ATC Handbook (Jan2012)



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ATC Handbook

Edition2012Manual cover A4.indd 1Manual cover A4.indd 1 4/7/2010 5:00:55 PM4/7/2010 5:00:55 PM

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................1-1 1.1 International Air Transport Association (IATA) .......................................................................... 1-1 1.2 IATA Training and Development Institute (ITDI)........................................................................ 1-1 1.3 IATA Authorized Training Centers (ATC) .................................................................................. 1-1 1.4 Minimum Recommended Competencies and skills for ATC students ...................................... 1-2 1.5 IATA Local Coordinators (LC) ................................................................................................... 1-2

2. BECOMING AN IATA ATC..................................................................2-1 2.1 ATC Handbook .......................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 ATC Application Form................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.3 ATC Authorization Process and Fees ....................................................................................... 2-1 2.4 ATC Standing and Premises ..................................................................................................... 2-2 2.5 ATC Instructor Qualifications..................................................................................................... 2-3 2.6 ATC Training Standards ............................................................................................................ 2-3 2.7 ATC Lesson Plans ..................................................................................................................... 2-3 2.8 ATC Audits and Self-assessments ............................................................................................ 2-4 2.9 ATC Student Enrolment Requirements ..................................................................................... 2-4 2.10 Annual ATC Authorization/Accreditation Renewal .................................................................... 2-5 2.11 ATC Resource site..................................................................................................................... 2-5 2.12 ATC Application for ATS Only ................................................................................................... 2-5 2.13 ATC Course Fees for ATS Only ................................................................................................ 2-5 2.14 Important IATA Contact Information .......................................................................................... 2-5

3. SELLING AND PROMOTING IATA COURSES..................................3-1 3.1 IATA Training Course Descriptions ........................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 IATA Training Kits ...................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.3 ATC Student Enrolment/Training Kits Fees and Other Fees .................................................... 3-1 3.4 ATC Promotion of IATA Authorized Courses ............................................................................ 3-1 3.5 ATC Advertising......................................................................................................................... 3-2

4. IATA ATC LOGO USAGE GUIDELINES ............................................4-1 4.1 For Colour Or Black & White Applications................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 Alternate Presentations in Forced White Background............................................................... 4-1 4.3 Colour ........................................................................................................................................ 4-1

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook

4.4 Incorrect Logo Use .................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.5 Logo Usage: Impact................................................................................................................... 4-2 4.6 Logo Usage: Proportional Sizing ............................................................................................... 4-2 4.7 Logo Usage: Incorrect Substitutions.......................................................................................... 4-2 4.8 Applications: Print Marketing Materials ..................................................................................... 4-2 4.9 Applications: Corporate Stationery ............................................................................................ 4-3 4.10 Applications: Web Communications .......................................................................................... 4-3

5. ATC STUDENT ENROLMENT PROCESS..........................................5-1 5.1 Completing and Submitting the ATC Student Enrollment Form with Proof of Payment ........... 5-2 5.2 Payment Methods...................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.3 Confirming Payment .................................................................................................................. 5-3 5.4 Enrolment Validity Period .......................................................................................................... 5-3 5.5 Applications Submitted with or without Student Names ............................................................ 5-3 5.6 Student Enrolment and Exam Registration Deadlines .............................................................. 5-4 5.7 Student Enrolment Letter........................................................................................................... 5-5 5.8 Transfer of Enrolment ................................................................................................................ 5-5 5.9 Change of Enrolment Status...................................................................................................... 5-5 5.10 Change of Student Name .......................................................................................................... 5-5

6. IATA EXAMINATIONS ........................................................................6-1 6.1 Organization of Exam Sessions ................................................................................................ 6-1 6.2 Change of Exam Session .......................................................................................................... 6-1 6.3 Change of Country..................................................................................................................... 6-2 6.4 Examination Format................................................................................................................... 6-2 6.5 Important Exam Notes ............................................................................................................... 6-2 6.6 Day of the Examination.............................................................................................................. 6-2 6.7 Important Measures to Counteract Cheating ............................................................................ 6-3 6.8 Examination Results .................................................................................................................. 6-4 6.9 Examination Status: “No-Show” or “Excused”........................................................................... 6-4 6.10 Copies of Diplomas/Certificates ................................................................................................ 6-5

NOTE: The operating procedures and guidelines contained in this handbook and any appendices hereof are subject to changes by IATA from time to time, in accordance with the terms of the ATC Accreditation Agreement entered into between IATA and each ATC. ATCs should always act on the basis of any such information with reference to applicable local laws and regulations. Each defined term used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the ATC Accreditation Agreement, unless otherwise expressly defined herein.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook



1.1 INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION (IATA) The International Air Transport Association (IATA) was founded in 1945 and is the trade association of more than 230 airlines, including the world’s largest. Flights by the Member airlines comprise more than 93% of all international scheduled air traffic.

IATA is the successor to the International Air Traffic Association founded in the Hague in 1919 – the year of the world’s first international scheduled air transport services. IATA is the prime facilitator for inter-airline co-operation in promoting safe, reliable, secure and economical air services for the benefit of the world’s consumers.

IATA’s head office is in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) and its executive office is in Geneva (Switzerland). IATA also has regional offices around the world. For a list of IATA’s regional offices, please refer to the IATA website at

1.2 IATA TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (ITDI) The IATA Training and Development Institute, or “ITDI”, is a division of IATA and a leading source of international training and professional development serving all sectors of the transportation industry: airlines, airports, aviation security, air navigation services, cargo, civil aviation and travel & tourism.

Drawing on the expertise of internationally recognized practitioners, including IATA and member organization experts, ITDI develops and maintains an extensive portfolio of travel industry training and professional development programs and courses leading to internationally recognized certificates or diplomas.

The IATA diplomas and certificates guarantee high standards of training and have gained worldwide recognition and acceptance as a quality product by the world’s airlines and industry associations. These are important qualifications for anyone wishing to upgrade his/her professional competence or start a career in the travel, cargo or aviation industry.

Among ITDI’s training activities are three major distance learning programs: the IATA International Travel and Tourism Training Program which is partly offered in partnership with the United Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTAA), the IATA International Cargo Training Program, and the IATA International Aviation Training Program offered exclusively by IATA. Although these training programs were originally designed for self-study students, they are delivered in hundreds of classrooms worldwide through IATA’s network of “Authorized Training Centers” (ATC).

1.3 IATA AUTHORIZED TRAINING CENTERS (ATC) While the ability to study independently at home is for some a necessary condition for improving their knowledge and skills, ITDI recognizes that independent study does not suit all students. Partnerships are therefore an essential element of ITDI’s strategy to help individuals around the world develop their potential in key areas.

IATA Authorized Training Centers (ATC) are specialized training institutions that are authorized by IATA to teach one or more of the IATA course(s). The ATC may provide Authorized Courses in their classrooms. Authorization to teach these courses is granted based on demonstrated instructional expertise in the courses of interest, as well as the institution’s overall ability to provide quality training. While ATCs recruit and train students for IATA programs, examinations are organized by IATA in their country or region. ATCs are also able to distribute the specific IATA courses for which they are authorized to self-study students within their Territory, provided they are able to offer educational support to these students, should the need arise.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


1.4 MINIMUM RECOMMENDED COMPETENCIES AND SKILLS FOR ATC STUDENTS In general, to successfully complete any of the above mentioned IATA training programs, it is recommended that students first complete a secondary school diploma or its equivalent. A good understanding of written English, world geography and basic mathematics is essential for successful study of these courses.

Furthermore, the need to confirm that students meet stated program and course requirements makes it necessary to carry out formal examinations.

1.5 IATA LOCAL COORDINATORS (LC) Local coordinators (LC) are individuals contracted by IATA as local IATA representatives engaged to help ITDI reach its students and carry out specific activities. LCs support ITDI distance learning examinations and are responsible for organizing, administering and supervising the examinations of all registered students with the help of exam invigilator, as needed. However, the LCs and/or exam invigilators are not involved in the exam marking process or in issuing certificates and diplomas. IATA is solely responsible to conduct exam marking and issue certificates and diplomas.

