_______at the PNE



Unpublished press release written for a bodypiercing client.

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__________ at the PNE August 18th to September 3rd 2012

Summer has finally arrived in Vancouver and what can be more of a summer tradition than a trip to the PNE for some cotton candy and a ride on the roller coaster. Something else that’s becoming part of the PNE tradition is __________, who have been invited back for their fourth year at the fair, so be sure to check them out at their market stall between August 18th to September 3rd . There will be lots of deals to be had!

___________ specializes in jewelry for piercings, and they will have a full range of jewelry at the fair to suit various piercings. They have other great accessories and products too, such as surgical steel accessories, tattoo apparel, aftercare products for tattoos, surgical steel bracelets and tattoo belts.

Pick up a set of their new brand of ___________ Contact Lenses, over 30 different styles, from natural looking lenses to fantasy lenses. Stock up on those things you need for piercing care, such as their H2Ocean Arctic Ocean Rinse Mouthwash for oral piercings, or ___________ Stretching Aid, a special lubricant for stretching piercings.

____________ will have fantastic specials going on at the PNE, especially on their custom-made Tattoo Wallets. Treat yourself to one of almost 20 different fantastic designs as they are on sale for $15.00 (they usually sell for $29.00 each).

There will also be plenty of specials on jewelry. For many items you will find if you buy two or three of the same item, you get a super deal. For example, you can buy a Silver Toe Ring for $6 each, or buy three of them for $15!

_____________ aren’t just here to provide great piercing products, they care about the environment and the community, all year round. They’ve created a completely biodegradable pen, and an environmentally friendly cleaner with a reusable cleaning cloth. Need a new belly-ring? Get a Cause Ribbon Navel Dangle. You choose one of many vibrant colours associated with your favourite cause as part of _________ Ribbons help, and ___________ will then make a donation to that particular charity.

Hopefully you’ll get a chance to visit _________ at the PNE. If not, you can find them at one of their 12 locations, or online at www.________.ca.
