AtEpiMte .maws®:. -«^


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mmmmim* mmmm^^m'm^mmmmmmmtmmmm

! to ah orderil^lrBojSGE R, PAB-

-TISKW^rfjfl; , . . . , ! j i M S * 1 8 | 6 - i T f l E ' G B E A T A M E B . ,

pNTRi^ai|^j& )t(jus,^,'fbja' universal Pai,acea <* n o ^ ^ y i f t p d ^ r f J 1 1 ' 0 Enr°pe» tfi» East ond V^ppdl«aj.'S(Mit{t America, and al] other rnrts ofHlie fftohe, u here disease exists, jn any lorra. JTJie United States and tke~0ahada»" have I .-I the past ihieeyAana severely tested the vir

f . W ? P « t f thereof, to W # i i y f j | i i i l r v i v i i . g ^Mff i* ra to rof the,goot.svfc.%f§kSlid-credits

- ; | * r ^ % S * w n of S e n e c i i f f ^ l f ^ ^ r before

- Suffiytiiig^jla^iipwtratOT.

5fpS|JH?!S! TWMI isp'S

« M

» BY B l U H t BALSAM*-:

/ J £ S REMEDY, the most sta^ly'S-promises wens maa> "» thepartof tlWtt.#$n*£*J*»>bv.. el was the ineory—the..piW)Ril>M^j^^ which, the cures wire to be <'f^tej,5tj»at J^Offle tfTrew «P their hands^ .^J e n e ^ v r ^ W a t n e x t w ' Even

• *. - - w avV.«*y»^l|ifc- opintjao,. ami the wicejOf- mttMojia and.mote W obaetvjng in-<hvidnflsfbave' 'stafepea'tiiis^|t^»*»t4p'ini^t

aftdJJnjirac-!, l9i8|MPSrV J?**'ep.e,v'M:,pta,a«ce.|. f * e ONK '*?£&** '^Affe^wrjich flje, proprietor k f this »ert«ine tor) the r>rf?«nrjiiion .to say existed, id thsr alt* v&ibus disease's wen&"biit seeti'jdary, is now millions of 'beftScers." -They R U S T be-*v*, fogtyetffiave witnessed 1 tie effect of .this •stortfive. lt'h^sppoagi!|keA,18s> by Dim­ly Cconi^mfrmtCfTTe. °fa,e*Void Scfeoal" •uv oinen tbveir eyes. "Tneir "r>Id dogma's, like le mo>4?tj|cvmist, 8y before Ihe'lurJitof trnth> i&k AnjgP«» ?enSe rlovvseelcs.a.rSad to health * J r W ' ^ a y j instead of closing its eyes, and nf t f 'W; ' - -Tiffi^rnlh of'the principle upon •b^ f f j t e ' artreWcirt-ei; is es'sblished. andlhe ' a^nfehTf%*#aiii '"boldly, mo=t emphatically, iost"%e'cij9%diy re-iterated: This medicine jtpi/i Hveifnm (.ha body every disease ichictihas n- name -"reiyrdisorgatm<Hiap tf„ the systemiWhich can •int. If lone and ftmsplfMiMin, this medicine •ill restore toa-pcrfyit st'alst T h e old calomel,

b!eeiltng,isTJs$ering system la about fo.j&dj. The proof daily presenting itself of the truth of OUR Tniiom> i9 a prop out of'thjs old structure, \vhi«h Will soon tumble down, a shapeless mass of nftpranee and deception. , •,

I»yali4s resort at ohed to this medicine. It i a 'sfrTfliy VEGETABLE REMEDY., the product of our mvii^oil—n Compound of twenty-two differ­ent ingredients. Each root has its particular part of the system to act upon, find this action 11 always produced. Its effect upon the whole syitem is immediately apparent* Testiipsury of the highest character is daily coming to the pro­prietor, full of truth,' and ypii will always see names, places, and dates. Not a particle^ of false eyjitoc^'is offered on"the part of this GREAT CVBKiiV\ The most careful pertunl of the pamrthlet ,is desired. It gives the character of a!MW$ecdnda'ry complaints which prevail, and whicft havtef been ctlted by this article. Eviilence of xair,e| m some of the most dreadful case? of IU)ger,iJig complaints which it has been the for-tune of any. medicine to cope with, is found — cases 'yHtihjfe have been left to die. Hundreds in ei?ejy,'Jargg"city.of our Union and theCana-das, have to th.ajifctliis article for their lives, and so „di& JJjey, 09 letters jn the possession of the proprietor wHI show.

This Gr?at Medicine will cure DROPSY, in eBem-ito^-GnAVEt, and all kinds of difficulty in- tfle-winary Organs; complaints of the Kid­neys ; weakness of thpback ; Female Irregitlari ties imrnediately checked, and a healthy tone giv-e-rTtg the system.. I^et every female at once resort to (his safe medicine, and use no other. Disenjed Liwer, ImfisesUpn., Billions Complaints, I'vspepsia ifisfantly relieved; Rhetiinatism, Gout, &c., proituciid by inaction of the blood, will nlvrays find relief; inflamed Lungs, Cou»h, even C o e m p t i o n , unless the patients and their med-ical /a^isers -\ve?D deceived, ha"» been cured by this medicines Scrofula, and all Eruptive Dis­eases. Piles, Kryoipelfli, • inflammatinn of the Kves, Palpitation of the Heart, Sick Head­ache, laimdice, Fevpr and Ague—the whole •• itnlogue might be named—seek this REMEDY : 6n u "no olfte#.,

SPji.t up in, ^ 0 oz. bottles at $2 ; 12 oz. bottles a t j > ^ j s n , V '

B p , C l B 6 F n i . THAT YOtJ ABE KOT J6ttO,SJlt> flfON.'• Every bottle has the words—-"'^ngKli'rf Ve^ejalile Lithonlriptic MixtDjpj'-5 Jilown upon i He «i'ass—the* written. «igtitft»irV of " G. C. Va»ieftn?» tjT.^5:.t1irefcti6iAi'r,ttd'G. C. Vaughn. B«ffi(rf6>^t!tifiped:*btl%iffcbrk. None other are gawiahtfi^-. ' • •' "

B^Mterl by Dr. G. C Vaughn, and sold at fH«|pjSt»Tpal Agency, 183 Main-?t. Buffalo, at \wh^Wni'e "aild retail, to whom all coramunica-tioripiniist come post paid. devoted exclusively to the sale of Ihii Mc-iiciw, at .wholesale and retail—New York City,, 13? BTassau-sf. H. M. Lake: Salem, Ma«.». 203 EVex^freet, Thos. P. Chase ;.Cincinnati, ~!htOi.j,'!&. Buge, on Third-st. 2d* door from

.'aljiuf '.,$L Louis, Mo.. J. Walkerr-rGeneral A^e,rifc^SoaIe agents for Genpva,

^ , L KKLLY&CO. Also,']ter sale by

••<.-'• PLATT kr SlMPSlW, -f 1 y8|J ' LAWREWCE & BARNES,

- .'HV-.. . Geneva. Wh'te. BtcCliritock, Wnterloo ; J. Oshnrni*. S.

FaiHt^S. C. Norton, K. Vienna ; H. O Haves *; ntffl. King, jr., Canandaiffua ; G. D. Mr-I.tlTerlv. Ovid; las McCam, P . R. VVitlinm' & S. t.-Hew-ttki. J- H. Laptam-, Fenn.Yan ; K. H^ fiunjjrigfonjdp,; W. H 3isson, Lvni>°.

•*i-jfcet-i«s W o r l i s p ra i se i t . "

•ijMtwff6*,'-.". •*- , -; inn. amid Con-

ile-teni'edy; >((iiCOVD%:, '.. of fgilrnonory.CON->

f. vtak&AMof umc aemiirtfCr.BOCBATsfc

^jyi ly fenown us tiie^iMJg ^ff seven je»rs.iti Grentj&rf-; ' ipe, whefo it Is uniTetsolly

OS/, fqr Mi n,wfijl mala^yj i^K3^Jt?A-SI(W»,wte the ini^ 31p.wi(Q(lwr. Wltnfntlireeycntt ' " SUturo Ploridii, and f«ira Cm


ryyartJifpaaKT! . . _ , - - ...,_„_ „w«J'«ndi'an antidote against th"8,fIsier

Con«uniptiveJ<milSffif#<)PtltBSslimiite. it is involttohlei ^M. ' ' a remedy fortevcre n»t| otefotftto (Vigbs. InfldnHn.ottoiIflt' tho I.iin'gn, Cftrtrp,-»<l.,Ttj!abflvhJted. But the Anwflca^,


GO,d8' %fiM rpHEniMtfi

I Cuu§h», Aj disboveted.bH of Londen, Epj English Bemcf

It has ' b e e n ^ L . ^ tain and on thcr'<S>rftin( considered tho.-gMst*i and is now i q ^ a u M f ' mediate »up»fint«iiire it Inn bqen Ji»|riJ>ptil ada ta WiscooJafi. -m

As a prevesjt^i

Agent is so crfltfiflent'of-(tii «• ret f — - -"A—=----* by the

^IbXim'mlttmtii cortlflcnte tlrom We ndm^rfscovcre'd wijl

fe^fftJCBMRiyZTGOx! JM&vf high sun-

•^SkM^OMf'ef- j toy , ' A, J>-' 18*5, /J><ta» mo. the sob -.^flflMt, * i i» ,of the AMermon of the i l l y J ) / . J»bilodetphia. '* ,-^ts-'4yjjripeared KICBARII-%. GoX:#»eitii;eir«f Evejlinni.

^-County, State of New iera(g>, who, on hiMoi-•Wibii did depose arut^aSr-^FIiaPjbr about twelve StTni'wiu attacked try a^»btoaty«pii?gh~'jgitl) a iirning m the palm, of hi.J Hands »Wsulc i of bis "ierwith dfatressipg nighrnyentt. .Tifii. *tote of Allied until NovemtojMV«ffl4h|ii««»*iMldeiily

Jljtevere pnia irt iWJ. ^ijrA,|Jp npay»renit. His -ctin then informed him thufr, his l i n g s were in ^.. ^_-J i._ i jitj-i^v—...—'iindwoflk-

,ilm(;St to u ^ M ._ ,^ ^ .„ „ ,. „itnd the least

ifejejipp eitreme ejhaU.tJOD'", tuj"if,«^j»fth ihdgroat It"ditfeijftjr and pain t)mt nny clmn«.,cl)u)i) b'e mode in bii Whf i^^en ln i i iaWngojp / t l^eA' i i l iwMcb- l i e lay. At

. . . , , . iMlwnftoSi-fc'« p h y s i c ^ iritof this great Eeitjedy, WtlJJC .ta&MMm<m$&&?<l h ! s sMeWyjSnitho'feaeli o f hope. Fdt ., . . . ._., . . . . . . s. . . J . J t o . . . . » ,3jjjp|i^i|i^jg^)ha,! anjjjjjy' ajjaken Uaf, nnd be took

r p H E - D N B O W M f t j J . which b u resoji

and Purtiyingifoi A

ilia.and ConeuMpl moit infiiMMi rej._ Cmnmp (to»—th**

Many PAyiiHOHij oeroted never flM^*" and tbe testimony.