This symbol throughout the Handbook, represents particularities of the Aviation Training Program and requires that you pay special attention to the instructions specific for the Aviation Training Program.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook



2.1 ATC HANDBOOK ATCs must maintain high quality standards, adhering to the terms and conditions set out in the ATC Accreditation Agreement and the procedures and guidelines described therein and in this ATC Handbook.

Any amendments and updates of this ATC Handbook will be notified to the ATCs as per the terms of the ATC Accreditation Agreement and will be made available in a downloadable format at, which provides password-protected access to a private area exclusively for ATCs called the ATC Resource Site (for information on how to request access to this site, please refer to section 2.11). The ATC shall be informed of such updates via e-mail and shall have the responsibility of downloading the updated or amended version immediately upon notice.

Such amendments and updates are agreed to form an integral part of the ATC Handbook in accordance with the terms of the ATC Accreditation Agreement.

2.2 ATC APPLICATION FORM Institutions wishing to apply for ATC status and accreditation can obtain an application form from IATA, by contacting the Manager, Channel Partners Business Development at the following address: or by visiting the IATA website at and downloading the IATA ATC application form.

2.3 ATC AUTHORIZATION PROCESS AND FEES All ATC accreditations will be issued and confirmed using a single ATC Accreditation Agreement for all authorized Programs, Courses and locations (head office, and branches if applicable) covered under the accreditation being expressly listed in a schedule to the ATC Accreditation Agreement.

The ATCs’ accreditation is renewable automatically every year in accordance with, and subject to the provisions of the ATC Accreditation Agreement, provided the ATC has met the requirements for renewal then in effect, including as stipulated in section 2.9 of this ATC Handbook.

Upon meeting those requirements and remitting payment of the applicable Fees for the year in effect, the ATC Authorization will be renewed and a new ATC Certificate will be issued.

ATC, joining the IATA ATC network, must pay a one time ATC network access fee in the amount as prescribed by IATA in the “Information, Conditions and Authorization Fees” pricelist available in a downloadable format on the IATA website at The ATC network access fee shall be payable upon signature of the ATC Accreditation Agreement, no later than thirty (30) days from the date of IATA’s invoice.

The annual authorization fee and branch fee, as applicable, in the amount as prescribed by IATA in the “Information, Conditions and Authorization Fees” pricelist available in a downloadable format on the IATA website at The annual authorization fee and branch fee, as applicable, shall be payable no later than thirty (30) days from the date of IATA’s invoice.

2.3.1 ATC COURSE REGISTRY Upon being approved for one or more of IATA’s training programs, the ATC’s specific Authorized Courses will be recorded in the ATC Course Registry. This ATC Course Registry is the IATA database of all Authorized Courses, as published on the IATA website.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


2.3.2 MODIFICATION TO ATC AUTHORIZATON Should an ATC wish to modify its existing ATC authorization by:

Adding/removing an Authorized Course to a currently Authorized Program,

Adding/removing an Authorized Program, or

Adding/removing an Authorized Branch,

the ATC will complete and submit the applicable ATC modification form for Additional Program, Course or Branch provided in Annex 1A and Annex 1B to this ATC Handbook and available for download on the ATC Resource Website.

Modification to Authorized Programs and Branches will be made in accordance with section 6.3 of the ATC Accreditation Agreement. These changes which consist of adding or removing an Authorized Program or an Authorized Branch will be reflected in the “ATC Amendment Schedule” which will replace the existing Schedule A attached to the ATC Accreditation Agreement. The “ATC Amendment Schedule” template attached hereto as Annex 2.

Modification to Authorized Courses will be made in accordance with section 6.4 of the ATC Accreditation Agreement. These changes which consist of adding or removing an Authorized Course in a currently Authorized Program will be recorded in the ATC Course Registry.

IATA will then issue a new ATC Certificate listing all Authorized Programs, Authorized Courses and Authorized Branches, and update the ATC Course Registry.

Any such change shall only become effective once all conditions set forth in the ATC Accreditation Agreement will have been met.

2.4 ATC STANDING AND PREMISES ATCs are required to:

Demonstrate they are operating a recognized training institution, i.e., that training constitutes the institution’s primary business;

Be properly registered and hold all necessary government licences and certificates as required in the country where they are located and agree to submit copies of relevant licences and certifications to IATA when requested;

Have premises and classrooms at a fixed location. Maintain premises and classroom facilities at an acceptable standard. Residential property, hotel premises and other premises alike are not acceptable;

Demonstrate that premises are equipped with all tools and furniture needed to offer an environment that supports learning, including without limitation: hygienic toilet, canteen or lounge facilities for the use of the students during lunch breaks.

ATCs are recommended to:

Have and regularly maintain updated copies of the industry publications (tariffs and guides), as applicable, required for offering the Authorized Program and teaching the Authorized Courses.

Have a dedicated commercial website and provide the website address to IATA.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


2.5 ATC INSTRUCTOR QUALIFICATIONS Dangerous Goods Regulations Courses (DGR) and Management Courses Requiring Technical Expertise

The candidate instructor(s) proposed by an ATC seeking authorization to teach an IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations course (DGR) or an IATA management course requiring technical expertise shall meet IATA’s qualification requirements as established for each IATA Training Program. The purpose of the instructors’ qualification requirement is to ensure that the quality of the training offered to students is safeguarded, as it depends on two essential elements: instructional effectiveness and subject matter expertise.

ITDI requires that specific information be provided for review and approval, along with the ATC application, as proof of the assigned instructor qualifications on the following courses:

IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) – Initial and Recurrent

IATA Aviation Training Program – Airline Finance & Accounting Management

IATA Aviation Training Program – Airline Revenue Management

IATA Aviation Training Program – Ground Operations Management

Please refer to Annex 3 to this ATC Handbook for details on IATA’s instructor qualification requirements for the above-mentioned courses.

2.6 ATC TRAINING STANDARDS IATA recognizes that there are many excellent guidelines on instructional techniques available around the world, and training institutions may select any format that meets their needs. In order to be as objective as possible when evaluating instructor competencies, IATA uses the standards developed by the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction (IBSTPI). These standards reflect proven instructional practices as they apply to training, validated by professional practitioners and academics. The ATC’s training services and the ATC’ instructors must meet these standards.

Information on IBSTPI and their standards can be obtained at

2.7 ATC LESSON PLANS Upon request, IATA will provide the ATC, when available, with a sample lesson plan for its Authorized Course(s). The ATC can either use IATA’s sample lesson plan or supplement it with teaching aids and instructional events to enhance learning, or create its own lesson plan.

Supplementary “Teaching Aids” are those instructional tools that complement the Training Material for teaching purposes. These supplementary Teaching Aids will include reference books such as atlases, brochures, timetables, Internet sites, videos, etc.

The “Instructional Events” are activities that will be used to foster learning and provide additional practice for students.

The sample lesson plan provided by IATA will include the following:

each module number and title;

each module unit number and title;

the learning objectives per module;

the recommended classroom teaching time per unit, suited to the course content and skill difficulty;

scheduled periodic classroom tests, prepared and administered by the instructor.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


All lessons plans (including Teaching Aids and Instructional Events) made by the ATC hereunder do not have to be submitted to IATA for approval. However, the ATC Instructor’s lesson plan for each IATA Authorized Course should at all times comply with the minimum number of recommended hours and the complete syllabus of the IATA course, as established by IATA from time to time.

The ATC shall make every effort to ensure that the information contained in any lesson plan (including Teaching Aids and Instructional Events) is as accurate as possible. Notwithstanding any other provision of the ATC Accreditation Agreement, the School agrees to fully indemnify, defend and hold IATA, its directors, officers and employees harmless from and against all third party claims, actions, demands, costs, losses or damages, whether direct, indirect or consequential, and reasonable attorneys fees and expenses, arising out or in connection with any lesson plan (including Teaching Aids and Instructional Events), including any asserted intellectual property rights with respect thereto.

2.8 ATC AUDITS AND SELF-ASSESSMENTS The ATC will be responsible for duly completing the self-assessment report and returning it to IATA by December 1 of then current year. The self-assessment report template is available for download from the ATC Resource Site.

