‘They did extremely well to learn all them lines’btckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site7161/Xmas...


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‘They did extremely well to learn all them lines’

Innkeeper and his wife

‘Oh bed lovely bed, its hard work being an


Mary and Joseph

‘We have travelled all day and night, and we are

really tired’

The Surfers

‘We are used to performing under palm trees on beaches’

The Disco Queens

‘Our next act tonight bring a new dance craze

called Disco’

The Cats

‘We are the famous performing cats from


The Rodeo Girls

‘We are the Rodeo Girls from the Wild, Wild


The Angels

‘Hello there I am Angel Gabriel and I am delighted to be here at the Search for a Star talent show final’

The Police

‘Stay back everyone, the doors will open in one

minutes time’

Practising for the Show . . .

Before the Show . . .

Before the Show . . .

During The Show . . .

During The Show . . .

During The Show . . .

During The Show . . .

During The Show . . .

The last dance . . .

The last dance . . .

Well Done Everyone

You should be very proud of

yourselves !
