mrs . Grimes)

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the Giant Killer! (turns page) Ali Baba!! Open Sesame!?? (whacks the book) A STORY BOOK!!? Paltry pointless STORIES SIR!!? (whacks again) Where d'yer get this?

(LITTLE SCROOGE says nothing.)

Speak up boy! Who gave it yer?

LITTLE SCROOGE. Don't remember sir.

GRIMES. Well we'll have a little look shall we? (He grabs the book. Picks it up.)

LITTLE SCROOGE. No sir, please sir—





Charles Dickens’ A CHRISTMAS CAROLA new adaptation by Patrick Barlow

Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French

Director: Brian Davis

Theatre Tallahassee1861 Thomasville RoadTallahassee, Florida 32303

Box Office: 850-224-8474Admin: 850-224-4597

Theatre Tallahassee .orgFacebook .com/TheatreTallahassee

Twitter .com/TheatreTLH


AUDITION FORMPlease fill out this form and bring it with you to auditions. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY.


Previous Experience: (you may attach a resume instead)

Other Skills (For this show in particular, please list any and all accents/dialects you can do that are applicable)

If not cast, would you be willing to assist backstage? o Yes o No

Schedule Conflicts: (please list ALL schedule conflicts: vacations, weddings, school, work, etc.)

How did you hear about these auditions?

Home Phone:

Cell Phone:


I prefer to be contacted via: (check all that apply) o phone call o emailo text message



Preferred Pronouns: o she/her o he/him o they/them o other:

Auditioning for the following roles:

Will you accept another role if offered:

Are you willing to change your hair/facial hair?
