Atmospheric Turbulence IntroductionAtmospheric Turbulence 3 A Atmospheric Turbulence, Fig. 1...


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Atmospheric Turbulence

Warren E. Heilman1, Craig B. Clements2,Shiyuan Zhong3, Kenneth L. Clark4, and XindiBian11USDA Forest Service, Northern ResearchStation, Lansing, MI, USA2Department of Meteorology and ClimateScience, San José State University, San José,CA, USA3Department of Geography, Environment, andSpatial Sciences, Michigan State University,East Lansing, MI, USA4USDA Forest Service, Northern ResearchStation, New Lisbon, NJ, USA


Instability; Turbulent eddies; Vortices; Wind andtemperature fluctuations; Wind gusts


Atmospheric turbulence is irregular fluctuationsoccurring in atmospheric air flow. These fluctua-tions are random and continuously changing andare superimposed on the mean motion of the air(American Meteorological Society 2018).


It has long been established that the behavior ofwildland fires and the dispersion of smoke duringwildland fire events are influenced by ambientand fire-induced winds (Crosby 1949; Byram andNelson 1951; Byram 1954; Gifford 1957; Rother-mel 1972; Raupach 1990; Beer 1991). Funda-mentally, ambient and fire-induced winds affectthe horizontal and vertical convective flux ofheat in the fire environment and the ability ofspreading fires to transfer heat convectively topotential fuels (Rothermel 1972). The transportof firebrands away from active burning locationsand the opportunity for spotting ignitions are alsogoverned by the ambient and fire-induced windfields within and near the fire environment (Kooet al. 2010). Finally, ambient and fire-inducedcirculations in the lower atmospheric boundarylayer (ABL), the lowest layer of the atmosphere,act to disperse emissions away from fires, whichoften results in the subsequent long-range trans-port of smoke plumes by winds in the ABL andabove to locations far downwind of the burninglocation (Liu et al. 2009; Heilman et al. 2014).

As described in Stull (1988), the wind fieldat any location, regardless of whether a fire ispresent or not, can be partitioned into three com-ponents: the mean wind, waves, and turbulence.The rapid transport of heat, moisture, momen-tum, pollutants, and other scalars is accomplishedvia the mean wind, with horizontal mean windspeeds usually much larger than vertical meanwind speeds in the ABL. Waves in the wind field

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019S. L. Manzello (ed.), Encyclopedia of Wildfires and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Fires,

2 Atmospheric Turbulence

are often generated by shears in the mean windand by wind flow over obstacles and are veryeffective at transporting momentum and energy.The relatively high-frequency fluctuations thatcan occur in the wind field, particularly in theABL, are characterized as turbulence or windgusts superimposed on the mean wind. Turbu-lence is often visualized as eddies or swirls (i.e.,vortices) of atmospheric motion of many differentsizes superimposed on each other (Stull 1988).

Ambient turbulence (i.e., no fire-induced tur-bulence) in the daytime ABL is generated inpart by buoyancy associated with solar heatingof the surface, which leads to rising warmer airwithin thermal plumes and compensating sink-ing motion and horizontal convergent and diver-gent flows over areas adjacent to and outside thethermal plumes (Stull 1988; Wyngaard 1992).Ambient turbulence in the ABL is also gener-ated by wind shears associated with frictionaldrag imposed on air as it flows over the ground.The presence of obstacles like forest canopiesand structures can deflect atmospheric flow nearthe surface and generate additional turbulent ed-dies adjacent to and downwind of the obstacles(Raupach and Thom 1981; Finnigan 2000; Roth2000). The turbulent eddies generated by theseprocesses can range in size from�10�1 to 103 m,with most of the energy contained in the largeeddies. Large eddies are continually broken downin size to smaller and less energetic eddies viathe energy cascade process and then eventuallydissipated (Batchelor 1950).

Many observation- and modeling-basedstudies have been carried out to investigate theproperties of ambient atmospheric turbulenceregimes that characterize the ABL, and theyhave laid the foundation for subsequent studiesfocused on how wildland fires affect ABLturbulence (i.e., the combination of fire-inducedand ambient turbulence) and its feedback on firebehavior and smoke dispersion. The followingsections provide an overview of the key findingsfrom these studies.