IATA (or its representative) may audit the ATC premises, including authorized Branch(es), instructors, Courses or teaching procedures upon reasonable written notice to the School and during normal business hours.

The main purpose of the visit is to ensure that the ATC maintains the standards of instructional quality implied by the authorization. The visit is also important to maintain a good working relationship and personal contact with the ATC leading to more effective communication and understanding of problems or concerns.

2.9 ATC STUDENT ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Upon becoming an IATA Authorized Training Center, each ATC is required to meet a minimum enrolment of thirty (30) students per full calendar year.

2.9.1 Minimum Requirement per Authorized Program Should an ATC be authorized for more than one Authorized Program, the minimum requirement of thirty (30) students can be summed up across all Authorized Programs, with a minimum of ten (10) student enrolments required in each Authorized Program to retain that specific program authorization.

2.9.2 Minimum Requirement per Authorized Course Should an ATC have no student enrolment for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months in any of the Authorized Courses, the authorization for the said Course(s) will be revoked.

2.9.3 Annual Minimum Requirement Applicable to Each ATC Location The minimum requirement of thirty (30) student enrolments applies to each authorized ATC location; i.e. thirty (30) student enrolments for the ATC head office and thirty (30) student enrolments for each Authorized Branch (if applicable).

Please note that the total sum of student enrolments across all authorized ATC locations will be considered, when assessing whether the ATC has met its minimum quota for the year, regardless of the actual number of student enrolments per “location”.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


2.10 ANNUAL ATC AUTHORIZATION/ACCREDITATION RENEWAL In order to obtain its authorization renewal, the ATC shall meet the minimum student enrolment requirement per full calendar year, as described in section 2.9 above, across all Authorized Programs and Authorized Courses, as applicable.

At the beginning of each calendar year, IATA will send an annual authorization fee invoice for payment in accordance with the terms of the ATC Accreditation Agreement. Should the school’s performance be insufficient, IATA will formally notify the School of its decision not to renew the School’s Authorization. IATA reserves the right to revoke, terminate or not to renew specific Authorized Programs or Authorized Courses for reason of insufficient enrolments of students, as specified in section 2.9.

2.11 ATC RESOURCE SITE Upon accreditation, the ATC shall become a registered user of the ATC Resource Site The ATC Resource site is a dedicate website for exclusive use by ATCs which serves as repository of various documents for the ATC use.

Please refer to Annex 4 to this ATC Handbook for the ATC Resource Site User Guide.

2.12 ATC APPLICATION FOR ATS ONLY For all IATA Accredited Training Schools (ATS) willing to become an IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC), a one page ATC Agreement form must be completed and submitted to This form alongside other other revelant documents for review is available in the ATS Extranet site.

2.13 ATC COURSE FEES FOR ATS ONLY Upon becoming an IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC), the following fees are applicable: the participant fee plus the publication fee which comprise the overall course fee. The ATC course fees for each one of our 3 programs, namely: Travel and Tourism, Aviation, and Cargo Agents Program are all available in the ATS Extranet site.

2.14 IMPORTANT IATA CONTACT INFORMATION In order to process ATC queries efficiently and within the shortest possible delay, ITDI strongly recommends that ATCs only use the following emails based on the nature of their request:

For all student enrolment queries For all exam queries For all ATC authorization queries

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook



3.1 IATA TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTIONS The following link provides a more detailed description of the intended audience, benefits, and content for each of the Authorized Courses:

3.2 IATA TRAINING KITS The Training Material for the various Authorized Courses is shipped as a kit. Most kits include a Course guide that offers detailed study guidelines and selected model exam questions and answers. Each subject of the Training Material is covered in detail with numerous examples and exercises. Students should use the exercises to monitor their progress. Answers to all exercises are included in the Training Material.

3.3 ATC STUDENT ENROLMENT/TRAINING KITS FEES AND OTHER FEES ATCs are offered preferential pricing for the purchase of training kits. Only authorized ATCs will have access to these preferential prices. The ATC price list, specific to each training Program, also contains information on shipping fees, exam fees and miscellaneous fees (referred to as the Activity Fees in the ATC Accreditation Agreement) and is made available online on the ATC Resource Site at:

3.4 ATC PROMOTION OF IATA AUTHORIZED COURSES The ATC’s understanding of local conditions and characteristics is invaluable to help IATA improve its product and services and create maximum program awareness. ATCs are expected to assist IATA by actively promoting the Authorized Program(s) within their Territory.

ATCs can promote the IATA Authorized Courses (but only those for which they have received authorization) as follows, subject to the provisions of the ATC Accreditation Agrement:

mailing brochures and application information to the public and industry professionals;

attending local trade conferences and exhibitions;

advertising in their local newspapers;

participating in promotional efforts with IATA;

publishing articles in local trade journals;

organizing diploma/certificate ceremonies (with invitations to the local press).

To support such efforts, IATA will provide ATCs with course brochures, flyers and posters of IATA products and services (referred to as marketing collateral).

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


3.5 ATC ADVERTISING IATA and its training programs have an excellent worldwide reputation. The IATA name and logo are well known for the quality and professionalism of its services and products.

To assist the ATC in the promotion of the IATA training programs, an IATA ATC logo has been created. The ATC shall use the IATA ATC logo in accordance with the ATC Accreditation Agreement, the provisions below, and IATA policies, guidelines and technical specifications for logo use and corporate brand.

The ATC is required to respect these guidelines and to report any fraudulent use of the IATA name and the IATA ATC logo, by providing IATA with a copy of the promotional item in question. This applies to both ATCs and non-ATCs. IATA requests, however, that the ATC refrain from entering into any discussion with the non-complying third party without IATA’s prior written consent at its sole discretion.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook



Since its establishment in 1945, IATA has been recognized worldwide as a global organisation representing the air transportation industry. In order to maintain the reliability of the IATA accreditation, it is essential to maintain the integrity of the official IATA ATC logo, which can be accomplished only if the logo is used properly and unauthorised or inadvertent misuse avoided. The following guidelines have been developed to demonstrate authorised use of the IATA ATC logo. Electronic versions of the approved logo are available upon request. Please contact the Manager – Channel Partners Business Development for more information.

Below is the only admissible presentation of the logo.

The IATA ATC logo is the property of IATA and shall be used exclusively on promotional materials developed for the IATA distance-learning courses. The IATA ATC logo does not infer or imply a joint venture or any other form of partnership with IATA. IATA reserves the right to modify its rules and restrictions of use of the IATA ATC logo at any time. The ATCs cannot bind IATA or its partners in any manner whatsoever. The IATA ATC logo may not be used as part of a trade name or company registration.

Please always make sure to use logos from the master files supplied to you. These masters must never be altered in any way.

Please refer to Section 4 hereunder for incorrect uses of the logo.

4.1 FOR COLOUR OR BLACK & WHITE APPLICATIONS The logo may only be reproduced in IATA blue, black or white. No other colour variations are permitted. Every component of the logo must appear in the same colour: the logo may only appear all in blue, all in white or all in black.

4.2 ALTERNATE PRESENTATIONS IN FORCED WHITE BACKGROUND When the logo appears on a background that is cluttered or offers insufficient contrast, it may be placed in a white frame to force a white background.

4.3 COLOUR Blue is the official colour of the IATA ATC logo. The appropriate recipes are provided in Pantone, CMYK and RGB.

4.4 INCORRECT LOGO USE Illegal use of the IATA ATC logo will cause the ATC authorization to be withdrawn immediately. In such cases, there will be no refund for the authorization or annual fees. Permission to use the IATA ATC logo will automatically expire in the event that the authorization granted to the ATC is terminated.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


Below are a few examples of incorrect uses of the logo, which must be avoided:

The logo may not appear on a cluttered background;

The positions of the various elements of the logo may never be altered;

The typography in the logo may never be altered in any way;

The logo may not appear on a background that results in insufficient or variable contrast;

Shadow effects may never be added to the logo;

The logo may never be used to create a repeat pattern;

The logo may never appear on a patterned background that impedes its legibility;

The logo may not be distorted in any way.