Pulnumary Batfi, i( ted and diseased I'm tivn by the most ski: iy marked and indii eases as many persoj

Tho infallible am'

w. ret fowns ofCoaftltaiition, that he prejsrsi iaiave it oie£ (m hv the j S V M M ? ' . -I- rionft&bnBnj'during thUt lime—when lie determined to

try "SooeboK's Pttlmonic Syrlip." Thnt he bad' taken but _ _ I l r S I K V A L I D ! . _ . . rather thin by persons aluicleil witli »orbo simpleand less nbont ton bpttles^ofthesuld syrup, when a large gathering dangerous disorder, .if the Thr at and tmngs. This may 1 f^™»2. ,.__ ,l^lr . * ™ . " ! ? '''"" " ' seem strong, language; but it is tho resultof experience in^ thousands of cases, snstaiived by tho.mast intelligent and inv imneacbub'e test! '^>ny. VV'e e o not pronounce it an infitl-libio temedy In nil cases, but it is

T H E M O S T 1 M F A L W B L B Remedy known tothiclvilizod worU. It fstlrabert pre»oni

fne°ipfluenc8of thesyrup. , Hb had given up the us- rf nil other medicines at this

tim'e. and strictly followed the directions nccumjianyiug the Polmonie Syrup—that he dischnrged In the presence of his wife and brother nt legist a quart c f thick, greenish master of so ouensive n nature that his friends cuuldscarcely remain in the room with bim, that atlbis timobe wosunuble toraisehfs

ive of hereditary t'ohaumption—it is the bestdefender against , held from.the pillow in consoquence ofhis weakness; hut he the influences orc'in-..'He--it is tho best remedy for incipient j c mtinued the use of the medicinei having knottn-that Mr, Cnns-imptioTl. fearful

-and It is tho great nnd only remedy for that

S o f t e n i n g o f tho L u n g s - I n f l a m m a t i o n of the M c m -braae—ar$d T u b e r c u l o u s D e c a y !

Which are the lost effects of that awful scourge, nnd whicli

Schonck himself had been cured by the, satbe medicine in tbe iowestatage of Consumption, after ail other means had fuiie 1—thnt for several weeks he continued to expectorate freely—which gradually diminished in 'intimity, njrd chang­ed to fiat of a tywlthy character—that bis appetite bejjnn to

•his strenfrth to return, and in a short time, he was - - - - - ; - -•- ; - - . - , - - j - . - , ' ; u i i improvo -ore erroneously ^upposod tp be bosond the reach ormcdical | ) l 0 1 0 s 1 t i o his chimber. Thd -period intervening be-oitl. Theogontof "Proprieto-« of other mwliciuos, dare not claim fbr*hc!T preparations ft power liko fliia. They know that IN NO CASE have Buch effecta been pruduced. The "grand object md purprpo of the common 'remedies* is sini-nlv tn ffivo.reliof—not to cure. This i s ensily done, by any wlelltsent Phvsinnu or Uniff»ist—but while dallying with fheso DELUSIVE COMPOUNDS, the fintiont rapidly de­clines, nnd evrry day^plnce* bim farther and farther

B E J p N D T H E R E A O K O E H O P E ! Such is net tho rase with the Hungarian Balsam. It isnl-

wDVR«aliitnry in its effects—never injurious. It is not an Opiate—it is not a Tonic—it is not a mere Expectorant. Jt is not fifjonricd to lull tb* invalid into a fatal security. JEtis n prQ3frnmed> —1 {irund healing and curative compound. th.o gr^at and onlj remedy which mediaif science and skill h(\a ^et produced for the treatment cT this hitherto fcneonqueted maHidy. U is. in fact, tho

B E S T B E t a E D Y TN T H E W O R t T ) ! Aid m |ier»<in, afflicted with this dread NATIONAL DIS-H \ c : r «t*'IJP j-w! tti him-self and Ins frjenda, if he go down t > the »nva wiihmit teslias its virtiScs. A single -bottle, in n rat '•aso*. will produce a fa.vornbto chrmge tn the condition :

of any patient, fiotrrrrr low. though there are cases, weadrat hevund its, power to cure.

The American Aijonl <>f the Grout EnghshuRemcd}*, having Ail? confidsneo in ftai?:rtra.'>rdinory efficacy in the worst fyrms of Pulmonary discuss, boldly solicits for tre'tttraeot, aiot the' common.aijd ord nary case? of simple.Colds or Inflammation, but what are ccnsUered tho most appalling cases o f

Oonflrmed a n d I a c u r a b l o T u t e j c a l j n u p D i e e n s q ! If there is a remeu> in the world, it is to ho found in Dr.

Bnchnn's Hungarian "Balsam. It has cured ca*c* supposed to be post ali hone. It has raised invalids, as it were, from the verv grave. It has cured after all other systems, medicines, and methods of treatment have failed, ILJS fuundUoJis au-pernr to all the etTect> of medicated Baths, Inhalation, change of climate, or any of the thousand experiments that wealth and ingenuity have ever attempted. It stands alone and un-riv <lled. as the great'ft and best of ell remedies.

The obstacles which even the well-founded incredulity of ma'nkinrl his opposed to the success of the Hungarian Balsam, nro now fast disappearing', as its triumphs become more wide­ly spread over the land'; and ft is rapidly rdh'chtng the envia­ble position of n

S T A N D A R D M E D I C I N E , which may be found In all respectable Medicine Stores and Apothocary Shops iq the .country—recommended by Physi­cians, where their own treatment fails—and kept in numer­ous respectable, families, as a preventive medicine, to" be nsed upon the first oppenranccof this fearful destroyer.

Sold by McDonnld & Smith, Sole Agents for the United Kingdom, at the Italian,Warehouse, Regent Street, London, in Bottles and Cases, for Ships, Hospitals, &c.

By Special appointment—BAVID F. BttADLEE. 119 Court street, Boston, Mass., Sole Agent for the United States and British American Provinces.

American price, §1 per bottle, with full directions for tho restoration of Health.

Pamphlets containing a mass of English and American certificates and other evidence, showing the unequalled mer­its fiftbl* Groat English Remedy, may he obtained ofthe A-genlts. gratis*

PJono genuine, without tho written signature o! the Amor lean Agent, on a gold and brunze label, to counterfeit which is P»rgpry.

AfJKN'Ti8.—S-TOT'SEY. Svrocuw. N. Y., Genoral Agent for Now York, nnd the Western States.

Sold by AJ* K J B f e l j i r 4fe C o . , Geneva, and by agonts throughout tho County.

Geneva, Juno. 2G. 1840. Iy76

tweon taking the first buttle and his recovery was ahbjit tari week*: thnt the rapid changes in his condition created sur-h n surprise and wonder in all who saw him during his illness, that fnenrls andUieighborsi8ocked continually to een, n s l i were, n man Hs n from the grdve That as the sjrrup Still strengthened and improved theaysten)* he continued using i t until he had taken 25 buttles. That he now believes him­self nsnund man ; and is in the enjoyment of good health; that ho is able to attend to all his duties, and 'to folfil them as a township officor os well as nt any period i j b i s life;—• that he has had his lungs examined, una that they- are pro­nounced to be in a perfectly sound condition.

[SignedJ v fl . " - J 6 I C » | A ] B » I / . C O X . Affirmod'tosnd/snbscrihed. thip3d dnv of May, Id45, he-

fore me, [$tgnedj CHAUNCEY BU^KLK|*» AWerpaari,

EVESHAM, BnmjNQTON CODNTS, N . J . ) • ' April 32d, 1845, I • \ We, the subscribers, residents of the.township of Eves­

ham, d.) hereby certify that we ore well acquainted with Mr. Richard " "


Jm the use of-tbii. Great Htftftys S e c u r e of CWd». Crfghttytim

warrants the assertion, that, it is Uio *" (ho world, for a»v form «j i^g0.uf M i n d .moat kopdesa ftm. ; j'tfiot the human lungs ul-

"m.'tuid cured; b W i f J&pcritmct* •^ittaay'persons of the highest standing

tp be relied o n . ^ r f l n ^ * J M t y _. Jd many decided cuiks or «««•#• ncTi coica "« were" called Conatiriip-

fllcinna, some of the.moststrong-. les- of ulCerdted IungB-r-«uch dj$-,jn consequence of, every 4ay. Wonderful

. ^ A N D PURIFYING qualities of this best of ^|1 remedies gives toit curatiVfl vir­tues which no other GMtftyremtdy possesses, {t phjo pofsess-es all.the necessary qupfties for faciiitattng expectoration, southing and removm^jpSIn, and subduing coifgh.'that other •ipugh medicines h * t ^ 1 ? J W » then, by its cornpoattd fyeoting virtues (ita absoTbenUitiTiftieT of cttualizihgthe drqalation and eecretions. iU QWtliHf* of-cleansing and puri,fy*ng/«ie blood, of 9ubduin|^^|) |*r(d easing pain.) itbeais.ttpn cyVeb ulcers in the l o n g a ^ i p K i ^ / w as it neiiertias faUtdtn b ftl and core ulcere ari^Bfit^in* tu the legs or arms,.or a&y other part ofthe body. . , 1 L IT C U t e S SCROFULA:

By " Purifying tI^fr45Jpod,• without ftII.'In any instance,; and also, many o ther jwojuc . diseases, which ore caused by the derangement in th'ft*eorat1ons and impurity of the blond. viz.,- Ew^dMTl&^<$$foa& Chronic and Inflammatory-RhpvmaUtim, UlccrfetfL'Sorc .tyoitt/t and Throat, Narfling

plaini guttli:-- .... . specific in curing dl) d.ehilituting weaknesses aup^ must MS; rangeroents incidetiuU-io JrmatcB-

This great Indim Bmalfj is compounded and prepared exclusively from •eegllpUtsubstinccs, and its wonderful effi­cacy in nil pulmqnSty3somI ,'ai" ts' ""^ o s " P u r '^ e r of the blgod.'is the result mf tSactical Indian experimeni. JVbitr/a-. ry has ever been dnno'to any of the many who have used it, eitheroonstitutiunajlj or othenvise.