Ambient Atmospheric TurbulenceOverview

The properties of atmospheric turbulence havebeen studied extensively over the past 100Cyears. Counihan (1975) provided a comprehen-sive summary of some of the early atmosphericturbulence studies that set the stage for morerecent observational and modeling studies rele-vant to turbulence effects on wildland fires. In-cluded in the summary were the very early studiesof Rawson (1913), Shaw (1914), and Richarson(1920), who noted that atmospheric motions canbe turbulent with turbulence intensity usuallydecreasing with height; that turbulence changesits character when obstacles are encountered; andthat the kinetic energy of turbulent eddies is ex-tracted from the mean wind, respectively. Shortlyafter these studies, Goldie (1925) and Best (1935)reported that turbulent eddies near the groundsurface tend to break down into smaller sizes,and the eddy velocities in the longitudinal, lat-eral, and vertical directions tend to be differ-ent, an indication that turbulence in the ABL istypically anisotropic. The concept of turbulenceanisotropy was further confirmed in the subse-quent studies of Panofsky and McCormick (1954)and Deacon (1955). The landmark studies ofTaylor (1938) and Kolmogorov (1941) providednew insight at that time into how the energyof turbulent eddies typically varies with eddysize. They showed through theoretical analysesthat (1) large-scale eddies (length scale �103–101 m; Wyngaard 1992) associated with low-frequency (10�3–10�1 Hz) fluctuations in thewind field contain most of the energy in the tur-bulence field, (2) within the mid-frequency range(�10�1–101 Hz) of wind fluctuations (also calledthe inertial subrange; length scale �101–10�1 m;Wyngaard 1992), turbulence energy tends to de-crease as the frequency increases according toKolmogorov’s �5/3 power law (e.g. see Fig. 1a),and (3) turbulence energy is dissipated at thehigh-frequency (103 Hz) portion of the turbu-lence spectrum (length scale�10�3 m; Wyngaard1992).

More recent turbulence studies conducted dur-ing the last half of the twentieth century included

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Atmospheric Turbulence, Fig. 1 Generalizedfrequency-weighted (a) vertical velocity (w) spectra and(b) momentum flux (uw, Reynolds stress) cospectraas a function of normalized frequency (f) for typicalatmospheric surface layers under different stabilityconditions as quantified by z/L values ranging fromC2.0(stable) to �2.0 (unstable), where z is the height AGL

and L is the Obukhov length. (From Kaimal et al. 1972).Stippling indicates absence of any well-defined trend withz/L. The slopes of the spectra (a) and cospectra (b) curvesin the inertial subrange (f > 1.0) approach�2/3 and�4/3,respectively, corresponding to slopes of �5/3 and �7/3for non-frequency-weighted spectra and cospectra

numerous field experiments to measure the prop-erties of ambient ABL turbulence regimes andevaluate earlier theoretical results. The WangaraExperiment conducted in New South Wales, Aus-tralia, in 1967 (Clarke et al. 1971), and the Kansas

Experiment conducted in southwestern Kansasin 1968 (Haugen et al. 1971; Businger et al.1971) provided two of the first comprehensiveand foundational datasets on ambient ABL tur-bulence over flat uniform surfaces.

4 Atmospheric Turbulence

Data from the Wangara Experiment were usedas the basis for recommending the value of 0.40–0.41 for the von Karman constant, a constantused in calculating turbulent momentum fluxesin the surface layer from observed vertical windprofiles (Dyer and Hicks 1970; Hicks 1976; Hesset al. 1981; Stull 1988). Data from the KansasExperiment were used for assessments of typicalturbulent kinetic energy (TKE; defined as one-half of the sum of the horizontal and verticalvelocity variances) budgets and turbulence spec-tra/cospectra in the ABL. For example, Wyngaardand Coté (1971) investigated how TKE budgetsdiffer under stable and unstable atmospheric con-ditions. They found that under unstable ambientatmospheric conditions, typical of daytime ABLspresent during many wildland fire events, theproduction of turbulence energy via buoyancyand wind shear, the viscous dissipation of tur-bulence energy, and the turbulent transport ofturbulence energy are all significant contributorsto the evolution of turbulence regimes. However,as daytime instability increases, buoyancy even-tually tends to become the dominant factor ingenerating turbulence. Kaimal et al. (1972) inves-tigated the spectral characteristics of the turbu-lent circulations and temperatures under differentatmospheric stability conditions at the Kansasexperimental site and compared those spectralcharacteristics with the results from similar stud-ies conducted in the 1960s (e.g., Lumley andPanofsky 1964; Berman 1965; Busch and Panof-sky 1968). They found that while turbulence ingeneral is anisotropic in the ABL, turbulenceassociated with high-frequency wind fluctuationstends to be isotropic. They also found that in theinertial subrange, turbulence energy spectra asso-ciated with horizontal and vertical wind fluctua-tions decrease as the frequency of the fluctuationsincreases according to the Kolmogorov (1941)�5/3 power law (Fig. 1a). For the cospectra ofthe vertical turbulent fluxes of heat and momen-tum, they found a more rapid inertial subrangedecrease as frequency increases, following a�7/3power law (Fig. 1b).