4.5 LOGO USAGE: IMPACT Protection Space: The logo should always be surrounded by a protection space, which must be at least the size of the letter “A” in the IATA word mark. This space must remain free of any graphic or typographic elements.

Minimum size: To ensure legibility at all times, the width of the “wingspan” symbol within the logo may not be less than 0.4 inches (10.16 mm) in print applications, and 29 pixels in web applications.

4.6 LOGO USAGE: PROPORTIONAL SIZING In order to represent the appropriate relationship between the ATC’s logo and the “IATA ATC” logo, the following applies:

The IATA ATC logo should not be bigger than your ATC logo;

Ideally, the IATA ATC logo should occupy half the visual space of your ATC logo.

4.7 LOGO USAGE: INCORRECT SUBSTITUTIONS The IATA ATC logo may NOT be substituted for any other logo in the IATA family. This includes the IATA logo without the “ATC” qualifier, the former IATA logo with the rounded box and the IATA dynamic sky and logo.

4.8 APPLICATIONS: PRINT MARKETING MATERIALS The IATA ATC logo is designed to identify ATCs. IATA will provide all ATCs with examples of the IATA ATC logo to be used in their advertising and marketing of the IATA Authorized Course(s).

In exclusive advertisements (i.e. ads for IATA Authorized courses only), the IATA ATC logo should be used.

In non-exclusive advertisements (i.e. ads featuring IATA courses as well as other ATC products), the IATA ATC logo may only be used if it is clear that the authorization pertains to the IATA-approved courses and not to any other product/course offered by the ATC.

The Authorized Training Center ID Number must always be indicated in any exclusive or non-exclusive advertisement for the IATA training program.

The IATA ATC logo may not appear on a product-oriented communication piece, nor may it be placed next to a product logo.

To avoid confusion, the logo may not appear on training materials, training certification, publications, conference materials or other materials related to services offered by IATA.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


On print communications involving another organization, the IATA ATC logo should be the same size as the organization’s logo or smaller, at the bottom left of the piece, at the same level as the logo of the ATC signing the communication, in keeping with the size-proportion guidelines discussed earlier.

Samples of all advertisements, forms, and brochures, promotional or print materials using the IATA ATC logo must be submitted to IATA at least ten (10) working days prior to final print and distribution, in accordance with the terms of the ATC Accreditation Agreement.

If uncertainty arises concerning the use of the “IATA ATC” logo, please submit the piece for review to IATA Brand Management at

4.9 APPLICATIONS: CORPORATE STATIONERY On ATC stationery pieces such as letterhead, fax cover sheets, press releases and business cards, the IATA ATC logo should appear at the bottom left, aligned with the IATA ATC logo and body copy, in keeping with the size-proportion guidelines discussed earlier. The IATA ATC logo may not be used on letterhead as the predominant logo or in any way that might indicate a relationship with IATA other than that of an ATC.

The IATA ATC logo may be placed on envelopes only if it appears in the back, in keeping with our size-proportion guidelines.

4.10 APPLICATIONS: WEB COMMUNICATIONS Use of the IATA ATC logo on the Internet must be restricted to ATC sections of your website. When in use, the IATA ATC logo may appear at the bottom left of the page, at the same level as the corporate logo signing the communication, in keeping with the size-proportion guidelines specified earlier. The IATA ATC logo may not appear on a product-oriented web page, nor may it be placed next to a product logo.

When using the IATA ATC logo on the Web, it is recommended to program it to link to the following address: .

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook



The Student Enrolment Process includes the following Steps:

ATC completes the online ATC student enrolment form;

ATC Submits the online ATC student enrolment form with proof of payment of enrolment & shipping fees;

ITDI processes ATC order upon receipt of online ATC student enrolment form and payment;

ITDI ships the training kits to the ATC.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


5.1 COMPLETING AND SUBMITTING THE ATC STUDENT ENROLLMENT FORM WITH PROOF OF PAYMENT For details on where to access the online ATC student enrolment form and how to complete and submit the form, please refer to Annex 5.

The ATC must pay a student enrolment/training kit fee and any applicable shipping fee for each student who attends an Authorized Course(s) offered by the ATC. The ATC must inform students that the cost of related is non-refundable.

Student enrolment/training kit fees include:

a complete set of the Training Material and kit for each student enrolled;

2 exam attempts within the student enrolment validity period (please refer to section 5.4);

an original diploma or certificate for each course successfully completed.

Student enrolment/training kit fees are inclusive of two (2) exam attempts. Student enrolment/training kit fees never include travel and personal expenses, or assistance with travel documentation, in connection with the examination. All fees are non-refundable and are subject to change with 30 days prior notice.

Please note that the Travel & Tourism Training Program offers students a third examination attempt – certain conditions and restrictions apply. For full details, please refer to


IATA will only accept the following payment methods:

5.2.1 Bank Transfer Payment (APPLICABLE TO ALL FEES HEREUNDER) The following information must appear on the bank transfer for ITDI to locate and credit your payment to your account:

IATA Account No. 400-749-8

Bank Number 003 / Branch Number 00001 Royal Bank of Canada 1, Place Ville-Marie Montreal, Quebec H3C 3B5, Canada Swift Code: ROYCCAT2 ABA Code : 021000021

Your ATC name and 3-letter code.

Important: Please attach a photocopy of your bank transfer as proof of payment to your online ATC student enrolment form. Applications received without a valid copy of your bank transfer will not be processed.

5.2.2 Credit Card Payment The student enrolment/training kit fees can be paid by EUROCARD/MASTERCARD, VISA OR AMEX cards. Please make sure you indicate the credit card number, expiry date (month and year) as well as the name of the card holder on the online ATC student enrolment form.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook



Please note that payments by BANK DRAFT or CHEQUE will no longer be accepted.

All payments must be made in United States of America dollars .

Payments must be made separately for each Authorized Program. You cannot combine payments for orders in different Authorized Programs.

All student enrolment/training kit fees are strictly non-refundable.

Unused training kits can neither be refunded nor returned.

Applications received without proof of payment will not be processed.

5.3 CONFIRMING PAYMENT The ATC is responsible for ensuring that IATA receives complete payment and that one of the previously mentioned two payment options is respected.

IATA will confirm receipt of the online ATC student enrolment form and provide the corresponding order number to the ATC as soon as it is processed. The ATC will then receive the Training Material by courier approximately three weeks after payment is confirmed.

In all instances, full payment must be received by IATA and the application must contain all necessary information before it will be processed. Incomplete applications or those received without full payment will be pending until IATA receives the missing information. Students will not be enrolled nor training kit shipped. An online ATC student enrolment form is deemed received when all information has been received.

5.4 ENROLMENT VALIDITY PERIOD Upon receiving payment of ATC student enrolment/training kit fees and processing the student enrolment, the enrolment validity period for each enrolled student begins from the next available exam session for the prescribed period as indicated below. This period is the time during which a student is entitled to sit for his/her two (2) exam attempts.

The purpose of the enrolment validity period is to ensure that the Authorized Course’s Training Material remain current and relevant.

The enrolment validity period specific to each Authorized Program is as follows:

• 24 months for Travel & Tourism courses

• 18 months for Cargo courses

• 12 months for Dangerous Goods courses

• 18 months for Aviation courses

5.5 APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED WITH OR WITHOUT STUDENT NAMES While the online ATC student enrolment form includes space to enter the names of the students for which each kit is intended, the ATC may submit an application without student names, as long as other information and full payment are included.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


5.5.1 Applications received with student names (a) Student names are recorded and a Client ID Number (Client Identification Number) and a kit

registration number are assigned to each student.

(b) The date of enrolment is recorded and the enrolment validity period begins from the next available exam session.