B E ^ B T i a E BVrUEXCE. We here give a fe T oFthe many n-imas of well known and

resectable persons ^hdhuve used this medicine, and who have voluntxrity given certificaies and statements o f impor­tant cures. For lull particulars of every cose here named, and other wonderful cures, read thopamphlcu. Every agent .has them. Gel one., will*be convinced, if human testimutiy can convince you, that tho above is all a true statement of facts, .',..,

We refer, in thefirefcplace, to persons^who Ae»e teen them­selves cured-oy the usVnf this Medicine'of tho sei?e'ral disea­ses njamioned in connexion w , th their names. We therefore refer to ' ^ ,"*'

General John IBitiiiftiig. Ballston Spa, N. Y., who was f.r many years fherffipftTie (ijiinty. cure! of .Consumption.

Mr- Oilman DicKaj, farmer and wuol m»rcbant, Elba, Genesee Co., N- Yjj Ipfiamntion ofthe Lungs, which termi­nated in Consumption^.

Mr. J. Tt>unseflif!0,#y:\iwi, Ovid, Seneca Co., N. Y., In­cipient Consumpyon".'-. "

Miss Potter, Kajlrforte Teacher, 23 Hubert St., N. Y., Consumption cf sevemt^enrs.

Mr, • Cnap«sn,.5(|.erihant, Middlebury, Vt., long difficlty. of Breathing. .,""<!•

Mr. John R. >S)rifflli,lMerchant, Lee, Ms. Chronic Rheuma­tism. • - « * « « »

Mr. R.Jf StimpsoHMbbing Merchant, 33 VWlliam-st. N. Y., Scmfulp. iftthKNejek.

i Jlfr^J. Cra^iMfefcfiiht, Mcdinb,, Of leans Co. N . Y. Salt IRheunl MiMk '•'• • •" \ ' I Copt. Ezra JB^K3SWillotv StreeWBrooklyn, J*. Y. Srrol-Inloiis Er^wpe!ns,inSHStn-legsfrt>m'-Wie kneijsto the aticlesf I M"ri, 'Sarah BaSg)d,<iBnl.ston Spa, N. Y. Salt 'Rheum, o, /15 years, in theface.n'nd ^VFS.

And we further referin the second place, to the following-

I t . tfyfaforfui; Tkfttit R « t f e « faoper P>tociplq

?. 4 - • • ; : # * • • • • . ' . ^ * * W •%.'- " • • »

! 0 U cannMhiisct to'givfug njyarjioles a fttlf tttal. I * 5 they o « . ® t (bund M repr»sented,;Htarn ther/WWd yo\u/

money will to cheerfuny refunded. J^wmbor, thels t» «6 qiackent, aajmmoug here. Atrial WjjKost yon tfojijing, jo ifofty one tthutoh^ged it wtfl W tnyseir. With the "utmost cohaBonco t repommend to tho, particular attention of the public thefollowing articles; FtB»T, >

, M - y JE»«i l4 |»»trft l H n l r K e n t o r n t l v o . This univenally approved and admired article, free from

ardent «pirits, pupgontessaptial o|l, aJid«thQsdestruoti\>sninT terialB, ploam the hair expeditiously, fendeB it bdauufujjy bright, unu imparts to it the delicato frngruilco of flowers. Hair washed with this Extract soon becomes pleasingly soil aild luxuriant in its growth; and j t will positively bring-in New Hojr 6a Bold Hsads hy its use, andjiair that has beori maue barsji, and is turning g n V g r foiling out, by the use of Spirit or other impfoper preparations, will soon be testored to -Ka natural-color oad brUlianoy by a few ap^pHfjatioes ofthe Kan liiispal. . " « ; . . j , < .Wi.,

It is a preservative against Baldness; and an Ijilulllble euro in ttll ofiections ofthe skin on the Head, as .Dandruff— and. for preventing tho falling offiof tho hair,"and turning gray.

It is the simp'o rproduce and immediate; extract o f eomo plants salutary fur the hair, endowed with pr^pertios.«p high­ly cleansing, that it disengages the Epidermis, and Capillary tubes ofthe corrosive action of the Perspiration, ana-of the dry and dead particles that tldaposits. prepoiafion pu­rifies the Huiti and gives to,it a, beautiful gloss and .softness, and airagreooblo and vivifying perfume.'

E V I D E N C E -Nature isaD inejthamwble.njino. in which eiperionce and

study willafwajs lind room to escnvate; it-is that soorcon-lone, which produces all that man calls inventions, and which ho would do bBttor,'perhaps, to no%e adaptations, ^BL-OSD,

M y B a n D i v i n e De V c n n s n i i d N y i n p l i S o o p , Composed of an Eastern ^Botanical'Dtscovertj of Sur­

prising Efjic'lioy.'for'rendering.tlie

SKIN SOFT AND FAIR, Ms well as imparling V'Delkale Roseate

Hue to the Coinplexioit. As a creator and canservatqr of that most-distinguishing

charm of female lujwiiues?. a. transparent /ujr skm, J l U J i S HAUEL'S N t M P l i SOAP, nr EAi: W V l X E B E VElMiS may be sold to exert 'nn almost nragioal power. CotnpoSod fur the niost part of Oriental Balsamic plants, to the uttorex-rlusion of all mineral admixture, it is distinguished medicin­ally for its extremely bland,, purifying and' suothing aotro.a op the skin; and,by acting on the pores nnd minute secretary vessels, expols all impurities frtrfn thogurface, allays every ten-

rfea»'.V'»sJ aifeiffffl ^ivaj^apiBi

"A h~m t B-ii.* s

'- ""\ It i^l^VrWSl^S^ tire i n d i o a t i o i 3 i A e f ' u p p > W n w D i f e ^ ^ „ r f

^jMSSiB^mmW&mfmmi. or hope to tntffle utifortunat? mspttirffflM with Deafness ^ |isingifi rODi-6iJ' ipM|^^»fi the internal structure o ¥ j l ^ m S l M W m i ' gisijersJiy sqnnecf/fa wif|ji«mKtie«*i ***** »tfs: W


AtEpiMte .maws®:. - « ^ i ~ P H E d o v WJ!1 coina'wlienthisniediciaq'wn] be nronojjric^ I Iy. W , r e 3 i p i ^ g f e M | y l | | R i 4 | l f e ^ - f v W 1 caooblo of Joins rooreaood, thhfl any A W raMlieiWion go 1D •praaU(MD£'-«Utn «*lW»lflBr: siM

ipobio of doing more good, thhfl any five. - , - „ . - . . , -the jmhlic'. •At'ppreeitt, ft Is bul partially known t the half bos!nt jv te l t fe»hall.bB3ie«tedjninll tfle various denaflnjepbipf iickness ftn(tdlfea,se,iyv?J!Sln^,won­derful virtues shall'ho developed j ItSpoworoVef the « n l a dies iif men, aeon and felt, 'thpn it will he SoHSowlsdgetHliot M'Mi'siir'sSU Ueatirtg OinhteiitHaspower totore mote diseases than nny fiya jeroedic?-.bpfpl»tji«jmjr;ia.j^!Jii5 !Vlll apponr (ilain upon a moments refleotirj^.The hrO two prom­inent reason* i w this* asserfibn. " ' * ' , , . , t ,•• • .

1st. That byupeping the pores of thesiinj-it rflihpyesS all hindrance to •' '"->* *— ' " - - " - ' - " A - . r ^ A - j w . Perspiratio; tenthb rtf;tht.....^« ,.-™~ . .^ .p . - .^ .^ ., r plicable to ope disease as another1, to^tjfe ffi^^iomm^fi, Cgnmmpp\ov.mi fiysjpepsiai.^Mio' fiits/e KeoaMfe«5'd

. ^ T n w ^ - t o »•%' mjm;j&ms, #>«»*•*«*. BPIBV Ctmptctii&s, as'tho.- Qtancij Sttie'a»«v>aj, Bfojiehtttis

ncss. Its constant use wifl change the most hllione coniploX ion into one of radiuiit 'ivhiteness; "Wntleon'tlle ncok.lmnds nnd arms, it bestows a delicacy ttbd-faimess/which uscontin-uettuso will happily^tutegt, wt(,h Cjvqry ojipearancu uf youth­ful charni, to the most advanced periods of Ufa,

It is invahiabla as u renovating nnd refreshing wash, dnring travelling ur exposurc-to the sua, d u s t e r harsh wind, and al­ter the injuriuus dogree of bfint, foltin ,crowde;d nsscmldies.

To gojittemeniofilictod with a tajjdornessof J.w skin in shav­ing, file uss ofiho NYMPH SOAP wlfl ib found to allay all cutioular irritation tlocasldtied 'by tcoihinoffeudp or croaifli or the clirnatS, wjiioh, like that uf the JJnited States, where the variation of the weatherjsots'oside ail chances of calculation, and whore exhalations and damp, together with rough wind, exist throughout a sjeat portion -ofthe year, the ^YMP^^ SOAP, tns EAtl JJIVHJE B E VENUS, has proved an inval­uable ji))0soTvntive • of the skin, and, from^rts extraordinary-

_ -praduoib^iatb i*l»a|flir i S l U F l } . * lill

TfiisifflMe * h % b ! h M i ' e c « r % * | i l # i | M k | er's Camnm%dEttereal v | s i f t | C £ recipe of an a f e e J a n d e i r i | i ) 6 i i i l y ^ i ^ | | ^ S g f L tionfer i» the diseases of the eye aiiHl"<fiS#TOfef i osed ilfor a Jong t r ie 's tityMf&mm&tmWu*

mm torm tfithii'ifl. d f r e ^ < i ^ ^ * M ^ | f ^ ^ ^ an&althoughi-iWs n ^ W-weniW fail, yet in t-h* g i ' e a f T O ^ r f t f ^ f l ^ S f l ^

>d. Tbtt foralmosrovorv <&,*. w m » * < M W : . » g g 4 £ ? R e d f f b e ' ^ ^ ^ l F - F * T O # # ' I i r f d : and althoughIhbrt ofe-a legion of-them-rBcBnlmomreS- JBOUsands ,naW in- f l%pondenc ,Y M B # P n f l n ' f ^ B ! tho.cure'bf thesamo portfcijlae.diseases,Jet how seldom" r e i o i o ^ rri"*bfe ^ T O l v . e r S B f r n ^ - i f l f r & K l S l S i i e

dv »ho cure L . . . tha t one -auiiOf.. a Ji ujidr^d 4 9 npysgSo^-(yhatevec!3:./,iv- 5

stead, therefore of being under the nocessity^pf ngplwngn great variety of cuto.8} the succesiyn ?l>ch'r)f; WliulhTs ubiibi,-ful, tho JM-ffealixtf (foment fmiMfi ^ c ^ M f e W l j j , peso a peraop is 4mic,ted * i | h . a.* Qmjjfiypt a.,r^f!f;orS&nj s«.te»ti(i»,>ur l.hKr'ComnlaintT ''• '"-»'•; . "»• '.' • Hesooks a Ya»ictydf-few«rf^rlicd1e»-'Bat&'lio1)T8\dttBS ho find Joliof. unlessqt. is, papabJfe,fjf^Ming.o|^p6rSB"#iqn,. wlikh is.but d^norpentary reIiof,?.a9 the pores agalp.Jlpsefjie moment the effect of the medicine has censed. , , ' ""' •'-'

It may be said with truth, that all inwaWTremetties-ihiPof curing these complaints six ,if,dapk ofeht.ftacs. i wuridover; and yet a meaic'fno'Hww will-fiHtrcuj Half the cases'it'.is nppIh3dffl'S#Kci1ig{?piiQ®ia , .

