Attachment 5


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TEAM 08(Hardeep Bains, Khushal Nilesh Desai and Gurmit Singh Sidhu)

Date of submission: 14th JULY, 2015

Risk Register:

Ref. No. Risk Event Risk Probability

Risk Impact

Risk Level

Risk Response Revised Risk Level

Person Accountable

R1 Safety of participants

High High High Enough safety procedure will there in place for the participants, with the help of the Regional Emergency Service providers

Low Project Manager

R2 Unusual delays in acquiring approvals and permits for the selected route

Medium High High Permits will be obtained well in advance so that there is no issue regarding the delay in acquiring permits.

Low Project Manager

R3 Volunteer Training

Low Medium Medium Enough training will be provided to the volunteers, including the briefing of the event and their roles and responsibilities

Low Project Manager

R4 Complexity of Route map and description

Medium Medium Medium The route map will be developed with the help of senior officials and with guidance of people who have had previous experience.

Low Project Manager

R5 Checkpoint Selection

Medium Medium Medium The checkpoints will be selected by making sure that there are enough gaps between each of

Low Project Manager

them, and there is refreshment facility available at each of them.

R6 Cooperation from residents and shop owners

Medium High High There will be one to one meeting with the shop owners and the residents, to make sure that they understand the importance of the event and of refreshment requirement for the participants

Low Project Manager

R7 Vendor’s failure to provide the printed maps on time and meeting the quality requirements

High High Medium The risk can be mitigated by maintaining the backup vendor options in case the selected vendor is not able to provide the maps on time and meeting quality requirements

Low Project Manager

R8 Risk of not showing up of project sponsor during the project life cycle

High High High This can be mitigated by assigning someone in the project team staff with authority to play role of project sponsor in case of her absence

Low Project Manager

Issue Log:

Issue No.

Date Opened

Issue Description Issue Priority

Issue Impact

Resolution Description

Requested by

Issue Assigned


Issue Status

Date Closed

Issue Decision Related change request

I.1 Period 0

Benefit/Quality requirements:Initially the benefits are shown to be 82. But we need the benefit to be as 100.

High High Increase the benefit of the project by changing the mode of “Accurate Information of Emergency Services” from “mainMode” to “High Quality Mode” in order to achieve the benefit requirement of 100.

Project Sponsor (Teresa Kucheran)

Project Manager

Closed Period 0

In order to achieve the required benefits, a mode that would provide higher quality was selected it was necessary to achieve 100% benefit (The mode was changed from “mainMode” to “High Quality”).


Change Request:

Change Request number

Date Requested

Requested by Description of Change

Reason of Change

Proposed Solution

Impact Approval by

Approval Date

CR 1 30TH JUNE, 2015

Project Sponsor (Teresa


Adding quality metrics to various quality requirements like: Print Quality (Internal and External use), Accurate information of Emergency services and Permits.

Is to quantitatively measure the quality parameters to the different quality requirements associated with the project.

Assigning the quality parameters to the different quality measurements and prioritizing them according to their importance.

Scope: None if approved Time: None if approved Cost: Meeting 100% benefits will result in higher costs, but it won’t exceed the maximum limit.

Project Sponsor (Teresa


30TH JUNE, 2015

Simulation Summary:

Lean Indicator:

Quality Parameters/Indicators:

Quality Requirements:

Print Quality:

We have assigned quality parameters related to all the printing work required for the project (Internal and External) and turnaround time being the most important parameter.


1) Turnaround time2) Paper Quality3) Color

Accurate information of the emergency services:

According to our team, it is highly important to have accurate information of the emergency services mentioned at various checkpoints/locations, as they would aid the participants during emergency situations.


1) Accuracy2) Details3) Time required for preparation


For the project to be successfully completed within the deadline provided, it is necessary to receive permits from various counties within the optimum time and with minimum requirements.


1) Time2) Requirements