(c) Kits are prepared for shipping. Each shipment of kits contains the ATC name, the order number, student names, Client ID Numbers, the kit registration number of each kit, as well as the Student Enrolment Letter for each student. (Please refer to section 5.7 below)

5.5.2 Applications received without student names (a) The order is recorded and a Registration Number is assigned to each Course Training

Material/kit. (b) The date of enrolment is recorded and the enrolment validity period begins from the next

available exam session. (c) Kits are prepared for shipping. Each shipment of kits contains the ATC name, the order

number and the Kit Registration Number for each kit. (d) Once the ATC has identified students to assign to these kits, the ATC provides IATA with the

names of the students and a corresponding kit registration number to indicate which kit has been assigned to each student. The ATC must provide IATA with the student names and Kit Registration Number in numerical order no later than the published exam registration deadline.

(e) IATA enrols students upon receiving their names and a Client ID Number is assigned to each student. A student enrolment letter in pdf format is issued by IATA for each student and sent to the ATC by email.

(f) Please note that unless the ATC provides IATA with the names of the students assigned to kits initially purchased without student names, those students will not receive student enrolment letter and consequently will not be registered for an exam session.

Students must be reminded to keep and carefully store their student enrolment letter, as it contains important information. (please refer to section 5.7 below)

The ATC is not permitted to submit payment on behalf of students for courses the ATC is not authorized to teach. In such cases, students must apply as self-study students and complete the individual online ATC student enrolment form, including their personal mailing address, and submit their student enrolment form together with their payment information.

5.6 STUDENT ENROLMENT AND EXAM REGISTRATION DEADLINES Information on student enrolment and exam registration deadlines for the IATA examinations in each of the Training Programs is available on the IATA website at:

Travel & Tourism Training Program:

Cargo Training Program:

Aviation Training Program:

Please note that this information is updated on a yearly basis. Please refer to the IATA website for current information.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


5.7 STUDENT ENROLMENT LETTER Once a student is enrolled, IATA issues a student enrolment letter that is then forwarded to the ATC. The student enrolment letter states the enrolment validity period and the next available exam session for which the student is automatically registered. For an example of a distance learning enrolment letter, please refer to Annex 6.

It is recommended that the ATC keep a copy of their students’ enrolment letters as they contain important information.

Note: For change of exam session, please refer to section 6.2 below

5.8 TRANSFER OF ENROLMENT Requests for enrolment transfers (assigning a new student name to an existing client ID) only apply to ATC-enrolled students. Student enrolment transfer requests must first be submitted by the ATC to IATA for approval. The ATC can request a student transfer provided that:

1. The student’s enrolment validity period has not expired.

2. The enrolment has not been previously transferred.

3. The original student has not used any of his/her examination attempts, including “No Show” record.

4. The enrolment transfer is for the same course in the same language.

5. The ATC has resolved any outstanding issue with the original student.

6. It is understood that the enrolment validity period will not be extended.

Enrolment transfers do not influence the enrolment validity period. The student’s enrolment validity period will be based on the date at which the kit was initially purchased and not on the date of the transfer. A request for enrolment transfer must be received and processed by IATA before the exam registration deadline.

5.9 CHANGE OF ENROLMENT STATUS Self-study students may change their status to an ATC student provided that they are accepted by the ATC and that IATA is informed of the change. ATC students wishing to become self-study students must directly resolve any outstanding issues concerning their status with the ATC in which they were enrolled before the change can be applied. A request for change of enrolment status can only be submitted by the ATC and must be received and processed by IATA before the exam registration deadline.

Please note that the change of enrolment status only comes into effect on the student’s new enrolment(s). Student status and contact information will remain the same until their current enrolment expires.

5.10 CHANGE OF STUDENT NAME Change of student name will be accepted upon presentation of official documentation to IATA; for example, following marriage or change in religion. Notice must be submitted prior to an exam session. If a change of name is requested at a later date, an administration fee will be charged.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook



6.1 ORGANIZATION OF EXAM SESSIONS IATA, with the assistance of Local Coordinators, organizes exams worldwide several times a year. For information on the role and function of the LC, please refer to section 1.5 above. For the scheduled exam dates and exam registration deadlines of each Authorized Program, please refer to the following links on IATA’s website:

Travel & Tourism Training Program:

Cargo Training Program:

Aviation Training Program:

IATA selects the week during which worldwide examinations will take place.

The Local Coordinator (LC) organizes examinations in his/her country or area and:

Determines the exact date and location of the examination within the worldwide exam week;

Advises IATA of the date of exams and location of examination center(s) one month before the actual exam date; and

Issues and sends the students’ exam invitation letters to the ATC.

The ATC is responsible for ensuring that each of its students enrolled in IATA Authorized Courses is provided with a copy of his/her exam invitation letters to be presented to the Local Coordinator and/or exam invigilator on the day of the examination. The ATC must verify the preliminary student list sent to them by the LC prior to the exam session and notify the LC of any changes required (Please refer to section 6.2).

Examinations for all Authorized Courses must take place on the same day of the assigned Authorized Program exam week at all locations per country in the LC’s area of responsibility. If the LC is unable to hold examinations on the same day because of space limitations, the LC must inform ITDI at least one (1) month before the examination week.

6.2 CHANGE OF EXAM SESSION All newly enrolled ATC students are automatically registered for the next available exam session, as specified in their student enrolment letter.

All Travel & Tourism, Cargo and Aviation candidates who have failed the first exam attempt are automatically registered to rewrite their examination at the next exam session, as specified in the letter accompanying their exam results.

Preliminary Student List prior to each exam session

Approximately six (6) weeks before each exam session, the ATC will receive from the IATA Local Coordinator a preliminary list of their students registered for the upcoming exam session. The ATC must verify this preliminary list and advise the LC of any changes to the list by completing and returning the (Student Name) additions & deletions template by the prescribed deadline as specified by the LC.

For students enrolled in the Travel & Tourism or Cargo Training Program:

For any questions regarding the exam session, ATCs should contact the IATA exams team at

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


For students enrolled in the Aviation Training Program:

For any questions regarding the exam session, ATCs should contact the IATA exams team in Singapore at

6.3 CHANGE OF COUNTRY An ATC enrolled student must advise IATA of a change of country before the exam registration deadline. The student will be charged an administration fee by IATA, which must be paid before the exam registration deadline. The ATC must provide the student with written authorization to change country and provide IATA with a copy of such authorization. The ATC must ensure that the student provides his/her new contact information to IATA.

6.4 EXAMINATION FORMAT Examination papers are prepared and marked by IATA. The questions are similar to those contained in the training materials. Each examination is either open or closed course book, according to each Authorized Program, and may include appropriate exhibits as necessary. For details on the examination format of each Training Program, please refer to the following links on IATA’s website:

Travel & Tourism Training Program:

Cargo Training Program:

Aviation Training Program:

6.5 IMPORTANT EXAM NOTES The examination pass rate of the respective ATC students shall be consistent with an

acceptable worldwide range of exam pass rates over a period of two (2) years, based on IATA’s statistical reports.

All examination papers must be written at the first attempt.

Students have a maximum of two (2) attempts to pass each examination paper within the enrolment validity period.

At the second attempt, students may retake the examination paper(s), which they did not pass – either one or two papers.

If students fail the same examination twice, their enrolment is automatically cancelled.

At each exam location, examinations take place during one (1) full day, during which one (1) exam paper is written per morning and afternoon sessions. Since courses with two (2) exam papers will require both the morning and afternoon sessions, students enrolled in more than one (1) course will be limited to one (1) course examination per session.

For the Aviation Training Program, course examinations consist of only one exam paper.

6.6 DAY OF THE EXAMINATION To be admitted to the examination, the student will need to present the following to the Local Coordinator and/or exam invigilator:

exam invitation letter (sent by the Local Coordinator to the ATC);

Client ID Number; and

An official identity card with photograph.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


There will be no exceptions to this rule. The Local Coordinator and/or exam invigilators required to verify each student’s eligibility and identity before she/he is allowed to sit the examination.

All formal examination materials (papers, answer sheets, etc.) will be provided. The students are only allowed to take the following materials with them into the examination room:

Pens (students should plan to have two);


Language dictionary;

Silent non-programmable pocket calculator;

IATA training kit / textbooks and reference books per posted Open Course Book Exam Guidelines / DGR Manual and Perishable Cargo Manual and any other publications pertaining to specific courses as listed on the IATA website at:

Travel & Tourism Training Program:

Cargo Training Program:

Aviation Training Program:

Mobile phones, pagers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), pocket PCs are allowed but must remain switched off at all times during the examination.