Recognizing that forest and other vegetationcanopies have an impact on ambient atmosphericturbulence regimes that develop under stable and

unstable conditions, many investigators in themid- to late 1900s and early 2000s focused theirattention on the theoretical aspects of turbulencewithin and above canopies and conducting ex-periments similar to the Kansas experiment butin environments with forest overstory vegetation.These studies, while not focused on ambientturbulence regimes during wildland fire events,are highly relevant given that many wildland firesoccur in forested environments.

Wilson and Shaw (1977) developed a one-dimensional turbulence closure model applicablefor investigating flow through vegetationcanopies and used the model to show that theproduction of TKE via wind shear and theobstruction of wind flow by vegetation elements(wake effects) tend to be at a maximum at ornear the canopy top and just below the canopytop, respectively. Raupach and Thom (1981)in their theoretical description of turbulenceregimes within and above plant canopies notedthat plant canopies interact with the air flowwithin and above vegetation layers, resulting inthe turbulent flux of heat and momentum throughthe canopy-atmosphere interface and through thevegetation layer. They also noted that vegetationcanopies can generate turbulence through wakeeffects, similar to the findings of Wilson andShaw (1977), thereby converting mean kineticenergy of air flow into TKE. Finnigan (2000)drew upon the theoretical work of Wilson andShaw (1977) and Raupach and Thom (1981) andother canopy studies and provided a summary ofthe key properties of turbulence regimes withinvegetation layers. In that summary, it was notedthat turbulent circulations drive the exchange ofheat, moisture, and other scalars between thevegetation layer and the atmosphere and thatturbulent fluxes of scalars between vegetationlayers and the atmosphere are dominated bylarge coherent eddies that sweep air from aloftinto the vegetation layers. This is the typicalambient turbulent flux environment that servesas the backdrop for turbulent fluxes of heat,moisture, and momentum induced by wildlandfires occurring in forested areas.

Examples of observational studies of ambi-ent turbulence regimes within and above vege-

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Atation canopies include the studies of Shaw etal. (1974, 1988), Baldocchi and Meyers (1988),Amiro (1990), Meyers and Baldocchi (1991), andVickers and Thomas (2013), plus the many tur-bulence and energy exchange studies associatedwith the Ameriflux ( andFluxnet ( programs.These studies provided observational evidenceand confirmation for many of the theoreticalfindings in earlier studies and critical insight intothe dynamics of atmospheric turbulence withinvegetation layers. Highlights of the results fromthese studies indicate that (1) turbulence spectraabove forest canopies tend to follow the Kol-mogorov�5/3 power law in the inertial subrange,(2) the slopes of the power spectra measuredwithin forest canopies are more negative thanthose observed in the typical surface boundarylayer with no forest canopy present, (3) in thebottom portions of forest canopies, horizontalvelocity component spectra tend to decrease morerapidly with increasing frequency in the inertialsubrange than vertical velocity spectra, (4) tur-bulent heat and momentum flux cospectra withinforest vegetation layers often exhibit slope valuesclose to �1 in the inertial subrange, (5) turbu-lence spectra within forest canopies tend to peakat higher frequencies than the spectra measured inthe subcanopy trunkspace and above the canopy,(6) turbulence above forest canopies associatedwith high-frequency velocity fluctuations tendsto be isotropic, (7) denser canopies tend to in-hibit vertical turbulent momentum fluxes withinforest vegetation layers, (8) TKE is usually ata maximum at or just above the canopy top,but the relative intensity of turbulence (velocitystandard deviation divided by mean wind speed)tends to be at a maximum at mid-canopy levels,(9) thermal stability or buoyancy has a strongerinfluence on turbulence within vegetation layersthan leaf density, (10) wake-generated turbulencecan exceed shear-generated turbulence at all lev-els within forest vegetation layers except near thecanopy top, and (11) beneath tree crowns, turbu-lent transport tends be the dominant process inTKE evolution, with shear-generated turbulenceenergy above the canopy top transported down-ward into the subcanopy layers by turbulence.

Atmospheric Turbulenceand Wildland Fires

The behavior of wildland fires is often transient,due to the highly variable winds that can occurin their vicinity. The variability in wind speedand direction near a spreading fire is associ-ated with fire-atmosphere interactions that induceturbulent circulations surrounding the fire andambient turbulent circulations that are manifes-tations of eddies in the ABL (Sun et al. 2009;Forthofer and Goodrick 2011). Numerous obser-vational and modeling studies over the last threedecades have examined the relationships betweenwildland fires and ambient or fire-induced turbu-lence. This section provides a summary of thekey results from these studies and an overviewof the current state of knowledge regarding theinteractions of wildland fires and turbulence.

Observational StudiesFew observational studies have been carriedout to examine the association of wildlandfire events strictly with ambient atmosphericturbulence. Heilman and Bian (2010) examinedthe association of wildfires in the north centraland northeastern USA with substantial near-surface ambient turbulence. They found thatrelatively large wildfires in this region of the USA(typically during the spring and autumn seasons)often occur when ambient near-surface TKEvalues exceed 3 m2 s�2 (a threshold indicativeof highly turbulent conditions (Stull 1988); seeFig. 2), at the same time lower atmosphericconditions are relatively dry and unstable, asquantified by the well-known Haines fire-weatherindex (HI; Haines 1988). A new fire-weatherindex based on a simple product of TKE andthe HI (HITKE) was evaluated by Heilman andBian (2010) for wildfires in the north centraland northeastern USA and was found to be areasonable indicator of the conduciveness of theambient atmosphere to extreme fire occurrence(HITKE >15 m2 s�2). Although assessmentsof TKE levels during wildfires in other regionsof the USA have not been completed yet, it ishypothesized that large and extreme wildfiresin these regions also tend to occur when near-

6 Atmospheric Turbulence

Atmospheric Turbulence, Fig. 2 Average percentageof days each month that have daily maximum turbu-lent kinetic energy values near the surface greater than3 m2 s�2 based on data from the North American Re-

gional Reanalysis (Mesinger et al. 2006) for the 1979–2008 period. (From Heilman and Bian 2013; ©AmericanMeteorological Society; Used with permission)

surface atmospheric turbulence is substantial.For example, over the western complex-terrainregions of the USA where large wildfires arecommon, occurrences of high TKE valuesnear the surface are relatively frequent (Fig. 2)(Heilman and Bian 2013). The interaction ofambient turbulent eddies with wildland firesin areas of complex terrain can lead to erraticfire behavior, such as that associated with firechanneling, a phenomenon where rapid firespread occurs in a direction transverse to themean ambient wind (Byron-Scott 1990; Sharpleset al. 2012).

Investigations ofwildland fire effects on am-bient turbulence regimes have been more com-mon. Early efforts to analyze how wildland firescan alter typical ambient turbulence regimes in

the ABL include the studies of Graham (1955),Byram and Martin (1970), Church et al. (1980),Emori and Saito (1982), Haines (1982), Hainesand Smith (1983, 1987, 1992), Church and Snow(1985), McRae and Flannigan (1990), and Bantaet al. (1992). These studies provided observa-tional evidence of the formation of horizontallyand vertically oriented turbulent vortices (i.e., co-herent eddies) in the vicinity of wildland fires orheat sources similar to wildland fires. The forma-tion of unburned tree-crown streets in the after-math of some wildland fires in forested environ-ments has been attributed to fire-generated hori-zontally oriented turbulence vortices, also knownas horizontal roll vortices, by Haines (1982).

With the development of more sophisticatedmonitoring technology for measuring fire-fuel-

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Atmospheric Turbulence, Fig. 3 Time series of ob-served turbulent kinetic energy (m2 s�2) at differentheights on the (a) 43 m main tower and (b) 10 m shorttower during the FireFlux I grass fire experiment con-

ducted on 23 February 2006 at the University of Houston’sCoastal Center. (From Clements et al. 2008). Towers werelocated in the interior of the burn plot

atmosphere interactions in the late twentieth andearly twenty-first centuries, significant advanceswere made in improving our understandingof how fire-induced turbulence regimes differfrom the regimes that characterize a typicalABL and how they interact with ambientturbulence regimes to affect fire behavior andsmoke dispersion. While turbulence-relatedmeasurements were fairly limited in the well-known 1997 International Crown Fire ModelingExperiment (ICFME; Alexander et al. 1998), the1998 Wildfire Experiment (WiFE; Radke et al.2000), and the 1999 FROSTFIRE experiment(Coen et al. 2004), more comprehensive in situmeasurements of turbulence regimes within andnear wildland fire fronts were carried out in theearly 2000s. These experiments included bothgrass fires (e.g., Clements et al. 2007, 2008,2015, 2016; Clements 2010; Seto and Clements2011; Charland and Clements 2013; Seto et al.2013; Clements and Seto 2015; Ottmar et al.2016) and surface fires beneath forest canopies(e.g., Heilman et al. 2013, 2015, 2017; Strandet al. 2013; Seto et al. 2013, 2014; Ottmar et al.2016).

Collectively, the aforementioned observa-tional studies suggest wildland fires can leadto turbulent boundary-layer circulations withcharacteristics substantially different from

those observed under nonfire conditions. First,wildland fires can generate large horizontallyoriented turbulent eddies (vortices) with upwardand downward turbulent velocities on the orderof 10 m s�1 or stronger near the surface andnear-surface horizontal turbulent velocities 2–3times larger than ambient horizontal velocities.Turbulent horizontal roll vortices frequentlyoccur immediately in front of and behind firefronts, with those vortices contributing to flowconvergence into the convective plumes situatedabove and downwind of fire fronts and todowndrafts with near-surface cooling behind thefronts.

Second, typical TKE values above spreadinggrass-fire fronts (�10–20 m2 s�2) greatly exceedthe ambient TKE values typically observed inthe lower daytime ABL (�1–4 m2 s�2), with theheight of maximum TKE usually found�2–10 mabove ground level (see Fig. 3). For spreadingsurface fires beneath forest canopies, TKE valuesabove fire fronts also increase substantially fromtypical daytime TKE values observed within andabove forest overstory layers, but maximum in-creases are usually found above the canopy topinstead of closer to the surface as with grass fires(see Fig. 4).

Third, turbulence regimes in the vicinity ofspreading surface fires are generally anisotropic,

8 Atmospheric Turbulence

Atmospheric Turbulence, Fig. 4 Time series of ob-served 1-min averaged turbulent kinetic energy (m2 s�2)at three levels on a 20 m tower during a low-intensitywildland fire experiment conducted on 20 March 2011 inthe New Jersey Pine Barrens. (From Heilman et al. 2015).The tower was located in the interior of the burn plotcontaining pitch pine and mixed oak ovestory vegetation(�15–18 m tree heights). Time of fire-front-passage isindicated by green dashed line. Local time (hhmm:ss) isnoted below the top axis

meaning there is an unequal distribution of en-ergy among the horizontal and vertical compo-nents of TKE. Most of the energy of turbulenteddies found in the vicinity of surface wildlandfires is associated with fluctuations in the hor-izontal turbulent velocity components, which isalso the case for ambient turbulent eddies inthe ABL. Even within convective plumes imme-diately above surface fires where buoyancy issubstantial and vertical velocity fluctuations areenhanced, turbulence still tends to be anisotropicwith the horizontal components of TKE exceed-ing the vertical component. When forest over-story vegetation is present during surface wild-land fire events, turbulence tends to be the mostanisotropic near the surface and least anisotropicat mid-canopy levels before (pre-), during, andafter (post-) fire front passage (FFP) (see Fig. 5).The anisotropy in turbulence regimes inducedby spreading surface fires is most pronouncedfor large eddy sizes, as is the case for ambientturbulence regimes in the ABL.

Fourth, the production of TKE by verticalwind shear and buoyancy increases significantlyduring FFP periods. If forest overstory vegeta-tion is present during FFP, the production of

Atmospheric Turbulence, Fig. 5 Observed turbulenceanisotropy as quantified by average values ofw02/(2*TKE), where w02 is the 1-min averaged verticalvelocity variance, during 30-min long pre-FFP, FFP, andpost-FFP periods at three levels on a 20 m tower duringa low-intensity wildland fire experiment conducted on20 March 2011 in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. (FromHeilman et al. 2015). The tower was located in the interiorof the burn plot containing pitch pine and mixed oakovestory vegetation (�15–18 m tree heights)

TKE by shear and buoyancy effects may beparticularly enhanced in the upper portions ofthe canopy layer. Vertical diffusion of turbulenceenergy also tends to increase significantly duringFFP periods, especially in the upper portions ofthe canopy layer if forest overstory vegetationis present. Diffusion contributes to a decreasein turbulence energy at all levels within forestoverstory vegetation layers during FFP periods.

Fifth, spreading wildland fires affect the skew-ness of the daytime horizontal and vertical tur-bulent velocity distributions that characterize thetypical air flow through forest vegetation layers.In particular, vertical velocity distributions thattend to be negatively skewed inside forest veg-etation layers (Amiro 1990) become positivelyskewed during FFP periods. Skewness analy-ses also suggest that after FFP, vertical veloc-ity distributions can become even more nega-tively skewed than the negative skewness typi-cally observed in ambient canopy-flow environ-ments. The observed skewness and associatednon-Gaussian nature of turbulent circulations inthe vicinity of spreading wildland fires throughforested areas can make the application of pre-dictive tools that assume Gaussian turbulence

Atmospheric Turbulence 9

Aregimes problematic for local smoke dispersionforecasts.

Some of the recent wildland fire observa-tional studies have also examined the spectralcharacteristics of turbulent circulations that oc-cur in the vicinity of spreading wildland fires.Clements et al. (2008), Seto et al. (2013), andHeilman et al. (2015) revealed in their studies thatTKE increases in the vicinity of wildland firesare associated with increases in both horizontal(streamwise) and vertical velocity fluctuationsoccurring over the �10�3–100 s�1 frequencyrange (see Figs. 6 and 7). Within the inertialsubrange, horizontal and vertical velocity powerspectra before and after FFP tend to decreasewith increasing frequency according to the Kol-mogorov (1941) �5/3 power law (�2/3 powerlaw for frequency-weighted spectra), similar towhat is observed for near-surface velocity spectrain the ambient atmosphere. During FFP periods,however, the decrease in turbulent velocity powerspectra values with increasing frequency in theinertial subrange can be much less pronounced,with spectral curve slopes sometimes approach-ing zero. The shedding of small turbulent eddiesfrom fire fronts has been hypothesized as thereason for the diminished spectral curve slopesin the inertial subrange during FFP periods (Setoet al. 2013).

As noted previously, overall turbulenceregimes in wildland fire environments areanisotropic. Comparisons of the horizontaland vertical velocity spectra across the rangeof frequencies governing the horizontal andvertical velocity fluctuations indicate that mostof the anisotropy (vertical to horizontal spectraratios <<1) that occurs in turbulence regimesbefore, during, and after FFP can be attributedto large turbulent eddies (low-frequency velocityfluctuations). Spectral analyses from grass-fireexperiments show that turbulence associatedwith small turbulent eddies (high-frequencyvelocity fluctuations) during the pre-FFP, FFP,and post-FFP periods is fairly isotropic (Setoet al. 2013), with spectra ratios approachingthe value of 1.33 as required for isotropicturbulence (Kolmogorov 1941; Lumley andPanofsky 1964). However, similar spectral

analyses from wildland fire experimentsconducted in forested environments (Heilmanet al. 2015) suggest that turbulence associatedwith high-frequency velocity fluctuations withinforest overstory vegetation layers is somewhatmore anisotropic, with spectra ratios at highfrequencies approaching a value of 1 or less(see Fig. 8). This is consistent with the findingsof Amiro (1990) and Biltoft (2001) related toturbulence isotropy occurrence in near-surfaceflow with and without a forest canopy present,respectively, under nonfire conditions.

Modeling StudiesMany numerical modeling studies related to firebehavior and fire-atmosphere interactions havebeen conducted since the early 1990s (Sullivan2009), with some of them also including as-sessments of ambient and fire-induced turbulenceand their effects on fire behavior and smokedispersion. Building on some of the pre-1990observational studies of atmospheric turbulenceregimes generated by wildland fires (e.g., Haines1982; Haines and Smith 1983, 1987), Heilmanand Fast (1992) and Heilman (1992, 1994) con-ducted some of the first boundary-layer model-ing studies of wildland-fire-induced turbulence,including turbulent horizontal roll vortex devel-opment above fires on flat terrain and on hills.These initial two-dimensional modeling studiesshowed that (1) the TKE of horizontal roll vor-tices generated by buoyancy above wildfires canbe on the order of 10–100 m2 s�2, depending onfire intensity, (2) the height of maximum TKEtends to decrease as the ambient wind speedincreases, and (3) wildfires on the windward,leeward, and crest locations in areas of complexterrain produce very different turbulent horizontalroll vortex structures.

More sophisticated fire-atmosphere interac-tion modeling efforts followed in the late 1990sand early 2000s (Jenkins et al. 2001). Thesemodeling studies provided further insight into theatmospheric dynamics involved in the generationand evolution of ambient and fire-induced turbu-lent eddies/vortices during wildland fire eventsin grass and forested environments, and how tur-bulence regimes can feed back on fire behavior.

10 Atmospheric Turbulence

Atmospheric Turbulence, Fig. 6 Frequency-weightedpower spectra (m2 s�2) of the horizontal (streamwise)wind velocity [nSu(n)] as a function of the natural fre-quency n (Hz) for (a) an experimental grass fire conductedin a valley (Joseph D. Grant County Park, CA), (b) anexperimental grass fire conducted on a slope (Camp ParksReserve Forces Training Area, CA), (c) a prescribed sub-

canopy fire (The Nature Conservancy’s Calloway Forest,NC), and (d) a slash burn (Hyytiälä, Finland) duringpre-FFP (blue), FFP (red), and post-FFP (black) periods.(From Seto et al. 2013). The short line represents the�2/3 slope of frequency-weighted velocity spectra in theinertial subrange, as predicted by Kolmogorov (1941)

Some of these modeling efforts and their keyfindings are described below.

Clark et al. (1996a, b, 2004) used two differ-ent coupled fire-atmosphere numerical modelingsystems, one utilizing the McArthur fire spreadrate formulation (Noble et al. 1980) and theother utilizing the BEHAVE fire-behavior model(Rothermel 1972), to demonstrate that verticallyoriented turbulent vortex structures or columnscan develop near fire fronts. Furthermore, thesevortex structures may lead to significant changesin fire spread rates.

Numerous wildland fire behavior and canopyflow simulations have been carried out with theFIRETEC wildland fire behavior model (Linn etal. 2002) coupled with the HIGRAD atmospheric

transport model (Reisner et al. 2000). Results ofthe HIGRAD/FIRETEC simulations indicate that(1) large coherent turbulent eddies, which can af-fect fire spread rates and the occurrence of crownfires, are induced by atmospheric flow throughforest canopies (Pimont et al. 2009), (2) unburnedtree-crown streets can result from fire-inducedhorizontally-oriented turbulent vortices (Pimontet al. 2011), reaffirming the unburned tree-crownstreet formation hypothesis of Haines (1982), (3)vertically oriented turbulent vortices combinedwith the turbulent buoyant updrafts generated bysurface fire lines play a significant role in thetransport of firebrands (Koo et al. 2012), (4) tur-bulent vortices generated by upslope-spreadingfire fronts can be transported ahead of the fire

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Atmospheric Turbulence, Fig. 7 Same as Fig. 6 except for the frequency-weighted power spectra (m2 s�2) of thevertical wind velocity [nSw(n)]. (From Seto et al. 2013)

fronts and lead to new ignitions at locationsrelatively far-removed from the fire fronts with-out any firebrand activity involved (Dupuy andMorvan 2005), (5) buoyancy-induced and hori-zontally oriented turbulent vortices may developin the vicinity of fire fronts, leading to regularpatterns of up-wash and downwash regions, thelatter being associated with penetrating airflowinto the fire fronts (Canfield et al. 2014), and (6)forest canopy modifications such as those associ-ated with insect-related defoliation and mortalitycan lead to changes in the height of maximumTKE from the canopy top to lower heights in thecanopy layer, which in turn contribute to changesin potential fire rates of spread over time as treemortality progresses (Hoffman et al. 2015).

Similar numerical modeling studies of fire-atmosphere interactions have been carried outusing the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model (Skamarock et al. 2005) alone

or the wildland fire behavior module WRF-Fire (Coen et al. 2013) integrated into the WRFmodel. Cunningham et al. (2005) demonstratedwith WRF how counter-rotating turbulent vortexpairs aligned with the plume trajectory, transversevortices generated by wind shear on the upstreamface of the plume, and vertically orientedturbulent wake vortices on the downstream sideof the plume can develop in response to lowerABL heating by wildland fires. Simpson et al.(2013, 2016) demonstrated with WRF-Fire howfire-induced turbulent updrafts/downdrafts andvertically oriented turbulent eddies/vortices onthe flanks of up-slope spreading wildland firescan lead to rapid lateral fire spread near ridgelines.

In addition to the HIGRAD/FIRETEC andWRF/WRF-Fire simulation studies, other studiesof ambient and fire-induced turbulence haveutilized state-of-the-art modeling systems such

12 Atmospheric Turbulence

Atmospheric Turbulence, Fig. 8 Ratios of the verticalto horizontal (streamwise) velocity spectra [Sw(f)/Su(f)] asa function of spectral frequency f (s�1) at (a) 3 m, (b)10 (m), and (c) 20 m levels on a 20 m tower during thepre-FFP, FFP, and post-FFP periods of a low-intensitywildland fire on 20 March 2011 in the New Jersey Pine

Barrens. (From Heilman et al. 2015). The tower waslocated in the interior of the burn plot containing pitchpine and mixed oak ovestory vegetation (�15–18 m treeheights). Ratio values approaching 1.33 indicate isotropicturbulence

as the University of Utah’s Large-scale EddySimulation (UU-LES) model (Zulauf 2001), theAdvanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS)(Xue et al. 2000, 2001), the Wildland-Urban-Interface Fire Dynamics Simulator (WFDS)(Mell et al. 2007), and FIRESTAR (Morvanand Dupuy 2004). Sun et al. (2009) used theUU-LES model in their numerical simulationsof fire-atmosphere interactions to show that thecommon occurrence of strong downdrafts behindspreading fire fronts, which can bring high-momentum air from aloft down to the surface,is the result of interactions between fire-inducedconvective circulations and strong turbulenteddies in the ambient atmosphere. Kiefer et al.(2014, 2015, 2016, 2018) used a version of ARPS

that includes a canopy submodel (ARPS-Canopy;Kiefer et al. 2013) to show that (1) increasesin atmospheric TKE above spreading surfacefire fronts beneath forest canopies are largestimmediately above the canopy top, (2) advectionof TKE generated above spreading surface firefronts can lead to TKE maxima occurring atlocations downwind of the fire fronts, (3) bothwind shear and buoyancy play a role in TKEproduction downwind of surface fires when aforest canopy is present, whereas buoyancy is theprimary production mechanism in the absenceof forest overstory vegetation, (4) the impact ofsurface fires on boundary-layer integrated verticalturbulent heat fluxes is strongest when no forestoverstory vegetation is present, and (5) forest

Atmospheric Turbulence 13


Atmospheric Turbulence, Fig. 9 Conceptual modelof fire–atmosphere interactions with different forest gapconfigurations: (a) NG – no gap, (b) UG – gap inupstream zone, (c) CG – gap in center zone, (d) gap indownstream zone. (From Kiefer et al. 2016; see for copy-right license). Background (i.e., no fire) state indicatedwith black arrows and grayscale shading: black horizontalarrows indicate the background mean u component of thewind, black oval inside gap represents the gap recircula-

tion zone, and shading indicates background mean TKE(light (weakest) to dark (strongest)). Fire anomaly fieldsare depicted with colored arrows and shading: selectedfire-line-normal streamlines are indicated with coloredarrows, and region of enhanced TKE and turbulent mixingof heat is represented by semi-transparent shading andembedded spirals. The magnitude of the fire anomaly isindicated by the color (blue (weakest) to yellow to red(strongest)). The fire zone is denoted with an orange line,and the perimeter of the forest canopy is indicated with agreen line

gaps and their locations with respect to wildlandfire lines that may be present have an effect on

turbulent circulations and TKE values upwindand downwind of the fire lines, as depicted in

14 Atmospheric Turbulence

Fig. 9. Finally, Mueller et al. (2014) and Morvanand Dupuy (2004) were able to show in theirWFDS and FIRESTAR simulations, respectively,that (1) ambient turbulence regimes inside forestoverstory vegetation layers are characterizedby maximum TKE values near the canopy topand positively (negatively) skewed streamwise(vertical) turbulent velocity distributions, and(2) horizontally oriented turbulent vortices justdownwind of fire fronts can recirculate hot gasesand ignite secondary spot fires if fuel conditionsare sufficient.


�Convection� Fire Dynamics� Fire Whirls� Fire/Atmosphere Interaction� Firebrands and Embers� Fluid Mechanics�Haines Index� Physics-Based Modeling�Rate of Spread� Smoke Transport�Validation and Verification�Wind


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