Now what.isthoicapBa,of4h8,nWo-cbmpJ,aiijts*! *$fep,il» swer, chpeked Mother' words " catching cold." The «7«'ii tliepi anil'rat trie internal organs,jsont,ol)prdpr. And we assert that unless, the 3kia is broug'ut intoJibaJthy

.:—*- ...^ r-^ff^ifij^ppgpirtitfon otticacj; C o r v e s a place a m o n g > hovrsehojd treasures of ^ X ^ t ^ & ^ C M ^ - m m ^

:hdrd I.. Cox, lirfd frequently.;visited him in the lest stages I respectable persons whoareknowi&gto. Pulmonary Consumntibb, -which w e believe was cured by they have seen -th^sill^ppy resu.ts oftaOiC

and have stated thnt

f ttbu, Avhicb w e believe was cured by | they have seen th?tjl»!pny resu.ts qftbomse of thisrnjedicine in ulmunary Syrup, and feel it our duty 1 its effecting curesm£ffl)ier persons, u f such complaints and

*•'—" "~ ' ' -— -— •-*•-»->'»«>»• •- conne'dtidn'witli their names '"

o f P tho use uf Schcnck's Pulmuuary Syrup, nnd-feet it our du^r i its effecting cures.m to recommend it tojha .Consuniptfan!id the strongjstposii t . diseases, nre nftfttfol Li. t_..:. . , „ _ ...--.-..-• . . - . j * . . , . . „ . - . - . vVe refer therefow^llirsuch proof, t'n ble terms, having heen eye witnessesstodne'df the greafcg cures ever performed in this section of country.


JOHN B E B D S , J K . JOHK H - J u n , ' ANDRKW iGiap.oosj, WlLLUB HAMMttT,



S'CfrsEi'S rsi»'rj88.«,

\ - COMPIjErTE^eineAy for,Bums, Scalds, Cut", Brnisus, r V 'Spti>ln«; HwSlflngs, Salt Rheum, Pi!<>s. Fo\-or Sofos, Chipjve4Band«. Soro Lips, Chilblains, Scald Head,-tmd all kiotte oi x

.' ' I N F t A M E D S O R E S . rTtonsiitolt.coi-.uitinnsof life am ot all i n t . 'mh'c taho

iTIic^.d )Vitfi ^hoahbvo complninH. It i^ tt.-r-r.-n iho dntv r.f Jieudioiianlilios. tu provide ana feeop on hi-.l. ready f r n-ivefllBrJOnjiy. A REMEDY thatis<-apableof ri-inuvingtlip » •u*«lnf att9tldn.nt on these very troublesome compaitionA-Thsso-wllo'hove used

-*;.<(•.• iToH^ey'd TJJiiveroal O l n t m o n l , rjaed ^ijjb^jolil thnt»t is 0, most nomploteremedy,

, v . . ; A , ? B E F E O T M A S T E R O F P A I S , S3if tfiietgplii sjiWdy remover o f INRIJl MATIO.V ever dis-- > red },yhe esporiepce of such persons is sufficient to i • 'tt them to Hedp it aiwqvs on hand- Knowing that mo-M , ..ualilcdfi*s%arId,Jliobj>h"ar¥eliDcli«a.vcil, by Ibn MAiil-< \ l . fON(U?iEKQS of iftflamod and oth : ,ur»-s, burns, *' id<-.. &d. &c:' It (nsfahtly stops all rihw uf th- soverfst ft 11, nnd praveots allWoor. Notamily should I10 vithntit it, ••- .n tminaillat., .application 0 ? fldncise o f £urhs or ecnlds woaJd dnmnragj.,d whllo, wojllng fur the jlnplur, than he r •: 'I do irterfnrriscd, brides preventing" long noul»of the i i - -t <ulTorlng vohish mijlit pas, boforo n phywiall Could" he r l>ta.ipcd. * -• • ,.

It |ros%ji.escontiol-ovQr t'.iesevorest mjorias by fW. over ciorfo5<|atJtliB,over inliammntion, and by its combined virtues It aelsaSMlffseptic, nervine". onti-spa>modic,onmlyne,erool-ira? B'naWl!Wj%.nii{I'is the rno*t

' ; " ^ 0 K l f l i i l ' T B " B X : T B H H A l B E M B p * i t i i M t . f t , ThouWndl hftvo 0-ied nnd thousands praise It-# Wss|0rStog its way intd public favor « i t h n rapidity bore tofiipEjitelltliown in tho history o f medicines. ;yi^S iffil -i&lio'nBO, R e c o m m e n d . i t .

«&y"£tf»fahiily sbonld be wlthaflt ft. Theagonts , j»Mllg,MMifcGltAT'a with books describing tlii. it? ^'E&tjf i "ox of the conuino. Trtcsrv's U N I - , HASUr.JpWTMRNT, has tho .ignotote pf S. 'Koo'-

•* 0KiJif\aUI*tdc latelin blark ink.*. Never ppr iftl^iyiiisslgltntiiro can be seen. Pride B5*t*.

Wotte dollar. E t u f e T ...Syrootuiei N. Y.mnd sold by agent. iA-llrWea.: ' •


D v . U p l t a m ' s I n t e r n a l R e m e d y For the cure of Piles, Inflaaimation of the Liver

and Spleen; Inflammation, Soreness and Ul­ceration ot the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and Bladder; Inflammatory and Mercu ial Rheumatism; Impurity of Blood; Weakness and Inflammation of the Spine; and for the relief of martied Ladies. T h e V e g e t a b l e P U e E l e c t u a r y , Invented by Dr. A. Upham, a distinguished

physician of New York city, is the only teally successful remedy for that dangerous and disttes-sing complaint, the PILES, ever offered to the American public.

Mark tb t s : it is an INTERNAL REMEDY —not an external application, and will cure any case of Piles, either Bleedmj* or Bliiid. Internal or Externnl; and piohnbly the only thing thai will. TJiere is no mistake about it. It is a pos­itive ctire—speedy nnd permanent. It is also n convenient medicine to laltp, and improves the general hpallh in n rpmiikatile manner.

Each Box-contains tvvplve doses, at 8J cl« per dosp. It is vpry mild 111 its operation, and | In-may be laken n ca=.'s of the m"-4 acnlp ii.flim- 1 mation, withnnl danppr. All •vtprnil a|i[.,ir«- '

I lions, .up in the hip;hp8l dpgrpp di-ngrppnhl*-, in-I ronvpiiipnt, and clfnisivp ; and from the very na-] t-iip of lli» iiisp.i«p, temporary in their effpcls.— 1

This tnedicine allarks llie. disease at its source, | an I rpBiiriir the fiusc, render* the cure cerlain and permanent.

S r a O a n n i u a i o i T D i s e a s e s . ^ ' AUhoi iRh I he E l p c l u a r y w a s o r i g i n a l l y pre-

pnri 1 lot t h e cure oi P I L P . O , yt-t it ba>-proved i t -«p'f to be a m e d i c i i e far superior to all ..llipt's, in all d i s e a s e s nf an I i l h m m n l u r y charac ter , n it h a i l e tpr imi iat ion o f b lood to any parl 'cnlar part or Qjc^n. In Infl . i inrnalion an,l C o n g e s t i o n of Ihp I. 'ver and S p l e e n ; In f lammat ion , S o r e n e s s and P l c c r a l m n ol Ihp S l o i n a c h , B O W P I C ; K i d n e y s , "" ' l i l a l d e r ; in In f lammatorv and ami Mercur i -

it i s t h e B E S T M e J i e i n e eyer

IB"AR(.TON, JSew J_eraev Mav 8tb, 1845. M B . J. B . F E H S N O K — S i r : I nra pastor uf the Babtist Church

at Marlton- N- J.' Sbmd'tlirfeo nr turn- m'ihth's stnfie I was taken by one pi the deaoonsHo see one of lib neighbors, Mr.. Richard L. Cox, then lying to all appearance at death's door by Consumption. My distinct impression was, thnt the gen­tleman would not liveone week. To niysnrprise I saw him in my nongregution last Sabbath, a healthy looking man.— To-day I have been at his house, and received from him the assurnnce that ynur Syrup was the means ofsuving his life!

I am respectfally yours, JAMES M. OHALLIS

For sale bv R. H. LAWRENCE, where pamphlets, de­scriptive of Consumption, can be had gratis. ,

May 29, 1840 ' . . - 74

T E S T l M O N f F R O M F f t A W C K A l V O P R U S S I A T O V H G H I E K T J r s OIF

SANDJST SASAPJlillJLLA. The fame of this preparation is not confined to the limits

of our own country, but, by Its powerful agency in nrrcsting and curing disease, lias won its way successfully into differ­ent countries in Europe, as tho foft&wing unsolicited testi­monials from individuals o f the highest respectability show in the most conclusive and satisfactory mnnner. Thesamo happy success has attended its use there, winch has always marked its cou so wherever adopted, and diseases have yielded to its health restoring influence which Medicnl Men

,or profound skill ana premrfhTrea.incTrnnne. xrre -most ptr tent simples'of the vegetable kingdom nte-united in this pre­paration, nnd the combindtmn is speb thot one mbdi'nes and imnruves the ..ther, and under thql namo of Sands* Sarsnpa-nlla is presented a compdund diflcring entirely in its chdrac-. ter nnd properties from any .othor preparation, unrivaled in its operation on the system when laburlng tender disease. Its approval by Physicians and. Men of .Science; and this uni--] furm success which bus marked its use;~ furnishes proof suffi­cient to convince- any cimdhl and discerning mind of its great superiority and value.

LEOATION U N I T E D S T A T E S , Berlin, Prussia. Jlpril 8,1846.

Messrs A. B. & D. SANDS, Gentlemen—Bavins seen your Sarsaparilla used in this

City with erent effect in a severe case of SCROFULA. I have been requested to order thred dozen buttles, which please send, on the nnymont of tho enclosed drnft on Me-srs. Hin-chin &. Unkhnrt with the least possible delay. I am inspir­ed only by a feollnij of philanthropy, in hogging you to pub­lish this unasked testimony to the value ofji medicine which, widely as it is known, is not known as it ought to be. 1 am, gentlemen,

Respectfully yonrs, &c. THEODORE S. FAY.

The following is an extract from a letter received fVotn Mr. Mace, whoso wife had been artifcted with a scrofulous affection of th« nose, which bifiled the skill of the first phy­sicians In Franco. It commonds itself to tho attention of all.