Please note that the Local Coordinator and/or exam invigilator cannot answer questions concerning the examination.

All exam questions and answer booklets and accompanying documents must be returned to the Local Coordinator and/or exam invigilator at the end of the exam session.

6.7 IMPORTANT MEASURES TO COUNTERACT CHEATING Cheating mainly occurs when candidates can easily communicate with each other. Candidates, therefore, must not:

leave the room unaccompanied during the examination;

take papers out of the examination room;

be left alone, even for a few minutes.

As stated above, all exam questions and answer booklets and accompanying documents must be returned to the Local Coordinator and/or exam invigilator at the end of the exam session. Blank pages, which are provided for note taking, can be transcribed with exam questions and easily transmitted around the world, giving information on the content of the exam papers to other candidates in locations where the exam is taking place later in the week.

If there is suspicion that a candidate(s) is cheating during the examination, the Local Coordinator and/or exam invigilator is authorised to immediately remove the exam paper from the candidate(s) and have the candidate(s) dismissed from the examination room. The candidate(s) will not be permitted to write any further examinations that day and will receive an automatic “fail” grade for the entire course, following receipt of the Local Coordinator’s and/or exam invigilator’s s official report of the incident at IATA.

In the markers’ point of view, if there is suspicion of co-operation amongst candidates, or a possibility that the answers or other help were given to the candidates, the examination session at the center concerned will be put under investigation with the possibility of declaring the whole examination session invalid.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


6.8 EXAMINATION RESULTS Student examination papers for the Authorized Courses are marked according to the following grading system:

Student Student Pass Distinction Travel & Tourism (all courses except the below)) 60% 85% —GDS Fares and Ticketing 70% 85%

Cargo (Cargo Introductory / Air Cargo Rating) 60% 90%

DGR (DGR Initial / DGR Recurrent) 80% 90%

Aviation (all courses) 70% 90%

Final examination results will be sent to the ATC and Local Co-ordinator no later than ten (10) weeks after the exam.

A personal letter with “pass-fail-distinction” results is addressed to each student and sent to the ATC for distribution. Successful candidates receive their diploma or certificate with this letter.

IATA is responsible for preparing and marking all examinations;

Marked examination papers are not returned to students;

IATA regrets it cannot enter into correspondence with ATCs, or students, concerning individual student examination results or any other details concerning the marks obtained.

All results are final. No exceptions can be made, regardless of the difference between individual results and the required pass mark.

Should a student fail an examination the first time, the student will have a second chance to re-sit the examination, provided this is done within the enrolment validity period. If the student is no longer enrolled with the ATC, the student should include a private address on the exam voucher before forwarding it to IATA.

6.9 EXAMINATION STATUS: “NO-SHOW” OR “EXCUSED” Students who are registered for an examination and do not attend will be recorded as a No-Show. They will automatically lose one examination attempt, unless a valid reason (medical, legal, or professional) is presented to IATA ITDI with their request before the examination or no later than a week after the examination. In the case where IATA accepts the reason, the students will be recorded as “Excused” and will not lose an examination attempt. If the certificate/letter is in a language other than English, French or Spanish, we kindly ask the LC to translate and sign it before returning it to IATA. Retroactive requests will not be considered. The LC must receive a medical certificate or official letter from the student’s employer in every case. It is at the discretion of IATA to accept/reject the request.

The student enrolment period cannot be extended for students asking to be ‘excused’ from an examination. The student simply saves an examination attempt. In extreme cases, however, and if explicitly requested, an extension may be allowed for one exam session only after consulting IATA for approval.

No more than one (1) No-Show/Excused can be accepted during a student’s enrolment period.

IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) Handbook


6.10 COPIES OF DIPLOMAS/CERTIFICATES A student can obtain a copy of a lost Diploma or Certificate initially issued after the year 2000 from IATA by sending a request with the following information:

Full name;

Client ID Number;

Country and year in which the examination was taken, and

Complete address (with telephone number) where the Diploma or Certificate must be shipped.

An administrative fee will be charged to prepare and forward all copies of a Diploma or Certificate.

For more information regarding this ATC Handbook or your ATC Authorization, please contact:

IATA Training and Development Institute Attn: Manager, Channel Partners Business Development 800 Place Victoria P.O. Box 113 Montreal, Quebec, H4Z 1M1 CANADA

Telephone: +1 (514) 874-0202, ext. 3481 Fax: +1 (514) 874-9043 E-mail:


1ATC Authorized Course(s) Modification Form

ATC Authorized Course(s)Modification Form

Please use this form if you are seeking authorization for additional course(s) or wish to cancel course(s) in a Training Program for which you are already authorized.

Adding/Removing Course(s) to a Currently Authorized Program:

A. Please indicate which program you are currently authorized for and wish to modify.If you are authorized for more than one program, please copy and complete this page for each program.

International Travel & Tourism Program❑❑

International Aviation Training Program❑❑

International Cargo Training Program❑❑

IATA - Harvard Leadership & Management Program*❑❑

Stanford - IATA Aviation Management Program*❑❑

B. Please complete the following information as applies to your Head Office and/or Branch.If you have multiple locations, please copy and complete this section for each location.

Head Office Location ❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ Branch name:

ATC 3-Letter Code: ATC Name:

ATC Address:

Authorization ID Number: Your Authorisation ID number is printed on your certificate

Contact Person: Mr/Mrs/Ms


Tel number: Fax number


Authorized Program:

Course(s) in your currently authorized program: *

Please list all your currently authorized courses and the additional courses for which you are seeking authorization.Please indicate the status of each course by checking the appropriate box (i.e. Keep / Add / Cancel).

Keep: ❑ Add: ❑ Cancel: ❑

Keep: ❑ Add: ❑ Cancel: ❑

Keep: ❑ Add: ❑ Cancel: ❑

Keep: ❑ Add: ❑ Cancel: ❑

Keep: ❑ Add: ❑ Cancel: ❑

Keep: ❑ Add: ❑ Cancel: ❑

Keep: ❑ Add: ❑ Cancel: ❑

Keep: ❑ Add: ❑ Cancel: ❑

*The logo of Harvard Business Publishing and Stanford cannot be used in your website, signature, or any stand-alone marketing material. They can only be used when affiliated with the IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) logo and when you wish to indicate the IATA-Harvard or Stanford-IATA program and/or course you are authorized for.


Training & Development Institute

ATC Authorized Course(s) Modification Form

*If you have indicated above that you are seeking authorization for any of the courses listed in section A or B below, please

complete the appropriate instructor profile section.

A. International Cargo Training Program*Dangerous Goods Regulations – Initial Course ❑❑

Dangerous Goods Regulations - Recurrent Course❑❑

*Instructor Profile – for Dangerous Goods Regulations Instructors ONLY

If you are submitting the profile of more than one instructor, please copy and complete this section for each instructor.

Name of Instructor:

Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. First Name Family Name

You must include the following with your application:

Letter of instructor appointment. ❑❑ (signed by both the organization’s director and the instructor)

Instructor’s CV. ❑❑ (including details of Cargo Industry working experience - preferably 5 years in the handling and acceptance

of dangerous goods or in hazardous materials safety operations.)

Valid IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Certificate❑❑ (date: ) or

Valid equivalent Dangerous Goods Regulations Certificate❑❑ (date: ) and

Proof of approval issued by local civil aviation authority to instruct DG courses. If applicable ❑❑ (date: ) and

IATA Professional Skills for DGR Instructors course marked 80% or higher ❑❑ (date: ) or

Equivalent course with a mark of 80% or higher ❑❑ (date: ) or

Professional references of previous instructing experience❑❑ (min. 100 hours) (# hours: )

“I certify that the information provided here and in any attachment hereto is true and correct.”

Instructor Signature: Date:

B. International Aviation Program*Airline Finance & Accounting Mngt ❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑ Airline Revenue Management ❑❑❑❑❑❑ Ground Operations Management

*Instructor Profile – for Aviation Management Level Courses ONLY

If you are submitting the profile of more than one instructor, please copy and complete this section for each instructor.

