


This is my process book regarding a project on a corporate gift for Atari.

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Design Process BookCreativity Cards

Ben Cronin

Table of Contents

I. Design Brief

II. Research

III. Brainstorming

IV. Thumbnails

V. Roughs

VI. Comps (Critique)

VII. Final Comp (Critique)

VIII. Final Solution (Photographs)

IX. Design Narrative


I. Design Brief

A. Design ChallengeTo give stockholders of Atari a reason to continue believing and investing in this company. By re-designing Atari’s image through this creative gift, we hope to convince investors that this com-pany is heading in a positive and profitable direction.

B. Target AudienceAlthough Atari does have a dedicated fan base from its early days as a company, Quantcast studies have shown that a major-ity of consumers are females between the ages of thirteen and seventeen. A majority are Hispanic and have little or no college education as well as no children.

C. CompetitorsAtari has existed since 1972 and has outlasted many of its com-petitors. Furthermore, competitors like EA Games or Bungie can’t claim nearly the amount of diversity that Atari has. Atari releases games for nearly every gaming system for nearly forty years.

D. DifferentiationWe believe our investors should be encouraged and rewarded for their generous contributions. While most companies may give stockholders gifts or discounts, we believe in doing something more meaningful and creative. We believe in demonstrating to our investors not only that Atari is on a path to success, but that Atari is considerate of the past and is committed to preserving the loyalty of the customers who have supported them for so many years.

E. Design Goals and ObjectivesThe main goal of this design is to shed light to our major stock-holders on what Atari is doing now and assure them that this company isn’t going anywhere but up. When our recipients open this box we want them to be overwhelmed with a sense of secu-rity in their investment.

II. Research

III. Brainstorming

growth, logo, mission statementwanted something that emphasized growth, moving forward, or new ideas

IV. Thumbnails

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

17. 18. 19. 20.

13. 14. 15. 16.

9. 10. 11. 12.

1. 2.

9. 10.

7. 8.

5. 6.

3. 4.

Box Ideas Card Ideas

V. Roughs

3 best of card and box ideas

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

VI. Comps (Critique)

white balls that contain the words, “play, create, share”

VII. Final Comp (Critique)

Black Base, Red Logo, Retro Colored Balls, Led/Plexiglass base, Cards Under Logo Cards have a universal template, All different consoles and controllers, Back features Lose the play, create, share logo and quote

The answers are always inside theproblem, not outside.(MarshallMcLuhan)

VIII. Final Solution (Photographs)

A. Design Goals and ObjectivesTo create a corporate gift that inspires and gives an overall sense of financial security to its recipients. The creativity cards are meant to show that Atari is growing as a company and moving in a positive new direction while still coming up with innovative and creative ideas.

B. Design ReasoningThe interior design resembles a tree symbolizing growth and moving forward. We used the Atari logo as a foundation for the whole project just like Atari now uses its past reputation to build off of. The colors were that of iconic retro games but vibrant enough to look new and fresh. The light emphasizes the foundational logo and cards under it. The cards were put in a square format with a universal backside suggesting a sort of unity throughout the company. My cards expanded on that idea by conforming all the consoles and controllers atari makes games for and putting them all in a universal template.

C. Output and Production ReasoningThe cards are a durable cardstock that feels good in the hand while keeping that glossy fresh look through the images. The box is made from a hard cardboard material that is also durable but lightweight. middle is plexiglass so that the interior design can be seen. The led light emphasizes the foundational logo. We kept this box balanced between lightweight for shipping and complex for visual impact.

D. Final OutcomesThis design is a delicate balance of simple and complex. The general outcome suggests the retro side of atari while also show-ing a sense of growth and moving forward of the company. It was designed to be an intersting conversation piece on the recievers desk and I think that goal was accomplished.

IX. Design Narrative