K.EUNB9, DKPARTME>T OP {ILE AND VlLAlNE. France, July 17, 1845.

Messieurs SAND? • *, The STnmpnrnla sent has boon received, and the'great be­

nefit mv wifp has derived from its use upon a"shorfc trial, i s well as tho high recommendations we havo received, gives us (front hopes of hoing ab'e to cure with this medicino a dis­ease ihnt the most celebrated physicians of France havo not been able to effect. My wife isfully determined;to continue its use until a perfect curS,ls effected, and fearing whnt we nnw have will not bo sufficient, please Send us some more without delay, nnd be assured, gen'lemen, vreshall to.ko.plo/i-sure in making known its virtues to our friend^ondjitjtojiiib-.

and I doubt not that it will soon bo oxtenswe^' used here, nbd.all over the world, and that many afflicted safferers «>'t hail withjnv the koowledcc that -there is o vegetable ,»ie|,staiten sufficiently p .werful to eradicate their diseases. I have tho honor to remain.

Yours .respectfully... J. MACE,

No 1 Rue Louis Philippe. For further particulars and conclusive evidence of its su­

perior vnluo and tiTh-iry. s e o pamphlets, which may Be ob­tained of Agents pr«tiB7

Pre.nored and sold by A. B. & D. SANDS, Bruggists, 100 Fultnn-st , i.f Wl'linm. New York.

SoM.nlsb by I, KEI.t.Y & CO. Oeneva : H. O. HAYS, Conaodaigu-i; B. P, BEARDSI.EY, Unionville; agents in evcrvtowo in the Pine, and by Druggists generally through-utitv}he t;m»ed States.

('. N. T f T T I . E . General Agent. Price SI per b .ttlo. Six bottles for $5.

. 9 3 " The puh ie are respectfully requested to remember that it isSaods' Sarsaparilla thut has been and is constantly Cchievine soeh renuykable Cures of the most difficult class of diseases to which the human frame is subject; therefore ask

" ' Gm76

JuV. «. J Van J p i t o n , MercHn'tpS Cntskill; N. Y. for cures of Chronic Cough^dilSohsumptipn. *

Duct. W. J. ^hdfSnPiaegist!, Bridgeport, Conn for'Con­sumption, - ^ ' • i i *

Rev. R. DnnntHe, Pastor ofthe Presbyterian Church, at AdnnVs Basin, MoqrqePo. N. Y. Consumption, Fever-Sore andtrrofula. A^%V;- * ' :-~

DocU Ra$sman.$3ajlamj si, Brepklyn, N. Y . &r purs­ing Sore M o u t h s , • • ' "

ZJoct- Sorato'li 'WiSstcr, comer of-Crnnbetry" and-' Hif.ks Streets BronklynLN.- Y.for ScVofuIa and Erysipelas of the Eyes, and Scrolp^ the legs.

T)«ct: T. 'JJfit|®BTBrriggtatr Aubnrn, N! Y. for cure of Chronic CoughSrJd^toptions. and a case of Herofuln in.tlie neck. \ ' j-!'-.v -

Mr. Milo Hfatt/ij^rclinnt, Easton, La. Scrofulous Erup-, tions of long stittimpg^ on his son.

Mr. S. J. Sirt'Ssyf^HSrchant 22 John st. N. Y, aSgravntoa Eruption, on his child, which a celebrated Sursaparilla.could' not. cure. ,, „,;.

Doct, Geo. Francis, Druggist, Middlotbwn, Conn. Erysip^ clas uf the Eyes.

Mr. Wm. B. Safris. Sheriff of Saratoga Co. N. Y. his wife cured ofj£fOns.amptinn. .

Mr. John Wait, Merchant, Ballston Spa, N.Y. , fg . iH«op ing Cough and Consymptiun. "' ' ,

Messrs. J.Qhfvsfopher. W. V^Htracll, R, B-, Bonell, and Win. /,attg'AftnV€ont!emeu, well-known nt'Rochester City, N- Y., for ConspTOption and Liver Complaintr- ,4 - ,.

W e could thus"gpin and refer to hundreds" of otherjpe*-sons os respectable o"s.the nbove named, frftrh whom weitove received certlficntesafEnd statements, but If these be not .suffi­cient to prove al lows havo said respecting the. Acaii'ag-and purifying virtucs*Bf;%b\% Great Indian Remedy, then, thou •uiids of other ref" -*• •<••-=•• ->••

For sale by would lie equally as unsuccessful

' P L A T T & SfMP<0N, Geneva. Br. Ji BURT. Phelps: B . O. H A Y E S & Co., Cjmandaieua.

A J. H O V e y . l i o n s . „ - , ' HAfcSTBAD * r L A R K , Clyde.

Geneva, March 27,1846. rj65_

•• J L t l f ^ 0 R T £ . N l V 6 . FO^OATE'S ANfJDYNte, CORftlAl,


S U M M E R cojMcpi.Airsrxs. Viz; Diarrhceu fi-n$ &holcra -Morbus? also,

Jr/«(«2cu{«l«.ffi ^pttsTOotiic Cholics.

TI1I@ invaluable medicine lor the obove complaints, sur­passes any other'r6me% tiow in use. Biindrecls of cases

have come to the knowledge' bf-£he proprietor, where a spee­dy cure has been effected h y j i e use of the Cordial; after a resort to tho common remedies had proved unavailing. It has been extensively used^hroughout this State and else­where, fur many years-^h'ip beefi approved, and is used in praottce by a groat nurribprTbf the most respectable physiciaps as may he seen by their certificates and recommendations ac­companying each bottle.-*-* -

This medicine is dieoowfed to be a certain and effectual remedy for the intestlno djfeases, produced by the drinking of the waters of the rivers 18 the southern and southwestern States, which renders itjof^nestimoble value to those who re­side or travel in those sections of the country.

N . B. To secure the public against deception, the external label of each bottle is secured, by a copy right, which was en­tered (according to act of fltmgress) in the Northern Bistrict of New York, on the Oth^dky1 of-November, Anno Domini, 1840. A fnc simile of the'ranprietor's signature will be found on the outer label of each^lpttle, if genuine. Price' 31 cts.

For solo by L! KELLY & CO. & ( „ „ . „ „ l f # . X A t V R E N C E , {Geneva.

BBARDSLBY, Btiionville.

every ^nsi ly . T H I E D ,

".. ' " ' M y SKp,yIj |»^, <!»*«»»»•. The celebrity of tnis excellent-preparation,is to well knoivn^

o be-neoessary to, all its good "qualities, Its use is generally pdopted in tlie-faslnoupble wolld of the V. States. The opinion of all who have tried'it, es&blishbs this Cream a» tjio .b/ist and m*"*1 agreeoble compos;Hiop that one can use

•*|!Brshavins. It docs "not differ in any respect from the cele­brated Guerloin Cream-, being made'hytlip same process.-

F d n r t h - r M y D e p H n t o f y " ' P o w d e r . " ' >' This powder has beon-found. highly beneficial, and of great-

use tojladies'wba have been afflicted with supcrfluuasTiair, nrinclpallv whpa its grow|h ,1)0? been confujod. to the unppr lip and side of-flie faco, giving a mnsculine tarn to the whole features. -' Wlftn USM with proper care, and according to, tlni directions, it will be found to he a great addition to the toi­let, Is the use of any sharp iratirumejit is entirely avuided,'nnd the hair is removed infive or*ten mlnutcB after its application. This, composition is infallible, arid warranted to remove su­perfluous hair. . After nunjorous trials, rl have received cer­tificates o f success which eann'dfc-he contested." 'FiFT-rj,

fflfy C r l e b r a t e d V-cqeth&iffitfaiaiaiift? ^ J ^ ? A Chemical result," to eriiihle pofsons to Bye instautonemis-

ly their hair, without Bio least inconvenience; for ehongiag red or gray hait, whisker?, eyahfq'ws, &c^ to a brown, black or chestnut color. The slightest evil consequences need not he feared from its use—it is altogether harmless. This com­position is the only 0110 sanctioned hv the science of-Chemis­try, to dye, in nn indelible manner, the various gradations of colors, without danger or jnconyenience, and has justified the liberal ptttrenng*eoml.dnlimited..confi3en^B.of tho public.

g-J- Beware of- Counterfeits,. Ask for, "Jules Baud's Vegetable Liquid HMf Dye,'* i f -voltwant tho genuine Arti­cle For sale. Wholesale and Retalf, byJtJLES HADEL, Perfumer &• Chcmitt, No. 4B SbutVTliird stM bolow Chest­nut, Philadelphia; and for sals by mv Agent;

R. H. PAVTOBNCE, Druggist, Nov 7 TfM5 fly45J *• 42'Senecii street, Cenva


|tfHTL ;Viennn.


fjrSandi' Sarsaparilla, and tike no other. al Rienmntism, d i c p m p r p i l .

l a n p u r i i i e s o f t h e B l o o d . For all Ihipmilies of the Blond, aiisuig fiom

iho iroprndent use of Mercnrv, or olher causps; I , , , , . - - - - — for^II diseases of the Skin and Scrofulous AlTec- M hfhly »rfu°w preparation, capable from the


V e r m i f u g e o r " B c i d - S h o i , " FOR WORMS.

Iy; & .C»., '&M&.

and by A-lySI

-I .'Ingyahd i'df *al*by

*«h'yj Hi«lory, Ge-y I. A . Oaphanw

it DBR8V. * OO.

lion* ; in all cn*rs « hpre the blood is powerful Iy determined Io the He.'d; producing dizzinp-s nnd distreeq, Dr. t'pham's Electuary is enliiely unrivalled. ^

T o I f i a r i i r d L a d i e s . Marrierl Ladies are almost i..variably subject

Io that painful and injurious disease, the PILES, with consequent Inflammation of the Stomach, Bnuels and Spinpy^wfairness of the back, flow rl blond to the Head, &c. The Electuary is perfectly safe for Pre-jnaut Ladies, and the most nspliil Cathartic that can possibly be used, as it will not only remove the Piles and all inflamma­tory diseases, without pain or irritation, but will insiiip an <>asy time, a safe delivery, nnd a sound constitution in tlic.qffspring.

C u r e for L i f e S e c u r e d . The Elertuaiy contains NO Mineral Medicine;

nn .?',)ct, Coloajnlh, Gamboge, or other powerful and itnlaling purgative. No fear of taking cold whilu under its influence, no change in dipt ne­cessary. If taken according to the directions a cure for life is guarantied.

r.imphleis, giving valuable information re­specting *his Medicine, may be Obtained of A-gents, grail".

S- TODSEY, Syracuse, N. Y.. General Agent. Sold by £,, K e l l y * C o . , Geneva, and by Agents tbrdrigboiif fhe Coonty.