Name of Instructor:

Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. First Name Family Name

Instructor’s CV.❑❑ (including details of 2 years working experience at supervisory or management level in the subject matter of

the respective Aviation courses) and

Professional references from current or previous employer(s) ❑❑ and

Recognized teaching certificate (date: ) ❑❑ or

IATA Instructional Techniques Course (within 12 months of engagement by the School) ❑❑ or

Equivalent teaching experience❑❑

Please send your application form to either of the following two addresses:

Email to :

Mail to : IATA Training & Development Institute (ITDI)

Manager - Channel Partners Business Development

800 Place Victoria, P.O. Box 113, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4Z 1M1

ATC per Signature/Title: Date:


1ATC Modification Form Additional Program(s) or Branch(es)

ATC Modification FormAdditional Program(s) or Branch(es)

This form has 2 parts:Please use Section 1 if you are seeking authorization for an additional Training Program.Please use Section 2 if you wish to add branch(es) to your current authorization.

1. Seeking Authorization for an Additional Training Program:

A. Please indicate which training program you wish to add to your ATC authorization.

If you are seeking authorization for more than one program, please copy and complete this page for each program.International Travel & Tourism Program❑❑

International Aviation Training Program❑❑

International Cargo Training Program❑❑

IATA - Harvard Leadership & Management Program*❑❑

Stanford - IATA Aviation Management Program*❑❑

B. Please complete the following information as applies to your Head Office and/or Branch.

If you have multiple locations, please copy and complete this section for each location.

Head Office Location ❑❑ ❑❑❑❑ Branch name:

ATC 3-Letter Code: ATC Name:

ATC Address:

Authorization ID Number: (For IATA use only)

Contact Person: Mr/Mrs/Ms


Tel number: Fax number


Additional Training Program:

Additional Course(s):Please list the full name of the course(s) you are seeking authorization for in the additional training program indicated above.

*The logo of Harvard Business Publishing and Stanford cannot be used in your website, signature, or any stand-alone marketing material. They can only be used when affiliated with the IATA Authorized Training Center (ATC) logo and when you wish to indicate the IATA-Harvard or Stanford-IATA program and/or course you are authorized for.


Training & Development Institute

ATC Modification Form Additional Program(s) or Branch(es)

2. Adding Branch(es) to a Currently Authorized Program:

Please complete the following information as applies to each Branch you wish to add.If you have multiple branches, please copy and complete this section for each branch.

ATC 3-Letter Code: ATC Name:

ATC Address:

Authorization ID Number: (For IATA use only)

Contact Person: Mr/Mrs/Ms


Tel number: Fax number


Currently AuthorizedProgram:

International Travel & Tourism Program❑❑

International Aviation Training Program❑❑

International Cargo Training Program❑❑

IATA - Harvard Leadership & Management Program❑❑

Stanford - IATA Aviation Management Program❑❑

Course(s) in your currently authorized program:Please list all the courses for which you are seeking authorization at this branch

Please send your application form to either of the following two addresses:

Email to :

Mail to : IATA Training & Development Institute (ITDI)

Manager - Channel Partners Business Development

800 Place Victoria, P.O. Box 113

Montreal, Quebec

Canada H4Z 1M1

ATC per Signature/Title: Date:

IATA per Signature/Title: Date


Training & Development Institute

ATC Modification Form Additional Program(s) or Branch(es)

*If you have indicated above that you are seeking authorization for any of the courses listed in Section A or B below, please

complete the appropriate instructor profile and submit this page with your application.

A. International Cargo Training Program*Dangerous Goods Regulations – Initial Course ❑❑

Dangerous Goods Regulations - Recurrent Course❑❑

*Instructor Profile – for Dangerous Goods Regulations Instructors ONLY

If you are submitting the profile of more than one instructor, please copy and complete this section for each instructor.

Name of Instructor:

Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. First Name Family Name

You must include the following with your application:

Letter of instructor appointment. ❑❑ (signed by both the organization’s director and the instructor)

Instructor’s CV. ❑❑ (including details of Cargo Industry working experience - preferably 5 years in the handling and acceptance

of dangerous goods or in hazardous materials safety operations.)

Valid IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Certificate❑❑ (date: ) or

Valid equivalent Dangerous Goods Regulations Certificate❑❑ (date: ) and

Proof of approval issued by local civil aviation authority to instruct DG courses. If applicable ❑❑ (date: ) and

IATA Professional Skills for DGR Instructors course marked 80% or higher ❑❑ (date: ) or

Equivalent course with a mark of 80% or higher❑❑ (date: ) or

Professional references of previous instructing experience ❑❑ (min. 100 hours) (# hours: )

“I certify that the information provided here and in any attachment hereto is true and correct.”

Instructor Signature:


B. International Aviation Program*Airline Finance & Accounting Mngt ❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑ Airline Revenue Management ❑❑❑❑❑❑ Ground Operations Management

*Instructor Profile – for Aviation Management Level Courses ONLY

If you are submitting the profile of more than one instructor, please copy and complete this section for each instructor.

Name of Instructor:

Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. First Name Family Name

Instructor’s CV.❑❑ (including details of 2 years working experience at supervisory or management level in the subject matter of

the respective Aviation courses) and

Professional references from current or previous employer(s) ❑❑ and

Recognized teaching certificate (date: ) ❑❑ or

IATA Instructional Techniques Course (within 12 months of engagement by the School) ❑❑ or

Equivalent teaching experience❑❑

Annex 2 ATC Amendment Schedule Template

AATTCC AAmmeennddmmeenntt SScchheedduullee TTeemmppllaattee::

AAddddiittiioonnaall BBrraanncchh((eess)) ffoorr CCuurrrreennttllyy AAuutthhoorriizzeedd PPrrooggrraamm oorr AAddddiittiioonnaall TTrraaiinniinngg PPrrooggrraamm((ss))

ATC AMENDMENT SCHEDULE «insert new Schedule number A-1, A-2, A-3…»

Pursuant to the Authorized Training Center Agreement

dated «insert dated and number» (the “Agreement”)

This ATC Amendment Schedule is entered into by and between International Air Transport Association (“IATA”), an association incorporated by Special Act of Parliament of Canada, having an office at 800, Place Victoria, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4Z 1M1 and « insert School Name», with its head office located at «insert adress» (the “School”), and enters into effect «insert specific date or insert "upon the last date of execution hereof by the parties"» (the “Effective Date”). 1. Scope: This Schedule is made by virtue of Section 6 of the Agreement to modify the scope of the School’s authorization as an ATC under the Agreement with respect to the Authorized Program(s) mentioned below. AAddddiinngg BBrraanncchh((eess)) ttoo CCuurrrreennttllyy AAuutthhoorriizzeedd PPrrooggrraamm((ss)) ((RREEMMOOVVEE TTHHIISS PPAARRTT IIFF NNOOTT AAPPPPLLIICCAABBLLEE)):: CURRENTLY AUTHORIZED PROGRAM(S): «insert current Program(s)' name»

IATA and the School agree that the Authorized Head Office and Branch(es) listed below shall be covered under the Agreement as of the Effective Date above and shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Schedule «insert old Schedule A number» is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced by this Schedule «insert new Schedule number A-1, A-2, A-3…». INCLUDE BELOW THE UPDATED AND COMPLETE LIST OF ALL PROGRAMS AND BRANCHES TO BE COVERED (CURRENT AND NEW ONES).

ATC Name:

« insert School Name»

ATC Main Address:

« insert School's main address»

Authorization ID Number (001):

« insert Authorization ID Number»

Branch Name (002):

«insert Branch Name 002»

Branch Address:

«insert Branch Address 002»

Authorized ID Number (002):

« insert Branch 002 Authorization ID Number»

Branch Name (003):

«insert Branch Name 003»

Branch Address:

«insert Branch Address 003»

Authorized ID Number (003):

« insert Branch 003 Authorization ID Number»


IATA and the School agree that the Authorized Head Office and Branch(es) listed below for the new Authorized Program above shall be covered under the Agreement as of the Effective Date and shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Agreement as part of this Schedule «insert new Schedule number A-1, A-2, A-3…».

