Attracting & Acquiring High Quality Customers...ance money, or ask you how much you think they could...


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  • Attracting & AcquiringHigh Quality Customers

    Rebecca Switzer(c) Copyright 2014 - Roof Sales Mastery, LLC - All Rights Reserved


    Identifying the nightmares.

    Run-down houses. If you notice someone’s yard is completely overgrown with weeds, has junk, rusty old cars, and piles of tires in the grass, dozens of newspapers on the porch, and is just generally un-cared for, do not bother trying to do business with that homeowner. If a person does not care about

    Not to mention, these are the types of homeowners who are more likely to receive an insurance check, spend it, and never to speak to you again. Avoid junk collectors, pack-rats, and hoarders.

    Opportunists. If in conversation with a homeowner, they continually mention things about the insur-ance money, or ask you how much you think they could get, etc. --- questions that go beyond normal curiosity, and more along the lines of “I just see dollar signs,” avoid this person. Use your instincts. If this is the kind of person who is only talking to you because they want to make money off of their prop-erty loss, don’t bother wasting your time with them. Even if you do get to do the work, this is the kind of customer who will collect a dozen bids, nitpick every little thing, and try to squeeze as many dollars

    The nosy neighbor. is, because other neighbors will tell you about their ridiculous antics, bitching about other neighbors, complaining about everything, yelling at peoples’ pets or kids, always peeking out the windows, calling

    about everything, and are always looking for something negative to raise an enormous, unnecessary stink about. Save your sanity. You can’t make these people happy, so don’t get involved.

    Bankruptcy.cannot get anywhere with that claim. Unfortunately, you won’t get past the mortgage company with any insurance checks, because any funds meant for the property will be withheld due to defaulted pay-ment. Even if they are the nicest people on the block, your efforts would be in vain.

    Attracting & Acquiring High Quality CustomersHow to Tailor Your Customer Base

    You don’t have to work in this industry for very long before you run into one of those absolutely looney tunes homeowners that cannot be

    with people, you’re going to come across some crazies. Here are some ways to not only choose and create, but attract the higher quality type customers who are if not a pleasure to work with, at least reasonable and normal.

    (c) Copyright 2014 - Roof Sales Mastery, LLC - All Rights Reserved


    Bid collectors. There’s always someone who is just “collecting bids.” Dozens of them. They probably already have ten of them and are probably going to get ten more. These customers will waste your time and efforts in measuring and estimating their property and submitting an estimate, and will likely be the only house in the neighborhood at the end of the year that still doesn’t have their roof replaced.


    Not all “bid collectors” are necessarily time wasters, though. Many people who are looking at bids simply do not understand how insurance payment works in claims, and if they are open to letting you educate them on how it works so that you can help them understand that collecting bids is actually a big waste of their time, you can easily win them over. There is a distinct difference between the stub-

    homeowner who doesn’t know any better, so learn to identify who is who. We will teach you exactly how to communicate with the uninformed bid collector so that you are able to turn them into a cus-tomer simply by educating them properly on the process.

    Generating referrals.How to handpick your homeowners.

    Do you want all of your homeowners to be cool, reasonable, and a pleasure to work with? Then ask for them! People who are awesome are usually friends with other people who are awesome. Getting referrals from your favorite homeowners is a great way to pack your schedule full of A+ customers. When do you a great job for people, they will have no problem referring you to their friends, family, and neighbors. They’re passing along a virtually free roof, after all.

    Here’s an effective approach you can use with your current clients to develop a list of referrals from them:


    the suburbs like (city, city, city). So far my homeowners are keeping me pretty busy with their friends and


    of these people here in my notebook and am trying to work through them over the next couple of weeks.

    (c) Copyright 2014 - Roof Sales Mastery, LLC - All Rights Reserved


    Use thought joggers to help people brain storm.

    “Who do you know from......”

    Pose questions for success: who do

    Use the storm swath.

    “Mrs. Jones, who do you know that lives in these parts of town? This map illustrates where homes are most likely damaged from the storm, so anyone living in these areas probably need an inspection.”

    (c) Copyright 2014 - Roof Sales Mastery, LLC - All Rights Reserved


    Incentivize referrals.

    Here are a few great ideas:

    (c) Copyright 2014 - Roof Sales Mastery, LLC - All Rights Reserved