Geneva, June 26, 1846. 1y78

promptitndr of it* action, of clearing the sys tern in a few hours of every tootm.

CYRUS F a m i l y B o t d n i c M e d i c i n e s . .

PAPERS.—Bitters, t4jeleaiise the blood, Vege table Composition, Btenlafitig Powdeis, Com pound for Caiike^Jafflitlice Bitters, Worm Pow­ders, Vegelable S a ^ Stomach Pills, Billiotis Pills, Wine Bitters, V, 3t Powders, Golden Bjt-ters, Female As'sfs^ if, Diabe as, Dyspepsia Po'wders, Compouutyor, N'eiVe Pow­ders, Kentralizing Ua k, Female's Secret Friend, Balm Pills. Family B Itej-s—25 cents each.

VIALS.—Rhenmati< Diops, Drops for Salt Rheum, Vegetable Elixer, Hot Drops, Cholera Drops, Aiili-Venetiifl -Diops, Cough Balsarxij Mediclue for CbildrJw, Honey Balsam, Einefic, R*sf6riug Syiup, jtidosening Syrup, Infantum Cholera, Dysentery'' Spup, Syrup for Scrofula," Linnment, SnufT—a5 *n t s each. Yellow Salve, Black aalve, Strengthening Plas­ter—-12 1-2 cents erfcM.

S3" The above Medlcfn-s •prp Itept fnr sale at all Ibe places of any'inte in The c.otiniry. Di­rections on each package, for using the tnedi­cine. • • fl ' *

He is grateful for tfir«J l.benl patronage whicli he has received durinathe past y#ar, and takjs thin opportunity to" ihforin his -fripnds sllid tBe public, that he ititetid^lo kee'p his office constant^ ly open iir Gwddesj tfijjie ha7s done heretofoi-p,

Music B o o b s . J l p H E Carmina S a c r a , Psa lmodis t , IT Psaltety, 8ongs nf Sacred Praise, Sacred Su rP' . M/i-dca Sacra, Young; Ohoir,: Youtlg Choir's Companion, and Juvenile Chofc-.

„ ,„ W. H. SMITrf, Nov 14 31 Senec»-sf.

, C a j g p e r ' 9 , N a v a J O f l l r e 7 s . " j iV^S «r|:dMiiiR!iiJheil Amercan Naval Offi-J cerj, 6 y ^ . Fenimbre Cooper, aiiihor of the

' 'Spy,"ftc^ mb.Vot'. Vol. 1, contains lives of BrgitrBi'idijp, SomVrsi, Shaw, Shubrick, Prehlr. Vof. 2 ; Jot,e«, Woohey, Perry, Dale. Just pub-Itibed and, wholes^lle^nd retail, b

, , , „ _ , . , where the above M«-djCiries are kPpt cunsiantiir r j ' H E origin, development, nnd support of worms in the m , hand nt n holeonlu l r rplai l It is out „ n in 1 human system, nre to bo attributed to a p p r o v e d and , ' "OJesalupr re ta i l . II IS pil l up in

debilitated condition of the stomach and bowels; it being an p a c k a g e s , and d o e s n I CDBI m o r e m a n o n e pen» established fact, that where tho digestion is unimpaired, nnd l i y a . p o r t i o n , and is t t ( c h e a p e s t and b e s t u s e d tbogenoralnowersof the system in n heiilthysfato. they find " " . . . l . . . — no habitation, This proparalton,|ias tbo peculiar udvuntage o f not only destroying every "worm, but slsn of producing n healthy action ofthe stomach and other.organx-of duresUon, thereby relieving many complaints arising" from a derange­ment of the digest! ve'organs. Although prompt and certain in its operation, and not unpleasant to the taste, it is perfectly so fe ami adapted to ine-tendorcst age. '

Tho following certificate was addressed to Messrs. A . B. & D. Bands, general ogont at Now York. i

NEW Yoiis, May 5,1846. I GENTLEMEN: . . . • . K . I

I feel it to behoth n duty nnd n j)lea.uro, to make known ' VKRMIFCOK, as

in the state. It is the jrideot the Thom.psonian practKse that it usps-iiiire, harmless, Vegetable Medicine. He will also kepp roost kinds of Roots Barks, Herbs, i c , Wiihrtit being com-pmmd-'d; and if any' rne" should wish fhern, ihey can be accommoufed.

N. B. Counsel givii at 'tfie office, free of charge*. GEDOES, 184 L .,

Fur sail ft^L. KELLY & Co. 6m7i, May 8,18-lrjj

T l i e S i l i s t r i lH i - ,

AGENT far the Aie^ican Bible Sociely,.is prepared to sell J trigs at very low prices*

TESTAllHrEiVTS frt in le t s , to 75 cts. each ; SM ALL BIBLES fi I A C I S , to $2,8o} , PAJIILY do. f^rrffeoO tb $ i p o . •

At No. 31 Sent ;a|fire«L • •• , , Gensva, May 16, Ig^.-* „ W,i H. SMITH

the great medicinal valuo of Br. rKEJty's provod bv its effects on ttiro of ray children, both (if whom were much afflicted, and their health quite impaired in oon-seqoonco of worms. For nine months previous to using the HEAP SHOT VERmrooK, we had resorted to various warm ! roedinnes, which produced but partial relief; their sleep I was broken, with.groat fretfulliess, nnd pains in the stomach :

itching of the no«o and other partt, and we were unable to I rest nt night, being obliged to wait upon and relieve them all • we could. I administered to Mm n dose ofthe D E A D SHOT, ' winch brought away large masses of worms in a decomposed stpte, and greatly relieved them. A second dose effectually removed all remains of worms, and their health since, which is how over three months, has boen entirely restored, f make this statement, that all having childreri»«wering from a similar cause, may resort to thesamo meon» for relief

RICHARD HALLORAN.No.3Cro«by-st. The following is an extract from a letter addressed to A.

B. Hands, from the ogont at Derby Line. ' GENTLEMEN:

I received tho box of •• DeadShof Vermifuge nboat fifteen days since, and havo now only a few dojioo left on bond, whiob will be gone in less than ten days. It seems to dp the work to the perfect satwfoction of all. who uio it. Ihcnr •o'ftie groat nci-uunts of it. Where it has prbducod tho expul­sion of from 13 or 20 to 115 worms from one person, and near­ly thpadmo.numborn-omaonjo children. Ofoqurse you will , • < A - . . ,—j, a f c . , „• • . . think wormn ode of the prevailing diseases In Canada and K l n g; | .0-O a CCO and S n j m ^ O J e v e r y Variety for Vermont. Plensesend meanoihersupply a> soon 6s danvon- Sale c h p a p for c a s h , 0 6 h y 6 e n f i V a T o b a c c o a n d

n " t f n "° C i g a r S t o r e , s ign of ( M t n t o i u ' •' \ ' m.BOUGLASS.

A S S X H f l S U r r 3 B . S K . FltOM ' " '

A S T H M A What has relieved him in such a short time from his dif­

ficulty of hreathins, Cpush and suffucntion ? He y>ill tell you it wns '• Fnlger's Olasaonian, at All-Beaj-

ing Bals'im." Ask the Consumptive what has allayed his Coush, removed the

Pain in his Side and Chest, ohieek-ed bis night sweats and plac­

ed the rose of health up­on his cheek 1 and he

will tell you F O I . G E R ' S O L O S A O X I A N , O R

A L Z i - H E A L I N T G B A L S A M . Ask your frionds if l tey know of any thing thnt'willso

speedily cure a lontr1 and tedibdi'Cdiigh, raising nf Blood, Bronchitis, Dyspeptic Consumption. Hoarseness", Influenza, and diseases i,f the Throat, as Folger's Olosnonian % and thqy will tell you—No. There never vet has beeji a remedy in­troduced to pubUc notice which Has been productive of so much good in so short a space of time, Read the following

A s t o n i s h i n g b u r e s . W B . B O S D , the celebrated Boston 'cracker baker. BR Nas­

sau street. Brooklyn, states that his wife has boon afljlcfod with Astlujiti fur 30 years, and could not'find permanent re--Ireffrom the best medical advice which New York and Brooklyn could produce, wns induced to try ihijigreat reme­dy. She nearly well. Bis daughter, who was suffg. tng from the saniedisoiiso, fried it, and" was also cured by ft. Mrs.Bond istiotvso well that she is able to rise fromihor bed early in the morning «hd attend to her usual duties thro* thediiy without any .annoyance frolh her dlstrcssutg mnfaily.

Hfe-vKT JAJPESW, l-ltji street, near the Cathftjiq Cemetery, en me to the store for the purpose ofotft'ainipg a bottle o f the Olnsaoniap, haying, been oflKcred with the. Asthma for more than 3D years, and. was. so exhausted on his arrival ithat ha could not Speak He purchased n teftle and rode hdme. f o u r days afterward ho walked frnpj his resideqeo to the of­fice witho'utliitlgue, o distance of-over two miles, to toil of the wopd-ufiit relief which he had. experienced from4usin" nbou,t bottle.

Consnmption of the Luijigs.* •Mr^CpMFKE'rj.Tl.White street, was^solow in the month

of necember.lasl, tbAjt fje whs given up by his physician, pis friends entertained nuh^ope of his recovery. Bo watyjprsoq-ded fo try the Olosaomdn, nnd to his snrnriseii bss sSflif rd-stored him, to health.thnt he is now ableto walk ohbut ihe streets. - . * ' , ,,

Mrs. ATTP.EE. the wife of VVm B. Attroe, James Hnimon. Es j . ond George VV. Ilnve", Esq., cn'n all hear fesjimonv from their own experience o f the JienTing properties f£ this Great Bemedy-in epnsumi,tibn.«if the Lungs.

S p i t t i n g B l o o d . Mrs. TilODDoqasE, 35-2 Monroo street, who hrtd been

troub-ed f.r a-gr -at lengfb of time by a sevens cSugh, and .raised quantities of Bluod. was relieved by. one bottle of>tlio Olusaonia •. and de<, it the greatnst remedy in the iv«rld

DENNIS RELLV. 26 Wnter street, was also relieved frdni the same compliant, athotiglrhe wns very rnucli rodilbed vvhen ho^ommenced taking it. h 'vmg been under tha-Carb o f his physiclM during the past winter. -Although hecoughed con­stantly Slid was very much troubled with night «veats. two bottles of. tho romeo* enabled hint to return to bis daily work B> wasentirely tBllBved. • •" - ~ i •:»..

DAVID HE-«DEWioN,Oti Laight street, George W. Burnett, formerly nf NeWhtk, N . J.. Benry Lisbon; ism Rivington st. and numerous other porsons have been speedily and perma­nently cured of the same complaint by this remedy.

The Array of Names which could bo-' prodbced oTior*otrs.wliQinVe used this great remedy would more ttnm fill a oolujiln. ' Attiong the humour we ftre permrttoi 6>-refer to A.' M, Bininger, 102 Barclay street; Mn'W.lSon »ttl.,bok6h -, Mrs. Bell afMdrristovvn,- N. JW James B. Devob,-101 Reado ilteati-Wi; McCoffree. So Attorney street; -F; Pmitb. 02 Thlrifaventio 1 Mrs: Wm. ii." A'tree ofthis city, anil Mrs. Archftaftl,-35' Whitc'istteet,

Be not deceived w l t o i n y other ifernedtr'-'when ybu wish to ptitchas-o.thit. dnd roalemfior that 'FuWrOlrisooriini,, or All BealingBnls-im issqldonB'nt.IfKl Nassau street. Bne' Ann; at Mrs. Bays. .130 Fultqn «trek Brobklyn r and a t J. Hlficshti's. WSlliamsbm-ir. ' ' <• ' ' •

n t K E W V - W°- 0 l , d R-A- .LAWRENCE, Agent, for fiebeva. . . . /. . ;; ... •— " 3 m P 2

« bi^' t lUs's frhpirSi ls f T h e ^ S o r l t i S n " ^ l » O E N S E ^ § S : RLE ^ S S t S P I i a m X N , Jn other4woraf,4o o x o i t e . i n a w « -healthy Bieak-m.- JBiiSiis j H tll^-ifiWuiredJor the-

case whSohEhV tiuB .priobiple' ar-pjhvslolbgj is' unuerstoadT and thovresults to he pjhftocqd iji mcKboss- utfd dlseasBst.a1offl yeii. licit !tfto%ing-any otjier'agent than iriwaM-m'otniJipestp; effect It.' Phj-suSinns begin to'she this, acknowjjdgfti> i% their own writing, doplore it with muph fcolmg, vbut £jl}Ow of no pres'cfiptioafliatwin apply "{o:«the hftrBarWoutibletore' store i t to heixlthy-tictiyity, ajidihence;their.necessity of stdl ndmirn'sterrng in™""1 ">""-;>:— « . s . e_._. .n.:_, ^ . . . . , . . . >ve okiini ffprn . . ail dtljgr remedies, yet wscbverell. : Physicifms kao\v 8»" po> other oBicla, the-WSfldi^it: !afg"e know of s o othe'r«ihdeed' there isinb atlier-article jlin,*, hasAueb power ove|'tJie,hurnai>, skip.' 3nd"it.i3 ti'is,piayej to.pp'en the pores Bxtfttormg tha nervous energy,rraickeitifSg the VrtaPfJuid- witBn'-^jSTirlrart instrnmentb'f «u!rin^itloSo'dteeaste:tuan t£n?«vo or'teiitdm-•edies we are trcq'uninted with. And in regard to. Consnptp*" tion and tevcr Complaint? wo will-anakq ons-.jremorkj and wo wish it to sink deep lirtri every man's is..tlns;— That upon n propoV and a fair trial of-tho Atl*Scaling Oint­ment, no good results from its pure, that person.rmay,airwell cease-all eftbrts atonce; foriiot.alltheBnlnJB,, Syrups, &c. &.c under Ben-vbns wilniver restore such a, per­son to health. We would bo slow to rqnkq tbisvremarjkfc.if wo did DbVpoSsesS'tfio.evidence to ost4hIisl»it»J">N'ow as most other disoasosjojq.ciuised in thesame. ntanoer,4t,.fillowJt> thut the speediest thisarno.;! • •„ .,,, s

Brovehittis, Quincy; Sore 'Threat and TnMucliii, nre NEVER cnasedliut by chocWbg the INSENSlOLEPEitS-PIRATIONs,.^MS*l'"<fec.'Facc-tipdiatihc^Memtehti and frequently Toothache apt produccd; sstnas^oy,, ta : "takingcolp,." ... ,• ' • . ,', '' . ' j . j - >

Toners, alsj), nrid'.ricnrTy^very eoseof^'JfipHUatuin' o f the Bowels, or or5the.Sfo'n4acSroj- itit^ss, I« 'the; difeot.wsult of

perspjratiqB,.vBesjdes ^Shese, WB.^^fecsweSv ofthe^p!n^Mflft l iB^^i!Cs J^te^to.t?s^,_ v^ocfi- iSra'«i;

GEO. W . S * l l i A ^ ^ l ^ | i ^ A ^ # > ••&&&*&&& •m&'iz$$. IN inva'inable Remedy for Horses^CaMliM* V' thar-stfomestic animals, in thttjsojre ijjriw

.-foBo%ing creases : ' <* J,'-*?%t. '£te$h Wounds, Fistula, Sitfa^t," "^1%,. trails of all kinds, Strains, Lamfn«?"*^f'f:: Sprains, Bruises, Sand Cracks^ *v* Cracked Heels, Foundered JRs|^T^y.». ' Ringbone, Windgalls, Scratches o>ij5wa«i>, * Poll Em,Calhs, Mange, ' •*% *'V *-^OPiipi'Sfeee»«j, Horn phteiQp.ggr ,..

It ii-alsa a-valuable Embrocationffrz^Mfe&f

cheiilced of the^Sj.,.^^ „- . . . . ,_j__„_—..-,.,,„-„v..„ _„ diseases of The ChesU siidfi ns JMhtna, ffigMness of Breath: Pains, fr'e'oJcnfss^Dysp^,1

els. Orovp, CutVnamsi&ruplions, mJdalt dlsfliSsqof the Skini in short,nlno-tahthsoCthedlteascs inLout;!6>ttm.nrod.a-. ced by tlus bne"tjiingp<!bicked pbrs i ,—„^. „. -= T .-„- - , , nobs at first, i l fitrally5 Sattl'es upon some intal'drgahs wheU it' is almost certain to result in death, unless it is removed..• '

The only advantage the Ml-Healing Ointment has over other remedies, lies, in this ope thiqg—tho.restoration-of the T7isnfsible Per&pitaiion. ,'Wlico this is dono, tlKiltu^nors

ourlties Hever remain to aQ injury. ThU will ba scon ibs cootamplatiqgthofollmving facts:. ' ' • '

1st. That Dve-olgliths or al!«,wc^i!ejveJnt!ttilio's|oin,ach, pnssoff tlirough the poresof tbo skin, in JnseiitjblefPeripi' ration. > ' . . . " ' . - ' ^ . - V-S*.',.. "fc ^r- •?

2d. Tint thb sEin.1ovaeiiates mafe nSqttdr fl(alii,'teLunE«, idneysiaud Bowdls .put together. \ * -. '.' •' * • M

i».-4lsqlujrges-jnorq matter iq.4wentySr<mr relsao in fourteen days^.aadtliatjbyiej 1 y/ijPlop"4f three, four and etfeBfivo^oQudS

Kidneysiand Bowdls put together. \ " " •'". '.' •' *• g*.*' 3d. Tliat the.SAii».-4isqbBrges-4non3 matter iqjtwentT-^-*-

hours. than the Bowels BV * " - - --vere exercise, a*man' in one boar. - " - •"- -. * ^ *&-'

4th. That the Creator .pierced the human cvrticlo wiuYljores or small opening, to,tha.; almost inortjilibfo numfa.fif SlfO MILLION, maHdl tliTs flibljRAND OUT-LET ofrhirtqo redundant mStlsJCf•the'body,• " '**•'• ••?••" •

5th. Tliatthrdugh;tbt!se< paras are constantly exuding the old, altcTcdiaitd viom^ont -particles of the blood, tho humors of the bndy^nrfthjfiqjte of, the system. . ,

Gth. That to vtcij) up these jipfes, twenty-four hours would causo instant death.- - " ,^« • .

7th. ThaUj^ittdihinfcliarjges^gf weather nndeexposure,-to-. cold, close thesetpqrpMn jiprt, and hence the long Catalogue, of diseases over.tnVland.* * " '*"' '--*'-•.

8fh. Thatras theskifils" tho medium for evacuatingalf the humors of tjio body, wpaee the profaundfolty ana absufdity of resorting to pjlls, ^tugs and otlietj mixtures,- to opte-.thft' great majority 6f diseases produced by checking-pjrsplratipa.

Sth. That until September, $ 4 4 , there was rib meaVclne/ ne» furb the public restore Ui<r Jttsensible P-et*-spiration, by importing vitality nnd nervous energy to tbo: skin. , *, .' r. - ,

10th. That M'ALtSTER'SALL-HEALrNG OOJTMEST' is that medicine?and wTiicli', Ify possessing this power, ls=46ff-ecting raoregood thonnpyvfive or ovbndSn-ternedtes in th i s countrj-. Price, 25ana 50 cents. . ' . . . ' . , v -

J. M'AEIfsTRR'&.COi, 168 South street, Jtdw.YQrk, Sobi' Proprietors. Bold Whjilojalo and retail Bj*. ' - •-'

"'*• ' . l . .KELLr«cGO;," January 23, 1846^. . v . , , 3 ^ -e'^ySRi •

puKDpy wmju B I S O O D : ^ GEOB»|E W^»AERCH^Jr%J '

CMPOVBD coia'porxND ELrJrii;> '_-" S S T B a ' C X <* S A R S A P A x t t L I , A .

For Removing MiscaseA of lk& Blood, "' ArisingfromvnvbtWeVf^Fever Sores, ofyinali

Mercury, ",f. ' "•.•» old Sores of ali kiiidifi Chronicvto£&*mt$utiO$:Scald heud,i$alf Xfau.%

tiaf J^sedie^uch'as^Ming Wormfftmi ttlm Sc'mfula.oPB&itfi-E&iif; Diseases arisingSfo^ti, Seco ndary Sfjjphitis orRe- '• an impure s(aie yf'&e,

nerial, • ^' ----x Blood ; nlsog'^ ~'JgZ-Ulceralionsif Corrosion's JJabitual- Coafheneis,::'

of the Thr6<il/:M?$ Files, '' ' :

C/i-r/M, t$f>%l mfr,fChronic •affeilioas of the and other Uteris of tile1 Liver, LungjrrfCh&t;?. body-i '"..,', Fain in the Sloma'cfrajm

Pimples or poslules on Sides,- »-.JF-ji.-r4' theft • •"•'• ' and c the skin

Biles, Scurvy, and, 'other Spfhig Mtffojn^rfpet' Scorbutic affections, -, jn general DMlily,i< ,

White Spellings, 'Pains, ' ; ' >• _ \- -/g •* -vn tlu bones'iilitljoii0s,_ rs'"'' "' '-This remedy is p'rep^fed frorn^e' i^olc^st^^

lected mafi?r'fats.;tje active prope|{ie^"6fvvni§t nre exir^pted by'art Improved pioe/ss, wk"ljo»| heat; onaccoiijot of -jwhicli it is pi#fe5iW'^. Physicians'as^bjejbg fi^ore unifoiiri an"d ac|iv*ii' than.ajiy other'fo^w Before the public. .*4 1 '•i?!f

A ftillacifo^rif W\bh remarkable" t&itWm this remedy, p : War1ei« of cas=s ^ t W ^ gravafedJjjfurfi^ay'b"S" seen .by cafMriCteaifS: p r o p r i e t o r p? j a K g e f l ' l f . - ^ " W I f ^ ?

A-. rni.'st g6Q.a%e.1ic1ries are ltJOilW|tt'f|!« SURE and cairfbr_w3Vi|rchan£,i';S^s>jfat; ami SPP that t h ^ e word^are bV6wffifipjl'M!|' From the, LauT.dtfl*^ ^of: Geo. 4vl Chemist, Lb^Irpqrtf'lvlvl?.

fent. Respectfiilly,

Price 25 ceiirs per vial. T. C. BUTLER.

Joly It! DERBY 11, DV & CG

Preporeibjr.Pr. B. F. PICERY, slid sold wholesale and re­tail by A « B . * » - B A N f l S , Druggists, 100Fttltop-st., comer of William, fifejr York.

Sold by t . KBLLY fc Co.'Gorieva ; fi. O. II,yo, Canao. ildigoa; It.P. BlARDSI t v . Ilnionvillotagontsiu every town in the Plate, and by Druggist, genorally throughout the Uni.; ted States. .

C. N. TUTTLB, General Agotit.

WA i f T B C D . ^ f e n - . t n o u s a n d fort pf good lialfiic^j'-flve-eight, and one-

inch LUMBER; also, W^.cords .of good JVOQD for which the market f •ice will be paid-^in ex­change for Cabinet Ws eand Chairs.

Atso, a good two-ho s /LRalBEJl WAGON, for sale for Wood or gi odXrimbefc

J a n ' y i e . 1846 [ i5J • C. E SILSgE.

Tobacco ! Snffl!7 Cigars!!! %(\ A f l f l C H ( H C E O t M « S , « f l b e various e J l / . W / U brands..', .g&' f ibe Cot and Smo-

O R ^ that) >vvo comijletf) sets of t h e „ EPISCOPAL SUWDAI SCHOOL UN-

ION Books on hand, at Society's prjees. Also* a large assortment of .Prayer Books, at SMITH'S* Bookstore, 31 iS.enica: street.

January 1,1846. - 5 3


sty March 13,1846. . 0tn63 EDW. P. EARL.

I ;•' Jgri. 3018d6. -t'"-- -,' 67


HOUSE, Sign, OfiajrienM and ail kind? of . Painting, Glazing and Paper Hanging, done

' . O ftfifi Veei-'ot three incnthick Oak LUM-^ U . U U U BER,8uifab|6'ft>r'EJough Bearos, wanted in exchange .Jdr Stoves, Ploughs, &c. at the Geneva FouWryV '.',' ' " " - * , ' , ,

• J - a n ^ . . . .-*'• * CfiftTfSS, ROSE <L CO.

Annua l s - -THE Opal, Friendship^ OderHur,'iRose of

Shnroni Christian's; Ahnual, Slay Flovt-er, |Hyacin(b, Jtivenile Gem.; fibsette, Forgetsroe* pot, and Drawing l l o o m M b f e l ^ j J ' ^ ^fi'

psoisr arj?^.:.i|sf

?" a i %•%<$§PS^R-Gibson; S ^ % t | o ^

Sold by PLAXtM-

SER, G e n e v a p H ^ .

Phelps , . j _Genevn4 m$$ «A

V o R e d H « a t d s unA<Octwty*:-ad

TYRrAW''«f8li?^ye,a warrnfted'-aTtlule fo>;

color*ffig^hifjHa#¥ beatlt1ftr-'@o1iv-jr*Hrf black, it witl"Pb^msifW, s o i l ^ l S ^ e t / d r W l -or the sldftias%tfuBr*erMc-an testifyfjff'^.,"•-' -.«

It has also bee's Ai.,e^''successful(y4iiI;coiorfiie Furs. - > : . . ^ l -W- •>- i ' •"-'". ,,. p

Bewarevof th» joailtiteffeit,«fid b'^Kire you get the genuine, prepared oyy-by-Sarj^ V/.. t/lAti. chartf, c1i*(niW,.ySeckfl0rf, N. Y. SampJesof,

sfore- of the wbprietolf -•cents,' - -v ' '•

. . . SIMPSON a « d # M i & -S f R^ Gfjw.v-ft-j « . :0. Hayes & .fJa^irSaliifSaai-gua ; H. Buttoon,-Port G i b s o f t J ^ J i ^ W o i ^ Phelps. ; triay IS, 1846. •' -Ml ^ ""*" " '-" ''' 'v.: ...—r. —' it i, ti r-f. .Wis

(Ac Human Flesh, '£?> Sinje the virtues of the Gargling @jl. sJfeMv

confcso-exfensively and favoraWy.J^6^^fp/J^Je far^nek ofttre United States and Cahaigi^!fe^r "f^lve oil. iiyliseases of, i>jiiai,ar?,, ajd: i»;4^rjMpr. qtience, its .•d^ant^Jiecorni"n| ,grtat^tfeR!aSl|p'T\» not been wSrSuig tbosCwBo^&Su^idi^JiasJI^^

Gal-glhigfOife ... ,., . etor would theTefare cABTiok tn«fyiyll&pp.l M1»1t»; to be sure thename of G^W.''Mew6OTt-li#o^ijnk on the side ofthe bottle. Ml othersare*Jtn**« TEMPT at imitation, and are therefore aaimpoii-t i o n ; " - - • * • . ' • . ! " . •-. : ,

MOBE TJSSS-fiiofJhf FOIt T H B TAnMEHS ! ! s V.

"Sir—You WH plea'stf&ittp" mffi3i^imf)t vlt, ,Tn(i,llil-,>«^l^h{Vn-lir,n->ni'l.-.7* f}*«^«*W.S%i}~Ki*i.*

prodftgingitfa.' 11jB"vS*e.(st et;fort br iii y o j ^ l - - _ , mendations. Trje medlcihe!. wJll'aeltCarteMlPlii merits, j a e j ^ i g i o ^ e d ] ^ N k M v M ^ m m or any, 0 thdr^plc ia1 : , 'Br5r i#e^ , | ,» j^^ j l j l , | ^ pafeketthe"first eppportunitjtif"" • •" * » ^ ' S » f «

Yours, &e. W0&&lTl&t!Wjm^ Pal'tti>:ra?MayM,fJ8a4i ... ^- >V; « ? » # •

To Mr, Geo. W. Merchant.»» AW» BewaTe of l l ie countertgit »rtide,-iSn%Ifi«^ife

the natjie of the SOLE Pnor'»iEtEs.^Ujr¥^iW^Mi"P chant, Lockport, is blown in the b l b l t l e ^ ^ w '

J j^ fees may find a c e W a m ^ d ' ^ f e ^ i a ? a'l 'TSln^rfia'teU'eDi'ei

s^teN,ffit6ijN¥A"8v"'fIG£T1BIfi ... ** Of NTMEN^k-;* :"4

;.s • , ^ - ^ ; ; Glandular S W e p g 4 r % \ 0 m-.iHi.face, ^elieri-

breasls.antT *brg*»ip^#s- ip iaiUng » o n 1 M - ^ M o h h i s . ^ l . o f i ^ j f , ^ *»c Ud 'hca%^hdi.%£lhxahvafil"a'bl¥^ • burriSf* Sctld?,. ,afid=-d'ra^,sieisi^!ji,tp^

e rys I^e la%}j i I to«f lam«at icn«^oi |^h^ a » b-f^se5^Bd-frpj4^>TO'U r la;^.feW

• •'and>'se"fofu!feus?SB«s^f^|;t55ii^ji,?!r?>-s.-.

ifants ;l i id'ftSieiSe^jf Ts"u»®;eittt»gS>f $m

e x - a > n f e f e @ l t i | & t U ^ l , ' a » % § ^ •(VSrtaBrfnhifires.3 «-#>V->;••'••"•' '- • « £ ? i ^

The principle upon -%Wch it--effectTCukinn the above diSfelsTes-fs|"'« •"'•"k-r^- :-:;,'%Z<

^i^l^VM*inetwns of nature to hfisifhjtie-'tibn. Innoffistahse will i t ' o i ' c a n liftlSftaKiil

Itates^o'hof'oM o n e ' s ^ i t n - a ^ p ^ r ^ i ^ n ' e l f ' nairies are not known, but by. i n ^ r c h a ^ ^ M f *

'. "'The'rirll«rtr-;t «T.n*,*l»,fAMA«*b!j t Htl.-l:-J&ii>-$§El&

,- ISOOIt B I J Y D E R > 7 . ..

THES'subscriberstrjl C;ar»n5sJoR^e,i|8odfeBfft*5 ; tlmg business, s 'nd^ilf fie.^todyvaiaift<i6»es

fo bind old books, periodicals and 'blank k,opks. He can furnish .MM,B6piti o t his^oytrft Manu­facture at iqJrWmm^ S? fan be pnrcli'rtso'd In

find it their interest to'a'pjHyYdr agSHCje'tat'oiidg A8di8sslbe subscrtpT*postAftR;,fS*S»;.%fj 'A ' "-* : . .ARMSf*0NG*^ '&f i& ! , sV .•'

. . • • • $ , . , -^rop>je?dTfc «m81 No. 33r> i-N»»'YorIc.

For 8s.temm1E*irm Offioe^iiFOaiJ^ARV GO,' Agent for GenifE »- s-'t.^/ >:- • - . ; !<

Geneva,July n,.$ifo 4'-**^"'- •.•-""'* -.'»' ~^Ts 'J'"-'"' J.!'^."K&. iiifeCJS •»'"'.£'•' ^AVJIT 1 . """•

DfSEASES-of tHVBsiNAlii* #Bs*l, irotfed ^ t h e W W C T ^ g u e H f t w ^ * ! , ,

an&cpBjfSs,,, eucn^ as,?liroiufrOTdiacilt#tiiaeaMi bflhe " . • : • ' • " ' •-'•• * ^ « f Y »

fflaMer, •, ' Wethyt,„...,„ :... .

Prostrate Giatid,— Sidneys, and Loin*.

jiSItfl, ChtonUr-: Goiiorrhfr, Gleets, While; Stricture^


X.Bek'port, N. V. . '- V ' - f i P f ? ^ ™ Pull and ample instruction"^ t # « t e J i i l y & b , '

accompdnytng each boitle-., ' »--''" . " ' -


j w ^ ^ l ^ a l ' i ^ ' ' ' ^ 7 t k i : ? J l A ^ f y h i ? - ^ ^ - * S ^ ^ "I - * i : ' i ^ ^ ^ ^ S p ^ " j . a i ^ 5 t e f e