ATC Name:

« insert School Name»

ATC Main Address:

« insert School's main address»

Authorization ID Number (001):

« insert Authorization ID Number»

Branch Name (002):

«insert Branch Name 002»

Branch Address:

«insert Branch Address 002»

Authorization ID Number (002):

« insert Branch 002 Authorization ID Number»

Branch Name (003):

«insert Branch Name 003»

Branch Address:

«insert Branch Address 003»

Authorization ID Number (003):

« insert Branch 003 Authorization ID Number»

2. Other Terms and Conditions: This Schedule shall be deemed an integral part of the Agreement. Should the provisions of this Schedule be inconsistent with any of the provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail unless otherwise expressly stated herein. All the other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall otherwise remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in the Agreement. This Schedule contains the full understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior agreements. INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION Per: __________________________

Name: Title:

Date: _________________________

«SCHOOLS_NAME» Per: ________________________

Name: Title:

Date: ________________________ and Per: __________________________

Name: Title:

Date: _________________________

Annex 3 Instructor Qualifications



Instructor Qualifications for Dangerous Goods Regulations Courses (DGR) and Management Courses Requiring Technical Expertise

ITDI requires that the following information be provided for review and approval, along with the ATC application, as proof of the assigned instructor qualifications on the following courses:

a) IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Instructors

Must hold a valid Dangerous Goods Regulations Certificate obtained after successful completion of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Initial Course or an equivalent course. IATA reserves the right to assess whether a course offered by another establishment constitutes an “equivalent” course for these purposes;

Should have a minimum of two (2) years of working experience in cargo operations, preferably in the handling and acceptance of dangerous goods or in hazardous materials safety operations;

Must provide proof, where applicable, of approval issued by the local civil aviation authority to instruct dangerous goods courses;

Must meet one of the following additional requirements:

Hold a recognized teaching certificate; OR

Complete (within 12 months of engagement by the School) the IATA Professional Skills for DGR Instructors course or an equivalent course and obtain 80% or higher; OR

Have equivalent industry teaching experience.

Instructors must remain current with the latest changes to the DGR regulations.

ATCs are required to provide proof that their proposed DGR instructors meet the foregoing criteria by providing ITDI with copies of all certificates and diplomas, as well as a detailed résumé and at least two (2) current professional references. Where a certificate is in a language other than English, IATA reserves the right to request that the applicants submit, at their own expense, a certified translation.


b) IATA Aviation Training Program Instructors

The candidate instructor(s) proposed by an ATC seeking authorization to teach one of the following management level Aviation courses shall meet IATA’s qualification requirements:

Airline Finance and Accounting Management

Airline Revenue Management

Ground Operations Management

ATCs must provide at the time of application for authorization to teach one of the above-mentioned courses, the following information for review and approval:

The instructor(s) must have a minimum of two (2) years or working experience at a supervisory or management level in the subject matter of the respective Aviation course they wish to teach;

Must provide at least one reference letter from their current or previous employer, verifying their professional experience and expertise in the respective subject matter;

Must meet one of the following addditional requirements:

Hold a recognized teaching certificate; OR

Complete (within 12 months of engagement by the school), the IATA Instructional Techniques Course; OR

Have equivalent industry teaching experience.

ATCs are required to provide proof that their proposed Aviation instructors meet the foregoing criteria by providing ITDI with copies of all certificates and diplomas, as well as a detailed résumé. Where a certificate is in a language other than English, IATA reserves the right to request that the applicants submit, at their own expense, a certified translation.

Instructor Approval

The above referenced instructor qualifications required by IATA may be subject to change from time to time, as determined by IATA. Any change in these standards will be communicated to the ATCs and posted on the ATC Resource Site.

An approval is only valid for the instructor(s) identified in the ATC Application and approved by ITDI for the duration of the course authorization. IATA reserves the right to audit an instructor’s record with respect to student success rate and to remove an instructor’s approval at any time, for just cause.

In order to change an approved instructor, the ATC is required to submit an Instructor Profile (Part D of the ATC Application Form) for the new instructor, along with any required attachments. ITDI will promptly review the requested change. The ATC cannot, under any circumstances, appoint a new instructor who has not been approved by ITDI.

Instructor IATA Certificates or Diplomas

Please note that IATA no longer issues specific Instructor Certificates or Diplomas. Candidate instructors may enrol as students, at any time, should they wish to obtain the IATA course certificate or diploma for the same course they intend to teach. In such case, the candidate instructors must pay all relevant course enrolment fees prior to writing the course examination.

Annex 4 ATC Resource Site User Guidelines

IATA ATC Resource Site A. Accessing the Site for the First Time (new users) If you are accessing the site for the first time, you will be required to register as follows: 1. Go to this link: 2. On the right column, click on Registration (external users only) 3. Enter and confirm your email address – Please note that only 1 email address can be

used per ATC. For security purposes, please ensure that this is the same ATC email address on file with ITDI.

Click on Submit. Complete the Registration form that appears.

4. The following message will appear:

Please validate your email after logging into your mail box.

5. Open the email sent to your mail box and click on the link provided to validate your email.

For Company type, select “Other”

Click on Submit to submit your registration form.

Once the site administrator approves your registration, you will receive an email with your User ID and password. B. Logging Into the Site (existing users) 1. Go to this link: 2. On the right column, click on Login (external users) 3. Enter your User ID and Password

C. Resetting your Password 1. Go to this link: 2. On the right column, click on Login (external users) 3. Click on Forgot password 4. Enter your User ID. and Password – you will receive an email with your new password.

D. Downloading files

1. Click on the a sub site on the left column

2. Click on sub sites’ Document Library

3. Once inside the Document Library, click on the a document folder 4. On the right part of the document library, click on All Documents 5. Click on Explorer View

6. Select files to download 7. To Download, Copy the files from the Extranet Explorer view Window and Paste them on

your computer.

Annex 5 Student Enrollment Letter


International Air Transport Association Reg No: 999789 IATA Training and Development Institute ATC code: FIE 800 Place Victoria, P. O. Box 113, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4Z 1M1 Tel: +1 (514) 390-6840 Fax: +1 (514) 874-0412 TTY: YMQBNXB DISTANCE LEARNING ENROLMENT LETTER Mr. Ajay Patel Your Client ID: 999789 World Academy of Travel & Tourism Enrolment date: 05 Dec 2006 Singapore Road Validity period: Sep 2008 Partapur Course title: IATA/UFTAA Foundation Meerut 250103, Uttar Prades & EBT Course India Tel: +91 (121) 2440656 +91 (121) 2440652 18 Jan 2010 Dear Student, We are pleased to confirm your enrolment in the IATA/UFTAA Foundation & EBT Course Please note that you have been AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERED for the next available exam session. In the case of your enrolment it will be March 2007. You do not need to contact us to register for this session. However, if you do not wish to sit for this session, please contact us at or by fax at the numbers shown above to cancel your registration. You must inform us of this decision by the EXAM REGISTRATION DEADLINE for each session, as shown below. We must have this request in writing and we cannot cancel your exam registration over the phone. The period of your enrolment is as follows: Last Chance! Exam Registration Deadline: 10 Jan 2007 09 Jul 2007 07 Jan 2008 07 Jul 2008 Exam Month: March 2007 September 2007 March 2008 September 2008 During this period you will have two opportunities to sit for the exam. If you fail in your first attempt, you will receive an exam voucher that will indicate the number of sessions remaining for your enrolment and instructions on how to register for your second attempt. IMPORTANT: Not attending an exam for which you have been registered will result in a grade of NO SHOW, which counts as the equivalent of FAIL. The Local Coordinator in your country will provide you with the exact time and location approximately 2 weeks before the date of the exam. If you do not receive this information by this time, please contact your Local Coordinator or our Montreal offices immediately for further information. Your Local Coordinator is: Mr. Surjit Pangarkar Tel: 91-22-12345678/12345679 IATA Co-ordination Fax: 91-22-2223-7123 Nariman Point Mumbai 400 029 India Email: