ATHIAS,L. 2011 1 MDG data disaggregation by ethnic group Brazil Session 3: Localizing MDG monitoring...


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ATHIAS,L.2011 1

MDG data disaggregation by ethnic group Brazil

Session 3: Localizing MDG monitoringPanel 3.1 Localizing the MDGs

October 20, 2011

Leonardo AthiasBrazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

International Conference on MDG StatisticsManila, Philippines, 19-21 Oct 2011

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• Important data about Brazil

• MDG monitoring in Brazil

• IBGE and ethnic classification

• Issues about racial investigation in Brazil

• Racial inequalities regarding MDGs

• Inequalities and policies

• Ethnic classification: harmonization, coverage and challenges

• Ethnic classification: next steps

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- Federation of 27 states- 8.5 million Km2

- 191 million inhabitants (2010 Census)

- 84% urban- 48% white population - Established statistical system - NSO- High human development...

Important data about Brazil

HDR 2010 p. 149

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- Federation of 27 states- 8.5 million Km2

- 191 million inhabitants (2010 Census)

- 84% urban- 48% white population - Established statistical system - NSO- High human development...- ... but high levels of inequality as well

HDR 2010 p.153

Important data about Brazil

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1st - 2004 2nd - 2005

3rd - 2007 4th - 2010

2nd - 2005 2nd - 2005

MDG monitoring in Brazil

- Reports

- Gender- Race- Regions - Southeast - Northeast- Urban and Rural areas- 5ths of income

- Inequalities tracking

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MDG Thematic Series - 2004“Race and gender inequalities”

UNDP Publication - 2004“Racial Atlas”

- MDG related publications regarding ethnicity

MDG monitoring in Brazil

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Proposition: Durban / MDG / DevInfoSeven Themes1- demography2- health and access to services3- reproductive health4- family and household5- education6- work and income7- unemployment and pension coverage

UNDP Publication - 2004“Racial Atlas”

- MDG related publications regarding ethnicity

MDG monitoring in Brazil

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IBGE and ethnic classification

- IBGE - Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics

- IBGE coordinates the national statistical system and provide official statistics to MDG monitoring

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IBGE and ethnic classification

- IBGE - Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics

- IBGE coordinates the national statistical system and provide official statistics to MDG monitoring

- Brazil investigates race and ethnicity since its first census (1872)

- Racial categories in censuses have been basically the same

- Interruptions: 1930s, 1970s

- Self-classification

- Categories since 1991: - White (‘Branca’) - Black (‘Preta’) - Brown (‘Parda’) - Yellow (‘Amarela’) - Indigenous (‘Indígena’)

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IBGE and ethnic classification

- IBGE - Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics

- IBGE coordinates the national statistical system and provide official statistics to MDG monitoring

- Brazil investigates race and ethnicity since its first census (1872)

- Racial categories in censuses have been basically the same

- Interruptions: 1930s, 1970s

- Self-classification

- Categories since 1991: - White (‘Branca’) - Black (‘Preta’) - Brown (‘Parda’) - Yellow (‘Amarela’) - Indigenous (‘Indígena’)

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- The complex racial investigation in Brazil

- Racial continuum

- Absence of legal segregation

- Studies show that differences are not only due to starting point

Issues about racial investigation in Brazil

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- To investigate racial inequalities, it is usual to add blacks + mulattos/brown

- Main arguments:

- Statistical consistency

- Similarities of social indicators within the ‘non-white’ population

Issues about racial investigation in Brazil

1st Brazilian MDG Report (2004) IBGE - Social Indicator Synthesis (2010)

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Inequalities and policies

- Education inequalities

- Effect of universal policies

- Direction towardsprofessional education

- Few specific racial policies

Source: 1st Brazilian MDG Report - English version (2004)

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Inequalities and policies

Population under US$ PPC 1,25 per day according to race -Brazil - 1990/2008 - Income inequalities

- Policies of conditionalcash transfer

Source: 4th Brazilian MDG Report (2010)

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Ethnic classif.: harmonization and coverage challenges

- Same classification in all IBGE Household surveys

- Difference with other administrative records / surveys “preta” - “negra”

- Vital statistics - absence of data on race

- E.g. child mortality: 13% registers without information on race (2008)

- Administrative registers

- Indirect: classification of members of parliament

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- Social Statistics Committee (since 2008) - Forum - Metadata

- Better classifications / comparability - Survey on racial classification 2008

- Insert in 2012 the investigation in a module with national coverage

Ethnic classification: next steps

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Social Statistics Committee (in Portuguese)

Survey on racial classification 2008 (in Portuguese)

