AT&T Storyboard 0626


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8/14/2019 AT&T Storyboard 0626 1/7

 Client  AT&T Title “Imagine the Network”

 Spot :90 spot Job #

Page 1

Script: "What is your idea of a network?"

 Visual: Black void. camera pulling back. Pulses of data reveal portions of a subtle, flat grid.

Script: “Is it a grid that connects people and


 Visual: very small pulses of data moving in an or- ganized fashion from one place to another on the flat  grid. Arcs begin to form on the grid.

Script: ...with speed and certainty?”

 Visual: Arcing lines start connecting to nodes onlarger grid.

Script: "Can you imagine a network that

helps you work better, stretch farther, and domore? "

 Visual: Organically moving streams move in arcs,intertwining to create appealing visual patterns.

Script: "We can."

 Visual: we reveal that the flat grid has now becomea global representation of the network.


 Visual: Straight lines transform into organic , flowing lines, and nodes fly off from globe.

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 Client  AT&T Title “Imagine the Network”

 Spot :90 spot Job #

Page 2


 Visual: Camera sweeps to reveal person.


 Visual: Lines that reveal the person get pulled through the portal.

Script: allowing you to meet...



 Visual: Stream of lines and nodes fly past camera.


 Visual: transitional moment 

Script: "Imagine the network as a teleporter,

 Visual: The network reveals the shape of a portal.

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 Client  AT&T Title “Imagine the Network”

 Spot :90 spot Job #

Page 3


 Visual: Transitional moment 

Script: "Picture the network as a wizard, ...

 Visual: The network reveals the shape of a wizard'shands.

Script: conjuring up a new class of mobile appli-cations,

 Visual: Camera revolves around hands.


 Visual: We follow the partic les through the portal.

Script: face to face, anywhere in the world,


 Visual: We emerge on the other side to reveal people communicating through telepresence.

Script: How much more will you accomplish?

 Visual: Telepresence Solutions Title

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 Client  AT&T Title “Imagine the Network”

 Spot :90 spot Job #

Page 4


 Visual: Transitional moment 

Script: "Suppose the network is a rubber



Script: with built in processing and storage...


Script: transforming the nature of how andwhere works gets done."

 Visual: making gestural connections between fixed and mobile devices.


 Visual: Hands transform and reveal title.

Script: How much better will you perform?

 Visual: Mobile App Enablement Title

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 Client  AT&T Title “Imagine the Network”

 Spot :90 spot Job #

Page 5

Script: How much more scalable will you be?

 Visual: AT&T Synaptic Hosting Title


 Visual: Transitional moment 

Script: "What if the network is a fortress,

 Visual: The network begins to reveal the shape of afortress.

Script: that dynamically expands and contracts...

 Visual: The network reveals the shape of a band,

Script: in response to demand."

 Visual: stretching and twisting.


 Visual: transforms to reveal title

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 Client  AT&T Title “Imagine the Network”

 Spot :90 spot Job #

Page 6


 Visual: camera moves thru doorway.

Script: How much more secure will you be?

 Visual: AT&T Network Security Title


 Visual: Network transforms into the opening sphere.


 Visual: More of the fortress is revealed.

Script: that can separate friend from foe,...

 Visual: Bits of data a repelled as more of the for-tress gets revealed.

Script: getting stronger with each bit of infor-

mation that travels through it?" Visual: Approved data that are colored with AT&T colors (TBD) are allowed into the fortress.

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 Client  AT&T Title “Imagine the Network”

 Spot :90 spot Job #

Page 7

Script: "And what if this is only the beginning?"

 Visual: Network Globe.


 Visual: AT&T Business Solutions Title

Script: Imagine how AT&T can help you domore."

 Visual: Dissolve/transition into AT&T Logo. Can beon white or black background 
